Advancing Banana and Plantain R&D in Asia and The Pacific - Vol. 13

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Advancing banana and

plantain R&D in Asia and

the Pacific - Vol. 13
Proceedings of the 3rd BAPNET Steering Committee
meeting held in Guangzhou, China
23-26 November 2004

A.B. Molina, L.B. Xu, V.N. Roa, I. Van den Bergh

and K.H. Borromeo, editors
The mission of the International Network for the Improvement of Banana and Plantain (INIBAP)
is to sustainably increase the productivity of banana and plantain grown on smallholdings for
domestic consumption and for local and export markets.
The programme has four specific objectives:
· To organize and coordinate a global research effort on banana and plantain, aimed at the
development, evaluation and dissemination of improved banana cultivars and at the
conservation and use of Musa diversity.
· To promote and strengthen collaboration and partnerships in banana-related activities at the
national, regional and global levels.
· To strengthen the ability of NARS to conduct research and development activities on bananas
and plantains.
· To coordinate, facilitate and support the production, collection and exchange of information
and documentation related to banana and plantain.
INIBAP is a network of the International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI), a Future
Harvest center.
The International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI) is an independent international
scientific organization that seeks to advance the conservation and use of plant genetic diversity for
the well-being of present and future generations. It is one of the 16 Future Harvest Centres supported
by the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), an association of public
and private members who support efforts to mobilize cutting-edge science to reduce hunger and
proverty, improve human nutrition and health, and protect the environment. IPGRI has its
headquarters in Maccarese, near Rome, Italy, with offices in more than 20 other countries worldwide.
The Institute operates through three programmes: (1) the Plant Genetic Resources Programme, (2)
the CGIAR Genetic Resources Support Programme and (3) the International Network for the
Improvement of Banana and Plantain (INIBAP).
The international status of IPGRI is conferred under an Establishment Agreement which, by January
2003, had been signed and ratified by the Governments of Algeria, Australia, Belgium, Benin,
Bolivia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chile, China, Congo, Costa Rica, Côte d’Ivoire, Cyprus,
Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, Greece, Guinea, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iran, Israel,
Italy, Jordan, Kenya, Malaysia, Mauritania, Morocco, Norway, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Poland,
Portugal, Romania, Russia, Senegal, Slovakia, Sudan, Switzerland, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda
and Ukraine.
Financial support for IPGRI’s research is provided by more than 150 donors, including governments,
private foundations and international organizations. For details of donors and research activities
please see IPGRI’s Annual Reports, which are available in printed form on request from ipgri-
[email protected] or from IPGRI’s Web site (
The geographical designations employed and the presentation of material in this publication do
not imply the expressions of any opinion whatsoever on the part of IPGRI or the CGIAR concerning
the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or its authorities, or concerning the delimitation
of its frontiers or boundaries. Similarly, the views expressed are those of the authors and do not
necessarily reflect the views of these organizations.
Mention of a propriety name does not constitute endorsement of the product and is given only for
Cover: A banana field in Yunnan province (photo by Xu Linbing).
Citation: A.B. Molina, L.B. Xu, V.N. Roa, I. Van den Bergh and K.H. Borromeo, editors. 2005.
Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol. 13. Proceedings of the
3rd BAPNET Steering Committee meeting held in Guangzhou, China, 23-26 November 2004.
International Network for the Improvement of Banana and Plantain - Asia Pacific, Los Baños,
Laguna, Philippines.

INIBAP ISSN 1729-0805

© International Plant Genetic Resources Institute 2005.


Via dei Tre Denari 472/a Parc Scientifique Agropolis II c/o IRRI, GS Khush Hall
00057 Maccarese 34397 Montpellier Cedex 5 Los Baños, Laguna 4031
Italy France Philippines
Advancing banana and
plantain R&D in Asia
and the Pacific - Vol. 13
Proceedings of the 3rd BAPNET Steering Committee
meeting held in Guangzhou, China,
23-26 November 2004

A.B. Molina, L.B. Xu, V.N. Roa, I. Van den Bergh

and K.H. Borromeo, editors

Ac knowledgments

The Banana Asia Pacific Network (BAPNET) is grateful to all

participants of the 3rd BAPNET Steering Committee meeting for their
contribution to these proceedings.

BAPNET would like to thank:

• Its local partners in China, the Guangdong Academy of Agricultural

Sciences (GDAAS) and the Science and Technology Department of
Guangdong Province, for hosting the meeting and having provided
the staff support and local arrangements that ensured the meeting’s
success under the able leadership of Mr Xu Linbing, Senior
Agronomist, Pomology Research Institute, GDAAS;
• A.B. Molina, L.B Xu, V.N. Roa, I. Van den Bergh and K.H. Borromeo
for their conscientious work as editors of the proceedings;
• V.N. Roa and K.H. Borromeo who undertook the style editing, layout
and design of the proceedings.

Editorial Note
Some references have been submitted without complete publishing data. They
may thus lack the full names of journals and/or the place of publication and
the publisher. Should readers have difficulty in identifying particular references,
staff at INIBAP-Asia Pacific will be glad to assist.

Workshop recommendations 3
Opening ceremonies
Opening remarks
Luo Fuhe 9
Strengthening research to improve the banana industry
Ma Xian Min 11
Message from INIBAP
Agustin B. Molina, Jr. 13
Country reports
Australian banana industry: Status and R&D update
Robert Williams 19
Status of banana in Bangladesh
Md. Abdus Satter and Md. Adbul Hoque 37
Overview of banana reasearch in Cambodia
Men Sarom 45
Banana research and production in China
Xu Linbing, Yang Hu, Huang Bingzhi and Wei Yuerong 51
Banana and plantain R&D in India
M.M. Mustaffa and S. Sathiamoorthy 65
Banana R&D in Indonesia: Updates and highlights
Suyamto, I. Djatnika and A. Sutanto 81
Enhancing Malaysian banana industry R&D
Nik Masdek Hassan 89
Current situation of banana R&D in Myanmar
Aye Tun 97
Highlights of banana R&D in Papua New Guinea
Rosa Kambuou 103
Philippine banana R&D highlights 2004
Patricio S. Faylon, Jocelyn E. Eusebio and Edna Anit 109
Banana R&D in Sri Lanka: Status and prospects
Chandrasiri Kudagamage 125
Comparison of Musa germplasm in Thailand
S. Chandraparnik, C. Dichaiwong and K. Bansiddhi 131
Current banana R&D in Vietnam
Ho Huu Nhi 135
Status of banana R&D in the Pacific
Mary Taylor 149
Recent R&D of banana in Taiwan
Chi Hon Chen and Chih Ping Chao 159

Special presentations
Screening of banana clones for resistance to fusarium
wilt in China
Chen Houbin, Xu Chinxiang, Feng Qirui, Hu Guibing,
Li Jianguo, Wang Zehuai and Agustin Molina, Jr. 165
Population structure of wild banana, Musa balbisiana, in China
determined by SSR fingerprinting and cpDNA PCR-RFLP
X.J. Ge, M.H. Lui, W.K. Wang, B.A. Schaal and T.Y. Chiang 175
Establishment of embryogenic cell suspension culture
and plant regeneration of banana (Musa spp.) for gene
Xue-Lin Huang, Yue-Rong Wei, Xian Huang,
Jia Li, Wang Xiao and Xiao-Ju Li 177
Preliminary evaluation of IMTP-III varieties and local cultivars
against fusarium wilt disease in southern China
Huang Bingzhi, Xu Linbing and Agustin B. Molina, Jr. 187
Status of banana R&D in Hainan, China
Chen Yeyuan, Wei Shouxing and Zhang Lei 193
INIBAP/IPGRI programmes
INIBAP programmes and conservation use of banana diversity
Agustin B. Molina, Jr., Jean-Vincent Escalant
and Inge Van den Bergh 205
The IMTP, NRMDCs and EPMG: Instruments to enhance
the maintenance, multiplication and promotion of Musa varieties
in Asia and the Pacific
Inge Van den Bergh, Maria Angeli G. Maghuyop,
Jean-Vincent Escalant and Agustin B. Molina, Jr. 211
Safe exchange of Musa germplasm, knowledge of the genome
and its application in Musa improvement
Ines van den Houwe, Nicolas Roux, Jean-Vincent Escalant
and Richard Markham 217
Promoting conservation through sustainable use of
underutilized crops in livelihood development -
A case of buckwheat
Zongwen Zhang 231
Appendix 1: Programme of the 3rd BAPNET Steering
Committee meeting 243
Appendix 2: Directory of BAPNET SC members/hosts/
resource persons/guests/secretariat 245
Appendix 3: Awards 251
Appendix 3: List of acronyms and abbreviations 255
Workshop recommendations
Workshop recommendations 3

Workshop recommendations

After the presentations, a workshop was held to review and discuss

the status of the various projects in the region, the direction and the
future plans of BAPNET. These were the recommendations formed by
the committee members:
1. R&D in the area of IPM with emphasis on banana fusarium
wilt, banana viruses and bacterial wilt
The observed infection of fusarium wilt on Cavendish in China,
Taiwan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Australia, and the
absence or limited information about Foc from other countries such
as Cambodia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and other BAPNET member
countries, necessitate a new survey-characterization of the Foc
pathogen in the region. A map distribution of the various races and
VCGs of Foc has to be developed. The Regional Coordinator (RC)
together with Bob Williams of Australia will explore some possibilities
of funding support for the activity from the Australian government.
2. Review the status and need of a banana breeding programme
in Asia
Although Asia and the Pacific is the centre of Musa diversity, there is
no serious and sustainable breeding programme in the region. While
some hybridization and mutation induction and selection is carried
out in some countries, the major activity carried out in the region is
local variety evaluation and selection. It was suggested that the network/
NARS link and learn from outputs from a few strong breeding
programmes from other countries. A regional initiative to establish a
breeding programme should be considered. A serious effort to source
national/regional funding and collaborative efforts should be sought
if a sustainable breeding programme is to be achieved.
Existing breeding strategies and related activities of the various
member countries of BAPNET are shown in Table 1.
It can be observed from the above table that all countries practise
germplasm evaluation. Other activities, such as molecular
characterization, somaclonal evaluation and selection, chemical induction
mutation, irradiation mutation, hybridization and genetic
transformation, are not yet very popular for most countries in the region.
It was agreed that the countries should learn from other breeding
programs in order to come up with their own breeding programme
4 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
Table 1. Existing breeding strategies and related activities of the various member
countries of BAPNET.

Chemical induction







Australia x x x x x
Bangladesh x
Cambodia x
China x x x x x x x
India x x x x x
Indonesia x x
Malaysia x x x x x
Myanmar x
Philippines x x x
Sri Lanka x x
Thailand x x
Taiwan x x
Vietnam x x x x

3. Enhance banana information sharing

INIBAP/BAPNET has strengthen efforts on Musa information sharing,
especially in the areas of Integrated Pest Management (IPM),
germplasm characterization and evaluation, and value-adding
processes. Research activities such as in the area of biological control
are carried out in the region. Sharing and consolidating of results
and experiences hastens technology development and utilization.
To enhance information development and exchange, RISBAP should
be supported, particularly in the gathering and sharingof banana
R&D technical information and publications in the region to be shared
into the global INFODOC databases. There is a need to reconstitute
the national RISBAP representatives.
4. Support capacity building on specific thematic areas
Table 2 shows the needs of the various countries on specific areas
and the capacity of some to provide the expertise. The members
will see how things can be facilitated to help one another in the
region. Some countries which are more experienced than other
countries offered to facilitate a training programme in the area of
their expertise. An additional training on IMTP guidelines for those
who joined later is also recommended. Furthermore, Papua New
Guinea specifically made a request for training on MGIS. A MGIS
training was held in December 2003 in Malaysia in which PNG
was not able to participate.
Workshop recommendations 5

Table 2. Needs and capacities of various BAPNET-member countries.

Diagnostic tools
Virus indexing /

handling, SCM

IMTP methods
Foc, sigatoka







INIBAP x x x x x
Australia x x x x x x x x x x x
Bangladesh o o o o o ox o o o
Cambodia o o o o o o o o
China x x o o o x o o o o o
India - - - - - - - - - - -
Indonesia o o o o o o ox o o ox
Malaysia x o o o o o x o o x o
Myanmar o o o o o o o o o o o
PNG o o o o o o o x o o
Philippines x o o o x o x o
Sri Lanka o o o o o o o
Thailand - - - - - - - - - - -
Taiwan x x o x x x x
Vietnam o x o o x o o o
SPC o o o x o
o: identified need x: can provide/facilitate

5. Strengthen national activities on promotion, evaluation and

adoption of introduced improved varieties and superior
landraces, IPM and improved production systems
Efforts to secure funding for these activities should be sourced from
local funding and possibly bilateral funding. Such activities should
include more demoplots, training of technicians and farmers on
improved IPM and production technologies, and expanded variety
evaluation trials.
6. Other recommendations
• Explore/consider the contribution of biotechnology in the area of
pest and disease diagnostics.
• Consider commodity-chain approach in the network programmes.
• Participate in the proposed banana enterprise-uses studies and
• Publish fact sheets of each BAPNET member country. This covers
status of banana R&D and collaborative activities within the
framework of INIBAP/BAPNET.
• Review and improve the role of BAPNET in the areas of:
- Enhancing regional collaboration;
- Facilitation of knowledge, technology and information sharing;
- Capacity building;
- Resource generation; and
- Priority agenda setting.
6 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 12

Plotting of national networks

The following are the key activities of the networks of each country.
Country Existing Need What are the key activities of these networks
network for a
Australia x x Develops the National Strategic RD&E plan (lead by
industry); determines the investment plan in
collaboration with the R&D providers; and assist in
lobbying for funding.
Bangladesh x Identifies the research areas; and technology transfer.
Cambodia x Identifies the research areas; technology transfer and
marketing constraints; provides linkage to farmers.
China x x Sharing of information and exchange; research agenda
setting; strategic planning.
India x
Indonesia Fusarium x Sharing of information and exchange; research agenda
setting; strategic planning.
Malaysia Informal Keep Provides platform for project development.
Myanmar X Identifies the research areas; technology transfer, helps
secure government funding; knowledge sharing.
PNG PGR Sub GRNC, with NARI; acts as a sub committee to provide
committee information generation and dissemination to farmers;
ability to generate funding within the country from
Philippines x x Team leader; develops national strategic and
operational programmes that provides direction for the
R&D institutions and the funding agencies.
Sri Lanka Starting x Coordination & information sharing; project
Thailand -
Taiwan x x Initiation of R&D linkage to farmers
Vietnam Starting x Research working group; sharing of information and
germplasm material exchange; research agenda
setting; strategic planning; capacity building; and
project development
SPC Regional Regional Coordination body of PGR players; strategic planning

Opening ceremonies
Messages 9

Opening remarks
Luo Fuhe

Distinguished BAPNET members, ladies and gentlemen, a pleasant

good morning to all and welcome to China.
On behalf of the BAPNET Steering Committee meeting, the National
Agricultural Research Systems (NARS) and the Guangdong Academy
of Agricultural Sciences (GDAAS), I would like to extend my warmest
welcome to all the BAPNET members and the participants from
different NARS and institutions. The whole GDAAS family is greatly
honoured to host this very significant regional event, to be one with
BAPNET in advancing our vision to make banana and plantain R&D
benefit the region and to share the many exciting developments in
banana research.
Banana is an important fruit in China. The volume of production last
year was 5.6 million tonnes, and it is estimated that production will
reach over 6 million tonnes this year. China has the biggest potential
market, with 1.3 billion in population. In 2002, China exported 40 000
tonnes. The export sum was US$19 million. However, we imported
348 000 tonnes of banana from the Philippines and Thailand, costing
about US$75 million. Due to the rapid economic growth, the banana
consumption market expanded. Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao
announced in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
Meeting in Bali, Indonesia last October that China will establish friendly
relations with ASEAN countries to develop economy for mutual
benefits, and build the region into a secure and harmonized place with
ASEAN countries. Hence, we are glad and proud to make the significant
contribution to BAPNET.
GDAAS is one of the leading banana R&D institutions in China. Our
work on banana started in the mid 1950s. Over the decades, we were
involved in banana germplasm collection, screening, fusarium wilt
resistance breeding and tissue culture where significant developments
have been achieved. In 1999, we have received a 3 rd Grade National
Science and Technology Progress Award, and in 2001, the China
Excellence Patent Award. We have set up the Guangdong Banana
Sciences and Technology Association in 2000. This coming 6 December
2004, we will launch the China Banana Network, which is envisioned
to be very helpful to the Chinese banana industry. We are pleased to
share the achievement, technology and the market with the countries
*Vice Chairman, Guangdong Provincial Political Consultant Committee, and President,
Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China.
10 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
in the region.
Lastly, I would like to take this opportunity to wish the meeting a
success with fruitful discussions and deliberations that will benefit both
the Chinese banana industry and the banana production in the region.
I hope you all have a wonderful and unforgettable time in China during
this 4-day meeting. Again, welcome to China.
Messages 11

Strengthen research to improve

the banana industry
Ma Xian Min

Honourable Chairman Luo Fu He, distinguished BAPNET members,

ladies and gentlemen,
I take pleasure in welcoming all of you to the 3rd BAPNET Steering
Committee Meeting.
I likewise extend my sincere appreciation to the Guangdong Provincial
Science and Technology Department for co-hosting this meeting, and
to INIBAP and BAPNET for organizing this important event.
Guangdong is located in the south of China, facing South China Sea
with the Tropic of Cancer going through the middle of the province,
Hongkong and Macao. It has a 178 000 km2 land area with a population
of about 80 million people. Guangdong has a sub-tropical climate, with
long summers and warmer winters, and a flush of precipitation.
Guangdong is an important harbour. The world-famous “sea silk road”
starts from Guangdong. Guangdong has one of the fast developing
economy among the provinces in China. In 2003, Guangdong
registered a share of 1/9 of the GDP, 1/7 of the financial income, 1/4 of
foreign investments and 1/3 of exports of China. Pearl River Delta is
one of the biggest IT manufacturing bases in the world.
Science and technology are very important in Guangdong’s
development. The policies of Guangdong uphold the practice of
research and education. After 20 years of promotion, Guangdong has
become the third in science and technology research after Beijing and
Shanghai. The big Pearl River Delta (including Hongkong and Macao)
has become the most powerful innovation district. Now, the provincial
government has enacted a policy on building up science and technology
to make the province more powerful.
According to Deng Xiaoping, “Science and Technology are important
for productivity. There are 1.05 million researchers in Guangdong. The
total research fund is $4 billion, with about $200 000 allotted to banana
research every year. Although it is not a big fund, the achievements
have been numerous: the use of tissue culture seedlings, the
establishment of a germplasm collection, the introduction and screening
of new cultivars and research and development in new technologies.”
*Vice Director, Science and Technology Department of Guangdong Province, China.
12 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
Many research awards have been received, all of which are considered
as a great contribution to the Chinese banana industry.
Guangdong is the hometown of Chinese banana, especially in Gaozhou
and Dongguang city, where banana planting has been on for more
than 600 years. There are 30 000 ha planted to banana in the two cities.
It is said that they are the masters of the Chinese banana industry.
Many Guangdong farmers grow banana in other provinces, extending
the technology to the other farmers. Also, many researchers extend
the new technology and varieties to other regions, thereby stirring a
development in the banana sector. During the past 20 years, banana
production has increased 10 times. This is the contribution Guangdong
farmers, researchers, professors and businessman. They made the
banana more profitable for the farmers.
As will be evidenced by the new buildings in the banana-growing
regions when you visit the banana plantation on Nov. 26, you can
conclude that the farmers earn more money than civilians. This implies
that the banana industry is becoming prosperous.
At this point, allow me to extend my appreciation to all of you for your
active commitment and dedication to the vision of BAPNET. I hope
this meeting will be fruitful and productive, for the benefit of the
millions of banana farmers in the Asia and the Pacific region.
Again, I welcome you to Guangdong, with high hopes for the success
of this meeting.
Messages 13

Message from INIBAP

Agustin B. Molina, Jr.

Good morning ladies and gentlemen.

This 3rd BAPNET meeting would be a good venue to have a closer look
at the future, and plan what else we could do to improve the banana
R&D in the region.
But before I dwell into that, allow me to do my routine round of
greetings to all of you. Looking around, I can see old and new faces in
this meeting. This year, we have 5 new members in the committee, all
carrying with them a lot of hope, expectations and zeal to participate
and contribute significantly to the activities and realization of objectives
of BAPNET. I would like to welcome Dr Satter from Bangladesh, Dr
Chandraparnik from Thailand, Dr Aye Tun from Myanmar, Mr Chen
from the Taiwan Banana Research Institute and Dr. Suyamto from
Indonesia. I am sure that they will bring in new ideas and vigour to
the network.
To date, we could say that BAPNET has achieved modest but relevant
accomplishments. As the platform of collaboration for the Asia and
the Pacific region, BAPNET adds value to the individual efforts of each
country in developing banana R&D. In Asia, we all have common
problems and opportunities. By working together, exchanging ideas,
helping one another, putting our efforts together in synergy, we can
advance banana R&D especially for small-scale farmers more rapidly
than if we work individually. This is basically the whole value of the
network. I had an opportunity of looking at the networks of INIBAP
and I am proud to say that I personally believe that BAPNET is the
most active among all four networks.
At this point, I would like not only to congratulate China for being a
good host but to also comment on their banana industry. This meeting
presents a good opportunity to China as banana is becoming very
important in the country. As the Chinese economy expands, I would
imagine that more money is available to buy bananas, hence the
demand for bananas in China would be tremendously high, with more
than 1 billion Chinese potential banana consumers. A similar trend is
also observed by looking at the export and production data in the
Philippines. I can see that there is an increase in production of bananas
in the Philippines and an expansion of areas devoted to bananas. And
they are looking at China now for that is where the market is. But of
*Regional Coordinator for Asia and the Pacific, Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines.
14 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
course China is thinking of itself also. For that. we could say that there
are a lot of opportunities and challenges in China. I hope we can discuss
these opportunities and challenges as it affects other countries as well.
We could also learn from the experiences of other countries. More
specifically, I am talking about fusarium wilt of banana. It is a major
disease of many local cultivars in our region. The threat is more real as
a virulent form, fusarium race 4, that can attack the variety Cavendish
which is important in China, Taiwan, Australia, and the Philippines.
This race has already been reported in Malaysia, Indonesia, Taiwan,
and in the Northern Territory, Australia. In Indonesia and Malaysia,
race 4 is the major constraint in the establishment of Cavendish in
commercial plantation scale. Now this disease is also spreading in China
and causing an alarm among Chinese researchers. I think they are
now putting a lot of effort towards this. This disease is also a problem
in Taiwan, but with technology, they were able to manage it successfully.
I believe that the activities of BAPNET and also of INIBAP, from the
global perspective of basic research will be very beneficial. If we put
all our efforts together, I think we can solve this many banana
production constraints such as fusarium wilt. I could not express my
gladness now that after talking with our Chinese partners, Dr Luo
Fuhe mentioned that there is going to be a China banana network.
This network will improve the synergy and collaboration of all scientists
and stakeholders working on bananas in China. INIBAP and BAPNET
will be honoured to participate in this network.
As Dr Roux mentioned, INIBAP is a programme of IPGRI. Recently,
there was a strategic improvement of direction of IPGRI. They realized
that conservation cannot be achieved just for the sake of conservation.
The genetic resources that we have must be used. Otherwise, there is
no point in conserving them. We are not only thinking of the future
generation. We are also thinking of the present generation.
Conservation through use is the name of the game, and that is the
strategy. For that reason, IPGRI has looked at the INIBAP and COGENT
as model programmes. As such, we now have a new strategy wherein
the 3 commodities, banana, coconut and cacao, are combined into
one commodity programme that emphasizes on the germplasm
development and use for livelihoods. These are the new challenges
that we have at IPGRI and I am glad that the banana programme was
used as a model for the development of livelihood.
INIBAP works with partners. Through partners, we develop the
technologies and identify their needs and whatever limited resources
we have. We work along that line. And I hope that in this meeting, we
Messages 15

will continue to identify priorities, and at the same time look at our
weaknesses and strengths and make plans accordingly. I look forward
to a productive meeting in the next 4 days.
In behalf of our director, Dr Richard Markham, I would like to thank
all of you for your active participation, and with special thanks to our
Chinese hosts for their hospitality and for the successful hosting of
this important meeting.
Thank you very much.
Country reports
Australian banana industry: Status and R&D update 19

Australian banana industry:

Status and R&D update

Robert Williams*

General production issues

Banana production in Australia over the past three years has been
through a period of very difficult times. In north Queensland, the major
production area for Cavendish, recovered from the outbreak of black
sigatoka in 2001 through to 2003. Survey results have now indicated
the eradication programme that was implemented has been successful,
however throughout this period banana price have been very depressed
resulting in many medium and small growers exiting the industry.
The larger companies have taken up this loss on production by planting
In Northern Territory, no further outbreaks of fusarium race 4 have
been detected, and the disease has not spread to any other production
Drought conditions, increasing land prices and lack of productivity
compared to north Queensland have seen a significant reduction in
banana production in these areas. Lady Finger production has now
shifted to the cooler areas of north Queensland.
Australian banana production has remained static at just over 22 million
cartons (297 000 tonnes) for approximately 14 000 ha. Consumption
has continued to increase to just over 15 kg/head/year.
The majority of production is AAA Cavendish types (Williams, Mons
Mari and Grande Naine) grown in tropical areas north of the Tropic of
Capricorn, whilst AAB Pome – Lady Finger are grown in southern or
higher altitude regions in north Queensland. The Eco banana has
captured a small but developing market as more growers move into
this production and marketing system. Small quantities of ABB Ducasse
(Pisang Awak) and AAAB Goldfinger are providing a demand in other
niche markets.
The major cultivars are
Cavendish 90%
Lady Finger 8%
Goldfinger 1%
Other 1%
*Science Leader - Horticulture and Forestry Science, Department of Primary Industry
and Fisheries, South Johnstone, Queensland, Australia.
20 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
Restraints on the industry
The Australian banana industry was once a very organized group of
producers, having a peak industry body and regional representation,
that provided the industry with a solid strategic direction, political
representation, funding for R&D and quarantine regulations. However,
this has fallen apart in the last two years. Although the peak industry
body (Australian Banana Growers Association) still remains, and has
primary responsibility for the management of import risk assessments,
regional operations are dysfunctional. This has resulted in loss of
strategic research priorities and funding and the potential collapse of
the internal banana quarantine protocols that have protected the
Australian industry from many of the international pests and diseases.
The loss of R&D funding has resulted in no new research projects for
the past two years.
While the industry structure is collapsing, additional external factors
are imposing significant demands on the production of bananas in
Australia such as:
• Labour costs
• Workplace health and safety
• Environmental impact from farming
The lessons learnt from what has happened in Australia provides
BAPNET with an opportunity to evaluate how programmes are
delivered and adopted by small growers in developing countries. By
providing community groups with training in how to assess what the
key issues are that impact on their business, and then work with them
to address these priorities, greater adoption will result. This is the
opposite to what is happening at the moment, where researchers are
telling farmers what their problem are and giving them the results of
their research.

Research programmes
Outcomes and progress in the research and development projects have
been significant. Abstracts of many of the projects are attached in
Annex 1.
The R&D programme is focusing along in 4 major themes:

Competitive production systems

• IPM. Developing a systems approach to pest and disease control.
· Decision support. Production and management systems that
maximize efficiency.
Australian banana industry: Status and R&D update 21

• Irrigation/nutritional management to maximize inputs but

minimize environmental impacts.
• Diagnostic tools for pest and disease detection.
• Mechanization of production and packaging systems.

Environmental sustainability
• Soil health. Developing monitoring tools as indicators of
environmental impact.
• Environmental Management Systems (EMS). Combining the
various productions and management.

Product innovation
• Varietal evaluation.
• Marker technology.
• Food solutions.

Supply chain solutions

• Postharvest handling.
• QA systems.

Banana research agencies in Australia

- Queensland Horticulture and Forestry Science.
- Queensland Agricultural Biotechnology Centre (QDPI/UQ).
- Queensland University (UQ).
- Queensland University of Technology (QUT).
- Cooperative Research Centre for Tropical Plant Protection
- New South Wales Department of Agriculture.
- Western Australia Department of Agriculture.
- Northern Territory Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.
Note: A new CRC for National Plant Biosecurity is being proposed.

Peak industry body

Australian Banana Growers Council. (ABGC).
Australian Banana Congress to be held in Cairns in August 2005

Collaboration prospects
Australia has over many years collaborated extensively with many Asian
Pacific countries in a wide range of research projects. This collaboration
22 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
has resulted in Australia having extensive strong team in:
• fusarium
• virus of banana
• nematodes
• Erwinia
• Mycosphaerella leaf diseases
• integrated pest management
• banana tissue culture
• banana characterization
• banana genome
• biotechnology
• cropping system management
• information systems
Research agencies within Australia are keen to join in collaboration
with neighbouring countries in research projects which align with
priority areas for all agencies.

Key issues for INIBAP/BAPNET

• Publication of Brazil Fusarium Symposium.
• Publication of papers from the Malaysian Congress.
Australian banana industry: Status and R&D update 23
Annex 1
PROJECT TITLE: Chemical and non-chemical control of banana corm rot
PROJECT START: January 2004
Tel: (07) 40484600; Fax: (07) 40923593; Email: [email protected]
PROJECT TEAM: Steve Akiew (Bacteriologist), Lynton Vawdrey (Plant
Pathologist), Stewart Lindsay (Extension Officer), Kim Badcock (Experimentalist),
Victoria Jones (Molecular Biologist)

SYNOPSIS OF PROJECT: A new type of banana corm rot, not previously recorded
in Australia, was identified in 1997 on several plantations in Tully-Innisfail, with
infections ranging from 2% to 12%, and appears to be increasing in incidence.
Corm rot severely affects mature plants, particularly the first ratoons during the
summer season. It is soil-borne, and enters the plant through wounds caused by
insects, machinery, tools and chemical injury. Plants may tip over quite easily,
being broken across the rotted rhizome. The disease also occurs in the Northern
Territory and Western Australia. Banana corm rot in Australia is caused by the
bacterium Pectobacterium (Erwinia) chrysanthemi.
These research project commenced in January 2004 to further study P.
chrysanthemi in-depth, develop a molecular diagnostic tool (polymerase chain
reaction, PCR) to identify the bacterium, and devise control methods that could
be used in conjunction with the agronomic practices recommended for commercial
banana production in Queensland.

PROGRESS TO DATE: A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) protocol for the

identification of E. chrysanthemi in bananas has been developed and has been
successfully used to identify the pathogen. Genetic variations have been observed
amongst P.chrysanthemi strains isolated from bananas in Queensland and in
Western Australia. Pathogenicity of the bacterium has been successfully
established, and field trials have commenced to confirm the effectiveness and
applicability of chemical and non-chemical options to reduce the impact of the
disease on yield of Cavendish. Bacteria that are highly antagonistic to the corm
rot bacterium and chemicals registered for agricultural use are being tested in for
field application. A corm rot management protocol will be made available to banana
growers and researchers by 2007.


impacting on the project is the seasonal variations from year to year that appear
influence the occurrence and severity of the disease. This directly affects
experimental results obtained within a limited (1-2 years) period. Sufficient funding
to support a five-year project would have a positive impact on this type of project.

LINKAGES TO OTHER PROJECTS: Soil Health Project (Tony Pattison),

Biofumigation Project (ACIAR).
24 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13

PROJECT TITLE: Management options for banana bunch pests

PROJECT LEADER: David Astridge
Tel: (07) 40641160; Fax: (07) 40642249; Email: [email protected]
PROJECT TEAM: David Astridge, Jeff Lambert, Tanya Martin and Stewart Lindsay

SYNOPSIS OF PROJECT: The major bunch pests in Australia include the banana
scab moth (Nacoleia octasema (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) and banana
rust thrips (Chaetanaphothrips signipennis (Bagnell) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae)
which are responsible for up to 90% of all bunch damage. Banana flower thrips
(Thrips hawaiiensis (Morgan) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) and sugarcane bud moth
(Opogona glycyphaga Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Tineidae) are also becoming
increasingly important pests to control. Banana bunch pests can cause serious
fruit damage resulting in market rejection and the loss of grower income. The
current commercial control of banana bunch pests is primarily based on the
strategic use of organophosphate insecticides, which can be harmful to the
environment and human health. Investigations are currently under way by the
Australian Pesticides & Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) to identify,
restrict or eliminate the use of environmentally toxic pesticides. The APVMA is
currently reviewing chlorpyrifos, one of the most heavily relied upon insecticides.
This has increased the priority of the Australian banana industry to find alternative
insecticides for bunch pest management. Reduced dependence on
organophosphate insecticides is essential to promote sustainable pest
management practices and further develop integrated pest management (IPM)
in the Australian banana industry. This project investigated the efficacy and
potential for using environmentally soft insecticides. Biopesticides, and other
insecticides with new modes of action were tested as alternatives to
organophosphates for the control of banana bunch pests.

PROGRESS TO DATE: Bioassays and field trials have been completed (2000-
2003) to examine treatment efficacy against banana bunch pests in Queensland.
The most effective new insecticide treatments for banana scab moth control
included emamectin benzoate (Proclaim®), tebufenozide (Mimic®), and indoxacarb
(Avatar®). All treatments were equally as effective as the chlorpyrifos (Lorsban
750 WG®) standard and gave less then 5% bunch damage in field trials.
Thiamethoxam was the only new insecticide treatment that was equally as
effective as chlorpyrifos for controlling the pest spectrum.
The pseudo biopesticide spinosad (Success®) was the most effective treatment
against all bunch pests and is now registered as a bunch treatment for the
control of banana rust thrips and sugarcane bud moth. The fungal biopesticides
Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae although producing slower
Australian banana industry: Status and R&D update 25

mortality times in the lab bioassays then the new insecticide treatments and
spinosad were not significantly different (P<0.05) in the level of fruit damage
compared to the other treatments. Although reasonable control was achieved
against all bunch pests the high levels of phytotoxicity present in the field trials
make these treatments unacceptable at this time. Future research will concentrate
on changing the oil formulations to reduce the phytotoxic effects in the developing
bunches and testing different dose rates.
The potassium based fatty acids treatment (Natrasoap®) had reduced efficacy
against banana rust thrips making this treatment unacceptable at the reduced
rate tested (5ml/L). Bacillus thuriengiensis var. kurstaki gave very good control
of banana scab moth and sugarcane bud moth in field trials and were equally as
effective as the chlorpyrifos standard.
In the insecticide impregnated plastics trial the diazinon and suSCon® strips as
well as the chlorpyrifos impregnated bunch covers were equally as effective as
dusting and spraying with chlorpyrifos and achieved less than 5% bunch damage
against all pests. The low toxicology profiles, unique modes of action and good
efficacy of all treatments make them suitable for use in developing insecticide
resistance management strategies, further developing IPM in Australian bananas.


(1) insecticide efficacy; dose rate and residue data is generated to proceed with
product registration of all treatments equally as effective as the chlorpyrifos
standard. (2) Additional insecticides with new modes of action and low mammalian
toxicity are registered so an effective insecticide resistance management strategy
can be developed. (3) The potential for using biological insecticides should be
further investigated by testing new pathogens against the pest complex in bananas.
(5) Field trials are repeated for southeast Queensland to examine environmental
effects on treatment biodegradation.


LINKAGES TO OTHER PROJECTS: Management of Banana Rust Thrips

(HAL Project No FR96023)


Potential Biological Control of Banana Scab Moth (Nacoleia octasema
(Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in Australasia”
AIM: To further develop IPM systems in bananas by identifying and introducing
potential biological control agents for the control banana scab moth.
WORK REQUIRED: Detailed taxonomy of the banana scab moth throughout its
geographic regions (eg. Malaysia, Indonesia, Fiji, Vanuatu, New Guinea) as well
as all species of its food plants is required to further enhance the potential for
using biological control. Parallel studies are also required on the taxonomy and
host preference of the natural enemies to help identify the most suitable biological
control agent of this pest. Host preference studies are also required for the
26 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
introduction of biological control agents. Once identified predator complexes
can be built using ecological engineering methods to establish insectaries suitable
for the maintenance and establishment of the biological control agents.

POTENTIAL OUTCOME: There is a very good chance that if this work is

completed effective biological control agents can be identified and used to help
control banana scab moth across the geographic regions for these banana
industries. This should result in reducing insecticide applications and enhancing
IPM systems for controlling this pest.

PROJECT TITLE: Plant tissue culture: providing strategic support for

the banana industry
PROJECT START: November 2004
PROJECT/PROGRAM LEADER: Sharon Hamill - Senior Research Scientist
Tel: 07 54449639; Fax: 07 54412235; Email: [email protected]
PROJECT TEAM: Jeff Daniells - Principal Horticulturist, John Thomas - Principal
Plant Virologist, Mike Smith - Principal Research Scientist, Ralf Dietzgen -
Principal Biotechnologist,

SYNOPSIS OF PROJECT: The Australian banana industry has relied on plant

tissue culture in a strategic way for many years and has identified a suite of key
activities that can only be achieved by utilising banana tissue culture.
This project provides Australia with a tissue culture quarantine importation
laboratory to facilitate safe access to valuable new varieties that are used in
research (eg. disease resistance, reduced environmental impacts, improved farm
practice and market expansion/diversification). This significant Australian banana
germplasm collection of approximately 500 accessions will be maintained in vitro
and supported by a field collection that also allows collection of agronomic data
on new varieties. Australian researchers need to have access to the Australian
collection to look for valuable traits such as pest and disease resistance, improved
productivity, including more efficient nutrient use for lower environment impacts
for less cost.
One of the aims of this project is to undertake research that will lead to improved
quality of tissue cultured plants in reduced susceptibility to pests and diseases
and lower incidence of somaclonal variation. Banana tissue culture research in
this project will also investigate obstacles to the quality of plants produced
including role ofendophytic bacteria
The activities in this project will:
• allow industry to safely import valuable banana varieties.
• maintain Australia’s banana biodiversity as a disease-free collection of plants.
• improve the level of international biosecurity – in combination with virology
• supply disease-resistant varieties as part of the disease exclusion or

eradication strategy.
• provide disease-free banana varieties for research and industry evaluation.
• improve Australian domestic quarantine. Australia has the best disease-
free planting material scheme in the world based on accredited commercial tissue
culture laboratories and nurseries (QBAN) using tissue culture to produce
virus-free plants.
• undertake research to understand obstacles to tissue culture quality that
will eventually assist commercial and research laboratories and subsequently
encourage uptake of banana tissue culture.
PROGRESS TO DATE: The establishment of one of the world’s major in- vitro
collections of Musa germplasm and, concomitantly, the introduction, multiplication
and distribution of new banana varieties for Australian researchers and producers.
• Registration as the Australian Quarantine Inspection Service tissue culture
laboratory to facilitate safe importation of banana into Australia
• The establishment of a Quality Banana Approved Nursery (QBAN) Scheme,
via a network of commercial tissue culture laboratories and nurseries, whereby
growers can have access to clean, uniform planting material with improved
• The development of ways to eliminate or manage two major problems in
commercial banana tissue culture. Due to research on virus transmission
growers can be assured the material they purchase is free from disease.
While we do not understand the causes of off-types during tissue culture
production our research has provided selection criteria that allows dwarf
offtypes to be identified and “rogued” out at the nursery stage. This quality
selection protocol has reduced the number of off-types reaching the grower.
• Field evaluation of tissue-cultured plants that have identified susceptibility to
fusarium wilt
• The use of embryo culture and meristem culture.
• The development of autotetraploid varieties using colchicine applied to in-
vitro cultures.
• Isolation and identification of endogenous bacteria residing in banana corm


plant tissue culture biotechnology to facilitate biosecurity, promote biodiversity
and create market development opportunities with new varieties.
Increasing pressure from outside the industry, such as threat of imports, disease
incursions, and unreliable markets, plus internal pressures resulting in lack of
industry unity may either encourage growers to take up the challenge of best
practice or cause them to delay. However, there is unanimous agreement that
industry in the meantime will need to maintain its arsenal of strategic research
activities to provide the national industry with the means to move forward.
Likewise, grower uncertainty due to black sigatoka and fusarium incursions
combined with threat of imports have impacted negatively on QBAN where growers
28 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
have been delaying plantings until they are more aware of the outcomes of these
threats. The developing QBAN tissue culture sector is still struggling with delayed
orders and payments resulting in reduced cash flow. Ongoing support will need
to be provided.

LINKAGES TO OTHER PROJECTS: This project supports all Australian banana

research projects that require banana germplasm, both providing material and
facilitating importation of new varieties.
With its bacteria research component it links to projects looking at biological
control agents to improve both plant and soil health.

Eradication of black sigatoka from Australian banana areas

Ron Peterson*, Kathy Grice* and Roger Goebel**

Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries, Mareeba* and South
Johnstone **.
*PO Box 1054, Mareeba Qld 4088, Australia.

ABSTRACT: Black Sigatoka caused by Mycosphaerella fijiensis Morelet, was

detected in the major banana production area of North Queensland, Australia in
2001. An intense inoculum annihilation program and an intense spray program
were conducted over a 6-month period from September 2001 to February 2002,
to eradicate the disease. Prevalence of yellow Sigatoka (M. musicola Leach), a
related disease was reduced from a 96% incidence in the banana areas to
extremely low/undetectable levels in more than 96% of the commercial banana
areas. All unmanaged banana plants were located and destroyed. In a verification
program from May 2002 to May 2003 when the control program was less intense,
yellow Sigatoka re-developed in 72% of the area. Yellow Sigatoka also developed
on 51% of the unsprayed sentinel plant blocks established throughout the area.
Black Sigatoka was not detected during the verification program or during the
following 16 months under a less intense surveillance program. To date (November
2004) black Sigatoka has not been detected for 36 months indicating that black
Sigatoka was successfully eradicated from the banana production region of north

Key words: banana; Mycosphaerella fijiensis, black leaf streak; black

Sigatoka; eradication.

Submitted to INFOMUSA for publication November 2004.

