Iom 2001

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_,....--- - responsibl e for balancing the body is a. Malaria b.

kala azar
11,e organ • b. Cerebrum C. Fllariasls d. Japanese encephalit is
a. pons
Medulla d. Cerebellum 12. Simple enlargeme nt of which gJand is called
c. 'goitre'?
ber of lumbar vertebrae in human is
2. fhe nUJ1l a. pituitary b. thyroid
b. 12
a. 7 c. parathyroid d. adrenal
d. 4
c. 5 13. Which of 't he following iIJ not tape worm?
·Primary visual cortex is present in a. Taenia solium
J. Frontal b. Parietal lobe
a. b. Echinococcus granulosus
c. Temporal lobe . d. Occipital lobe c. Hymenolepis nana
Which ~erve supplies the heart? d. . Ascaris lumbricoides
a. Glossopharyngeal b. Hypoglossa l 14. What is the other name of TB?
c. Vagus d. Trigeminal a. Hydatid disease
energy to all the b. Coronary heart disease
5. Which organelle supplies
cellular-ac tivities? c. Koch's disease
b. Ribosomes d. Rheumatic heart disease
a. Lysosomes
c. Mitochondria d. Peroxisomes 15. The larval stage of T. solium causes a ~
6. convert 40°C to °F scale
a. Echinococcosls b. Mycosis
a. 100.4.F ' b. 104•F
c. Cysticercosls d. Hydatid disease
c. 102.s•F d. 1os·F
16. The f3- cells of pancreas secrete:
7. Sex establishm ent occurs during:
a. Glucagon b. Insulin
a. Histogenesis b. Morphogen esis
c. Somatosta tin d. Gastrin
c. Fertilization d. Gametogen esis
17. The pH of the normal blood is:
B. The percentage of oxygen in inspired air is:
a. 6.5-7.5 b. 7.35-i45
a. 20% b. 21%.
c. 7.25 - 8.35 d. 7.2-8.6
c. 22% d. 23%
9 18. Which part is affected by viral Encephal itis?
· Normal range of systolic BP is young adults a. eyes b. brain
a. 90-130 mm of Hg b. 10~140 mm of Hg c. liver d . lungs
c. 110-150 mm of Hg d. 12~160 mm of Hg
19. A 45 year male is unable to read news paper
IO. The avascu 1ar part of the eye is:
Which lens should he used 7 ·5
a. Choroid b. Retina a. Concave b • convex '

~Corne a d. Iris c. Spherical d. Cylindrical ~

""~~t"'if'•i' ""4;12.b
f4~i11.b ~-:-;-:-r -:~-r=.:--r~-.,.-- S
~ ] 3.d l 4.c· I 5.c I &.b. l 7.c I 8.b I 9.b j 10.c I 14.c 15.c j 16.b / 17.b j 18.b lt.b
_ ___,__ ·...;;···-·L.... _ CUMPLETE SDLUTIUN IUM, r11nil. I\U

6. Phenolphthalein acts as the best indicat ,

20. AJI of them are enzymes EXCEPT:
the titration of or 111 i
a. Amylase b. Sucrase '
c. lactase d. Cellulose a. NaOH + H2SO, b. (COOH)z + NaOH
c. FeCI1 + K2Cr2O7 d. HCI + NaOH
21. The normal platelet count of the body is
a. 8,000-10,000 / mm3 7. The glass used in optical instruments is
b. 1,50,000- 4,00,000 / mm a. silica b. pyrex
c. 1,00,000 -·2.00.000 / mm c. flint d. soda
d. · 30,000 / mm
8. In the manufacture of Bleaching powder
22. Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) is •
chJori~e is used with
secreted by which gland: soda lime
a. quick lime b.
a. Anterior pituitary b. Posterior pituitary slaked lime
c. milk of lime d.
c. Thyroid d. Adrenal
23. Malaria is caused by: 9. Alum is
a. double salt b. mixed salt
a. Wuchereria b. Plasmodium
c. Rickettsiae d. Ancylostoma common salt d. potash salt

24. Which of the following helps in body 10. Name the following compound
immunity? CH3 OH
a. Erythrocytes b. leukocytes I I
c. Megakaryocytes d. Thrombocytes H3C • CH - CH2 - CH - CH~CI

a. 4,4- dimethyl-1-chloro-butanol
-----tda:f 3ih1f1iiaUia __ _ ] b. 1 -chloro-4-hydroxy-2-butanol

1. The ability of atoin to attract shared electron c. 1-chloro-4-methyl-2-pentanol

pair towards itself is called d. 1-methyl-4-chloro-4-.hexanol
a. electron affinity b. electro negativity 11. Silver nitrate is stored in the laboratory in dark
c. ionization potential d. reducing power brown or black bottles. This is because
2 The amount of H2S04 present in 500 ml of 2N, a: Brown and black glass don't react with AgN03•
H2S04 solution is b. AgNO3 remains activated in brown or black
a. 89gms b. 49 gms
c. 33.35 gms d. 24.5 gms
c. _Light ca11not pass through brown or black bottle.
3. The substance possessing both oxidising and d. It is easily available.
reducing properties is
a. 502 b. . FeC/3 12. Organic cyclic · compounds possessing the
c. K2Cr2O1 d. HC/
properties of ~phatic compounds is
a. aromatic b. cyclic
Anhydrous calcium chlodde can be used as
c. alicyclic d. homocyclic
a. Oxidizing agent b. Reducing agent
c. Dehydrating agent d. Bleaching agent PVC is form·e d by the polymerization of
What happens when ZnCh is treated with a. allyl chloride b. fluoro ethane
NaOH c. vinyl chloride d. ethylene
a. Black ppt is formed
14. The amount of heat required to convert 1 gm of
b. · No ppt is formed
ice at -100 ° C to steam at 100 °C is
c. White ppt is formed which is soluble in excess of
a. 766 cal b. 696 cal
NaOH -
d: White ppt is formed which is insoluble in excess c. 716cal d. 736 cal
of NaOH 4U&wliiH
W""\f.!-•i"';*~:i r 6.·b 1~7~.c~j"""s....d...,_,=,.=o--,,.-10-.c""""l"_l_l._c_ ...12- .c- -l-3.c-·~ ,-;]-,
[''20.d j 21.b I22.a I23.b I24.b I 1.b 2.b 3.a I 4.c I °5.c

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• ~---- -------------•:..:•~•w~•~..~w::::._::.:w::•.:.;•w::•.:.;•w:_Li-~---If__.- _.:!,.
'' -

