Anjum Et Al, 2017

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MOJ Drug Design Development & Therapy

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Breast cancer therapy: a mini review

Abstract Volume 1 Issue 2 - 2017

Breast cancer is a prevailing disease worldwide that requires effective and rational
Fakhsheena Anjum,1 Nighat Razvi,2 M Ali
therapy. For this purpose the use of various treatment modalities should be optimized
according to the stage of disease and the risk: benefit ratio of the therapeutic agents
employed in the patients. Although the therapies involved provide reduction in
Dow University of Health Sciences, Pakistan
morbidity and mortality rates, monitoring is required to combat the resulting adverse
Nazeer Hussain University, Pakistan
drug reactions. This review would be helpful for healthcare professionals to address
Correspondence: Fakhsheena Anjum, Dow College of
the multi factorial disease in accordance with its occurrence thereby providing
Pharmacy, Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi, Pakistan,
rationalized therapy to the patients. Tel 0334-3355750, Email [email protected]
Keywords: breast cancer, chemotherapy, endocrine therapy, adjuvant therapy Received: March 11, 2017 | Published: May 16, 2017

Introduction mass and definite connective tissue diseases and multi-centric disease,
the patients with former radiation therapy to the breast or chest wall
Breast cancer has increased universally1,2 and is considered as the should go through mastectomy.13 A thorough axillary segmentation
second chief mortality cause in women. Among top five cancers in should be employed for an obvious axillary lymphadenopathy and
Americans, it is the third fatal cancer3 while it is also the most prevalent patients having a primary cancer (T1 or T2) without involving axillary
cancer in Asians.4 Since breast cancer is a very diverse ailment5 it has lymph nodes should undergo sentinel lymph node biopsy. For early
several indicators6 associated to typical features of tissues, therapeutic breast cancer, systemic chemotherapy is used with radiotherapy.
evaluation and reaction to therapy.7 Improvements in the diagnosis Large tumors (>1cm) and node positive breast cancer are treated with
and management of breast cancer have yielded drop in mortality chemotherapy.13 Adjuvant endocrine therapy is followed by hormone
frequency, but it varies widely between diverse geographic areas.8,9 receptor status evaluation.
For early and locally advanced breast carcinoma, the intention of
treatment is cure while for metastasis, it is improvement in clinical The stage IIIa and IIIc cancers are locally advanced which may be
presentation of disease and quality of life. Various approaches are resectable and non resectable.13 A modified radical mastectomy and
employed for breast cancer management like surgery, radiation adjuvant chemotherapy along with radiation therapy are employed to
treatment, endocrine treatment and chemotherapy.10 The management manage the resectable type; neo-adjuvant chemotherapy may be used
of breast cancer is discussed as follows since the disease requires in some patients in order to shrink the size of the primary tumor.14
proper monitoring and optimized treatment schedules in the patients. Adjuvant endocrine therapy is followed by hormone receptor status
The incidence and risk factors of breast cancer vary geographically; evaluation. In the stages IIIb, IIIc and inflammatory breast carcinoma,
also patients respond to the provided treatment differently, therefore, multimodal approach is required to accomplish cure. Initially neo-
rationalized therapy in individual cases according to the stage of the adjuvant chemotherapy is used and upon positive response, a major
disease is essential. modified mastectomy tailed by radiation therapy to the chest wall
and regional lymphatics may be employed.13 For some patients,
General treatment recommendations according to chemotherapy after breast-conserving surgery may be advised.14
breast cancer staging Adjuvant endocrine therapy is followed by hormone receptor status
The staging of breast cancer is one of the most consistent prognostic
signs that provide valuable confirmation about the current status of The stage IV of breast cancer has no cure and the treatment is
cancer identification and its therapy. The staging of breast cancer focused on increased survival rates and quality of life improvement.
involves tumor size (T 1-4), association of lymph nodes (N 1-3) and The endocrine therapies are often suggested as first line management
existence of distant metastases (M 0-1). In stage 0, lumpectomy alone for the ER+ or PR+ cancers with only bone or soft tissue metastases,
can be employed for Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (<0.5cm diameter) but or with limited and asymptomatic visceral metastases.13 For the
for larger lesions, it is used with adjuvant radiation therapy. Extensive hormone-refractory cancers, ER- or PR- cancers, or symptomatic
Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (i.e. involving two or more quadrants of visceral metastases, systemic chemotherapy is the most appropriate.15
the breast) requires mastectomy; adjuvant Tamoxifen therapy is To control symptoms, palliation is essential and to evade bone
considered in all patients.11 fractures, bisphosphonates can be used for bone metastasis.
According to existing practice for Stage I and II, after considering Breast cancer therapy by class
axillary lymph node status, lumpectomy and radiation therapy are
used in patients with stage I or II breast cancer; this has displayed Treatment plan for breast carcinoma can be outlined by organized
equivalent effects for total mastectomy and for lumpectomy followed screening and identification of the ailment.16 The choice of therapy for
by radiation therapy with 5 and 8 year disease-free and overall survival breast carcinoma must outweigh benefits over risks;17 the dose, dosing
rates.12 Due to surgical margins ensuing to elimination of a breast plan and response of the therapeutic agents used for treatment should
be monitored through regular follow ups. The therapeutic agents used

