049 - Flores Et Al - Loaeza - Rodriguez - Gonzalez - Flores - Terceño
049 - Flores Et Al - Loaeza - Rodriguez - Gonzalez - Flores - Terceño
049 - Flores Et Al - Loaeza - Rodriguez - Gonzalez - Flores - Terceño
Division de Estudios de Posgrado, Facultad de Ingenieria Electrica, Universidad Michoacana,
Facultad de Contaduría y Ciencias Administrativas, Universidad Michoacana, Mexico.
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected]
Facultat de Ciencies Economiques i Empresariasl, Universit Rovira i Virgili- España.
[email protected]
The design of models for time series prediction has found a solid foundation on statistics. Recently,
artificial neural networks have been a good choice as approximators to model and forecast time series.
Designing a neural network that provides a good approximation is an optimization problem. Given the
many parameters to choose from in the design of a neural network, the search space in this design task is
enormous. When designing a neural network by hand, scientists can only try a few of them, selecting the
best one of the set they tested. In this paper we present a hybrid approach that uses evolutionary
computation to produce a complete design of a neural network for modeling and forecasting time series.
The resulting models have proven to be better than the ARIMA models produced by a statistical analysis
procedure and than hand-made artificial neural networks.
The design of models for time series prediction has traditionally been done using statistical methods.
In modeling time series, we find the ARIMA (Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average), ARMA,
and AR, among others [11]. These models are defined in terms of past observations and prediction
errors. Statistical techniques like auto-correlation, and partial auto-correlation, help scientists identify
which of the past observations and/or errors are significant in the construction of the forecasting
In the last decade, artificial neural networks have been used successfully to model and forecast time
series. Designing an artificial neural network (ANN) that provides a good approximation is an
optimization problem. Given the many parameters to choose from in the design of an ANN, the search
space in this design task is enormous. On the other hand, the learning algorithms used to train ANNS
are only capable of determining the weights of the synaptic connections, and do not include
architectural design issues. So, a scientist in need of an ANN model has to design the network on a
trial and error basis. When designing an ANN by hand, scientists can try only a few of them, selecting
the best one from the set they tested.
We can approach the optimization task involved in ANN design using evolutionary computation. In
this paper we present a hybrid approach that uses evolutionary computation to produce a complete
design of an ANN for modeling and forecasting time series. The architecture we use in the forecasting
models is a multi-layer perceptron (MLP). We chose to try 3-layer models, which include an input
layer, a hidden layer, and an output layer.
After an ANN is designed, it needs to be trained. Training is the process of determining the weights of
the synaptic connections for a given architecture (which does not change in the learning process). The
most known learning algorithm is back-propagation. Back-propagation takes every example in the
training set, runs the network, and computes the difference between its output and the expected output.
The difference is then used to adjust the weights of the network. The process is repeated until
convergence, or a maximum number of iterations (epochs) is reached. Unfortunately, back-
propagation is a gradient-based optimization algorithm, and as such, opens the possibility of the
optimization process to end up in a local maximum.
In this paper we propose to design a forecasting ANN using evolutionary computation in three stages.
In the first one, the ANN architecture is designed; the second stage optimizes the weight assignments
for the synaptic connections; after a suitable candidate has been determined through the first two
stages, the third stage fine tunes the weights of the ANN.
We compared our results with a statistically designed model and a hand-crafted ANN. To compare the
forecasting accuracy of the different models, we use the following statistical measures: MSE, MAE
and Theil’s U. The best model produced through evolutionary computation has proven to be better
than the ARIMA and the hand-made artificial neural network models.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 surveys the state of the art in forecasting with
statistical methods and artificial neural networks. Section 3 describes the setting, location, and devices
involved in the data acquisition process, used to obtain the wind speed time series used in these
experiments. Section 4 proposes the evolutionary computation architecture used in the ANN design.
Section 5 discusses the results obtained and compares them with traditional approaches. Finally,
Section 6 concludes the work.
Forecasting techniques assume that the time series, taken from measurements, is the sum of different
components and a random error. The goal of most forecasting techniques is to separate and identify
those components (trend, cyclical, seasonal, and irregular). Recently, several techniques have been
used from the fields of statistics and artificial intelligence [9, 3, 5, 14]. Scientists have even combined
them in order to reduce the forecasting error and to produce more accurate predictions [15, 16].
According to the development of studies, it would be useful to conduct an exploration of the entire
universe of configurations that form the neural networks and realize if there is an optimal
configuration that can reduce the errors found with statistical techniques.