• s'-'•ntents
111 used
,. ..• ·to compare the 25. The magnification of compound microscope
111e • tion power of different sources is increases when focal length of eye piece is
J'' iil" 111111ameter b. Photometer
1 a. large b. small
a, ...ortrophotometer d. Collimeter c. same as object d. as great as infinity
C 5~--
, heard the thunder 6 seconds later he saw 26. In which of the following does heart pump
, i\ " ·ng. The temperature of air is 27'C. How
lu• ....htpl
only deoxygenated blood
a11b'' . the flash of light from the man? a. Fish b. Amphibian
fat w~ty of sound in air at 0°C is 332 m/s) c. reptiles d. birds
(\'eloc1 ·
a. 1s22m b. 2332m 27. Which cell .is used to see colour?
2088 m d. 2445 m a. rod cell b. cone cell
c. c. corneal cell d. iris
. • gnetic moment is
17 ~1a b. a vector quantity 28. The shoulder and hip joints are of_the type
. a. a scalar qu~ntity
a. Ball and socket b. Hinge joint
universal constant d. tensor
c. .. c. Pivot joint . d. Gliding joint
Velocity of sound in air is not affected by
29. . Body segment of Tae11ia sol~,,,,, is
I~ a. temperature b . Dens_,'ty of air
a. .proglottid b. scolex ·
c. atmospheric pressure d. Humidity c. rostellum d. acetabulum
, Jayabir was sitting in a car. The car ·took a 30. In r~bbit
circlllar tum and his body is pressed against a. left kidney lies above right kidney
the side of the car:The.force acting on him is b. right kidney lies a~ove the left kidney
a. gravitational force c. both lie at the same level
b. · tentrifugal force d. both lie on the left side
c. centripetal force 31. Flame cells are present as excretory organs in
d. electrostatic force a. anne.lida b. platyhelminthes
c. porifera d. coelenterata
20. The device used to ~nvert AC to DC is called
a. a diode valve b. cathode ray tube -· 32. Uric acid is the main nitrogenous waste
c. oscillator d. X-ray product in
a. fish b. birds
21. The density of ice is .. ~ .... density of water. · ·
c. amphibians d. mammals
a. is lesser-than b. is greater than
33. · The cavity formed · du.ring the embryogenesis
c. is higher than d. is equal to
of frog-is
22. The pow~ of a bulb ~s 100 watt at 220 V. When a. blastocoel b. archenteron
· the voltage is 110 V, power of the bulb is : . c. coelenteron d. meseteron
a. 150 W, b. SOW
d. 25W
34. During copulation of earthworm, sperm is
c. 120W
received through
23. What happens to the · susceptibility _of a a. nephridial pore b. female genital pore
ferromagnetic substance when the temperature c. spermatheca pore d. dorsal pore
is increased?
a. increases b. decreases 35. · Mycobacterium tuberculosis is also known as
c. remain constant d. can increase or decrease a. Hansen's disease b. Koch's bacillus
24. The particle that has mass equal to the proton c. Koch-weeks bacillus d. Bancroftian disease
and no charge is 36. Myelin sheath is the covering of 3:
a. electron b. proton a. GI tract b. cardiac muscles ~
c. neutron · d. positron · c. skeletal muscles d. axon of nerve cell o ·
Rrn~:*~¥,Wqj~;*~~ ' ~

_S.b 16.c I11.b I 1a.c I19.b j 20 a I 21 ·.a I22.d I23.b j 2,.c I f2s'.b !26.~ I21.b I2a.a I29.a I30.b I31.b I32.b I33.b / 34.c j 35.b.l 36.d I
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37. The number of cervical vertebrae in Giraffe is • Double fertilization is seen in
a. 14 b. 17 a. gymnosperm b. ·algae
~ 7 d. 8 c. angiosperm d. bryophyta

38. Nucleus has maximum size during 46• The ~roduct fo~ed during anaerob· .
a. prophase b. metaphase respiration by yeast 1s le
c. interphase d. telophase a. ethanol + CO2 b. lactic acid + CO2
39. A typical example of cross pollination is c. Pyruvic acid + CO2 d. H2O + CO2
a. Balsam b. Maize 47. The organism having heterotrophic rnod
c. Wheat d. Cotton nutrition is e of
40. Which is not involved in re~piration of frog? a. algae b. fungi
a. Diaphragm b. lungs c. bryophyta d. fern
c skin d. buccal cavity
48. Which of the following is associated with ceu
. . . ?
41. In the phloem of gymnosperm, the element d 1v1s1on
that is not present is a. centrlole b. mitochondria
a. Sieve tube b. Companion cell d. chloroplast
c. ribosome
c. Parenchyma d. Sclerenchyma
42 The gametes of Cl,lamydomonas are:·
49. The SQgar present in fruits, honey and nectar is
a. mannose b. glucose
a. uniflagellate b. biflagellate
c. fructose d. lactose
c. qudriflagellate d. multiciliate
43. The tetradynamous stamens is a f~atui'e of 50. · C'vary is absent in
a. Solanaceae b. Malvaceae . a. angiosperm b. gym~osperm
c. Cruciferae d. Compositae c. monocot d. dicot
44. The process by which cell ingest solid food
particles is ·
a. endocytosis b. exocytosis
c. pinocytosis d. phagocytosis
I 37.c 38.c 39.b 40.a 41 .b 42.b 43.c 44.d 47.b 48.a 49.c 50.b


• Brain steam - Medulla oblongata, Midbr;tln,
HEALTH REVIEW ai:td pons varoli.
1. (d) Cerebellum • Apneustic centre is located at pons.
• Cerebelluny little brain- controls tone, • Cerebellar disease is ch~acterized by
Posture, equilibrium and co-ordinates unsteady gait (darken gait), ataxia,
voluntary movement. nystagmus (abnormal eye ball movement)
and motor in co-ordination.
• Medulla- contains respiratory, and
• Brain steam· (midbrain, pons & medulla) is
vasomotor centres along with the centre for
the connecting stalk that connects spinal card
swallowing, sneezing, Vomiting & coughing.
to the rest of brain.
• D~~n gait (alcoholic gait) is due to a. • Hypothalamus (head ganglion of ·autonomic
lesion 10 - cerebellum.
nervous ~ystem) is called· Biological clock,
• Carpal tunnel syndrome is due to the which . controls sleep, wake . pattem
co_m pression of - Median nerve. (circadian rhythm).

