SW 2.0.0 New Features Rev.02 English
SW 2.0.0 New Features Rev.02 English
SW 2.0.0 New Features Rev.02 English
0 New Features
Operating System (Windows XP)
The software can be run under the Operative system Win XP Professional (English) - SP2
External Barcode Reader (for reagents)
The BarCode Reader (Type: “Hand held”) must be connected to the port of the computer
keyboard (“PS2 emulation). Further, it must interface the same keyboard being able to
connect it to an additional connector included with the BarCode Reader.
Whenever the user wishes to use the BarCode Reader, the “Reagent BarCode” option
must be checked into the “Options” form.
by simple clicking with the mouse on the acronym of the reagent (for example on Glu),
the following dialog box will automatically open
Barcode: numerical string (min. number of digit “6”; max. number of digit “13”).
In this form the user can read data through Bar Code Reader (or edit data through
The value introduced into the “Reagent ID” will be matched with the “Rgt. Code” value set
up for the reagent in the currently – in – use method. If they match the “Lot Number” will
be automatically saved for the reagent in the currently-in-use method otherwise, a visual
text message appears, allowing the user to insert again the data or to annul the current
operation (“Exit” button).
To confirm the data read/inserted, click on “Save”.
As the user click on “Save”, the “Lot Number” will be automatically saved for the reagent
in the currently-in-use method.
Note 1:
Save the “Reagent ID” in the Database is only allowed to the user that has the permission
to Save “Methods” and “Reagent BarCode” [permission set up from the Administrator in
the “User Profile” form].
Note 2:
Form: “Reagents Configuration”
The reagent-data read through Bar Code Reader will be automatically saved in the relative
“Reagent Rack Configurations”.
Note 3:
Form: “Chemistry Definition – section “Parameters”
Whenever the user change/modify the reagent code (see “Dil/Rgt Cod” field), the
pertinent method will be eliminated from the Reagent Plate Configuration and the
correspondent “Reagent ID” zeroed.
Translation of the Software directly from the distributor.
Translation of the software through an external file to an executable one with translatable
It is mandatory to use the Local Operative System to translate the software.
The application that allows the distributor to translate the strings of the software is named
“String Translator Tool 1.3.0”; this is located into the “Analyzer 200” folder.
The user can start the strings translation by simply double clicking with the left side of the
mouse on the “String Translator Tool 1.3.0” program. Once the application starts, the
following form appears:
Start New (button): allows the user to open the “Analyzer.ini” file.
Click on “Start New” button to open the form “Choose the English.INI file”.
Select the “Analyzer.ini” file and then click on “Open” button to start the translation of
each single string.
[Note: this form shows the univocal “Section” and “Key” associated to each single string].
Resume Old (button): allows the user to open a temporary file [it is a file partially
• Section: “Progress”
Allows the user to see the coordinates of each string (Section and Key).
Modify INI.File (button): allows the user to open and then to modify any
translated string.
Section area (pull down menu): allows the user to select one of the 66 translated
sections (sections of the “Analyzer.ini” file).
Key area (pul down menu): allows the user to select a Key present in a previous
selected Section.
Show String (button): allows to show the string associated to the Section and Key
previously selected by the user.
Previous String (button): allows to shows the previous string to that currently
showed in the form.
Next String (button): allows to save the showed string and subsequently to pass
to the next one
Show Info file (button) : allows to show all the forms of the software to facilitate
user translation of the strings.
Print INI file(s) (button) : allows to print out one or more “Ini” file.
NOTE: Once all the strings have been translated a “visual text message” appears to
require a confirmation to the following actions:
• The “Analyzer.Ini” will be renamed as “Analyzer_English.Ini”
• The temporary file will be renamed as “Analyzer_Translated.Ini”.
Sampling Order.
Form: “Sampling Order”
To access the “Sampling Order” form, first select the “Paramet.” Menu and then, from the
option listed, click on “Sampling Order”. The following form appears:
Per default to every test is associated “0” [the sampling process follows the alphabetical
order of the tests].
Exit (button): to exit the “Sampling Order” form and return to System Monitor.
2. Special Wash.
“Chemistry Definition” form.
This function performs a washing of the sampling probe “before” the test execution.
Note: in case of, a standard has been defined as Master, the system performs a washing
of the sampling probe “before” and “after” the preparation of each single point of the
calibration curve.
