Thai Cooking Made Easy - Delectable Thai Meals in Minutes

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Th ai Cooking

made easy

This handy guide to the exciting world of Thai cooking

features over 40 delicious and easy-to-prepare recipes-including
Crispy Shrimp Cakes, Spicy Beef Soup, Grilled Lobsters with Basil,
Chicken Curry and Red Rubies in Sweet Coconut Milk- all of
which you can quickly whip up at home.

Introduction 3
Basic Thai Ingredients 4
Appetizers and Snacks 8
Soups 16
Salads 28
Seafood 46
Noodles 59
Meat and Poultry 60
Desserts 82
Complete Recipe Listing 96


Finding the ingredients ((x Asian home cooking has become very simple. Most supcr-
markl'ts carry staples such as soy sauct\ fresh ginger and lcmongrass. Almost every
large metropolitan area has Asian markets serving the local population-just check
your local business directory. With the Internet, exotic Asian ingredients and cook-
ing utensils can be easily found online. The following list is a good starting point of
online merchants offering a wide variety or goods and services.
http:/ /www.asial(
http:/ /< >ei t m/ Mad is on Avenue/ Kll7 4/Va n' r E. h tml
h tl p:/ I d oppi ng/ Food/ Et h n ic_a nd_Regional/ Asian/
http:/ /templcort
http:/ /www.oriental pa
http:/ /www.zest yl(
http:/ / Merchant/i micx.htm
http:/ /
h tl p:/ /pi! ipinoma
http:/ /www.i nd

hai food is one of the world's most exciting cuisines, a work of art that

pleases the most discerning taste buds. Although influenced by neigh-

boring countries, such as India and China, and later by Portuguese,
Dutch, French and japanese cooking through contact with visiting traders, Thai
food has continued to evolve and gain worldwide popularity, without losing its
own distinct identity.
The success of Thai cuisine lies in a blend of four basic tastes: sweet, sour,
salty and spicy. These tlavors are achieved by combining indigenous herbs, spices
and produce: coconut milk, lemongrass, tamarind, ginger, galangal, garlic, corian-
der leaf (cilantro), basil, palm sugar, turmeric, cumin, shallots and spring onions.
Chili, a late-comer to Thai cooking, arrived with Portuguese traders in the early
16th century and creates the spiciness that has since become a central player in
Thai cuisine. Fish sauce (nam pia) and shrimp paste (kapee), which are used in
nearly every recipe in Thai cooking, round out the many tlavors.
The masterful blending of these four tlavors is what makes Thai dishes so
unique. Getting the right balance is the secret to good Thai cooking. The charac-
teristic tlavors of Thai food come as much from the methods of cooking as from
the ingredients used, and the actual quantities of strong seasonings, especially fish
sauce and chili, may be varied to suit your tastes.
A f1ir amount of preparation like cutting, mincing and grinding is required to
make most Thai dishes. Vegetables and meats are cut into small pieces before
being stir-fried, allowing faster cooking while retaining their crispness and fresh
flavors. Smaller pieces help the coating of spices, herbs and condiments for a
tastier bite. Thai cuisine is, nevertheless, not complicated to wok once the ingredi-
ents are prepared and one can be sure that the result will make the extra time

So experiment and have fun. The recipes in this book are mainly homestylc
and require no special skill. This book promises to be your handy guide to the
world of Thai cuisine.

Introduction 3
Basic Thai Ingredients

Thai basil (l wrapa ) Lemon basil (111n11glak ) Holy basil (knprow )

Three va ri eti es of basil a re used as a seaso ning and ga rni sh in T hai cookin g. Thai basil
(horapa) tastes rather like Itali an sweet basil with a hint of anise and is used in red a nd
gree n curri es as we ll as salads and sti r- fr ies. It is ava il able yea r round. Lemon basil
(manglak ) has a lem o ny fl avo r th at goes well with so ups and salads, especiall y with
Ka no m )ee n curry noo dl es. Holy basil o r hot basil (kapro w ) has di stin cti ve purple-
reddi sh leaves a nd a mint -like zesty fl avo r and is used fo r stir-fri es such as Stir-fried
Beef with Bas il. Ho ly basil is hard to find and mostl y ava il able du rin g th e midsumm er
m o nth s. Bas il does n't sto re well , so bu y it just befo re yo u intend to use it. Euro pea n
sweet basil ca n be used as a substitute for all va ri eti es if yo u ca n't find the Thai va rieties.

Chinese celery is much smaller with thinner

stem s th an no rm al Western celery, a nd has
a ve ry intense, parsley-like fl avo r. Th e leaves
and so metim es th e stems are added to
so ups, ri ce di shes and sti r-fried vege tables.

Chinese pickled cabbage, also know n as

tang chye, co nsists of beige-brow n bits of
sa lted a nd seaso ned cabbage leaves. T hese
are sold in plasti c o r celloph a ne packs and
a re used as a fl avo ring, m ainl y fo r so ups
a nd noodl e di shes.
13 ird 's-eye ch ilies

Chilies a re indi spensable in Th ai coo king Coconut cream and coconut milk a re
and ma ny di fferent va rieti es a re used. T he used in ma ny Th ai desse rts a nd curri es.
la rge, fin ger-l ength gree n o r red chili es are Whil e freshl y pressed coco nut milk has
mo derately ho t. Dried red chilies of thi s mo re fl avo r, coco nut crea m a nd milk are
vari ety a re ground to m ake chili fl akes o r now wid ely so ld in ca ns and packets th at
gro und red pepper. Tiny red , gree n o r ye l- a re quick, conveni ent and tasty. Yo u ca n
lowy-o range bird's-eye chilies are extreme- add l cup of wa ter to I cup of ca nn ed o r
ly ho t a nd are used in so ups, curri es a nd packaged coconut crea m to obtain thi ck
sa uces. T hey are also available dried. coconut milk, a nd 2 cups of water to l cup

o f coconut cream to obtain thin coconut the roots, stems and leaves. Coriander seeds
milk. If you prefer to use fresh coco nuts, are roasted and then gro u nd and used in
yo u will first need to open the coconut b y curry pastes. Coriander roots a re ground
tapping firmly o n the center with the blunt into spice pastes, while coriander leaves
end o f a cleaver until a crack appears. D rai n (also known as cila ntro o r Chinese parsley)
the juice and co ntinue tapp ing until the are m ore often used as a garn ish. For stor-
coconut cracks into two. Place the coconut age, wash a nd dry the fresh leaves befo re
halves in a moderate oven fo r IS to 20 min- placing them in a plastic bag in the refri g-
utes until the flesh sh ri n ks away fro m th e erator -they will keep for S to 6 days.
sh ell. Rem ove the fl esh fro m the shell, an d
use a vegetable peeler to shave off the o uter Dried shrimp are tiny sh rimp that have
brown skin , then grate the flesh using a been dried in the sun. They come in di ffer-
b lender o r food processor. Fresh coconu t ent sizes a nd the reall y small ones have
crea m is made by grating the fl esh of I their heads and shells still attached. Available
coconut (this will yield about 4 cups of in Asian markets, they shou ld look o rangy-
grated coconut flesh ), adding 1/ 2 cup water, pin k and plump; avoid a ny with a grayish
kneading a few times, then straining it with appearance o r a n unpleasa n t smell. D ried
your fist, o r with a muslin cloth o r cheese- shrim p will keep fo r several months. Befo re
clo th . T his sho uld yield abo ut lf 2 cup o f usi n g, dried sh rimp need to be soaked in
coconut crea m . T h ick coconut milk is warm water for IS minutes to soften slightly.
obta ined by the sa m e m ethod, but the
water is do ubled to 1 cup a nd this sho uld
yield abo ut I cup of thick coconut milk.
T hin coconut milk is obtained by adding
I cup of water to the already pressed
coconut fl esh a secon d ti me and stra ining
aga in; this sh o uld yield I cup of thin
coconut milk. You m ay also obta in thin
coconut milk by diluting thick coconut
milk with wa ter. Ma ny o f the rec ipes in Dried shrimp paste, known as belachan
this b ook call fo r thick coco nut mil k. in Malaysia and Singa po re, trassi in
Consistencies va ry fro m bra nd to bra nd, Indonesia a nd kapee in T ha iland, is a
so use yo ur judgem en t and dilute with dense miA1:ure of fermen ted ground shrimp.
water as need ed . It is sold in dried blocks and ra nges fro m
pink to blackish-brow n in color. Shrim p
paste sho uld be slightly roasted before
using. Traditio nally, it is wrapped in ba nana
leaves and roasted over em bers for a few
mi nutes. It m ay be roasted directl y ove r a
low gas fla me using to ngs fo r 30 seco nds
or heated in a frying-pa n, wrapped in alu -
min ium foil, for I to 2 minutes. Alternatively
it can also be mic rowaved very quickly in
a bowl covered with plastic for 30 seconds
Coriander is the m ost commo n herb used or so. Do no t overcook the shrimp paste
in T hai cooking. T he whole plant is used- or it will scorch, becomi ng bitter and d ried.

Basic Thai Ingredients S

Fish sauce is indispensable in T hai cooking. wonderfully tangy taste to th ese d ish es.
Made from salted, fermented fish o r shrimp Th ey a re ava ilable froze n or dried in
and no rmally sold in bottles, good quality Asian food sto res; frozen leaves are much
tl sh sauce is golden-brown in colo r a nd has more flavorful tha n dried o nes. The dried
a salty flavo r in its pure fo rm. It is used in rind can be reconstituted a nd substituted
almost every T hai dish, just as sa lt o r soy for fresh.
sauce is used in other cu isines. Use sparing-
ly a nd always look for a quality bra nd for
a better fl avo r. Refrigerate after o pening.

Krachai o r C hinese keys is a rh izo m e

w idely c ultivated in Thailand. It g ives a
Galangal is a fragra nt root belo nging to su btle spicy flavor to dishes a nd goes well
the ginger fa mily that is used in much the with seafood. Fresh krachai is beige in colo r
sa me way as ginger. Known as kha in and looks li ke a b unch of baby carrots or
T haila nd, laos in Indon esia a nd lwgkuas turn ips. Buy smooth a nd fi rm ones. Sto re
in Malaysia and Singapore, it adds a distinc- in a paper bag in the refrigerato r fo r up to
tive fragrance a nd fl avor to m a ny dishes. a few weeks. Preserved krachai is sold in
T ho ugh ava ilab le dried o r as a powd er, try jars either whole or cut into strips.
to purchase the fresh root, which has a much
richer flavor. Fresh galangal should be peeled Lemongrass is a lemo n-scented stem which
before using. T he yo ung, pinkish ga langal grows in clumps. Each plan t resembles a
is the most tender a nd impa rts the best miniatu re leek although the stem is qu ite
fl avor. Fresh galangal wi ll keep for several stiff. Use o nly the thicker bottom pa rt of
m o nths if wrapped in plastic a nd sto red the lemongrass stem, rem ove and d iscard
in the freezer. the dry o uter leaves a nd use only the ten-
d er inner part of the ste m. Lemon grass is
ava ilable fresh in most supermarkets.

Kaffir lime is a small lime tha t has a

very k no bby and inte nse ly frag ra nt
skin , but virtually no juice. The skin o r Palm sugar is made by boi li ng d ow n the
rind is often g ra ted a nd added to dis hes sweet sap ha rvested from cu t flower buds
as a seaso ning. T he fragra nt kaffir lime of va rio us suga r o r coconut palm trees.
leaves are added w h o le to so ups a nd Palm suga r varies in colo r, consistency
cu rries, or fin ely sh redded a nd added to and sweetness, from the soft, gooey a nd
salads o r d eep -fried fi sh cakes, g iving a crea my beige type which is sold in plastic

Glass noodles Kway teow Fresh egg noodles Rice vermicell i
(tang hoon) (rice st icks or hofun) (bami) (beehoon )

T hai noodles are available in ma ny forms, a nd a re made from either rice, wheat o r
mung bea n flour. Kway teo w, also known as rice sticks or hof un, are wide, flat rice-
flour noodl es sold fresh in Asian m arkets a nd avai lable in dri ed form in packets. If
fresh kway teo w cannot be obtained, use dried rice stick noodles instead (these m ust
be blanched for 5 to 7 minutes a nd dra ined before using) . Dried rice vermicelli a re
very fin e rice threads that must also be soaked before using. Egg noodles (barni ) a re
m ade fro m whea t flour and a re similar to ra men, wh ich may be used as a substitute.
Glass noodles, also known as cellopha ne noodles, tang /won o r bea n threads, are
thin transparent noodles made from mung bean flo ur or sweet po tato fl o u r. They
are sold in dried form a nd must be so aked in warm water to soften befo re using.

jars to the crystallized hard a nd dark brown tha n Tobasco. Bo ttled Sri racha sauce is
palm sugar sold in round disks o r blocks available in the Asian section of m any
in clear plastic o r paper wrappers. The dark superm arkets. Refrigerate after openi ng.
brown palm sugar is genera lly sweeter and
more frag rant tha n the o thers. All can be Thai chili paste (nam prik pao ) is a rich
used. If you ca nnot fi nd it, substitute d ark chil i paste made fro m chilies, shallots, garlic,
brow n sugar o r m aple syrup. Ha rd pa lm sugar, dried shri m p, fis h sauce and some-
sugar sho uld be shaved o r grated into small times tamarind. A staple in Thai households,
chunks or m elted in the microwave oven it is used as a spicy dip o r added to soups
to measure before using. Store palm sugar and noodles. Chili paste comes in different
in the sa me way as normal sugar. strengths a nd is available in jars or plastic
tubs in specialty sto res.
Rice vinegar is mild and fa intly fragra nt,
a nd is the preferred vin ega r thro ugho ut
So utheast Asia. Inexpensive bra nds from
China are usua lly readily ava ilable in the
West (as well as in Southeast Asia). If buy-
ing a ja pa nese rice vinegar, make sure you
do no t buy wha t is labeled "sushi vinega r"
as this has sweet rice win e, sugar a nd sa lt Tamarind is a sour fruit that comes encased
added. If yo u cannot obtain ri ce vinega r, in a la rge, brown tree po d. Ta m arind juice
use d istilled white vin ega r. is o ne of the majo r souring agen ts in T hai
cooking. To ma ke ta ma rind juice, mix
Sriracha sauce is a spicy prepared chili sauce I tablespoo n o f dried tamarind pulp w ith
sold in bo ttles. Made from chilies, garlic, 2 tablespoo ns of warm wa ter to soften,
vinega r, sugar a nd salt, this sa uce is spicy then m ash well and strain to remove the
with a sweet garlic taste a nd is less sour seeds a nd fib ers.

