Rayquaza Centralized Billing Application

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ISSN 2278-3091

Adith Rajesh et al ., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 10(3), May - June 2021, 2175 – 2177
Volume 10, No.3, May - June 2021
International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering
Available Online at http://www.warse.org/IJATCSE/static/pdf/file/ijatcse951032021.pdf

Rayquaza Centralized Billing Application

Adith Rajesh1, Akshay Kumar 2, John J Loui 3, Kiran Antony4, Lima Sebastian5
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, AISAT, Kalamassery, [email protected]
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, AISAT, Kalamassery, [email protected]
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, AISAT, Kalamassery, [email protected]
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, AISAT, Kalamassery, [email protected]
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, AISAT, Kalamassery, [email protected]

applications you can only scan and store the soft copy of the
ABSTRACT bills. Our system creates a safe and secure environment for
handling bills and receipts online. During the initial stage of
In the current situation where, contactless transaction is of
much importance we are able to provide a solution to ensure the project, it is not necessary that every store the user visits is
able to send the receipts online. So as a countermeasure our
that all your bills and receipts are stored under one App
app will also provide OCR [1] technology by which users can
without having to keep a physical copy. The market is filled
scan and store physical receipts directly to the app. This
with Apps in which customers have to manually scan or type application will be a completely user-friendly application for
in the bill details. With the introduction of our centralized the customer. The customer can easily study the
app, these bills will be directly sent to your registered account. functionalities of this application and it will be a very helpful
Keeping a soft copy also comes in handy when you have to application for the customers. By using this application, the
return or replace something that you have bought. The App is customers can stop bothering about where they kept their
day-to-day bills as all their bills are securely and safely stored
built using Android Studio and SQLite.
at our application. With new innovations and proper usage,
financial technology can be the key to successfully managing
Key words: Android studio, Application, OCR, Transaction. one’s money.


Rayquaza centralized billing app is a centralized billing 2.1 How to Grow a (Product) Tree Personalized Category
system that brings all your day-to-day bills and receipts under Suggestions for eCommerce Type-Ahead
one application. The purpose of the project is to build an
application program to reduce manual work for managing the In an attempt to balance precision and recall in the search
bills and payment mode by the customer. The main objective page, leading digital shops have been effectively nudging
of this application is that the customer can store their bills users into select category facets as early as in the type-ahead
online. After each purchase the bill or receipt will be directly suggestions. In this work, we present Session-Path [2], a
sent to the customer. It is difficult for customers to keep their novel neural network model that improves facet suggestions
bills in a safe place and as you all know most of the shops do on two counts: first, the model is able to leverage session
not accept a return without a receipt. So, by storing the bills embeddings to provide scalable personalization; second,
and receipts in an application it is convenient for the customer Session-Path predicts facets by explicitly producing a
to access his bills whenever it is required. Another advantage probability distribution at each node in the taxonomy path [3].
is that paper waste can be reduced by going digital. Most of We bench-mark Session-Path on two partnering shops
the people will throw the paper bills that they are receiving against count-based and neural models, and show how
from a shop to the surroundings which will increase the paper business requirements and model behavior can be combined
waste. And by going digital the customers can have a in a principled way.
contactless shopping experience. During this current
pandemic situation, it is preferred to have contactless 2.2 Mobile Applications Recommendation Based on User
shopping. Expense report is generated using this application Ratings and Permissions
so that the customer can analyse his spending pattern. By
analyzing the expense report the customer can understand in Nowadays a large number of portable android applications are
which area he is spending more money and so he can control coming into the market. So, it has become a very difficult task
spending money in that area next time. In the existing
for the user to ensure the security [7][8] of the mobile
Adith Rajesh et al ., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 10(3), May - June 2021, 2175 – 2177