PROJECT TITLE: Soil and root health for eco-banana production


PROJECT START: 1 July 2002

Australian banana industry: Status and R&D update 29


Tel: (07) 4064 1127; Fax: (07) 4064 2249; Email:[email protected]

SUMMARY: This project aims to develop tools for banana growers to determine
the health of their soil, by providing practical and usable key soil indicators. The
indicators will be developed from a range of soil biological, physical and chemical
characteristics. These key soil indicators will be used to validate the improvement
in soil health by the use of pre-plant organic amendments and the use of interrow
crops. They will also be used to benchmark the current status of soil health on
banana farms and also to form a soil health scorecard for use by banana growers
that can be incorporated into a management system that allows for continuous
improvement in soil health.
A detailed survey will be used to develop the key soil health indicators. Only the
most practical and meaningful indicators will be used by banana growers, but
will be correlated to measurements of soil processes such as the recycling of
nutrients and disease suppression. The survey to develop the key soil indicators
will be conducted on similar soil types from the main banana production areas.
In each production area, triplicate soil samples will be taken down the soil profile
to determine the effects farm management has on soil biological, physical and
chemical properties. The samples will be taken from a conventional banana growing
soil, a low input or organic banana production system and an undisturbed system,
either rainforest or pasture. This will measure the effects of farm management on
soil properties and determine which soil characteristics are most susceptible to
change due to farm management. The soil characteristics, which are most
sensitive to change due to farmer’s management and the most practical for the
banana industry to use, will be adopted as key soil indicators throughout the
The key soil indicators developed from the initial survey will be used to develop a
soil health scorecard for use by banana growers. The soil health scorecard will
be tested for practicality and reliability to indicate soil health by a second survey
over three years. The survey will take place yearly on banana farms on a range of
soil types and management practices. This will indicate the current soil health
status of banana soils and what soil characteristics need to be improved. It will
also allow banana growers to incorporate a soil health recording system into an
environmental management system to validate their method of farming to
environmental agencies and allow continuous improvement in soil health.
To help banana growers determine what is the best method to improve the health
of their soil, trials are planned to test pre-plant organic amendments and the use
of interrow crops. The pre-plant amendments applied to bananas are intended to
provide growers with workable solutions to improve the soil health indicators and
allow a more sustainable method of soil management. Pre-plant amendments
and the soil health indicators will be linked to the sustainability of banana
production by measuring plant growth and yields over a three year period. The
amendments will also be tested for their addition of nutrients and ability to
suppress soil borne diseases. The use of pre-plant amendments builds on
30 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
information gathered from previous projects on the use of compost and mill ash
to develop disease suppressive soils.
The use of crops in the interrow of bananas is intended to improve the plant, soil
and water relationships within the banana paddock and to reduce the movement
of sediment from the banana paddock. A number of shade tolerant species will
be tested for their ability to persist within the banana interrow, withstand traffic,
their resistance to soil borne diseases and their agronomic suitability for a banana
production system. The effects of interrow species will also be tested for their
effects on the key soil health indicators to determine if this allows growers to
improve their soil health and the sustainability of banana growing. The use of
interrow crops builds on information gathered on the resistance of banana fallow
crops to soil borne diseases.
The project to develop soil indicators to determine the health of banana growing
soil has evolved due to the observations made of poor plant growth, restricted
root growth and plant toppling observed on banana farms when there is no plant
pathogen involved. Often the only apparent cause of poor plant growth is poor
soil structure. The poor soil structure has been difficult to describe to banana
growers. The effect soil structural degradation has on banana growth has no
quantifiable or descriptive measures to indicate to banana growers how poor soil
health is impacting on plant growth. To increase the awareness to banana growers
of the effects of poor soil structure and soil degradation have on production and
sustainability of banana cultivation, pot trials have been included in the project.
The pot trials will also investigate the interaction of a pathogen, such as
nematodes and Fusarium wilt, on bananas in poorly structured soil. This trial
will demonstrate if soil conditions can increase the susceptibility soil borne
disease has on banana growth.
The project aims to develop practical science for banana growers to develop
useful and practical indicators of soil health. To help with the adoption and
uptake of the use of soil indicators, an extension component of the project
comprising a biannual newsletter, annual farmer field schools and the development
of a banana root and soil health manual and testing kit will be developed. The
soil health manual and testing kit will complement one another and allow growers
to use a soil health scorecard to assess and validate their management practices
in relation to soil health. This information can then be incorporated into an
environmental management system for growers to continually improve the health
of soils under banana cultivation.
For banana growers to improve their knowledge of soil health practices, they
need indicators that can quantify and describe their current soil health status as
well as management options that growers can implement to improve soil health.
This project will improve the knowledge of soil health, allow growers to monitor
and validate soil health and give options to improve soil health management. As
a result of improved soil health from this project banana growers will be able to
reduce losses due to poor soil structure, validate their farming practices and
continuously improve soil health management to sustainably produce bananas
in Queensland.
Australian banana industry: Status and R&D update 31

SURVEY: 34 fields in north Queensland were sampled to validate 4 key soil
health indicators: pH, electrical conductivity (EC), NO3-N and labile C. Samples
taken from the fields were processed using soil health kit methods at laboratories
in South Johnstone and sub-samples from each field sent to NRM&E accredited
laboratories at Indooroopilly for duplicate analysis. The four key soil indicators
were significantly related validating the methods used in the soil health kit were
able to provide reliable measures of soil properties (Table 1).
Table 1. Correlation of four key soil health indicators between soil health kit
measurements and accredited laboratory techniques.
Key soil indicator Equation Variance accounted for (%)
pH pHsj = (1.1 x pHi) - 0.7 98 (P<0.001)
Electrical conductivity ECsj = 0.01 + (0.39 x ECi) 64 (P<0.001)
NO3-N NO3-Nsj = 25.8 + (2.69 x NO3-Ni) 71 (P<0.001)
Labile C Labile Csj = 203 +(155 x Labile Ci) 37 (P<0.001)

= measured at South Johnstone using the soil health kit. i
= measured at
Indooroopilly at accredited laboratories.
Labile C measurements had the largest variation between measurements
conducted in South Johnstone and Indooroopilly. This may be due to the
heterogeneity of carbon in the soil as well as differences in techniques. However,
the soil health kit technique of measuring labile C is the only method that can
currently be conducted without sophisticated equipment and provides a good
indication of the carbon status of the soil.
INTERROW CROPS:Interrow crops, pinto peanut, butterfly pea, carpet grass
and bahia grass were planted in January, 2004. Dry matter samples were
measured in April, 2004 and revealed pinto peanut and pinto peanut and carpet
grass mix had significantly higher dry matter production than other treatments.
There were significant differences in soil physical, chemical and biological
properties between the interrow and the row area of bananas. Physically, the
interrow area had significantly higher bulk density, slower water infiltration and
less stable aggregates relative to row area. Chemically, the pH, EC and NO3-N
were significantly lower in the interrow relative to the row. Biologically, the interrow
area was a more fungal dominated system, whereas the row area around bananas
was bacterially dominated with more plant parasitic nematodes. No nematode
suppression has been detected.
PRE-PLANT AMENDMENTS: The pre-plant amendment field trial investigating
mill ash, mill mud, compost and grass hay was established on August 28, 2003.
Following the application of amendments there was an increase in the soil NO3-
N and soil respiration measurements in compost treated plots resulting in an
increase in the bacterial feeding nematodes and increased the bacterial dominance
of the soil microbial community. However, at the second assessment in March
2004, there were no differences in soil NO3-N levels. There was a significant
increase in the labile C under the grass hay treatment relative to the untreated
plots. This resulted in a reduction in the bacterial to fungal ratio relative to the
untreated plots, which suggested that nutrients were being decomposed by a
32 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
more fungal dominated pathway. There has been no change in measurable physical
properties, plant growth parameters or nematode suppression under the
amendments so far in the trial.
The use of silicon amendments has been able to give a significant reduction in
fusarium wilt symptoms in glasshouse trials. It is thought that the soluble silicon
is able to improve the disease resistance in banana plants. However, the exact
method, quantity and best method of application are still being determined.
BENEFICIAL MICROORGANISMS: Beneficial microbe field trial to establish
antagonistic organisms to burrowing nematodes has been completed and the
results are still being analysed. Initial results suggested there is no nematode
suppression or growth promotion in the field from inoculation of plants with
beneficial microorganisms. Conversely, an isolate of Cytophaga sp. has given
significant suppression of fusarium wilt in pot trials. This is thought to be due to
up regulation of endochitinase and osmotin plant defence genes in presence of
bacteria and fusarium and direct antagonism of the bacteria against fusarium.

PROJECT TITLE: PCR primer verification and analysis of the black

sigatoka outbreak in Tully

FUNDING SOURCE: BIPB/HAL/CRC Tropical Plant Protection

Dr Elizabeth Aitken (Diversity Studies)
The Dept of Botany, The University of Queensland
St Lucia, Qld 4072
Email: [email protected]
Dr Juliane Henderson (Diagnostic Development)
CRC for Tropical Plant Protection
Molecular Diversity and Diagnostics Research Laboratory
Plant Pathology Building
Indooroopilly Research Centre, 80 Meiers Road, Indooroopilly, Qld 4068
Email. [email protected]

TECHNICAL SUMMARY: Black sigatoka, caused by the fungal pathogen

Mycosphaerella fijiensis, is a major quarantine threat to the Australian banana
industry. The disease is endemic in most banana growing regions in the world,
including the Torres Strait Islands. Consequently, vigilance is required to prevent
introductions to the Australian mainland and for this regular surveillance for leaf
spot symptoms is carried out in Queensland banana plantations and diagnosis
of suspect lesions is confirmed at the Centre for Tropical Agriculture in Mareeba.
Differential diagnosis of black sigatoka is complicated by the occurrence of
yellow sigatoka, caused by the closely related species Mycosphaerella musicola,
which is endemic in Australian banana crops. However, these two pathogens
can be reliably distinguished based on morphology of conidial structures if present.
In April 2001, an outbreak of black sigatoka occurred in the Tully Valley. Previous
Australian banana industry: Status and R&D update 33

outbreaks of the disease had occurred on non-commercial properties in North

Queensland and each of these had been successfully eradicated. However, the
Tully incursion was located in Australia’s largest commercial growing region as
well as being in Australia’s highest rainfall zone. In addition, traditional diagnostic
methods could not be used as high rainfall had washed away fungal structures
necessary for a definitive diagnosis. The Centre for Tropical Plant Protection
developed a gel-based PCR assay capable of differentiating black and yellow
sigatoka in leaf samples which was used to help diagnose samples during the
eradication, surveillance and area freedom programs in the Tully Valley.
Through the combined efforts of scientists, extension officers and banana growers,
black sigatoka was declared eradicated from the Tully Valley in May 2003, with
no disease detected since November 2001. Following this success, two important
questions were highlighted: (1) What was the likely source of the Tully outbreak
and (2) would the gel-based assay be capable of detecting future incursions of
the disease in Australia?
To address the issue of the likely source of the outbreak, a comprehensive
sequence study was undertaken. The internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and
intergenic spacer (IGS) and D1/D2 regions of the ribosomal gene complex of M.
fijiensis were sequenced from banana samples collected during the Tully
eradication campaign and compared to an extensive catalogue of isolates of M.
fijiensis and M. musicola as well to M. eumusae, a third closely related pathogen
which causes a similar disease on banana, Eumusae leaf spot (ELS). Isolates
for comparison were sourced from local and international collections and included
sequences from Africa, India, Central and South America, the Caribbean, Asia
and the Pacific Islands as well as sequences from previous Australian incursions.
The results of the phylogenetic analysis revealed a number of important findings:
(1) confirmation of M. fijiensis, M. musicola and M. eumusae as three distinct
species; (2) identification of two new species of M. musicola occurring in Malaysia
and Indonesia and (3) that the source of the Tully 2001 incursion was very unlikely
to have been sourced from previous incursions in Cape York but was more likely
a new introduction.
To ensure the ability to detect future incursions of black sigatoka and related
species into Australia, the ITS sequence data was assessed for integrity of the
diagnostic primer sites. In addition, the gel-based PCR assay was screened
against the DNA catalogue of local and international isolates of banana and non-
banana Mycosphaerella spp. as well as other banana phytopathogens. Detection
of very low level (0.04%) cross-specificity was found during testing necessitating
a more specific assay format to be sought. Consequently, TaqMan® MGB probe
assays have been developed for black and yellow sigatoka and these assays are
ready for technology transfer.
The conclusion that the source of the Tully 2001 outbreak was most likely from
a new introduction and not from a previous outbreak in Cape York, indicates that
the earlier eradication programs have been successful. This finding should serve
to strengthen confidence in the Tully eradication program and also provide support
that eradication should be pursued in the event of any future incursions. The
finding that M. musicola appears to be comprised of at least three species has
34 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
important implications in quarantine. The two possible new species from Indonesia
and Malaysia have not been identified in Australia and the pathogenicity of them
is unknown. There is a very real possibility that these species could enter Australia
undetected and for this reason, it is recommended that an extensive study of M.
musicola is undertaken to determine if there are differences in pathogenicity in
genotypes from different geographical regions.
As a result of this study, improved diagnostic assays for black and yellow sigatoka
have been developed. Incorporation of quality assurance controls into this test is
desirable and multiplexing the two tests into a single tube assay would have
benefits in quality control and cost. The development of a TaqMan® MGB probe
assay for M. eumusae has begun, however, thorough validation of this assay is
necessary. Further work addressing these issues is recommended towards the
goal of providing the Australian banana industry with the very best diagnostic
tools for surveillance of these exotic pathogens.

PROJECT TITLE: Using nutrient-rich bananas to improve health and

livelihoods in the Pacific
PARTNER COUNTRY/IES: Solomon Islands, Kiribati, Papua New Guinea
PROPOSED COMMISSIONED IARC: International Plant Genetic Resources
Institute (IPGRI): International Network for the Improvement of Banana and Plantain
(INIBAP) programme; Proposed Australian Collaborating Organisations:
Queensland Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries (QDPIF); University
of Queensland (UQ)
Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC), Fiji; Planting Materials Network,
Solomon Islands; National Agricultural Research Institute, Papua New Guinea

PROJECT SUMMARY: Vitamin A deficiency is a major cause of debilitating health

problems in developing countries and contributes significantly to infant and
maternal mortality. Recent studies have shown that some traditional varieties of
banana grown in the Pacific islands contain enough provitamin A carotenoids to
readily satisfy needs for Vitamin A when consumed in amounts that are realistic
in areas (especially Oceania and East/Central Africa) where people (some 400
million, worldwide) eat bananas as a staple food. In particular, Englberger et al.
working in the Federated States of Micronesia (FMS) have laid the foundation of
this project by demonstrating the basic feasibility of this concept. This project
will lead the way for the development of an international effort to encourage wider
consumption of carotenoid-rich bananas, based on an assessment of their nutrient
content, bioavailabilty, consumer-acceptability and agronomic-adaptability. Drawing
on the expertise of the project collaborators in nutrient analysis (UQ, QDPIF),
consumer acceptance (UQ, INIBAP and local partners) and the evaluation and
dissemination of banana varieties (QDPIF, SPC, INIBAP and local partners), the
results of the project will indicate whether a wider effort based on consumer
education and dissemination of existing high-carotenoid varieties is likely to achieve
Australian banana industry: Status and R&D update 35

the desired health impacts or whether it is necessary to invest in breeding efforts

to transfer the desired traits to new varieties with wider acceptability and


• evaluate the carotenoid levels in existing varieties (based on collections of
Pacific varieties at QDPIF and elsewhere) and the likely bioavailability of
Vitamin A based on the ways in which these bananas are grown, processed
and consumed
• identify ethnobotanical uses of banana and gain an understanding of the
acceptability of various high-carotenoid banana varieties to consumers, both
at first encounter and after nutrition education
• evaluate the agronomic adaptability of promising high-carotenoid banana
varieties, considering growth cycle, yield, disease-resistance and adaptation
to different agro-ecologies


• an understanding of the technical and social factors influencing and limiting
the availability of Vitamin A resulting from consumption of high-carotenoid
• initiation of positive health outcomes in the study areas, resulting from
increased awareness of the value of consuming high-carotenoid bananas
• the foundation for a realistic inter-regional strategy for using bananas to
alleviate Vitamin A deficiency problems in developing countries (which is
expected, when implemented through other projects, to have an immediate
impact in those Pacific nations where Vitamin A deficiency has been identified,
such as the Solomon Islands and Kiribati, and eventually in other regions,
especially sub-Saharan Africa).

HOW THE PROJECT WILL BE UNDERTAKEN: The project focuses on novel

research on the bioavailability of Vitamin A based on consumption of Musa and
will examine pre- and post-harvest factors influencing its availability in both in-
vitro and in-vivo studies. Equally important are the social actions and interactions
within target countries with technical back-up provided by Australian partners,
SPC and INIBAP. Promising banana/plantain cultivars will be identified in existing
collections (QDPIF, SPC, NARI, INIBAP Transit Centre) and fruit assessed for
carotenoid content and bioavailability. Agronomic assessment of a subset of
varieties will begin immediately in Australia and target countries, in order to
complete a full production cycle at contrasting sites (rainfall, altitude, soil fertility,
disease pressure) within the project period. Participatory methods will be used
to evaluate likely acceptability and consumption patterns, with and without
complementary nutrition education. For each of the countries, the aim will be to
identify the most favorable combination of Vitamin A/bioavailabilty and social
acceptability. Analysis of data within a sociological and biophysical framework
(using GIS) will provide a basis for assessing the likely cost and impact of a
larger-scale strategy based on disseminating existing high-carotenoid varieties,
accompanied by participatory training in food processing, health and nutrition.
36 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
Uptake pathways would include future projects of INIBAP regional networks (in
both Asia/Pacific and Africa) and SPC.
Australian and International Project partners (other than Pacific NARS):
• Dr Mike Smith, Sharon Hamill, Greg Mitchell, Dr Craig Davis, Jeff Daniells,
QDPIF. Germplasm acquisition and characterisation and supply of fruit for
analysis; Initiation, virus indexing and provision of banana germplasm; Nutrient
analysis, food processing
• Prof Mike Gidley, A/Prof Geoff Marks, Dr Terry Coyne, Dr Faroukh Ahmed,
UQ. In vitro bioavailability studies, clinical nutrition and in vivo bioavailability.
• Dr Gus Molina, Dr Richard Markham. IPGRI-INIBAP. Networking for
dissemination of materials, information and assessment of cost-benefits for
a global program
• Dr Lois Englberger, SPH UQ and Micronesia (contracted through INIBAP).
Engagement with local communities to identify promising germplasm, and
approaches to assess and enhance the cultural acceptability of nutrient-
dense cultivars.
• Dr Mary Taylor, SPC. Sourcing and maintaining banana germplasm,
distribution of promising lines and facilitation of evaluation in member
Status of banana in Bangladesh 37

Status of banana in Bangladesh

Md. Abdus Satter* and Md. Abdul Hoque

Banana is the number one fruit in Bangladesh considering its year round
availability, popularity and production. It accounts for 41% of the total
fruit production from 21% share in area. The average yield of banana
is 15 t/ha, which is lower compared with that of other countries in the
world. Plantain has a great demand in the urban areas during the lean
period of vegetables from May to October.
Banana is a rich source of calories. It is eaten fresh or sometimes mixed
with rice and milk, which is the traditional dish for Bangladeshis. It
also is used in fish curry, in preparing cakes and other delicious foods.
The green peel is also eaten and has a medicinal value.
Malnutrition is widespread in the country. The average food intake is
deficient in calories, vitamins and minerals. Bananas can improve the
nutritional situation of the country.

Consumption and trade

Most of the bananas produced in the country are consumed in the
domestic market. A small quantity is exported to the Middle-East
countries. From the farm, banana passes through three middlemen
before it reaches the consumer. As a result, farmers are deprived of
their actual price.

Table banana
There are a number of banana cultivars in Bangladesh. Among them,
BARI Kola-1, ‘Amritsagar’, ‘Sabri’, ‘Champa’ and ‘Kabri’ are the
commercial cultivars. The other cultivars are ‘Mehersagar’, ‘Dudsagar’,
‘Agniswar’, ‘Genasundari’, ‘Kanaibanshi’, ‘Basrai’, ‘Binisuta’, etc. The
Horticulture Research Centre has 19 cultivars/landraces of table banana
in its collection. There are also different types of seeded cultivars growing
in the homesteads, roadsides and forests all over the country. These
are tall plants, hardy and drought tolerant, which takes a long time to
harvest. Most of these cultivars produce sweet fruits which are used as
baby food, dessert and in cake preparation. Its inflorescence is eaten as
delicious vegetable.
*Director General, BARI, Joydebpur, Gazipur, Bangladesh.
38 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
Nine distinct genotypes of plantain were identified from 28 collections
from different parts of the country. Field evaluation of these selected
genotypes was done along with FHIA-03. In this trial, FHIA-03 was
found superior to all with respect to yield and disease tolerance. The
local genotypes were found susceptible to fusarium wilt. Considering
yield potential and disease tolerance, FHIA-03 was released for
cultivation as plantain.

Production systems
Banana production in Bangladesh can be categorized into three systems:
backyard, mixed and commercial smallholder production. Backyard
production of banana is common where the growers produce banana
primarily for home consumption. In this system, crop management is
very poor, but productivity and longevity is high. Bananas are grown
perennially in homestead areas. Practically no fertilizer or pesticides
are applied. In a mixed-crop production system, banana is intercropped
with potato, onion, mustard, radish, spinach, amaranth, bitter gourd,
cabbage, etc. to obtain additional income. In some commercial
smallholder plantations, banana is grown as a monocrop. But most of
the growers are not well aware of the modern production practices.

Major constraints of banana production

There are several factors contributing to the low production of banana
in Bangladesh.

Lack of high-yielding varieties

The existing varieties that are susceptible to diseases are not high

Pests and diseases

The major pests of banana are banana leaf and fruit scarring beetle,
banana weevil and nematodes. Thrips, aphids, stem borer and mites
are minor pests. The fruits affected by scarring beetle have poor market
acceptability. Table bananas are highly susceptible to this pest. Banana
weevil is also causing damage to the corms and pseudostems, resulting
in stunted growth, weak plant base, yellowing of leaves and rotting of
the corm. Further research is needed to confirm this. Nematodes are a
problem in some localities. Farmers are not fully aware of nematodes
but they know that one kind of small earthworm damages the roots of
Status of banana in Bangladesh 39

banana. No work has been done in controlling nematodes. Thrips and

mites cause considerable damage to flowers and fruits but this is not
considered as alarming. Aphids are widespread and cause damage by
transmitting banana bunchy top virus (BBTV).
BBTV is widespread in the country, creating problems for producers.
It is well known to the commercial growers and uprooting is being
done to solve the problem. The virus-infected plants are neither burned
nor buried, rather they are bulked at one side of the field which helps
disease dissemination through carriers.
‘Sabri’, the second leading dessert variety is highly susceptible to
fusarium wilt. This variety is now under threat of extinction. Because
of soil-borne diseases, ‘Sabri’ cannot be cultivated for more than 3 years
in the same areas. The use of disease-free planting materials and
improved drainage system can prevent infection.
Most of the varieties of banana and plantain are susceptible to leaf-
spot diseases. Tilt and Bavistin were found effective against this disease.
However, farmers rarely spray on their plants. Tilt is being used only
in commercial areas. Aside from these diseases, banana streak virus
(BSV) and banana bract mosaic virus (BBrMV) have been identified
but have not been given enough focus yet.

Environmental factors
Different banana regions are devastated by cyclones, drought, flood
and cold temperature. The southern part of Bangladesh is cyclone-
prone with occasional heavy production loss. The eastern part on the
other hand is subjected to monsoon damage. In winter, the vegetative
growth of banana is reduced and bunches are underdeveloped because
of temperature lower than 200C for about 2 months. The northern
part also experiences drought for a long period. Most of the low-lying
areas are affected by flood almost every year leading to production
loss. In hilly areas, bananas are being grown under rainfed condition.

Lack of disease-free planting materials

Farmers are not aware of the sucker quality. Suckers are mostly collected
from old orchards without knowing their disease status.
40 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13

Lack of production technologies

Banana is a fast-growing crop. It requires water for its growth and fruit
development. In commercial orchards, flood irrigation is done. In hilly
areas, however, there is no available irrigation facility. Farmers also do
not follow proper nutrient management. Banana has a high demand
for potassium but farmers use more nitrogen and phosphorus resulting
in nutrient imbalance. Effect of macronutrients on banana was studied
at some locations but not of the effect of micronutrients. Intercultural
operation such as weeding, desuckering, earthing up, pest management
etc. are not done in homestead and hilly areas.

Postharvest management
The postharvest losses of banana in Bangladesh are high (20-30%). This
is mainly due to the delicate nature of the fruit when it ripens and lack
of suitable infrastructure for transport from production point to
consumers. No processed products are marketed in Bangladesh. Due
to rainfed cultivation, cyclones and monsoon storms, bananas have to
be grown at the same period, resulting to oversupply in the market
during harvest season. Natural ripening of banana is done for home
consumption only. Heat treatment is the common method for ripening
banana in commercial scale. Heating is done either by a candle or stove
or by burning rice husk with banana covered with the polyethylene
film or in a closed room for 6-20 hours depending on the season and
variety. In this system, the firmness or texture of banana is partially
damaged due to the high temperature created inside the polyethylene
cover or the closed room. Fans are occasionally used to lower the
temperature. About 10-15% bananas are damaged within a day due to
overheating. Fruit colour also becomes pale. Some traders use ethrel
to hasten ripening. They usually spray ethrel on the whole bunch before
loading it in the truck for shipment to the market. Sometimes immature
bunches are harvested, especially when there is higher market price.
No processing industry for banana has been developed in the country.

Progress in banana R&D

Research activities
• Collection and evaluation of Musa germplasm. Twenty-three
accessions were received from the International Transit Centre (ITC)
in Belgium through INIBAP-AP. Fifteen of them were planted in
the field for evaluation. ITC. 1441, ITC. 570 and ITC. 1320 were
found to be promising.
Status of banana in Bangladesh 41

• Improvement of local cultivars. ‘Bangla Kola’ (‘Kabri’) is a drought-

tolerant cultivar and is being cultivated in the hilly areas without
much care. A new line of this cultivar has been developed through
clonal selection.
• Maintenance of improved germplasm. The introduced, released and
commercial cultivars were maintained in the insect-protected
• Crop protection measures. Sigatoka is a serious disease of banana.
Knowin was found to be the best fungicide against sigatoka leaf
spot. BARI has developed the technique of using polybag just before
opening the first hand of the bunch instead of DDT and Sevin.
• Conservation of germplasm. The local cultivars were conserved
onfarm in three locations.

Development activities
• FHIA-03 is performing well with respect to yield and cooking
• Field days and training programmes were organized for the banana
growers, NGOs and extension personnel involved in banana
• A good number of disease-free tissue-cultured plants of BARI Kola-
1 were distributed to the farmers through BARI and NGOs
laboratories (SQUARE, BRAC, PROSHIKA).
• A manual on banana production technology was published and
distributed to the growers.
• A book on banana production was published in 2001 for
distribution to the progressive growers.

Ongoing banana R&D activities

Research activities
• Evaluation of improved varieties. Preliminary selections of ITC
accessions namely, ITC. 570, ITC. 1320 and ITC. 1441 were planted
in farmers’ field in three locations to assess their performance and
consumer acceptability.
• Improvement of local cultivars. Research emphasis has been given
to the improvement of local cultivar Sabri through clonal selection.
42 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13

• Maintenance of improved germplasm. The introduced, released and

commercial varieties are being maintained in an insect-protected
nethouse for sucker production. The virus-free suckers grown in
the nethouse are being used in tissue culture laboratory for large-
scale production of healthy plantlets.
• Documentation of local banana cultivars. Local cultivars were
collected and planted at Ishurdi for characterization, evaluation and
• Soil-nutrient management. Only the commercial farmers use
fertilizer but not judiciously. Most farmers use high amount of
phosphorus and urea but low potash which is not appropriate for
banana. Efficiency of organic fertilizer on banana production is
being studied.
• Crop-protection measure. Sigatoka is a serious disease of Cavendish-
type banana. Studies on screening of new fungicides against this
disease are being done. There is a programme for collection and
identification of nematode species in banana-growing areas.
• Postharvest handling. Emphasis has been given on postharvest
research to reduce postharvest losses. Research is also being done
to delay ripening.

Development activities
• Field demonstration on high-density planting of banana is being
done by the Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE) in
collaboration with OFRD, BARI.
• Field demonstration on the performance of BARI-released varieties
BARI Kola-1 and BARI Kola-2 is being done by BARI.
• In-vitro multiplication of recommended and released varieties is
being done for distribution to the growers. BARI and NGOs
(SQUARE, BRAC, PROSHIKA) are involved in these activities.
• Field days and training programmes are to be organized for banana
growers to equip them with modern production technologies.

Institutions involved in banana R&D

Research on banana is conducted at the Horticultural Research Centre,
BARI under the NARS system. Bangladesh Agricultural University
(BAU) and Bangladesh Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural
University (BSMRAU) are also engaged in student-based research
Status of banana in Bangladesh 43

activities on banana. DAE and NGOs play an important role on

technology dissemination.

Proposed areas of collaboration with BAPNET

• Germplasm collection and conservation
• Establishment of virus indexing and tissue culture laboratory
• Disease management including management of nematodes
• Postharvest handling and processing technologies
• Manpower development through short-term training and visits
• Exchange of information on new technologies.
Overview on banana research in Cambodia 45

Overview of banana research in Cambodia

Men Sarom*

Banana is cultivated anywhere in the country stretching from the sea

level to the highland regions, but it is predominantly found along the
river banks and in the central and northeast highland regions of the
Banana plays a very important role in the daily diet of the Cambodian
people. It is consumed fresh, but also eaten in processed forms like
dried, boiled, fried and as cake. An economical and cultural crop,
bananas are used in all religious and traditional ceremonies of the
country. Regardless of the important contribution that bananas can
play to the country’s economy, investment in banana research is still
very limited.
Currently, the production of banana in Cambodia is still a small-hold
industry. A constant threat to the expansion of the crop is the damage
caused by pests and diseases, such as fusarium wilt among others.

Development of tissue-culture capacity

With a moderate funding support from the International Network for
Improvement of Banana and Plantain (INIBAP) and with a strong
commitment from the personnel of Cambodian Agricultural R&D
Institute (CARDI), a banana research project in the country has been
developed. This project initiated the development of capacity for tissue
culture which can generate a significant number of banana plantlets
for further field multiplication.

National repository
Cambodia is rich in genetic diversity of Musa. However, the fragility of
the crop against vast changes in the world ecological conditions presents
a strong need for their protection from permanent disappearance from
the world. In this regard, the Cambodian programme took special
attention on the issue, and significant progress has been made.
With funding support from INIBAP, 89 samples of traditional cultivars
from three provinces, Kampong Cham, Kampong Thom and Kandal,
have collected within the last 2 years (Figure 1). More collections will
*Director, CARDI, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
46 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
be done in the other provinces, but because of financial constraints,
work was temporarily stopped.

Figure 1. Collection sites of the traditional cultivars of banana in Cambodia. The

sites are Kampong Cham, Kampong Thom and Kandal.
All collected cultivars were planted in rows of 5 m spacing at the CARDI
research field. Five plants of each sample were collected from the
original sources and planted on bunds to avoid damage caused by
water logging (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Banana field genebank at


Figure 3. Screenhouse containing

tissue-cultured banana
plantlets for field.
Overview on banana research in Cambodia 47

Along with the collected materials, a set of materials from the INIBAP
Transit Centre (ITC) in Belgium was also received (Table 1).
Unfortunately, because of limited experience in working with those
small plantlets, a big number of plants in the set died in the screenhouse
conditions. Only 19 plants survived and were transferred for planting
in the field genebank with the collected traditional cultivars. Due to
this situation, the same set of materials was again sent to us from
Belgium. Compared with the first batch, this second batch of plantlets
all survived in sub-culture conditions (Figure 3).

Table 1. Materials received from INIBAP Transit Centre (ITC) and their current status
First batch Second batch
ITC Code Accession nam e
Status Rem arks Status Rem arks
ITC. 0312 ‘Pisang Jari Buaya’ Survived Field planted Survived Sub-culture
ITC. 0504 FH IA-01 Survived Field planted Survived Sub-culture
ITC. 0505 FH IA-02 Died - Survived Sub-culture
ITC. 0506 FH IA-03 Died - Survived Sub-culture
ITC. 0570 ‘W illiam s’ (Bell, Died - Survived Sub-culture
South John stone)
ITC. 0643 ‘Cachaco’ Survived Field planted Survived Sub-culture
ITC. 0712 ‘AAcv R ose’ Survived Field planted Survived Sub-culture
ITC. 1122 ‘G ros M ichel’ Survived Field planted Survived Sub-culture
ITC. 1123 ‘Yangam bi Km 5’ Died - Survived Sub-culture
ITC. 1264 FH IA-17 Survived Field planted Survived Sub-culture
ITC. 1265 FH IA-23 Survived Field planted Survived Sub-culture
ITC. 1282 G C TCV 119 Survived Field planted Survived Sub-culture
ITC. 1283 SH 3436-9 Survived Field planted Survived Sub-culture
ITC. 1296 TM Bx 1378 Survived Field planted Survived Sub-culture
ITC. 1297 TM Bx 5295-1 Survived Field planted Survived Sub-culture
ITC. 1307 SH 3640 Survived Field planted Survived Sub-culture
ITC. 1319 FH IA-18 Survived Field planted Survived Sub-culture
ITC. 1332 FH IA-21 (#68) Survived Field planted Survived Sub-culture
ITC. 1344 CRBP 39 Survived Field planted Survived Sub-culture
ITC. 1418 FH IA-25 Survived Field planted Survived Sub-culture
ITC. 1441 ‘Pisang Ceylan’ Survived Field planted Survived Sub-culture
ITC. 1442 G C TCV 106 Survived Field planted Survived Sub-culture
ITC. 1443 G C TCV 247 Survived Field planted Survived Sub-culture

To produce a large number of plantlets for each accession, materials
received from the International Musa Testing Programme (IMTP) are
triple sub-cultured. These will then be transferred to the screenhouse
for their first planting into the soil before sending to the field.

Field trials
As the number of plants from introduced material is still limited, no
field trial has been initiated so far. However, with rapid progress in
multiplying the materials through tissue culture, it is hoped that some
on-farm testing trials can be planned for the year 2005. At least three
locations of onfarm testing will be conducted in the 2005 rainy season.
48 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13

Capacity building
Within the last 2 years, with a strong support from INIBAP, a number
of staff from CARDI has been trained in various fields in banana
research (Table 2).
Table 2. Trainings attended by Cambodian Musa researchers.
Name Title Date Location Funding
Pith Khon Hel Banana Workshop Nov 2001 Sri Lanka INIBAP
Thun Votany International Training Course on Dec 2002 Taiwan INIBAP
tissue-culture techniques of
Thun Votany, On-the-job training on tissue 2003 Taiwan CARDI
Sakhan Sophany culture
Ny Vuthy Workshop on Musa nematology 2003 Philippines INIBAP
Pith Khon Hel Musa Germplasm Information Dec 2003 Malaysia INIBAP
System (MGIS)
Pith Khon Hel International Workshop on Oct 2004 Vietnam INIBAP
sustainable banana production
through the use of healthy
Thun Votany Training on tissue culture Jul 2004 Thailand ASEAN/

Areas for collaboration

1. Evaluation and selection of fusarium wilt-resistant variety. Fusarium
wilt is a serious problem in banana production in Cambodia.
Availability of resistant cultivars against this disease will be of great
help to the industry.
2. Research on banana value adding. Most of the time in the peak
harvesting season, marketing is becoming a serious problem for the
farmers. In this circumstance, banana can be processed and
consumed as nutritious food.
3. New production technologies. New highly marketable banana
cultivars, production management and other technologies are
necessary for the banana production in the country.
4. Human resources development. Support in the field will provide a
good foundation for banana research in the country.

1. Funding. Despite the fact that banana is one of the major crops in
Cambodia, funding sources, local and international, toward research
on this crop is absent or very limited.
2. Infrastructure. Development of suitable research infrastructure
within the country is possible a priority for a long-term mandate.
Overview on banana research in Cambodia 49

3. Human resource development. Limited skills in banana research in

Cambodia is one of the major factors responsible for a slow progress
in the development of the industry.
4. Pest and diseases. Many pests and diseases are found in the country
which significantly affect the production and quality of the crop.
Most predominant problems are fusarium wilt and nematodes.
Banana research and production in China 51

Banana research and production in China

Xu Linbing*, Yang Hu, Huang Bingzhi and Wei


Banana is one of the major fruits in China. In 2004, the total planted
area for banana was 244 793. Some commercial plantations obtain
60 t/ha-1 yr-1. However, due to typhoon and chilling, the average yield
is only at 22.7 t/ha (Table 1). The main consumption market is located
in north China, amounting to 6 t/yr. Effective 18 June 2003, China is
in Free Trade Area Agreement with the Association of Southeast Asian
Nations (ASEAN). This opened up more opportunities for the country’s
thriving banana export industry.

Table 1. Area planted and volume of production of banana and their occupation rate.
Province Area Area Production Production Productivity
(1000 ha) (%) (t) (%) (t/ha)

Guangdong 110.7 44.65 2 717 700 48.90 24.55

Guanxi 54.5 21.99 1 073 400 19.32 19.70
Hainan 34.1 13.76 853 700 15.36 25.01
Fujian 29.3 11.82 765 000 13.77 26.11
Yunnan 16.0 6.45 126 000 2.27 7.88
Guizhou 2.0 0.81 8 400 0.15 4.20
Sichuan 1.1 0.44 11 800 0.21 10.73
Chongqing 0.2 0.08 1 300 0.02 6.50
Total 244.8 100.00 5 557 300 100.00 22.70

Banana industry promotion

A project for the promotion of the banana industry was carried out by
the China Agriculture Ministry, South Sub-tropical Crop Development
Center (CAM-SSCDC) in 2002. Last November, a demonstration
meeting was held in Hot Farm, Nanning, Guangxi. Hot Farm is one of
the biggest banana plantations in China. It started with a plantation
area of 67 ha in 1997 and later expanded to 1000 ha in 2004. To improve
the productivity of Hot Farm, irrigation system, mechanization, cable
way transport system and a packing house were set up. These all
contributed to better price and quality of bananas. Hot Farm is now
becoming a famous brand in China.
In order to extend the new technology to all banana plantations, CAM-
SSCDC will launch a China Banana Network in Xuwen County,
*Senior Agronomist, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guangzhou, China.
52 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13

Guangdong on 20 December 2004. There is a bumper harvest this year,

with some farms having more than $20 000/ha average income. A China
Fruit Marketing Association Banana Branch in Haikou, Hainan province
was set up in June 2004 (Xu Linbing 2004a). This will improve the
banana marketing system, build up the banana selling network, help
the farmers sell bananas easier and earn more profit. Hot Farm, Jianfeng,
Datang, Tianbao, Tongtian, Baiguo, Shanding, Fu Min, etc. are some
of the most recognized brands (Yang Peisheng 2003).
Hainan Banana Association (HBA) was founded in April 2002. During
the last 2 years, HBA helps the government develop the local banana
industry. The first magazine in China, BANANA, is edited for extending
new technology and information. HBA also put up a joint export base
covering 2000 ha in cooperation with Fresh System Company, the
biggest banana dealer in Japan. HBA has helped Lingao farmers to join
a Banana Community (BC). The BC can obtain a loan from the bank to
avail of the technology and marketing directed by HBA. For the first
year, BC has covered 100 ha, and earned a $900 000 interest. It is
estimated that the earnings of BC would double this year. HBA has also
assisted the farmers to avail of insurance for the plantation in case of
calamities like typhoons.
Guangdong Horticulture Academy Banana Science and Technology
branch is another active group founded in 2001, which works on the
banana industry.

Market price analysis

Good market price is a good motivating factor for the farmers to plant
bananas. Data on this was collected from
It can be seen from Figure 1 that in some months, the highest price
appears to be twice more than the average price. Too many fruits
competing with banana during summer lowers the banana rice. On
the other hand, during winter, most of the plants die of chilling. The
price gets higher than $0.5/kg following the next spring, of which the
farmer can earn $20 000/ha profit in Hainan. Although there has been
a recorded increase in production (Table 1), Figure 1 shows that the
price did not change so much in the last 4 years.
Economic development increased the market demand for bananas.
Postharvest technology made the shelf life of banana longer. The
marketing network of banana is also extended to small towns. Overall,
more people eat banana than before, with the consumption volume
becoming bigger. It is estimated that the production will reach 7M t in
the next 3 years.
Banana research and production in China 53

T h e v a r ia tio n o f b a n a n a p r ic e in W a n q in g s h a in r e c e n t
y e a rs


100 2001
50 2002
0 2003
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2004

m o n th

Figure 1.The variation of banana price in Wanqingsha, Guangzhou
in recent years.