The area of combining Evolutionary Computation and Artificial Neural Networks to produce Neural
Systems capable of classifying, predicting, or controlling complex systems has been explore, the
proposal presented in this paper makes contributions to the area not present in previous work,
therefore advancing human knowledge on the deployment of ANNs. This section contrasts our
proposal with related research work, highlighting the differences and the advantage of the proposed
methodology, presented here.
Yiau and Liu [13] present a scheme based on evolution programming, emphasizing on evolution
ANN’s behaviors. A mixture of other ideas is incorporated in their proposal: mutations are provided
by partial training (i.e. a la memetic algorithms) and node spliting. They work, called EPNet evolves
architectures and connections weights, while their approach presents a combination of techniques, ours
uses pure evolutionary computation.
The work of Abraham [1, 2] presents several differences with respect to our proposal. He uses
evolutionary algorithms to determine the network architecture, connection weight, and learning
algorithms. Our approach also designs the inputs to the ANN, but does not determine the learning
algorithm. That decision relies on the fact that we are training the ANN through evolutionary
computation as well. Another difference is that he uses a binary encoding for the weights, while we
use real encoding.
Mayor and Schwaiger [8] present a system that evolves ANN in a evolutionary scheme. Low
complexity ANNs guides the evolution of ANNs of greater generalization ability. Evolution is
achieved by Gas, using error back-propagation to train the networks. The evolutionary processes they
propose consider ANNs of fixed architecture. They also use co-evolution to determine the training
data set. The Mackey-Glass benchmark was used to test their results; given that, the benchmark is well
known, the inputs to the ANN are fixed.
In summary, our proposal differs from previous works in different aspects. Some of them do not
evolve the ANN architecture at all, others evolve it partially. The proposed scheme and representation
enable us to design the totality of the ANN architecture. In addition, most of the schemes adopt a
hybrid approach, interleaving training (using different learning algorithms) with evolution. Our
approach is based on pure evolutionary computation; at the end, though, for the winner ANN, we push
it a bit forward using back-propagation [6, 4]. Since we have explored the search space, the winner
ANN architecture is expected to reach the local optimum where the GA left it, which most likely will
be the global optimum.
Experiments were performed with a real time-series formed by a data base taken from the Banco de
México (FIRA), measured from the indicator known as “Agregados monetarios y flujo de fondos”
of a given activity W. The training set covers the period from January, 1986 to December 1991, while
the validation set ranges from January to December, 1992.
Given that the behavior of the measured variable corresponds to a time series (stochastic process),
where the uncertainty level caused by white noise, for this kind of processes, it is necessary to find the
right forms (models) to perform forecasting and financial decision taking in more efficient and
accurate ways [10].
Given the above facts, we propose the hybrid usage of evolutionary computation and artificial neural
networks; we consider this combination an efficient, accurate, and powerful scheme applicable to the
solution of this kind of problems.
Given a time series, we need to provide a neural model capable of producing an acceptable prediction
of that time series.
In order to define the term acceptable model, i.e. the fitness measure of a given model, there exist
statistical measures that allow us to compare two time series, for instance, the Mean Squared Error
(MSE), the Mean of the Absolute Value of the Errors (MAE), etc. [11]. Among these measures, we
find Theil’s U, which, for an acceptable model, must return a value in the interval [0.5, 1].
An ARIMA model [11] is a statistical model that allows us to model time series, and to predict their
behavior. These models have the following form:
w (1)
yt +1 = ∑ ak yt −k + bk et −k + ε t .
k =0
et = yt − yˆ t . (2)
Where represents the measurement at time t in the time series and is the forecasting produced by
the ARIMA model; represents the effects of random factors; is the window width. The window
represents how far behind in time we consider measurements as probably important inputs for the
ARIMA model. Outside of the window, observations are not taken into account. Using statistical
procedures, the numerical value of the coefficients and are determined.
In the approach presented in this paper, we are using an Auto-Regressive model (AR), which is a
reduced version of ARIMA. The AR model does not consider past forecasting errors as forecasting
variables. AR has the following form:
w (3)
yt +1 = ∑ ak yt −k + ε t .
k =0
The ANN architecture used for prediction is the Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP). A MLP, as a
universal approximator [6], can learn any function, given it has enough neurons in the hidden layer.
That fact allows the network to capture the different forms of the function to be modeled.