Basic Thai Ingredients 7

Grilled Pork Satays
1 lb (500 g) pork loin, Marinade Tangy Dipping Sauce
sliced into thin strips 2 tablespoons minced 3 tablespoons fish sauce
30 bamboo skewers, garlic 3 tablespoons freshly
soaked in water for 2 tablespoons crushed squeezed lime or
1 hour before using coriander (cilantro) lemon juice
2 tablespoons oil, for roots and stems 1 tablespoon sugar
basting when grilling 1 tablespoon ground 1 tablespoon minced
Sweet Thai Chili Sauce coriander powder red chili
(page 11 ), for dipping 1 teaspoon ground 1 tablespoon thinly
(optional) white pepper sliced garlic
Sprigs of coriander leaves 2 tablespoons sugar 1 tablespoon thinly
(cilantro), to garnish 1/
3 cup (80 ml) thick sliced shallot
coconut milk 1 tablespoon sliced
1 tablespoon fish sauce spring onion (scallion)

1 Make the Marinade first by combining all the ingredients in a large bowl and
mixing well. Add the pork strips to the Marinade, mix until well coated and marinate
for at least 3 hours or overnight if possible.
2 To make the Tangy Dipping Sauce, combine all the ingredients in a serving bowl
and stir until the sugar is dissolved. Dilute with I or 2 tablespoons of water if
needed. Set aside.
3 Thread each marinated pork strip onto a bamboo skewer. Thread all the pork
strips in this manner and grill, a few at a time, on a pan grill or under a preheated
broiler for about 5 minutes on each side, brushing with a little oil, until cooked.
Transfer to a serving platter.
4 Serve hot as a snack with a bowl of Tangy Dipping Sauce or Sweet Thai Chili
Sauce (page II) on the side, garnished with coriander leaves (cilantro), or serve as a
main course with steamed rice.

Serves 4 to 6
Preparation time: 30 mins + 3 hours to marinate
Cooking time: 20 mins

8 Appetizers and Snacks

Crispy Shrimp Cakes (Tad Mun Goong)
1 lb (500 g) fresh shrimp, I To make the Sweet Thai Chili Sauce, bring the
peeled and deveined water, fish sauce and sugar to a boil in a saucepan
5 oz (150 g) ground over medium heat, and simmer for 2 to 3 minutes,
pork (optional) stirring constantly, until the mixture turns into a thin
1I teaspoon salt
2 syrup. Remove from the heat and set aside. About lO
1 tablespoon fish sauce minutes before serving, combine all the other ingre-
1 tablespoon sugar dients with the syrup and mix welL Transfer to a
114 teaspoon ground serving bowL
white pepper
2 Grind the peeled shrimp to a paste in a food
1 cup (60 g) breadcrumbs
processor. Combine the shrimp, pork (if using), salt,
Oil for deep-frying
fish sauce, sugar and pepper in a large bowl and mix
2 chunks fresh or canned
until well blended.
pineapple, thinly sliced,
to garnish (optional)
3 Wet your hands, spoon l tablespoon of the mixture
Chinese plum sauce, to and shape it into a ball, then press it flat to form a
serve (optional) round cake. Coat the cake on all sides with the bread-
crumbs. Continue until all the mixture is used up.
Sweet Thai Chili Sauce 4 Heat the oil in a wok or saucepan until hot. Gradually
2 tablespoons water lower the coated cakes into the oil, a few at a time,
2 tablespoons fish sauce and deep-fry for about 5 minutes, turning occasion-
112 cup (100 g) sugar ally, until golden brown on all sides. Remove and
1h small cucumber, drain on paper towels.
halved and thinly sliced 5 Line a serving platter with the pineapple slices (if
to yield about 112 cup using) and arrange the deep-fried cakes on top. Serve
1 tablespoon minced hot with a bowl of Sweet Thai Chili Sauce or Chinese
garlic plum sauce (if using) on the side.
1 teaspoon minced red
chili Serves 4 to 6
11 cup (60 ml) rice
4 Preparation time: 30 mins
vinegar Cooking time: 20 mins
4 tablespoons crushed
roasted unsalted peanuts
1I teaspoon salt
Sprigs of coriander leaves

Appetizers and Snacks 11

Spicy Steamed Fish Parcels
6 large banana leaf sheets, 2 tablespoons cornstarch 2 in (5 ern) krachai
soaked in hot water until 1I teaspoon salt (Chinese keys) or
soft or 1 baking pan Sprigs of coriander leaves fresh young ginger
(8 x 8 inl20 x 20 em) (cilantro), to garnish root, peeled and sliced
Toothpicks or staples, 4 cloves garlic
for fastening Chili Paste 6 shallots
2 cups (500 ml) water 5 to 8 dried red chilies, 1 teaspoon black
1I teaspoon salt soaked in warm water peppercorns
10 oz (300 g) Chinese until soft, stems discard- 1 teaspoon dried shrimp
cabbage, thinly sliced to ed, deseeded paste
yield 3 cups 2 finger-length red chilies, 1 teaspoon salt
1 lb (500 g) fresh white deseeded and sliced
fish fillets (catfish, snap- 2 stalks lemongrass, thick
per, grouper or mackerel) bottom parts only, outer
2 tablespoons fish sauce layers discarded, inner
1 cup (250 ml) thick parts sliced
coconut milk 1 in (2 1h em) fresh galan-
1 egg, beaten gal root, peeled and Makes 12 parcels
4 kaffir lime leaves, thinly sliced Preparation time: 1 hour
sliced into fine strips 2 kaffir lime leaves, sliced Cooking time: 25 mins

1 Make the Chili Paste first by grinding all the ingredients to a smooth paste in a
blender or food processor, adding some water to keep the blades turning if necessary.
Transfer to a bowl and set aside.
2 Cut out twenty-four 7-in (18-cm) circles from the banana leaf sheets. To make a
banana leaf cup, lay 2 circles on top of one another and fold up the edges to form
a cup, fastening the folded corners with toothpicks or staples. Continue with the
remaining circles to make a total of 12 cups.
3 Bring the water and salt to a boil in a pot and blanch the cabbage for 2 to 3 minutes
until tender. Drain well and set aside.
4 Mince 1/ 4 of the fish fillets and slice the remaining 3 / 4 into thin pieces. Set aside.
5 Combine the minced fish, fish sauce and Chili Paste in a mixing bowl and mix
until well blended. Add 1! 2 of the coconut milk, a little at a time, stirring to mix
well. Add the fish pieces, egg and kaffir lime leaves, and mix until well combined.
6 Line each banana leaf cup with some cabbage and spoon the fish mixture over
until 2 / 3 full. If using a baking pan, lightly grease the pan and place all the cabbage
in the pan and top with the fish mixture.
7 Combine the remaining coconut milk, cornstarch and salt in a bowl and mix well.
Spread 2 tablespoons of the coconut mixture over the fish mixture in each banana
leaf cup or all of the coconut mixture in the baking pan.
8 Place the fish parcels or baking pan in a steamer, cover and steam for IS to 20
minutes until cooked. Serve hot, garnished with coriander leaves (cilantro).

12 Appetizers and Snacks

Golden Cups (Kratong Thong)
Oil for deep-frying I Mix all the Batter ingredients in a bowl until a
Tartlet molds smooth batter is obtained.
2 Heat the oil in a wok or saucepan over medium
Batter heat until hot. Using tongs, briefly dip a tartlet mold
11h cups (225 g) flour in the hot oil, then dip the bottom of the mold in the
1 egg Batter to coat it well on the bottom side only. Return
1I teaspoon salt
2 the coated mold to the oil and deep-fry until the cup
1 cup (250 ml) water detaches from the mold and turns golden brown, I to
2 minutes. Remove the cup from the oil and drain on
paper towels. If the cup does not detach from the
10 peppercorns
mold during deep-frying, remove the mold and cup
2 coriander (cilantro)
together and set aside to cool on paper towels. The
cup should come loose after about 5 minutes. Repeat
3 cloves garlic
to make cups with the remaining Batter.
2 tablespoons oil
1 skinless chicken breast,
3 To make the Filling, grind the peppercorns in a
diced to yield about mortar or blender until fine. Combine with the
1h cup diced chicken coriander roots and garlic, and grind to a paste. Heat
4 tablespoons diced onion the oil in a wok or skillet over medium heat and stir-
2 cups ( 10 oz/300 g) fresh fry the ground mixture until fragrant, I to 2 minutes.
or frozen corn kernels Add the chicken and stir-fry until it changes color,
2 tablespoons fish sauce then add the onion and corn. Stir-fry the mixture for
or soy sauce 3 to 4 minutes, seasoning with the fish sauce and
1 tablespoon sugar sugar, until the mixture is cooked and well combined.
Sprigs of coriander leaves Remove from the heat.
(cilantro), to garnish 4 Spoon the Filling into the cups just before serving.
1 finger-length red chili, Garnish each cup with coriander leaves (cilantro) and
deseeded and cut into chili slices.
thin strips, to garnish

For an interesting variation called "golden nests", use

Makes 24 cups
cooked and drained rice vermicelli or egg noodles-
Preparation time: 15 mins
press a small portion of the noodles into a small wire
Cooking time: 20 mins
mesh basket and press the noodles into place with a
mold that fits into the basket, then deep-fry until crisp.

Dip the mold into the batter to coat the bot- Remove from the oil when golden brown and
tom side of the mold only. drain on paper towels.