Banana production and research

Major pests and diseases
• Sigatoka is the most common disease in the undeveloped region
(i.e. Hainan, Yunnan) during spring and fall. Four to five types of
chemicals are sprayed yearly to control it. In 2004, Xie Yixian had
studied the nucleic acid of banana sigatoka leaf spot disease pathogens
in Hainan. Eleven isolates of banana sigatoka leaf spot disease pathogens
from Hainan were identified using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
species-specific primers. The result showed that 10 of the 11 isolates
from Danzhou, Ledong, Wenchang, Dongfang, Chenmai, Lingao,
Qunhai, Changjiang, Qunsan and Sanya in Hainan were
Mycosphaerella fijiensis, while the isolate from Baisha was neither M.
fijiensis nor M. musicola. Further studies should be done to identify
this isolate. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis
showed that the isolates were in two groups, which supported the
result of the PCR identification. The results of this study can be used
as a reference guide for the integrated management of banana Sigatoka
leaf spot disease in Hainan (Xie Yixian 2004).
However, in developed regions such as Pearl River delta, leaf spot disease
is no longer a problem for banana plantation. Leaf margin necrosis,
where the the margin of the leaf turn light greyish brown and then
dries up, is more common.
• Leaf marginal necrosis. Ten years ago, leaf marginal necrosis was
found only in Machong town, Dongguan city (30 km from
Guangzhou). However, at present, it is very common in Pearl River
delta A possible reason for this are the influx of power stations, factories
and vehicles which cause severe air pollution. According to 2003 report
of Guangdong Environmental Protection Bureau, SO2 is the main air
pollution source. SO2 contain 0.025 mg/m3 and goes up to 13.5%. The
54 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
rate of provincial de-sulfurization is only 13.30%. This then causes acid
rain of more than 50% and the average pH of precipitation to be 4.92
( 2004). The relationship of acid rain and
banana leaf marginal necrosis is yet to be studied.
• Banana Bunchy Top Virus (BBTV). Wei Hongyan (2004) studied
the promoter activity of BBTV Zhongzhou isolate (BBTV-ZZ) DNA4
non-coding region. BBTV-ZZ DNA4 non-coding region (Po1), and its
5’ end deletion of CR-M (Po2), and deletion of CR-M and CR-SL (Po3)
were subcloned by PCR and inserted into the upstream of GFP::GUS
plant expression vector pCAMBIA 1304 to construct the recombinant
plasmid pTA2, pC26 and pC45, respectively. Agrobacterium tumefaciens
harbouring pTA2, pC26 and pC45, were respectively injected into leaves
of the tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum l. cv. Xanthi NC) via agroinfiltration.
Transient expressions of GUS and GFP determined in injected leaves
were 1.007, 0.852, 0.939, 2.069 and 0.021 pmol·MU/(˜g·min),
respectively. Values of absorbance of GFP in 1mg total protein from
pTA2, pC26, pC45, pCAMBIA 1304 injected leaves and non-injected
at 490 nm by indirect ELISA were 89.577, 65.184, 72.096, 100.440 and
3.287, respectively. The results suggest that Po1, Po2 and Po3 all have
strong promoter activity. In transgenic tobacco plants, activities of Po1,
Po2 and Po3 were restricted to the vascular associated tissue by the
detection of GUS.
• Cucumber Mosaic Virus (CMV) is the main disease in farms planted
with tissue-cultured seedlings. Aphid control in the nursery and young
plant is very important.
• Fusarium wilt (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense) (Foc) has become
the main disease for some banana plantations in Southern China.
Guangdong has set up a project to control it. The involved institutions
include South China Agricultural University, Guangdong Academy of
Agricultural Sciences (GDAAS), Chinese Academy of Tropical
Agricultural Sciences (CATAS), Fujian Agricultural and Forestry
University, Hainan Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Guangzhou
Institute Agricultural Sciences. Xu Wenyao studied the pathogenic
reaction of banana pseudostem cells to different races of vascular wilt
fungus and their crude toxins. It describes the pathogenic reaction of
the banana cells upon the inoculation of spore suspension and crude
toxins of Foc. The detached pseudostems and pseudostem cells of
banana plantlets were treated with pathogen spore or crude toxins
solutions. The pathogenic reactions were observed by using tissue
sectioning. The results showed the same reactions, such as browning
reaction, upon the inoculation of crude toxins produced by different
fungal races. This suggests that the virulence differentiation of Foc was
Banana research and production in China 55

determined by some unknown factors rather than the toxins specificity.

It was also proven that the toxins produced by Foc are non-selective
for banana (Xu Wen-yao 2004). The Foc was found to have not only
destroyed Fenjiao (ABB, Pisang Awak), but also Baxi (AAA, Cavendish)
in Qiongshan and Sanya, Hainan province. The disease area covered
43.33 ha and 6.67 ha respectively. This is a big potential problem for
the banana industry in Hainan (Zhou Chuan Bo 2003).
Fengjiao (ABB, Pisang Awak) is the popular variety in China. The price
is usually higher than Cavendish. It is very susceptible to Foc in
commercial plantations. The ratoon harvest, which is 60-80% in virgin
land, may fall to 0%. But in some backyards, Fengjiao can harvest many
crop, and last for many years.
Integrated pest management may cause no harm to the roots and
sucker since no chemicals/pesticides will be used. Further studies are
needed on this IPM programme.
Twenty-three accessions from the International Musa Testing
Programme (IMTP) were propagated, rooted and planted in
Wangqingsha IMTP station on 31 March 2004. These accessions were
investigated for the presence of Foc. Based on the last assessment
conducted on 14 October 2004, FHIA-01 (AAAB), FHIA-02 (AAAB),
FHIA-18 (AAAB), FHIA-25 (AAAA) are resistant. Meanwhile, 10% of
FHIA-03 (AABB) and GCTCV 119 (AAA) and 12.5% of CRBP39 (AAAB)
are affected. More detailed studies will still be done.
• Banana Anthracnose. Zhu Sijiang (2004) investigated the induction
of disease tolerance of postharvest banana by using crude extract from
peels of green banana. Dipping postharvest banana in crude extract
from peels of unheated green banana (UHGB) significantly controlled
the occurrence of banana anthracnose, while dipping in crude extract
from peels of heated green banana (HGB) had little effect on fruit rotting.
This is the first report on the induction of disease tolerance of
postharvest fruits by direct application of crude extract from fruit of
the same species. UHGB-treated anthracnose (Colletotrichum musae)
spores were found to be less virulent than HGB-treated ones. While
HGB affected spore germination, more than UHGB, lesser anthracnose
was observed on UHGB treated fruits. These results imply that the
mechanism of anti-disease substances extracted from green banana
peel to enhance the disease tolerance of post harvest banana by
exogenous application lies in the fact that the anti-disease substance
help strengthen the defensive system of the fruit itself instead of
affecting the pathogens (Zhu Si-jiang 2004).
Genetic divergence among 38 strains belonging to the falcate-spore
56 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
species of Colletotrichum was assessed by RFLP analysis on the basis of
rDNA ITS region. The PCR amplified ITS region (ITS-ITS5) was about
650 bp in length in all the tested strains. RFLP patterns of ITS products
digested with different endonucleases (Alu I, BsuR, Hin6 I, Hpa II and
Taq I) were not distinguishable within the same species, but clearly
different at the interspecies level. UPGMA analysis of co-migrate band
in restriction patterns showed that 38 isolates could be divided into six
distinct groups. Some strains previously in the different species, such
as C. truncatum, C. circinans and C. capsici, were closely grouped
together in a cluster dendrogram, indicating that they possibly belong
to the same species (Zeng Daxing 2004).
• Bacterial corm rot was found in Hainan. It is caused by Erwinia
carotovora. It occurred on poorly drained fields during the rainy season,
3%-7% plants were harmed (Zhou Chuanbo 2004).

Environmental factors
• Chilling in winter is one of the main restraining factors of banana
production. Compared with apple, pear and citrus, the area planted
to banana is very limited in China. However, the quality of Chinese
bananas is better than tropical bananas, thereby attracting Japanese
buyers to come to China. HBA is pushing a big company to join together
to supply the Japanese market but typhoons and summer made banana
production unstable. Some farmers moved their business to
Xisuanbanna, Yunnan province. The province has the best
environmental condition in China, without typhoon, with a tropical
climate which lies 400 m above sea level. The banana is sweet all year
round because even during summer, the temperature is remains at
20oC at night and 37oC in the afternoon. The road condition, however,
is not that good but will be improved with the opening of the
Kunming-Bangkok express way in 2007. This will also benefit Thailand
and Laos. It is expected that they will bring their tropical fruits to the
Chinese market.
• In 2004, Chen Jiahao has studied how the defense effect of smoke
screen on low temperature injures banana. The results showed that
smoke screen prevented radiation of low temperature. The lower the
air temperature was, the better the heat preservation effect was. The
heat preservation effect was stronger at the densest height than at any
other heights in the banana plantation. The heat preservation effect of
smoke screen was not significantly affected by sky conditions (sunny
or overcast) and air humidity.
• Typhoon is another major limiting factor in banana production. In
2003, more than six typhoons devastated the banana regions. On 17
Banana research and production in China 57

November 2003, Typhoon Nibert wiped out half of Hainan’s banana

plantation, causing an estimated loss of 1 billion yuan ($120M).
Fortunately, in 2004, no typhoons landed on Guangdong, Hainan and
Fujian provinces. The production in 2004 therefore increased by 20%.
To minimize production loss due to typhoons, most plantations use
timber and bamboo props to minimize the effect of strong winds.
Approximately 100 M of timber and bamboo are used yearly. This is a
great loss for the forests in China. In order to save timber, a timber
preservation research project was carried out by the Guangdong Forest
Research Institute. This project was sponsored by the International
Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO). The vacuum-pressure system
in the pilot workshop was set up to treat timber. They developed a
new formulation for mold control, which showed good efficacy after
being tested. The treated timber for banana standing pole is one of the
demonstration programmes. Four-year tracking analysis results
indicated that the timbers are still in good condition. It is estimated
that the timber can last 15-20 years, about 3-4 times longer than the
untreated ones. If the project is extended to 50% of the banana
plantations, more than 70% of timber will be saved.
• Xuwen County is situated in the cape of Leizhou Peninsula, west
Guangdong. It is a tropical region, afflicted by drought which causes a
stress to banana plantations. Some farmers usually dig deep wells (200-
400 m deep) and pump water for irrigation. The 2-3 hours/8 days
irrigation belt system is adapted. In Hainan, irrigation is for 1 hour/6
days, while in Pearl River delta, it is 20 minutes/3 days. The optimal
plot for irrigation should be tested respectively. At present, this irrigation
belt system has been extended to up to more than 30 000 ha in China.
However, over excavation of underground water will cause the water
table fall. It is said that the water table dropped to up to more than 100
m in Ledong, Hainan during the last 2-3 years. The use of underground
water should be studied further.

The Chinese government is setting up standards to promote banana
production. This includes environment management, plantlet care and
production, field management, postharvest processing and fruit

Of the collections held in GDAAS, about 50% accessions were
characterized and entered into the MGIS database. Chen Houbin has
58 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
evaluated fruit characteristics of 28 Cavendish subgroup banana
cultivars. The result showed that the bunches of ‘Gaojiao Dundilei’,
‘Williams’ and ‘Baxijiao’ were more cylindrical while those of dwarf
Cavendish were more conical. Yields of the planting crop and the first
ratoon were 20-30 kg and 30-35 kg per stem, respectively. ‘Aijiao
Dundilei’ had the highest yield of 33.8 kg per stem in two crops, 21%
higher than the introduced cultivars like ‘Baxijiao’ and ‘Williams’.
Number of hands varied between 7 and 9, with the total fingers 140 to
170. The first hand consisted of 25 to 30 fingers and weighed 4 to 7 kg
in a bunch, which was double to triple that of the last hand. Finger
length of the first hand was 20 to 22 cm whereas finger diameter was
bigger than the normal standard (around 40 mm). A few local cultivars
like ‘Aijiao Dundilei’ and Gaojiao Dundilei’ were comparable with the
introduced cultivars in terms of yield, bunch shape, finger length and
The germplasms were collected in Xisuanbanna Botanical Garden,
Menglun, Yunnan province, (101°25´ EL; 21°41´ NL, 570 m above
sea level, with a yearly average temperature of 21.5°C and precipitation
of 1560 mm). Seven accessions were collected, 1 Shuguo Bajiao; 2 Teai
Guanye Xianagjiao(AAA); 3 Taiyin Hongyebei Guanye Xianagjiao; 4
Pinhonghua Guanye Xianagjiao; 5 Xiangmin Xiaoxianagjiao (AA); 6
Heliconia aurantiaca Ghissbr; and Xiangtui Jiao.

Breeding and selection

• Biotechnology breeding. Xu Chunxiang (2004a) had experimented
on the embryogenic callus starting from immature male flowers in
two out of five banana cultivars and starting from scalps in two out of
three cultivars. These four cultivars belonged to Musa AAA group. The
frequency of embryogenic cell induction depended on genotype,
cultivar and incubation condition. Embryogenic cell suspensions (ECSs)
were initiated successfully from the embryogenic callus of all these
four cultivars. The possibility of getting ECSs from embryog was also
cultivar dependent. Xu Chunxiang (2004b) also regenerated Grand
Naine plant through somatic embryogenesis. Grand Naine ECSs were
plated on RDI or M3 medium for the regeneration of somatic embryos,
1 to 2 weeks after last subculture. The first regenerable somatic embryos
were observed approximately 3 weeks after inoculation. After 8 weeks
of culture, the embryogenic mass had increased about 5 to 18 times.
The number of somatic embryos that could be regenerated from 1 ml
settled cell volume (SCV) of ECSs ranged from between 0.71×105 and
3.07×105, depending on pre-culture time in liquid medium before
regeneration, regeneration media and incubation conditions (light/
Banana research and production in China 59

dark). The frequency of plant recovery and the amount of plantlets

from 1 mL SCV of ECS were indirectly affected by the somatic embryos
regeneration conditions that were studied.
Different protocols for establishing embryogenic cell suspensions and
plant regeneration for gene transformation were also studied. Main
cultivars and important germplasm in China, such as Musa itinerans
Cheesm., Musa AA Pisang Mas cv. Mas, Musa AAA Cavendish cv.
Baxi, and Musa AAB Silk cv. Guoshanxiang were used as
experimental materials to establish their embryogenic cell
suspensions. Different explants, immature zygotic embryo of Musa
itinerans Cheesm., immature male flower of Musa AA Pisang Mas cv.
Mas and scalp of Musa AAB Silk cv. Guoshanxiang were used to
induce embryogenic callus, and embryogenic cell suspensions of
these cultivars were established. Histological analysis was performed
and used to prove that the single-cell origin of somatic embryos was
derived from immature male flower of Mas (AA). Embryogenic cell
suspensions of Mas were cryopreserved successfully by vitrification,
and its protoplast culture was processed (Wei Y R et al. 2004b).
• Space radiation breeding. Three clones (B5, B2, Guangfeng No.1)
are sent to space by return satellite. Only B5 was alive when it returned.
The bud tissue was then cultured in vitro. It grows faster than normal
and more mutated buds, like globosity embryogenic callus and cancer
buds. The first group of plants (11 normal buds’ plants, 8 cancer buds’
plants, 9 control plants) was planted in greenhouse on 9 May 2004.
Now that the plants are shooting, there are no differences between
them. The second and third groups were planted in Dongchong station
on 7 and 30 July 2004. The cancer buds’ plants showed more off-type
leaves. The agronomic traits are being observed by GDAAS.
•Somatic mutation screening is being used by GDAAS. Daguo No.2
(AAA Cavendish) screened from Guangdong No.2 was tested in
Dongguan, Panyu. The results showed that the fingers were 1.4 cm
longer, finger weight was 32 g higher and bunch weight was 4.4 kg
higher than Guangdong No.2. Compared with the popular cultivar
Baxi, Daguo No.2 showed a finger weight which was 22 g heavier and
had a more robust pseudostem. After typhoon Dujian (2 September
2003), Daguo No.2 was damaged by 1.7% compared with Baxi which
was damaged by 54.9%. Daguo No.2 however has a very poor taste.
The second new clone Dafeng No.1 (AAA Cavendish) was screened
from local Cavendish Dazhong Gaoba. It was shown that the finger
was 1.6 cm longer, finger weight was 30.5 g heavier and bunch weight
was 2.1 kg heavier than Baxi. However, its bunch shape is not very
good. The third clone Changfeng Xiangjiao(AAA Cavendish) which
60 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
was screened from Williams, showed that the finger was 2 cm longer
and bunch weight was 16 kg heavier, than other Williams, respectively.
Compared with the popular cultivar Baxi, Changfeng Xiangjiao does
not differ with Baxi in terms of plant characteristics except that its
finger is 1.6 cm longer. Another Awak mutation, Ai Fenjiao (ABB Dwarf
Pisang Awak) is 2-3 m in height, its shooting cycle 1 month shorter
than normal one but the yield is low at 10 kg/bunch.

Tissue culture
Tissue-cultured plantlets are now becoming a very popular planting
material. Most plantations grow tissue-cultured crops. However four
problems have remained: (1) tissue-culture laboratories do not have
isolated screenhouse for mother plants; (2) sample check for
proliferating tissue quarantine is not sufficient and not fast enough;
(3) most of the hardening nurseries do not have a net for isolation and
are located near a diseased banana plantation; (4) poor nursery
management of tissue-cultured plantlets made fusarium wilt spread
rapidly. Huang Youbao (2004) has however introduced
countermeasures for these problems encountered. These are: (1) to
build up a mother plant nursery; (2) proper management of tissue
culture source: location of mother plant for sucker and quarantine
must be checked; (3) proper management of tissue culture nursery.
Nurseries should be 50 m away from vegetable and banana field. There
should be a net house and buffer space. Fields must be weeded and
disinfected, clean water source should also be used.

The banana specific fertilizer becomes more popular than ordinary
compound fertilizer. According to the plant growth stage, N:P:K content
is adjusted, including vegetative-growth fertilizer, flower differentiation
fertilizer and fruit-growth fertilizer. Bio-fertilizer (organic) is adapted
in many plantation. Amino-acid leaf fertilizers are also popular this

Recently, many plantations have simple packing houses which are built
by the local government and the farmers in Hainan province. Cartons
are used to pack bananas instead of the usual bamboo baskets. There
are new cable ways for banana transport built in Zhongshan and
Guangxi in 2003. Hot Farm for example, has a re-fixable cable way to
Banana research and production in China 61

transport bananas. A 4000 m length way costs $25 000, but after the
harvest season the facility can be put in the warehouse to avoid any
Feng Dou (2004) analyzed the ethylene receptor gene cloning and
expression in banana fruit. Using a total RNA from banana fruits as
template, two different lengths of cDNA fragments were specifically
amplified by RT-PCR, which revealed a significant homology to the
reported ethylene receptor gene (Gene bank number: AF 113748). One
cDNA clone (the longer one) showed 99% of homology to the ORF
(open reading frame) sequence of the ethylene receptor gene, while
the shorter cDNA clone displayed 97% identity but with a missing
region corresponding to nucleotide 194 to 1036. Analyses of expression
profile by RT-PCR of the cloned genes demonstrated that its expression
was prominent at different developmental stages of ripening banana
fruit. In contrast, their expression in the roots and leaves was non-
detectable. The result of southern hybridization showed that this gene
sequence existed as a single copy in the banana genomic DNA. The
results indicated a fruit tissue-specific expression pattern of the cloned
ethylene receptor cDNA. The cDNA truncated from ethylene receptor
was probably generated through alternative splicing, and therefore
might represent a novel form of ethylene receptor gene in banana.

Problems encountered and proposed areas of collaboration

Single cultivar planting would be a potential risk for banana production.
Cavendish occupied 89% of production. However, Cavendish is very
susceptible to Sigatoka and fusarium. Breeding disease-resistant
cultivars is urgent.
1. Banana processing should be emphasized. Processing technologies
must be developed.
2. IPM must be developed for export bananas since use of chemicals
is strictly checked in the export market. IPM would be very helpful
for the export banana plantations.
3. National banana production coordinating system should be set up
(Yang Pei-sheng 2003). A China Banana Network will be launched
at Xuwen, Guangdong on 20 December 2004.
4. Cooperate with international banana companies regarding
marketing management .
5. Banana standards should be promoted to the farmers in the banana
regions. Fruit quality should be improved. The taste of Chinese
bananas is good, but the appearance is not. If the fruit appearance
is improved, the Chinese banana could become best in the world
62 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13

Chen Houbin. 2004. Evaluation of fruit characteristics of 28 Cavendish
subgroup banana cultivars. Journal of South China Agricultural
University 25:4. (in Chinese).
Feng Dou. 2004. Cloning and Expression analysis of Ethylene Receptor
Gene in Banana Fruit. Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops 25(1). (in
Chinese). (in Chinese). (in Chinese).
Huang You-Bao. 2004. The remain problem and countermeasure for
banana tissue culture production. Plant Qurantine 18(1). (in
Wei Hong-yan. 2003. Promoter activity of BBTV Zhongzhou isolate
(BBTV-ZZ) DNA4 non-coding region. Journal of Beijing Forestry
University 25(5). (in Chinese).
Wei Y R, Huang X L, Huang X, Li J, Xiao W, Li X J. 2004a. The Induction
of Multiple Buds and Somatic Embryogenesis of Musa spp. Acta
Horticulturae Sinica (in press).
Wei Y R, Huang X L, Li J, Huang X, Li Z, Li X J. 2004b. Establishment
of Embryogenic Cell Suspension Culture and Plant Regeneration
of Edible Banana Musa acuminata cv. Mas (AA). Chinese Journal of
biotechnology (in press).
Xu Chunxiang. 2004a. The induction of embryogenic callus and
establishment of embryogenic cell suspension of Musa spp. Journal
of South China Agricultural University (Natural Science Edition)
25(1). (in Chinese).
Xu Chunxiang. 2004b. Plant regeneration through somatic
embryogenic of Musa AAA cv. Grande Naine. Journal of South
China Agricultural University (Natural Science Edition) 25(2). (in
Xu Linbing. 2004a. Banana. Shandong Sciences & Technology Press.
(in Chinese).
Xu Linbing. 2004b. Crop nutrition & fertilizer series books. Fruit Album
Banana. Shandong Science & Technology Press. (in Chinese).
Banana research and production in China 63

Xu Wenyao. 2004. The pathogenic reaction of banana pesudostem cells

to different races of vascular wilt fungus and their crude toxins.
ACTA Phytopathologica SINACA 34(5):425-43. (in Chinese).
Yang Peisheng. 2003. Analysis on the Development of Banana Industry
in China. Journal of Fruit Science 20(5):415~420. (in Chinese).
Zeng Daxing. RFLP analysis of ITS region of rDNA in the falcate-spored
species of Colletotrichum. ACTA Phytopathologica SINICA
34(5):431-436. (in Chinese).
Zhou Chuanbo. 2003. Identification and investigation for two new
diseases in Hainan. Hainan Agriculture Science Volume 3.
Zhu Sijiang. 2004. Induction disease tolerance of post harvest banana
by crude extract from peels of green bananas. Scientica Agricultura
Sinica. 37(3):406-409. (in Chinese).
Banana and plantain R&D in India 65

Banana and plantain R&D in India

M.M. Mustaffa* and S.Sathiamoorthy

Bananas and plantains are grown in India from Vedic times and
mentioned in Tamil literature dating back to 120 BC. They are cultivated
from coastal plains, deltaic areas and deep inlands to hills with an altitude
of 1800 m. The system of banana cultivation varies among regions,
garden land system, wetland system (in high-level deltaic areas only)
and perennial systems (hills and plains).
In the garden land system, bananas are planted annually and ratooning
is practised occasionally. In high-level deltaic regions, they are grown
in wetland condition rotated with paddy. Under this system, annualy
replanting and ratooning are practised. This type of crop rotation
minimizes soil-borne pathogens affecting bananas.
Under perennial banana growing system, there is no annual replanting
of bananas. Plants are grown up to 50 to 75 years in the “Padugai”
lands in plains. In hills with an altitude of 1000 to 1200 m, they are
grown as either a solo crop or a shade crop for coffee. Most bananas
are grown under rain-fed condition, under perennial system of
cultivation. Mostly Pome types of bananas are grown.

Significant R&D
Crop improvement
A new Ensete species from Kodaikanal hills and a new diploid Musa
acuminata from Anaimalai hills were collected, with the latter being
found to be free from leaf spot diseases. Sixty-one exotic collections
have been added to the INIBAP Transit Centre in Leuven, Belgium
through National Board for Plant Genetic Resources in New Delhi.
Twenty accessions were characterized using, “Musa descriptor’ from
INIBAP/IPGRI, Rome and added to the National Research Centre for
Bananas (NRCB) database. RAPD marker analysis of wild Musa
balbisiana from Andaman and Nicobar Islands exhibited 81.65 percent
polymorphism among the amplified markers showing two major
clusters as: (i) 16 types of wild Musa balbisiana subspecies from Indian
mainland; (ii) 13 wild types from Andaman and Nicobar Islands (Figure
1). The existence of considerable variation was observed not only at
the genome level but also with the geographical distributions.
*Principal Scientist, NRCB, Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu, India.
66 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
However, the collections in the Indian mainland from western ghat to
north eastern states also exhibited genetic relatedness, suggesting that
the place of origin for Musa balbisiana could be one common place
but diversified in three different regions like western ghat region of
Kerala and Karnataka States, eastern ghat in Andhra Pradesh and Orissa
and north eastern states. Andaman and Nicobar could be another centre
of origin and diversity parallel to Indian mainland.

Figure 1. Dendrogram showing genetic relationships among 29 wild Musa

balbisiana diploids using UPGMA cluster analysis.

Clustering pattern of Mysore subgroup accessions

The genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationship were analyzed for
36 accessions. Primers OPA-11, OPC-17, OPD-06 and OPD-18
produced polymorphism (Figure 2). The tree matrix clearly indicated
five major clusters (Table 1).
68 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
Table 2. Clustering pattern of Pisang Awak (ABB) sub group accessions.
Cluster M em bers
Cluster 1 Boothi Bale

Cluster 2 a Agni M albhog, Kanthali, Nepali Vannan, Gouria, Kanchi Kela

Cluster 2 b Deshi Kadali, Kanchi Kela, M as, Octom an, Boddida Bukkis a, Dakshin Sag ar, H-
6, M outm an, Vella Palayankoda n, Poom bidiyan, Ban Kela, Ankur-II, Ladisan,
Boothibale, Ankur-I, Shahil Baig, Eni Kom ban, Am rithapani, Dinam alakol, G era,
Chinia, Enna Benian, Shalil Kela, Calananul, Vannathurpurani, Boothi Bale,
Battisa Piro, Bhurkel, Karpooravalli, Jam m ulapalem Collection, Karpooravalli,
Geda, Bhurkel, M as
Cluster 2 c Bhurkel, Chinia
Cluster 2d Karpuravalli

Cluster M
Cluster 1 B

Figure 3. Dendrogram showing genetic relationships among 43 Pisang Awak

(ABB) group accessions using UPGMA cluster analysis.

Genetic diversity in 28 genotypes of banana has been studied using

RAPD markers. Among a total of 60 bands, the dendrogram showed
two main clusters that differentiated all AA genotypes from the BB
types. The BB group in turn had two nodes with both wild M. balbisiana
types in one group and the cultivars ‘Cuba’, ‘Monthan’, ‘Karpooravally’
and ‘Muthia’ (ABB group) in another group has shown very close
relationships. The hybrid M. acuminata x M. balbisiana was placed
between these two groups. The cultivar Klue Teparod (ABB) was found
to be placed along with the cultivar Red Banana (AAA).
Banana and plantain R&D in India 69

Grouping of cultivars such as ‘Velethan’, ‘Ney Poovan’ and ‘Rasthali’

from South India lies far away from the BB group. This could be due
to the involvement of other Musa species in their genomes. However,
this still needs further investigation.
Genetic diversity in 22 genotypes was studied using ISSR primers.
Among the 99 bands, the dendrogram showed three main clusters
that differentiated all AA genotypes from the BB types.
It was observed that five ISSR primers amplified bands specific to “B”
genotype and one ISSR primer also showed bands specific to “A”
genotype. They were sequenced for development as SCAR markers.
These have a potential in deciphering the genome composition of
natural hybrids in banana.
Five ABB and eight BB accessions were screened for banana streak virus
(BSV) integration by using four BSV activable sequences from B
genome received from QDPI, Australia. These were BSV-OL (from
cultivar Red Deccan), BSV-GF (from cultivar ‘Gold finger’), BS-Mys
(from cultivar Mysore) and BSV-IM (source not mentioned).
Integration of BSV-IM sequence was detected in all the accessions, while
other activable sequences were present in most of the accessions.
Another experiment will have to be done to confirm this.
In order to develop markers linked to fusarium wilt resistance, DNA
isolated from the parents M. acuminata, Kadali and Hoobale and hybrids
obtained from the crosses were amplified using random primers. Some
bands specific to hybrids and resistant parents have been obtained.
These have been cloned and sequenced for use as SCAR markers.

Gene expression
The activity profiles of the enzymes polygalacturonase (PG), cellulase,
pectin methyl esterase (PME) and sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS)
showed that there was increase in PG and cellulase activities in banana
(cvs. Robusta and Ney Poovan) and SPS (in case of banana) indicating
enzymatic degradation of cell-wall materials concomitant with ripening.
However, PME activity registered an almost opposite trend with the
activity declining with the onset of ripening. With onset of ripening,
SPS activity increased initially, declined slightly and remained constant
Primers have been designed to isolate ripening-related genes in banana
using already available sequence data for cellulase, PG, PME, ß-
galactosidase (cell wall hydrolases), ACC oxidase, ACC synthase
(ethylene biosynthesis enzymes) sucrose phosphate synthase (sugar
70 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
metabolism) and expansin (cell wall loosening protein). Partial length
of cDNA clones has been obtained for all these genes using primers in
banana. Fifteen ESTs have also been generated from fruit cDNA library
of banana variety Mysore Poovan. Expression of beta-galactosidase and
ACC oxidase was studied in ripening banana fruit. While beta-
galactosidase was expressed at all stages of ripening, while ACC oxidase
was expressed only during the initial stages of ripening.
Full-length genes of SPS, ACC oxidase, ACC synthase and PG have
been isolated from banana vars. Robusta and Ney Poovan through
RACE-PCR. Both of the 5’ and 3’ RACE-PCR products obtained were
cloned and sequenced. Complete sequence of ACC oxidase gene from
banana varieties Robusta and Ney Poovan has been determined.
In order to isolate fruit specific promoters, upstream regulatory
sequences of ACC synthase and ACC oxidase genes have been isolated
from banana cv. Robusta using genome walker kit. Four upstream
sequences of ACC synthase gene of 1300 bp, 900 bp, 600 bp and 550
bp and one upstream sequence of ACC oxidase gene of 1100 bp have
been isolated and cloned.
The 1206 bp upstream regulatory sequence of ACC synthase gene
isolated from banana cv. Robusta has been analyzed. This promoter
sequence was cloned into a promoterless vector and was shown to
have promoter function through demonstration of GUS gene
expression in transformed cowpea embryos. This is the first promoter
sequence isolated from banana fruits from India to be registered in
the NCBI database. There are only two other banana fruit promoter
sequences registered in the database so far.

Evaluation of Musa germplasm against banana stem weevil,

Odoiporus longicollis under laboratory conditions
Seventeen accessions belonging to triploid category were evaluated
against stem weevil under laboratory conditions. Minimum feeding
was recorded in accessions number 0265 (14.9%) and maximum
feeding was recorded in accession number 0395 (45.8%).

Screening of germplasm against sigatoka under field conditions

Screening of 700 accessions against sigatoka leaf spot diseases using
INIBAP guidelines resulted in the identification of nine immune
accessions viz., Kalibun (AAB)-0574 and 0133, Dudhsagar (AAB)-0374,
Pisang Rajah (AAB)-0217, Kalibow (AAB)-0211, Pisang Seribu (AAB),
Thiruvananthapuram (AAB)-0125, Thiruvannanthaspulam (AAB)-
0031 and Klue Teparod (ABB)-0253.
Banana and plantain R&D in India 71

Screening of germplasm against nematodes

Eighty-five banana varieties were screened for their reaction to root
lesion nematode, Pratylenchus coffeae and root-knot nematode,
Meloidogyne incognita, in pots under greenhouse conditions. The results
revealed that Singhlal, Sakkarachayna, Malaikali, Manikchampa and
Karthobiumthamg were resistant to root-lesion nematode.

Evaluation of IMTP accessions against fusarium wilt disease (race

1 and 2)
Twenty accessions were evaluated under pot-culture condition. Eleven
accessions viz., FHIA-17, FHIA-23, GCTCV-119, GCTC-215, Pisang Jari
Buya, Calcutta-4, PA-03, Pisang Mas, Cultivar Rose, Yangambi km-5
and Pisang Ceylon were resistant. Pisang Lilin showed wilt disease
symptoms (score-2).
Three promising selections of NRCB were evaluated at eight different
locations including Tripura State. The performance of NRCB Sel.01
has been found very promising.

Establishment of embryo culture

MS medium and modified MS medium with higher concentrations
of colchicine (10 mM) and knudson medium at lower concentration
of colchicine hastened the development of embryos. Athiakol colchicine
on the other hand suppressed the embryos’ development.

Direct regeneration of shoots from male floral hands of banana

Banana diploid cvs. Anaikomban (AA) and Kanaibansi terminal male
flower bud were used to regenerate shoots directly from the floral hands
and multiply banana shoots. The floral hands below 0.5 cm produced
shoot buds while the bigger floral hands differentiated into full flowers.
They did not produce any shoot buds or shoots. An increase in the
concentration of benzylamine purine BA increased the percentage of
response and the number of shoots produced increased to 5 mg/l BA

Application of 2.5 kg compost + 1 kg vermicompost + 1 kg neem cake
+ 2.5 kg poultry manure plant-1 at 3rd, 5th and 7th month after planting
recorded the maximum plant-growth parameters and bunch
parameters in both Karpuravalli and Rasthali bananas. Maximum
bacterial population (56.33 X 103 CFU) and fungi (14.33X 106 CFU) were
also recorded under organic cultivation. Conventional planting (1.8 x
72 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
1.8 m) with 75% N and K fertigation in Robusta (AAA), Rasthali (AAB)
and Saba (ABB) resulted in maximum plant height and maximum
average leaf area. Under a high pH soil, soil application of Fe (as 5 g
ferrous sulphate/ plant) with foliar application of Zn (as 0.5 % zinc
sulphate) and B (as 4 ppm Boric acid) recorded highest growth and
bunch parameters with high quality fruits. Application of distillery
effluent (DE) at 30 000 l/ acre along with 80% of recommended
potassium (K) recorded higher bunch weight. Integration of CKFD @
0.5 kg/plant and DE at 30 000 1/ac with 60% of recommended K gave
an additional profit of US$627.85 to 31 750 per hectare in Karpuravalli
and Ney Poovan banana respectively.

Two new minor pests were reported in banana. Chlorpyrifos + liquid
paraffin + adjuvant impregnated bunch-cover has eliminated rust thrips
infestation. Bunch covering also reduced the harvest time and
improved the finger colour. Four bio-control agents viz., Pseudomonas
fluorescens, Bacillus subtilis, Paecilomyces lilacinus and Trichoderma viride
were effective in inhibiting the hatching of root-knot nematodes.
Bacillus subtilis showed better colonization than others.
Non-pathogenic isolates viz., F. oxysporum –1 and F. oxysporum –2 were
found to control wilt disease. Ethyl acetate fractions from Solanum
spp. recorded maximum inhibition against both Colletotrichum musae
and Botryodiplodia theobromae under in vitro condition. Trichoderma
pseudokoningii and T. viride- RT were effective in inhibiting the mycelial
growth of the crown rot pathogen, B. theobromae, under in vitro
conditions. Pseudomonas syringae 1, Pseudomonas syringae 2,
P. caryophili, P. aeruginosa, Pseudomonas syringae 3, P. viridiflav and
Bacillus cereus were found to inhibit the crown rot pathogen. A method
of mass production of Trichoderma viride using rice chaffy grains has
been developed and standardized for mass production of Trichoderma
by farmers themselves.
A duplex PCR has been developed for detecting BSV and BBTV
simultaneously. RT- PCR technique is for detecting Banana Bract Mosaic
Virus. Nucleic acid spot hybridization technique, on the other hand,
has been standardized for detecting BBTV.
The mealybug Ferrisia virgata was found to transfer BSV among
bananas. The virus was detected in the mealybug by PCR technique.
A non-radioactive probe has been made for part of the BSV genome.
One RAPD marker has been identified for differentiating the BSV
infection or integration in Poovan. The DNA of BS Virus from Poovan
plants was isolated and used for amplification of six partial segments.
Banana and plantain R&D in India 73

The six PCR products were cloned in p-GEM -T vector and the clones
have been sequenced. BBTV cp gene also cloned and sequenced for
the Indian isolate.

The storage life and quality changes studied on mature Rasthali banana
by using vacuum sealed 400 gauge poly-bags and stored at 13.5oC
showed that the vacuum-sealed fruits had 40 days of green life at
13.5oC; but failed to ripen when shifted to ambient condition after 20
days of storage at 13.5oC. Those sealed normally in polybags had a
green life of 8 days. The control had 10 days green life. Modified
atmosphere packaging of Rasthali banana could control the chilling
injury in Rasthali banana even at 10oC. The control exhibited chilling
injury even at 13.5oC after 2 weeks of storage.
The fermented banana pickle was developed using Monthan banana.
Activities of various ripening related enzymes viz. PG, cellulase, PME
and SPS were standardized after trying out various procedures
including the use of acetone powder.
The activity profiles of the enzymes showed that there was an increase
in PG and cellulase activities in banana (cvs Robusta and Ney Poovan)
and SPS indicating enzymatic degradation of cell-wall materials
concomitant with ripening. However PME activity registered an almost
opposite trend with the activity declining with the onset of ripening.
SPS activity, after recording initial increase with onset of ripening,
declined slightly and remained constant thereafter.
The content of total soluble protein did not vary during ripening. Protein
profiles however, showed qualitative and quantitative changes during
ripening of banana fruit. The total sugars and reducing sugar increased
with ripening in banana .
Extraction methods for RNA have been standardized after trying several
protocols. Total RNA was extracted from both unripe and ripe banana
fruit tissue. The quality and yield of RNA was found good.
Primers have been designed to isolate ripening-related genes in banana
using already available sequence data for cellulase, PG, PME, ß-
galactosidase (cell-wall hydrolases), ACC oxidase, ACC synthase
(ethylene biosynthesis enymes), SPS and expansin (cell wall loosening
Partial-length cDNA clones have been obtained for all these genes using
these primers in banana. Fifteen ESTs have also been generated from
fruit cDNA library of banana variety Mysore Poovan (Table 3).
74 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13

Table 3. Banana ESTs putatively identified by the BLAST(n) database search

EST size
Putative identification Organism (bp)
integral membrane protein Hordeum vulgare 590
Sec1 3p Oryza sativa 590
transcriptional activator (b1) gene Zea mays 372
ACC synthase gene Musa acuminata 423
Peroxidase Gossypium hirsutum 306
Amyrin synthase Pisum sativum 510
Pdi 23 gene for PDI like protein Arabidopsis thaliana 623
Kat A gene for catalase Cajanus jejuni 623
Mitochondrial ATP synthase β Arabidopsis thaliana 357
Pectate lyase Musa acuminata 445
Translation initiation factor (tif3 gene) Viscum album 423
Putative MADS-box protein
Chloroplast Tic 62 protein Saururus chinensis 100
18s small subunit ribosomal RNA Pisum sativum 510
gene Triticum aestivum 447
Lycopersicon esculentum 544

Genes and partial cDNA clones isolated from banana

Banana varieties: Ney Poovan and Robusta
Full length genes : ACC oxidase and ACC synthase
Partial cDNA clones : PG, ß-galactosidase , expansin and SPC

Generation of ESTs from banana cv. Mysore Poovan

Expression of ß-galactosidase and ACC oxidase were studied in ripening
banana fruits. While ß-galactosidase was expressed in all stages of
ripening, ACC oxidase was expressed only during the initial stages of
Full-length genes of SPS, ACC oxidase, ACC synthase and PG have
been isolated from banana var. Robusta and Ney Poovan through RACE-
PCR. Both 5’ and 3’ RACE-PCR products obtained were cloned and
sequenced. Complete sequence of ACC oxidase gene from banana
varieties Robusta and Ney Poovan has been determined. The full-length
sequences of ACC oxidase gene isolated from banana cv. Robusta and
Ney Poovan have been registered in Gene Bank of NCBI and the
accession numbers were obtained.
Banana and plantain R&D in India 75

Trainings conducted
Training on techniques in gene cloning, sequencing and plant
transformation – a 10-day training programme was conducted in
November 2003 for scientists of ICAR and teachers of SAUs. A hands-
on gene isolation from banana fruit tissue was included in the activities.

Capacity building activities

To initiate work on banana improvement through genetic engineering,
the scientists were trained in the following:
• Dr Subbaraya Uma was trained in “Banana Improvement
Techniques through Agrobacterium-mediated Transformation” at
KUL, Belgium by Dr Serge and Dr Lassloesagi with Dr Swennen
as her promoter.
• Mrs M.S. Saraswathi was trained on “Mutant germplasm
characterization using molecular markers” at International Atomic
Energy Agency Vienna by Dr Stephen Nielen.

NRCB-organized programmes
Under an FAO-funded programme, Dr S. Uma and Dr R. Selvarajan
were nominated as national consultants and undertook various training
programmes for farmers, enterpreneurs and tissue-culture industries.
Awareness was advocated on the use of virus-free tissue-culture planting
materials with the assistance from state governments. Training on
recognition of somaclonal variants in early stages and identification of
viral diseases was imparted. These were also extended to more than
500 farmers, 100 trainers and 25 tissue-culture industries.
As a part of the programme, 12 farmers and 4 enterpreneurs were
provided with the opportunities to attend the International Congress
on Musa themed “Harnessing research to improve livelihoods” in
Penang, Malaysia in July 2004.

Collection and conservation

Exploration and collection is one of the mandates of NRCB. Continuous
efforts are made to explore, collect, characterize and evaluate Musa
germplasms. In this endeavor, 68 wild and local cultivars were collected
from North-Eastern states and Andaman, and Nicobar islands where
Musa is supposed to have originated. This includes 16 pure balbisiana
(BB). Four new Musa species have also been identified.
76 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13

Network for the evaluation of global hybrids network in

Work on evaluation of global hybrids is being conducted at the five
SAU’s under various agro-climatic zones:
• Kerala Agricultural Univeristy, Thrissur, Kerala
• Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
• Bidan Chandra Krishi Vidyalaya Agricultural University, West
• ANG Ranga Agricultural University, Andhra Pradesh.
• Rajendra Agricultural University, Pusa, Bihar.
Apart from SAU’s, materials have also been supplied to tthree
progressive farmers in Tamil Nadu where intensive evaluation is being
carried out.
These trials were conducted at agricultural universities under AICRP
(TF) and the results were as follows (Tables 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9):

Table 4. Yield parameters and reaction to leaf spot disease of accessions planted
in NRCB, Trichy.

Accession name Crop Bunch

duration weight
(days) (kg)
FHIA-01 342.1 16.4
FHIA-03 366.3 21.6
FHIA-17 370.2 17.2
FHIA-23 385.9 20.6
GCTCV-119 453.5 18.5
PA-03-22 383.0 8.6
PV-03-44 354.2 9.4
Banana and plantain R&D in India 77

Table 5. Yield parameters and reaction to leaf spot disease of accessions planted
at the Banana Research Station, Kannara.
Hybrids Bunch No. of No. of Duration Reaction to leaf
weight hands fruits (days) spot
(kg) Infection YLS

SH – 3640 25.0 8.0 120 312 1.19 16.0

SH – 3436-6 18.0 10.0 150 338 13.1 8.5
TMB 5295-1 23.0 7.0 91 316 0 13.0
TMB x 1378 17.0 9.0 135 363 2.19 12.0
FHIA – 17 23.5 10.5 166 346 15.2 8.5
FHIA – 18 15.0 9.0 130 335 0 15.0
FHIA – 25 35.0 14.0 175 357 0.56 15.0
FHIA – 21 19.5 7.0 110 339 0 11.0
CRPB – 39 16.0 7.5 108 350 0 12.0
W illiams 15.5 9.0 135 340 18.6 9.0

*YLS: youngest leaf spotted

Table 6. Performance of yield parameters in fusarium wilt sick plot at ANG

Ranga Agricultural University, Andhra Pradesh.
Bunch Averag e
No. of No. of
w eight w eight of
Accession G enom e hands/ fingers/
(kg) finger
bunch bunch

FHIA- 01 AAAB 13.75 9.3 122.9 112.0

FHIA-03 AABB 21.95 8.6 140.2 174.4

FHIA-17 AAAA 22.50 9.4 130.9 173.9

FHIA-23 AAAA 22.55 9.7 143.2 160.3

PV-03-44 AAAB 4.20 6.0 70.0 60.5

PA-03-22 AAAB 3.45 6.8 96.8 36.3

G CTC-119 AAA 8.15 5.2 69.2 120.5

G CTC-215 AAA 11.10 7.1 97.1 111.7

78 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
Table 7. Yield characters of FHIA hybrids in plant crop (PC) and first ratoon crop
(R1) at Rajendra Agricultural University, Pusa, Bihar.