Given an AR model, we can design a MLP capable of reproducing the time series at least as well as
the ARIMA model itself. The output of the MLP is always a single neuron, representing the
forecasting output, . Once the inputs to the MLP are specified, the design process reduces to
determine the number of neurons in the hidden layer.
Notice that the learning models for ANNs are designed to determine the weights of the synaptic
connections. Those learning models do not consider the design of the network architecture. One way
to design the neural network is to perform a statistical analysis to determine what variables are
important in the forecasting. Those variables will be considered as the inputs to the ANN.
In this work we intend to design the MLP completely, without the need of any statistical analysis. That
is, we design the number of input neurons and what they represent, and the number of hidden neurons
(the output neuron will always be the same). The design process includes the determination of the
weights of the synaptic connections, without the need of a learning algorithm (v.g. back-propagation).
The reason to avoid those learning methods is that since they are gradient-based, they are likely to stop
at a local optimum. This fact may make a MLP behave badly, even with an adequate architecture.
The proposal is to use Evolutionary Computation to perform the complete design of the ANN used in
forecasting. The scheme involves two nested evolutionary processes followed by a third one. The first
one designs the network architecture, while the second (inner) one, once determined the architecture,
determines the weights of the synaptic connections. A last evolutionary process refines the weights for
the winner network of the previous two processes. The proposed architecture of the hybrid ANN-
Evolutionary scheme is shown in Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Hybrid ANN-Evolutionary Forecasting Scheme.
This evolutionary scheme uses two types of chromosomes. The first one, for the outer evolutionary
process, contains a bit vector (Vars), whose size is the window size, followed by an integer (NH). A
value of 1 in position k of the bit vector indicates that variable appears as an input variable in the
MLP being designed; a 0 indicates that variable is not taken into account in the model. NH indicates
the number of neurons included in the MLP’s hidden layer. Fig. 3 shows the structure of this
For each individual in the outer evolutionary process, we proceed to the inner evolutionary process.
The chromosome of this second process contains a vector of real numbers with NC elements. Let us
say NV is the number of 1s appearing in Vars. NC is the number of synaptic connections in the neural
model, where NC = (NV + 1) NH. Fig. 4 shows the structure of the second chromosome.
We provide genetic operators for mutation and crossover for both evolutionary processes. Those
genetic operators allow populations to evolve and produce optimized solutions.
Once the first two evolutionary processes are performed, we have the best of the inspected models. At
that time a third evolutionary process is performed. This third process is similar to the second one, but
we allow a larger population, in order to allow the synaptic weights to be refined.
The search space we are exploring and optimizing in the solution of this problem is huge. That made
us play with the different parameters in the evolutionary processes and refine them, to be able to
explore the search space more efficiently. For instance, the number of ANNs to be explored is very
large, and for each designed architecture, the possibilities for the synaptic weights are just too many.
Given that, we decided to let the process explore a good number of ANN designs, and for each design
try not too many combinations of weights. After that, the winner ANN is further refined. At that
moment (the third evolutionary process), we are exploring a single architecture and give it a larger
population size, with more generations, and also, a larger chance of mutations.
The experiments performed were divided in ANN Architecture Design, ANN Weight Design, and
ANN Weight Refinement processes. The ANN Architecture Design process evaluates about 3,250
architectures. Each architecture was evaluated with about 1,640 different combination of weights
(ANN Weight Design process). About 5,330,000 evaluations in total.
The ANN Weight Refinement process uses the best Architecture obtained and continues evolving the
best combinations of weights. About 80,000 different combination of weights were evaluated.
All experiments were performed using Genetic Algorithms (GA) and Evolutionary Strategies (ES)
with Evolvica [7].
The winner ANN was produced using ES, it took about 109 hours and its characteristics are:
• Window width: 18
• Number of inputs: 9
• Number of neurons in the hidden layer: 31
• Number of outputs: 1
• The output was defined as a function of yt-1, yt-2, yt-6, yt-11, yt-12, yt-13, yt-14, yt-15, and yt-17
Table 1 shows the results obtained for the statistical measures with a naïve model and our approach.
Table 1 it is clear that the Hybrid model has acceptable statistical errors, lower than those produced
with the naïve model. Fig. 6 shows the comparison between the observed data and the predicted ones.
In Fig. 6 and Fig. 7 the continuous lines are the observed data and the discontinuous lines are the
predicted data.
Naive 1.97E+06 8.12E+12 0.1795
Hybrid 1.58E+06 5.01E+12 0.1266
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