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40-0 F-32
~-:;:T~: --:L;-~S:--:C:-o------ or, 100 = 180
7 12 5 5 4 40 F-32
or, 10 = 18
• Lumbar puncture is done at L3-Lt t~ examine
CSF. . or, 4 x 18 = P- 32
Ls (fifth lumbar) is the largest vertebra. or, F= 72+32 = 104 op
• Total no. of vertebrae in adults is 26. 7. (c) Fertilization
~cipitial Lobe Sex of the foetus is determined by - Y
, Broca s I · te dwith
area- assoc1a . motor speech chromosome of sperm
and located in frontal lobe. • Human body develops from a single cell
• Frontal lobe- MAIJE (Motor action called- Zygote.
Attention, Intellectual function, Judgment: • No of foetal membrane- 4
Emotion) - . (Chorion, amnion, alantois, yolk sac)
• Temporal lobe: Hearing and smell sensation.
• Ovulation is due to- LH
• Occ~~ital lobe: Vision and visual memory. • - Implantation occurs on 5th - 71h day at"
Parietal lobe: General and taste sensation. - blastocyst stage in uterus, at 32 cell stage.
• Wemick's area: Sensory speech area • Fertilization generally occurs at the
Ampulla region offallopian tube.
4. (c) Vagus
Ampulla is the longest arid widest region of
• - IX : Glo~sopharyngeal: taste sensation
_ fallopian tube
• X: Vagus: Visceral supply i.e movement and
secretion of visceral organs. 8. (b) 21% . .
• J(ll: Hypogloss·aI: Tongue movement. • Oxygen -Inspired air (21%), expired air
• V: Trigeminal: Sensation o_f face (nerve for (16%)
chewiJtg) • Carbon dioxide -inspired air (0.04%) expired .
Motor Nerve su_p plying eye air (4%)
• III, IV & VI nerves are responsible for eyeball •. Nitrogen - Inspire~ air (78%) expired air
movement.- (78%)
COi diffuses 20 times faster than 0i.
5. (c) Mitochondria
· • CO2 is transported in the form of Bicarbonate
• Mitochondria: Power house of the cell
(70%), combination with Hemo·g tobin (23%)
• Enzymes for krebs cycle are present at the and in dissolved state (7%)
matrix of mitochondria.
• 100 ml of blood carries 19.4 ml of oxygen in
• Inner mitochondrial membrane is the site fo r the hemoglobin.
ETS. • Hemoglobin contain ironin Fe• 2state
• Mitochondria produces ATP durin g
respiration which is ultimately used fo r 9.(b)l00-140 mm of hg.
cellular activities. _ 120 (systolic]
• Lysosome: Suicidal bag of the cell! which is Normal BP- 80 mm Hg diastolic
rich in hydrolytic enzymes. • Diastolic Blood Pressure - 60-90 mm Hg _
• Ribosomes: Centre of protein synthesis.
• Systolic Blood Pressure-100-140 nun Hg -~ _
• Peroxisomes: Site for photo- respiration.
Pulse Pr~ssure = Systolic Bp - Diastolic Bp N
. 0 .
~ (b) 104°F 1 . ·0
• Mean blood Pressure = DBP+ of pp (pulse ..,.
-0 F-32 · k-273 3
00 = 212-32 --373-273 pressure)

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_.Jl~__]iJTliiif?i. .11_:u~u~•·•:.:_•!:"":..:'~"_:u~u~
- ·=-·~-
....::..:,~·..::·.:..·.::·-:.··::!·'.:..·.:.:··:.:· =---~--.--In-:th_y_r_oi~d~g~Jand ~
• Sphygmomanometer: Instrument used for Th .
measuring blood pressure. Follicular cell Tsecretes: . yroxme. T., l'tj·.
• Korotkoff's Sound: Sound heard during iodothyronine- 3•
measurement of BP. • ParafoUicuJar cell/ C-cells-~cretes calcttol'\i~
• Usua1ly BP is measured on the .L1rachial which decreases_blood calcium leveJ.
artery of upper arm. Pl.tuitary .o
aJand- Master gland
• Measurement of BP - Palpatory method -+ • Anterior Pituitary (Adenohypophysis)
Sphygmomanometer. • Posterior pituitary (Neurohypophysis)
• Ausculatory · method: Stethoscope · + • Parathyroid gland - Parathormone
1 h 'd'sm muscular · ·
• Hypoparat yro1 1 - ngi_
10. (c) Cornea and spasm or tetany.
• Avascular Parts- cornea, cartilage, epidermis • Hormones responsible for blood calciUJn
• Eye donation (Netra dann) means donation homeostasis are
of cornea only. • Thyroxine, parath~rmone (PTH) and
• Iris - controls tht! .1mount of light entering vitamin. D (cholecalc1ferol)
into the eye by altering the size of pupil. • Middle lobe of· pituitary gland secretes
Retina - innermost delicate coat with 10 MSH (Melanocyte stimulating hormone)
layers, Contains Rods (pigment - Rhodopsin, responsible for pigmentation.
concerned with dim light) and cones
(Pigment - iodospin, concerned with colour 13, (d) Ascaris lumbricoids.
and bright vision) • Ascaris lmnbricoides - Round wotm {Most
• Scalera is the outermost white layer. Cornea common helminth infestati~n in Nepal.)
is the middle pigmented layer and retina is • Taenia solium - pork tapeworm. ·
the innermost layer. • Taenia s~ginata _beef tapeworm.
Power of eyes- 60 D (15 D lens, 45 D cornea). l ·
• Dwarf tapewo~ - Hymeno epsis nana.
11. (b) Kala-azar • Fish tapeworm - Diphyllobothrium.
• Kala-azar -is transmitted by the bite of • Dog tap.e worm - Echinococcus
infective Sandfly.
• Trichuris trichuria - whip worm
• Causative agent of kala-azar is leshmania.
• Enterobius venniclllaris - pin/ seat worm
• Malaria by the bite of infected female
anopheles mosquito (causative agent • Cysticercosis is by the ingestion of infective
plasmodium vivax) larva (cysticerd) in under ·cooked · and
uncooked pork.
• Filaiia by the bite of infected female · culex
mosquito. i14. (c) Kochs' disease
. .
• Japanese encephalitis: By the bite of infected TB is also called Koch's disease.
female culex mosquito . (Causative agent
• Small pox: Bifar, v_ariola major
group is Arbovirus, Flavivirus).
• Chicken pox: Theula
12..(b) Thyroid
• Measles: Rubeola, Dadura
• Goiter is the simple enlargement of thyroid • German measles: Rubella
gl~d (Cs- T1)
• Mumps: Hade, Gulfulo
• Hyperthyroidism Grave's disease,
. exopthalmic goiter. • Japenese Encephalitis: Mastiska jwaro ·
• Hypothyroidism: Myxedema in adults and • lnflunza: International disease
cretinism in children. • Diptheria: Bhyagute rog