Appetizers and Snacks 15

Hot and Sour Shrimp and Lemongrass Soup
(Tom Yam Goong)
6 cups (11 / 2 liters) chick- 1 Boil the chicken stock and shrimp shells in a large
en stock or 2 to 3 saucepan or stockpot over medium heat for about 10
chicken stock cubes minutes. Remove from the heat and strain the stock;
dissolved in 6 cups discard the shells.
(1 1h liters) hot water 2 Bring the clear stock, lemongrass, galangal, corian-
1 lb (500 g) fresh shrimp, der roots and kaffir lime leaves to a boil over high
peeled and deveined, heat. Reduce the heat to medium and simmer uncov-
tails intact, shells reserved
ered for about 5 minutes, then add the shrimp, but-
2 stalks lemongrass, thick
ton mushrooms and tomato, and continue to simmer
bottom parts only, outer
until the shrimp turn pink and are just cooked, 2 to 3
layers discarded, inner
minutes. Do not overcook the shrimp. Remove from
parts bruised
the heat, stir in all the other ingredients and mix well,
3 slices fresh galangal root
adjusting the seasonings by adding more fish sauce,
1 tablespoon crushed
coriander (cilantro) roots
tamarind or lime juice if desired.
3 kaffir lime leaves, torn 3 Serve hot in individual serving bowls.
into small pieces
5 oz (150 g) fresh or You may use sliced fish, squid and mussels in this very
canned button mush- popular hot and sour soup. If tamarind is not avail-
rooms, thinly sliced to able, increase the amount of lime or lemon juice to
yield about 1 cup 5 tablespoons.
1 medium tomato, cut
into wedges
Serves 4 to 6
1 tablespoon Thai Chili
Preparation time: 20 mins
Paste (nom prik pao)
Cooking time: 20 mins
(page 30) or 1 table-
spoon thinly sliced
red chilies
3 tablespoons fish sauce
2 tablespoons tamarind
juice (page 7)
3 tablespoons freshly
squeezed lime or
lemon juice
1 teaspoon salt
1 spring onion (scallion),
Few sprigs coriander
leaves (cilantro), minced

Soups 17
Coconut Chicken Soup (Tom Kha Gai)
4 cups ( 1 liter) chicken 1 Bring the chicken stock, 1I 2 of the coconut milk and
stock or 1 to 2 chicken the chicken slowly to a boil in a large saucepan or
stock cubes dissolved in stockpot over medium heat. Add the lemongrass,
4 cups (1 liter) hot water galangal, kaffir lime leaves, garlic, salt and pepper, stir
2 cups (500 ml) thick well and bring to a boil again. Reduce the heat to low
coconut milk and simmer uncovered for about IS minutes, stirring
8 oz (250 g) boneless
occasionally, until the chicken is cooked.
chicken meat, thinly
2 Add the mushroom slices and simmer for 5 more
minutes, then stir in the remaining coconut milk.
1 stalk lemongrass, thick
Remove the soup from the heat when it is about to
bottom part only, outer
boil and season with the fish sauce and lime juice.
layers discarded, inner
part bruised
Transfer to a serving bowl and top with a sprinkling
12 thin slices fresh galan- of spring onion, coriander leaves (cilantro) and chili
gal root (if desired). Serve hot.
3 kaffir lime leaves, torn
into small pieces Serves 4 to 6
2 cloves garlic, crushed Preparation time: 15 mins
1h teaspoon salt Cooking time: 30 mins
1I teaspoon freshly
ground black pepper
8 oz (250 g) fresh mush-
rooms (shiitake or but-
ton mushrooms), stems
discarded, caps sliced
2 tablespoons fish sauce
3 tablespoons freshly
squeezed lime juice
1 spring onion (scallion),
thinly sliced
Few sprigs coriander leaves
(cilantro), minced
1 to 2 finger-length red
chilies, sliced (optional)

18 Soups
Rice Soup with Fish (Khao Tom Pia)
2 tablespoons oil I Heat the oil in a wok or skillet over medium heat
3 cloves garlic, minced and stir-fry the garlic until fragrant and golden brown,
6 cups (1 1h liters) chick- I to 2 minutes. Set aside.
en stock or 2 to 3 chick- 2 Bring the chicken stock to a boil in a large saucepan
en stock cubes dissolved or stockpot over high heat. Reduce the heat to medium,
in 6 cups (1lh liters) add the galangal and Chinese pickled cabbage (tang
hot water clzye), season with the salt and pepper, and simmer
3 slices fresh galangal root for about 7 minutes. Add the rice and bring the mix-
1 tablespoon minced
ture to a boil. Add the fish pieces and simmer for
Chinese pickled cabbage
about 5 minutes until cooked. Finally stir in the celery
(tang chye) (optional)
and fish sauce, and remove from the heat.
·1 teaspoon salt
1I teaspoon ground
3 Serve hot in individual serving bowls, garnished
with crispy fried garlic, spring onion and coriander
white pepper
leaves (cilantro), with the Pickled Green Chilies on
3 cups (600 g) cooked
Thai jasmine rice (or the side.
other long grain rice)
1 lb (500 g) fresh fish fil- Serves 4 to 6
lets (red snapper, floun- Preparation time: 20 mins
der or salmon), cut into Cooking time: 25 mins
bite-sized pieces
1 stalk celery, thinly sliced
2 tablespoons fish sauce
2 spring onions (scallions),
thinly sliced
Few sprigs coriander
leaves (cilantro), minced
1 portion Pickled Green
Chilies (see below),
to serve

Pickled Green Chilies

3 to 4 finger-length Combine all the ingredients in a serving bowl and
green chilies, deseeded mix well.
and sliced
l / 4 cup (60 ml) cider
Makes 1/ 2 cup
vinegar Preparation time: 5 mins
1 teaspoon sugar

Soups 21
Fish Soup with Tamarind
and Ginger (Tom Sam Pia)
1 teaspoon white peppercorns
2 shallots, sliced
3 coriander (cilantro) roots
6 cups (11 / 2 liters) water
1 lb (500 g) fresh fish fillets (red snapper, sea bass or
flounder) , cut into bite-sized pieces
2 in (5 em) fresh young ginger root, peeled and cut
into thin shreds to yield about 1I 4 cup
3 tablespoons fish sauce
4 cup (60 ml) tamarind juice (page 7)

3 tablespoons shaved palm sugar or dark brown sugar

1 spring onion (scallion), cut into lengths
Few sprigs coriander leaves (cilantro), minced

1 Grind the peppercorns in a mor tar or blender until

fin e. Co mbine with th e shallo ts a nd coriander roots
and grind to a sm ooth paste.
2 Brin g the wate r a nd gro und mixture to a boil in a
large saucepan o r stockpot over medium heat, stir ring
to co mbine. Add the fish pi eces an d ginger, season
with the fi sh sa uce, tamarind juice a nd palm sugar,
a nd simmer for abo ut 5 minutes until the fish pieces
a re just cooked. Remove from the heat.
3 Just before serving, stir in th e sp rin g o ni on and
co ri ander leaves (cila ntro ). Serve hot.

Serves 4 to 6
Preparation time: 20 mins
Cooking time: 15 mins

Soups 23
Tofu Soup (Kang Jyd Taohu)
7 oz (200 g) lean ground 2 spring onions (scallions),
pork sliced, to garnish
1 clove garlic, minced Few sprigs coriander Serves 4 t o 6
1I teaspoon salt leaves (cilantro), minced, Preparati on ti me: 10 mins
6 cups (1 lh liters) chick- to garnish Cooking tim e: 15 mins
en stock or 2 to 3 chick-
en stock cubes dissolved I Combine the po rk, ga rlic and salt in a sm all bowl
in 6 cups (11 1 2 liters) a nd mi x until well blended. Set aside.
hot water 2 Bring th e chicken sto ck to a bo il in a stockpot o r
2 cakes firm tofu ( 1 lbl la rge sa ucepa n over m edium hea t. Stir in the pork
500 g in total), cubed
m ixture an d b ri ng the mi xture to a boil again. Add
1 cup (60 g) thinly sliced
the tofu a nd celery, th en season w ith the fish sa uce,
Chinese celery
suga r a nd pepper. Simmer uncovered fo r 1 to 2 min-
1 tablespoon fish sauce
1h teaspoon sugar
utes before rem ovi ng fro m the heat.
1I teaspoon ground
3 Ser ve ho t, ga rnished with spring o ni o n a nd cOt·ian-
d er leaves (cilantro ).
white pepper

Spicy Beef Soup (Tom Yam Nua Tun)
1 lb (500 g) beef shank Garnishes
or stewin g beef, cut into 1 stalk celery, thinly sliced
chunks 6 lettuce leaves, sliced
6 cups (1 lh liters) water 2 tablespoons fish sauce
1 cinnamon stick (3 in/ 8 4 tablespoons freshly
em) squeezed lime juice
4 slices fresh galangal 3 bird's-eye chilies,
root deseeded Serves 4 to 6
1 tablespoon crushed 2 sprigs coriander leaves Preparation time: 15 mins
coriander (cilantro) roots (cilantro), minced Cooking time : 1 hour
1 teaspoon salt
2 stalks lemongrass, thick I Brin g a ll the ingredi ents (except th e Ga rni shes) to a
bottom parts only, outer boil in a stockpo t or large sa ucepa n ove r hi gh heat,
layers discarded, inner stirrin g to com b ine. Redu ce th e hea t to low and sim -
parts bruised mer cove red fo r abo ut I ho ur, un til the beef is te nd er.
4 kaffir lime leaves, torn 2 Sti r in th e Ga rni shes a nd simmer fo r 1 to 2 m o re
into small pieces
minu tes a nd rem ove fro m th e hea t. Se rve ho t.

Soups 25
Spicy Lemongrass Soup with Grilled Shrimp
3 dried red chilies 1 In a wok o r skillet, dry-fry the dried chilies over low
2 shallots heat until dark a nd frag ra nt. Wh en cool, remove
2 cloves garlic stems a nd d eseed. Set aside.
14 oz (400 g) fresh 2 In the sa m e wok or skillet, dry-fry the shallots a nd
jumbo shrimp ga rlic over low heat fo r 3 to 5 minutes u n til soft a nd
6 cups (11/2 liters) chick- blistered o n the o utside. When cool, slice th e shallots
en stock or 2 to 3 and garlic. Set aside.
chicken stock cubes 3 G rill the shrim p o n a pa n grill o r under a preheated
dissolved in 6 cups
bro iler using mediu m heat until pink on both sides.
(1 1h liters) hot water
T his sho uld take abou t 3 to 5 m inu tes. Transfer to a
3 stalks lemongrass, thick
plate and set aside.
bottom parts only, outer
4 Bring the chicken stock to a bo il over high hea t in a
layers discarded, inner
stockpot. Reduce the heat to m edium a nd add the
parts thinly sliced
4 thin slices fresh galan-
lemongrass, ga la ngal, lime leaves, roasted dried
gal root chilies, coriander roots, roasted shallots and garlic.
3 kaffir lime leaves, sliced Simmer uncovered fo r about 5 minutes, stirring con-
2 teaspoons crushed sta ntly, then add the grilled shrimp and sti r in the fish
coriander (cilantro) roots sauce, ta ma rind ju ice a nd suga r. Mix well and rem ove
and stems from the heat.
4 tablespoons fish sauce 5 Serve ho t, ga rnished with coriander leaves (cila ntro ).
2 tablespoons tamarind
juice (page 7) Serves 4 to 6
2 teaspoons sugar Preparation t ime: 40 mins
Sprigs of coriander leaves Cooking time: 15 mins
(cilantro), minced, to

Grill the shrimp until pink on both sides. Slice the lemongrass, galangal root, kaffir lime
leaves, coriander roots, shallots and garlic.

Add ingredients to the chicken stock and sim- Add the grilled shrimp, fish sauce, tamarind
mer for about 5 minutes, stirring constantly. juice and sugar, and mix well before serving.

Soups 27
Shredded Chicken Salad
11 / 2 cups (375 ml) water
1/ 4 teaspoon salt
2 skinless chicken breasts (10 oz/ 300 gin tota l)
10 oz (300 g) cabbage, thinly sliced
1/ cup (50 g) grated carrot
1 cup (40 g) fresh mint leaves, thinly sliced
3 tablespoons thinly sliced Thai basil leaves (horapa)
3 tablespoons crushed roasted unsalted peanuts
Sprigs of coriander leaves (cilantro)
2 tablespoons thinly sliced spring onion (scallion)
Crispy Fried Shallots (see note)

1 tablespoon minced red chili
1 tablespoon minced garlic
2 tablespoons sugar
3 tablespoons freshly squeezed lime juice
2 tablespoons fish sauce

1 Combine the D ressing ingred ients in a bowl and

mi x well. Set aside.
2 Bring the wa ter and salt to a bo il in a sa ucepan o r
sm all po t o ver m edium hea t, and poach th e ch icken
fo r abou t I S minutes until cooked . Rem ove and set
asid e to cool. Shred the chicken alo ng the grain into
lo ng th in stri ps.
3 Com bi ne the chicken strips, cabbage, carro t, m int
and basil in a mi xing bowl and gently toss to m ix well,
adding th e Dressing a little a t a time.
4 Transfer the salad to a serving platter a nd spri n kle
the pea nuts o n top. Serve immedi ately, garn ished with
coriander leaves (cilan tro), green o nio n a nd Crispy
Fried Shallo ts.

