2 Information Series Stainless Steel and Corrosion Material
2 Information Series Stainless Steel and Corrosion Material
2 Information Series Stainless Steel and Corrosion Material
HOW STAINLESS STEEL These di ent forms of corrosion THE TEMPERATURE
IS AFFECTED BY, AND are sometimes thought to ect This is usually known and uniform.
RESISTS, CORROSION only stainless steels. This is not the Care must be taken to prevent higher
steel is the most utilized material case. Carbon steels, low alloy steels localised temperatures. A typical
of construction. However, natural and many other metals and alloys example of such a condition is that
forces cause steel, an unnatural form may also undergo similar forms of prevailing under heat transfer, for
of iron, to revert to its natural oxide. corrosive attack, but often in ent example, solar heaters or heating coils.
This is corrosion. environments.
The primary property of stainless Dry, or gaseous corrosion will be super-heated corrosive solution that
steel is corrosion resistance and may covered in an upcoming module exists at the metal surface, through
be considered as the only reason addressing the high temperature use which the heat is transferred. It is the
why we use the material. Some may of stainless steels.
say that they use stainless steel for Some forms of corrosion are taken into account, as it gives rise to far
hygiene properties or for aesthetics, easily visible or readily e more aggressive conditions than those
but it is the resistance to corrosion (e.g. general and pitting corrosion), related to the average bulk temperature.
which allows stainless steels to have whereas others are not always easily
these essential b . detectable nor apparent (e.g. stress HEAT SOURCE
Stainless steels, because of their corrosion cracking, SCC).
resistance to corrosion, are often Steam Hot Oil Sunlight
Galvanic corrosion can occur when two
different metals are in electrical contact
and are immersed in the same corrosive
The galvanic series (or electro
potential series) determines the nobility
of metals and semi-metals. When two
metals are submerged in an electrolyte,
Table 2: Generic isocorrosion graph while electrically connected, the less
ATMOSPHERIC and consequent failure of steel parts, Exposed surfaces facilitating rain
CORROSION Essential automobile parts failing cleaning.
Atmospheric corrosion is: from corrosion. Surface finish of stainless steel and
The corrosion of metals exposed to Costly repairs include repair and roughness.
air and its pollutants. painting of bridges and towers, Maintenance,
An electrochemical process where a replacing of fencing and maintenance Washing frequency.
film of electrolyte forms on the metal of building exteriors, to name a few. The corrosion rate can be decreased
surface. Generally, atmospheric corrosion is by controlling the above five factors or
When air pollutants such as SO2, defined by geographic location, local by selecting a more corrosion resistant
CO2, NOX and salts dissolve in a film of weather conditions and architectural stainless steel. The corrosion map of
water and increase its conductivity and design. South Africa is shown above.
corrosivity. There are several factors to take into
Atmospheric corrosion is a serious account in determining the degree of INTERGRANULAR
worldwide problem affecting people corrosion to be expected: CORROSION
in all walks of life. It is of concern to Environment, Intergranular corrosion, sometimes
homeowners, architects, engineers, Rural, urban pollution, industrial known as sensitisation, is a form
designers, maintenance personnel and pollution. of corrosion where the boundaries
accountants. All outdoor and indoor Salt, of grains of the material are more
materials exposed to the elements are Coastal/marine exposure and susceptible to corrosion than that the
potentially subjected to degradation distance from sea. rest of the grain.
resulting from atmospheric conditions. De-icing salt exposure (normally This is most frequently caused
Damage caused by atmospheric only in in Europe and North America). during the welding of thick sections of
corrosion can be dangerous as well as Weather, high carbon stainless steel as a result
costly, for example: Temperatures, humidity and rainfall. of chromium carbide precipitation at
Bridges failing as a result of rusting Design, the grain boundaries and chromium
Erosion and abrasion corrosion are
two mechanisms which involve
a combination of mechanical and
corrosive attack. Abrasive particles in
suspension, travelling at high velocities,
expose fresh metal surfaces which then
suffer high rates of corrosion. stainless
steels offer a high resistance due to the
synergistic effect of wear plus corrosion
(i.e. wear increases the corrosion rate and
corrosion increases the wear rate).
Abrasion corrosion is characterised by
low stress and low angle particle wear,
for example coal sliding over a wear
plate or slurry in a pipe line.
Erosion corrosion is characterised
by high stress and high angle wear.
For example slurry at a pipe bend or
cavitation in a pump impeller, caused
by collapse or implosion of air or gas
bubbles at the metal surface.
This form of corrosion is best addressed
Suitable selection of materials,
Appropriate design,
Change of environment,
Application of corrosion-resistant
coatings, and
Cathodic protection.