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·..J ~plague: Biack death
• ~eprosy: Hansen's d~ase/kusta rog

cholera: Haijja
• Testis Orchitis
~ Cysticercosis
) Urinary bladder Cystitis
15. (c ~ ; , ; _ - - - - - - - - - - - - -
~Infective stage of pork tapeworm (T. Solium) Spinal cord FunicuIi tig
is - Cysticercos larva. ,,
Cornea Kera ti tis I
• Infective stage of E. histolytica is
QUadrinucleated cyst. Joints Arthritis
, Infective stage of Giardia - cyst. 19. (b) (:onvex

.~ Insulin • . Myopia (Short sightedness) Cannot see

distant object, corrected by ·u sing concave
---; rancrease: Mixed gland.
, Islets of Langerhans: Endocrine part of • Hypermetropia (Far sightedness)
pancrease~ . Difficulty in focqsing near objects, corrected
, a (alpha) cells: Secrete glucagon (increases by using convex lens. . . 1
blood sugar level) · I
• Astigmatism- Due to uneven surface of leris,
, ~ (Beta) cells: Secrete insulin (decreases corrected bY. using cylindrical lens. _
blood sugar level) • Presbyopia - Due to the loss of elasticity of -
• Delta cells: Secrete Somatostatin (Growth lens at old age, corrected by .using bifocal
hormone inhibiting hormone) lens.
, F cells: Pancreatic polypeptide. 20. (d) Cellulose
, Exocrine part - Pancreatic acini - secretes Suffix- "ase" for enzyme.
pancreatic juice containing T AL • Cellulose-Polysaccharide (carbohydrate).
(Trypsinogen, Amylase & Lipase) • Glycosen (animal starch) is storage
17. (b) carbo~ydrate.
• Fructose- Fruit sugar.
7.35-7.4.5 (Average 7.4)
pH of blood - 7.35-7.45 • Amylase- Carbohydrate digesting enzyme.
Pfiof urine 4.5-8.0 (average 6) • - Lactase- Milk digesting enzyme.
PH of Gastric juice 1.5-3.5 • Sucrase- Sucrose digesting enzyme.
PH of bile · 6.0-8.5
21. (b) ·1 ,50,000-·4,00,000/mn3
pH of saliva - 5.4-7.S
• Normal platelet count
8, (b) Brain
1,50,000-4,00,000 / mm3
"itis" inflammation. . l
Total WBC.count-4,000-11,~ / mm3
Inflammation Parts I
• Average number of RBC
Encephalitis Brain 4.8 x 1~ /mrn.3 in females.
Liver Hepatitis j
5.4 x 106 / mm3 in males. -111m:1;,:
Meninges Meningitis I
• Life of RBC -120 days, Life of plateless - 7- :
Conjunctiva Conjunctivitis 10day~. _
Oral cavity
Stomatitis • Grariulocytes . (Eosnophil, Baso.phil & :~
Fallopian tube Salpingitis · neutrophil) -4-8 hours 1
, Monocyte - 10 - 20 hours
Rectum ' Proctitis I-&
• All blood cells originate from stem cells in ,
Gall bladder Cholecystitis bone marrow. I

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• Reducing power is the ability of a subi, ",
22. (a) Anterior pituitory to donate electron to other atom or rnoi ta11c~ ·:
Hormones from anterior pituitary (Adenohyposis) . . t'tlll~
• Main cause of diagonal. r~latronship is ·
1. ACTH - Adeno corticotrophic horomone
similarity in electronegativ1ty
2. FSH - Follicle stimulating hormone
• Greater the electronegativity differ<?
3. LH - Leutinizing hormone grea ter will be the ionic character llct
4. GH - Growth l~ormone • large difference of electronegativity result .
5. TSH - Thyroid stimulating hormone . f. . b d
the formation o 1omc on .
6. Prolactin • Alkali metals have the least fE and nob!
Hormores by posterior pituilary gases have the highest I.E. e
(Neurohypohysis) Variation across In group fro1t1
1. Oxitocin period top to bottolll
2 ADH (Anti Diuretic hormone)/ vasopressin.
increases Decrease
Ionisation energy
Hormone form intermediate lobe Electronega tivity increases Decrease
23. (a) Plasmodium
MSH (Melanocyte stimulating hormone) Electrona(finity
Metallic character
Decrease incr~ase ----
Decrease increase
Malaria is caused by- Plasmodium. Basic nature of oxides
• Hookworm (Ancyclostoma duode!iale)
• Ankushe Jtika- Common cause of iron
2•. (b) .
Mol.wt -
deficiency_anaemia in Nepal. • gm~equivalent wt of H2SO4 = Basicity
• Causative agent of fi,aria is - Wucheren·a 98
bancrofti. =2 =49gm.
• Rickettsiae cause Typhus fever. · • No.of gm. equiv wt of solute(x)
• Scabies-Arthropod borne disease caused by . Normality (N) • Vol of soln in cc ·
an itch mite. ·
24. (b) Leukocytes or, 2 =500 x 1000
• Leukocyte (WBQ are responsible ·for body :. x = 1 gm equivaJent wt of H2S04 = 49 gm.
defense system.- ,_
• Erythrocyt~ (RBC) - Mainly responsible for 3•· (a)
. oxygen transport as it contains haemoglobin. • SOi p~ssesses both oxidizing and reducing
• Thrombocytes (smallest blood cell) helps in properties. .
blood-coagulation. • K2Cr:z07 and FeCh are only oxidizing agents.
• Platelets .thrombocytes are derived from • HCI is only a reducing agent. .
pinching off of the cytoplams of the
• ~ also acts as antichlor and bleaching
megakaryocytes ~ell, in Red bone marrow.

CHEMISTRY I • Bleaching of SOz is du~ to reduction and is

temporary and bleaching of ·c1i is due to
1.(b) oxidation ~d permanent. @ COPE
• Electronegativity is ability of atom to attract
shared pair of electron towards itself. .
4. (c)
• Electron affinity is the energy released in • Anhy Ca02 can be used as dehydrating
converting an isolated neutral gaseous atom agents. Others dehydrating agents are cone
into gaseous ~on by adding an extra fuS04, CaO, PiOs But CaCh is not used for
electron. drying met~anol and ammonia due to
• Ionization potential is the energy required to formation of coordination compounds.
remove the bond electron from an atom.

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.~ , ,c.1 _ _ _
-- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1 I
• Slaked lime is Ca(OH)2 quick lime is CaO
;:,.:-- milk of· lime is paste of Ca(OH)z in water
• \\'hen Zn02 is treated with Nao ·H white ppt
of Zn(OH)z is formed which is soluble in while its clean sol" is lime water.
eY..cess of NaOH giving sod. zincate, • Soda lime is NaOH+CaO.