To make the Crispy Fried Shallots, thinly slice sever-

al shallots as desired and stir-fry in hot oil over low
heat for 7 to 2 minutes, stirring constantly, until golden
brown and crispy Remove and drain on paper towels.
Serves 4 to 6
Preparati on time: 35 mins
Cooking t ime: 15 mins

28 Salads
Grilled Beef Salad (Yum Nua)
8 oz (250 g) lean sirloin 1 stalk celery, thinly sliced Dressing
or tenderloin, lightly 1 small cucumber, thinly 3 tablespoons freshly
grilled or pan-fried until sliced squeezed lime or
medium done, then 1 medium tomato, cut lemon juice
sliced into thin pieces into wedges 2 tablespoons fish sauce
4 tablespoons fresh mint 2 tablespoons Roasted 1 teaspoon minced
leaves Rice Powder (page 68) red chili
1 spring onion (scallion), Thai Chili Paste (nam 1I teaspoon salt
minced prik pao), for dipping 1 teaspoon sugar
Few sprigs coriander leaves (see below) 3 cloves garlic, minced
(cilantro), minced
1 medium onion, thinly 1 Mix all the Dressing ingredients in a serving bowl
sliced and set aside.
10 lettuce leaves, torn 2 Combine all the other ingredients in a large bowl
into pieces to yield and toss thoroughly to mix well. Transfer to a serving
about 2 cups
platter and serve with Thai Chili Paste (if desired) and
the bowl of Dressing on the side.
Serves 4 to 6
Preparation time: 30 mins

Thai Chili Paste (Nam Prik Pao)

1 cup (200 g) thinly sliced 114 teaspoon shrimp paste
red shallots, deep-fried 114 cup (45 g) palm sugar
11 cup (100 g) thinly or dark brown sugar
sliced garlic, deep-fried 2 tabelspoons tamarind Makes 1 cup
1I cup (60 g) dried juice (page 7) Preparation time: 30 mins
shrimp, rinsed and 2 tablespoons fish sauce Cooking time: 15 minutes
dried, deep-fried
1h cup (10 g) dried red
1 Grind the shallots, garlic, dried shrimp, chilies, galan-
chilies (about 10 dried gal and shrimp paste to a smooth paste in a food
chilies), deseeded, processor. Transfer to a saucepan.
deep-fried 2 Bring the ground paste to a boil over medium heat,
3 slices fresh galangal seasoning with the palm sugar, tamarind juice and
root, deep-fried fish sauce. Reduce the heat to low and simmer uncov-
ered, stirring regularly, until the chili paste is thick, 3
to 5 minutes. Remove from the heat.

30 Salads
Spicy Squid Salad
(Yum Pia Muk)
lb (500 g) fresh medium squids, skinned and cleaned
l cup (250 ml) water
l small onion, cut into segments
l small tomato, cut into wedges
l spring onion (scallion), cut into lengths
Few sprigs coriander leaves (cilantro), minced
1I cup (20 g) fresh mint leaves
3 large lettuce leaves

3 finger-length red chilies, deseeded and minced
2 cloves garlic, minced
4 tablespoons freshly squeezed lime juice
2 tablespoons fish sauce
l teaspoon sugar
1I teaspoon salt
l tablespoon Sriracha sauce (Thai hot chili sauce)

1 Rinse each sq uid thoroughly, detaching a nd discard-

ing the head . Remove th e ca rtil age in th e ce nter of
the ten tacles. Make a lengt hw ise cu t alo ng eac h body
sac. O p en up and rin se the in side well. Score th e fl es h
by m aking diagonal cri ss-cross slits across the su rface
a nd slice into bite-sized pieces. This allows t he squ id
to cook very quickly.
2 Brin g th e water to a boil in a sa uce pa n over medium
hea t and poach the sq uid pieces until just cooked, I to
2 minutes. Do not ove rcook. Remove from th e heat.
3 Comb in e the Dressing ingredients in a bowl a nd
mi x we ll. Set as ide.
4 Combi ne the sq uid p ieces, o ni on , tomato, sp rin g
o ni o n, coria nd er (c ila ntro) a nd mint leaves in a large
bowl, a nd toss thoroughly, add in g the Dress ing a little
at a time, until well blended.
5 Line a serv in g pl atter wit h t he lettu ce leaves a nd top
w ith the sq uid sa lad. Serve imm ediately.

Serves 4 to 6
Preparation time : 20 mins
Cooking time: 2 mins

Sa lads 33
Green Papaya Salad with
Dried Shrimp (Som Tam)
medium green papaya (about 1 1h lbs/700 g),
peeled and thinly sliced to yield about 4 cups
1 large ripe tomato, sliced into thin sections
2 tablespoons dried shrimp, soaked in warm water for
15 minutes to soften, drained and lightly pounded or
ground in a blender
2 tablespoons diced fresh lime or lemon, deseeded
with the rind
2 tablespoons ground roasted unsalted peanuts

1 teaspoon black peppercorns
3 cloves garlic, minced
2 dried red chilies, soaked in warm water until soft,
stems discarded, deseeded
1 tablespoon tamarind juice (page 7)
2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lime or lemon juice
3 tablespoons fish sauce
2 tablespoons shaved palm sugar or dark brow n sugar

I Prepare the Dressing first by gri nding th e black

peppercorns in a morta r o r blender until fine, then
co mbine w ith the garlic and chilies, a nd gri nd to a
smoo th paste. Mix the ground mixture with all the
other ingredients in a sm a ll saucepan and cook ove r
low hea t, stirring constantly, until the Dressing begins
to boil, about 2 minutes. Rem ove from th e heat a nd
set aside to cool.
2 In a large bowl, com bine th e green papaya, to mato,
dried shrim p and lime or lem on dice. Add the Dressing
and toss thoroughly until all th e Dressing is absorbed.
Transfer to a serving platter a nd top w ith grou nd
pea nuts. Serve immediately.

A good substitute for green papaya is 5 cups of thinly

sliced cabbage mixed with 1 cup of grated carrot.

Serves 4 to 6
Preparation time: 20 mins
Cooking time: 2 mins

Salads 35
Roast Duck and Green
Mango Salad (Yum Ped Yang)
1h large Chinese roast duck (about 2 lbs/1 kg)

2 in (5 em) fresh young ginger root, peeled and cut

into thin shreds
6 cloves garlic, minced
1 small green mango or 1h green apple, peeled and
cut into thin shreds
3 shallots, thinly sliced
4 tablespoons ground roasted unsalted peanuts
1h cup (20 g) fresh mint leaves

1 spring onion (scallion), thinly sliced

1 teaspoon minced red chili
3 kaffir lime leaves, sliced

4 tablespoons freshly squeezed lime juice
1 tablespoon palm sugar or maple sugar
2 tablespoons fish sauce

l Remove the roast duck meat fro m the bone an d slice

into thin pieces.
2 Co mbine th e Dressing ingredi ents in a small bowl
a nd stir until the suga r is dissolved .
3 Place the ro ast duck pieces and all th e o th er ingre-
di ents on a serving platte r. Add th e Dressing a little at
a time an d toss th oro ughl y until we ll bl end ed. Serve
imm edi ately.

Chinese roast ducks (page 72) are sold at any Chinese

restaurant or grocery. These are the ducks you see
hanging or hooked in a glass case--they are glazed
with a sweet hoisin sauce.

Serves 4 to 6
Preparation time: 20 mins

Salads 37
Thai Chicken Salad
(Yum Gai)
2 cups (500 ml) water
1I teaspoon salt
3 skinless chicken breasts (1 lb/ 500 g in total)
1 medium tomato, cut into wedges
1 medium red onion, sliced
1 small cucumber, thinly sliced
2 spring onions (scallions), cut into lengths
Few sprigs coriander leaves (cilantro), minced
2 tablespoons roasted unsalted peanuts (optional)
4 large lettuce leaves

1 tablespoon sliced red chili or 1 teaspoon ground chili
3 tablespoons freshly squeezed lime juice
3 tablespoons fish sauce
1 teaspoon sugar

I Brin g th e wa ter and salt to a bo il in a sa uce pa n ove r

medium heat and poach the chicken fo r abo ut 15 min-
utes until coo ked. Rem ove and set as ide to cool.
Shred th e chicken along th e grain into thin str ips.
2 Combine th e D ressing ingredi ents in a bowl a nd
mix we ll.
3 In a la rge bowl, co mbin e th e chicken str ips with th e
to m ato, o ni o n , cucumb er slices, sprin g o ni o ns,
co riander leaves (cila ntro) a nd pea nuts. Po ur th e
Dressin g ove r a nd toss thoro ughl y to mi x we ll.
4 Lin e a se rvin g pl atter with th e lettu ce leaves and to p
with th e salad. Se rve immedi ately.

Serves 4 to 6
Preparation time: 30 mins
Cooking time: 15 mins

Salad s 39
Fragrant Glass Noodle
Seafood Salad
1 small packet (2 oz/ 50 g) dried glass noodles
(tang hoon)
8 oz (250 g) fresh shrimp, peeled and deveined
8 oz (250 g) fresh seafood (any combination of squid,
fish, crabmeat or clams), cut into bite-sized pieces
2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lime juice
2 tablespoons fish sauce
2 tablespoons shaved palm sugar or dark brown sugar
2 bird's-eye chilies, sliced
3 cloves garlic, minced
3 spring onions (scallions), cut into lengths
5 stalks Chinese celery or Italian parsley, cut into
lengths to .yield 1 cup
8 large lettuce leaves
2 tablespoons ground roasted unsalted peanuts

I Using a knife o r kitchen shea rs, cut the d ried glass

n ood les into thirds. Blanch in boiling water for abo ut
30 seco nds until tender. Drain in a cola nder and
set aside.
2 Poach th e shrimp a nd seafood in boiling water fo r
abo ut I minute u ntil just cooked thro ugh, taki ng ca re
not to overcook.
3 In a la rge bowl, combine the lime ju ice, fish sauce,
palm suga r, chilies and ga rlic, and mix well. Add the
glass noodles, all the seafood , spring o n ions and celery
and toss tho roughly u nt il all the dressing is absorbed.
4 Line a serving platter w ith the lettuce leaves a nd
arra nge the salad on top. Ga rnish with gro und peanuts
a nd serve.

Serves 4
Preparation time: 30 mins
Cooking time: 10 mins

40 Salads
Winged Bean Salad
(Yum Tua Phu)
lb (500 g) winged beans or green beans, thinly sliced
2 cup ( 125 ml) thick coconut milk
6 to 8 lettuce leaves
4 tablespoons Roasted Grated Coconut (see note)
4 tablespoons coarsely ground roasted unsalted peanuts
1I 4 cup (20 g) Crispy Fried Shallots (page 28)

4 tablespoons freshly squeezed lime juice
3 tablespoons palm sugar or dark brown sugar
3 tablespoons fish sauce
2 tablespoons Thai Chili Paste (nom prik pao) (page 30)

1 Blanch the wing bea ns o r green bea ns in a pot of

boiling water un ti l tend er, 30 seco nds to 1 minu te.
Rem ove fro m the heat, po u r th ro ugh a stra iner and
rinse wi th cold water, then dra in well. Transfer to a
m ixing bowl.
2 Heat th e cocon ut milk in a sa ucepa n over m edium
heat u ntil wa rm ed thro ugh, l to 2 minu tes.
3 Comb ine the Dressing ingred ie nts in a sm a ll bowl
a nd stir u ntil the suga r is d isso lved. Po ur th e D ressing
ove r th e wing bea ns o r gree n bea ns a nd toss until
we ll co mbin ed . Tra nsfe r to a se rving platter li ned
with th e lettu ce leaves, sp read th e war m coco nu t mil k
ove r th e sa lad and to p with Roasted Grated Cocon ut,
pea n uts a nd Crispy Fried Sha ll o ts. Serve imm ed iate ly.

To make the Roasted Grated Coconut, dry-fry the

required amount of freshly grated coconut in a skillet
over low heat for about 5 minutes, stirring constantly
to get an even browning. Alternatively, roast on a baking
tray in an oven at 35 0 ° F (17 5 ° C) for 70 to 75 minutes.
If you cannot find freshly grated coconut, replace with
unsweetened dessicated coconut.

Serves 4 to 6
Preparation time: 10 mi ns
Cooking time: 10 m ins

Salads 43
Thai Rice Salad (Khao Yam)
2 cups (7 oz/200 g) Dressing
Roasted Grated Coconut 11h cups (375 ml) water
(page 43) 1h cup (125 ml) fish sauce
2 cups (400 g) cooked 1/2 cup (90 g) shaved
Thai jasmine rice (or palm sugar or dark
other long-grain rice) brown sugar
1 cup (200 g) peeled and 5 shallots, thinly sliced
crumbled pomelo or 1 stalk lemongrass, thick
grapefruit flesh bottom part only, outer
7 oz (200 g) green beans, layers discarded, inner
thinly sliced part bruised
1 small cucumber, cut 1 in (2 1h em) fresh
into thin shreds to yield galangal root, peeled
about 1 cup and sliced
2 cups (100 g) beansprouts, 1 tablespoon soy sauce Serves 6 to 8
tops and tails removed 3 kaffir lime leaves, torn Preparation time: 20 mins
1/ cup (100 g) dried
2 into small pieces Cooking time: 20 mins
shrimp, soaked in warm
water for 15 minutes to l Bring the Dressing ingredients to a boil in a saucepan
soften, drained and over medium heat. Reduce the heat to low and simmer
lightly pounded or uncovered for 15 minutes, then remove from the heat.
ground in a blender 2 On a serving platter, combine the Roasted Grated
2 finger-length red chilies, Coconut, rice, pomelo or grapefruit, green beans,
deseeded and sliced cucumber, beansprouts, dried shrimp, chilies and kaf-
8 kaffir lime leaves, sliced
fir lime leaves. Add the Dressing a little at a time and
into fine shreds
toss until well combined.
2 limes or lemons,
3 Serve the salad with the lime wedges.
quartered, to serve

44 Salads
Grilled Shrimp with Sweet
and Sour Chili Sauce
11/2 lbs (700 g) fresh jumbo shrimp, head trimmed,
sliced open and deveined
I 4 teaspoon salt

1/ teaspoon ground white pepper

Few sprigs coriander leaves (cilantro), to garnish

Sweet and Sour Chili Sauce

1 tablespoon oil
5 cloves garlic, minced
2 to 3 bird's-eye chilies, thinly sliced
1 teaspoon crushed coriander (cilantro) roots and stems
3 to 4 tablespoons white vinegar
1 tablespoon sugar
2 tablespoons shaved palm sugar or dark brown sugar
2 tablespoons fish sauce
2 tablespoons tamarind juice (page 7)
1/ cup (125 ml) chicken stock or 1f chicken stock
2 4
cube dissolved in 1h cup (125 ml) hot water

1 To m ake the Sweet a nd So ur Chili Sauce, heat the

o il in a wok o r sa ucepa n over m ed ium heat and add
the garlic, chilies and coriander roots. Sti r-fry for about
I minute until fragrant. Add th e vinegar, suga r, fis h
sauce, tamarind juice and chi cken stock. Mix well and
si mm er for about 5 minutes. Rem ove from t h e heat
a nd tra nsfer to a servi ng bowl.
2 Rub the salt and pepper into the shrimp. G rill o n a
pa n grill o r under a preheated bro iler using mediu m
heat until pink o n both sides, 5 to I 0 minutes. Transfer
to a serving platter.
3 Pour the Sweet and Sour C hili Sauce over the grilled
shrimp. Ga rnish with co riande r leaves (cila n tro) and
serve hot.