In this form the user must type the “User” name and “Password” and then, click on
to confirm.
“Accounts” form.
To access the “Accounts” form, select “Paramet.” from the Menu and then, from the
options listed, click on “Accounts”
Note:“Create User” and “User Profile” buttons are active only for the user defined as
In this form the user must type, in the “Password” and “Confirm” fields the new
User Profile : allows the Administrator to set up an user profile (list of permissions) .
Select from the “User” pull down menu an user name and then, confirm by clicking on
The form that opens, allows the Administrator to sets up the user profle.
- Methods Add
- Methods Copy as New
- Methods Delete
- Methods Save
- Methods Backup
- Methods Restore
- ISE Save
- Profiles Add
- Profiles Delete
- Profiles Save
- Ratio Add
- Ratio Delete
- Ratio Save
- Std/Ctrl Add
- Std/Ctrl Copy as New
- Std/Ctrl Delete
- Std/Ctrl Add Tests
- Std/Ctrl Delete Tests
- Std/Ctrl Save
- Options OK
- Sampling Order OK
- Print Order OK
- Report Options OK
- Calibration Edit Save
- Q.C. Results Delete
- Patient Results Edit
- Patients Results Validate
- Patient Results Print
- Backup OK
- Restore OK
- Reagent Barcode Save
Admission Logs
This function allows to view the main action made by the user on the system.
Select “Archive” from the Menu and then, from the options listed , click on “Admission
The following form appears:
This form allows the user to search <for User> by inserting the relevant search criteria
data into the following given fields:
• “From date To Date”: allows the program to pull up and view data between these
• “User:”: allows to select an user (or all user) from a pull down menu.
• “Log Type:”: allows to select a specific action from a pull down menu (Logon, Edit,
Print, Parameters, Backup/Restore or all the actions <Show All>).
Confirming the data set up by clicking on “OK” button, the following form opens:
Following a list and relative description of those field contained in the form.
Date & Time: it shows the “Execution Date & Time” of the performed action.
Selecting one or more than one row, the “Print” and “Move to floppy” buttons will be
Move to floppy (button): moves all the data to floppy disk (Format of visualization: CSV)
Log Off
Selecting “Log Off” from the Menu, the current user will be disconnected from the system
and automatically a new form appears (“Login”) to accept a new entry user.
Diagnostic program (“Password”).
Whenever “Diagnostic” button is selected the following dialog box window opens.
In order to open “Diagnostic” program, the user must type the password within the
provided field.
This form allows the user to protect the Diagnostic program from unauthorized viewing
and/or manipulation.
Host: Data Archive after Tx
The data transmitted to Host are stored into the archive.
Form: Calibrators
1. ISE (“Replicates”)
The user can set up more than 1 (from 1 to 4) replicates for ISE analysis.
To access the “Calibrators” form, first select “Paramet.” from the Menu and then, from
the options offered, click on “Standards”.
2. Calibration “Flags”.
Whenever a flag occurs during calibration, it will be signalled only for the involved method
(i.e: if a flag only occurs on “ISENa”, this flag will be showed only for “ISENa”).
3. Form “ISE Definition”: the user can define the electrolyte methods “ISE Urine”, along
their relative parameters, as it is for “Serum”.
To access the “WorkList” form, the user must first select “Routine” from the Menu and
then, from the options offered, click on “Work List”.
As the user select a sample type (Serum or Urine) from the pull down menu of the “Type”
field, in the “Methods” list will be only showed the methods referred to.
Data and Visualization on the Master SW
1. New function: “Copy as New” for “Methods, Calibrators and Controls”.
“Copy as New” for a Method (“Chemistry Definition” form): this function makes a
copy of a method. All the parameters of the new method will be replied with the
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LIASYS SW 2.0.0 New Features
“Copy as New” for a Calibrator (“Calibrators” form): this function makes a copy of a
Form: Calibrators
To access the Calibrators form, fist select “Paramet.” from the Menu and then, from the
options offered click on “Standard”.
First select the name of the calibrator from the list of standards in the Calibrator form
and then, on .
where the operator must type, in the spaces provided the following information:
The copy of the calibrator will have all the fields value resetted (i.e: “Conc.”, “Ref.i”)
“Copy as New” for a Control (“Controls” form): this function makes a copy of a
Form: “Controls”
To access the Control form, select “Paramet.” from the Menu and then, from the options
offered, click on “Controls”.