Hybrids / Days to flower No. of finger / Bunch weight Yield

clones bunch (kg) (t/ha)
FHIA-01 399.2 378.3 160.5 200.3 26.1 29.1 65.55 72.75
FHIA-03 405.7 390.2 163.6 190.5 27.2 26.3 68.00 65.75
FHIA-17 402.4 375.6 136.2 179.5 20.9 23.8 52.25 59.50
FHIA-23 405.2 388.7 148.7 165.6 21.7 22.6 54.25 56.50
‘Saba’ 410.2 392.3 152.8 141.5 23.1 22.2 57.75 55.50

Table 8. Performance of FHIA hybrids at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University,

Varieties Bunch weight Finger weight
(kg) (g)
FHIA-03 23.00 80.00
FHIA-17 24.00 130.00

Table 9. Evaluation of FHIA hybrids against sigatoka leaf spot diseases of banana
at RCC, Arabhavi.

Sigatoka leaf spot index (%)

At 6 months At bunching
FHIA-01 7.24 12.17
FHIA-17 8.89 7.14
FHIA-03 14.28 10.75
Banana and plantain R&D in India 79

These trials were conducted at agricultural universities under AICRP

List of approved ongoing projects
1. Management of genetic resources of banana (S. Uma)
2. Crop improvement of banana through conventional breeding (S.
3. Crop improvement through non conventional approaches (S. Uma,
S. Sathiamoorthy and M.S. Saraswathi)
4. Standardization of agrotechniques for banana production and
productivity (S.D. Pandey)
5. Standardization of technology for organic banana production (M.M.
6. Standardization of nutritional requirements of banana using soluble
fertilizers (V. Kumar)
7. Integrated nutrient management in banana (K.J. Jeyabaskaran)
8. Studies on micronutrients in banana (K.J. Jeyabaskaran)
9. Studies on handling, storage and processing of banana (C.K.
10. Insect pest management in banana (B. Padmanaban)
11. Studies on banana nematodes and their management (P.
12. Investigation on fungal and bacterial diseases of banana and their
management (R. Thangavelu)
13. Studies on viral diseases of banana and their management (R.

Other points to be discussed

1. Intervene in the process of Musa germplasm deposition with ITC
collected under INIBAP project (letter enclosed for information).
2. Strengthen the Asian Breeding Programme through collaboration
with other global breeding centers.
3. Facilitate more interaction among Asian scientists working on
banana and plantains.
4. Provide information to funding agents where projects from Asia
can be proposed in collaboration with other developed laboratories.

Area of collaboration with BAPNET-member countries

Introduction and exchange of banana germplasm resistant to fusarium
Banana R&D in Indonesia: Updates and highlights 81

Banana R&D in Indonesia:

Updates and highlights
Suyamto*, I. Djatnika and A. Sutanto

Banana is the most important and widely planted fruit in Indonesia,

with a planting area of 74 751 ha and production totaling 4.5 million
tonnes (Anonymous 2003). Banana has the highest production rate
among all fruit crops. Major banana production areas are found in
Java (54%), contributing to 68% of national banana production, while
large potential lands are available in Sumatera (over 1 million ha),
Kalimantan, Sulawesi and Papua (over 3 million ha) (Djohar et al. 1999).
Commonly, banana is planted as a backyard crop or mixed with other
crops such as cassava, coconut and other perennial fruit trees with
minimum input management. In some areas, banana is planted as a
smallholding system (≤ 1 ha). The varieties planted depend on the local
commercial varieties of each region. Pisang Barangan (AAA) is very
popular in North Sumatera, Nusa Tenggara Timur and Papua, while
Ambon Kuning (AAA) and Tanduk (AAB) are very common in Java.
Raja Sereh (AAB) and Ambon Hijau (AAA) are more expensive than
Barangan in West Sumatera. Berlin (AA) is a commercial variety in
Lampung and West Java, while Kepok (ABB) and Raja Bulu (AAB) are
popular cooking bananas in Indonesia. Time of harvest also varies
among regions so that bananas are always available throughout the

Production constraints
Currently, the major limiting factors of banana production are banana
wilt, caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense (Foc), bacterial blood
disease (BBD), and Ralstonia solanacearum, damaging banana
plantations nearly throughout almost all provinces in Indonesia.
Fusarium wilt mostly known as Panama disease is one of the most
damaging diseases to the growers worldwide. In Lampung banana
growing areas, fusarium wilt and blood disease caused economic losses
of about US$6.8 million during the 1993-1994 harvest season (Nurhadi
et al. 1994). A commercial banana farm, located in Halmahera, was
predicted to have a huge loss of Rp30 billion (US$8.6 million)
each time of harvest season since 1995. Approximately, 1000 hectares
of this plantation have already been affected by fusarium wilt.
*Director, ICHORD/AARD, Jakarta, Indonesia.
82 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13

Hutagalung (2002) stated that if the total cultivated area of banana farms
is more than 1 ha, the problem of disease becomes very important. It
will reduce the quantity and quality of yield. In Lampung, fusarium
wilt causes economic losses of 10-65%. For the period 1973-2002, the
presence of the disease caused a decline in banana production of 60-
70%, and a significant economic damage amounting to Rp54.5-63.6
billion (US$9.1-10.6 million) or Rp1.88-2.19 billion (US$0.3-0.4 million)
per annum. The commercial cultivars that are susceptible to fusarium
wilt are Barangan (AAA), Raja Serai (Silk, AAB) and Ambon Kuning
In Indonesia, bacterial wilt ranked first in the disease-priority list
provided by the Asia Pacific Network (Valmayor 1989). The affected
plants are varied. In South Sulawesi, the incidence was estimated at
70-80% (Roesmiyanto and Hutagalung 1989); and it was at 27-36% in
West Java (Subhan 1988 cited in Muharam and Subijanto 1991). Pisang
Kepok (Saba, ABB/BBB) is very susceptible to bacterial wilt.

R&D activities in Indonesia

Status of Musa germplasm management
The Indonesian Fruit Research Institute (IFRI) has collected 200
accessions of Musaceae from Sumatera, Java, Maluku Islands and Papua.
However, some are duplicates or synonyms. The collections are
maintained ex situ in the field, in vitro in the laboratory and in vivo in
the screenhouse. Due to limited space in the screenhouse, only ITC
accessions are maintained in the screenhouse. About 85% of the
accessions have been characterized and entered into MGIS. Another
collection site is in Berastagi experimental field. Thirty-five accessions
have been collected in this germplasm field (21 accessions from ITC
and 14 accessions of local varieties). The accessions from ITC are also
maintained at the Bogor Agriculture University, West Java. This
university carries out banana collecting missions and banana molecular
marker development, however, no information on the total number of
accessions is available. Another well managed banana germplasm
collection is in Yogyakarta. This collection field is managed by the
regional government of Yogyakarta. Over 150 accessions are conserved
ex situ.
Banana R&D in Indonesia: Updates and highlights 83

Banana breeding programmes

Research in breeding is mainly confined to developing disease-resistant
varieties. Both fusarium wilt and bacterial wilt are serious in most parts
of Indonesia. The Indonesian programme’s main objective is the
breeding of wilt-resistant banana varieties. This is implemented by the
Conventional hybridization of banana has started in 1999. The first
approach was the identification of resistant sources of male parents.
For this, five accessions, namely, Kole (AA), Klutuk (BB), Jaran (M.
acuminata spp. burmanica), BKT-11 (AAw) and Calcutta-4 (AAw) were
obtained. These male parents were crossed with commercial varieties
(female parents). The hybrid seeds were obtained when Calcutta-4
crossed with Kepok Kuning (ABB), Raja Siem (ABB) and Ketan (AAB).
The hybrid plants are now being evaluated in the field.

National Repository, Multiplicationand Distribution Centre

On 11 May 2001, the Central Research Institute for Horticulture
(presently known as the Indonesian Center for Horticulture Research
and Development-ICHORD) entered into an agreement for the
establishment of the activities in relation to the maintenance and
distribution of Musa germplasms through LOA/INIB 2001/26. The LOA
was signed between the director of ICHORD Dr A. Dimyati,
representing the government of Indonesia, and INIBAP Regional
Coordinator Dr A. Molina, representing INIBAP. This agreement was
then followed by another LOA signed on 6 July 2001 (LOA/INIB 2001/
22) regarding germplasm evaluation in the framework of the
International Musa Testing Programme (IMTP). Table 1 shows the list
of all accessions received by ICHORD from INIBAP ITC. These
materials were later sent to the tissue-culture laboratory of Indonesian
Ornamental Crop Research Institute, Cipanas, West Java. All the
accessions have been multiplied and sent to IFRI and Bogor Agriculture
University, West Java. IFRI was chosen by ICHORD as a national
repository multiplication and distribution centre of ITC and other
banana/plantain accessions in Indonesia.
84 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
Table 1. ITC accessions received by ICHORD.
Accessions received by ICHORD
ITC. 0505 – FHIA-02 ITC. 1264 – FHIA-17
ITC. 0506 – FHIA-03 ITC. 1319 – FHIA-18
ITC. 1122 – ‘Gros Michel’ ITC. 1332 – FHIA-21#68
ITC. 0712 – ‘Cv Rose’ ITC. 1265 – FHIA-23
ITC. 0570 – ‘Williams’ ITC. 1418 – FHIA-25
ITC. 1123 – ‘Yangambi Km 5’ ITC. 1282 - GCTCV 119
ITC. 0643 – ‘Cachaco’ ITC. 1344 - CRBP-39
ITC. 1296 – BITA-2 ITC. 1283 – SH 3436-9
ITC. 1441 – ‘Pisang Ceylan’ ITC. 1307 – SH 3640
ITC. 1297 – BITA-3 ITC. 0504 – FHIA-01
ITC. 0312 – ‘Pisang Jari Buaya’

Further multiplications of ITC accessions were done in the tissue culture

laboratory of IFRI in Solok. Moreover, local varieties and Papua
accessions were multiplied in the same laboratory. Some plantlets of
ITC accessions were acclimatized on the seedbeds and transferred to
plastic polybags. Until February 2003, from the 21 accessions sent by
ITC, only 14 accessions were used for the International Musa Testing
Programme-Phase III (IMTP-III) in Aripan experimental field. This is
because when the projectstarted, planting materials were limited.
Besides the accessions from ITC, 10 local cultivars were also tested.
Further acclimatization was done for the preparation of IMTP-III
materials in North Sumatera. Furthermore, on March 2003, those
materials were brought to Berastagi experimental station, North

International Musa Testing Programme

Under the coordination of ICHORD, IFRI carried out the International
Musa Testing Programme-Phase III (IMTP-III) in 2003. This project
has been carried out in West Sumatera and North Sumatera. The results
showed that some tetraploid accessions indicated tolerance to fusarium
wilt. These are: SH-3640, SH-3436-9, CRBP-39, FHIA-25, FHIA-17 and
TMBX 1378. Aside from resistance to the diseases, postharvest
characteristics were also evaluated. SH-3640 is suitable as dessert
banana with medium firmness, medium peduncle strength and sweet
predominant taste, while CRBP-39 is suitable for cooking. The highest
bunch weight was obtained by FHIA-25 (45 kg), but the taste and
texture were not suitable for dessert and cooking. This accession may
be processed as banana flour. Currently, SH-3640, GCTCV-119, CRBP-
39 and two local varieties are being multiplied in vitro for field trial and
distribution to farmers.
Banana R&D in Indonesia: Updates and highlights 85

The results of IMTP-III in Berastagi experimental field were different

than in Aripan. This may be due to the elevation of Berastagi which is
1430 m asl (high land). No fusarium wilt symptoms were observed in
the accessions. On the other hand, symptoms of sigatoka leaf spot were
ranked from 4.7% to 90%. The recommended variety for sigatoka
resistance was ‘Yangambi Km5’ which produced 90% disease severity
(DS) of sigatoka. ‘Cachaco,’ FHIA-03 and FHIA-02 produced 73.3%,
78.7% and 41.0%, respectively.

Control of banana pests and diseases through IPM strategies

The use of living organisms to reduce the impact of pests is a concept
of classical biological control. The effectiveness of pathogen control
can be increased by the augmentation of antagonistic microbes
population. Pseudomonas fluorescens strain MR 96 and Gliocladium sp.
are antagonistic microbes of Fusarium oxysporum. The infected plants
were significantly reduced (68.5%) when the suspension of Pseudomonas
fluorescens strain MR 96 was poured to the soil surrounding banana
(5-month-old) rhizosphere (Djatnika et al. 2003). The use of SH
modification (SHM) medium alone or in combination with
Pseudomonas fluorescens strain MR 96 suppressed Foc. The symptoms
of Foc were decreased up to 46.5% when SHM 1% was mixed with
medium, while SHM 2% could reduce 60.9% of the symptoms. The
combination of SHM 1% and Pseudomonas fluorescens strain MR 96
can reduce 73.4% of Foc symptoms.
Currently, IFRI is preparing a standard method for production and
distribution of banana planting materials. Mother-plant selection, virus
indexing, in vitro multiplication and distribution system of the plants
are included in this method. The certification of planting materials is
issued by the Seed Monitoring and Certification Institute.

Capacity building
Under the sponsorship of INIBAP, some researchers of IFRI attended
relevant trainings, workshops and seminar. These trainings, including
the researchers’ name, are as follows:
1. Iwan Sukmayadi, International Training Course on Tissue Culture
Techniques of Banana, 9-14 December 2002. Taiwan Banana
Research Institute, Taiwan.
2. Jumjunidang, International Training Course on Indexing
Techniques of Banana Virus and Health Management of Virus-free
Repository, 15-21 December 2002. NTU, Taiwan.
86 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
3. Jumjunidang, Regional Training-Workshop on Enhancing Capacity
for Nematode Management in Musa, 1-5 December 2003. IPB-UP
Los Banos, Philippines.
4. Elina Mansyah, Diah Sunarwati, Iwan Sukmayadi and Hani,
Workshop on Tissue Culture Capacities, 9-10 October, 2003, Jakarta,
5. Agus Sutanto, Musa Germplasm Information System training cum
workshop, 15-19 December 2003, MARDI Serdang-Malaysia.
6. Agus Sutanto, The International Congress on Banana: Harnessing
research to improve livelihoods, 6-9 July 2004, Penang-Malaysia.
7. Iwan Sukmayadi, International Workshop on Sustainable Banana
Production through the Use of Healthy Seedlings, 4-8 October,
2004, Vietnam.
The Indonesian Fruit Research Institute collaborated with other
institutions to hold the following workshops:
1. Workshop on Banana Wilt Disease, 22 October 2002 in Padang,
West Sumatera.
2. Workshop on Banana and Pineapples for the Improvement of
Horticultural Agribusiness, 13 October 2004 in Berastagi, North
A National Workshop on Banana Wilt Disease will be organized by
ICHORD in December 2004.

National programmes
For the next five years starting from 2005, research will be focused on
the first three priority fruits, namely banana, citrus and mango. The
second priority fruits will be mangosteen, durian and other fruits based
on partner demand and government requirement.
Banana diseases are still the national constraint to banana production.
There are two main research activities regarding banana diseases to be
accomplished by ICHORD through IFRI in 2005. The first activity is
breeding for national wilt disease resistant variety, including wilt disease
and black sigatoka control through the integrated pest management;
and the second, the dissemination of banana production system to the
farmers through on-farm research. The global programmes of banana
research are described on the Roadmap of R&D on Banana (Figure 1).
Other banana research programmes are carried out by universities
but with focus on the main programme which is the control of banana
viruses and banana production system. There are coordination and
collaboration between IFRI and Bogor Agriculture University on banana
research programme. This coordination is required in order to avoid
the overlapping of different programmes.
Banana R&D in Indonesia: Updates and highlights 87

Anonymous. 2003. Information on Horticulture and Various Crops.
Directorate General Production of Horticulture and Various Plants.
Jakarta. Indonesia.
Djatnika I., C. Hermanto and Eliza. 2003. Biological control of Fusarium
wilt on banana plants with Pseudomonas fluorescens and Gliocladium
sp. Journal of Horticulture. 13(3):205-211 (Abstract in English).
Djohar H.H., Wahyunto, V. Suwandi and H. Subagjo. 1999. Peluang
pengembangan lahan untuk komoditas pisang di Indonesia.
Indonesian Agricultural Research and Development Journal 18(2).
Hutagalung L. 2002. The status of wilt-disease and dwarf disease of
banana in Lampung province. Paper presented on the seminar of
‘The control of banana wilt-disease: Preventing the died out, food
security and agribusiness establisment. AIAT West Sumatera and
Indonesian Fruit Research Institute. Padang 22-23 October 2002.
18pp. (in Indonesian).
Muharam A. and Subijanto. 1991. Status of Banana Diseases in
Indonesia. Pp 44-49 in Banana Diseases in Asia and the Pacific
(R.V. Valmayor, B.E Umali, and C.P Bejosano (eds)). INIBAP.
Nurhadi, M. Rais and Harlion. 1994. The disease incidence of bacterial
and Fusarium wilt disease in Lampung province. Info Hort. 2(1):35-
37. (in Indonesian).
Roesmiyanto and L. Hutagalung. 1989. Blood disease (P. celebensis)
on Banana in Jeneponto, South Sulawesi. Hort. 27:39-41 (Abstract
in English).
Valmayor R.V. 1989. Bananas and Plantain in the Phillipines. Pp 87-
120 in Banana and Plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific.
Proceedings of the Regional Consultation on Banana and Plantain
R&D Networking. Manila and Davao.

Figure 1. Roadmap of R&D on banana.

C O N D I T IO N 20 0 4 STRATEGY ( 2 0 0 5 -2 0 0 9 )
C o n v e n tio n al br e e d in g ,
C u ltiv a r s Im p ro v e m e n t s e le c tio n

H ig h Q u a lity o f P la n tin g P l a nt p r o p a g a ti o n
M a te r ia ls im p ro v e m e n t W ilt r e s is t a n t a n d
c o m m e r c ia l v a rie tie s ,
P ro d u c tio n M a n a g e m e n t N u tr itio n & w a te r m a n a gm . C r o p m a n a g e m e n t e ffic ie n c y , PRO D UC ER S
N u tr itio n , w a te r a n d IP M AN D E XPORTERS
F re sh H a n d lin g IP M C o m p e tit iv e p ro d u c ts IN S O U T H E A S T A S I A
Im p r o v e m e n t
S e lf-life a n d
In s titu t io n N e tw o r k p a c k a g in g

C o s t, P ro d uc ti o n a n d
In for m a tio n

O F F -F A R M T h e im p r o v e m e n t
A d d e d V a lu e D e v e lo p m e n t o f o f e ffic ie n c y te c h n o lo g y o f
Im p ro v e m e n t d o w n s tr e a m in d u s t r y d o w n s t r e a m in d u s try
A G R I B U S IN E S S P R O F I L E P R O F IL E A T 2 0 1 4
H ig h P r o d u c t iv it y
L o w P r o d u c t iv ity
H ig h Q u a l it y
L o w Q u a l it y D e v e lo p m e n t o f
C re d its fo r sm a ll In fra s tru c tu re s
T h e im p r o v e m e n t o f
h o ld e r le v e l In te r n a tio n a l in v e s tm e n t a n d d is tr ib u t io n
C o lla b o ra tio n
D e ve lo p m e n t o f P R O D U C T I V IT Y
TRADE & C o o p e ra tio n C O M P E T IT I V E
M a r ke tin g D e v e lo p m e n t M a r k e t in g E f fic ie n c y D e v e lo p m e n t
D e ve lo p m e n t o f
P ro d u c tio n S y s te m
Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
Enhancing Malaysian banana industry: R&D 89

Enhancing the Malaysian banana industry:

Nik Masdek Hassan*

Banana as one of the premier and popular fruits in Malaysia covers
more than 11% of the total fruit area. The annual production is about
180 000 tonnes, with more than 15% of the yearly production and a
balance of trade of more than RM30 million (US$8 million). Plans are
underway to more than double the production figures. This can be
achieved by increasing the acreage under cultivation, increasing the
yield per unit area and enhancing the production technology.
Technological advancement through research and development are
being conducted to alleviate production constraints and increase
productivity. Research efforts are concentrated towards improvement
of existing cultivars, improvement of agronomic practices-and of
utmost importance-the management of pest and diseases. Cultivar
improvement activities involve selection of endogenous and introduced
cultivars, induced mutation, somaclonal variation and biotechnological
transformation. Mass-propagation techniques of several local cultivars
were studied in relation to production of planting materials or as a
system in genetic transformation. The ravages of pest and diseases are
a constant threat to the banana industry. Research efforts are
concentrated towards managing the threat of fusarium wilt and foliar
diseases as well as viruses, insects and nematodes. Effort in managing
fusarium wilt, the most dangerous threat to the banana industry
worldwide, is being intensified. Resistant genes from the wild bananas
are being evaluated and characterized and the host-pathogen
relationship is being evaluated. Biological control of fusarium wilt is
being pursued through the use of bacterial and fungal endophytes,
plant growth promoting rhizobacteria and through evaluating
microbes from suppressive soils.

The Third Malaysian National Agricultural Policy, preceded by the
first and second national agricultural policies of the 1980s and 1990s,
was launched in 1999 to provide a pathway for further development

*Research Officer, Horticulture Research Centre, MARDI, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia.

90 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
of agriculture up to the year 2010. This present policy also stated that
fruit cultivation and production will be accorded top priority status
and contributed to the gross income of the country.
Banana is one of the important fruit crops cultivated in Malaysia. It is
ranked second in terms of production area and fourth in export revenue
based on the balance of trade figures. This crop will remain as an
important industry, emphasis given to this crop in addition to the other
fruit types listed under the National Agricultural Policy.
The acreage under banana has stabilized at about 34 000 ha over the
past several years with an annual production of about 180 000 metric
tonnes valued at about RM90 million (US$24 million). Fifteen percent
of the banana produced are exported valued at more than RM30 million
(US$8 million). Efforts are being undertaken to more than double the
production figures in the next 5 or more years. It is envisaged that this
can be achieved through increasing the production areas, increasing
the yield per unit area and enhancing the production technology.
Technological advancement through intensified research and
development activities will ensure sustainable growth in the industry.
The aim of this paper is to look at the various research activities being
carried outto bring the industry to the targeted production level.

Banana research activities in Malaysia

Musa germplasm
The germplasm collection has more than 200 accessions representing
the collections from Malaysia and neighbouring countries. Collection
activities are somewhat ongoing and become a continuous exercise.
Further collections will concentrate on specific cultivars and for a
specific interest. Presently, one of our researchers is making a survey
and collection of the cooking bananas, such as Pisang Abu, P. Tandok
and P. Nipah, and identifying the variations in the cultivars, mapping
out the distributions and looking at the suitability and popularity of
the various cultivars in banana chips production.
Collections were also conducted on Pisang Raja, aimed at finding
improved yield, quality and resistance or tolerance to diseases especially
fusarium wilt. Pisang Rastali was also collected from various locations,
especially those that can sustain several crop cycles without being
infected by fusarium wilt. These collections were then further tested
in naturally infested plots.
In the vast collection of germplasm, the existence of diversity and the
naming based on the traditional and localized nature have imposed a
lot of confusion and differences of opinion. The conventional
Enhancing Malaysian banana industry: R&D 91

characterization techniques also have limitations to address the various

levels of diversity. Thus, research is underway to characterize the
collections in the banana germplasm based on the recent advances
made in molecular biology. DNA sequencing and DNA markers will
be used to characterize Musa germplasm and detect the variation
between and within the cultivars or species. All the modern and
advance methods will be used to fingerprint the accessions.

Plant regeneration and mass propagation of local cultivars

Traditionally, plant regeneration and mass propagation of bananas have
been done through the use of meristem cultures. Now researchers are
experimenting and using explants of male inflorescence. From these
immature male flowers, embryogenic cell suspensions were developed.
The advantage of using explants of male inflorescence in mass
propagation is the reduction in the risk of viral contamination. It also
seems to have a lower rate of somaclonal variation. Embryogenic cell
suspension can be used in gene transformation and plant regeneration.
Efforts are underway to mass propagate P. Berangan, P. Mas, P. Tandok,
P. Jari Buaya and P. Rastali as well as the wild types using embryogenic
cell cultures.

Resistance to fusarium wilt

Fusarium wilt of banana or Panama disease caused by Fusarium
oxysporum f. sp. cubense is the most important disease of banana in
Malaysia and causes huge economic losses to the banana industry. Until
now, there are no effective methods available to control the disease.
Thus, numerous research efforts are concentrated towards
understanding the nature of the disease and looking for possible
methods of controlling the disease.

Resistance to Foc race 4 – Musa acuminata ssp. malaccensis

Screening of suckers of Musa acuminate ssp. malaccensis in Foc race 4
infested field showed the resistance of this wild type. Further screening
of the seedling population showed variation in resistance. This may be
due to outcrossing that occurs among the population. Analysis of the
screened population showed a 3:1 resistance:susceptible ratio indicating
that resistance is controlled by a single dominant gene. Further crosses
and biotechnological screening and evaluation were made.
92 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13

Microarray analysis of gene expression

The objective of this study was to compare gene expression profiles of
P. Rastali cultivar Mutiara (tolerant to fusarium wilt) and P. Rastali
(susceptible to fusarium wilt) using microarray technology. This is
achieved through construction of the cDNA microarray of the two
cultivars. Hopefully, this study will provide answers on the genetic
mechanism of disease tolerance/resistance and help develop banana
varieties resistant to fusarium wilt.

Early detection of fusarium wilt

Early detection of fusarium wilt through the use of markers is crucial
for detection in the field as well as for the detection of the transformation
of resistant genes into susceptible varieties. A semi-quantitative bioassay
for early and rapid detection of susceptibility tests against fusarium
wilt was conducted. The effect of inoculum density on infection was
determined. The biochemical parameters such as hydrogen peroxide
and other enzymes such as phenylalanine ammonia lyase, chitinase,
glucanase, peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase in infected roots will be
determined and the levels related to tolerance or susceptibility to
fusarium wilt will be evaluated.

Transformation of bananas
Biotechnological improvement of bananas through transformation with
genes associated with various characteristics are also being carried out
to find a workable and efficient protocol. It is aimed at improving the
agronomic characteristics of specific cultivars of banana or at
incorporating genes conferring resistance to diseases especially fusarium

Biological control of fusarium wilt

In an attempt to find a solution to fusarium wilt, biological control
methods are being evaluated and attempted as part of the integrated
control measures. Various biological control strategies are being
evaluated such as endophytes, plant growth promoting rhizobacteria
as well as other microbes and the mechanism of suppressive soils.

Endophytes to suppress fusarium wilt

Endophytic microorganisms from wild bananas are being investigated
as a potential bio-control agent against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense
Race 4. Endophytes are natural internal-tissue colonizers and are
advantageous in providing competition for nutrients and space,
Enhancing Malaysian banana industry: R&D 93

provide buffer from environmental stress and trigger plant defense

mechanism; thus, improve and enhance plant growth. Several isolates
showed positive reaction such as suppressing fusarium wilt
development, no severe inhibition of plant growth and triggering host
resistance. These isolates were selected and can be introduced into the
host system by simple inoculation methods.

Plant-growth-promoting rhizobacteria
Plant-growth-promoting rhizobacteria are root and rhizosphere-
inhabiting bacteria with ability to increase plant growth by a variety of
mechanism. Among the benefits of these groups of bacteria are: the
ability to exert antifungal activities and to be useful for bio-control of
fungi, ability to colonize plant root and stimulate growth of host plant,
ability to stimulate root development and increase absorption of water
and plant nutrients in bananas, and the ability to enhance plant nutrient
uptake and act as biocontrol agent for plant disease.
Bacterial isolate, Bacillus sphaericus, was shown to inhibit growth of
Foc race 4 in vitro and disrupt hyphal growth of Foc. This bacterial
isolate will also enhance the growth of banana and reduce the disease
severity index (based on vascular discoloration) of seedlings.

Other bio-control research activities

Researchers have also identified an actinomycetes Streptomyces
violaceusniger that produced extracellular antifungal metabolites that
strongly inhibit spore germination and hyphal development of Foc
race 4 in vitro. This actinomycetes was also shown to reduce disease
severity in plantlets inoculated with the Foc race 4.
The occurrence of soil suppressive to the development of fusarium
wilt was also being evaluated. From a survey, certain areas were found
to be free from infection by fusarium wilt. Results showed that the
disease was more severe in sandy soils compared with clay and riverine
alluvium soil. The suppressive soils were characterized with high pH
of close to seven, and have higher levels of calcium, magnesium and
iron. Several microorganisms have been isolated and were involved in
suppressive properties.

IMTP-III in Malaysia
Malaysia is also a participant in the IMTP-Phase III project for the
establishment, evaluation and promotion of improved varieties of
banana. A demonstration cum research plot was established at MARDI
Headquarters in Serdang and other plots will be established at other
94 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
locations. The objective of this project is to evaluate the introduced
varieties in relation to yield, fruit quality, reaction to diseases, pests
and other agronomic characters. Hopefully, these studies will identify
varieties that are suitable and can be promoted to the farmers.
Twenty improved and superior varieties of banana were introduced
from the Musa International Transit Centre through the BAPNET office
and the plantlets propagated in the laboratory. In addition, 12 local
selections were included as check varieties. Planting was carried out
on a naturally fusarium-infested site in a completely randomized design
with 20 replicates. The plots will be evaluated for their reactions to
fusarium wilt, sigatoka diseases and nematodes.
Initial results of fusarium wilt infection after one crop cycle are as
shown in Table 1. The various hybrids and somaclones showed
different levels of infection (0-45%) to fusarium wilt. FHIA-18 and
FHIA-25 showed good resistance to the disease. The somaclones
(GCTCV-106, GCTCV-215 and GCTCV-247) have 45%, 35% and 25%
mortality, respectively. The other hybrids showed only 5-15% mortality
rates. The check varieties cv Rose and ‘Pisang Jari Buaya’ remained
resistant without any incidence of mortality. The susceptible ‘Gros
Michel’ and Cavendish-‘Williams’ were badly affected by the disease
but Bluggoe-Cachaco had only 10% mortality. The local cultivars were
badly infected except ‘P. Tanduk’ and ‘P. Abu Nipah’ with only 10%
Evaluation of the sigatoka diseases based on the infection index showed
that the cultivars BITA-2 and ‘Pisang Jari Buaya’ remained free from
the disease (Table 2).
The resistant check ‘Yangambi km5’ as expected remained free from
the disease. ‘Calcutta 4’ also shows a resistant reaction to sigatoka

Other activities

International banana congress

This congress was successfully held in July 2004 in Penang, Malaysia
and is the realization of the effort of INIBAP, MARDI, BAPNET, IPGRI
Malaysia and other universities, research institutions and entrepreneurs
in Malaysia. Parallel to this congress, the Fourth International
Symposium on the Molecular and Cellular Biology of Banana was held.
The congress has attracted about 300 participants from more than 40
countries representing all the continents of the world, and the
participants shared their findings through 94 oral presentations and
Enhancing Malaysian banana industry: R&D 95

Table 1. Initial reaction of banana cultivars (IMTP III) to fusarium wilt based on
natural infection and external symptoms.
Cultivars No. of plants No. of plants No. of plants No. of
without with with plants
symptoms yellowing pseudostem that died
foliage splitting
FHIA18 20
FHIA-21 18 2
FHIA-25 20
SH-3640 16 1 3
GCTCV-106 11 9
GCTCV-215 13 7
GCTCV-247 15 5
CRBP-39 18 1 1
BITA-3 16 1 3
BITA-2 17 1 2
‘Gros Michel’ 4 16
‘Bluggoe-Cachaco’ 16 2 2
Cavendish-‘Williams’ 11 9
‘Cv Rose’ 20
‘Yangambi km 5’ 19 1
‘Calcutta 4’ 20
‘P. Ceylan’ 19 1
‘P. Berlin’ 20
‘Gran Enano’ 12 8
‘P. Jari Buaya’ 20
‘Novaria’ 10 10
‘Montel’ 9 11
‘P.Mas’ 9 1 1 9
‘Rastali cv. Mutiara’ 9 3 4 6
‘P. Nangka’ 13 2 5
‘P. Tanduk’ 18 1 1
‘P. Raja’ 5 15
‘P. Abu Nipah’ 18 2
‘P. Awak’ 16 1 4
‘P. Berangan Intan’ 6 14
‘P. Berangan Merah’ 4 16
‘P. Berangan Kapar’ 5 15

more than 140 posters on topics ranging from genetic resources,

production and cropping systems, plant protection, postharvest and

MGIS Workshop
The Musa Germplasm Information System (MGIS) training workshop
was held at MARDI Training Centre, Serdang on 15-19 December 2003.
This training workshop was to provide curators of Musa germplasm
collections in Asia with the expertise and tools in order to better manage
information related to the accessions in their collections. This will also
96 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13

Table 2. Preliminary results on the infection index (%) of sigatoka diseases of

banana cultivars (IMTP III).
Cultivars At 6 months At bunch At harvest
FHIA18 0 1.7 16.7
FHIA-21 0 1.9 45.5
FHIA-25 2.7 0 21.4
SH-3640 0 14.3 21
GCTCV-106 9.5 9.5 47.7
GCTCV-215 7.9 8.3 42.2
GCTCV-247 7.9 9.8 46.8
CRBP-39 0 0 4.2
BITA-3 0 0 11.1
BITA-2 0 0 0
‘Gros Michel’ 3.0 2.9 31.2
‘Bluggoe-Cachaco’ 4.4 5.0 48.7
Cavendish-‘Williams’ 8.5 8.5 59.7
‘Cv Rose’ 1.8 0 0
‘Yangambi Km 5’ 0 0 0
‘Calcutta 4’ 0 0 29.6
‘P. Ceylan’ 0 0 17.5
‘P. Berlin’ 3 2.8 8.4
‘Gran Enano’ 16.9 16.9 62.2
‘P. Jari Buaya’ 0 0 0
‘Novaria’ 6.5 6.5 44.6
‘Montel’ 8.0 8.0 57.4
‘P.Mas’ 0 0 8.3
‘Rastali cv. Mutiara’ 0 5.8 11.9
‘P. Nangka’ 0 3.7 41
‘P. Tanduk’ 2.3 5.1 24.2
‘P. Raja’ 5.8 7.5 48.1
‘P. Abu Nipah’ 3.8 4.4 16.7
‘P. Awak’ 0 4.5 27.8
‘P. Berangan Intan’ 0 4.5 41.7
‘P. Berangan Merah’ 3 3.7 -
‘P. Berangan Kapar’ 3.7 10.2 51.4

facilitate the exchange of genetic resource information with other

researchers and curators throughout the world. A total of 22 participants
from 14 countries in this region participated in the week-long
Banana R&D in Myanmar 97

Current situation of banana R&D in Myanmar

Aye Tun*

Myanmar is located between 9° 59' and 28° 31' N latitude and 92°10'
and 101° 09' E longitude. The total area is 670 720 km2 or 67 658 M ha
of which about 9.67 M ha (14%) is currently cultivated. The agriculture
sector is the most important as it contributes 35% of export earnings.
Myanmar is home to several species of plants because of different agro-
ecological zones. Among them, more than a hundred horticultural crops
are grown in the various climatic conditions such as tropical and sub-
tropical. From 2001 to 2002, the cultivated area for horticultural crops
was more than 1 M ha.
The horticultural crops rank fifth in the agriculture sector. Therefore,
the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation endeavours to boost the
production of these crops through area expansion, introduction of
improved varieties, technology transfer and market information to the

Agro-climatic condition
Myanmar has tropical and sub-tropical climates with three general
seasons, namely the rainy season (mid-May to mid-October), the dry
cold season (mid-October to mid-February) and the hot season (mid-
February to mid-May). The average annual rainfall varies over the
country, ranging from 2540 mm to 5080 mm in the coastal and hilly
regions, and from 762 to 1016 mm in the central dry zone. The
temperature in the south differs a little from season to season. However,
seasonal temperature variation of central plain lies in the magnitude
of about 40°-43°C in the hot season and 10°-15°C in the cold season.
In hilly regions, the average daily maximum is approximately 29°C
and the minimum is 7°C.

Banana growing in Myanmar

In Myanmar, banana is one of the most important and common fruits.
It can be grown throughout the country. According to 2002-2003
statistics, banana cultivated area was approximately 57 847 ha and
production was 110.4 M bunches (552 051 t). All produced bananas

*Deputy General Manager - Horticultural Crops, Myanma Agricultural Service, Ministry

of Agriculture and Irrigation, Yangon, Union of Myanmar.
98 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13

are consumed locally.

Thirteen Musa species, including wild species are widely grown
throughout the country. Among them, Musa acuminata, M. cavendishii
and four varieties under M. sapientum are the most common varieties.
Home or backyard gardening is the common cultivation practice in
Myanmar especially in the rural areas. Although commercial plantations
can be found in only seven states and divisions, pests and diseases
problem exist also in other areas. However, banana growers are not
aware of these problems. Therefore, no control measures are being
taken by farmers.

Banana R&D activities

The banana R&D activities are as follows:
• Germplasm collection of local cultivars and introduced varieties
• Varietal trials on introduced varieties
• Cultural practices
• Multiplication methods
• Postharvest handling technology

Germplasm collection
The Vegetable and Fruit Research and Development Center (VFRDC)
in cooperation with the DAR (Department of Agriculture Research)
and Yezin Agriculture University conducted evaluation studies on
banana germplasm. In VFRDC, 32 local cultivars and 28 introduced
varieties are maintained with which varietal and adaptability trials were
conducted. The list of affected germplasm collection and results of
evaluation on banana are shown in Tables 1 and 2.
The germplasm is maintained for conservation and for selection on
pest and disease resistance/tolerance.
Likewise, Myanmar received from INIBAP ITC 23 cultivars, and their
conditions were observed in VFRDC. Results are shown in Table 3.
One set of the 23 varieties was sent to DAR for field trials, while the
remaining four sets were planted by VFRDC in the field and in pots in
the screenhouse. Two plants of each cultivar were grown in the field
and two plants the pots are placed in the screenhouse.

Varietal trial and adaptability test

The banana is essentially planted in tropical lowland. The varietal trial
on local cultivars was conducted to get the fruit quality, yield, and
Banana R&D in Myanmar 99

Table 1. Local cultivars, genotype and characteristics.

Cultivars Genome Flower Leaf tip Fruit Fruit peel TSS
group bud shape color ( Brix)
Red banana AAA ovoid obtuse straight red-purple 21.75
( Shwe Ni )
Cavendish AAA pointed slightly straight yellow 20.50
Khunwar themwe pointed
Giant Cavendish AAA pointed slightly straight green 20.50
Dwarf Cavendish AAA pointed slightly straight yellow 22.08
Bluggae ABB blunt obtuse straight yellow rusty 16.22
Mysore (Rakhine) AAB ovoid intermediate straight yellow (bright 14.30
Butter(silk) AAB blunt obtuse straight rusty 20.00
(Htawbut) brown
Pya Ye Sam AAB ovoid obtuse straight yellow rusty 21.90
Nget- Phyar ABB blunt pointed straight rusty brown 16.00
Sar Galay AA ovoid - curve in yellow 14.50
Sin Ann ABB blunt obtuse - 16.50
Thanda Ni AAA ovoid obtuse straight green 24.50
Thanda Ni AAA ovoid obtuse straight reddish 24.50
Green Red AAA ovoid obtuse straight green 19.50
Nan Thar Pu AAB ovoid obtuse curved - 21.00
in distal

Table 2. Exotic cultivars, genotype and characteristics (Sein Hla Bo).

Cultivars Source Genome Flower Leaf Fruit Fruit TSS
group bud Tip shape peel (Brix)
shape color
Cavendish Israel AAA pointed slightly straight yellow 21.40
(Williams) pointed (green)
Barangan LK.Bio AAB blunt obtuse straight pinkish 20.00
(LKB-1) (Singapore) yellow
Giant Singapore AAA pointed slightly straight yellow 19.50
Cavendish pointed
Dwarf Singapore AAA pointed slightly straight yellow 24.00
Cavendish pointed at distal
(Green) end
Dwarf India AAA pointed slightly straight green 21.5
Cavendish pointed at distal
(Green) end

resistance to pests and diseases. For the exotic cultivars, the adaptability
tests were conducted in lowland Myanmar, including their performance
and quality. Based on the local demand and customer preference, the
variety selections were observed for yield, fruit quality and shelf-life
through multi-location tests.

Cultural practices
For the crop improvement strategy, different planting systems, cultural
practices, fertilizer application rate and water management play key
100 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
Table 3. List of germplasm received from ITC and their condition upon receipt
(20 November 2004).
N u m ber M ean Leaf
C ultivars of N o.of Stem shape
plantlets Ieaves length(cm )
IT C . 0506 (FH IA -03) 5 6.8 20.5 pointed tip
IT C . 0570 (‘W illiam s’) 5 9.5 14.5 rounded tip
IT C . 1264 (FH IA -17) 5 9.0 19 pointed tip
IT C . 1441 (‘P . C eylan’) 5 8.0 26 pointed tip
IT C . 1297 (TM BX 5295-1) 5 8.0 28 pointed tip
IT C . 1122 (‘G ros Michel’) 5 8.0 25.5 pointed tip
IT C . 1442 (G C TC V -106) 5 9.0 21 pointed tip
IT C . 1282 (G C TC V -119) 5 10.5 10 pointed tip
IT C . 1319 (FH IA -18) 5 8.5 19 rounded tip
IT C . 1418 (FH IA -25) 5 8.5 18.5 pointed tip
IT C . 1344 (C TB P-39) 5 7.0 14 pointed tip
IT C . 1283 (SH 3436-9) 5 9.5 15 pointed tip
IT C . 1307 (SH -3640) 5 6.5 14 pointed tip
IT C . 1265 (FH IA -23) 5 9.5 20.5 rounded tip
IT C . 1443 (G C TC V -247) 5 8.0 16.5 pointed tip
IT C . 1332 (FH IA 21) 5 9.5 22 pointed tip
IT C . 0643 (‘C achaco’) 5 9.5 14 pointed tip
IT C . 0312 (‘P . Jari B uaya’) 5 9.5 9.5 pointed tip
IT C . 0504 (FH IA -01) 5 9.0 15 pointed tip
IT C . 0505 (FH IA -02) 5 9.5 17.5 rounded tip
IT C . 1296 (TM BX -1378) 5 9.0 20 long pointed
IT C . 1123 (‘Y angam bi Km 5’) 5 9.0 19.5 pointed tip
IT C . 0712 (‘A A C v R ose’) 5 8.5 18.5 pointed tip

roles for yield and quality of banana. Standard planting density is 5 m

x 5 m. For the trials, 2.55 m x 2.55 m planting density is used due to
the adaptation of growers in major banana production areas that lead
to nearly four times increment of plant population. However, further
research activities should be implemented. Also, appropriate dosage
of fertilizer application is required for preventing the lodging of banana,
especially for giant cultivars. For this purpose, future research activities
will be extended in the area of nutrient requirement, timing and amount
of application, irrigation scheduling and crop water requirement in
different locations.