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Breast cancer therapy: a mini review ©2017 Anjum et al. 36

for breast cancer treatment cause adverse drug reactions in addition studied and a number of platinum-DNA adducts have been known
to their therapeutic outcomes18 and such adverse reactions discourage in vivo and in vitro. Earliest investigations have quantified the
patient adherence to the therapy; hence, the pre- and post- treatments influence of these dissimilar lesions on replication of DNA, their
to cope such indications must be in line with the standard treatment ability to bring in mutations and their susceptibility to DNA repair
recommendations. procedures. Further damage to DNA may be generated by platinum
(IV) compounds, possibly through their decline by the cell to platinum
Various classes of therapeutic agents are employed for breast
(II) compounds.28 About 20-35% patients of Metastatic Breast Cancer
cancer treatment:
under mono therapy had been found responding to carboplatin
a. Alkylating agent: cyclophosphamide (nitrogen mustard) therapy.29,30 Gemcitabine and Taxanes are the drugs that are used
generally in combination with Platinum compounds.31,32
b. Anti-metabolite: methotrexate (folic acid analogue), 5-fluorouracil
& capacitabine (pyramidine analogues) Paclitaxel and Docetaxel are the most commonly employed
taxanes that cause mitotic arrest by stabilizing cellular microtubule
c. Natural product: vinorelbine (vinca alkaloid), paclitaxel (taxane), elements. These agents have been used either as mono therapy or in
doxorubicin (antibiotic) combination schedule.33 A weekly management schedule of these
d. Hormone and antagonist: tamoxifen (anti estrogen), letrozole & agents has been reported to be well tolerated with little toxicity in
anastrazole (aromatase inhibitors) breast cancer.34,35 Anthracyclines like Doxorubicin and Epirubicin
(anthracyclines) are broadly used in the combination regimen (i.e.
e. Miscellaneous: trastuzumab (monoclonal antibody), lapatinib FAC, AC, TAC) to treat breast cancer. Several mechanisms have
(Protein tyrosine kinase inhibitor) been suggested for elucidating the cytostatic and cytotoxic activities
of anthracyclines i.e. these comprise of free radical development,
Endocrine treatment
lipid peroxidation, and direct effects of membrane. Among all the
Tamoxifen is a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM)19 mechanisms, the best described are the interactions with the DNA
that binds to Estrogen Receptor and has mixed agonist and antagonist itself or DNA-topoisomerase II complex through intercalation or
features i.e its principal mechanism of action is facilitated by its binding covalent bonding and base amendments, which cause instabilities in
to the estrogen receptor and inhibition of the proliferative activities of DNA replication and transcription, and then the initiation of repair of
estrogen on mammary epithelium;20 Tamoxifen 20 mg tablets are DNA or apoptotic cell death.36
established as gold standard for breast cancer therapy.21 Reports have
Despite of the toxicities, the multi drug combination regimens
shown that with use of Tamoxifen, irrespective of menopausal or
have proven efficacy for breast cancer.27 Capecitabine is an oral pro-
lymph node status, risk of ER+ breast cancer recurrence is reduced
drug of fluoropyrimidine that transforms into 5-FU by thymidine
to 50% and also there is about 28% decrease in morbidity rates.22
phosphorylase enzyme rendering similar effects as those of 5-FU
On the contrary, it has been found that the endocrine treatments like
upon infusion. It is has been used next to use of taxanes for treatment