First select the name of the control from the list of controls and then, click on
where the user must type, in the spaces provided the following information:
The copy of the calibrator will have all the following fields resetted:
“Min Value”, “Max. Value”, “Mean” and “SD”.
Form: “Controls”
First select the name of the control from the list of Controls and then, click on “Add Test”
The “Add Test” form will automatically open.
This form contains all those tests and ratios not contained in that control.
Select the required “Ratios” and confirm the selection by clicking on “OK”.
Execution on the Master HW
1. Delay = 0 between “R2+R3” [“Chemistry Definition” form]
The user can set up the <third reagent addition time> equal to zero (“0”) for those
methods that require a third reagent.
This is applicable only for “R2+R3”.
“Methods” Parameters
1. New function “Copy as New”.
To access “Chemistry Definition” form, select “Paramet.” from the Menu and then,
from the options offered, click on “Methods”.
Select a method from the “Methods List” and then click on .
The following dialog box window will automatically open:
Note: all the parameters of the new method will be replied but not, the “Description”
2. The user can set up for the “RBL replicates” the following options: <None, 1,2,3,4>.
“Standard” Parameters
1. New function: “Copy as New”.
Form: Calibrators
To access the “Calibrators” form, first select “Paramet.” from the Menu and then, from
the options offered, click on “Standards”.
Click on button. The following dialog box window will automatically open
where the user must type, in the spaces provided, the following information:
The copy of the Calibrator will have all the fields value resetted (i.e. “Conc.”, “Ref.i”)
2. In “Calibrators” form, the user can set up more than 1 (from 1 to 4) replicates for ISE
analysis (“ISECl, ISEK e ISENa”).
“Control” Parameters
New function: “Copy as New”.
Form: Controls
To access the “Controls” form, first select “Paramet.” from the Menu and then, from
the options offered, click on “Controls”.
Click on button. The following dialog box window will automatically open
where the user must type, in the spaces provided the following information:
The copy of the calibrator will have all the following fields resetted:
“Min Value”, “Max. Value”, “Mean” and “SD”.
Calibration & Q.C. Setup
Form: Calbration
To access the “Calibration” form, first select the “Routine” from the Menu and then,
from the options offered , click on “Calibration & Q.C setup”.
2. The ISE calibration will not be automatically scheduled to be run if it has been
performed in the last eight (“8”) hours.
Q.C. Results
1. Data Print Out for more than one tests.
2. Quality Control Graph & Reaction Curves: improved the quality of “Print” and
Quality Control
1. Selection criterion for “Daily, Monthly or Range” statistics. The operator can carry out
statistics for control or test.
To access the “Quality Control” form, select “Routine” from the Menu and then click on
“Q.C. Results”. The following window will automatically open:
This window allows the user to search data by inserting the relevant search criteria data
into the given fields.
• Control (Lot. Exp. Date): allows the user to select a control or all the controls
Note: if the user selects the option “All”, it is necessary to choose a specific test
into the “Test” field.
• QC Time Interval: allows the user to select one of the following options: “Daily,
Monthly or Range”.
To confirm a selection criterion, click on “OK”. The following form will appear:
This form is divided into two sections, a Main Area and a Details Area, in order to
facilitate user access and comprehension.
The Main Area is located in the upper portion of the screen and contains generalized
The Details Area is located in the lower portion of the screen and contains more specific
itemized information.
Following a list and relative description of those fields contained in the Main Area of the
Test: indicates the name of the method (its acronym) and the unit.
Summary: allows the user to view the number of presences of that control into the
statistic (“Tot”), the minimum and maximum value assumed by the control (“Min. & Max.”)
and their differences (“Range”).
Details Area
Located in the lower portion of the form, the Details Area contains specific information
regarding the row selected in the Main Area.
Below is an illustration.
Following a list and relative description of those fields contained in this area of the form:
Cuv: shows the number of the cuvette to which the thereafter-reported values refer
(“Abs”, Result”).
Pred. Lot #, R1 Lot # R2 Lot # R3 Lot #: shows the Lot Number of “Pred, R1, R2 and
Flags: allows the user to view if any errors occurred during operation.
User: allows to view the acronym of the user that run the control.
This form contains command buttons which allow the user to print data (Print button)
and view the graph (Graph button)
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LIASYS SW 2.0.0 New Features
Whenever the user selects a row from the Details Area, the command buttons (Print and
Graph) will be activated.