Multiplication methods
The popular cultivars were selected to help meet the increasing demand
for planting materials. The two multiplication methods were
propagation by suckers and division of eye-buds. Results showed that
one sucker can produce at least (4-8) eye buds in Dwarf Cavendish
that can grow well into new plants like suckers.

Tissue culture
The micro-propagation technique in banana was successfully operated
at the VFRDC tissue-culture laboratory under Myanma Agriculture
Service since 1987. This activity enhances the rapid multiplication of
Banana R&D in Myanmar 101

good-quality banana varieties. Likewise, the conservation of germplasm

was done by this technique. At present, 15 banana varieties were
produced and distributed to the growers. VFRDC plans to produce
300 000 plantlets from 2004 to 2005 by tissue culture. Through this
rapid method, the increasing demand of the growers will be met.

Postharvest handling
Postharvest losses of banana range from 20-80% in Myanmar were
caused by problems in transportation, packing and marketing systems.
These losses may be attributed to physiological and mechanical
damage, and pests and diseases. Due to the soft texture and high
moisture content, banana is more susceptible to mechanical injury.
Thus, growers and distributors need to do careful handling for packing,
transportation and storage. On the other hand, the technology for post-
harvest handling, temperature control, control atmosphere storage and
control of shelf-life is needed. Thus, research activities were conducted
The effect of KCl on fruit quality of Cavendish banana was tested and
shown in Table 4.

Table 4. Effect of KCl on fruit quality of Cavendish banana (VFRDC,Yangon

Treatments Stem Fruit Hand TSS Resistance Remarks
height weight weight (Brix) to
(cm) (m) (kg) lodging
KCl (450 gm/plt) 171-220 169.30 2.50 21.50 1.30 VFRDC(D4)
KCl (900 gm/plt) 171-235 190.00 2.70 21.70 1.15
KCl (1200gm/plt) 171-260 193.10 2.95 22.50 0.50
Control 171-230 170.40 2.73 20.00 2.10
CV (%) - 17.52 0.53 0.98 14.87
LSD (5%) - 13.41 2.49 2.24 0.74

As mentioned earlier, the growers are less aware of pest and disease
problems. Major pest and disease problems are on stem borer
infestation and anthracnose disease in some area. In VFRDC, IPM
implemented on preharvest field conditions influenced the postharvest
quality of banana. Results showed that Anthracnose incidence is reduced
and increased yield and leaf numbers are observed.
Likewise, chemical treatment, packaging material, controlled
atmosphere and other necessary research depend on development of
banana production.
102 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13

Constraints in banana R&D

• Lack of extension staff for horticulture crops
• Limited budget for extensive demonstration plots
• Limited research funding
• Continuous technology transfer to farmers
• Capacity building of staff.

Myanmar endeavours to improve banana R&D through more research
activities. Likewise, Myanmar aims to collect banana germplasm and
to have technical collaboration with other governments, different
organizations and agencies. Knowledge gained from this meeting will
be applied to help improve the banana R&D in the country.
Highlights of banana R&D in PNG 103

Highlights of banana R&D in

Papua New Guinea
Rosa N. Kambuou

Banana production in Papua New Guinea is still at the subsistence level.

Over 85% of the rural farmers throughout the country are growing
some varieties of bananas for their own household consumption and
the surplus is sold cheaply in the local fresh food markets. Only a few
farmers had taken interest in venturing into banana production on
monoculture set-ups in small commercial scale. A large quantity of
banana produced in the country is mostly consumed on farm while
selected cultivars are taken to urban markets for sale.
Emphasis on banana research has been minimal at this stage. The
current research activities on banana focus on conservation and
maintenance of banana genetic diversity in field genebanks, preliminary
selection of promising cultivars for dry conditions and multiplication
of planting materials of selected superior cultivars for farmers. This
report will discuss the highlights of the banana research and
development activities undertaken in PNG for the last two years.

Significance of banana R&D in PNG

The PNG National Agricultural Research Institute (NARI) is the main
research organization on food crops including bananas. The PNG Cocoa
Coconut Research Institute (CCI) and the Coffee Research Institute
(CRI) are doing some work on bananas, but in intercropping studies
with coffee, coconut or cocoa.
Few individuals or institutions in the country are growing bananas as
mono-crop on small commercial scale. Emphasis is placed on dessert
bananas for the urban markets in Port Moresby and Lae.
The bulk production of bananas comes from the informal sector that
makes up of over 85% of the people living in rural areas of the country.
Production from the informal sector focuses mostly on cooking bananas
rather than dessert bananas.

Research activities
The current research focus on banana is in the following areas:
• germplasm conservation, management and use
*Principal Scientist - Plant Genetic Resources, NARI, Laloki, Port Moresby, Papua
New Guinea.
104 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
• plant protection studies, looking at fruit fly and banana scab
• evaluation of the sigatoka-resistant IMTP materials and hybrids
• bulking up of the sigatoka-resistant materials for G x E studies next
• multiplication of planting materials of drought-tolerant varieties
for on-farm studies
• multiplication and distribution of planting materials of varieties
tolerant to drought conditions

National Banana Germplasm Collection (Field genebank)

The National Germplasm Collection has 235 accessions held in the
field genebank by NARI at Laloki. Most of these accessions are cooking
types from the diploid and triploid genomes. There are few tetraploids
in the collection. The wild species were collected in the past, but failed
to establish in ex situ field collections. The whole national collection
has been morphologically characterized. Information on preliminary
evaluation of bunch yields are incomplete due to fruit loss through
stealing of banana bunches. Information and data collected were entered
into MGIS database. The preliminary evaluation information enabled
the national curator to do the initial selection of three banana varieties
that are tolerant to dry conditions. The varieties ‘Dwarf Kalapua,’ ‘Small
Kalapua’ and ‘Tall Kalapua’ are from the ABB genome. The other
varieties selected by the farmers that survived the El Nino drought
were ‘Dwarf Cavendish’ and ‘Yawa.’
Planting materials of the selected drought-tolerant varieties are
multiplied and distributed to farmers throughout the dry-lowland
areas. Research proposals are developed for testing these selected
varieties at different dry land locations in the country.

Sigatoka-resistant banana varieties/hybrids from IMTP

PNG received a total of 14 sigatoka-resistant banana varieties and
hybrids from the Department of Primary Industries (DPI), Queensland
and the second batch of 16 materials from the INIBAP International
Transit Centre (ITC). The materials from the first batch were tested
under the irrigated condition at NARI Laloki where interesting results
were obtained. All the FHIA hybrids showed high resistance to sigatoka
disease and produced very heavy bunches. FHIA-25 produced the
highest bunch weight of 38 kg while FHIA-17 and SH-3436 produced
20 and 21 kg, respectively. The most favoured variety in terms of taste
was ‘Pisang Ceylan’ with 17 kg per bunch (refer to ‘Banana hybrids/
Highlights of banana R&D in PNG 105

varieties tested for sigatoka disease resistance under irrigated conditions

of Laloki Papua New Guinea’).
Investigations were carried out on consumer’s preference of these
varieties as dessert bananas. The results showed that most consumers
preferred variety ‘Pisang Ceylan,’ and hybrids FHIA-02, FHIA-17,
FHIA-23 and SH-3436 (refer to ‘Banana hybrids/varieties tested for
Sigatoka disease resistance under irrigated conditions of Laloki Papua
New Guinea’). Based on the results of this study, NARI took the
opportunity during the official opening of its Headquarters last year to
officially release these five varieties to the farmers for on-farm testing.
The second batch of sigatoka-resistant materials that came from ITC is
being multiplied at NARI Keravat for multi-location studies in 2005.

Banana fruit fly and scab studies

NARI entomologists based at Keravat are currently carrying out studies
on banana fruit flies and scab. Their work has showed that fruit flies
and scab are serious pests of bananas and can cause economic yield
reduction under large mono-cropping situations if control measures
are not taken. At the moment the damage by these pests is not so
significant because the production is still at the subsistence level.

Banana intercrop with cash crops

The commodity research institutes carry out research on PNG’s revenue
earning crops like cocoa, coconut and coffee. CCI is undertaking studies
on cocoa and coconut intercropping with bananas and other food
crops. Their whole purpose is to find out which food crop species
would be suitable for growing with the tree cash crops. The banana
intercropping with coconut and cocoa is currently carried out at Stewart
Research Institute in Madang. While the banana intercropping with
coffee is conducted by CRI at Aiyura, results from these studies were
not available at the time of writing this report.

Development and production activities

Banana development and production will be discussed under the formal
and the informal sector production. The formal sector production refers
to the commercial production of bananas in the country and the
informal sector production includes the subsistence-level production.

Formal or semi-commercial sector

There are four semi-commercial farmers who are growing dessert
106 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
bananas such as Cavendish, Williams and Gros Michel for the urban
markets of Lae and Port Moresby. The Pacific Adventist University
(PAU) farm just outside Port Moresby is producing around 30 t/ha of
banana for the urban fresh fruit markets.
The other three semi-commercial producers are based outside the city
of Lae. The farms owned by Messrs Samana, Philemon and Jacobson
are all-producing bananas on semi-commercial scale for the
supermarkets in Lae. They grow both the dessert and the cooking
varieties. Cavendish is the main variety grown by these farmers with a
number of popular local diploids for cooking. There may be other
semi-commercial banana growers in PNG that the author may not be
aware of. The author believes that commercial production of banana
in PNG is insignificant thus calls for the government support to develop
the formal sector banana production.

Informal/subsistence sector
It is not clear how many tonnes of banana- subsistent farmers in the
country produce. Banana is usually intercropped with other food crops
in a mixed cropping manner making it very difficult to estimate
production. Informal sector production is based mostly on cooking
varieties. Farmers from different areas prefer their own indigenous
varieties. The triploid ABB varieties are grown mostly in the drier parts
of the country while the diploids are commonly grown in the wet
lowland and island areas. The triploid AAB varieties are commonly
cultivated in the highland areas of the country.

Development and use of banana through downstream processing

In PNG, banana is consumed as fresh fruits or as staple food crop
cooked in coconut cream, baked or steamed with hot stones in earth
oven. The processed banana products sold and eaten in PNG are
imported from other countries. There are interested groups making
their own banana chips for own consumption, but the production is
minimal at this stage. There is a need in the country to go into
downstream processing of banana to produce products that have high
value and long shelf-life. Capacity building in the area of downstream
processing is required.

Capacity-building activities
Capacity building has mostly been in the area of technical skills training
in the production of bananas. NARI Laloki has been responsive to
Highlights of banana R&D in PNG 107

training requests from farmers and service providers. Hands-on

training and farm demonstrations on ‘banana bit’ technique as a means
of rapidly multiplying planting materials has been offered to farmers
and service providers for a number of times. Many farmers and
backyard gardeners in Central Province are successfully using this
technique for producing planting materials. This instigated NARI to
officially release the ‘banana bit’ technique to farmers during its Dry-
lowlands Programme Open Day this year.
PNG did not participate in the Musa Documentation Training and the
Workshop held in Malaysia in December 2003 due to ticketing problem.
It would be beneficial for PNG to participate in future training and
workshops on documentation or other aspects of banana research and

Status of National Repository Project

The IMTP varieties received from QDPI that were tested in the study
conducted at Laloki are now being maintained alongside the National
Banana Germplasm Collection located at Laloki. Of the total of 14
varieties, five were released to the farmers based on their high bunch
yields, resistance to sigatoka and good eating quality as fresh fruits.
Planting materials of varieties FHIA-02, FHIA-17, FHIA-23, SH-3436
and Pisang Ceylan are currently being multiplied for distribution to
farmers. The results from the study conducted under the irrigated
condition of Laloki are presented in another paper (refer to ‘Banana
hybrids/varieties tested for sigatoka-disease resistance under irrigated
conditions of Laloki Papua New Guinea’).
Few planting materials of the five sigatoka resistant varieties were given
to selected subsistence-level farmers and three semi-commercial farms
for on-farm testing. Once sufficient planting materials are multiplied,
more farmers will be selected for collaboration in on-farm testing of
these varieties.
The other 16 IMTP materials from the ITC are held under tissue culture
condition at NARI Keravat. These materials are currently being
multiplied for G x E studies at multi-location sites next year. There are
plans to test these materials against the common local varieties at four
different agro-ecological zones in 2005.

Publications on bananas
Since last year, NARI published a number of books and articles on
banana research activities. The ‘banana bit’ technique was written up
108 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
as a NARI Toktok, a publication for the farmers and service providers.
Two released documents were written on the ‘banana bit’ technique
and the five sigatoka-resistant varieties. These released documents were
given with the ‘banana bit’ planting materials to farmers and
representatives of the service providers.
The general information on PNG’s rich genetic diversity of bananas
was published in two national newspapers, the Post Courier and the

Government policy and support

Banana is one of the main staple food crops of PNG. There is a national
interest in developing the crop. However, inadequate technical and
scientific capacity has hindered progress in research and development
of banana. NARI has been supportive on banana research by including
banana activity in its research programme. There is no government
policy on banana development in the country. PNG was importing all
its dessert bananas from Australia in the last 10 years. Since 2000, the
Government has introduced a policy on importation of certain fresh
food items including dessert bananas that encouraged the small farmers
and semi-commercial farmers to go into dessert banana production.
However, no assistance was given by the government in terms of
establishment of market infrastructure to encourage farmers to produce
bananas for the domestic market. That is the main hindrance to
farmers’ lack of interest in producing the crop on large scale. There is
also a need for a national policy and government support in developing
the domestic banana industry in PNG.

Areas of collaboration
The possible areas of collaboration include the following:
• Research
- Collaboration in studies on major and important pests and diseases
of bananas
- Research on postharvest and downstream processing of bananas
- Capacity building in DNA finger printing of the banana germplasm
collection to assist in the selection of the ‘core collection’ from the
current national germplasm collection for conservation purposes
• Development
- Capacity building in techniques and skills of downstream
processing of banana through cottage industries
Philippine banana R&D highlights 2004 109

Philippine banana R&D highlights 2004

Patricio S. Faylon*, Jocelyn E. Eusebio
and Edna A. Anit

Banana is one of the major income-generating commodities in the

country. It is an important source of income for small farmers who
constitute almost 75% of the banana growers. It is grown throughout
the country either as a component of existing farming systems or as
the main crop in large commercial plantations.
The country is blessed with favourable climate for growing quality
bananas such that multinational investors established large commercial
plantations in Mindanao, the southern part of the Philippines. For
several decades, the Philippine ‘Cavendish’ banana, produced from
these plantations, was popular in the world market. However, the area
for commercial plantations (10%) is very negligible compared with
the total area of smallholder subsistence farms. Moreover, the
production systems being practised are entirely different in these two
farms; hence, a big gap exists between these farms in terms of the
productivity per unit area. In this regard, the government is putting
much effort to improve the productivity of the smallholder farms,
where most of the important local cultivars such as ‘Saba’, ‘Lakatan’,
and ‘Latundan’ are being grown.
The Strategic Action Plan for Banana, drafted by the Department of
Agriculture (DA) through the National Agriculture and Fishery Council
(NAFC) and Philippine Genetics, Inc. in 2002, covers the plan for
‘Lakatan’, ‘Latundan’, and ‘Saba’/’Cardaba’ grown by majority of small-
and medium-scale growers in order to enhance the productivity and
further develop the industry as a whole. This is in congruence with the
Medium-term Development Plan of the Philippine Council for
Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources Research and
Development (PCARRD) that considers the Banana R&D Program for
the particular benefit of smallholder farmers.
Moreover, in the crafting of the Industry Strategic Plan for Banana this
year, as initiated by the National Academy of Science and Technology
(NAST) in coordination with PCARRD, the same thrusts and
programmes will be adhered to, and the plan will be expanded until
2020. Incidentally, the Banana Asia Pacific Network (BAPNET) also
shares similar thrusts of enhancing the productivity of smallholder

*Executive Director, PCARRD, Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines.

110 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13

banana growers in the region through information sharing among


Banana R&D status

R&D Investments
From 1991 to 2004, the total investments for banana R&D in the
country amounted to P76.23 million (US$1.386 million), coming from
both local and foreign funding agencies (Table 1). These investments
primarily aimed to develop technologies for the production of disease-
free planting materials, screen different cultivars against major pests
and diseases, improve the management systems for major cultivars,
develop/improve the products both for local and export markets,
maintain germplasm in the field and in vitro, develop diagnostic kits
for viral diseases, improve postproduction techniques, and develop
action programmes for the rehabilitation of diseased farms.
Table 1. Summary of R&D investments, 1991-2004.
Status of Source of Funds ($)
Project Agency-
Completed 437 109 106 526 50 156 85 212 16 924
Ongoing 43 567 110 242 518 258 18 182
Total 480 676 216 768 568 414 85 212 35 206

Current banana R&D thrusts and priorities

The various stakeholders of the banana industry gave priority to
enhancing the production and quality of the major local cultivars ‘Saba,’
‘Lakatan’, and ‘Latundan’ that are being grown by the subsistence or
smallholder farmers. In line with this, the current R&D priority for
banana is focused on enhancing the competitiveness of the Philippine
banana sub-industry (fresh and processed) for the domestic and export
markets by improving the productivity of the smallholder farmers
under a community-based farming operation.
The banana sub-industry includes: a) the quality production of ‘Saba’
and other improved cultivars for chips and other new products for the
export market; and b) the improved production of ‘Lakatan,’
‘Latundan,’ and other improved cultivars for the fresh local market. In
addition, the postproduction, processing, and packaging for processed
products will be given attention to provide added value to banana.
Alongside these efforts will be the continuing activity of concerned
agencies on maintaining germplasm and improving the cultivars.
Philippine banana R&D highlights 2004 111

Current banana R&D highlights

Introduction, evaluation and adoption of improved landraces of banana
for food and income alleviation
Ms Lorna Herradura, Bureau of Plant Industry-Davao National Crop
Research and Development Center (BPI-DNCRDC) and Dr Felipe de
la Cruz, Institute of Plant Breeding at the University of the Philippines
Los Baños (IPB-UPLB) head this project which is being funded by the
International Network for the Improvement of Banana and Plantain
(INIBAP) and the DA-Bureau of Agricultural Research (BAR). Below
are the objectives and summary of accomplishments of the project:
1. Germplasm maintenance, multiplication, and distribution of
improved and superior banana varieties at BPI-DNCRDC and IPB-
The BPI-DNCRDC and IPB-UPLB are maintaining local and
introduced Musa varieties as foundation stocks (Table 2). These
accessions are intended for multiplication/evaluation in selected
areas and distribution to interested farmers. The newly introduced
varieties will be registered jointly by BPI-DNCRDC and IPB-UPLB
at the Philippine Plant Variety Protection Office.
The materials at IPB-UPLB are being maintained in vitro in rooting
and multiplication media and regularly subcultured in fresh
medium every 2 months. All varieties maintained in the rooting
medium are planted in pots inside the screenhouse. These materials
serve as foundation stocks and are indexed regularly.
IPB-UPLB is also maintaining a field demonstration plot of the
introduced and local varieties. This serves as a showcase of the
different banana cultivars and is visited by farmers, researchers
and students.
The materials in the screenhouse at BPI-DNCRDC are in clay pots.
The recommended management practices (fertilization, pesticide
spraying, sanitation like deleafing or leaf pruning, weeding and
watering) for these improved varieties are regularly done. Leaf
samples were already analyzed for virus indexing and were all
found to be negative for bract mosaic virus.
2. Farmer participatory characterization, evaluation and selection of
improved and superior banana varieties at BPI-DNCRDC
At BPI-DNCRDC, field planting was conducted within the
experiment station for monitoring and collecting data for agronomic
characteristics. Promising varieties were selected and subjected to
further evaluation in a farmer’s field. Four banana and plantain
112 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
Table 2. List of accessions maintained at IPB-UPLB and BPI-DNCRDC, as
of September 2004.

ITC. 0312 ‘Pisang Jari Buaya’ in vitro in vitro

ITC. 0504 FHIA-01 in vitro in vitro
ITC. 0505 FHIA-02 in vitro in vitro screenh ouse
ITC. 0506 FHIA-03 in vitro in vitro screenh ouse
ITC. 0570 ‘W illiams’ (Bell, SJ) in vitro screenh ouse
ITC. 0643 ‘Cachaco’ in vitro in vitro
ITC. 0712 ‘AAcv Rose’ in vitro screenh ouse
ITC. 1122 ‘Gros Michel’ in vitro in vitro
ITC. 1123 ‘Yangambi km 5’ in vitro screenh ouse
ITC. 1264 FHIA-17 in vitro in vitro screenh ouse
ITC. 1265 FHIA-23 in vitro screenh ouse
ITC. 1282 GCTCV-119 in vitro in vitro
ITC. 1283 SH 3436-9 in vitro screenh ouse
ITC. 1296 TMB x 1378 in vitro screenh ouse
ITC. 1297 TMB x 5295-1 in vitro screenh ouse
ITC. 1307 SH 3640 in vitro in vitro
ITC. 1319 FHIA-18 in vitro in vitro screenh ouse
ITC. 1332 FHIA-21 (#68) in vitro screenh ouse
ITC. 1344 CRBP 39 in vitro in vitro
ITC. 1417 TMB x 15108-6 in vitro
ITC. 1418 FHIA-25 in vitro in vitro
ITC. 1441 ‘Pisang Ceylan’ in vitro screenh ouse
ITC. 1442 GCTCV-106 in vitro
ITC. 1443 GCTCV-247 in vitro
- ‘Cavendish’ in vitro
- ‘Cardaba’ in vitro
- ‘Bungulan’ in vitro
- ‘Lakatan Davao’ in vitro
- ‘Lakatan Cavite’ in vitro
- ‘Lakatan Mindoro’ in vitro
- ‘Quarenta Dias’ in vitro

hybrids (FHIA-03, FHIA-18, FHIA-21, and FHIA-23) and two local

check cultivars (‘Cardaba’ and ‘Lakatan’) were planted for the
farmer’s field trial.
Banana bunchy top virus (BBTV) was prevalent in the area near the
experimental site. Although the farmer cautiously checked the
spread of the disease by regularly removing infected plants, a few
test plants exhibited clear symptoms of BBTV. In April 2004, 27
plants were eradicated because of BBTV and fusarium wilt. To
replace the eradicated plants, data will be collected from extra test
FHIA-18 was the earliest to flower, followed by FHIA-03 and then
‘Lakatan.’ FHIA-03 had the highest average number of functional
leaves at shooting, followed by FHIA-18, FHIA-21 and FHIA-23. It
was observed that the hybrids generated shoots earlier than the
local cultivars and had a higher number of functional leaves at
Philippine banana R&D highlights 2004 113

From the harvest data, FHIA-03 was the earliest to mature, followed
by FHIA-18 and ‘Lakatan.’ The number of functional leaves at
harvest was very high in FHIA-03 (10 leaves) compared with that
of ‘Lakatan’ (1 leaf). As of April 2004, yield data on ‘Cardaba’ has
not been gathered owing to the fruits’ late maturity. It could be
observed that the hybrids were far more superior to the local
cultivars in terms of yield characteristics (bunch weight, finger
weight, number of hands and number of fingers).
Acceptability of the fruits harvested was evaluated in terms of their
general appearance, firmness, peduncle strength, postharvest
characteristics, resistance to pests and diseases, yield, taste and uses.
It was found that FHIA-03, FHIA-21, and FHIA-23 showed good
results in terms of yield and taste. It was also observed that FHIA-
23 had a long shelf life and an excellent processing quality. However,
it was noted that the harvested fruits from banana and plantain
hybrids were used as animal feed because of their unfamiliar taste
and appearance.
In the future, sensory evaluation will be conducted to assess the
acceptability of the produce, agroclimatic data will be gathered,
and a second test site will be established.
3. In-depth evaluation against sigatoka and fusarium wilt at BPI-
A total of 16 introduced cultivars, using tissue-cultured plantlets,
were used as test plants for evaluation. Disease rating was done
following the INIBAP Technical Guidelines. Agronomic and disease
ratings were taken from planting to harvest.
Disease and agronomic data showed that the introduced hybrids
performed better than the control. Highest youngest leaf spotted
(YLS) was observed with FHIA-18. All FHIAs had a higher YLS
than the resistant check, ‘Cardaba.’ Disease development time
record showed that the necrotic lesions developed longer in FHIA-
01, among all the FHIAs. Lowest disease severity index at 6 months
was obtained from FHIA-01, followed by FHIA-18.
Fusarium wilt
A total of 22 introduced cultivars, using tissue-cultured plantlets,
were used as test plants for evaluation. Disease and agronomic data
collection were collected based on protocols from IMTP Phase II
guidelines. Disease monitoring was done weekly.
114 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
Nine plants of the local cultivar ‘Latundan’ were infected with
fusarium wilt disease. Fourteen months after planting, one plant
of FHIA-17, FHIA-23, FHIA-18 and SH 3436-9 was also infected.
Pseudostem discoloration was observed to have extended up to
the petiole of the plants.
The only hybrids that were able to reach fruit maturity were TMB
x 1378, TMB x 1510-6 and SH-3540. Bunch weight obtained from
the hybrids ranged from 7.7 to 7.9 kg. Only accession Yangambi
km 5 did not reach the shooting stage.
4. Morphological characterization and yield performance at IPB-UPLB
Nineteen introduced varieties, together with seven local varieties
to serve as check, were established at the demonstration plot.
Morphological characterization was conducted following the Banana
Descriptors. Yield evaluation was measured in terms of bunch, hand
and finger yield. Characterization and yield evaluation are still
ongoing for some of the varieties. Table 3 shows the initial results
of the morphological characterization of the introduced accessions.

Table 3. Fruiting characteristics of introduced and local banana cultivars grown

at the IPB-UPLB Demo Plot, April 2004.

Bunch weight Number of Number of

Cultivar (kg) hands fingers
‘Cachaco’ 8.6 5 47
‘cv Rose’ 2.1 7 79
FHIA-01 7.5 7 97
FHIA-02 6.5 7 102
FHIA-17 12.9 8 99
FHIA-18 9.6 7 91
FHIA-23 11.8 9 97
GCTCV-119 7.5 4 59
‘Pisang Ceylan’ 10.2 10 144
‘Pisang Jari Buaya’ 8.8 7 102
SH 3640 11.2 6 76
TMB X 5295-1 6.6 4 42
‘Williams’ 8.8 7 94
‘Lakatan Cavite’ 10.6 6 97
‘Lakatan Mindoro’ 11.3 6 83
‘Quarenta Dias’ 7.4 7 107
Philippine banana R&D highlights 2004 115

5. Sensory and product evaluation at IPB-UPLB

Sensory evaluation of improved and introduced landraces of banana
was conducted in three barangays in Los Baños, Calamba City and
Bay in the province of Laguna. A total of 131 untrained panelists
participated in the sensory evaluation trial. Twenty-four bananas
were used in the evaluation. Separate evaluations were done for
ripe/uncooked bananas and plantains and for cooked plantains.
Ten characters––finger shape, peel color, hand and finger size, pulp
color, pulp size, pulp texture, taste, flavor, sweetness and overall
acceptability––were used in evaluating ripe/uncooked bananas and
plantains. Cooked plantain was evaluated using the peel color, pulp
color, texture, taste, flavor, sweetness and overall acceptability.
The different varieties were ranked for every location, which can
be used as the basis for determining the varieties for distribution.
The results showed that respondents from different locations had
varied preferences which necessitated the multiplication of different
sets for various sites. In general, the results revealed that ‘Lakatan’
was more preferred than other ripe/uncooked banana and plantain
varieties across locations, while ‘Saba’ topped the other plantains
when cooked.
Three introduced cultivars (FHIA-21, TMB x 5295-1 and CRBP 39)
were evaluated for their potential for processing as banana chips,
powder and catsup. While variations in color of chips and powder
were observed, all three varieties were rated acceptable for

Banana collaborative RDE project in Luzon areas

Cavite State University (CvSU), Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State
University (DMMMSU), Quirino State University (QSC), Southern
Luzon Polytechnic College (SLPC), Pampanga Agricultural College
(PAC), Mindoro State College of Agriculture and Trade (MinSCAT),
Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College (ISPSC), Virlanie Foundation Inc
are the collaborators of this INIBAP-PCARRD-funded project.
The project evaluated four improved banana cultivars (FHIA-01,
FHIA-03, FHIA-18, FHIA-23) introduced by INIBAP, along with two
local cultivars (‘Bungulan’ and ‘Lakatan’), under farmers’ fields. The
project started in 2002 with only three SCUs, and was later expanded.
The project aims to evaluate the introduced disease-resistant varieties
as alternative or complimentary cultivars with the local cultivars. Also,
the adoption of appropriate production systems for optimum yield
and maximum fruit quality is being introduced to the cooperators. To
116 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13

date, 77 500 tissue-cultured planting materials of the different

introduced and local cultivars have been distributed to farmer
cooperators in the test locations.
About seven training programmes were conducted, benefiting 87
project staff, farmer cooperators and municipal agricultural officers in
the various project sites. The training programmes included nursery
and field management, diseases and pest management and production
systems of tissue-cultured bananas that were already at their fruiting
stage. Most of the cooperators grew the tissue-cultured bananas. In
general, the cooperators were satisfied with the performance of their
plants, which they usually compared with their previous plants grown
from suckers. Very minimal incidence of BBTV was observed in the
test locations. However, the grower acceptability of the produce,
especially of the introduced varieties, will still be determined.
The following are the highlights of accomplishment of the different
project sites as of September 2004:
LOA 2002/21 DMMMSU, Bacnotan, La Union/ Dr Felino Neri
• This location was the first to conduct the field evaluation trials.
The trials were done in three different agro-ecological conditions:
lowland upland, semi-upland rainfed and coastal zones.
• Based on the agronomic characteristics of the promising banana
cultivars evaluated in the different locations in La Union, the earliest
variety to shoot was FHIA-23 while the latest was ‘Bungulan’ (Table
4). It follows that ‘Bungulan’ matured the earliest, while FHIA-23
was the latest. FHIA-23 had the largest pseudostem girth while
‘Bungulan’ had the smallest. However, ‘Bungulan’ produced the
highest number of suckers, while FHIA-03 had the least. The
maturation period of the different cultivars was greatly affected by
the varying agro-ecological zones. Most varieties matured late under
a coastal/rainfed condition.
• Table 5 shows the initial data on the yield and yield components of
promising banana cultivars in different locations in La Union. The
results revealed that FHIA varieties gave higher yield in Sudipen,
La Union. FHIA-03 had the highest yield, followed by FHIA-21
and FHIA-23. Under coastal and upland conditions, FHIA-03 also
produced the highest yield. The initial results showed that FHIA-
03 gave the highest yield under favourable and unfavourable
conditions. However, FHIA-21 and FHIA-23 seemed to have been
affected by drought conditions. The number of days to shooting
seemed to be longer in areas with sandy soil and drought conditions.
Philippine banana R&D highlights 2004 117

Table 4. Agronomic characteristics of promising banana cultivars measured at

harvest in La Union, 2004.
Planting Height Girth of No. of
Ecological of No. of
Location/ Date to of pseudo- func-
zone/ pseudo- suckers
Soil type variety planted shooting sucker stem tional
(days) (cm) (cm) leaves
Lowland Sudipen A 14 Dec.
rainfed/ 2002
clay loam ‘Lakatan’ 350 164.00 312.00 60.00 3 4
‘Bungulan’ 287 184.00 290.00 42.00 7 3
FHIA-03 308 177.80 284.00 61.00 2 8
FHIA-21 354 105.00 203.00 56.00 3 4
FHIA-23 480 182.40 285.20 76.00 4 8
Lowland Sudipen B 14 Dec.
rainfed/ 2002
clay loam ‘Lakatan’ 346 85.50 339.5 56.50 5 4.5
‘Bungulan’ 274 210.50 270.50 49.00 8 5
FHIA-03 347 199.88 265.82 62.12 2 6
FHIA-21 345 169.24 321.50 62.89 6 5
FHIA-23 413 172.00 313.10 80.0 4 8
Semi DMMMSU 5 Dec
upland 2002
rainfed/silty ‘Lakatan’ 425 72.88 167.88 32.00 4 7
loam ‘Bungulan’ 286 125.67 205.33 36.00 6 5
FHIA-03 268 99.33 187.00 42.11 3 8
FHIA-21 435 75.00 172.00 31.50 2 5
FHIA-23 450 82.50 175.00 36.00 1 7
Coastal/ Sipulo 23 Nov
sandy 2002
loam ‘Lakatan’ 506 45.00 330.00 56.00 7 7
‘Bungulan’ 500 190.00 230.00 69.50 7 3.5
FHIA-03 473 210.00 285.00 60.33 3 6
FHIA-21 500 231.5 235.00 47.00 4 8
FHIA-23 - - - - - -
• In terms of pest observations, FHIA varieties showed resistance to
sigatoka diseases while the check varieties ‘Lakatan’ and ‘Bungulan’
were susceptible. Bunchy top virus (BTV) disease was minimally
observed in the area.
• Table 6 shows the organoleptic characteristics of promising banana
cultivars. ‘Lakatan’ still showed the best evaluation. FHIA-03, FHIA-
21 and ‘Bungulan’ were very good, while FHIA-23 was good.
LOA 2003/03 CvSU, Indang, Cavite/Dr Simeon Crucido
• The first set of planting done in June 2003 using FHIA-03, FHIA-
21, FHIA-23, ‘Lakatan,’ and ‘Bungulan’ in four different ecological
zones reached maturity stages and had several valuable results
(Tables 7 and 8).
• Statistical analysis will still be done to clearly show the differences
among cultivars under different growing conditions.
• However, based on the data presented, most cultivars performed
well under lowland irrigated, and upland hilly conditions. FHIA-
21 seemed to be the best yielder, followed by FHIA-23.
118 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
Table 5. Agronomic characteristics of promising banana cultivars at harvest in
La Union, 2004.
Mean number Total weight
Location/ Bunch number
of fingers/ of marketable
Variety weight (kg) of hands
bunch fruits (kg)
Sudipen A
‘Lakatan’ 8.20 8.00 70.00 7.00
‘Bungulan’ 8.36 5.75 69.25 7.68
FHIA-03 18.68 8.80 119.00 17.43
FHIA-21 17.74 7.40 100.80 16.62
FHIA-23 16.90 9.2 125.14 15.87
Sudipen B
‘Lakatan’ 14.10 7.45 101.55 13.28
‘Bungulan’ 8.50 5.00 68.00 6.50
FHIA-03 20.88 9.50 13.50 19.12
FHIA-21 20.88 7.80 106.50 19.18
FHIA-23 17.72 9.2 127.45 16.70
‘Lakatan’ 2.58 3.86 30.71 2.09
‘Bungulan’ 4.02 4.33 35.33 3.33
FHIA-03 4.72 5.28 59.57 4.34
FHIA-21 2.0 3.80 35.0 1.80
FHIA-23 1.97 4.5 40.2 1.77
‘Lakatan’ 9.20 5.0 77.0 8.2
‘Bungulan’ 8.0 5.0 62.5 7.40
FHIA-03 12.10 7.0 94.00 11.28
FHIA-21 5.15 5.0 50.20 4.75
FHIA-23 - - - -

Table 6. Initial evaluation on the organoleptic characteristics of promising banana

cultivars in La Union (2002–2004).
Organoleptic characteristics
Variety General
Aroma Texture Taste Sweetness Dryness
‘Lakatan’ Excellent Excellent Excellent Very sweet Dry Excellent
‘Bungulan’ Very good Very good Very good Very sweet Fairly dry Very good
FHIA-03 Good Very good Good Very sweet Fairly dry Very good
FHIA-21 Very good Very good Very good Sweet Fairly dry Very good
FHIA-23 Good Very good Good Sweet Fairly dry Good

• The processing potential of the introduced cultivars was evaluated.

Based on their initial findings, FHIA-23 was found good for making
catsup and FHIA-21 for making chips.
• Another set of planting materials were already in the farmer’s field.
Data collection is still in progress.
LOA 2003/09 QSC, Diffun, Quirino/Dr Biley Temanel
• In 2003 and 2004, some 12 373 meriplants comprising of FHIA-03,
FHIA-18, FHIA-23, FHIA-25, ‘Lakatan’, and ‘Bungulan’, were
distributed in three batches.
Philippine banana R&D highlights 2004 119

Table 7. Agronomic characteristics of the introduced banana cultivars in Cavite,

Philippines, 2004.
Height No. of
Planting Height Girth of
Ecological of func-
Location/ Date to of pseudo-
zone/ pseudo- tional
variety planted shooting sucker stem
soil type stem leaves
(days) (cm) (cm)
Upland flat FHIA-03 17 June 367 0.68 1.65 39.6 4.60
FHIA-21 345 0.58 1.44 41.8 5.50
FHIA-23 398 0.54 1.37 37.0 5.00
‘Lakatan’ 340 0.97 1.47 39.8 7.00
‘Bungulan’ 364 1.17 1.59 42.0 5.50
Upland hilly FHIA-03 17 June 329 1.79 2.83 73.0 7.00
FHIA-21 369 1.48 2.52 51.4 8.00
FHIA-23 310 2.12 2.92 70.8 8.20
‘Lakatan’ 312 2.03 2.41 55.6 6.20
‘Bungulan’ 362 1.34 2.44 49.8 6.80
Lowland FHIA-03 23 May 301 1.72 2.81 66.7 7.48
irrigated/ 2003
CvSU demo FHIA-21 328 1.78 3.80 69.0 10.3
plot FHIA-23 274 1.14 1.97 48.2 6.35
‘Lakatan’ 353 1.57 2.69 52.5 5.51
‘Bungulan’ 336 1.08 2.16 43.7 7.00

Table 8. Agronomic characteristics of introduced banana cultivars at harvest in

Cavite, Philippines, 2004.
Bunch No. of
Ecological Location/ No. of Weight of
weight hands/
zone/ soil type Variety fruits fruit (g)
(kg) bunch
Upland flat FHIA-03 6.67 5.30 55.60 99.96
FHIA-21 6.36 5.60 55.60 95.65
FHIA-23 6.51 5.50 47.50 117.61
‘Lakatan’ 6.60 5.20 45.40 118.72
‘Bungulan’ 5.95 6.00 55.75 88.39
Upland hilly FHIA-03 10.43 8.30 105.20 89.78
FHIA-21 10.74 7.60 81.70 119.41
FHIA-23 13.70 9.11 108.00 122.06
‘Lakatan’ 10.98 7.80 81.40 121.75
‘Bungulan’ 10.36 7.86 90.86 101.92
Lowland FHIA-03 8.25 7.02 79.85 91.50
irrigated/ CvSU FHIA-21 16.27 10.5 132.50 152.97
demo plot FHIA-23 13.39 8.26 114.40 108.21
‘Lakatan’ 9.01 7.20 84.60 108.45
‘Bungulan’ 8.15 5.91 69.88 104.12

• The farmer cooperators were selected in four agro-ecological zones:

lowland rainfed, lowland irrigated, upland plain and upland hilly.
• The crops are now in their fruiting stage. FHIA-18 was observed to
be the earliest to mature. Data are still being consolidated. However,
the project has indicated that the early harvested fruits of FHIA-
18, in combination with ‘Bungulan’ fruits, showed promising
acceptance for making banana cakes.
• Data collection was still not completed.
120 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
LOA 2003 ISPSC, Sta Maria, Ilocos Norte/Ms Elena Ato
• 1586 meriplants of FHIA-03, FHIA-18, FHIA-23, FHIA-25,
‘Bungulan’ and ‘Lakatan’ were distributed to the farmer-cooperators
under different agro-ecological zones.
• Two planting sites were located in the school’s two campuses: one
in Sta. Maria and the other in Cervantes. Eleven sites were in
farmers’ fields located in nine towns of Ilocos Sur.
• The plants were still on their early vegetative stage.
• Initially, no pest infestation was observed in most test sites, except
in one area where leaf rolling insects were observed.
LOA 2003 Virlanie Foundation Inc./Mr Telesforo Caminsi
• A total of 1750 meriplants of FHIA-18, FHIA-23, FHIA-25, ‘Lakatan’
and ‘Latundan’ were planted under upland hilly area conditions in
Balayan, Batangas.
• Initial data collected are summarized in Tables 9 and 10. The data
were gathered on early-bearing trees (2–3 trees per variety). FHIA-
23 generated shoots and bore fruits the earliest. FHIA-25 had no
fruit-bearing plants during the initial data collection.
• It was observed that ‘Lakatan’ was susceptible to BBTV and sigatoka
while FHIA-23 was the most tolerant among the cultivars planted.
Table 9. Agronomic characters of introduced and local banana cultivars
grown in Balayan, Batangas, 2004.
Height No. of
Planting Height Girth of
Ecological of func-
Location/ Date to of pseudo-
zone/ pseudo- tional
soil type Variety planted shooting sucker stem
stem leaves
(days) (cm) (cm)
Upland ‘Lakatan’ 20 Sept. 374 116.33 260 51 10.6
hilly 2003
FHIA-18 11 Aug. 392 92.33 178 44 7.6
FHIA-23 11 Aug. 384 123.66 256 48 9
‘Bungulan’ 11 Aug. 396 122.00 190 46 8
FHIA-25 - - - - -

Table 10. Initial yield attributes of introduced and local banana cultivars grown
in Balayan, Batangas, 2004.
Ecological Bunch No. of Weight
zone/ weight hands/ No. of fruits of fruit
soil type (kg) bunch (g)
Upland hilly ‘Lakatan’ 15.68 6.3 91.33 145.0
FHIA-18 10.41 6.0 68.33 152.3
FHIA-23 15.68 6.3 84.33 169.0
‘Bungulan’ 8.30 5.0 54.00 153.0
FHIA- 25 - - - -
Philippine banana R&D highlights 2004 121

LOA 2003 SLPC, Lucban, Quezon/Dr Wenceslao Durante

• About 2500 meriplants of FHIA-18, FHIA-23, FHIA-25, ‘Bungulan’
and ‘Lakatan’ were distributed to the farmer-cooperators selected
from different agro-ecological zones: upland hilly, upland plain,
lowland rainfed and lowland irrigated.
• Based on the initial observation, plants in the lowland areas were
well-maintained and exhibited superior growth. However, in the
upland areas, plants suffered from water stress and their growth
was stunted.
• In terms of pest and disease management, appropriate actions were
undertaken to eliminate the attack of insect pests and diseases.
Initially, only one introduced cultivar was found to be infected with
BBTV in one of the test sites. Leaf spot and freckles were observed
in most test sites but reaction of the different cultivars varied. Most
introduced varieties were less infected with Sigatoka, while
‘Lakatan’ showed higher susceptibility.
• Data collection will be completed by the first quarter of 2005.
LOA 2004 MinSCAT, Alcate, Oriental Mindoro/Dr Concepcion
• About 5000 meriplants of FHIA-18, FHIA-23, FHIA-25, ‘Lakatan’
and ‘Bungulan’ were still being maintained in the station nursery.
LOA 2004 PAC/Prof. Virgilio Bagunu
• About 6000 meriplants of FHIA-18, FHIA-23, FHIA-25, ‘Lakatan’
and ‘Bungulan’ were still being reared in the nursery.