Serves 4
Preparation time: 15 mins
Cooking time: 20 mins

46 Seafood
Yellow Shrimp Curry
4 cups (l liter) chicken stock or l to 2 chicken stock
cubes dissolved in 4 cups (l liter) hot water
8 oz (250 g) fresh medium shrimp (about l 0), peeled
with tails intact, deveined
l cup (5 oz/ 150 g) fresh or canned bamboo shoots, sliced
2 teaspoons sugar
3 tablespoons fish sauce
2 tablespoons tamari nd juice (page 7)

Yellow Curry Paste

2 stalks lemongrass, thick bottom parts only, outer layers
discarded, inner parts sliced
2 in (5 em) fresh galangal root, sliced
2 cloves garlic
4 to 5 shallots
2 dried red chilies, soaked in warm water until soft,
stems discarded, deseeded
l tablespoon ground turmeric

I Make the Yellow Curry Paste by grinding all the ingre-

dients to a smooth, mo ist paste in a blender, addi ng
som e wa ter to keep the blad es turning if necessa ry.
2 Bring the chicken stock to a bo il in a stockpot over
high heat. Sti r in the Yellow Curry Paste and mix well.
Reduce the heat to m ed ium and simmer for abou t
5 minutes. Add th e sh ri mp a nd bamboo shoots a nd
cook until the shr imp t urn pink and a re just cooked,
2 to 3 minutes. Season with the suga r, fish sauce a nd
ta m ar ind juice. Mix well befo re removi ng from the
hea t. Serve w ith steamed rice.

Serves 4
Preparation time: 30 mins
Cooking time: 15 mins

Seafood 49
Grilled Lobsters with Basil Garlic Sauce
1 1/ 2 lbs (700 g) fresh I To ma ke th e Basil Ga rli c Sa uce, hea t th e o il in a wok
lobsters, crayfish or o r sa uce pan ove r m edium hea t. Ad d th e ga rli c a nd
jumbo shrimp, shelled bot h types of chili es a nd stir- fry fo r I to 2 minu tes
and cleaned un t il fragrant. Ad d th e oyster sa uce, fis h sauce a nd
1/ teaspoon salt
4 bas il , and stir- fry fo r a furth er minute un t il well b lend -
1f 4 teaspoon ground
ed. Add th e co rnfl o u r m ixture a nd coo k fo r an o th er
white pepper
30 seco nd s un t il th e sa uce is thi ckened . Re m ove from
Crispy Fried Basil Leaves
th e heat a nd set as ide.
(see note), to garnish
2 Ru b th e sa lt a nd pepper in to th e lobsters o r shrimp.
G rill o n a pa n grill o r und er a p rehea ted b ro il er fo r
Basil Garlic Sauce
2 tablespoons oil seve ra l minutes o n each side until cooked. Place on a
4 cloves garlic, sliced se rvin g p latter.
1 to 2 bird's-eye chilies 3 Sp read th e Basil Ga rli c Sa uce over th e grill ed seafood.
1 to 2 finger-length red Se rve ho t, ga rni shed w ith C rispy Fri ed Basi l Leaves.
chilies, deseeded and
To make the Crispy Fried Basil Leaves, stir-fry 70 to
1 tablespoon oyster 75 basil leaves in several tablespoons of hot oil over
sauce medium heat for 7 to 2 minutes, stirring constantly,
1 tablespoon fish sauce until crispy and fragrant. Do not overcook. Remove
1 teaspoon sugar and drain on paper towels.
10 basil leaves, sliced
1/2 teaspoon cornflour
mixed with 1 table- Serves 4
spoon water Preparation time: 20 mins
Cooking time : 10 min s

To make the Basil Garlic Sauce, heat the oil Season with the oyster sa uce, fish sauce,
and add sliced garlic and chilies. sugar and basi/lea ves.

Grill the lobster or shrimp over medium heat Pour the sauce over the grilled lobster and
on both sides until cooked. garnish with Crispy Fried Basil Leaves.

Seafood 51
Red Seafood Curry with Coconut
2 cups (500 ml) thick 1 Make the Red Curry Paste by following the recipe
coconut milk on page 61.
3 tablespoons Red Curry 2 Next make the curry by heating 1I 2 cup (I 25 ml) of
Paste (page 61) the coconut milk in a wok or saucepan over medium
2 1I 2 tablespoons fish sauce heat until hot. Stir in 3 tablespoons of the Red Curry
1 tablespoon shaved Paste and cook for about 2 minutes. Add the remain-
palm sugar or dark ing coconut milk, fish sauce and palm sugar and sim-
brown sugar mer for about 3 minutes until the curry is thickened.
1 lb (500 g) seafood (any
3 Add the seafood and half of the kaffir lime leaves.
combination of fish,
Simmer until the seafood is cooked, about 3 minutes.
shrimp, crabmeat or
Adjust for seasoning, adding more fish sauce, sugar
clams), shelled and
or Red Curry Paste if desired. Remove from the heat
cleaned, cut into bite-
and stir in the remaining kaffir lime leaves and chilies.
sized pieces
4 kaffir lime leaves, thinly
Serve immediately.
2 finger-length red chilies, Serves 4
deseeded and sliced Preparation time: 45 mins
Cooking time: 30 mins

52 Seafood
Fish in Fragrant Green Peppercorn Curry
2 cups (500 ml) thick Curry Paste h
1 in (1 em) fresh
coconut milk 4 to 5 dried red chilies, galangal root, peeled
1 lb (500 g) fresh fish soaked in warm water and sliced
fillets until soft, stems discard- 2 kaffir lime leaves, sliced
1 tablespoon fish sauce ed, deseeded 1 tablespoon crushed
1 tablespoon shaved 1 teaspoon coriander seeds coriander (cilantro)
palm sugar or dark 1 teaspoon cumin seeds roots and stems
brown sugar 1 finger-length red chili, 1 teaspoon dried shrimp
4 tablespoons green deseeded and sliced paste
peppercorns 2 shallots 1h teaspoon salt

5 kaffir lime leaves 2 cloves garlic 1/

4 cup (60 ml) water
2 tablespoons thinly 1 stalk lemongrass, thick
sliced krachai or fresh bottom part only, outer Serves 4
young ginger root layers discarded, inner Preparation time: 40 mins
part sliced Cooking time: 30 mins

l To make the Curry Paste, dry-fry the dried red chilies, coriander seeds and cumin
in a wok or skillet over medium heat for about 5 minutes until fragrant, taking care
not to burn. Remove from the heat and set aside to cool. Combine the roasted
ingredients and all the other ingredients and grind to a smooth paste in a blender.
2 Heat 1I 2 cup (125 ml) of the coconut milk in a wok over medium heat until
warmed through. Add the Curry Paste and simmer for 2 to 3 minutes, stirring from
time to time, until fragrant. Add the fish and simmer for 2 to 3 minutes, basting
with the curry. Add the remaining coconut milk along with the fish sauce, palm
sugar, peppercorns and 3 kaffir lime leaves. Simmer for another 7 to I 0 minutes
until the fish is cooked and remove from the heat.
3 Very thinly slice the remaining kaffir lime leaves. Place the fish and curry in a
serving dish, sprinkle the kaffir lime leaves and krachai or ginger on top, and serve
hot with steamed rice.

54 Seafood
Thai Sweet and Sour Shrimp
3 tablespoons oil Sweet and Sour Sauce 1 tablespoon cornstarch
3 tablespoons minced 2 tablespoons fish sauce lh cup (125 ml)
garlic 2 tablespoons oyster sauce seafood stock or
1 lb (500 g) fresh medi- 3 tablespoons sugar I I 4 seafood stock cube

um shrimp, peeled and 3 tablespoons vinegar dissolved in lf 2 cup

deveined, tails intact 2 tablespoons tomato (125 ml) hot water
8 fresh or canned water ketchup
chestnuts (about 7 oz/ 1 to 2 tablespoons chili Serves 4 to 6
200 g), peeled and diced sauce, samba/ oelek or Preparation time: 50 mins
to yield 1 cup Sriracha sauce (optional) Cooking time: 8 mins
1 medium onion, diced
to yield 1 cup 1 To make the Sweet and Sour Sauce, mix all the
2 pieces fresh or canned ingredients in a bowl until well combined. Set aside.
pineapple, diced to yield 2 Heat the oil in a wok over medium heat. Stir-fry the
1 cup garlic for l to 2 minutes until golden brown and fra-
1 bell pepper, deseeded
grant. Increase the heat to high, add the shrimp and
and diced to yield
all the vegetables, and stir-fry for 2 to 3 minutes until
1 1h cups
just cooked. Add the Sweet and Sour Sauce and stir-fry
1h cup (60 g) roasted
for another 2 to 3 minutes until the sauce thickens and
cashew nuts (optional)
the ingredients are well coated. Finally stir in the roast-
Sprigs of coriander leaves
ed cashew nuts (if using), and remove from the heat.
(cilantro), to garnish
3 Transfer to a serving platter, garnish with coriander
leaves (cilantro) and serve hot with steamed rice.

Seafood 57
Clams with Basil and Roasted Chili Paste
3 tablespoons oil 30 basil leaves
4 cloves garlic, minced 1h cup (125 ml) chicken

1112 tablespoons Red stock or 1I 4 chicken

Curry Paste (page 61) stock cube dissolved in Serves 4
2 lbs (1 kg) fresh clams 112 cup (1 25 ml) hot Preparatio n time: 10 mins
2 spring onions (scallions), water Cooking t ime: 5 mins
cut into lengths
4 tablespoons minced I Ma ke the Red Cur ry Paste by fo llowing the recipe
onion o n page 6 1.
1 tablespoon soy sauce 2 Scru b th e clams, then soa k an d dra in in a cou ple o f
1 tablespoon fish sauce cha nges of water to re m ove a ny sa nd in the clam s.
1 tablespoon tamarind 3 Hea t the o il in a wok over hi gh heat. Add the ga rlic
juice (page 7)
a nd Red Curry Paste and stir-fry for 30 seconds until
1 tablespoon sugar
1I teaspoon freshly
fragra nt. Add the cla m s a nd sti r-fry u n til just o pen.
4 Add the rest of t he ingredients a nd continue to stir-
ground black pepper
fry fo r 2 mo re minutes. Rem ove fro m the heat a nd
1 to 2 finger-length red
serve ho t.
chilies, deseeded and
thinly sliced

58 Seafood
Stir-fried Rice Noodles with Vegetables
4 tablespoons oil Sauce
3 cloves garlic, minced 1 tablespoon fish sauce
6 oz (175 g) ground beef, 1 tablespoon oyster sauce
pork or chicken 1 teaspoon sugar
1 egg 1 teaspoon black soy sauce Serves 4
1 cup (80 g) baby corn lf2 teaspoon ground white Preparation ti me: 10 mins
1 cup (100 g) cauliflower pepper Cooking time: 10 mins
1 cup (100 g) asparagus, l Co mbine all the Sauce ingredients in a bowl. Stir
cut into lengths until well mixed and the suga r is d issolved. Set aside.
1 cup (100 g) Chinese 2 Hea t the oil in a wok over hi gh hea t. Add the ga rlic
broccoli (kai/an), cut a nd stir-fry fo r about I minute until fragrant. Add
into lengths
the ground meat. Con tinue to stir-fry until the meat
8 oz (250 g) dried rice
chan ges color, then ad d the egg and mix well.
stick noodles (kway
3 Add the vegetab les a nd stir-fry for 2 to 3 m inutes
teow or hofun),
u nti l tender a nd cooked. Add the rice noodles, seaso n
blanched in boiling
with the Sauce ingredients and stir- fry un til well mixed,
water until soft and
2 to 3 minutes. Remove fro m the heat and serve hot.