9. (a

6. fb~'---------------
• Phenolphthalein acts as the best indicator in
• Alum is a double salt which is mixture of
hvo types · of salts and dissociate into
the titration of weak acid and strong base constituents in water.
(COOH}2 + NaOH. • Potash alum (or simply alum) K2SO.Ah
• rn the titration of strong acid and strong base (50.;)3. 24 Hz() is most important. In alum
any indicator may be used. each metal ion is surrounded by six water
• Titration of · strong acid with weak base molecules.
r uires meth vl oranl7e. • Li does not form alums.
, Acid I Alkali ' pH range I Indicators used
10. (c)
Str011g '\Strong \ 3-11 \~tethyl orange, litmus or
• When more than one functional group is
I Iohenol Dhthalein
present in a co~pound in naming it we have·
'Stro:i Weak I 3-8 \ ,tethvl oran e
1 to determine the principal functional group
Weak lStron \ 6-11 \Phenol hthalein
and name in the order as.
Weak Iweak 1- \Do not titrate • SOJH>-COOH>-
Indicators and their pH range o O O O 0
Colour in -C· 0- C-> -e~ OR> -C- Cl> -C • NH2>

lndjcator pHrange l Add Alkaline 0 0

solution solution ~I II
-C- H>- CN>-C-> -OH (alcohol) > - SH> · OH (phenol) · I 3.1-44 I Red Yellow NHz>-( :s C· >-<:-C·
11 ~.1e--.hvl red 4.2-6.3 I Red Yellow • When double bond and triple bond are
!l Ph'!MI Dhthalein 8.2-10 Colourless Pink present at equiv. positions as per lowest sum
:4. Litmus 5-8 Red Blue rule, numbering is done _from·· the side of
double bond.
7. (c)
• Aint glass is used in optical instrument. 1 1. (c)
• Pyrex glass can withstand sudden change in • When AgNOJ is exposed to light it
temp. so used in glass wares. decomposes and precipitates Ag so to cut off
• For eye lenses crooke's glass is used. light it is stored in black or brown bottle.
• Hard or potash glass is used in Hard glass • Agi'lOJ is also known as lunar caustic.
• When AgNOJ is rubbed on skin a black spot
• Glass is supercooled liquid. Its pieces . are appears due to formation of finely divided
called cullets. Ag.
• Crown glass is also used for opti·cal
• AgNOJ is used to detect the acid radicals like·
instruments. c:::::?:
O-, Br, I-
• Soda glass is ordinary glass. .
• AgNOJ + Na ➔ AgX + NaN03 (X = d, Br, .
8.(d) ti .
2AgNOJ~2Ag + 2NOi + 02 0
• Chlorine is used with slaked lime in the • AgNOJ + 2NJ-WH➔l[Ag (NH3}2l NOJ + nhO S:
manufacture of Bleaching powder. Diammino silver nitrate ~
Here chlorine acts both as oxidizing and (BRWN PPI) .~
chlorinating agent. • 2Ag ~OJ + 2Na0H ➔ AgiO .!. + 2NaNOJ +
Hz() (BROWN)

Scanned with CamScanner

.12. Z-cc~) ---------=========--= Total amount of heat required. ~ ·
• Alicydic compounds are also calJed. cyclic • Ice :..100°c to ice 00 C + ice 0°C to Water \ ..
homologue or cyclic aliphatic compounds. + water 0°C to wat~r 100°C + water 1
to steam l00°C.
• Aromatic compounds a.r e benzene like and
their main source is coal tar. = (1 X 0.5 X 100 + 1 >< 80 + 1 >< 1 >< 10() + } )( S
Organic compound Cal. . Jfi)
~ = 50 + 80 +100 + 536
Acyclic, AJiphatic or Cyclic. closed choin
open chain CH•. C2 H,OH or Ring compound ·
= 766 cal.
Steam at 100°C produces move severe to b
H.omocyclic Hcterocyclie
than water at 100°C due, to latent heat11m
or Carbocyclic compound vaporisation. Of
15. (b)
Allcydlc compoud Aromatic eompoud • Photometer - Used to campare~
conmining ring or closed (contain one or more
· chain of carbon Alorn but illumination po~er of differenmt sources. e
hexagonal carboxylie rings)
they resemble open chain
hydrocarbon in many 1
n:spects cg. cycloalkancs • I oc r2
cycloabncs cycloalk:)ncs
• Unit of illuminance - lux.
13. (c) • . Bolometer measures the heat radfation.
• The monomer of PVC (Poly vinyl chloride) is • Inverse square law for i l l ~ e is valid
vinyl chloride. · · for - isotropic point source. .
• PVC is used in making household pipes. • For an astronaut in space, sky appears black.
• Nylori is a coploymer of adipic ,acid and • Light with the wavelength between 380 nm
hexame_thylenediamine and is a polyamide. and 760nm are visible to human eye.
• Teflon is polytetrafluoro -ethene and is used • Human eye is most sensitive ta green -
in non~sticky frying pan. yellow region of spectrum.
• Oxalic acid is· used for removing ink stains
form clothes 16. (c)"

• Polythene - ·polymer of ethene VTJ - ~

Nylon-6 is a_polymer of a~ipic acid and

or, Vo =-\J~
hexamethylene diamine or, V27 = 1.048><332 r,:t/ s
• · Nucleic acid are polymer of nucleotides = 348 ni/s.
Since velocity of light is 3><1()8 m/s (much faster
• NaturaJ rubber is the polymer of isoprene
An analgic Iodex consists of methyl than sound). The d istance of the source can be
• calculated as
Salicylate (oil of winter green) _ _6Sec.
_ _ _ obscrv~
Nylon 6-polymer of captolactum Source
• V • 348 mis.
• Terylene/ Dacnon-Polymer of Terpthalic
acid & ethylene gycol So, d = Vxt = 348 x 6 m.
Orlon-Polymer of Acrylo~trite/Viny cyanide. = 2088 meter.

• _Doppler effect is applicable for both light
PHYSICS and sound.
• ~en source moves towards observer-
·_14~· (a) 766.~ai
intensity t , frequency t.
· ·. Ice 0°C Water I00°C
• 'L
• When source moves away from the observer
lce-lOO°C Water0°C Steam 100°c
-intensity J., frequency J..
~ = 1 gm.

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-- -
.. ,

➔V=--=--= -
- -;--- - - • A ng ul ar
th e axis.
sp ee d of the bo dy - di rected
along i '•

Magnetic m om e n t ec tor · ear velo ci ty - Along th e tangent.

t an
_ (m ) ➔ Sea.Jar.
pole strength

• Uni fo rm ci rc ul ar motion -+ varia
accelerated motion.