Biotechnology-assisted development of banana bunchy top virus

resistance in banana by mutation breeding
OP Damasco, TO Dizon, FC de la Cruz, R Rabara, JB Estrella compose
the team of this IPB-UPLB/DOST-PCARRD-funded project.
• A total of 6012 plants generated from gamma-irradiation
treatments were screened for resistance to BBTV using artificial
inoculation of the virus by aphid transmission. Indexing for BBTV
was done using symptomatology and ELISA technique.
• Of the 6012 plants screened in the greenhouse, 114 plants which
were without symptoms of BBTV were selected after 9 months of
evaluation. These plants were planted in the field to evaluate their
agronomic characters and confirm their resistant reaction to BBTV.
• To date, 64 putative BBTV resistant lines (M1 plants) have been
selected from the field. These putative lines exhibited varying
degrees of resistance reaction to BBTV. Twenty-six lines showed
122 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
no BBTV symptom expression in both irradiated plants (M1) and
first-generation sucker plants; 21 lines were without BBTV symptom
expression in M1 plants but with limited BBTV symptoms such as
narrowing and yellowing of leaves, in some first generation sucker
plants; 16 lines showed delayed and limited symptom expression
in both M1 and first generation sucker plants. All suckers from
the putative resistant lines were collected, multiplied in vitro, and
will be planted in the field for a second-cycle confirmation of BBTV
• All the putative resistant plants produced fruits. The yield and
horticultural characteristics of some of the putative lines were
comparable with the non-irradiated micro-propagated plants.
• Nine hundred plants from 30 putative resistant lines were planted
in the field for second-generation field evaluation. The remaining
34 putative resistant lines are being established in the greenhouse
(19 lines) or are in varying stages of micropropagation (15 lines).
Duplicates of 64 putative resistant lines are being maintained in

Development of banana varieties resistant to BBTV by genetic

VM Aquino, OP Damasco, TO Dizon, and GR Canama of IPB-UPLB
are conducting the project.
• BBTV-CP DNA was amplified from BBTV isolates using the CPL
and CPR primers. PCR amplification of total nucleic acid extracts
generated a 589 bp product in young leaves of IPB samples. One
gene construct (BBTV-CP-DNA) was developed by cloning the coat
protein (cp) of BBTV into a transformation vector.
• Compact and embryogenic calli were initiated from 355 immature
male inflorescence explants of banana using MS medium with
varying amounts of 2, 4-D (1-4 mg/L) with and without BAP (1-5
mg/L). Plantlet regeneration was observed on both compact and
friable calli. Embryonic calli and somatic embryos were maintained
by regular subculture and were used for transformation work.
• Transformation of embryogenic calli with the BBTV cp gene, using
the optimized bombardment parameters, was undertaken.
Bombarded calli are now in the selection and regeneration medium.
• The cp gene was introduced into somatic embryos and meristems
of banana using Agrobacterium-mediated transformation.
Philippine banana R&D highlights 2004 123

S&T Anchor Programme for Banana

CvSU, DMMMSU and QSC are the proponents of this UPLB/ DOST-
PCARRD-funded project.
This programme aims to improve the productivity and socioeconomic
welfare of the smallholder banana growers of ‘Saba’, ‘Lakatan’ and
‘Latundan’ in selected banana-growing areas. The initial projects to be
conducted starting November 2004 are as follows:
• Project 1.1. Development of management strategies against major
diseases of ‘Saba’, ‘Lakatan’ and ‘Latundan’/ funded by CvSU,
This project will develop integrated pest management (IPM)
strategies for the three cultivars. Cropping system and cultivar
diversity, in combination with proper sanitation/rouging, deleafing,
use of disease-free planting materials, and chemical control, will
be evaluated as a means of assessing disease occurrence and severity.
• Project 2.1. Technology assessment of new banana technologies/
This project will employ the Technology Assessment Protocol in
evaluating the appropriate technologies that will be further
promoted in farmers’ fields. The following are the technologies to
be assessed: 1) disease-free planting materials for the smallholder
growers; 2) new cultivars of banana; 3) banana cropping systems
under coconut; 4) improved management system for ‘Saba’ Bugtok
IPM and improved production system of ‘Saba’; and 5) new
processed ‘Saba’ products.
• Project 3.2. Analysis and advocacy of policy options to enhance the
development of the Philippines’ smallholder banana sub-industry/
This project aims to come up with a set of policy options/
recommendations from the policy research/analysis. Incorporated
within these policy options are the reforms and interventions that
should be put in place as a result of the evaluation of the policies in
terms of its letter of intent and of its implementation and effects on
the development of the sub-industry.
• Project 3.5. Analysis of the marketing efficiency and development
of innovative marketing strategies for the smallholder banana
growers/ funded by UPLB-CEM/DOST-PCARRD
This project will make use of data gathered from primary and
secondary sources. Primary sources of information will be the
surveys and case studies of farmers, processors, and traders in
124 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
selected banana-producing provinces (Regions 1, 2, and 4).
Published and unpublished reports will be reviewed to provide an
initial assessment of the banana production-marketing-
consumption system. Existing strategies and modalities for
marketing agricultural products will be analyzed. Among these
strategies are marketing by producer groups (e.g. cooperatives, and
informal and formal farmers’ organizations) and shortening the
marketing chain (e.g. partnerships among producer groups and
business firms).

Capacity-building activities in 2004

Title of training/ Sponsors Venue/date Number of Participants
workshop/ meeting / participants
Banana R&D Annual VVOB/INIBAP/ PCARRD, Los Baños, Laguna 21 Project leaders and staff
Review and Planning PCARRD/DA- Coordinating committee
Meeting BAR members
Training on Banana VVOB/INIBAP/ PCARRD, Los Baños, Laguna 26 Project leaders and staff
Disease Management PCARRD/DA- IPB-UPLB, Los Baños, Laguna Ag. Technicians
& Data Collection BAR 10–12 August 2004
Training on Nursery VVOB/INIBAP/ Pampanga Agricultural College, 18 Project leaders and staff
and Field Management PCARRD Magalang, Pampanga/ 18–19 Ag. Technicians
of Tissue Cultured May 2004 Farmer Cooperators
Banana Plantlets (2)
Mindoro State College of 33
Agriculture and Technology,
Alcate, Mindoro Occidental/ 25–
26 May 2004
International FFTC/INIBAP Palace Hotel, Ho Chi Minh City, 2 participants Project staff and
Workshop on Viet Nam/ from the coordinator
Sustainable 4–8 October 2004 Philippines
Production through the
Use of Healthy

Other activities
• A Letter of Agreement (LOA) on Banana R&D Collaborative Project
was signed on 15 March 2004 at PCARRD, Los Baños, Laguna by
presidents and representatives of collaborating SUCs (DMMMSU,
QSC, CvSU, SLPC, MinSCAT, PAC, and ISPSC), heads of agencies
(PCARRD and DA-BAR), regional coordinators and staff of INIBAP,
director and staff (CRD-PCARRD), and the media core group.
• A Banana Production Manual, prepared by PCARRD was released.
• The HORTINET Website under the PCARRD Information System.
HORTINET contains information about various horticultural
commodities, including banana was updated.
Banana in Sri Lanka: Status and Prospects 125

Banana in Sri Lanka: Status and prospects

Chandrasiri Kudagamage*

Banana is the most important fruit crop in Sri Lanka in terms of
hectarage, production and consumption. The area of banana cultivated
in 2003 showed a slight increase over the year 2002. The increase is
mainly due to the newly established commercial scale production units
in the country. However, the production did not show a similar trend
(Table 1).
Table 1. Comparison of hectarage, production and export of banana.
2002 2003
Area (ha) 47 850 49 255
Production (t) 380 628 393 384
Exports (t) 7.16 5.89

Government policy
According to policy guidelines outlined by the government of Sri
Lanka, agriculture research will be more focused to address the issues
of productivity, crop yield and quality, superior varieties, economic
efficiency of agronomic practices, sustainability of agriculture,
management of markets and external issues. Both local development
and introduction of superior varieties subjected to plant protection
regulations is envisaged. The operational diagnostic indexing of
imported planting material will be further strengthened. Provision of
improved varieties and high-quality planting materials in sufficient
quantities and at competitive prices is a necessary requirement to raise
the crop productivity and income of the farmer. The capacity of
government farms for producing planting materials will be
strengthened to create competitiveness with the private sector which
has a major share in the production of planting material. A major goal
of the present agricultural plan is to raise the farming capability of the
peasant farmers through the mobilization of farmers through the
formation of farmer societies (FS) and empowerment of them with
technical knowledge, marketing capabilities, investment capacity and
bargaining power.
*Director, HORDI, Gannoruwa, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
126 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13

Shortage of trained extension personnel at village level and the lack of

modernity in the extension and technology transfer system are the
constraints to the delivery of extension services and technology in
effective manner. The work plan developed for the next 5 years suggests
two strategies: first extension and technology at village level to take
place through FS assisted by extension staff at central and provincial
level and second to modernize extension and technology delivery
through the utilization of state–of–the–art technology based on cyber

Current R&D projects

The bulk of the research and development of banana is conducted by
the Department of Agriculture (DOA). The other institutions involved
are Institute of Postharvest Technology, Faculties of Agricultural Sciences
of different Universities, Department of Plant Science of University of
Colombo, Department of Botany, Kelaniya University and Industrial
Technology Institute.
The research programme of DOA is based on six thematic areas;
1. Production of disease-free planting material
2. Characterization, evaluation of banana germplasm and
development of varieties
3. Management of banana pests and diseases through environmentally
compatible methods
4. Productivity improvement through better agronomic and irrigation
5. Soil nutrient management for different banana growing areas
6. Causal factors and management of internal browning of banana.
The various projects/programmes undertaken in each thematic area
are presented in Table 2.

Progress of germplasm evaluation under International Musa

Testing Programme (IMTP)
Several varieties obtained from IMTP since 1999 after the
commencement of the programme were evaluated at Regional
Research Station, Angunakolapellessa. The promising two varieties
FHIA-17 and FHIA-23 were subjected to multilocational testing at
Angunakolapellessa (Dry Zone), Girnadurukotte (Intermediate Zone)
and Weerapana (Wet Zone). FHIA-17 and FHIA-23 showed promising
results of higher bunch weight and good adaptability (Table 3 and
Table 4). The two varieties did not show any leaf disorders. However,
there was high incidence of stem weevil at Angunakolapellessa.
Banana in Sri Lanka: Status and Prospects 127

Table 2. Current R&D projects of banana in Sri Lanka.

Name of
Objecti ves Title of the research Location

1. Production of ¾ Maintenance of banana germplasm by tissue D.P. Prematilake HORDI

disease-f ree culture
planting material ¾ Protocol optimization for tissue culture D.P. Prematilake HORDI
¾ Field testing of tissue-culture planting material D.P. Prematilake HORDI
¾ Multiplication of basic planting material S.M. Nagahawatta RARDC,
¾ Tissue culture propagation of virus free planting S. Vaheesan & PVIC, Gabadawatta
material V.G.S. Perera

2. Characterization ¾ Germplasm evaluation and selection A.J. FCRDC, Horana

and evaluation of Warusawitharana
banana ¾ Molecular characterization E.M.D.S.N. PGRC
germplasm and Ekanayake, W.G.B.
development of Samarasinghe
varieties ¾ Multiplication of nuclear planting material S. Weerasinghe RARDC,
¾ Germplasm evaluation S. Weerasinghe RARDC,

¾ Assessment of status of banana virus diseases I. Ariyaratne HORDI

3. Management of in Sri Lanka
banana pests and ¾ Identification of different strains of banana E.M. Dassanayake HORDI
disease through streak virus by molecular methods
environmentally ¾ Heat therapy to eradicate banana bract mosaic I. Ariyaratne HORDI
compatible virus in Embul banana
methods ¾ Identification and management of insect vectors I. Wahundeniya HORDI
of banana bract mosaic and streak virus
¾ Survey of leaf diseases of banana
¾ Studies of biological control and varietal R.G.A.S. Rajapaksa HORDI
resistance to panama disease R.G.A.S. Rajapaksa HORDI
¾ Temporal distribution of banana weevil
¾ Insecticidal control of banana weevil S.M.C. Subasignhe HORDI
¾ Development of management package of L.C. Wijetilake RARDC, Makandura
Sigatoka leaf disease in the wet zone P.W. Alahakoon FCRDC, Horana

¾ Yield evaluation under high-density planting

4. Productivity ¾ Soil nutrients on postharvest diseases S.M. Bandara ARS, Girandurukotte
improvement ¾ Adaptability testing for high-density banana in K.H. Sarananada FRU, Gannoruwa
through better NCB soil I.K. Warshamana RARDC,
agronomic and ¾ Status of rain-fed banana cultivation in southern Aralaganwila
irrigation methods dry zone W.A.K. RARDC,
¾ Evaluation of different irrigation regimes on two Karunathilaka Angunakolapelessa
banana varieties M.A. Roonage NRMC

¾ Development of nutrient management package

5. Soil nutrient for mid country of Sri Lanka J.M.P.B. HORDI
management for ¾ Influence of N & K on growth and yield of Jayasundara
different banana banana P. Weerasinghe RARDC,
growing areas ¾ Utilization of high-grade Eppawala rock Angunakolapelessa
phosphate for banana instead of rock S.D.R. FCRDC, Horana
phosphate Wanniarachchi

6. Causal factors ¾ Influence of Ca on the development of internal

and management browning syndrome of banana P. Weeraisinghe RARDC,
of internal ¾ Effect of boron and calcium on internal Angunakolapalessa
browning of browning of banana S.D.R. FCRDC, Horana
banana ¾ Investigation of internal browning of banana Wanniarachchi
J.S. Weerasinghe RARDC,
¾ Investigation of causal factors of internal Angunakolapalessa
browning L.C. Wijetilaka RARDC, Makandura
HORDI - Horticultural Crops Research and Development Institute FRU - Food Research Unit
RARDC - Regional Agriculture Research and Development Centre PVIC - Plant Virus Indexing Centre
FCRDC - Fruit Crop Research and Development Centre PGRC – Plant Genetic Resources Centre
NRMC – Natural Resources Management Centre

FHIA-03 and SH-3640 were released by the varietal recommendation

committee of the Department of Agriculture (Local Name Pulathesi
and Kandula, respectively) in 2001. These varieties are presently being
multiplied conventionally and through tissue culture in both state and
private tissue-culture laboratories. These varieties have high yield and
Banana in Sri Lanka: Status and Prospects 129

finger weight. Results further revealed that it is necessary to maintain

the nitrogen content of the third youngest leaf (lamina 3) greater than
3.0% at the late vegetative stage to obtain good yield (Weerasinghe et
al. 2004).
Among the cultural measures to increase the quality of banana de-
handing or bunch trimming resulted in more uniform fruits having
higher fruit length, girth and weight in ‘Ambul’ (Mysore), ‘Kolikuttu’
(Silk) and Ash Plantain (Weerasinghe and Ruwanpathirane 2004).
Anthracnose caused by Collectotrichum musae and crown rot caused
by Lasiodiplodia theobromae, Collectotrichum musae, Fusarium species
and Verticillium theobrome are important postharvest diseases of banana
which affect the quality of banana available for export and local market
(Anthony et al. 2004). To prevent crown rot and anthracnose bananas
are universally treated with systemic fungicide such as benomyl, a
possible human carcinogen and teratogen. Studies have shown essential
oil of Cymbopoyon nordus, Cymbopoyon flexuosus and Ocimum basilicum
to possess significant microbial properties. Fumigant bioassay
developed by Abeywicrama et al. (2003) is a valuable tool to identify
the efficacy of plant oils, before in vitro testing is conducted. In
subsequent studies, spraying of essential oils of Ocimum basilicum
(0.16% v/v) prior to cool storage was found to be a safe, cost-effective
method with commercial potential for controlling postharvest diseases
and extending storage life.

Marketing of banana
The private sector plays a dominant role in the marketing of banana.
Wholesale marketing centres of banana are located in different parts
of the country. At these centres, collectors/farmers sell their products
to wholesalers, who in turn sell them to retailers. There is a certain
amount of grading in these centres, however there are high postharvest
losses due to bad handling and transport.
There are five varieties of banana in the market namely, ‘Ambul’
(Mysore), Ambun (Cavendish), ‘Kolikuttu’ (Silk), ‘Seeni’ and ‘Anamalu.’
‘Embul’ and ‘Seeni’ are cheaper than others (Table 5).
Table 5. Prices of banana in 2002-2003. (Rs/fruit)
2003 Farm
2002 2003
gate price
Wholesale Retail Wholesale Retail

‘Ambul’ (Mysore) 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.03

‘Kolikuttu’ (Silk) 0.03 0.05 0.08 0.05 0.08
‘Seeni’ - 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.02
‘Anamalu’ (Cavendish) - 0.04 0.07 0.05 0.07
‘Ambun’ (Cavendish) - 0.05 0.07 0.51 0.07
130 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13

Capacity building
DOA undertakes major training and capacity development programmes
through their In-Service Training Institutes. Banana is given high
priority in the curriculum of the training programme of the pre-seasonal
training courses arranged twice a year.
A training workshop on Banana Disease Identification and Healthy
Planting Materials Production was held in 2004. for researchers,
extensionists and development specialists of various research
institutions, universities and private sector institutions involved in
banana R&D. The highlight of the event is the participation of Dr A.B.
Molina, regional coordinator of INIBAP, Prof H.J. Su, plant virologist,
and Dr S.C. Hwang, consultant of the Taiwan Banana Research Institute,
as resource persons. At the end of the workshop, a programme for the
development of healthy planting materials was developed by the
participants with the assistance from the experts.

Abeywickrema K., S. Anthony and R. Watawala. 2003. Fumigant action
of selected essential oils against banana fruit pathogens. Journal
National Science Foundation Sri Lanka (324): 427 –429.
Anthony S., R. Abeywickrama, R. Dayananda, S. Wilson and L.
Arambewela. 2004. Fungal pathogens associated with banana fruit
in Sri Lanka. Mycopathologia 157:91-97
Rodrigo V. H. L., C. M. Sterling, S. Thennakoon, A. M. W. K.
Senavirathna and P. D. Pathipan. 2003. Technology refinement of
rubber/banana intercropping using a farmer participatory
approach. Tropical Agriculture Research and Extension 6: 77 –84.
Weerasingha P., N. H. R. Premalal and S. N. R. Saranasingha. 2004.
Influence of Nitrogen on crop performance of leaf Nitrogen status
of dense – planted banana. Annual Symposium of Department of
Agriculture 6: 217-226.
Weerasingha S. S. and K. H. Ruwanpathiran. 2004. Effect of de-handing
on bunch characteristic of banana. Annual Symposium of
Department of Agriculture 6: 227-236.
Comparison of Musa germplasm in Thailand 131

Comparison of Musa germplasm in Thailand

S. Chandraparnik*, C. Ditchaiwong and K. Bansiddhi

Banana plays a major role in food security and income generation of

the region’s rural poor. It is a good source of energy, vitamins and
minerals, thus making it a nutritious staple food. The fruits are mostly
produced for domestic consumption, although a number of fresh fruits
and processed products are exported to various countries. The export
value per annum is approximately $3.7M.

1. To maintain and distribute Musa germplasm in Thailand
2. To select Musa germplasm for high yield and high quality.

Maintenance and distribution of Musa germplasm

In Thailand, apart from fresh consumption and processed product
uses, the other parts of banana are also utilized in many Thai cultural
and traditional activities. The total banana cultivation is 10 M ha, and
this is comprised of smallholdings. Approximately 50 different varieties
are being planted but only three are cited as economic fruits for their
distinctive features and taste. These are ‘Kluai Namwa’ (ABB), ‘Kluai
Hom’ (AAA) and ‘Kluai Khai’ (AA). In 2004, the estimated cultivated
areas for these varieties is 161 573 ha.

Comparison of Musa germplasm

The project ‘Comparison of Musa germplasm in Thailand’ was
introduced by INIBAP in 21 February 2003 as a collaboration between
the Horticulture Research Institute (HRI) of the Department of
Agriculture (DA) and INIBAP. This project was carried out in the
PhiChit Horticultural Research Center of DA. Twenty-three in vitro
banana accessions were received in February 2003 from INIBAP ITC.
These were cultured for plant multiplication in the Murashige and
Skoog (MS) medium. Of the 23 accessions, FHIA-18 was contaminated
and died later on. Other accessions were transferred in the greenhouse
of PHRC. The healthy young plants of the 22 accessions were selected
and grown in the field of PHRC from September 2003 to November

*Director, Horticulture Research Institute, Department of Agriculture Chatuchak,

Bangkok 10900 Thailand.
132 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
Randomized complete block design (RCBD) with two replications was
used. Data were recorded such as number of days from planting to
harvest, bunch weight, number of hands in bunch after harvest,
number of fingers per hand, number of functional leaves at harvest (a
leaf is functional if it has more than 50% of the green area) and sigatoka
severity scoring. Currently 10 of the 22 accessions have been harvested
from June to October 2004. These are P.Jari Buaya’, FHIA-02,‘Williams,’
‘AA cv Rose’, FHIA-17, TMBx5295, FHIA-21,CRBP 39, ‘P. Ceylan’ and
The results are as follows:
- Number of days from planting to flowering ranged from 175 to 240
days. ‘Williams’ was the earliest accession to flower at 175 days after
planting while FHIA-17 took the longest at 240 days (Table 1).
- Number of days from flowering to harvest ranged from 91 to 124
days. ‘P. Jari Buaya’ was the earliest accession to be harvested at 91
days while it took 124 days for ‘Williams’ to flower (Table 1).
- Plant height after planting to harvest ranged from 1.60 to 3.08 m.
‘AAcv Rose’ was the shortest at 1.67. TMBx5295 had the highest plant
height at 3.08 m (Table 1).

Table 1. Horticultural characteristics of Musa spp.

Cultivar name Days from Days after Plant height at
planting to flowering to harvest
flowering harvest (m)
‘P.Jari Buaya’ 236 91 2.77
FHIA-02 190 111 2.35
‘Williams’ 175 124 1.93
‘AA cv Rose’ 195 115 1.60
FHIA-17 240 99 3.08
TMBx5295 193 94 3.08
FHIA-21 218 107 2.85
CRBP 39 183 112 2.85
‘P. Ceylon’ 209 108 2.89
GCTCV-247 193 102 2.50

Bunch weight ranged from 3.68 to 31.69 kg. ITC codes ‘Williams’
and GCTV-247 had the highest bunch weight at 31.69 and 28.76 kg,
respectively. The lowest bunch weight was recorded from ‘AA cv Rose’
at 3.68 kg (Table 2).
Number of hands per bunch ranged from 7 to 12 hands. The
accession with the most number of hands per bunch was FHIA-17
with 12 hands per bunch while CRBP 39 and TMBx5295 with 7 hands
per bunch had the lowest (Table 2).
Comparison of Musa germplasm in Thailand 133

Number of fingers per hand ranged from 12 to 21 fingers. ‘Williams’

had the highest number of fingers per hand at 21 fingers per hand
while ‘AA cv Rose’ with had the lowest (Table 2).

Table 2. Fruit yield of Musa spp.

Cultivar name Bunch weight Number of Number of
(kg) hands per fingers per
bunch hand
‘P.Jari Buaya’ 6.93 7 13
FHIA-02 17.26 10 15
‘Williams’ 31.69 9 21
‘AA cv Rose’ 3.68 9 12
FHIA-17 17.34 12 18
TMBx5295 16.67 7 14
FHIA-21 20.26 8 15
CRBP 39 16.46 7 15
‘P. Ceylon’ 13.71 11 17
GCTCV-247 28.76 9 16

Number of functional leaves at harvest ranged from 0 to 4 leaves

per plant. ‘P.Ceylon’ gave the highest number of functional leaves at
4 leaves per plant. ‘Williams’, ‘AA cv Rose’, FHIA 17 and FHIA 21 had
no functional leaves (Table 3).
Sigatoka severity scoring at harvest ranged from 1 to 3. FHIA-02 and
CRBP 39 had the lowest score of 1 (<1% of lamina with symptoms).
‘Williams’ had the highest severity score of 5 (34 to 50% of lamina
with symptoms) (Table 3).

Table 3. Number of functional leaves and sigatoka severity scoring at harvest time.
Cultivar name Number of Sigatoka severity
functional leaves scoring*
‘P.Jari Buaya’ 2 3
FHIA-02 1 1
‘Williams’ 0 3
‘AA cv Rose’ 0 3
FHIA-17 0 5
TMBx5295 3 2
FHIA-21 0 2
CRBP 39 2 1
‘P. Ceylon’ 4 2
GCTCV-247 3 3
* Legend: 0=no symptoms; 1=less than 1% of lamina with symptoms (only streaks and/or up to
10 spots); 2=1 to 5% of lamina with symptoms; 3=6-15% of lamina with symptoms; 4=16-33%
of lamina with symptoms; 5=34 to 50% of lamina with symptoms; 6=51 to 100% of lamina with
134 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
Data collection is still ongoing for the 12 other accessions. After
completion, two accessions will be selected and will be compared and
evaluated with local varieties in the farmers’ fields.
Current banana R&D in Vietnam 135

Current banana R&D in Vietnam

Ho Huu Nhi*

Vietnam stretches from 8010’NL - 2504NL in the Asia and the Pacific
region, a region considered as the centre of origin of genus Musa
(Gowen 1995) and therefore a rich source of diversity of banana.
Banana has been grown for thousands of years in Vietnam. It is now
one of the most important fruits growing in the country. Vietnam
belongs to the 15 largest banana-producing countries of the world,
with an annual production of 1 242 539 t. Its total cultivated area is
estimated at 99 340 ha, next to longan (126 265 ha), litchi and rambutan
(109 538 ha).
Vietnam is divided into six agro-ecological regions out of which Mekong
Delta, Red River Delta and the Southeast regions are the major banana
producing areas (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Major banana producing areas in Vietnam.

*Head, Agro-biotechnology Department, VASI, Hanoi, Vietnam.

136 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
The banana cultivation is based on small-scale garden, usually
surrounding the household, and on hillside. The common size of banana
gardens ranges from 0.2-1.0 ha. Bananas are intercropped with other
crops like maize, soybean, sweet potatoes or fruit trees. Compared with
sole banana gardens, the productivity is lower in mixed banana gardens.
The average yield is about 10-15 t/ha, depending on the region and the
farmer’s cultivation level.

The popular banana cultivars

‘Chuoi Tieu’ (AAA/Gia). This Cavendish group consists of the most
popular banana cultivars in Vietnam, which can be divided according
to three different plant height; tall (2.8-3.5 m), medium (2.0-2.5 m)
and dwarf (1.5-2.0 m). They are grown alongside rivers and highly
humid areas. They give high yields of 20-25 kg/bunch, with 8-14 hands/
bunch. Its fruit size is 2.8-3.5 cm. Ripened fruits are sweet and aromatic
and have yellow skin and flesh. In the North, during the winter, the
ripened fruits have a better quality compared with those grown in the
South. Its growth duration is 14-15 months. ‘Chuoi Tieu’ is used for
export and local market.
‘Chuoi Tay’ (ABB, Xiem) is planted throughout the country, from the
delta to hilly regions. Its pseudostem is 3-4 m long. It gives high yield
with 18-20 kg/bunch, 8-12 hands/bunch. The fruit size is 9-11 cm long
and 3.0-3.5 in diameter. The ripe fruits have dark yellow skin and yellow,
sweet and aromatic flesh. Sometimes, there are few seeds in the fruits.
‘Chuoi Tay’ is tolerant to drought and poor soil. ‘Chuoi Tay’ is used
only for domestic consumption. They also can be eaten as fresh or
processed as candies, cake, boil, etc.
‘Chuoi Ngu’ (AA, Cau) is one of the most preferred varieties because
of its special characteristics. Pseudostem is 2.2-2.6 m long. Normally,
its yields are 8-10 kg/bunch with 6-8 hands/bunch. The fruit size is 7-
10 cm long and 2.5-3 cm in diameter. Ripened fruits have attractive
bright yellow and pink, color and a sweet and aromatic flesh. The growth
duration is 12 months.
‘Chuoi Ngu Tien’ (AA). In the olden days, this variety was used as
precious donations to the kings which is why the variety was given the
name Tien (donation- Dai Hoang). The fruit’s characteristics and growth
duration are similar to those of ‘Chuoi Ngu’ but its fruits have a very
attractive form and color and the flesh has better quality. Pseudostem
is 1.5-2 m in height. These cultivars are grown nowadays in Nam Ha
‘Chuoi Bom’ (AAB) has a high tolerance to drought and is grown
Current banana R&D in Vietnam 137

popularly in the central highlands. It has a short growth duration (10-

12 months) and high multiplication rate (8-10 suckers/plant). Its yield
is 6-10 kg/bunch with 6-8 hand/bunch. Fruit size is 10-15 cm and 2-
2.5 cm in diameter. Ripened fruits have bright yellow thin skin and
yellow pink flesh, and are suitable for processing to make dried banana.
These popular banana cultivars are shown in Figure 2 (Nhi 1997). There
are some other cultivars such as Chuoi Com (AA), Chuoi Bot (AAB),
Chuoi La (ABB), Chuoi Mat (AB), scattered over the different areas.
These can be used as feed, cake draping etc.

Chuoi Gia Chuio Cau Chuio Xiem

(Cavendish; AAA) (Pisang mas; AA) (Pisang awak; ABB) Chuoi Bom (AA)
Cha Bot (AAB)
Figure 2. Popular banana cultivars in Vietnam.

Banana research activities

Organizations involved in banana research work

The national banana network consists of many research institutions,
laboratory and agricultural cooperative conducting different activities
in their area of expertise.
• Vietnam Agricultural Science Institute (VASI), the National
Repository, Multiplication and Distribution Centre, is incharge of
conservation of in-vitro collection, its propagation and distribution
for evaluation, testing and field trials.
• Southern Fruit Research Institute (SOFRI) conducts activities such
as maintenance of a field collection, disease indexing, production
of disease-free planting materials, field trials and postharvest
• Fruit and Vegetable Institute (Gia Lam) established a procedure of
banana micro-propagation, provides in-vitro plantlets to farmers,
and implements trial for fusarium evaluation.
• Phu Ho Fruit Research Center maintains the national banana field
• Institute of Biotechnology (IBT) applies molecular technique
(RAPD, PCR etc.) in studying banana biodiversity and virus
138 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
• Tissue culture laboratories of provinces (Nghe An, Ha Nam) supply
in vitro plantlets to farmers.
• Agricultural cooperatives carry out field trials of introduced and
popular local cultivars.
At the same time, they coordinate many banana research projects
funded by different donors. Table 1 shows the various research projects
in 2003-2004 and their corresponding donors.

Table 1. Banana research projects implemented in 2003-2004.

Institution Projects Donors
VASI Virus indexing; FFTC, TBRI
Farming technology; INIBAP,
Establishing a repository
SOFRI Virus indexing; FFTC, TBRI, CIRAD,
Setting up demonstration farm
of TC-plantlets
IBT Application of molecular MOST
technique in analyzing
biodiversity and virus
diagnostic of banana
Phu Ho Fruit Ex-situ conservation of banana Ministry of Agriculture
Research Center germplasm and Rural Development
Tissue culture lab Application of tissue-culture Ministry of Science and
of Nghe An technique in rapid Technology
province multiplication of local banana
for farmers
Science and In-situ conserving genetic NGO
Technology Dept. resource of indigenous banana
of Ha Nam (Chuoi Tien)

Banana collection and NRMDC

The cooperative project “Collection, Characterization and Conservation
of Musa Germplasm in Vietnam”, headed by Mr. Le Dinh Danh, ended
in 1997. The project had established the national banana field collection
with 80 accessions being maintained at Phu Ho Fruit Research Center.
Banana collection consists of wild and cultivated groups:
1. Wild and ornamental banana
Chuoi Hot Rung Musa balbisiana Chuoi Rung
Chuoi Tay Rung M. acuminata Chuoi Rung Hoa Do
Chuoi Rung M. itinerans Chuoi Rung Hoa Sen
Chuoi Sen M. coccinea Chuoi Rung Hoa Xoan
M. laterita Chuoi Cau Rung
Chuoi Nguon Ensete glaucum Chuoi Canh
Current banana R&D in Vietnam 139

2. Semi-wild, semi-cultivated banana

Chuoi Hot Musa balbisiana with hard seed
Chuoi Hot Qua Lep Musa balbisiana with soft seed
3. Edible cultivated banana with following genome:
AA (10), AAA (18), AAB (9), AB (10), ABB (13), BBB (3).
4. Introduced cultivars
To safeguard the banana germplasm of the country, duplicate field
collection with 60 accessions was established in south Vietnam, at SOFRI
(Phap and Chau 1995) (Table 2).
To further ensure the conservation of Vietnam’s indigenous Musa
genetic resource, a duplicate in-vitro collection was also established at
VASI with 80 accessions (Nhi 2004).

Table 2. Number of accessions of each genomic group.

Genomic group No. of accessions
1. Ornamental group 7
2. Wild group
AAw 1
BBw 2
3.Cultivated group
AA 9
AAA 11
AAB 14
ABB 12
4. Unidentified 4

In 2001, VASI signed an agreement with INIBAP to establish a National
Repository Multiplication and Distribution Centre. This centre
undertakes activities in relation to receiving tissue-cultured materials
from ITC, maintaining, multiplying and distributing them to users.
From 2001 to 2003, VASI has received from ITC a total of 34 banana
accessions. Among them, 5 accessions were lost and 29 were maintained
in vitro under temperatures of 15-180C and light intensity of 1200 lux
with photoperiod of 14 h/day. Every 3 months, the in vitro accessions
are sub-cultured. The procedure for maintenance, multiplication and
distribution is shown in Table 3.
140 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13

Table 3. The procedure of in-vitro maintenance and distribution.

Steps Culture medium Environmental Interval Result
conditions subculture
In vitro ½ Ms supply, 15-18 C 3 months Shoot, cluster
maintenance Manito 2-4%, 3% 1000 lux
Sucrose 60% humidity
2mg/l BAP
Multiplication Ms Supplement 25-28 c 4 weeks Shoot
2mg/l BAP 1500 lux

Distribution ½ Ms suppl 2500 lux 4 weeks Rooted plantlets

2mg/l AAA diffuse light
Active Carbon
without sucrose

These banana accession introduced from ITC are maintained in vitro.

From 2001 to 2004, VASI multiplied and distributed 21 accessions of
the introduced cultivars for evaluation and field testing (Table 4).

Table 4. Distribution of banana plantlets.

Agencies involved Scope of work
No. of
Phu Ho Fruit Research Center 12 Evaluation and addition to the
field collection
Institute of Biotechnology 15 Molecular research work,
Virus indexing, Biodiversity
Fruit and Vegetable Institute 11 IMTP-fusarium
Applied Science and Technology 4 Micropropagation
Center of Nghe An province
Agricultural Cooperative 5 Field trial
Haiduong province
Agricultural Cooperative Hatay 10 IMTP, field trial

Pests and diseases of banana

In a survey conducted by D.V. Thanh in the north and by Nuong in
south Vietnam in 2000, a total of 19 pathogenic micro-organisms, 4
nematode species and several insects were observed on bananas grown
in the field (Table 5).
Current banana R&D in Vietnam 141

Table 5. Level of damage caused by pests and diseases in different genotypes.

Significant level Attacked genome groups
Pests and diseases
Fusarium wilt (Fusarium oxysporum) +++ ABB, BB
Black sigatoka (Mycosphaerella fijiensis) ++ AAA, AA, AAB
Leaf speckle (M. musae) ++ AAA
Yellow sigatoka (M. musicola) ++ AAA, AA
Cordana leaf spot (Cordana musae) + ABB, BB,
Freckle (Guignardia musae) + All genotypes
Anthracnose (Colletotrichum musae) + All genotypes
Verticillium sp. + ABB
Erwinia sp. + ABB, BB,
Pseudomonas sp. + AAA, AA
Cladosporium musae + All genotypes
Chloridium spp. + All genotypes
Banana bunchy top virus (BBTV) ++ AAA, AA
Banana bract mosaic virus (BBMV) + All genotypes
Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) + All genotypes
Banana streak virus (BSV) + All genotypes
Root-knot nematode (Radopholus similis) + All genotypes
Meloidigyne sp. + All genotypes
Pratylenchus coffeae + All genotypes
Insect pests
Corm borer (Cosmopolites sordidus) ++ ABB, BB
Banana aphid (Pentalonia nigronervosa) ++ All genotypes
Mealy bug (Planococcus sp) + All genotypes
Leaf roller (Erionata thrax) + All genotypes

The most important and popular banana cultivars in Vietnam belonging

to genome group AAA/AA such as ‘Chuoi Tieu’, ‘Chuoi Bom’, ‘Chuoi
Ngu’, ‘Chuoi Cau’ and ‘Chuoi Com’ are infected by sigatoka diseases
and bunchy top virus. The symptoms of BSV are often recorded on
‘Chuoi Cau Lun’ (AAB).
Another important disease is fusarium wilt, which attacks on genome
group ABB/BB. Vakili et al. (1968)estimated that 85% of ‘Chuoi Xiem’
in orchards are infected with fusarium wilt. Presently, Foc also caused
damage in ‘Chuoi Cha Bot’ (AB/ABB). Major insect pests recorded to
infect banana such as corm borer are considered to be very destructive.
Banana aphids play an important role in spreading viral diseases.
In 1997, Thanh et al. recorded that 28 nematode species are parasitic
on banana with four important species: Helicotylenchus sp., Pratylenchus
coffeae, Meloidogyne incognita and Radopholus similis.

Indexing and detection of disease

To produce a healthy seedling, different diagnostic techniques were
B.T.N Lan and L.T. Hong (2002) conducted some experiments for
comparison of different buffers of ELISA in detecting BBTV. The result
showed that Tris D-S-BSA gave the highest OD (Table 6 and Figure 3).
142 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13

Table 6. Effect of different buffers on ELISA in BBTV detection (2002).

Banana sample Extraction buffers
Tris-D TrisD-S TrisD-S TrisD-SM PBS-TNP
Control buffer - - - - - (a)
Healthy plant (bc) - - - - - (a)
Disease leaf (b) 0.71 1.49 1.54 1.03 0.65
Pseudostem (b) 0.55 0.92 0.9 0.71 0.55
Disease leaf (c) 0.65 121 1.2 0.93 0.42
Pseudostem (c) 0.52 0.8 0.73 0.59 0.42
Note: a, negative by DAS-ELISA
b, using multiclonal antibodies of Bio-RAD
c, using monoclonal antibodies supplied by Prof..J .H.Su
Tris: 0,5M tris buffer PH: 7.5; D: 0.1%, Na-DIECA, S, sucrose: 5%
BSA: Bovin sera Albunuim; SM, skim milk: 0,5%.

Plant samples - +

McAb (2H6)

McAb (2H6)

C1-CR, S-CR and SR-CR primers
BBTV in South Vietnam is genome type II

Figure 3. Results of ELISA on BBTV.

At SOFRI, BT Lan and LTT Hong obtained good results in using TC.
PCR technique was used for identifying banana streak virus on bananas
grown in different provinces in the south of Vietnam. Five specific
primer pairs of five BSV strains were used. The BSV strain found in
Vietnam belongs to Mysore strain (Table 7).

Table 7. BSV strain identified by IC-PCR in Vietnam.

Banana Cavendish Mysore Gold Obino Imove
sample/ finger l’ewdi V ietnam

CH/c12 - - - + - -
MysF/MysR - + - - - +
OLF/OLR - - - + - -
GF-F/GF-R - - + - - -
IM-F/Im-R - - - - + -
Cav-f/Cav-R + - - - - -
Current banana R&D in Vietnam 143

A quick disease-indexing method has been developed at SOFRI and

VASI to help farmers easily select a healthy planting material.
In the south, a quick technique of disease detection had been tested
and transferred to the growers so that farmers can select good, healthy
motherplants or suckers. This is through the changing color of stained
banana sucker slices (Figure 4).

Test strips


2,3,5 – triphenyl-tetrazolium chloride (3%)

Figure 4.Banana sucker slices stained by II, 3, 5 triphemyl-tetrazolium chloride

3% (2, 3, 5, TTC).

Due to the assistance of FFTC, TBRI and Prof Hong-Ji Su, VASI had
applied a successful and quick detection technique of BBTV and BMV
in identifying clean planting materials grown in nurseries and field.
Infected plants are recognized if the strip has two color bands.
144 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
Use of tissue culture to produce healthy planting materials
The use of tissue culture in banana production has been recommended
and carried out by many research institutes all over the country such
as VASI, SOFRI and the Agriculture Genetic Institute of Tropical Biology
since more than a decade ago. In 2002, the Ministry of Agriculture and
Rural Development issued the 10 TTC 530-2002 protocol or the standard
of banana TC seedling on Cavendish CV, middle Cavendish.
The micro-propagation system for producing clean banana planting
materials consists of major steps: selecting plants, in vitro propagation,
virus indexing, establishment of nursery and transplanting in the field
(Figure 5).