Noodles 59
Pork or Chicken with Green Beans
in Red Curry
2 tablespoons oil Red Curry Paste 3j4 in (2 em) galangal
1 lb (500 g) fresh bone- 5 dried red chilies, soaked root, peeled and sliced
less chicken or pork, cut in warm water until soft, 2 teaspoons crushed
into bite-sized chunks stems discarded, coriander roots and stems
10 oz (300 g) green deseeded 1 kaffir lime leaf
beans, cut into lengths 1 finger-length red chili, l /2 teaspoon black
to yield 3 cups deseeded and sliced peppercorns
1 cup (250 ml) chicken 5 shallots 1/4 teaspoon ground
stock or lj4 to lh chick- 2 cloves garlic turmeric
en stock cube dissolved 1 stalk lemongrass, thick 1/ 2 teaspoon dried
in 1 cup (250 ml) hot bottom part only, outer shrimp paste
water layers discarded, inner 1/ teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon fish sauce part sliced
1 tablespoon sugar
Kaffir lime leaves, thinly 1 To make the Red Curry Paste, grind all the ingredi-
sliced into fine strips ents to a smooth paste in a blender, adding some water
lj2 red bell pepper, to keep the blades turning if necessary. This makes
deseeded and thinly about 1I 2 cup of curry paste. Any leftover paste will
sliced keep for 3 months in a sealed container in the freezer.
Sprigs of Thai basil leaves
2 Heat the oil in a wok or skillet over medium heat
and stir-fry the Red Curry Paste for 3 to 5 minutes
until fragrant. Increase the heat to high, add the
Serves 4 to 6 chicken or pork and stir-fry for 3 to 5 minutes until
Preparation time: 45 mins
almost cooked. Add the green beans and stir-fry for
Cooking time: 20 mins
another 3 to 5 minutes until they are tender and
cooked. Add the chicken stock, fish sauce and sugar,
and stir-fry for another 2 to 3 minutes before remov-
ing from the heat.
3 Transfer to a serving platter and sprinkle with kaffir
lime leaves, red bell pepper strips and basil leaves.
Serve hot with steamed rice.

Meat and Poultry 61

Green Curry Chicken
l cup (250 ml) thick 1 Heat the thi ck coconut milk in a wok o r ski llet for
coconut milk and abo ut 2 minutes ove r m ed ium heat. Stir cont inu o usly
3 cups (750 ml) thin a nd do not all ow to boil. Add the G ree n C urr y Paste
coconut milk and continue stirrin g until the mixture is thick and
l portion Green Curry fragrant. Add the chi cken and 1I 3 of the thin coco nut
Paste (page 64) milk. Brin g to a boil and gradua ll y stir in th e remain-
3 skinless chicken breasts in g thin coconut milk.
( l lb/ 500 g in total), 2 Add the kaffir lime leaves, eggp lants and chili es
cut into bite-sized pieces
(leave some chili es for ga rni shin g). Si mm er for about
8 kaffir lime leaves, sliced
I 0 minutes until the cu rr y thickens. Add the fish sauce,
Jl h cups (5 oz/ 150 g)
palm sugar a nd basil leaves. Stir to blend thoroughly
pea eggplants or cubed
before removing from the heat.
3 Ga rni sh w ith the reserved chili es a nd se rve with
3 to 4 finger-length red
steamed ri ce.
chilies, deseeded and
3 tablespoons fish sauce Serves 4
l 1h tablespoons shaved Preparation time: 30 mins
palm sugar or dark Cooking time : 20 mins
brown sugar
20 Thai basil leaves

Heat the thick coconut milk in a wok or skil- Add the chicken and one-third of the thin
let and stir in the Green Curry Paste. coconut milk. Bring to a boil.

Add all the remaining ingredients and stir well. Add the fish sauce, palm sugar and basil.
Blend thoroughly and remove from the heat.

M ea t and Pou ltry 63

Grilled Beef with Green Curry Sauce
1 teaspoon salt 1 in (21 / 2 em) fresh
2 teaspoon ground galangal root, peeled
white pepper and sliced
1 lb (500 g) beef tender- 3 cloves garl ic
loin or sirloin steak 5 shallots Serves 4
1 1I 2 cups (375 ml) thick 2 to 3 green bird's-eye Pre paration time: 30 mins
coconut milk chilies Cooking time: 30 mins
2 tablespoons shaved
palm sugar or dark I To make the Green Curry Paste, roast the dried shrimp
brown sugar paste ove r a low flame using tongs o r aluminium foi l
1 tablespoon fish sauce (page 5). Set aside. G rind the peppercorns, lime peel,
coria nder roots, lemo ngrass a nd ga langal in a blender
Green Curry Paste
o r food processor until fin e. Add the ga rli c, shallots,
1 teaspoon dried
chilies and roasted sh rimp paste, and grind furth er to
shrimp paste
make a sm ooth paste. Set as ide.
1 tablespoon fresh green
2 Rub the salt and pepper into the beef. Grill or pa n-
peppercorns or
1h tablespoon black
fry for 5 to 10 minutes until brow ned on the o utside
but still pin k a nd moist inside. Set aside. When cool,
1 tablespoon grated kaffir
cut the beef into slices and a rrange on a serving p latter.
lime peel 3 Com b ine the cocon ut m il k, palm sugar and G reen
2 coriander (cilantro) Cu rry Paste in a wok o r sa ucepan a nd bring slowly to
roots and stems a boil ove r m ediu m heat. Reduce the hea t to low a nd
1 stalk lemongrass, thick simmer, stirring fro m time to time, u ntil the sa uce
bottom part only, outer thi ckens. Add the fish sa uce and mi x we ll before
layers discarded, inner rem oving from the heat.
part slice d 4 Pour the curry sauce over the beef slices and serve
with stea m ed rice.

Grind the peppercorns, lime peel, coriander Grill the beef until browned on the outside.
roots, lemongrass and galangal until smooth.

64 Meat and Poultry

Marinated Chicken Chunks
3 boneless chicken thighs Sesame Sauce 1 tablespoon fish sauce
(about 14 oz/ 400 gin 1 tablespoon sesame oil 1 teaspoon sesame
total), cut into pieces 2 tablespoons tamarind seeds, pan-roasted for
12 pandanus leaf cups juice (page 7) 10 minutes over low
(see note) or 12 pieces 21 I 2 tablespoons sugar gas flame
tracing paper (each 6 x 1 tablespoon oyster sauce
8 in/ 15 x 20 em)
Oil for deep-frying l Po ur all the in gredients for the Marinade over th e
chi cken. Mix well and m a rin ate fo r at least I hour.
Marinade 2 To make the Sesame Sa uce, bring the sesame oi l,
1 teaspoon minced garlic tamarind juice, sugar, oyster sa uce a nd fish sauce to a
1 teaspoon crushed boil in a saucepan over m edium heat. Add the sesa me
coriander (cilantro) roots
seeds and remove fro m the heat. Set aside.
and stems
3 Place the marinated chicken pieces into the pandanus
1 teaspoon grated ginger
leaf cups (as sh own in the photo) or wrap in the trac-
2 teaspoons shaved palm
sugar or dark brown in g paper to form small parcels.
sugar 4 Hea t the oil in a wok over m edium heat until hot.
1 teaspoon sesame seeds Ge ntl y lower th e chicken into the hot oil and deep-fry,
1 teaspoon sesame oil a few a t a time, fo r 5 to 7 minutes each u ntil go lden
1 teaspoon fish sauce brown o r cooked. Remove and d ra in on paper towels.
1 teaspoon soy sauce Serve hot wi th Sesame Sa uce.
Pinch of ground white
To make the pandanus leaf cup, cut a pandanus leaf
into 10 in (25 em) long segments, with its ridge running
Serves 4 along the center. On one side, snip the leaf until the
Pre paration time: 30 mins center into 5 equal sections, each measuring 2 in (5 em)
+ 1 hour to marinate long. Hold the leaf w ith the snipped side facing down,
Cooking time: 20 mins then fold in from one end of the leaf, overlapping the
snipped sections as you fold, until a 2-in (5-cm) square
cup is formed. Secure the end with a toothpick or staple.

Marinate the chicken chunks for at least 1 Form small cups with the pandanus leaves,
hour (overnight is better). using toothpicks or staples to fasten the sides.

Place the marinated chicken meat pieces into Lower gently in a wire basket and deep-fry in
the pandanus leaf cups. medium hot oil until golden brown.

Meat and Pou ltry 67

Spicy Pork with Mint Leaves (Laab Muu)
stalk lemongrass, thick 1 Dry-fry the lemongrass, galangal, garlic and shallots
bottom part only, outer in a skillet over low heat for 5 to 7 minutes until fra-
layers discarded, inner grant and golden brown. Remove from the heat and
part thinly sliced set aside to cool. Grind in a blender until fine.
3 slices fresh galangal root 2 Combine the Dressing ingredients in a small bowl
2 cloves garlic, peeled and mix well.
3 shallots, sliced 3 Heat the oil in a wok or skillet over medium heat
1 tablespoon oil
and stir-fry the pork and lemongrass mixture for 5 to
1 lb (500 g) boneless lean
7 minutes until cooked. Remove from the heat.
pork, cubed
4 In a large bowl, toss the cooked pork mixture with
3 tablespoons Roasted
all the other ingredients and the Dressing thoroughly
Rice Powder (see note)
until well combined. Transfer to a serving platter and
1 teaspoon minced
serve with raw vegetables and rice, as desired.
red chili
1 spring onion (scallion),
minced To make the Roasted Rice Powder, bake the required
Few sprigs coriander amount of uncooked long grain or glutinous rice in a
leaves (cilantro), minced preheated oven at 250°F (7 20°C) or dry-fry in a skillet
lh cup (20 g) fresh mint over low heat for about 70 minutes, stirring from
leaves time to time, until the rice turns brown. Remove and
grind to a powder in a blender.
4 tablespoons freshly
Serves 4 to 6
squeezed lime juice
Preparation time: 30 mins
2 tablespoons fish sauce
Cooking time: 10 mins
1I teaspoon sugar

68 Meat and Poultry

Crying Tiger Beef Steak
(Sya Rong Hai)
2 tablespoons soy sauce
1 teaspoon fish sauce
1 lb (500 g) top rou nd or sirloin steak

Dipping Sauce
1/3 cup (80 ml) fish sauce
1/ 3cup (80 ml) wate r
1h cup (80 ml) freshly squeezed lime juice
1 shallot, thinly sliced
1 tablespoon Roasted Rice Powder (page 68)
2 teaspoons ground chili
1 spring onion (scall ion), thinly sliced

1 Combine the soy sauce an d fish sauce in a bowl.

Place the beef in the mixture an d m ix until well coated.
Allow to marinate for at least l ho ur.
2 Make the Dipping Sauce by combin in g all the ingre-
dien ts in a servin g bowl a nd mixing well. Set aside.
3 Grill the marinated beef steak on a pan grill or under
a preheated broiler for abo ut 5 mi nu tes on each side,
basting w ith t he m a rinade, u ntil browned o n the out-
sid e b ut sti ll pink a nd moist inside. Rem ove a nd set
asid e to cool.
4 When cool, cut the beef in to th in slices and arra nge
o n a servi ng p latter. Serve w ith a bowl of Dipping
Sauce o n the side.

Sya means tiger, and rong ha i means crying. As one

story goes, this dish was once made w ith such tough
beef that even tigers cried w hile trying to eat it. Another
tale says that it should be made so hot (with chilies)
that tigers cry while trying to eat it.

Serves 4 to 6
Pre paration time: 10 mins + 1 hour to marinate
Cooking t ime: 10 mins

Meat and Poultry 71

Roast Duck in Red Curry
2 cups (500 ml) thin I To make the curry sauce, heat 1/ 4 cup (60 ml ) of the
coconut milk cocon ut milk in a wok or pot over m edium heat until
4 tablespoons Red Curry h ot. Add the Red Curry Paste and stir until fragrant,
Paste (page 61) 2 to 3 minutes. Add the chicken stock, remaining
2 cups (500 ml) chicken coco nut milk, fish sauce and suga r, and mix wel L Add
stock or 1I 2 to 1 chick- the eggplant and cook until tender, about 5 minutes.
en stock cube dissolved
Add the grapes or pineapple chunks, tomatoes, chili,
in 2 cups (500 ml) hot
kaffir lime leaves and basil leaves. Simm er uncovered
for about 3 minutes until the sauce thickens.
3 tablespoons fish sauce
2 Add the roast duck to the curry. Simmer for a fur-
3 teaspoons sugar
ther minute. Remove from the heat a nd serve with
1 lh cups (150 g) cubed
eggplant steamed rice.
1 cup (125 g) seedless
grapes or pineapple Chinese roast ducks are sold at any Chinese restaurant
chunks or grocery. These are the ducks you see hanging or
15 cherry tomatoes hooked in a glass case--they are glazed w ith a sweet
1 finger-length red chili, hoisin sauce.
deseeded and sliced
6 kaffir lime leaves, thinly
Serves 4
Preparation time: 30 mins
10 basil leaves, sliced
Cooking time: 20 mins
10 oz (300 g) Chinese
roast duck, sliced into
bite-sized pieces

This delicious curry combines Chinese roast Serve family style in a casserole or pot, or in
duck with spices and fragrant herbs. individual portions (shown at right).