M""'m x 21 ar motion - Sp ee d,
di st an ce
Unit of M
- ➔ Am2
• In uniform circul
f ~om centre, kinetic
energy, an gu la r lo
remain constant.
ve city,

an gu la r m om en tu m city,
m ➔ Am . ci ru Jar motion velo
• In un ifo rm rce
M ag ne tic momen t
of a couple in a circl:J.lar lo op m en t from centre, fo
m om en tu m , di sp la ce
== NiA. t changed.
an d acceleration ge
ee n tw o sh or t m ag ne ts
f,{agnetic fo rc e be tw -

1 20. (a)
ui t
fo e r' . io de co nv er ts A C -to DC. A filte r ci rc
• AD cu rr en t.
ag netic d ipole an d a p oi nt cr ea se fluctuation of
is us ed to de
fo rc e be tw een a m
A n OscilJator conv
er ts D C to A C.
source. •
fers - Po w er.
1 • A tra ns fo rm er trans or
fo e -r3
de V al ve ca n be us ed as rectifier, de te ct
• D io R)
po in t so ur ce s. N O T as AM PL IF IE
Force be tw een tw o &: m od ul at or (But &:
-- -- · n be us ed as am pl ifi er
1 ·- -- - -- .o • Tr io de va lu e ca
F ar 2 o r
et c ar e - oscillator.
M om en t of in ~ a,· st ra in, st re ss

te ns or s. 21. (a)
t, torq ue, /cc) is le ss th an de ns ity
V ec to r: El ec tr ic field, w ei gh n • Density of ice (0.9 2 g

tic fi el d st re ng th , te m p. gr ad ie t of w at er (1 gm/ cc)
· magne e . pl ie d to an ic e ba ll
w at er
es su re gr ad ie nt , m agnetic moment (M) tc • W he n pr es su re ap
pr at ion)
te nt ial, cess is ca lle d R eg el
ra tu re , en er gy, po iU be fo rm ed . (P ro
• Sc al ar s: Tem pe
w og en
en t, ti m e, density. ca n lin k by 4 hy dr
charge, electric cu rr • 1 molecule of w at er
bo nd at a tim e.
18. (c) ent of
V eloc ity of so un d in ai r is independ 22. (d )

. V2 .
pr es su re.
d in ai r (V) oc: ...ff"
• V~Jocity of so un of .b ul b is constant
at a
• Since resistance
• V oc _ ~ {d ~ de ns .
it y of air) tu re.
pa rt ic ul ar te m pe ra
vd e
r is in de pe nd en t of th We ~e t, PaV~
100 .:.. (22~\2
d in ai
• Velocity of so un
frequency of pr op ag
at in g w av e.
o r, ;; =~J 2
or x - 110)
10 0 e: so
:19_ (b) 10 0 :. x = = 25 w at t. !I
ng fr am e oI rX- = 4 4
ou tw ar d in a ro ta ti

• The force ac ti ng uctor changes w ith
co nd
is ➔ centrifugal force. Resistance of a :S .
re vo lu ti on th e fo rce exe~ted on his

change in temp. eg,
R = Ro (l ·+ a8 ).
/~ ·.
• During ar ds (ce nt r~ ga J) an
d .
tit y ,g
body is ra di ca ll y ou e.g, R a te m p.
15 ther ~ to
g in w ~ d) is a constant qu an
ta l fo rc e . (a ct in ·Specific resistance ,...
ce nt ri pe · • de pe nd s up on the material of the
balanc e it. which
· .
Fo r a bo dy r~ ta ti ng in circular motioi:t conductor. .
• ds
er at io n of th e bo dy - directed to w ar
• Accel
the centre.

Scanned with Camscarwi

:z:s. <h) - ·------- -· - - - --- - -
-- • Prawns (Crustaceans) - have artena1 ~
~- - ··- -- - - - - - - - - - - that pumps only oxygenated blood. ~It 1
SuHceplibilHy (X). lnkmiily of rnagnelisation(I)
Mognclising ficld(H) • frog - mixed blood (pure and impure bJ
collected from two auricles is PUJnpeq~
truncus arteriosus).. Heart of fish is ~

A11 the lempcralurc increases lhc orientation
of mngnelic domain changes that ultimately
chambered (1-auricle, 1-ventricle), fishes~o
decrc.:Hil'H 'I' nnd_hence Susceptibility J.cs
giJl-b~eathers. are
• Above curie lcmp. forrqmagnctic subslance
bchnveH aH paramagnet. 27. Cb) --........
• Curie faw is obeyed by - , Poramagnct~. Cone cell. (C ➔ colour) . ~
1 • Cone cells have pigment lodopsin whj h
• Susccplibility of paramagnet a - -
tcmp · forms image in bright 'light and give col c
• Susceptibility of diamagnct (Xm) = is small vision. Blue (cyanolable), Green (chlorola~
and negative. and Red (Erythrolobe)
24. (c) • Cone cells are more in the fovea centralis of
yellow spot/macula lutea.
• Electron (.,c0 ) and positron {+1e<>) are • Vision is most distinct in Fovea centralis of
antiparticle of each other.
• Mass of proton (Mr)= mass of neutron (Mn) • Rhodopsin of rod cells - Works ind~ light
but proton carries a unit charge and neutron & night (scotoactive): .
is chargelcss.
• visual cycle is associated with vitamin A
• Proton and neutron are interconvertible

25. Ch)
through meson. 28. (a) Ball and socket joint.
Ball and socket joint an~ saddle- joint are -
multiaxial joint. It is found in head of humerous
• Magnifying power of a compound with glenoid cavity of shoulder, head of femur
Microscope (M) = mo><me with the acetabulam of pelvic girdle.·This joint
mo·-+ Magnification by objective Jens. is found in freely movable parts of body.
me -+ Magnification by eye piece Jens. • Hinge joint in elbow - between the
humerous and olecranon process of Ulna,
For compound microscope
Elbow, ankle joint.
Vo ( ~I 1 • Ulna has sigmoid notch and humerus has
M = Uo l +fe) · . Moc fe
deltoid ridge.
Mies when fe is small. - Plane joint - Sten_10calvicular, intercarpal anlf
• Final image formed by a compound intertarsaJ joint.
microscop~ is virtual and inverted. - Pivot joint - AtJantoaxial & proximal radio·ulnar
• Magnifing power of telescope can be joint. ·
increased by increasing the focal length o,f • - Condylar - Knee joint · & temporomandibular
objective or decreasing the focal length of joint joint.
eye piece or fitting objective lens with higher - Saddle joint - 1st carpometacarpaJ joint, ma lieus-
power and eye piece with smaller power. . incus joint.
. fo 29. (a) Proglottid _
M = fe (Normal adjustment)
• Pr!)glottids (self-sufficient unit) {about 800 to
900 each with male and female organs make the
strobiH} _
26. (a) Fishes Proglottids are divided into three typ_es.
• fish have a venous heart that pumps only a Anterior-immature with testes but no
dcoxygenatcd blood. ovary.