Foundation Stock s
Initiation culture

MS. Suppl. 2-5ppm BA, 0.5 NAA

Multiple shoot propagation
1500-2000 lux

25-28o C
60% humidity
6-8 months
ELISA test Virus indexing

Elongation and rooting

2 weeks
½ MS activate Charcoal, 0.2NAA
Hardening Diffuse light (4000-5000 lux)
of rooted plantlets 80-90% humidity

2 weeks

Establishing 1/3 soil, 1/3 sand, 1/3 organic manure

in vivo Diffuse light (first week)
95 % humidity
4 weeks

Transplanting to field

Figure 5. Micro-propagation system.

Current banana R&D in Vietnam 145

Extension activities
The banana micro-propagation system consists of many stages and
this system is established as a service to the laboratory and research
stations of different provinces and growers. The procedure of transferred
technology is thus differentiated in three levels depending on the
infrastructure facilities and knowledge capability. In the case of tissue
culture, the province’s laboratory extension activities include organizing
training courses for techno-transfer in tissue culture and field planting
In some farm stations where there is only one greenhouse or nursery,
trainings on hardening rooted plantlets, establishing plantlets in the
nursery and field transplanting are conducted.
Farmers are provided the planting materials in pots and are required
to properly manage the plantlets in the field.
In the last 5 years (1998-2004), a total of 200 000-900 000 plantlets
were provided for field planting and other activities. The major cultivars
propagated are ‘Tieu Nho’ (Giant Cavendish), ‘Tieu Lun’ (Dwarf
Cavendish) and ‘Chuoi Tay’ (Kluai Namwa). Table 8 shows the number
of plantlets produced.

Table 8. Number of banana plantlets propagated for farmers, 2001-2003.

Cultivars Genotype Synonym 2001 2002 2003-
‘Ngu Tien’ AA ‘Kluai sa’ 10 10 5
‘Tieu Nho’ AAA ‘Giant Cavendish’ 100 100 500
‘Chuoi Tay’ ABB ‘Kluai namwa’ 50 150 150
‘Tieu Cao Hong’ AAA ‘Lakatan’ 50 100 250
Exotics 2 3
Total 210 362 908
146 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
Most farmers in the northern provinces, Hanoi, Hatay, Haiduong,
Hungyen, use in-vitro plantlets. In-vitro plantlets have vigorous root
system and good growth potential so the cycle time is shorter. Fields
planted with tissue-culture bananas look healthy, with a uniform in
growth and overall yield is 15-20% higher than that of suckers (Figure
6). However, tissue-cultured plantlets showed some somaclonal variation
and cost higher than suckers. The variations found are variegation,
upright leaves and bunch structure (Table 9).
Table 9. Comparison of micro-propagated plantlets and suckers.
Criteria Plantlets Suckers
Survival rate in field 86% 80%
Uniformity High Lower
Disease infected plant 5-7% 30%
Yield 28 t/ha 20 t/ha
Variant 2-3% None
Price of planting material US$0.2/plantlet US$0.04/sucker

Suckers TC plantlets TC plantlets + plastic mulch

Figure 6. Banana field experiments on suckers vs. TC plantlets


Constraints in banana production

• Banana cultivars are infected by many important pests and diseases:
fusarium wilt, black sigatoka and BBTV.
• The farmers normally adopt inferior cultivation technologies and
conduct improper management
• Lack of market places, hence there are difficulties in selling
processed and fresh bananas.

Future plans
• Evaluation and selection of excellent new varieties from the local
and introduced genetic materials.
• Effective use of disease-diagnostic methods in propagation
system for producing healthy planting materials.
Current banana R&D in Vietnam 147

• Improvement of postharvest technology and techno-transfer to

• Establishment of new market places to help farmer sell their banana

Nhi H.H. 1997. Current banana research and production in Vietnam.
Pp. 20-34 in Minutes of the 7th ASPNET Regional Advisory
Committee Meeting.
Nhi H.H. 2004. Application of tissue culture in banana research and
development in Vietnam in Proceedings of international
workshop on sustainable banana production through the use
of healthy seedling held at Ho Chi Minh City. 4-6 Oct.2004.
Nuong L.T.M. T.N.Minh. M.V.Tri and L.T.T.Hong. 2000. Survey on
banana disease in south Vietnam in highly quality banana
production. Agriculture House. pp104-115 (in Vietnamese).
Phap P.D and N.M.Chau. 1995. Collection and preserving banana
resources in south of Vietnam. Pp 28-37 in Proceedings of
International Workshop on banana production, biotechnology
and diversity held at MAF, Hanoi, Vietnam. 9-10 Oct. 1995.
Vakili N, L.V.Thai and V.N.Dinh. 1968. Vietnamese banana cultivation
techniques and improvement. Saigon Agriculture Research
Institute. (in Vietnamese).
148 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
Table 10. Banana accessions maintained in national repository in 2004.
In vitro
Accession name Number of Growing Losses
plantlets status
0312 ‘Pisang Jari 15 good
0504 FHIA-01 15 good
0505 FHIA-02 5 good
0506 FHIA-03 15 good
0570 ‘Williams’ 20 very good
0643 ‘Cachaco’ 15 good
0712 AA cv Rose 20 verygood
1122 ‘Gros Michel 15 good
1123 ‘Yangambi Km5’ 10 good
1264 FHIA-17 20 very good
1265 FHIA-23 10 good
1282 GCTCV-119 15 good
1283 SH3436-9 -- -- +
1296 TMBx1378 15 good
1297 TMBx5295 -- -- +
1307 SH-3640 10 good
1319 FHIA-18 20 good
1332 FHIA-21 20 good
1344 CRBP 39 15 good
1418 FHIA-25 15 very good
1441 ‘Pisang Ceylon’ 15 good
0320 ‘Paka’ 15 good
0247 ‘Hondura’ 10 good
0249 ‘Calcutta’ 5 normal
0649 ‘Foconah’ 15 good
0653 ‘Pisang Mas’ 15 good
1034 ‘Kunnan’ -- -- +
1060 ‘Selangor’ 15 good
1120 ‘Tani’ 15 good
1138 ‘Saba’ 15 good
1183 ‘Pisang Lemak 15 good
1417 TMB3x15108-65 15 good
1437 TMBx9128-3 15 good
1442 GCTCV-106 15 good
1443 GCTCV-247 5 good
0081 Igistsiri 15 normal
0210 Pacific plantain 15 good
0085 ‘Nakitengwa’ 15 good
Status of banana R&D in the Pacific 149

Status of banana R&D in the Pacific

Mary Taylor*

Importance of bananas
Bananas rank as one of the most widely grown and consumed crops
in the Pacific. There is also a significant genetic diversity in the banana
genepool in the Pacific, with Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and
Vanuatu having the greatest diversity. Most indigenous Pacific bananas
are Eumusa section hybrids, some of which are plantains, while others
have a thinner, sweeter fruit, which can be eaten raw. Separate from
the Eumusa complex are the Fe’i bananas of the Australimusa Section.
The Fe’i banana was introduced to the Marquesas and may be a New
Guinean or New Caledonian domesticate. The Fe’i bananas are
characterized by their erect bunches and purple sap and also have a
very orange or yellow/orange-colored edible flesh. For instance, the
‘Karat’ variety of the Fe’i bananas found in Pohnpei in the Federated
States of Micronesia has short, plump fruits with orange-yellow flesh.
There are different types of ‘Karat’ banana with different sizes and
shapes but all high in beta-carotene, the provitamin A carotenoid which
is converted into vitamin A in the body. ‘Karat’ bananas have been
traditionally used as a weaning food in Pohnpei and other parts of
FAO production data in 2003 state production figures of 80 800 tonnes
on 10 100 hectares, suggesting an average production of 8 tonnes per
hectare for the Pacific, excluding Papua New Guinea. In Papua New
Guinea, 725 000 tonnes were produced on 52 000 hectares, suggesting
an average production of 14 tonnes per hectare.
Despite their nutritional importance, bananas are not a priority crop
for national agricultural research and extension programmes in most
Pacific Island countries, largely because they are not considered an
important cash crop. Consequently, government and donor funding
for banana research and development is limited.

R&D highlights

The Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC)

The SPC Regional Germplasm Centre (RGC) distributes accessions of
bananas, taro and sweet potatoes to the 22 SPC member-countries
*Regional Germplasm Centre Adviser, SPC, Suva, Fiji.
150 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
and territories. INIBAP has provided FHIA lines and modest funding
for the multiplication and distribution of new banana lines in the region
(Table 1).
Table 1. Banana accessions held in SPC RGC, Fiji
Variety Variety
F01 FHIA-01 A18 FHIA-18
F02 FHIA-02 A23 FHIA-23
F03 FHIA-03 MS01 ‘Pisang Ceylan’
F17 FHIA-17 MS02 ‘Yangambi’
F18 FHIA-18 MS03 ‘Grande Naine’
F23 FHIA-23 MS04 ‘Williams’
F25 FHIA-25 MS05 ‘Saba’
A17 FHIA-17 MS07 SH-3640

FHIA-01, FHIA-02, FHIA-03, FHIA-17, FHIA-18, FHIA-23, and FHIA-

25 have been distributed to American Samoa, Cook Islands, Federated
States of Micronesia, Fiji, Guam, Marshall Islands, New Caledonia,
Palau, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, and Wallis and Futuna. In 2004,
520 tubes of FHIA bananas have been distributed, containing plantlets
and proliferating tissues. In most countries, these have been planted
out rather than further multiplied in tissue culture. Evaluation forms
have been sent to all countries receiving FHIA lines, and this information
will be compiled in a publication.
The SPC is also promoting the Fe’i banana and supporting the work in
Pohnpei of the Department of Agriculture and the Island Food
Community of Pohnpei, a NGO recently established in Pohnpei. Work
carried out by Dr Englberger in Pohnpei has shown that the levels of
several key nutrients in the Fe’i banana can significantly contribute to
human health. In Micronesia, for example, about half the total energy
requirements and more than the required Daily Intake (RDI) of vitamin
C are provided by consumption of the local cultivars. Iron levels are
between 30-50% of RDI, and reach ca 100% for consumption of
cultivars with the highest iron contents reported. Zinc levels are only
reported for a few cultivars; these levels correspond to ca 20% of daily
requirements. Beta-carotene (provitamin A) contents vary, but for some
cultivars levels are sufficient to provide more than the RDI of vitamin
A. The natural variation in nutrient levels in bananas is higher than
previously suspected, as illustrated by the work of Englberger et al
(2003). In a study of banana species indigenous to Pacific islands, levels
of beta-carotene, more than twenty times that is found in standard
cultivars, were obtained. At Micronesian consumption levels of
Status of banana R&D in the Pacific 151

bananas, the amounts of beta-carotene found correspond to several

times the daily requirement.
In support of the work done in Pohnpei, SPC is responding to the
concern of nutritionists in the region about Pacific Islanders’ decreasing
intake of local foods, and their increasing reliance on less healthy
imported foods. Rice, sugar and wheat flour, as well as fatty meats and
refined foods, are rapidly replacing traditional Pacific staples such as
taro (Colocasia), giant swamp taro (Cyrtosperma), yam, banana,
breadfruit, pandanus, coconut and seafood in Pacific diets. This change
in lifestyle has led to health problems on an epidemic scale, including
diabetes, heart disease, vitamin A deficiency and some cancers.
Although the impact Musa is having on health is very much confined
to Pohnpei, there is a significant interest elsewhere in the Pacific to
access the Fe’i bananas from Pohnpei and to evaluate collections in
other countries for their carotenoid value. This important genus could
contribute more to improving the health of Pacific Islanders. As a result
of this Pacific-wide interest and need, SPC is working with the relevant
stakeholders in Pohnpei on the Fe’i banana. The objectives of the project
(1) To further distribute the Fe’i bananas in Pohnpei and carry out a
survey to determine their impact and acceptance.
(2) To establish tissue cultures of Fe’i bananas in SPC RGC, Suva, Fiji.
(3) To develop and distribute documentation promoting Fe’i bananas
to the wider Pacific.
The eventual aim is to establish a regional collection of these carotenoid-
rich bananas in the RGC. This would be achieved by collecting widely
from the Pacific region, and from this total collection, establishing a
core collection, which would be conserved in the SPC RGC and be
available for distribution and evaluation, after virus indexing.
To date, the SPC RGC has supported the publication of “Pohnpei
Bananas: A Photo Collection, Carotenoid-Rich varieties”, and has
purchased from the Island Community of Pohnpei, 100 copies for
distribution. The booklet covers 31 different Pohnpei cultivars,
presented as bunches, hands (groups of individual fruits), fingers
(individual fruits), and whole plants, according to provitamin A
carotenoid levels of the fruit. The booklet has been funded by several
agencies, namely Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, United
Nations Children’s Fund, Australian Embassy, Pohnpei State
Agriculture, Sight and Life, SPC Pacific Agricultural Plant Genetic
Resource Network (PAPGREN) and SPC Lifestyle Health. The booklet
152 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
was made available at the recent Ministers of Agriculture and Forestry
and Heads of Agriculture and Forestry (HOAFS) held in Suva, Fiji, in
September. The President of Fiji opened the meeting and on looking
at the booklet, requested his own personal copy.

America Samoa
Bananas are considered the most valued local crop along with taro,
and until recently the American Samoa School Land Program, funded
by the US Federal Government, paid a realistic cost for locally grown
banana and taro. This source of funding stopped in January of this
year, the reason given was that school children were no longer
interested in eating these more traditional foods.
There is no research and development as such, but there have been
several workshops aimed at improving banana production in the
country. The workshops have focused on forced ripening, black leaf
streak disease, plant-parasitic nematodes and organic farming.
Publication on banana nematodes and black leaf streak disease are
available online (
technical_papers.htm). America Samoa has received the FHIA lines
and evaluation is in progress.

Cook Islands
Before the 1980s, bananas were an important export commodity for
the Cook Islands – fresh fruits were shipped fortnightly to New Zealand.
The industry was supported with subsidies by the government.
However, in the late eighties export ceased as it was no longer viable.
Constraints due to irregular shipping, low yields, high input costs, lack
of credit and stringent competition from other countries affected the
industry. Currently about 20 acres are under banana cultivation, with
the majority being the Cavendish type. About 50% are grown for home
consumption, with the remaining 50% being sold on the local market.
There is a potential market for sun-dried bananas, as current demand
necessitates importing dried bananas from overseas.
There is no significant research and development in bananas in the
Cook Islands except for the evaluation of introduced banana varieties,
such as the FHIA lines. These are currently being evaluated on-station,
but will soon be distributed to selected islands, and interested farmers.

Fiji has received some of the FHIA lines (FHIA-03, FHIA-17, FHIA-23
and FHIA-25) and is currently evaluating them at the main research
Status of banana R&D in the Pacific 153

station. SPC RGC has recently provided more plants to the tissue culture
laboratory at the research station for multiplication as there are plans
to do field trials for these lines in other parts of the country.

FHIA lines, Yangambi and SH-3640 were distributed to Kiribati in 2003.
They have already been planted in the nursery and some plants have
been given to interested farmers on South Tarawa.

Marshall Islands
Marshall Islands received in-vitro plantlets of FHIA-01, FHIA-02,
FHIA-03, FHIA-17, FHIA-18, FHIA-23, FHIA-25, Saba and SH-3640.
Some of these were maintained in tissue culture, but losses occurred
due to power outage and an associated rise in temperature. The plants
that were eventually transferred to the nursery established well in soil,
and some of the FHIA lines, namely FHIA-01, FHIA-17 and FHIA-23
are in the fruiting stage. Some plantlets of SH-3640 are in the nursery
and are ready to transfer to the soil. Field trials are continuing, and
data on plant growth, sucker production and quality performance are
being recorded.
Marshall Islands is implementing a project, funded through FAO-TCP,
aimed at improving food security and inter-island exchange/trade,
through providing assistance to small-scale farmers. The project is
providing disease-free planting material and banana agronomy training
– new cultivars will be evaluated for their suitability to the Marshall
Islands atoll environment. In vitro propagation is being used to produce
the planting material for this project. The local cultivar, ‘Jilubuki’
(Mysore type), and other introduced cultivars, such as the FHIA lines
will be propagated. The project hopes to facilitate income generation
for the outer atolls through sales of bananas to the commercial centres
of Majuro and Ebeye (Kwajalein).
A farmer training workshop on banana improvement was held in
September 2003, jointly organized by the Ministry of Research and
Development, FAO and Land Grant. This workshop is part of the FAO-
funded food security project, and focused on training farmers in the
sustainable management of atoll banana production by the adoption
of the narrow-pit system of planting bananas.

New Caledonia
Following the BBTV eradication programme which commenced in
2000, the area under banana cultivation has decreased drastically.
154 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
Furthermore, New Caledonia was hit by cyclone “Erica” in March 2003,
which further decreased production. For 2003 only 320 tonnes of banana
(60% dessert and 40% cooking bananas) were officially recorded
(compared to 1250 tonnes produced in 2000). The main constraints to
banana disease continue to be pests and diseases which include BBTV,
Cosmopolites sordidus, and black leaf streak (BLS) disease. The BLS
disease is prevalent throughout New Caledonia, hence the interest in
the FHIA bananas. Currently chemical treatments are used to deal with
BLS. FHIA lines (17, 18, 23 and 25) have been received from the SPC
RGC and are under evaluation. More data would be available but the
plants were all damaged by cyclone “Erica”. Compared with local
varieties, these FHIA lines appear to be very susceptible to stress.
The banana collection has 80 different varieties, of which 30 are
belonging to the Maia maoli and Popoulou sub-groups. They are
specific to the country and are of significant cultural and socio-economic
value. These varieties are under threat because of BBTV, and therefore
are being established in vitro for conservation at CIRAD in Montpellier,
France. The morphological characterization of the collection is in
progress. MGIS training has been received, but the availability of
resources is hindering progress in this area.
There is a need to produce a significant volume of planting material of
cooking bananas belonging to the Maia maoli and Popoulou sub-
groups to replace all the plants destroyed by BBTV. However, there is
concern that if they are multiplied in vitro, BSV will be activated. New
Caledonia is evaluating a rapid multiplication technique established in
Cameroun (CARBAP).

Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia (FSM)

Banana is one of the most important crops in Pohnpei and throughout
FSM. The College of Micronesia – FSM Cooperative Research and
Extension Land Grant Programme extension unit – Cooperative
Extension Service (CES) has a programme on bananas, which includes
training in the villages on cultural practices and management from
the preparation of planting materials through to harvesting. Sustainable
banana production is being emphasized in both home gardens and
the agroforestry system of planting. Pohnpei has received all of the
seven FHIA lines from the SPC RGC, and they have been planted at
two sites. FHIA-01 and FHIA-03 have consistently showed black leaf
spot resistance at both sites. The performance of the other lines appears
to be more dependent on conditions, with FHIA-17, FHIA-18 and
FHIA-23 showing preference for the drier conditions. Collection of
data has been hindered by the cyclones in 2002 and 2003, but it is
Status of banana R&D in the Pacific 155

expected that data collection will be completed in December 2004.

The Department of Agriculture in Pohnpei has been very active in
promoting local bananas. Health research relating to banana has been
conducted by nutritionist Dr Lois Englberger in Kosrae, Pohnpei, and
Chuuk, three of the four states of the Federated States of Micronesia,
and it is largely the result of Dr Englberger’s work that has stimulated
the interest in the Fe’i bananas in the Pacific. Local bananas were found
to be very high in carotenoid levels. ‘Karat’ was found to contain over
25 times the beta-carotene content of Cavendish, and ‘Utin Iap’
contained 250 times the beta-carotene content of Cavendish. In
addition, ‘Karat’ has a relatively high content of calcium, and has been
found to have resistance to fungal diseases, including BLS.
A germplasm collection has been established with 32 local varieties
and 8 introduced varieties. To promote the local bananas, a booklet,
poster and calendar have been produced, and at World Food Day, there
were competitions for the “best” carotenoid rich variety and also for
recipe development. As a result of the awareness raising carried out by
the Department of Agriculture and the Island Food Community of
Pohnpei, there has been a significant increase in the number of local
market vendors and also in the volume of locally marketed bananas.
Dr Englberger presented a paper on her work at the recent international
banana meeting and this has raised interest in Pohnpei’s bananas
globally. Requests for germplasm have been received from as far as
South Africa.

Solomon Islands
A collection of 81 bananas has been established in Makira, on the island
of Maleita - the result of a partnership between the Solomon Islands
Planting Material Network (PMN) and the Manivovo Rural Training
Centre. One of the network members attended the MGIS training in
Malaysia, and is using a simplified version of the descriptors to
characterize the collection. Another member of the network has a
smaller collection in the highlands and is planning to use the same
descriptors for this collection. The Manivovo collection and the work
being done by PMN have inspired members of NGOs from Vanuatu
(Farm Support Association) and Bougainville to start their own
There is also interest from the Department of Health in the Solomon
Islands to look at the nutritional value of the bananas in the collection,
in particular, the carotenoid levels.
156 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13

Processing of bananas
The questionnaire for information on Musa processing was distributed
to several of SPC-member countries. Most countries felt that the
questionnaire was not really relevant to their situation, although there
is significant interest in banana processing. Questionnaires were
returned from Cook Islands and Pohnpei. In the Cook Islands,
processing is limited to chips, dried bananas using Cavendish and Lady
Finger – with both products regular availability was an issue. The
processing “business” is small-scale – there are no private companies
specializing in production, or universities/research centres with food
science programmes. However, because of the importance of tourism
in the Cook Islands, banana products are desirable and currently the
government imports products (such as dried bananas) to satisfy the
demand. A FAO-TCP project is currently underway to promote the
production and processing of local food crops. The project will run for
two years, and women from all of the islands will be trained in
production and processing by consultants from Thailand.
In Pohnpei, various locally-made products are available, but again, the
frequency of availability is limited. These products include chips,
traditional baked pudding, and more recently ice-cream. In October
of this year, the Island Food Community of Pohnpei invited a food
processing consultant for a workshop, focusing on small-scale food
processing. Over 100 participants were involved. There was a great
deal of interest from the community for new banana-based products,
such as chips, banana jam, banana chutney and other products.

Future directions for bananas in the Pacific

Multiplication and distribution of improved banana lines
The SPC RGC will continue to multiply and distribute improved
banana lines to the Pacific countries. At present, this includes mostly
FHIA lines, but this can be extended to include other lines, should
they be relevant for the Pacific.
• SPC will work with member-countries and determine their needs
for Musa germplasm.
• SPC is implementing a survey so that the evaluation information
on the FHIA lines, which have been distributed can be compiled
and made available throughout the region.
Status of banana R&D in the Pacific 157

Establishment of a regional collection of Pacific bananas

The SPC RGC and the Plant Genetic Resources Network (PAPGREN)
will continue to work with the Department of Agriculture in Pohnpei
and the Island Food Community of Pohnpei in promoting the
nutritional benefits of local cultivars of banana, in particular, the Fe’i
banana. Funds have been transferred to Pohnpei to facilitate the
distribution of suckers of selected cultivars to farmers and the first
transfer of Fe’i bananas to the RGC is planned for early 2005. Where
possible, support will be provided to other countries where there is
interest in local cultivars, and where there is a need to identify and
promote those cultivars of nutritional value.

Englberger L., W. Aalbersberg, P. Ravi, E. Bonnin, G. C. Marks, M.H.
Fitzgerald and J. Elymore. 2003. J Food Comp Anal (16):3-19 and

All the country information has been kindly provided by staff working
either for national agricultural research departments or for NGOs.
Recent R&D of banana in Taiwan 159

Recent R&D of banana in Taiwan

Chi-Hon Chen* and Chih-Ping Chao

From 2003 to 2004, the major achievements of research and

development of banana in Taiwan include (1) the release of a new
fusarium wilt-resistant, high-yielding variety ‘Formosana’ for
commercial planting, (2) the establishment of banana corporate farms,
(3) the evaluation of Temporary Immersion System for commercial
production of plantlets, and (4) the introduction of 19 accessions of
Musa germplasm from INIBAP Transit Center (ITC).

Release of a new fusarium-wilt resistant, high-yielding

variety ‘Formosana’ for commercial planting
Taiwan banana, mainly ‘Giant Cavendish’ (Cavendish group, AAA), is
famous for its excellent eating quality and the market has been oriented
for export to Japan for more than one century. However, the banana
industry in Taiwan has been severely jeopardized by fusarium wilt,
caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp cubense (Foc) race 4, since 1968.
The most effective approach to manage fusarium wilt is the use of a
resistant cultivar. Several promising cultivars or clones derived from
somaclonal variation of ‘Giant Cavendish’ such as Tai-Chiao No.1, Tai-
Chiao No.3, GCTCV-105 and GCTCV-217 from 1990 to 1997 were
confirmed to have stable resistance to fusarium wilt. However, these
resistant clones are inferior to ‘Giant Cavendish’ in yield potential or in
fruit quality. In 2002, a somaclonal variant, GCTCV-218, was officially
registered as ‘Formosana’, which is characterized by having a high level
of wilt resistance and high yield.
The impact of releasing ‘Formosana’ to banana growers for commercial
production in Taiwan from 2003 to 2004 were described as follows.

Planting acreage
In 2002, a total of 2.2 M plantlets of this new cultivar were produced
for commercial planting, mainly in southern Taiwan. About 0.9 M of
‘Formosana’ plantlets were planted in 2003. The total acreage of
‘Formosana’ plantation reached 1300 ha, accounting for 40% of the
total banana growing area. In 2004, the cultivated acreage of
‘Formosana’ remained approximately 1200 ha, of which about 50%
plantation was established with suckers, 40% with plantlets, and less
than 10% with ratoon crop.
*Director, TBRI, Chiuju, Pingtung, Taiwan.
160 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
Fusarium wilt incidence and VCG analysis
The fusarium wilt incidence on ‘Formosana’ orchards averaged 6.5%
(ranging from 0 to 30%), which is significantly lower than 30.2%
(ranging from 5 to 80%) of ‘Giant Cavendish,’ the wilt-susceptible
cultivar. The higher rate of disease incidence on some farms was usually
associated with poor drainage, sandy and acidic soil or inappropriate
application of fertilizer and herbicide.
Four VCG groups, VCG 0120, VCG 0121, VCG 0123, and VCG 01213-
01216, have been reported previously in Foc population in Taiwan.
Since 2003, all the isolates of Foc collected from different regions in
Taiwan, analyzed by pathologist of QDPI, Australia, were identified to
be VCG 01213-01216, suggesting the possible change of Foc population
in Taiwan.

Amount of ‘Formosana’ banana exported to Japan

The harvested bananas of ‘Formosana’ and ‘Giant Cavendish’ were
separately packed (12 kg/carton) for export to Japan since February
2003. From February to July 2003, a total of 2.64 M cartons were
shipped to Japan, of which 40% were ‘Formosana’ bananas, an increase
of 34% (1.97 M cartons) over the amount of banana exported in 2002.
Suffering from severe typhoon damage in the autumn of 2003, the
amount of Taiwan banana exported to Japan during the same period
2004 was reduced to 1.51 M cartons, of which 35% was ‘Formosana’

Evaluation of fruit quality of ‘Formosana’ in Japanese market

The overall opinion of Japanese importers and ripening processors
about ‘Formosana’ from 2003 to 2004 are as follows:
- The aroma of ‘Formosana’ banana does not reach the standard of
‘Giant Cavendish’ banana.
- After ripening, the deep yellowing in the peel of ‘Formosana’ banana
is more appealing to consumers than that of ‘Giant Cavendish’.
- Above all, the loss of ‘Formosana’ banana per carton upon arrival
in Japan is lower than 5%, which is much less than 13-15% of ‘Giant
- More bananas are now sold in supermarkets in Japan. Since the
younger generation is the major banana consumer and is basically
in favor of fruits with good appearance and fair price, ‘Formosana’
banana is believed to have greater potential.
Recent R&D of banana in Taiwan 161

Establishment of banana corporate farm

Extremely high production cost, severe damage to the fruit skin and
uneven fruit quality are the major production constraints for Taiwan
banana under the small-producer farming system. These problems
render Taiwan banana less competitive in the export market. The key
to solving these problems is to increase production unit by introducing
a mechanized, corporate faming system.

Acreage of corporate farm

In 2003, a total of 236 ha of corporate farms were established, each
farm ranging from 10-40 ha. Each corporate farm was either managed
by a single banana grower or invested by a group of farmers. In 2004,
the total area of corporate farm expanded to 337 ha, averaging 9-36 ha
per corporate farm.

Mechanized cultivation techniques and its efficacy

The machineries used for cultivation in the 20 ha experimental TBRI
farm from 2003 to 2004 include bagging machine, bunch
transportation tractor and an automatic packing house, which were
all introduced from Australia. The tractor equipped with locally-
designed mist sprayers is used for controlling foliar disease or weeds,
and the one with the cone-shape duster is also used for fertilizer
application. To facilitate the operation on corporate farm, the narrow
(1.8 m in width) and wide (4.7 m in width) row with triangular planting
system is adopted.
Mist sprayer. By using the tractor equipped with either air-blast style
mist sprayer or the 4-wheel drive mist sprayer to control foliar diseases
or by using a downward comb shape herbicide sprayer attached to
the tractor to control weeds, the time needed to complete one cycle of
spray was about 20 hours, which was 2 times faster than that required
by the traditional manual operation.
Fertilizer duster. The time needed for fertilizer application by the
fertilizer-dusting machine over the 20 ha corporate farm was 21 hours,
which was 5.3 times faster than that done by manual operation.
Bagging machine. One bagging machine could handle 150 bunches
per worker in 7 hours including removal of bell and flower, thinning
of fruit hands, and bagging, which increased 7% of bunch bagging
than that done by manual operation.
Bunch transportation tractor. Sixty bunches arranged vertically on a
bunch transportation tractor could be sent from field to the packing
162 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 12
station in one shuttle, which was 4 times more in terms of loading
capacity compared to that operated by a farmer’s vehicle.
Automatic assembly shed. A capacity of 1200-1500 cartons could be
assembled for export by the new automatic assembly shed, an increase
of 25% over that handled by the traditional way.
Economic efficiency. Because the application of fertilizer and pesticide
in the corporate farms was done more efficiently by the newly
mechanized devices, banana plants generally grew well. More than
80% of harvested bunch during the export season had better fruit
quality and improved homogeneity. A net profit of US$5003-8235
(NT$170 085-280 000) per hectare was obtained on a corporate banana

Ev alua
Evalua tion of T
aluation empor
Tempor ary Immer
emporary sion Sy
Immersion stem ffor
System or
commercialcial pr oduction of plantlets
The Temporary Immersion System (TIS) can effectively shorten the
production cycle of tissue culture plantlets. In semi-solid system, each
culture flask contains three explants in 45 ml culture medium while
the TIS culture vessel holds 25-30 explants needing only 250 ml of
liquid medium is sufficient. TIS can save about 35% of the amount of
culture medium used for the commercial production of plantlets and
at the same time cut down the cost of agar. The space of incubation
room and labor cost can also be reduced. The initial setting up of TIS
system is costly. The training of technicians both in handling the plant
materials and medium preparation is also important. And, the working
environment needs to be under strict control in order to minimize

Musa germplasm collection from ITC

In January 2004, TBRI received a total of 19 accessions of Musa
germplasm from INIBAP ITC. They consist of 13 tetraploids (FHIA-
01, FHIA-02, FHIA-03, FHIA-17, FHIA-18, FHIA-21, FHIA-23, FHIA-
25, SH-3436-9, SH-3640, CRBP, TMBx1378, TMBx5295-1), 5 triploids
(Williams, Cachaco, Gros Michel, Yangambi Km 5 and Pisang Ceylan)
and one diploid (Pisang Jari Buaya). Each accession has 12 tubes, 1-2
plantlets per tube, and is now maintained in the growth room under
minimal growth condition, i.e. at a temperature of 16±10C and low
light intensity of about 1000 lux. All duplicates of 19 accessions kept in
the test tubes showed normal growth. In mid-October, three plantlets
of each accession were transplanted separately into pots in the
repository net house and will be inspected later by personnel from
BAPHIQ (Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and
Quarantine) before releasing for field trial.

Special presenta
presenta tions
Screening of banana clones for resistance to fusarium wilt in China 165

Screening of banana clones for resistance

to fusarium wilt in China
Chen Houbin*, Xu Chunxiang, Feng Qirui, Hu Guibing,
Li Jianguo, Wang Zehuai and Agustin B. Molina, Jr.

Fusarium wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Foc) has

been a serious problem in some localities in south China banana-
producing regions since 1996 (Qi 2001). Race 1 of the fusarium wilt
was reported earlier (Zeng et al. 1996), whereas race 4 (VCG 01213,
01216) was identified only recently. They are fast spreading and very
difficult to control.
Although the plant age, weather, general conditions of root system,
the physical state of soils, drainage, the nutrient status of the soil, and
the amount of inoculum greatly impact the occurrence and course of
the wilt disease, the clone grown is recognized the most important
factor to decisively influence the course of infection (Stover and
Simmonds 1987). In order to search for different sources of resistance,
IMTP trials for fusarium wilt supported by INIBAP and Guangdong
province were conducted between 2002 and 2004 in Panyu and
Dongguan of Guangdong Province. Fifteen introduced clones plus one
local cultivar were included in the evaluation in Panyu. Another 28
Cavendish cultivars were evaluated in Dongguan. This paper is a report
of the results of this trial.

Materials and method

Testing sites
The trials were carried out in Panyu and Dongguan, Guangdong
Province, which are located in the center of the Pearl River Delta of
Guangdong Province. The field plot for this trial was rented from
farmers, and has been seriously infested with Foc, with about 50% of
banana trees being devastated in the previous crop.
In November 2000, two fusarium wilt samples collected in Panyu and
Zhongshan of Guangdong Province were sent to Australia via Mr Bob
Williams. On 14 December 2000, Drs Natalie Moore and Desley Tree
identified two VCG groups: 01213 and 01216 (‘tropical’ race 4 strains),
which were the same as those in Malaysia and Taiwan (Tang and Hwang
1999; Lee et al. 2001).
*Director, Tropical and Subtropical Fruit Research Laboratory (TSFRL) and Vice Dean,
College of Horticulture, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou, China.
166 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
Planting materials
Fifteen cultivars from INIBAP Transit Center (ITC) and one local variety,
Baxijiao, were used in the Panyu trial. The ITC clones were 0505 (FHIA
02, AAAB), 0506 (FHIA03, AABB), 0570 (Williams, AAA), 0712 (AA cv
Rose), 1122 (Gros Michel, AAA), 1123 (Yangambi KM5, AAA, Ibota),
1264 (FHIA-17, AAAA), 1265 (FHIA-23, AAAA), 1282 (GCTCV-119,
AAA), 1283 (SH 3436-9, AAAA), 1297 (TMBx 5295-1, AAAB), 1307
(SH-3640), 1319 (FHIA-18), 1332 (FHIA-21, AAAB) and 1344 (CRBP
39, AAAB).
Five tubes each of banana clones were introduced from ITC on 4
September 2001. The buds in two tubes were multiplied in nine
subcultures for sufficient plant numbers. After general quarantine
procedures in pots and inside netted plastic houses, in-itro cultured
plantlets were transplanted into plastic bags and used as planting
materials after 60 days of hardening.

Trial design and tree management

Trees of 30-50 cm tall were planted in the field with a randomized
complete block design on 17 August 2002. Six replication trees in each
of three blocks were planted. Plant spacing was 2.0 m between trees,
1.5 m between the narrow rows and 2.0 m between wide rows. All
management practices were applied uniformly over the whole trial
site. Inoculum was increased by adding chopped, infected banana
corms and stems from neighbouring orchards to the soil on 30 August
2002. Each plant in the experimental orchard received 1000 g of this
inoculum. For other managements, the technical guidelines of Carlier
et al. (2003) were generally followed, with no application of fungicides
in soil or on foliage. Trees were irrigated with river water.

Data collection
Generally one investigation each month after December 2002 was
carried out on fusarium wilt. One investigation on leaf spot diseases
was done 6 months after planting. Due to its very light occurrence
throughout the year and no visible difference among cultivars, the
leaf spot disease is not analysed in this report. The means of data from
each average of plots were listed and compared.
Investigation on fusarium wilt. During the growth period, three
external symptoms were recorded on fusarium wilt: yellowing of
erecting leaf, splitting of pseudostem, and collapse of petiole with leaf
lamina in green colour. With a sharp spade, banana trees were examined
internally to verify the presence of the disease and internal ratings of
Screening of banana clones for resistance to fusarium wilt in China 167

disease severity at harvest, or if plants are going to die before yielding

fruit (Carlier et al., 2003). However, due to two successive strong
typhoons on 23/24 August and 12/13 September 2003, most of the
mother plants fell down and did not reach the stage of harvest.
Investigations on agronomic characteristics. Agronomic characteristics
of standing leaf number, height of pseudostem at flowering time, bunch
weight, number of hands and fingers, and when applicable, number
of functional leaves at harvest were recorded.

Results and discussion

Most trees of ‘AAcv Rose’, ‘Gros Michel’ and ‘Yangambi Km 5’ grew
slowly and weakly, indicating that they may not be accustomed to the
environmental conditions in the experimental field.

External and internal symptoms of fusarium wilt disease in bananas

There were three types of symptoms in typical banana fusarium wilt
disease in different genome groups. They are: upward leaf yellowing
in Cavendish type (Figure 1A); leaf petiole collapse in Fenjiao (Pisang
Awak) type (Figure 1B); stem cracking in young trees (Figure 1 C);
and vascular discoloration in stem and corm (Figure 1D). Diseased
corms rotted under most conditions.
First external symptom was observed in 210-350 days in planting cycle
(Table 1). ‘Gros Michel’ and TMBx 5295-1 were the earliest to show
yellow leaves 210 days after planting. Gros Michel was severely stunted,
showed internal necrosis, and never reached flowering stage. More or
less external symptoms may be seen in other clones (Table 2). ‘Baxijiao’
and ‘Williams’ had the highest ratio of diseased trees, being 72.2% and
44.4% respectively. Their internal discoloration index was 2.8 and 2.5
(Table 2). High ratio of leaf yellowing in FHIA-03, ‘Yangambi Km 5,’
GCTCV-119 and FHIA-18 were recorded, yet their vascular
discoloration was not visible. ‘AA cv Rose’ did not show any external
symptoms although minimum internal vascular discolouration was
Due to typhoon damage, only a few trees were confirmed to have died
of fusarium wilt disease. There were no trees of FHIA-03, ‘Yamgambi
Km 5’ and GCTCV-119 dead from wilt, which might be confirmed by
the discoloration index (Table 2). However, 20 % of ‘Baxijiao,’ ‘Williams,’
SH3436-9, FHIA18 and CRBP39 trees died during the planting cycle.
Seventy two percent of ‘Williams’ trees were destroyed by Foc.
168 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
Table 1. Days of plant disease resulting from fusarial wilt in the planting cycle in
the IMTP3 trial conducted in Panyu, Guangdong Province. Planting date:
17 August 2002.
Days of disease
from planting
FHIA-02 295±91
FHIA-03 314±62
‘Williams’ 352±47
AA cv Rose 348
‘Gros Michel’ 210
‘Yangambi km 5’ 348
FHIA-17 333±60
FHIA-23 340±33
GCTCV-119 348
SH3436-9 348
TMBx5295-1 210
SH-3640 348±0
FHIA-18 255±120
FHIA-21 320±57
CRBP39 327±52
‘Baxijiao’ 348

Table 2. Occurrence of fusarium wilt determined by external and internal

symptoms in the planting cycle in the IMTP III trial conducted in Panyu,
Guangdong Province. Planting date: 17 August 2002.
Number of Plants with Internal
Clone plants external discoloration
evaluated symptoms % index
FHIA-02 18 22.2 2.8±1.7
FHIA-03 18 38.9 1.0
‘Williams’ 18 72.2 2.5±2.1
cv. Rose 18 0 1.8±1.1
‘Gros Michel’ 18 100.0* 3.7
‘Yangambi km 5’ 12 33.4 1.0
FHIA-17 18 25.0 4.8
FHIA-23 18 38.9 1.5
GCTCV-119 18 27.8 1.1±0.2
SH3436-9 18 5.6 1.6±1.0
TMBx5295-1 18 38.9 2.0±1.4
SH 3640 18 11.1 2.7±2.1
FHIA-18 18 38.9 1.0±0.0
FHIA-21 18 27.8 2.6±1.4
CRBP39 24 16.7 2.8±1.1
‘Baxijiao’ 18 44.4 2.8±1.1
*Plants were severely stunted and did not reach flowering stage.
Screening of banana clones for resistance to fusarium wilt in China 169

Figure 1. The external and internal symptoms in banana fusarium wilt disease.
A. Petiole collapse, usually in Fenjiao; B. Leaf yellowing; C. Stem
cracking; D. Browning and necrosis of corms in cross section.

GCTCV-119 seemed resistant to fusarium wilt in the planting cycle in

Panyu of Guangdong. This clone came from Taiwan Banana Research
Institute, and it was considered of intermediate to high resistance level
(Tang and Hwang 1999). In October 2003, 44 suckers of planting cycle
were collected and replanted in the neighboring plot for further
evaluation of fusarium resistance and agronomic characteristics.
External and internal symptoms of fusarium wilt were observed after
August of 2004. There were twelve diseased trees as of November 2004.
Trees with no wilt symptoms began to flower since mid September,
with 11 trees flowered before early November. Average plant height in
the second cycle was 2.57 m.
Most of the trees in Dongguan trial plots died of fusarium wilt diseases
before shooting or harvesting during the year of 2003. Further
evaluation for those cultivars with a few living trees is underway.
In order to screen the true resistant clones, suckers of resistant GCTCV-
119 clones in the planting cycle were marked and meristems were
cultured in vitro for rejuvenation. Plantlets were planted in farmers’
field in April, June, July and August 2004, to find out best planting
season and optimize the field management for growth improvement.
Preliminary results showed good tree structure, leaf arrangements and
170 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
growth vigour from tissue-cultured trees. The total number of trees is
more than 1000, which can be the materials of further selection.