72 Meat and Pou ltry

Stir-fried Chicken with
Cashew Nuts
2 tablespoons minced ga rlic
3 skinless chicken breasts (1 lb/500 gin total), cut
into bite-sized pieces
1 medium onion, halved and thinly sliced to yield 1 cup
1 small carrot, peeled and cut into sticks to yield 1 cup
4 oz (120 g) green beans, cut into lengths to yield 1 cup
1 small bell pepper, deseeded and cut into strips to
yield 1 cup
1 tablespoon fish sauce
2 tablespoons oyster sauce
1 tablespoon sugar
3/4 cup (95 g) roasted unsalted cashew nuts
1 spring onion (scallion), sliced

Crispy Fried Dried Chilies

3 tablespoons oil
6 dried red chilies, soaked in warm water until soft,
stems discarded, deseeded and drained

1 Make the Crispy Fried Dried C hilies first by heating

the oil in a wok over med ium heat until hot a nd stir-
frying the dried chilies for I to 2 minutes until fra -
grant and crispy. Remove the chilies and drain on paper
towels. Set aside.
2 In the same wok, heat the leftover oil over medium
heat and sti r- fry the garlic for I to 2 minutes, until fra-
gra nt and golden brown. Add the chicken and stir-fry
for about 3 minutes until cooked. Add the o nion, carrot,
green beans and bell pepper, and stir-fry for 3 to 5 min-
utes until the vegetables are tender. Season with the fish
sauce, oyster sa uce and sugar. Stir-fr y for I to 2 more
minutes a nd remove from the heat. Finally stir in th e
C rispy Fried Dried C hilies and cashew nuts.
3 Serve hot on a serving platter, ga rnished with
spring onion.

Serves 4 to 6
Preparation time: 25 mins
Cooking time: 15 mins

74 Meat and Poultry

Fragrant Chicken Mussamun Curry
4 cups (1 liter) thin Mussamun Curry Paste 5 to 6 coriander (cilantro)
coconut milk and 1h 3 dried red chilies, roots and stems
cup (125 ml) thick soaked in warm water 2 kaffir lime leaves
coconut milk until soft, stems discard- 314 teaspoon dried
1 fresh chicken (about ed, deseeded shrimp paste
2 lbsl1 kg), cut into 314 tablespoon coriander 1I 2 teaspoon salt
serving pieces seeds 3 tablespoons water
3 cardamom pods 314 teaspoon cumin seeds
3 bay leaves 2 cardamom pods Serves 6
2 cinnamon sticks (each 112 teaspoon ground Preparation time: 1 hour
3 inl8 em) nutmeg Cooking time: 45 mins
3 medium potatoes, 2 cloves
peeled and cubed 11 teaspoon ground
10 oz (300 g) pearl cinnamon
onions or 2 medium 1I teaspoon black
onions, sliced peppercorns
1h cup (50 g) unsalted 3 shallots
raw peanuts 2 cloves garlic
3 tablespoons fish sauce 1 stalk lemongrass, thick
2 tablespoons shaved bottom part only, outer
palm sugar or dark layers discarded, inner
brown sugar part sliced
6 tablespoons tamarind 112 in (1 em) fresh galangal
juice (page 7) root, peeled and sliced

1 To make the Mussamun Curry Paste, dry-fry the dried red chilies, coriander seeds,
cumin, cardamom, nutmeg, cloves, cinnamon and black peppercorns in a wok or
skillet over medium heat for about 5 minutes until fragrant. Combine the roasted
ingredients and all the other ingredients and grind to a smooth paste in a blender.
2 Heat 1I 4 cup ( 60 ml) of the thin coconut milk in a wok over medium heat until
hot. Stir in the Mussamun Curry Paste and simmer for 2 to 3 minutes, stirring
from time to time, until fragrant.
3 Add the chicken and simmer for 2 to 3 minutes, basting with the curry. Add the
remaining thin coconut milk, cardamom, bay leaves and cinnamon, mix well and
bring to a boil. Reduce the heat to low and simmer for 25 to 30 minutes until the
chicken is tender and cooked.
4 Increase the heat to medium, add the potatoes, onions, peanuts, fish sauce, palm
sugar and tamarind juice, and simmer for about 20 minutes, stirring occasionally
until the vegetables are cooked. Stir in the thick coconut milk and adjust the sea-
sonings, adding more fish sauce, sugar and tamarind juice if desired. Simmer for
another 5 to 7 minutes and remove from the heat.
5 Transfer to a serving bowl and serve hot with steamed rice.

Meat and Poultry 77

Stir-fried Beef with Basil
4 tablespoons oil 1 Heat the oil in a wok or skillet over medium heat
5 bunches holy basil leaves until hot and stir- fry 1/ 2 of the basil leaves for 2 to 3
(kaprow), stems minutes until crispy. Remove and drain on paper
removed to yield 2 cups towels. Set aside.
3 tablespoons minced 2 In the same wok, heat the leftover oil over medium
garlic heat and stir-fry the garlic, shallots and chilies for 2
4 tablespoons minced to 3 minutes until fragrant. Add the beef and stir-fry
shallots for 2 to 3 minutes until just cooked. Add the green
2 to 3 tablespoons beans and ginger, and season with the fish sauce, oys-
minced red chilies
ter sauce and sugar. Continue to stir-fry for another 2
l lb (500 g) beef sirloin
to 3 minutes until the green beans are tender and
or flank steak, thinly
cooked. Stir in the remaining basil leaves and remove
from the heat.
7 oz (200 g) green beans,
cut into lengths to yield
3 Transfer to a serving platter, garnish with cashew
2 cups
nuts (if using) and crispy fried basil leaves, and serve
2 in (5 em) fresh young hot with steamed rice.
ginger, peeled and cut
into thin strips Serves 4
l tablespoon fish sauce Preparation time: 30 mins
Jl h tablespoons oyster Cooking time: 15 mins
1 teaspoon sugar
3 I cup (95 g) roasted
unsalted cashew nuts

78 Meat and Poultry

- ---------------
Fragrant Beef Panaeng Curry
2 cups (500 ml) thin Panaeng Curry Paste 4 to 5 coriander
coconut milk and 112 4 dried red chilies, (cilantro) roots and
cup (125 ml) thick soaked in warm water stems
coconut milk until soft, stems dis- 2 kaffir lime leaves
1ll2 1bs (700 g) beef. cubed carded, deseeded lh teaspoon dried
4 tablespoons fish sauce 1 teaspoon coriander shrimp paste
2 tablespoons shaved seeds 1I teaspoon salt
palm sugar or dark 1 teaspoon cumin seeds 1 tablespoon roasted
brown sugar 1I teaspoon black unsalted peanuts
1 onion, halved and sliced peppercorns 2 tablespoons water
1 bell pepper, deseeded 3 shallots
and cut into sticks 2 cloves garlic Serves 6 to 8
3 tablespoons ground 1 stalk lemongrass, thick Preparation time: 40 mins
roasted u nsa Ited bottom part only, outer Cooking time: 50 mins
peanuts layers discarded, inner
4 kaffir lime leaves, thinly part sliced
sliced into strips 11 in (1 em) fresh galan-
Sprigs of Thai basil leaves gal root, peeled and
(horapa) sliced

1 To make the Panaeng Curry Paste, dry-fry the dried red chilies, coriander, cumin
and black peppercorns in a wok or skillet over medium heat for about 5 minutes,
until fragrant. Combine the roasted ingredients and all the other ingredients and
grind to a smooth paste in a blender.
2 Heat 1I 4 cup (60 ml) of the thin coconut milk in a wok over medium heat until
hot. Stir in the Panaeng Curry Paste and simmer for 2 to 3 minutes, stirring from
time to time, until fragrant.
3 Add the beef cubes and simmer for 2 to 3 minutes, basting with the curry. Add
the remaining thin coconut milk, fish sauce and palm sugar, mix well and bring to
a boil. Reduce the heat to low and simmer for about 40 minutes until the curry
has reduced to half and the beef is tender.
4 Increase the heat to medium, add the onion, bell pepper and thick coconut milk
and simmer for 7 to 10 minutes, stirring occasionally until the vegetables are
cooked. Stir in the peanuts and remove from the heat.
5 Transfer to a serving bowl and sprinkle with kaffir lime leaves and basil leaves
before serving.

Meat and Poultry 81

Bananas and Pumpkin in Sweet Coconut Milk
4 cups (1 liter) thin l In a sa ucepa n, b ri ng the thin coco n ut m il k slowly
coconut milk and to a boil over m edi um hea t. Add the p u mpki n, ya m
1h cup (125 ml) thick o r sweet potatoes a nd simmer u ncovered for abo ut 5
coconut milk minu tes u n til soft, then ad d the bananas and simmer
7 oz (200 g) pumpki n or fo r 3 m ore minutes. Stir in the palm sugar, salt a nd
yam or sweet potatoes, pa ndanus o r va n illa essence, a nd mi x u n til the sugar is
peeled and cubed completely dissolved. Simmer fo r 5 m inutes a nd
5 large bananas or 12 rem ove from the heat.
baby bananas, peele d
2 Add the thick coconut m ilk and m ix u ntil well com-
and halved lengthwise
1I cup (90 g) shave d
bin ed. Serve hot or cold in ind ividual serving bowls.
palm sugar or dark
Se rves 4
brown sugar
Pre paration t ime: 10 mins
1 teaspoon salt
Cooking tim e: 15 mins
1 teaspoon pandanus or
vanilla essence

Steamed Custard in a Pumpkin
1 small pumpkin (about l Ca refull y cut o u t a 4-in ( l 0 -cm ) section around the
2 lbsl1 kg) or 3 butter- stem of the pumpkin or a sm aller section o n top o f
nut squash 'each butternut squash to for m a " lid ", then scoop o ut
3 tablespoons shaved the seeds.
palm sugar or dark 2 Heat the pal m suga r, panda nus essen ce and coco nut
brown sugar milk in a sa ucepan over m ed ium hea t, stirring con -
1I teaspoon pandanus
4 stantly unti l th e sugar is dissolved. Add the cornsta rch
or vanilla essence and salt and mi x u ntil well blended; do not allow to bo il.
1I cup (60 ml) thick
4 Reduce the heat to low, add the eggs and stir con ti nu -
coconut milk
o usly for abo ut 5 m in utes until a sm ooth mixt ure is
1 tablespoon cornstarch
obtained, taki ng care not to sco rch the bottom. Remove
Pinch of salt
fro m the heat and pour into th e pumpkin or sq uash .
3 eggs, beaten
3 Replace the "lid " and steam fo r 30 minutes until the
custard is set. Rem ove a nd set aside to cool.
Serves 4 to 6
4 Slice the pumpkin o r sq uash into wed ges and serve
Preparation time: 30 mins
Cooking t ime: 40 mins wa rm o r chilled with ice crea m if desired.