Scanned with CamScanner

Middle - Hermaphro dite unil. Wilh many
testes & single ovary.
~- ~

- .- -in-other
- animalH.
- . - -·- ..-- Excretory
S .N Animals
.. ---- -
, . Posterior - Gravid proglotid. I. Annelida Ncphridia
arache~ . uterus is filled with fertilized eggs. 2. Codcnlrnlc Moutt1 & ge neral body surface
()etachment of 5-6 proglotid from the lower end 3. Porifera cell surfocc
of gravid segment is called apolysis in T. soleum 4. Protozoa Contractile Vilcuolc in frcc;h formc;.
which helps in continuity of generation.
5. Aschclminthes Jfoncllc cell (H-shapecJ)
raenin soli11111 (pork tapeworm) Green/ Antennary gland
6. Crustacea
• Digenetic: Primary host (man) secondary 7. Echinoderms Tube feet
host (pig)
8. Mollusca Kidney (mctaneph rous)
• Disease transmitte d
• Larva: Cystecerco sis 32. (h) Birds
• Adult: Taeniasis Animal Habits Excretory Substance

• Larva: Cysticercu s (bladder worm) • Ammonotelic Excretes as NH1 e.g Fish

• Uricotelic Waste product is uric acid e.g. In
• Eggs are infective and caused by eating
birds, insects, ligard.ft helps to
unproperly cooked prok. conserve water.
• Apolysis helps in of transfer of fertilized egg • Ureotelic .
Excretary product as urea in dry
to outside i.e. continuity of generation . . condition eg. Humans.
30. (b) • Earthworm Ureotelic (in dry) and ammonote lic
(in wet/ moist cond")
• Rabbit: The left kidney lies below the right
kidney because of the left sided stomach. 33. (b)
• In humans: The right kidney lies below than Archenteron is formed by invaginati on of grey
crescent Ounction of micro and megamere s) with
the left kidney d u e to liver on the right side.
its opening blastopore closed by yolk plug
• On the basis of their embryonic developme nt (megamere lift after micromere s grow over
& positions, the kidneys are classified as of 3 megamere ie. ·e piboly. It is found in double -
types. layered gastrula.
1. Prooephro s: It is proximal part of • Blastacoel a segmentat ion cavity of single
excretory tubule of embryo which layered blastula. Embryonic developm ent
remains functional in ad_ult eg. Mynine & stages.
BdeUostoma. 1. Segmenta tion/ cleavage: Vertical and
2. Mesoneph ros: It is the middle part of horizontal segmentat ion forming
excretory tubule of embryo which blastomere s later to micromer es and
remains functional in petromyzo n. megamere s.

3. Metaneph ros: It is hind or posterior part 2. Morulatio n: Mulberry shaped solid balI like
of excret~ry tubule of embryo which structure called morula formation. .

· remains functional in adult. 3. Blastulation: Formation of spherical, hollow w , ' .,,

e.g reptiles, birds and mammals.
4. Gastru)ati on: Formation of archentero n and 5
31. (b) Platyhelminthes ~
establishm ent of three germ layers.
PJayhelminthes .- Flame ·c ells/ solenocyte s -:--;--;-_::--;=-=----:-;-- --;---- -- -- -- - - - - -·N
34. (c) Spermathe cal pore o
(protoneph ridia) ----:::-- --....;:.. .__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Q

Flame cells are osmoregul otory in function as • During copulation , spermathe ca of one -~
well. earthworm receives sperms from the male

Scanned with CamScanner

genital pore (181h segment) of another First vertebrae - Atlas "'""--
earthworm through spermathecal pores in Second vertebrae - Axis
the intersegments 5/6, 6/7, 7/8 & 8/9 • Thoracic vertebrae= 12/13/
• Cocoon receives these sperms from the same •
Presence of metapophyses and AnapoPhyS<.,
pores. in thoracic vertebrae ·
Nephridial pore - for excretion. • Presence of hypapophyses in Lumb
_ ar
35. (b) vertebrae (6/7)
• Bancroftion disease-filaria • Sacral vertebrae-4/5
• Hansens disease: Leprosy (by Mycobacteriwn • Caudal vertebrae - 16/17
• Koch's bacillus: Mycobacterium tuberculosis. .

36. (d) Axon of nerve celk ·

__ ______
Koch-we~ks bacillus: Haemophilous aegyptus.

MyeJin sheath is made of schwann cell in

J3~8~.(~c)~l~n~te~rp~h:;a~se::..,_··- --:----:--:--~--
,.;, • Nucleus has maximum siz«: during
- Interphase.
-PNS and ·oligodendrocytes in CNS, nodes • Crosing over takes place during _
of Ranvier al intervals. _ . . - Pachytene. (Meiosis -1/ prophase)
• The nerve conduction is faster in myelinated • Centromere divides into two during
and thick nerve fiber ·due to saltatory - Anaphase.
• Synapsis
• · Covering of GI tract-peritoneum. - Zygotene (Prophase - I of. r_neiosis - D
• Autonomic· Nervous system consists of • Interphase is often· called · resting stage
sympa~etic . · and parasympathetic . (morphologically) or most active stage
neurotransmiter (metabolically). ·
• parasymathetic Nervous system is essential • Longest phase of cell cycle is interphase.
for life
• In the synapse impulse flows from dendrites .39. (b) Maize
[Refer IOM 2009 Q .26]
➔ Cell body ➔ Axon ·
• Maize is a . typical example of cross
• Parasymathetic . Nervous system releases pollination,
Acetylcholine as Neurotransmiter
• Malacophily: Pollination by snails/sludges.
• Noradrenaline is the neurotransmitter of
• Anemophily: Pollination by · wind. Wind
sympathetic Nervous system
pollinated flowers are small inconspicuous
·J7. (c) 7 · and devoid of colour, nectar and smell.
The long neck of giraffe is _due to the • Chiropterophily: Pollination by bat.
elonagation of each cei:vical vertebra forming • Xenogamy or _allogamy: Pollination between
plate like formation. two flowers of di~feren~ plant.
• 1st cervical vertebra =· Atlas, articulates the • Geitonogamy
dicondylic skull of mammal. • Poilination between different flowers ·of
• 2nd cervical vertebra = Axis, has dens same plant.
odontoid process. Cervical vertebra have • It is ecologically cross pollination but
foramen in the transverse 'process. . . geneti~ally self pollination.
• C-7 is the largest cervical vertebra.
• Vertebrae of rabbit has 46-47 vertebra. -40. (a) Diaphargm
• Cervical-7 vertebrae · • Diaphragm is not involved in respiration of