Tamoxifen itself might intensify the xenoestrogens agonistic effects
of progressing Metastatic Breast Cancer.37 Gemcitabine (or difluoro
on transmuted Estrogen Receptors that are linked to drug resistance
deoxy cytidine) is a pyrimidine nucleotide that blocks RNA synthesis
and refractoriness.23
and DNA replication and is applied for treating several types of cancers
Aromatase is the chief estrogen source in post menopausal females. i.e. cancer of lung, bladder, breast, etc. Gemcitabine is well tolerated
As a substitute to Tamoxifen in post menopausal women, (especially upon weekly IV injection.27 Vinorelbine binds to the tubulin hence
in ER+breast cancer), third generation aromatase inhibitors i.e. disrupting mitosis metaphase. This drug has exhibited promising
letrozole, anastrozole and exemestane, are generally used.24 These results in advanced breast cancer as reported in various researches.38–40
agents are non steroidal that reversibly inhibit aromatase enzyme
which transforms androstenedione into esterone and testosterone Monoclonal antibodies
to estrogen. The drugs have exhibited enhanced positive results in Trastuzumab is a biologically active, humanized monoclonal
the post menopausal females25,26 and they also have a better body antibody which has improved survival rates for HER2/neu positive
tolerance than preceding hormonal treatments.27 breast cancer patients;41,42 it works against the extracellular domain IV
of HER2.43 This monoclonal antibody is clinically safe and effective
Chemotherapeutic agents
in regime every 3 weeks44 and is also effective in combination with
Some of the most common regimens employed in breast cancer are paclitaxel, gemcitabine, vinorelbine or carboplatin.45,46
discussed as follows.
Protein tyrosine kinase inhibitor
Cyclophosphamide averts the DNA replication and cell division
and is employed for the treating breast cancer metastasis. This pro drug Lapatinib is an orally active, reversible blocker of the EGFR and
transforms into active form via hepatic intracellular enzymes to active HER2 tyrosine kinase; its activity appears to be mainly due to HER2.47
metabolites (i.e. 4 hydroxy cyclophosphamide, aldophosphamide, It has displayed induction of apoptosis of HER2-positive breast cancer
acrolein and phosphor amide mustard).27 The drug has been used cells as monotherpay,48 and re-established tamoxifen sensitivity to
generally as an adjuvant therapy in combination regime of CMF or the resistant breast cancer cells.49 Lapatinib was established for use
with an anthracycline for treatment of breast cancer.26 in combination with capecitabine when HER2-positive breast cancer
exhibited progression over the use of trastuzumab; it is also used
Platinum compounds like Carboplatin and cisplatin are employed officially for HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer in combination
against several cancers and are employed as monotherapy or in with letrozole as first-line treatment. Lapatinib and chemotherapy
combination regimen to treat breast cancer.27 The influence of combination accomplished 22% response rate and 27% clinical
platinum compounds on DNA conformation and stability has been

Citation: Anjum F, Razvi N, Masood MA. Breast cancer therapy: a mini review. MOJ Drug Des Develop Ther. 2017;1(2):35‒38.
DOI: 10.15406/mojddt.2017.01.00006
Breast cancer therapy: a mini review ©2017 Anjum et al. 37

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Citation: Anjum F, Razvi N, Masood MA. Breast cancer therapy: a mini review. MOJ Drug Des Develop Ther. 2017;1(2):35‒38.
DOI: 10.15406/mojddt.2017.01.00006

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