On the left-hand side of the Graph, the operator can view the standard deviation (from
-3SD to +3SD) and on the right-side, the relative values
The red line represents the mean value. The point on the red line indicates that the mean
value is obtained with respect to the day [please, refer to the selected row of the Detail
Area – see “Date” field].
The user can print the graph by clicking on the “Print” button located in the lower, left-
hand corner of the form.
Note 1: In case of, the user had chosen to visualize daily data ("Daily") [please, refer to
the "QC Date Selection" form], the graph would be similar to the following:
Note 2: In case of, the user chose to visualize data for "Range" [please, refer to the "QC
Date Selection" form] the graph would show data “From date – To date”.
2. “Statistic Data and Graph” printing [it is divided for test and for controls. Default:
current month].
1. Printer Configuration: Windows setting.
2. The user can print “Profiles”, Controls, Standards, Ratio, Print Order and Report Option.
Report Options
In the “Report Options” form, the user can define the following “Header Test”:
• Test Name
• Result
• Flag
• Unit
• Normal Range
Printer setting
Through standard drivers of Windows
“Options” Parameters
“Options” form
1. Removed the “Reagent Bottle Kit” section from the “Options” form. This section allowed
the user to set up a “Generic” or “Dedicated” configuration.
Host Connection
A second “Serial Communication Port” is mandatory, if in “Options” form the “Host
Connection” option has been set up.
System Monitor
1. The user can view the remaining “Time” for the analysis.
Print Order
1. The user can set up a print order.
To access the “Print Order” form, first select the “Paramet.” from Menu and then, from the
option offered, click on “Print Order”. The following form will appear :
To create a print order, select a test and type a number through keyboard.
Click on “OK” to save the new order.
Exit (button): to exit the “Print Order” form and return to System Monitor.
This appendix explains some “New Features” introduced with the Release 2.0 but not
mentioned in the document “Doc. Rev 05 del 16-02-2006”:
1. Option to repeat the test if the result is out of the linearity limit (result > of the “Lin.
Limit High” value).
The system repeats* the test on the sample until the result does not fall into the linearity
* In accordance with the dilution ratio set up (see “Rerun when Over” field) in the
method, the system goes on to carry out the test by using as sample its previous point.
The repetition can be performed at the most “5” times.
Dilution Ratio
The following ratios (see - “Ratio/Vol (µl)” field) are now possible:
1/1,1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5, 1/10, 1/15, 1/20, 1/25, 1/50, 1/75, 1/100.
2. Form “Calibrator”
1. The special washing for the sampling probe is performed “before” and “after” the
Only the cup containing the Standard Master is available in the calibration rack. The
system prepares the individual points of the calibration curve, starting from the Standard
Master. The instrument itself does the preparation of each single point of the calibration
curve in the predilution rack, in accordance with the concentration percentage setup in the
programming of the standard and with the dilution ratio of the method. This type of
preparation is defined as OPTIMIZED, in so far it makes it possible to use a minimum
quantity of the Standard Master.
Only the cup containing the Standard Master is available in the calibration rack. Before
carrying out the calibration of the prediluted method, the instrument prepares the
individual points of the calibration curve, starting from the “Master”.
The instrument itself does the preparation of the single point of the calibration curve in
the predilution rack, in accordance with the percentage setup in the programming of the
1. The operator can request the preparation of the points of the Calibration Curves in state
of "Running" of the system
Excecution of methods with the same predilution and same diluent code.
1. These methods will use the same prediluted sample cup. In case of, missing sample in
a predilution cup, a new sample predilution cup will be prepared.
1. To guarantee an homogeneous usage of reaction cuvetts, at any run, the system will
use the first available cuvette after the last used on the previous run.
Only at the first start of the system and at any bootstrap of the program, the system will
use the first cuvette of the Reaction Plate.
Host Link
1. COM Selection during installation: selection of the serial port to be used for Host
Link can be made through the file parameters.ini saved into folder Analyzer200.
“DIAGNOSTIC” program
1. “Front Panel button” area: the wording “Stat” has been changed with “All/Reset”.
“Optic” Folder
1. When the user select the “Optic” form, the lamp automatically turns up.
2. A new field has been introduced. It visualizes the filter selected by the user in the
“Filters” area.