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_; / " cutaneous respiration _ by sk·
, , 0 aunon type Of respiration m,d Most
• • Staminodc: Sterile stamens in caesalpinaceae
i hia,ernation and aestivation. urang (papilonaceac)
u)Inonary respiration - by lun
• P . tr ful .. gs, occurs ·44. (d) Phagocylosis
during s ess condition eg• Scarc1ty
. of
0 xygen.
• Phagocytosis:
Ingestion °f solid food
• euccopharyngeal - by ~ucc~l cavity. • Pinocytosis: · Cell drinking process i.e,
• Sternohyi and pterohyl are the mu 1 ingestion of liquid food.
involved in respiration in frog. · sc es
• Exocytosis: Cell vomiting process i.e,
~ ( bcompanion cells -
,1~ )
-- • comparuon cells are absent in the phloem of •
excretion from cell. .
Hypotonic solution: Osmotic concentro~on
gymnosper~s and fe~ but Albuminous cells of solute is less than that of cell sap.
are present m them instead of companion • Isotonic solution: Same solute concentration
cells. and sam~ osmotic pressure as that of cell
Vessels: Main conducting elements in sap.
Angiosperm. • Cell in hypotonic solution: Endosmosis, cell
, Tracheids: Main conducting element in become turgid.
gymnosperm. . • Cell in hypertonic solution: Exosmosis, cell
• Bidirectional flow of minerals - Xylem. become flaccid.
, P- proteins are found in sieve tube.- 45. (c) Angiosperm ·
• Xylem and phloem are complex ·permanent • Double fertilization is seen is
tissue. Angiosperm.
• Wilting of plant occurs when xylem is • Primary endosperm cell in angiosperm is
blocked. triploid (3n).
• Endosperm in gymnosperm is haploid
i2. (b) Biflagellate
(formed before fertilization).
• Gametes of chlamydomonos are • Double fertilization (Triple fusion) was
Biflagellated. discovered by Naw~hin in Lilium and
• Antheridia in - marcantia, funaria Frittilaria.
Biflagellated. • Filiform apparatus - ·Synergid.
• Palmella stage - Algae like chlamydomonas, • A typical angiospermic embryo sac at the
Ulothrix. time of fertilization is 7- celled and 8-
• Hypnospores ".'" Thick walled n~m motile nucleated.
resting spores meant for perrenation. 46. (a) Ethanol + CO2_
3. (c) Cruciferae • ·Fermentation - Conversion• of sugar/
glucose/ carbohydrate into ethanol and COi.
• Tetradynamous stamen - 6 stamens, 2 outer _
small 'and 4 inner long. eg. Mustard family • Yeast (Sacclraromyces cereviceae) is used in
fermentation of sugar.
(cruciferae) Brassica, Radish, Turnip.
-◄ t
• Enzyme used in fermentation is Zymase.
• Did~amous : 4 stamen, two outer long, 2
inner short eg. Ocimum (family - . labiatae - • Anaerobic respiration in yeast produces - •
Ethanol and CO2. · 1-
Tulsi family)

2ATP are ~roduced m anaerobic respiration.
• Heterostemony: Stamens are of · unequal
length, eg. Cassia. • Lactic acid fermentation - Bacteria and :N·
• Epipetalous: Stamens fused with petal eg.
muscles during high exercise. 8
MSC (Malvaceae, Solanaceae, ~ompositae) • Energy released in aerobic respiration = 674 ·
Kcal and anaerobic respiration =:::so kcal.
- -----

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· ·
r -·-~ :7 COMPLETE SOLUTION ·mM. PAHS. KUin _-- - - -M.
- - - - - . . (p ow er ho
ch011dr1a us e of cell) _
heart • .
- --' . ~ .- . n doesn't occur ito on sib le for res pir att on .
• lactic acid form att o . Resp . ke rb s cy cle ar e found .
muscle during exercise. . .. yru • En zy me 5 for ·a1 ma tri x (ex ce pt suc 11
vic aci d . Mitochondr1 cirr
t f glycolys1s is p
• End produc o : Id 2 molecules o f de hy dr og en es e) t
• 1 molecule of glucose y1e .
. ntr 1o le oc cu rs during ~
pyruvic acid
s . . • Replica no n of ce . .
ph as e of int erp ha se.
4i. (b) Fung1• . f ntr iol e oc cu rs du rin g
F · _ He terotrophic, saproph Ytic
· • Di vis ion .c~
lec tr n
° tra ns po rt .
ch ain
• un gt
O f Ch1.tin
- •nn t
• E oh dr ial me mb ra ne .

•• Storaglecel
Funga Pro duct
l wa fungt· ts
ll is de up
· gly co ge n
. • Aiicte - Autotrop hic, 11 . algae have 49 • (c) fructose
a ·
Ch1 oro
· p hy ll a and carotene. . t in . -
• Sugar pr ese n · ho ne y is fructose.
• Zy gomycetes - Co nju gat ion fungi. ·
Sucrpse -~G lu co se + fru cto se .
• Ascomycetes _ Sac fun gi eg. Pertlcillium, ·Lactp. _ Gl uc os e + Ga lac tos
se - e.
M alt os e= Gl uc os e+ Gl uc os
• Oo my cet es - Egg fun gi. e.
• Lactose - M ilk Su ga r
• Basidiomvce tes - Ou b fun gi.
. • Sucrose-~ Ta ble Su ga r
• Deuteromyce tes - Fu ngi imp
erf ect i.
48. (a) Centriole 50 . (b) G'ymnosperm

Centriole is the org an ell e associ • Ov ar y is ab se nt in Gy mn
ated wi th c.ell os pe rm .
division, .wh ich he lps in· .
spi nd le fibre • Na ke d se ed s ar e fmmc:!, ~
formation. gy mn os pe rm.
• A pla nt wh ich pr od uc
• Site of protein syn th~ es se ed b _u t no t flowe1
i.s - Ribosome - Gy mn os pe rm .
(Smallest me mb ran ele ss c~ll org
anelle) • M eg as po ro ph yll
• Organelles involved in ph of gymnosperms 1~
oto res pir ati on are eq uiv ale nt of ca rp els .
Mitochondria, ch lor op las t an
d pe rox iso me .
• CO2 is released du rin g ph • Gy mn os p~ rm ic ov ul es ar
oto respiration in e orthotropous and
Mitochondria. un ite gm ic. . ·
• Gr an a - chloroplast (Plast • Gy mn os pe rm ex hib its -
icl), Oxysomes ~e m op hi ly .
Mitochondria. • Co ne s of gy mn
· ·.
flo we r of an gio spos pe rm ar e eq wv
erm . · ale nt to

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