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LEARNING AREA: Media and Information Literacy


WEEK School
Q2/W1-D MIL11/12PM-IVa-2 People Media: People as Media and People in Media Categorizes different examples of Merly B.
1 people and state reasons for such Nazareno/KNHS
Q2/W1-D2 MIL11/12TIM-IVb- Dimensions of Text Information and Media Describes the different dimensions Merly B.
3 of text information and media Nazareno/KNHS
Q2/W1-D3 MIL11/12TIM-IVb- Types of Typefaces Identifies the types of typefaces Merly B.
3 and their uses Nazareno/KNHS
Q2/W2-D4 MIL11/12TIM-IVb- Producing, Organizing and Disseminating Text Analyzes how text information Merly B.
4 Information and Media and media is/are formally and Nazareno/KNHS
informally produced, organized,
and disseminated
Q2/W2-D1 MIL11/12TIM-IVb- Evaluating Text Information and Media Evaluates the reliability and Merly B.
5 validity of text information and Nazareno/KNHS
media and its/ their sources using
selection criteria

Q2/W2-D2 MIL11/12TIM-IVb- Producing and Evaluating Text-Based Presentation Produces and evaluates a creative Merly B.
6 text-based presentation using Nazareno/KNHS
design principle and elements
Q2/W2-D3 MIL11/12VIM-IVc- Describing Different Dimensions of Visual Describes the different dimensions Ma. Cely V.
7 Information and Media of visual information and media Jaanolino/KNHS
Q2/W2-D4 MIL11/12VIM-IVc- How Does A Visual Information and Media Produce, Comprehends how visual Ma. Cely V.
8 Organize and Disseminate information and media is/are Jaanolino/KNHS
formally and informally produced,
organized, and disseminated
Q2/W3-D1 MIL11/12VIM-IVc- Evaluating the Reliability and Validity of Visual Evaluates the reliability and Ma. Cely V.

9 Information and Media validity of visual information and Jaanolino/KNHS
media and its/their sources
Q2/W3-D2 MIL11/12VIM-IVc- Producing a Creative Visual-Based Presentation Produces and evaluates a creative Ma. Cely V.
10 visual-based presentation using Jaanolino/KNHS
design principle and elements.
Creates an infographic from a
given researched facts and figures
applying the visual design
elements and principles
Q2/W3-D3 MIL11/12AIM-IVd- Describing Different Dimensions of Audio Describes the different dimensions Veronica
11 Information and Media of audio information and media Baylon/PCNHS Tramo
Q2/W3-D4 MIL11/12AIM-IVd- How Does an Audio Information and Media Produce, Comprehends how audio Veronica
12 Organize and Disseminate information and media is/are Baylon/PCNHS Tramo
formally and informally produced,
organized, and disseminated
Q2/W4-D1 MIL11/12AIM-IVd- Evaluating the Reliability and Validity of Audio Evaluates the reliability and Veronica
13 Information and Media validity of audio information and Baylon/PCNHS Tramo
media and its/their sources using
selection criteria
Q2/W4-D2 MIL11/12AIM-IVd- Producing and Evaluating A Creative Audio-Based Produces and evaluates a creative Veronica
14 Presentation audio-based presentation using Baylon/PCNHS Tramo
design principle and elements.

• Creates a 2 minute audio-

based presentation about a
personal advocacy applying the
dimensions of audio information
and media
Q2/W4-D3 MIL11/12MIM- Describing Different Dimensions of Motion Describes the different dimensions Veronica Baylon/
IVef-15 Information and Media of motion information and media PCNHS Tramo
Q2/W4-D4 MIL11/12MIM- How Does Motion Information and Media Produce, Analyzes how motion information Veronica Baylon/
IVef-16 Organize and Disseminate and media is/are formally and PCNHS Tramo
informally produced, organized,
and disseminated
Q2/W5-D1 Designing a Story Board Design a storyboard for a motion Mary Grace
media and information. Arienda/PCNHS

Q2/W5-D2 MIL11/12MIM- Evaluating A Creative Motion-Based Presentation Evaluate a creative motion-based Mary Grace
IVef17 presentation using design Arienda/PCNHS
principles and elements. Tramo
 Design a rubric for
evaluating the design of
popular motion-based
media presentation based
on their design and use of

Q2/W5-D3 Critiquing A Design of Popular Motion – Based Critique the design of popular Mary Grace
Media Presentation motion-based media presentation Arienda/PCNHS
based on their design and use of Tramo
Q2/W5-D4 MIL11/12MIM- Producing and Evaluating A Creative Motion-Based Produces a creative motion-based Mary Grace
IVef-18 Presentation presentation using design principle Arienda/PCNHS
and elements. Tramo
 Create a motion-based
media and information
presentation using the
design elements
Q2/W6-D1 MIL11/12MPIM- Describing Different Dimensions of Manipulative Describes the different dimensions Ma. Cely V.
IVgh-19 Information and Media of manipulative information and Jaanolino/KNHS
Q2/W6-D2 MIL11/12MPIM- How Does Manipulative Information and Media Analyzes how manipulative Ma. Cely V.
IVgh-20 Produce, Organize and Disseminate information and media is /are Jaanolino/KNHS
formally and informally produced,
organized, and disseminated.

Q2/W6-D3 MIL11/12MPIM- Evaluating Reliability and Validity of Manipulative Evaluates the reliability and Ma. Cely V.
IVgh-21 Information and Media validity of manipulative Jaanolino/KNHS
information and media and
its/their sources using selection


Q2/W6-D4 MIL11/12MPIM- Producing and Evaluating A Creative Manipulative – Produces and evaluates a creative Ma. Cely V.
IVgh-22 Based Presentation manipulative-based presentation Jaanolino/KNHS
using design principle and
Q2/W7-D1 MIL11/12MM-IVij- Describing Different Dimensions of Multimedia and Describes the different dimension Zaide Valdez/PCNHS
23 Information of multimedia information and Tramo
Q2/W7-D2 MIL11/12MM-IVij- How Does Multimedia Information and Media Aanlyzes how multimedia Zaide Valdez/PCNHS
24 Produce, Organize and Disseminate information and media is /are Tramo
formally and informally produced,
organized, and disseminated
Q2/W7-D3 MIL11/12MM-IVij- Evaluating Reliability and Validity of Motion Evaluates the reliability and Zaide Valdez/PCNHS
25 Information and Media validity of motion information and Tramo
media and its/their sources using
selection criteria
Q2/W7-D4 MIL11/12MM-IVij- Synthesizing Overall Knowledge on Different Synthesizes overall knowledge Zaide Valdez/PCNHS
26 Information and Media about different information and Tramo
media sources by producing and
subsequently evaluating a creative
multimedia form (living museum,
electronic portfolio, others
Note: Those LCs in light orange boxes are MELCs


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