applications that he wants to install. So, to simplify this, we for the customer and one for the retailer both having different
propose a mobile App recommender system [4] with functionalities after signing in.
popularity and security awareness. The design aspect is to If a retailer is signing up, initially he or she will have to add
recommend mobile applications by evaluating the security basic details such as name, email id, phone number after that
risks of mobile apps and popularity based on user ratings. We a verification link will be sent to the registered email address.
use a web crawler which indexes the applications and stores After verification he is taken to a module where he is able to
them in a database. Then the applications are clustered based add the shop name, shop address, GST number, and upload
on its popularity and user ratings [6]. Whenever a query the shop's logo. If it is a customer who is signing up, they will
executes the proposed android application lists out apps from have to add their basic details including their name, email id,
Google Play Store with its security rating. The security risk of phone number. A verification link will be sent to their email
the applications mainly depends on permissions [5] that the address after verification they will be able to enter the home
application uses and its user popularity. The objective of this page. Where they have the ability to view bills, generate
paper is to provide an effective recommendation system expense reports and view spending patterns and scan for
without compromising security aspects and popularity storing bills they receive offline. The next step is to set the bill
generation module for the retailer. There are different
2.3 Design and Implementation of an electricity on-line categories the retailer will have to choose from depending
billing payment system upon the store. After this they will be able to add items,
quantity and price. After all the items have been added they
Electricity consumers are often faced with the problem of
can add the GST rate and the total will be calculated. Then the
inaccuracy and delay in monthly billing due to the drawback
bill can be sent to the customer via Phone number or via
in reading pattern and human errors. Thus, it is essential to
email. The customer receiving the bill will be able to view the
have an efficient system for such purposes via electronic
bill in the app and store it. With the included payment option
platforms with consideration to proximity. The proposed
built into the app the customer will be able to pay the retailer
system automates the conventional process of paying
via PhonePe, Google pay, BHIM, Amazon pay, Paytm. In case
electricity bills by visiting the Electricity Board which is
if the store doesn’t use our application, they have the option to
tiresome and time consuming. It is also designed to automate
use OCR implemented using Tesseract React-Native in the
the electricity bill calculation and payment for user
app where they will be able to scan the physical copy and store
convenience. The system is developed with Microsoft Visual
the bill online.
Studio using C# as the base programming language which
can be used to develop websites, web applications and web
services. The Microsoft Structured Query Language (SQL)
server [2] is also used for creating back-end databases. The Rayquaza is able to generate, send and store bills that we
system would be having two logins: the administrative and receive in our day-to-day from different stores into a single
user login. The administrator can view the user’s account application. And this is of utmost importance in the current
details and can add or update the customer’s information of situation where everyone is preferring contactless
consuming units of energy of the current month in their transactions. This app also helps you manage and keep track
account. The admin has to feed the system with the electricity of your spending pattern to ensure that you are not spending
usage data into the respective user’s account. The system then more than you want to. With the ability to pay the bill via app
calculates the electricity bill for every user and updates the helps you ensure that this single app is the most capable
information into their account every month. Users can then companion that will help you in your shopping. A conclusion
view their electricity bill and pay before the month ends. section is not required. Although a conclusion may review the
main points of the paper, do not replicate the abstract as the
3. PROPOSED SYSTEM conclusion. A conclusion might elaborate on the importance
of the work or suggest applications and extensions.
Initial stage of creating any application is to choose the right
development environment and database. Android studio was 5.CONCLUSION
chosen as the development environment and SQLite as This research paper introduces a centralized billing system
DBMS. that brings all your day-to-day bills and receipts under one
The first module of developing an application is to create a application. Now in this current pandemic situation using this
sign-up portal. In this app there are two portals available, one application, Customers can make a contactless transaction

Adith Rajesh et al ., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 10(3), May - June 2021, 2175 – 2177

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directly to the app. Other special features are promoting stores
with offers and discounts, sharing bills and receipts with
friends and family members. And by going digital, the
customers can have a contactless shopping experience and
analyze the expense report, so the customer can understand in
which area he is spending more money. By using this
application, the customers can stop bothering about where
they kept their day-to-day bills as all their bills are securely
and safely stored under one application. With innovations and
proper usage, financial technology can be the key to
successfully managing one’s money.


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