Desserts 83
Fresh Mango Custard Tarts
12 tartlet molds (each 2 1 Make the Pastry by combining all the ingredients in
inl5 em in diameter) a mixing bowl and mixing well. Flour your hands and
or small cupcake molds knead the mixture to a smooth dough on a floured
Whipped cream, for top- surface. Using a rolling pin, roll the dough to a thin
ping (optional) sheet, 1/ H in (3 mm) thick. From the dough sheet, cut
1I cup (50 g) grated out circles large enough to line the tartlet or cupcake
coconut, dry-roasted molds. Flour each mold and line with a dough circle.
(optional) 2 Preheat the oven to 420"F (2JO"C).
3 To make the Filling, process the mango slices to a
Pastry puree in a blender. Whisk the sugar and coconut milk
1 cup (150 g) flour in a mixing bowl until the sugar is dissolved. Stir in
1I 4 cup (50 g) sugar the mango puree and cashew nuts, then add the eggs,
1iz cup (125 ml) melted
ginger and cinnamon, and beat to mix well.
butter or shortening
4 Spoon the Filling into each tartlet pan until almost
liz egg, beaten full. Bake in the oven at 420"F (21 O"C) for about I 0
2 tablespoons thick
minutes, then reduce the heat to 300"F (!50" C) and
coconut milk
bake for another 20 to 25 minutes, until the custard is
1 teaspoon pandanus,
vanilla, jasmine or rose set. Remove and set aside to cool.
essence 5 Chill in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes. Top
each tart with some whipped cream and garnish with
Filling grated coconut (if desired). Serve warm or at room
2 large or 3 medium ripe temperature.
mangoes (about 1 lbl
500 g in total), peeled, To save time, you may use readymade pie crust or fifo
sliced pastry instead of making your own pastry
liz cup (100 g) sugar
1 cup (250) thick
coconut milk Serves 6
1I cup (60 g) roasted Preparation time: 30 mins + 30 mins chilling
unsalted cashew nuts, Cooking time: 25 mins
halved (optional)
2 1I 2 eggs, beaten
1iz teaspoon grated ginger
1I teaspoon cinnamon

84 Desserts
Red Rubies in Sweet Coconut Milk
12 fresh or canned water 1 To make the Sweet Coconut Milk, boil the sugar
chestnuts (about 12 and water in a saucepan over medium heat for about
oz/350 g), peeled and 5 minutes, stirring constantly, until the sugar is dis-
diced to yield 11I 2 cups solved and a thick syrup is obtained. Remove from
1 teaspoon red food col- the heat and set aside to cool. Add the coconut milk
oring and fragrant essence, and mix well. Set aside.
2 cups (500 ml) water 2 Place the water chestnut dice in a bowl and sprinkle
1h cup (60 g) cornstarch
with the red food coloring, creating light and dark
Crushed ice, to serve
red spots that resemble the look of rubies or pome-
Mixed fresh or canned
granate seeds. Soak the red water chestnut dice in
tropical fruits Gackfruit,
2 cups (500 ml) of water for at least 2 hours. Remove
longans and lychees),
and drain.
diced to yield 2 cups
3 Roll the red water chestnut dice in the cornstarch
until coated on all sides, then place in a sieve and shake
Sweet Coconut Milk off excess cornstarch. Set aside.
1 cup (200 g) sugar 4 Bring a pot of water to a boil. In small batches, drop
lj 2 cup (125 ml) water the coated water chestnut dice into the pot, stirring
lj 2 cup (125 ml) thick gently to separate, and simmer for 2 to 3 minutes
coconut milk until they float to the surface. Remove with a slotted
1 teaspoon jasmine, pan- spoon or wire mesh and plunge into cold water for
danus or vanilla essence about 1 minute. Drain and set aside. Continue until
all the "red rubies" are cooked.
Serves 6 5 To serve, place some crushed ice in a dessert bowl
Preparation time: 30 mins and top with 3 tablespoons of the water chestnut
+ 2 hours soaking rubies and 2 tablespoons of mixed tropical fruits (if
Cooking time: 20 mins using). Spoon 4 tablespoons of the Sweet Coconut
Milk on top.

Desserts 87
Sticky Rice with Grated Coconut Topping
2 cups (400 g) uncooked 1 To make the Grated Coconut Topping, bring the
glutinous rice, soaked in water to a boil in a saucepan over medium heat. Add
water overnight to soft- the sugar and simmer for about 5 minutes, stirring
en, then drained constantly, until the sugar is completely dissolved and
1 cup (185 g) shaved the mixture turns into a thick syrup. Add the grated
palm sugar or dark coconut, fragrant essence and salt, and cook, stirring
brown sugar constantly, for about 7 minutes, adjusting the heat as
1 teaspoon pandanus or
necessary, until the mixture dries up. Remove and set
vanilla essence
21h cups (625 ml) thick
2 Line a steamer basket with a cheesecloth and spread
coconut milk
the soaked glutinous rice evenly on the cloth. Steam
3j 4 teaspoon salt
the rice for 15 minutes, then turn it over and steam
2 tablespoons black and
white sesame seeds, for 10 more minutes until cooked.
pan-roasted for 10 min- 3 Heat the palm sugar, pandanus or vanilla essence,
utes over low gas flame, coconut milk and salt in a saucepan over low heat,
to serve stirring constantly and taking care not to burn the
sugar, until the palm sugar is completely dissolved.
Grated Coconut Topping Rem"ove from the heat and set aside to cool.
lh cup (80 ml) water 4 When the glutinous rice is cooked, transfer to a
lh cup (100 g) sugar mixing bowl and smooth the surface with the back of
2 cups (200 g) freshly a wet spoon but do not press to pack it. While the
grated coconut or desic- rice is still hot, pour the coconut milk mixture over
cated coconut the rice, cover and set aside for 10 minutes, until the
1 teaspoon pandanus, jas- mixture is absorbed. Fold the glutinous rice over with
mine or vanilla essence a wet spoon to mix thoroughly and set aside.
1I teaspoon salt
2 5 To serve, place several spoonfuls of the glutinous rice
in each individual serving bowl and top with the Grated
Serves 6 to 8 Coconut Topping and a sprinkling of sesame seeds.
Preparation time: 30 mins
Cooking time: 45 mins
If you cannot find freshly grated coconut, you may
use the same amount of desiccated coconut for the
topping. If using sweetened desiccated coconut, omit
the sugar.

Desserts 89
Sticky Rice with Mangoes and
Sweet Coconut Sauce
2 cups (400 g) uncooked glutinous rice, soaked in
water overnight, then drained
2 teaspoons black sesame seeds, pan-roasted for 10
minutes over low gas flame
3 ripe mangoes, peeled and sliced

Sweet Coconut Sauce

1 cup (185 g) shaved palm sugar or dark brown sugar
1 teaspoon pandanus or vanilla essence
21 / 2 cups (625 ml) thick coconut milk
3j4 teaspoon salt

l Line a steamer basket with a cheesecloth and spread

the soaked glutin ous rice even ly on the cloth. Steam
the rice for 15 minutes, then turn it over and steam
for 10 more minutes until cooked.
2 While the rice is being steamed, make the Sweet
Coconut Sauce by heating all the ingredients in a
sa ucepan over medium heat for about 5 minutes, stir-
ring constantly, until the sugar is dissolved. Remove and
set aside.
3 When the rice is cooked, transfer to a mixing bowl
and smooth the surface with the back of a wet spoon
but do not press to pack it. While it is sti ll hot, pour
3 / of the Sweet Coconut Sauce ove r the rice, cover
wit h a plate and set aside for I 0 minutes, until the
sauce is absorbed. Remove the lid, fold the gl utin ous
rice over with a wet spoon to mix thoroughly. Cover
again and set aside.
4 To serve, place small portions of the sticky rice on
individual serving plates and drizzle the rema ining
Sweet Coconut Sauce on top. Serve the sticky rice
with a sprinkling of roasted sesame seeds on top and
mango slices on the side.

Serves 6 to 8
Preparation time: 15 mins +overnight soaking
Cooking time: 30 mins

Desserts 91
Crispy Fried Banana and Sweet Potato Slices
Oil for deep-frying l To make the Batter, combine all the ingredients in a
4 large or 8 small bowl and mix well to form a smooth, thick batter,
bananas, peeled, and adding more flour or water as needed.
sliced lengthwise 2 Heat the oil in a wok over medium heat until very
4 to 5 sweet potatoes, hot. Dip the banana and sweet potato slices in the
peeled and sliced into Batter to coat thoroughly. Gently lower the coated
thin disks slices into the oil, a few at a time, and deep-fry for
1I 4 cup (65 ml) honey or
3 to 5 minutes, turning occasionally, until golden
maple syrup brown and crispy on all sides. Remove and drain on
2 tablespoons caster
paper towels.
sugar (optional)
3 Transfer the deep-fried banana and sweet potato to
1 lime, cut into wedges,
individual serving plates. Drizzle a little honey or
to serve
maple syrup on top and dust with caster sugar (if
Coconut or vanilla ice
using). Serve with lime wedges and ice cream.
cream, to serve

Batter If using sweetened desiccated coconut in place of grated

11h cups (225 g) flour coconut for the Batter, reduce the sugar by half
1I 4 cup (25 g) freshly
grated coconut or
unsweetened desiccat- Serves 6 to 8
ed coconut Preparation time: 10 mins
2 tablespoons sesame Cooking time: 30 mins
2 teaspoons baking
1 teaspoon salt
4 tablespoons sugar
112 cup (125 ml) thick
coconut milk
1h cup (125 ml) water

92 Desserts
Homemade Coconut Ice Cream
1/z cup(125 ml) water 1 Bring the water to a boil in a saucepan, add the sugar
1 cup (200 g) sugar and boil for 2 to 3 minutes over medium heat, stirring
31/z cups (875 ml) thick constantly, until the sugar is dissolved and the mixture
coconut milk thickens into a thick syrup. Remove from the heat and
Mixed fruits Qackfruit, set aside to cool.
young coconut flesh, 2 When the syrup is lukewarm, add the coconut milk
apples and lychees), and mix well.
diced to yield 2 cups 3 To make the ice cream, pour the coconut milk mix-
ture into a metal mixing bowl and place in the freezer
Serves 6 to 8
until it is firm around the edges, but still slushy in the
Preparation time: 30 mins
middle, about 45 minutes. Remove from the freezer
+ 2 to 3 hours freezing and beat the firm and liquid portions of the mixture
Cooking time: 15 mins together with a wooden spoon or electric mixer, then
return the mixture to the freezer to chill until it is again
firm around the edges. Repeat this freezing and mix-
ing process a few more times until the ice cream is
uniformly frozen. Allow the ice cream to soften slightly
in the refrigerator before serving. Alternatively, pour
the mixture into an ice cream maker (if you own one)
and freeze according to manufacturer's directions.
4 To serve, place the mixed fruits (if using) in individ-
ual serving bowls and top with the coconut ice cream.

Desserts 95
Complete Recipe Listing

Bananas and Pumpkin in Grilled Beef with Green Spicy Squid Salad (Tum Pia
Sweet Coconut Milk 82 Curry Sauce 64 Muk) 33
Clams with Basil and Grilled Lobsters with Basil Spicy Steamed fish
Roasted Chili Paste 58 (~arlic Sauce 50 Parcels I2
Coconut Chicken Soup Grilled Pork Satays 8 Steamed Custard in a
(Tom Kha (~ai) I8 Pumpkin 83
Crilled Shrimp with Sweet
Crispy fried Banana and and Sour Chili Sauce 46 Sticky Rice with Grated
Sweet Potato Slices 92 Coconut Topping 89
Homemade Coconut Ice
Crispy Fried Basil Leaves 50 Cream 95 Sticky Rice with Mangoes
and Sweet Coconut
Crispy hied Dried Hot and Sour Shrimp and
Sauce 91
Chilies 74 Lemongrass Soup (Tom
Yam Goong) I7 Stir-fried Beef with Basil 78
Crispy Shrimp Cakes Clod
Mun Coong) II Marinated Chicken Stir-fried Chicken with
Chunks 66 Cashew Nuts 74
Crying Tiger Beef Steak
(Sya Rong Hai) 7I Mussamun Curry Paste 77 Stir-fried Rice Noodles
with Vegetables 59
Fish in Fragrant Crccn Panaeng Curry Paste 81
Peppercorn Curry 54 Sweet and Sour Chili
Pickled Green Chilies 2I
Sauce 46
Fish Soup with "I~1marind
Pork or Chicken with Green
and Ginger (Tom Som Sweet and Sour Sauce 57
Beans in Red Curry 6I
Pia) 23
Sweet Coconut Milk 87
Red Curry Paste 6I
Fragrant Beef Panaeng
Sweet Thai Chili Sauce II
Curry 8I Red Rubies in Sweet
Coconut Milk 87 Thai Chicken Salad (Yum
fragrant Chicken
Gai) 39
Mussamun Curry 77 Red Seaf()od Curry with
Coconut 52 Thai Chili Paste (Nam Prik
Fragrant Glass Noodle
Pao) 30
Seafood Salad 40 Rice Soup with Fish (Khao
Tom Pia) 2I Thai Rice Salad ( Khao
Fresh Mango Custard
Yam) 44
"1\lrts 84 Roast Duck and Green
Mango Salad (Yum Ped Thai Sweet and Sour
Colden Cups (Kratong
Yang) 37 Shrimp 57
Thong) I4
Roast Duck in Red Curry 72 TiJfu Soup (Kang Jyd
Grated Coconut Topping 89
"1~10hu) 24
Sesame Sauce 66
Green Curry Chicken 62
Yellow Shrimp Curry 49
Shredded Chicken Salad 28
Green Curry Paste 64
Yellow Curry Paste 49
Spicy Beef Soup (Tom Yam
Creen Papaya Salad with
Nua Tun) 25 Winged Bean Salad (Yum
Dried Shrimp (Som Tam)
Tua Phu) 43
35 Spicy Lemongrass Soup
with Grilled Shrimp 26
Grilled Beef Salad (Yum
Nua) 30 Spicy Pork with Mint
Leaves (Laab Muu) 68


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