Agronomic characteristics
In the planting cycle, complete agronomic data were gained in a few
clones. Trees of ‘Gros Michel’ and ‘Yangambi km 5’ did not flower in
the first year. No fruit reached mature stage before being infected with
disease in ‘Baxijiao,’ ‘Williams,’ FHIA-17, FHIA-18 and FHIA-23 (Table
3). Trees shot between 310 and 400 days after planting in the planting
crop cycles (Table 3). FHIA-03 had the shortest growth cycle, shooting
300 days after planting (range 290 and 330 days), and the fruit maturing
at 388 days after planting (range 307 to 472 days).
GCTCV-119 started to shoot 397 days (range 389 to 406 days), and
fruits mature 510 days after planting. Its yield, bunch and finger shapes
were acceptable and eating quality was very good. However, one or
two small leaves could be seen in a tree during early spring, indicating
its sensitivity to chills. Attempts are being tried to improve its growth
through adjustment of planting time and optimization of field

Table 3. Agronomic characteristics of 12 clones in the planting cycle of the

IMTP-3 fusarium trial in Panyu, Guangdong Province, China. Planting
date: 17 August 2002.
No. No.
Days from Plant height Bunch Fruit
Plant crop No. of functional functional
Clone planting to at shooting weight number at
cycle (days) hand leaves at leaves at
shooting (cm) (kg) harvest
flowering harvest

FHIA-02 363.7±21.0 516.0 6.0±1.4 80.0±22.6 13.6±0.7 6.5±0.7

FHIA-03 314.7±21.5 388.7±82.5 256.5±19.1 11.7±8.7 6.0 88.0±5.6 12.8±0.2 9.3±1.2

‘Williams’ 323.1±8.1 13.9±0.4

cv. Rose 314.1±29.3 516.0 205.3±13.6 8.7±0.6 116.0±17.4 10.6±1.9 5.3±1.1

FHIA-17 364.0±18.4 14.0±0.0

FHIA-23 394.0 13.0

GCTCV-119 397.8±12.4 510.0 227.8±5.6 13.9±2.7 6.4±0.5 99.4±11.5 13.5±0.7 6.2±1.6

SH3436-9 395.3±12.1 501.5±20.5 270.3±11.5 6.1±2.3 8.6±0.9 155.5±3.5 12.3±0.6 2.2±0.2

TMBx5295-1 382.5±16.3 516.0 312.5±0.0 - 6.0 70.0 8.4±7.3 4.5

SH 3640 338.9±11.4 428.7±51.3 250.0 12.3±8.1 8±1.4 112.0±26.9 14.6±1.4 7.0±4.2

FHIA-18 342±13.89 13.3±0.6

FHIA-21 355.4±19.6 451.5±91.2 281.0 6.5±0.7 71.0±14.1 12.5±0.7 8.0

CRBP 39 306.6±11.9 501.5±20.5 259.4±68.8 5.8 10.3±2.3 143.5±36.1 11.0 4.9±1.2

‘Baxijiao’ 333.5±3.0 13.7±0.2

Screening of banana clones for resistance to fusarium wilt in China 171

SH3436-9 also had a long growth stage, shooting 395.3 days after
planting, whereas CRBP 39, cv Rose and FHIA-03 started to shoot
around 300 days after planting, with shorter growth stages.
Crop cycles ranged between 400 and 500 days. FHIA-03 was the shortest
(388.7 days). FHIA-02, cv Rose and TMBx5295-1 needed 516 days,
while GCTCV- 119, SH 3436-9 needed more than 500 days.
Most of the trees had stems of 200 and 300 cm tall, while
TMBx 5295-1 was the tallest at 312.5 cm at shooting, and cv Rose was
the shortest at 205.3 cm.
Fruits were harvested only in five clones (Table 3). The biggest bunch
was collected in GCTCV-119, with 13.9 kg. No fruit could be harvested
in other trees because of poor growth or disease or typhoon damages.
Hand numbers were between 6 and 8 and total fingers 36 and 155.
SH 3436-9 had 155.5 while CRBP 39 had only 36.1 fingers. Fingers of
SH 3436-9 were small and underdeveloped. Leaf numbers ranged
between 10 and 14 at shooting stage and 4 to 9 at harvest. However,
SH 3436-9 had only 2.1 leaves at harvest.
One hundred seventy out of 288 trees survived in the second cycle,
which did not mean that they were all resistant to fusarium wilt disease
since suckers of some susceptible clones may live for two or more
years. More observation has been done in the second cycle (Table 4).
‘Gros Michel,’ Yangambi km 5,’ FHIA-23 and SH-3640 still did not
shoot, and no mature fruit bunch was harvested in FHIA-17, GCTCV-
119 and SH3436-9.
Three ‘Williams’ ratoon trees were alive and its fruits fully developed.
Yet its short stems (1.86 m vs normal 2.0m~4.0m, Daniells 1995), as
recorded in earlier report (Orjeda et al. 1999), were obviously
somaclonal off-types from long-term conservation. ‘Williams’ is the
reference cultivar for FOC susceptibility. Due to many subcultures
and long-term conservation, somaclonal variation may be possible.
Suckers were collected and in vitro cultured for further evaluation.
Fingers of FHIA-02 were short and thick and with soft flesh. Fruit bunch
of FHIA-03 was big and compact. Although its fruit bunch mature
early and eating quality was good, cv Rose trees were short and slender,
with loose hands and less superior appearances.
Fifteen trees of GCTCV-119 survived in the second cycle, and five trees
flowered in the first and second plots. Its leaf shealths were arranged
compactly and closely, which may be the main reason for ‘Choke throat’
when bunch emerged.
172 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13

The tree stature of ‘Gros Michel’ was tall and erect. Even though they
seemed healthy, they did not flower in the second cycle. A few trees of
SH3436-9 flowered and set upward bunches with small fingers.
Three trees of ‘Baxijiao’ flowered in the ratoon crop. However, all leaves
turned yellow and wilted before fruit matured. Therefore fingers were
not fully mature when harvested. Normally, the bunch weight of
‘Baxijiao’ is over 20 kg. It seemed that suckers of ‘Baxijiao’ might live
for one to two years.

Before the trial, pathogen samples taken from the vascular bundles of
diseased plants were sent to Australia for identification. VCG 01213
and 01216 were found in these samples, which belong to the tropical
race 4 (N. Moore, personal communication). Therefore, the trial should
be interpreted as the reaction of banana clones to race 4 of fusarium
According to the number of trees that survived 12 months after
planting, in combined with external symptoms and vascular
discolouring, the tested cultivars can be classified as:
Susceptible: ‘Williams,’ FHIA-17, ‘Gros Michel,’ ‘Baxijiao.’ Less than 8
trees survived, over 40 % with external symptoms, or discolouration
index over 3.0. All the cultivars tested in Dongguan were susceptible
Table 4. Agronomic characteristics of 12 clones in the 2nd crop of the IMTP-3
fusarium trial in Panyu, Guangdong Province, China.
No. of
No. Flowering Plant Bunch No. No. of
Girth No. of leaves,
Clone of to harvest height weight of leaves,
(cm) fingers at
trees (days) (cm) (kg) hands flowering
FHIA-02 7 93.5 277.7 52.3 13.2 7.8 109.4 11.9 9.5
FHIA-03 8 86.0 288.0 61.4 12.1 6.4 87.4 10.3 8.8
‘Williams’ 3 105.7 186.3 48.3 13.6 8.3 130.0 12.3 10.0
cv. Rose 9 84.0 180.1 25.4 6.4 8.2 60.1 8.8 5.1
FHIA-17 1 296.0 67.0 9 135.0 6.0
GCTCV-119 15 256.5 51.5
SH 3436-9 1 283.0 65.0 11.0
TMBx5295-1 8 80.5 307.6 46.9 6.1 74.7 11.3 6.0
FHIA-18 6 81.0 263.7 54.9 10.6 7.7 155.5 11.3 6.0
FHIA-21 10 73.0 306.2 45.5 9.6 6.3 76.1 11.2 7.0
CRBP 39 7 80.0 251.4 38.4 4.8 7.8 101.0 9.6 5.6
‘Baxijiao’ 5 69.0 280.0 46.4 10.9 7.3 115.5 12.0 2.0
Screening of banana clones for resistance to fusarium wilt in China 173

Intermediate: CRBP-39, TMBx5295-1, FHIA-17, FHIA-18, SH-3640,

SH3436-9. Eight to twelve trees survived, 25 to 40 % with external
symptoms, or vascular discoloration index 1.5 to 3.0.
Resistant: FHIA-02, FHIA-03, cv Rose, FHIA-23, GCTCV-119, FHIA-
21. More than twelve trees survived, 25 % with external symptoms, or
discoloration index below1.5.
In other regions, bunch weight of GCTCV-119, the Cavendish clone
developed by Taiwan Banana Research Institute (TBRI) through
selection from somaclonal variants, ranged from 3.3 and 22.2 kg,
average crop cycle was 533 days, with hand number of 6.67 and plant
height of 2.51 m (Orjeda et al. 1999). Although in some sites it did not
show good resistance to fusarium wilt like in Taiwan (Orjeda et al.
1999), it performed well in Panyu, probably attributing to the similar
genetic background of the pathogen. Its fruit quality was very good
and yield was acceptable. However, one shortcoming was its long
cropping time. Strong suckers or tissue-cultured plantlets are
encouraged as planting materials, and planted in deep, fertile soils.
Extra nitrogen and potassium fertilizers may be needed, in order to
stimulate tree growth. GCTCV-119 was sensitive to low temperatures
in winter and early spring. A few short and narrow leaves were seen in
spring. ’Choke throat’ was seen in a few trees. Change of planting
time would be effective in order for trees to grow in warm season.
Production of virus-free plantlets, screening of new good strains or
improvement through induction are also attempted.
‘Williams’ has been a cultivar being easily subjected to somaclonal
variation, especially those buds under long-term storages (Orjeda et
al. 1999). Therefore, variation with resistance or tolerance to Foc race
4 may be expected. In vitro culture has been established for further
Some of the improved FHIA hybrids showed high level of resistance.
However, the texture and flavor of the fruit are not acceptable to the
consumers in China who are accustomed to the flavor of Cavendish,
‘Xiangjiao’ or ‘Fenjiao.’

Carlier J., D. De Waele and J. V. Escalant. 2003. Global evaluation of
Musa germplasm for resistance to Fusarium wilt, Mycosphaerella
leaf spot diseases and nematodes. Performance evaluation (A.
Vezina and C. Picq, eds). INIBAP Technical Guidelines 7. The
International Network for the Improvement of Banana and Plantain,
174 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
Montpellier, France.
Lee Y.M., T. Leng and Ong Kim Pin. 2001. Fusarium wilt in Cavendish
banana and its control in Malaysia. Pp. 252-259 in Banana fusarium
wilt management: Towards sustainable cultivation (A.B. Molina et
al., eds.). Proceedings of the International Workshop on the Banana
Fusarium wilt disease held at Genting Highlands Resort, Malaysia,
18-20 October 1999. International Network for the Improvement
of Banana and Plantain-Asia and the Pacific Network, Los Banos,
Laguna, Philippines.
Orjeda G., J.V. Escalant and N. Moore. 1999. The International Musa
Testing Programme (IMTP) phase II: overview of final report and
summary of results. INFOMUSA 8(1):3-10.
Qi P. 2001. Status report of banana fusarium wilt disease in China.
Pp.119-120 in Banana fusarium wilt management: Towards
sustainable cultivation (A.B. Molina et al., eds.). INIBAP-ASPNET,
Los Baños.
Tang C.Y. and S.C. Hwang. 1999. Performance of banana clones under
the challenge of Fusarium wilt in Taiwan. INFOMUSA 8(1):10-12.
Zeng X.B., B.Q. Wang and Han L. 1996. Identification of banana
germplasm resistant to fusarium wilt diseases. China Fruit (2):28-
29 (in Chinese).
Population structure of wild bananas ..... 175

Population structure of wild bananas,

Musa balbisiana, in China determined by
SSR fingerprinting and cpDNA PCR-RFLP
X. J. Ge*, M.H. Liu, W. K. Wang, B. A. Schaal
and T. Y. Chiang

Both demographic history and dispersal mechanisms influence the
apportionment of genetic diversity among plant populations across
geographical regions. In this study, phylogeography and population
structure of wild banana Musa balbisiana, one of the progenitors of
cultivated bananas and plantains, in China were investigated by an
analysis of genetic diversity of SSR fingerprint markers and cpDNA
PCR-RFLP. A chloroplast DNA genealogy of 21 haplotypes identified
two major clades, which correspond to two geographical regions
separated by the Beijiang and Xijiang Rivers, suggesting a history of
vicariance. Significant genetic differentiation was detected among
populations with cpDNA markers, a result consistent with limited seed
dispersal in wild banana mediated by foraging of rodents. Nuclear SSR
data also reveals significant geographical structuring in banana
populations. In western China, however, there was no detected
phylogeograpahical pattern, possibly due to frequent pollen flow via
fruit bats. In contrast, populations east from the Beijiang River and the
population of Hainan Island, where long-range soaring pollinators are
absent, are genetically distinct. Colonization-extinction processes may
have influenced the evolution of Musa populations, which have a
metapopulation structure and are connected by migrating individuals.
Effective gene flow via pollen, estimated from the nuclear SSR data, is
3.65 times greater than gene flow via seed, estimated from cpDNA
data. Chloroplast and nuclear DNAs provide different insights into
phylogeographical patterns of wild banana populations and, taken
together, can inform conservation practices.

Keywords: cpDNA PCR-RFLP, fruit bat, long distance colonization,

metapopulation, Musa balbisiana, phylogeography, SSR fingerprinting,
vicariance, wild banana

Published in Molecular Ecology 2005, 14: 933-944

*South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou, China.
Establishment of embryogenic cell suspension culture ...... 177

Establishment of embryogenic cell

suspension culture and plant regeneration
of banana (Musa spp.) for gene
Xue-Lin Huang,* Yue-Rong Wei, Xia Huang, Jia Li,
Wang Xiao and Xiao-Ju Li

A protocol was developed for the establishment of pre-transformation
plant regeneration system and gene transformation of the popular local
cultivars of banana (Musa AAA cv. Williams, Musa AA cv. Mas) and
plantain (Musa AAB Silk cv. Guoshanxiang; Musa ABB cv.
The floral explants of Musa AA cv. Mas that produced the highest
frequency of embryogenic calli were the floral hands of the 6th to 12th
rows. Nine µmol/L 2, 4-D was the most effective for -callus induction,
causing 41.0% of the male floral hands to form callus and 7.5% of the
induced calli to become embryogenic callus. The embryogenesis
efficiency of the calli was 280 x 103 embryos per ml PCV, and 14.2% of
the mature embryos could be converted into plantlets. Cauliflower-
like compact buds (multiple buds) could be induced from a single
adventitious bud meristem of Musa AAB Silk cv. Guoshanxiang in
P4 medium, and 97.6% of the calli induction percentage could be
reached on callus induction medium. 17.4% of embryogenic callus
was produced from the induced calli. After culture on mature
medium for 60 days, 14.5% of the somatic embryos induced from
embryogenic callus could be germinated, and 11.1% of the
germinated embryos were converted to plantlets. Five types of calli
were induced from micro-cross section of plantain (Musa ABB cv.
Dongguandajiao) through improving B 5 medium. The results of
histology and physiological characters of these calli showed that type
V could be considered as the embryogenic callus and somatic
embryogenesis could be induced from the V type callus. The somatic
embryos however could not be successfully converted into plantlets.
The suitable conditions for the cultures need to be further studied.

* Professor and Chairman Department of Biology, School of Life Sciences, Zhongshan

(Sun Yat-Sen) University, Guangzhou, China.
178 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
Compared with LBA4404, EHA105 was the more efficient strain for
the transformation of the banana cultivars. Kan and Hp were suitable
selective agents for selection of putative transformed cultures, however
the explant was very sensitive to baster. The transient expression rate
of GUS gene was increased 5 folds if the explants were pretreated with
0.2mol•L-1 mannitol. At least five transgenic plants of Musa AAA, cv.
Brazil and seven of the plantain (Musa ABB, cv. Pisang Awak) were
obtained. A vector, pCAMBIA2301 containing the hpt gene controlled
by the Ubil promoter, was used to successfully transform the suspension
cell of Musa cv. Mas (AA). The cells formed somatic embryos on the
induction medium containing 50mg/L geneticin as selective agent.
GUS expression could be detected afterwards in the transformed
embryos which could be germinated after culture for one month on
the germination medium.

Production of banana and plantain in China ranks 5th on the world.
The problems of banana production in China are the same as in other
countries. Biotechnology and gene technology, together with
conventional methods, can assist in overcoming the problems of
banana production in developing new banana cultivars, and
establishment of a suitable plant regeneration system in vitro is required
for biotechnology and gene technology.
Although several important progress in pre-transformation plant
regeneration system has been made, the application of embryogenic
cell suspension for genetic improvement of Musa is limited because of
the low induction percentage of embryogenic callus, low conversion
frequencies of plant regeneration from the somatic embryos and long
culture times, i.e. 10 to 18 months depending on cultivar have been
documented from culture initiation to plant regeneration. Therefore,
an optimal protocol for embryogenic cell suspensions from different
cultivars needed to be developed.
The main objective of this study is to develop an optimal protocol
for the establishment of a pre-transformation plant regeneration
system and gene transformation of popular local cultivars of banana
and plantain in China.

Materials and methods

Establishment of plant regeneration system for transformation

The cultivars used in this study were: Musa AAB Silk cv.
Establishment of embryogenic cell suspension culture ...... 179

Guoshanxiang; Musa AAA cv. Williams, Musa ABB cv. Dongguandajiao,

and Musa AA cv. Mas.
To establish the embryogenic cell suspensions, young floral hands
of immature male flower of cv. Mas (AA) and Musa paradisiaca Linn
(ABB) were used as the initial explants for callus induction. The
medium for callus induction of Mas(AA ) consisted of MS ( Murashige
and Skoog 1962) salts and vitamins supplemented with different
concentrations of 2,4-D, 4.1µmol/L biotin, 5.7µmol/L IAA , 5.4µmol/L
NAA, 87 mmol/L sucrose, and solidified with 7 g/L agarose. The
medium for callus induction of Musa paradisiaca Linn cv. (ABB)
contained MS basic salts with 1mg/L biotin,1mg/L IAA, 1mg/L NAA,
4 mg/L 2,4-D , 30 g/L sucrose and solidified with 7g/L agar.
The scalps of Musa AAB Silk cv. Guoshanxiang and the micro-cross
section of Musa ABB cv. Dongguandajiao were used as initial explants
for the callus induction. During callus induction from scalps, P4
medium was used as induction medium which consisted of MS salts
and vitamins supplemented with 100 µmol/L BAP and 1µmol/L IAA.
During callus induction from the micro-cross section, the method
described by Okole and Schulz (1996) was used.
Embryogenic callus were selected from the induction calli according
to histological observation and their morphology. Suspension
culture was done in various media dependent on the cultivars and
explants. Medium ML was used for the suspension culture of the
embryogenic callus from young floral hands of Mas (AA) cultivar
and scalps of AAB Silk cv. Guoshanxiang. The ML contained MS
basic salts with 4 µmol/L biotin, 680 µmol/L glutanine, 100 mg/L malt
extract, 130 mmol /L sucrose and 9.0 µmol/L 2, 4-D.
For the histological study, the samples were fixed in 2%
glutaraldehyde and the methods described by Li and Gu (1982) were

Agrobacterium-mediated transformation
Micro- cross section was used as explants to investigate the factors
affecting the early phase of the transformation. This was done by
detecting the transient expression of GUS gene either controlled by
CaMV35S or rice actin1 promoter in expression vectors constructed
from pBA002 according the method described by Huang et al. (2002).
The embryogenic cell suspensions was derived from young floral
hands of immature male flower of cv. Mas (AA)( Wei et al. 2005 ) to
study the effects of selective agents on the differentiation of the
embryogenic cells. Three expression vectors, pCAMBIA2301 containing
180 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
nptII gene, pUB containing hp gene and pBAUbi containing bargene
were constructed, repectively (Huang et al., 2002) for the
transformation study.

Results and discussion

Somatic embryogenesis from young floral hands of immature

male flower of Mas (AA)
The explants that produced the highest frequency of embryogenic calli
were the floral hands of 6th to 12th rows. Nine µmol/L 2, 4-D was the
most effective on the callus induction. It caused 41.0% of the male
floral hands to form callus and 7.5% of the induced calli to become
embryogenic callus (Figure 1). Meristematic globules and yellowish,
friable embryogenic cultures were obtained after culture for 5-6 months
on callus induction medium (Figure 1 B). The suspension cultures were
initiated by using the embryogenic calli in liquid medium
supplemented with 4.5µmol/L 2, 4-D. Homogeneous, yellowish
embryogenic cell suspensions (ECS) were established after 3 months
of culture (Figure C, D and E). Somatic embryogenesis with the
frequency of approximately 280×103 somatic embryos/mL PCV ECS
could be induced from 6 months old ECS on MSD semi-solid media.
MSD contained SH (Schenk and Hildebrandt 1972) macronutrients,
micro-nutrients, Fe-EDTA and MS vitamins supplemented with
4.5µmol/L biotin, 680µmol/L glutamine, 2mmol/L proline, 100 mg/L
malt extract, 1.1µmol/L NAA, 0.2µmol/L zeatin, 0.5µmol/L kinetin,
0.7µmol/L N6-(2-isopentenyl) adenine, 29mmol/L lactose, 130mmol/L
sucrose and solidified with 2g/L gelrite, pH5.8. After a 3-month culture,
17.3% of somatic embryos germinated on germination media (MG).
It consisted of MS salt, Morel and Wetmore vitamins, 0.2µmol/L 6-
BA, 1.1µmol/L IAA, 87µmol/L sucrose. It was also solidified with 2 g/
L gelrite, and 14.2% of somatic embryos which could develop into
normal plantlets on rooting media if it contains the same composition
as that of MG but without auxin and cytokinin.
Histological analysis indicated that after 5 days of the embryogenic
induction, bi-cellular and multi-cellular proembryos were observed at
the same histological section. Irregular protoderm was differentiated
in multi-cellular proembryo after the culture for 15 days. For another
5 days of the culture, the embryos at early globular stage were developed
from the proembryos and became either oblong, pear-shaped or
scutiform. Mature embryo was formed after culture for 3 months.
Epidermis, shoot apex meristem, root apex meristem, and central
vascular zone could be distinguished from histological section of the
Establishment of embryogenic cell suspension culture ...... 181

embryo. The mature embryo could germinate 10 days after being

transferred into germination media. Thirty days later, healthy plantlets
were converted from the germinated embryos.

Figure 1. Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration from immature male

flowers of Musa AA Pisang Mas cv. Mas.
(A) (Wei et al. 2005) The 12th floral hand as explant for callus induction. Bar=150 mm.
(B) Embryogenic mixture of meristematic globules (a) and friable embryogenic callus
(b) after 90 days induction. Bar=300 mm. (C) Embryogenic callus with whitish
proembryos obtained after 60 days subculture of yellow friable callus. Bar= 300 mm.
(D) Earlier embryogenic cell suspension composed of single cells, cell aggregates,
proembryos and some yellow nodule callus. (E) Ideal embryogenic cell suspension
after 3 months subculture. (F) Homogeneous cell aggregates in ideal embryogenic
cell suspension. Bar=60 µm. (G) Somatic embryos after planting on somatic embryo
induction medium (MSD) for 15 days, Bar=1 cm. (H) Translucent globular and oblong
embryos on MSD medium after 40 days of culture. Bar=6 mm. (I) Mature somatic
embryos on MSD medium after 90 days of culture. Bar=6 mm. (J) Germinating embryos
182 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
with plumule (a) and root (b) on MG medium after 10 days’ culture. Bar=1250 µm. (K)
Germinating embryos on MG medium after 20 days’ culture. Bar=1.5 cm. (L) Rooted
embryos and vitrificated embryo (arrow) on MR medium. Bar=1.5 cm. (M) Rooted
plantlets on MR media. Bar=4.5 cm

Somatic embryogenesis from scalps of Musa AAB silk cv.

Cauliflower-like compact buds (multiple buds) could be induced from
a single meristem of adventitious bud induced from Musa AAB Silk
cv. Guoshanxiang in P4 medium consisted of MS salts and vitamins
supplemented with 100µmol/L BAP and 1µmol/L IAA (Wei et al.
2004). However, the time for the multiple buds induction was
dependent on the cultivar. For example, Guoshanxiang needed
subculture for 5 cycles (35 days for each cycle), and Baxi needed 8
cycles. The investigation of conditions for callus induction from
scalps derived from Guoshanxiang multiple buds indicated that
97.6% of the calli induction percentage could be reached on a medium
supplemented with 5µmol/L 2,4-D and 1µmol/L Zeatin in the dark,
and when multiple buds were pre-cultured in the light with a 16-h
photoperiod provided by cool white fluorescent tubes with a light
intensity of 30 µmol·m-2·s-1(Figure 2).
17.4% of embryogenic callus was produced from the induced calli.
After 20 days of culture, yellowish nodular calluses (also called
meristematic globules) were observed on the surface of scalps.
Embryogenic complexes consisting of whitish or buff and friable
embryogenic callus and young somatic embryos appeared on the
surface of meristematic globules in 90-120 days of culture. After
culture on mature medium for 60 days, 14.5% of the somatic
embryos induced from embryogenic callus could be germinated.
11.1% of the germinated embryos were converted to plantlets.

Callus induction and somatic embryogenesis form Musa ABB

cv. Dongguandajiao (plantain).
Five types of calli were induced from micro-cross section of plantain
(Musa ABB cv. Dongguandajiao) in improving B5 medium, including
B5 with dicamba ( B5D) and B5 with 2,4-D (B52,4-D), respectively. Both
type I and II calli were white, loose and wettish except for type I which
was less translucent. Type III was pale yellow, compact and with less
water content and small grains. Type IV was milk white, viscous and
compact with bigger grains. Type V was pale yellow with compact
grains and less water content (Figure 3).
Establishment of embryogenic cell suspension culture ...... 183

Figure 2. Culture of highly proliferating multiple buds and somatic embryogenesis

in Musa AAB Silk cv. Guoshanxiang (Wei 2004). (A) Adventitious mud after 3
subcultures from suck bud; (B) Segment of single adventitious bud about 1cm;
(C) Cultures of the first subculture 30 days after inoculation in P4 medium; (D)
Cultures after 5 subcultures for 105 days; (E) Highly proliferating multiple buds
after 5 subcultures for 175 days in the light, S represent scalp with the size of
about 3mm×3mm×1.5mm, separated from multiple buds; (F) Highly proliferating
multiple buds after 5 subcultures –for 150 days in the dark; (G) Yellow meristematic
globules appeared on the surface of scalp on the induction medium after 30
days; (H) Yellow meristematic globules appeared on the single shoot meristem
on the induction medium after 90 days; (I) Calluses from the yellow meristematic
globules of the 7th figure, with the surface becoming friable; (J) Whitish and friable
embryogenic callus (arrow), with whitish translucent somatic embryos, on the
surface of yellow meristematic globules after 90 days induction; (K) Embryogenic
callus inducted directly from scalps and not through meristematic globules stage;
(L) Whitish, compact non-embryogenic callus from scalps; (M) Somatic embryos
were inducted on MSD, arrow represented germinated somatic embryo with green
sheath. Bar=5mm; (N) Mature somatic embryos (arrow) obtained on the surface
of embryogenic callus after 150 days induction. Bar=5mm; (O) Germinating
embryos with green sheath. Bar=15mm; (P) Regenerated plantlets.
184 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
The morphology of callus could be changed by pre-culture and addition
of different plant growth regulators (Figure 3). Pre-culture medium
was MSDB, including MS basal medium, 2,4-D (18µmol/L) and 6-BAP
(18µmol/L). In case of no pre-culture, type I could be induced in B5D,
while type II and III could be induced in B5 2,4-D. On the condition of
pre-culture, type IV and V were respectively induced by dicamba and
2,4-D. The results of histology and physiological characters of these
types of calli showed that type V could be considered as the
embryogenic callus and the optimal medium for inducing type V was
B5 salts with improving B5 vitamins/ amino acid, sucrose (30g/L), active
carbon (1g/L), IAA (1µmol/L) and 2,4-D (27µmol/L). Furthermore, pre-
culture of the explants on MSDB was very important to the induction
of type V. Somatic embryogeneis could be induced from the type V
callus ( Li zhe 2004), but the somatic embryos could not be successfully
converted into plantlets. The suitable culture conditions for the cultures
need to be further studied

Micro-cross sections (explants)

Figure 3. The morphology of calli induced from the micro-cross sections of Musa
ABB cv. Dongguandajiao. (A) type I callus induced by dicamba (bar=150 ì m);
(B) calli induced by 2,4-D, type III callus is in center and type II callus is around
(bar=150 ì m); (C) after pre-culture, type IV callus induced by dicamba (bar=200
ì m); (D) after pre-culture, type V callus induced by 2,4-D (bar=150 ì m) ( Li,

Agrobacterium-mediated transformation
Compared with LBA4404, EHA105 was the more efficient strain for
the transformation. Kan and Hp was suitable selective agents for banana
explant, however the explant was very sensitive to baster because it
died after one day of co-culture with baster (0.2mg/L) .The transient
Establishment of embryogenic cell suspension culture ...... 185

expression rate of GUS gene was increased 5 folds if the explant was
pretreated with 0.2mol•L-1 mannitol and the Agrobacterium inoculation
was disposed by negative pressure produced by vacuum pump. At
least five transgenic plants of Musa AAA, cv. Brazil) and seven of the
plantain (Musa ABB, cv. Pisang Awak) were obtained. PCR, PCR-
Southern blot and Southern blot analysis have confirmed that foreign
gene had already integrated into the genome of banana (Huang et al
2000). During the transformation with the embryogenic suspension
cells from young floral hands of immature male flower of cv. Mas
(AA), pCAMBIA2301containinghpt gene under control by Ubil
promoter, was shown to successfully transform into the suspension
cell and the cells formed somatic embryos on the induction medium
containing 50mg/L geneticin as selective agent for selection of the
putative transformed embryos. GUS expression could be detected in
the transformed embryos (Figure 4) which could be germinated after
culture for one month on the germination medium. The selection of
putative transgenic plants is being undertaken.



Figure 4. Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of the embryogenic

suspention cells derived from young floral hands of immature male flower
of cv. Mas (AA). (A) cell suspension co-cultured with Agrobacterium for 3 days
no GUS expression was detected; (B) cell suspension co-cultured with
Agrobacterium for 7 days, GUS expression could be detected; (C) the transformed
cells were dead; (D) the transformed cells were alive; (E) Somatic embryo from
the transformed cells can be germinated and with strong GUS expression (Blue,
G) compared with no transformed embryo (F).
186 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13

Huang Xia, Huang Xie-Lin, LI Zhe, Cheng Yun-Fen, Li Xiao- Ju. 2002.
Factor affecting the early phase of Agrobacterium-mediated genetic
transformation of banana, Acta Scientiarum. Naturalium
Universitatis Sunyatseni, 41(5):68-72.
Li Jia. 2004. Study on Organogenesis and Characters related to
Embryogenic Competence of Callus Induced from micro-cross
sections of Banana (Musa spp.), PhD Thesis, Zhongshan (Sun Yet-
Sen) University, Guangzhou, China.
Li Zhe. 2004. Studies on calli induction and plant regeneration of
banana (Musa AAA Cavendish subgroup cv. Brazil) and plantain
(Musa paradisiaca ABB ). PhD Thesis, Zhongshan (Sun Yet-Sen)
University, Guangzhou, China.
Okole BN and Schultz FA. 1996. Micro-cross sections of banana and
plantains (Musa spp.): morphogenesis and regeneration of callus
and shoot buds. Plant Science 116:185-195.
Wei YeRong. 2004. Studies on Culture, Cryopreservation and
Regeneration of Embryogenic Cell Suspensions of Banana (Musa
spp.) PhD Thesis, Zhongshan (Sun Yet-Sen) University, Guangzhou,
Wei Ye-Rong, Huang XueLin, Li XiaoJu, Huang Xia, Li Jia and Li Zhe.
2005. Establishment of embryogenic cell suspension culture and
plant regeneration of Musa acuminata cv. Mas (AA). Chinese Journal
of Biotechnology: 21(1):58-65.
188 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
Field screening was carried out in two sites, namely Zengcheng and
Panyu District, both in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province. Zengcheng
was chosen as Site 1. It was previously planted with ‘Fenjiao’, a variety
heavily infected by fusarium wilt. Although there were no analyses to
determine what VCG type of Foc was present in this site, it was
designated as Foc race 1 site, judging from the variety that was severely
Panyu District was selected as Site 2. This area was previously planted
with ‘Xiangjiao’ (Cavendish), of which 95% were affected by fusarium
wilt. Similarly, no analyses were conducted to determine the actual
VCG group of the Foc pathogen found in this area. However, since the
previous crop that was heavily infected by fusarium wilt was a
‘Cavendish’ variety, this site was designated as Foc race 4 area.
The planting started on 18 August 2003 in Site 1 and 26 August 2003
in Site 2. Due to the differences in the number of seedlings developed
from the original culture, the number of plants per variety was not the
same. The number of seedlings ranged from 5 to 20 plants per variety.
These were planted in a completely randomized block design.
Disease assessment was done by counting the incidence of infected
plants. The infected plants were identified by the typical yellowing
and eventual necroses of leaves on unshot plants, which started from
the older leaves. The infection was confirmed by examining the internal
vascular necrosis. Visual symptoms also included pseudostem splitting.
The plants that survived the attack of fusarium wilt reached maturity,
yielded fruits and were evaluated for their agronomic characteristics.

Results and discussion

The results of the evaluation in two sites are summarized in Table 1.
The measure of resistance and susceptibility of the various varieties
were determined by the percentage of infected plants per variety in
the two trial sites. Results showed that selection pressure was amply
high as reflected by the high percentage of infection in susceptible
In Zengcheng (Site 1) and designated as Foc 1 trial site, ‘Gros Michel’,
which is known to be susceptible to Foc 1, and Bita-2 sustained 100
percent infection, while CRBP-39 and ‘Pisang Ceylan’ showed 40%
and 10% infected plants respectively. All the other varieties were not
affected by fusarium wilt.
Two significant results are evident in Site 2. First, several varieties
including the popular ‘Cavendish’ varieties, ‘Baxi’ and ‘Williams’ were
Preliminary evaluation of IMTP-III varieties and local cultivars........ 189

Table 1. Reactions of IMTP varieties against fusarium wilt in two locations.

% infected plants
Varieties Site 1* Site 2**
FHIA-01 0 0
FHIA-02 0 0
FHIA-18 0 0
FHIA-25 0 0
‘AAcv Rose’ 0 0
‘P. Jari Buaya’ 0 0
GCTCV-119 0 9
FHIA-03 0 9
CRBP-39 40 13
FHIA-21 0 25
Bita-2 100 50
‘Pisang Ceylan’ 10 75
GCTCV-106 0 90
GCTCV-247 0 83
Bita-3 0 100
FHIA-17 0 100
FHIA-23 0 100
‘Williams’ 0 100
‘Yangambi Km 5’ 0 100
‘Cachaco’ 0 100
SH3640 0 100
‘Gros Michel’ 100 100
SH3436-9 0 100
‘Baxi’ (control) 0 100
*Site 1 is considered Foc race 1 trial
**Site 2 is considered Foc race 4 site

highly susceptible to fusarium wilt in Panyu district, trial Site 2.

Although no analysis was done to establish the VCG type in Site 2, the
results indicate that Foc race 4 is now a serious disease in South China.
Several FHIA varieties, FHIA-17, FHIA-23, SH 34369 and SH-3640,
were also observed as susceptible as the ‘Cavendish’ varieties. Two
‘Cavendish’ somaclones from the Taiwan Banana Research Institute
(TBRI), which were previously reported resistant to Foc race 4 in Taiwan
(Hwang 2000) were observed susceptible in Site 2. The second
interesting result is the observation that several varieties, FHIA-01,
FHIA-02, FHIA-03, FHIA-18 and FHIA-25 were resistant to the disease
in Site 2. GCTCV-119, a ‘Cavendish’ somaclone from Taiwan was
relatively resistant to fusarium wilt in Site 2.
Table 2 summarizes some agronomic characteristics of some varieties
that were resistant to Foc race 4 in Site 2.
This preliminary study showed very relevant and interesting results. A
more extensive and thorough evaluation is planned to be established.
190 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13

Table 2. Agronomic traits of varieties not destroyed by Foc in site 2.

Days to
Genotype Plant height Stem girth (M) Stem girth (B) shooting
(cm) (cm) (cm) (days)
FHIA-01 219.5 65.0 87.5 447
FHIA-02 241.8 50.6 67.4 352
FHIA-03 292.9 69.1 89.1 398
FHIA-18 242.1 51.7 67.2 352
FHIA-21 315.6 59.6 78.3 386
FHIA-25 266.6 72.2 93.4 392
‘AAcv Rose’ 187.5 28.7 35.0 335
‘P. Jari Buaya’ 280.5 43.5 62.8 387
CRBP 39 313.7 51.3 67.3 355
‘Bita 2’ 318.0 65.0 87.5 447
GCTCV-119 284.4 48.4 67.3 418

This will include a higher number of experimental plants per variety

and sequential assessment will be done to determine onset and disease
progress rate. Efforts will also be done to characterize the pathogen in
the experimental sites. This preliminary study, however, has opened
up an important area of banana research concern in China.

Hwang S.C. 2003. Somaclonal variation approach to breeding
Cavendish banana for resistance to fusarium wilt race 4. Pp 173-
183 in Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific-
Vol.11. Proceedings of the 1st BAPNET Steering Committee meeting
held in Los Banos Laguna Philippines (A.B. Molina, J.E. Eusebio,
V.N. Roa, I. Van den Bergh and M.A.G. Maghuyop, eds.).
Linbing Xu. 2003. Production and banana R&D in China. Pp 77-80 in
Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific-Vol.11.
Proceedings of the 1st BAPNET Steering Committee meeting held
in Los Banos Laguna Philippines (A.B. Molina, J.E. Eusebio, V.N.
Roa, I. Van den Bergh and M.A.G. Maghuyop, eds.).
Molina A.B. and J.V. Escalant. 2002. The International Musa Testing
Programme (IMTP): a worldwide programme to evaluate elite
Musa varieties. Pp 14-15 in Global Conference on Banana and
Plantain (H.P. Singh and N.K. Dadalani, eds.) Bangalore India, 28-
31 October 2002. AIPUB, New Delhi. Abstract.
Qi P. 2001. Status Report of banana fusarium wilt disease in China. Pp
119-120 in Banana fusarium wilt management: Towards sustainable
cultivation (A.B. Molina, N.H.Nik Masdek and K.W.Liew, eds.).
Preliminary evaluation of IMTP-III varieties and local cultivars........ 191

c e

(a) a susceptible variety showing external symptom of yellowing that starts

on older leaves; (b) Huang Bingzhi and Xu Linbing at the Fusarium
Experimental Site 2, Panyu District, Guangdong Province; (c) FHIA-02
showing high resistance to Foc race 4 in Site 2 and a severely wilted
susceptible variety; (d) a susceptible variety showing internal symptom of
vascular necroses; (e) pseudostem splitting observed on a susceptible
Status of banana R&D in Hainan, China 193

Status of banana R&D in Hainan, China

Chen Yeyuan*, Wei Shouxing and Zhang Lei

Hainan is located between 3°20’ and 20°18’ N latitude and 107°50’ and
119°10’ E longitude. With a total land area of 3.5 sq km, Hainan is the
smallest province in China. It is however the third producer of banana
in China with a planting area of 30 800 ha and total production of
84.19 million tonnes in 2003. In recent years, the yield and planting
area are increasing rapidly.
However problems on pests and diseases, fertilization and genetic
resources management seriously affect the development of banana
industry in Hainan. To overcome these constraints, various efforts are
in progress at the Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Science

Genetic resource management

In 2003, the Academy, represented by Dr Chen Quibo, signed a Letter
of Agreement (LOA) with the International Network for the
Improvement of Banana and Plantain (INIBAP), represented by Dr
Agustin Molina. Sixty-two banana cultivars were introduced from
Belgium, Ecuador, Venezuela, Brazil, Honduras and Taiwan through
INIBAP Transit Centre (ITC). The quality and quantity of the introduced
material however varies. There are suckers and in-vitro cultured
plantlets, and some are duplications. The different treatments were
thus given to the different situations.

Forty-two out of the 62
banana cultivars were taken
as ex-plant to be multi-
propagated. Fifty seedlings
of each cultivar are expected
to be received for planting in
multi-locations in Hainan in

Figure 1. Banana nursery of the Tropical Crops

Genetic Resources Institute.
*Vice Director, Germplasm Research Institute of Tropical Crops, Chinese Academy of
Tropical Agricultural Sciences, Danzhou City, Hainan, China.
194 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
Field trial
Forty cultivars were selected (including 23 type germplasms introduced
from INIBAP) to be planted in the screen house. But only 36
germplasms survived, including the 21 kinds coming from INIBAP.
These are now growing well in the banana nursery of the Tropical Crops
Genetic Resources Institute of Chinese Tropical Agricultural Science
Academy. After 2 months of observation, FHIA-03, Gros-Michel and
TMBx5295-1 have shown the highest stem and big and long leaves
(see Table 1).
Table 1. Growth characteristics of the introduced banana cultivars (unit:cm).
Height of Leaf Leaf
Accession Name
pseudostem length breadth
‘Pisang Jari
57 65 32
FHIA-01 46 54 21.5
FHIA-02 55 57 25.5
FHIA-03 82 86 43
‘Williams’ 74 82 37
‘Cachaco’ 44 59 29
AAcv Rose 82 82 32
‘Gros Michel’ 83 101 40
‘Yangambi km 5’ 58 62 24
FHIA-17 70 74 42
FHIA-23 69 80 39.5
GCTCV-119 26 40 27
TMBx1378 56 68 37
TMBx5295-1 84 84 41.5
SH-3640 56 66 31
FHIA 21(#68) 64 71 40
CRBP 39 55 67 33.5
FHIA 25 70 79 40
GCTCV-106 53 65 31.5
GCTCV-247 66 76 35.5
‘Pisang Ceylan’ 74 78 39.5
Ho-1 69 80 39.5
Ho-2 42 54 28
Ho-3 40 60 29
Ho-4 38 61 32
Ho-5 37 55 29.5
Ho-6 35 67 35.5
Ho-7 52 75 38
Ho-8 46 69 35
Ho-9 53 77 35
Ho-10 47 69 36.5
Ho-11 56 77 38
TBRI-106 28 43 21.5
TBRI-119 29 45 22
TBRI-247 27 43 21.5
FHIA-18 68 74 36
Status of banana R&D in Hainan, China 195

Distribution of banana-producing area in Hainan

To accelerate the development of the banana industry, the Academy,
on the request of Hainan provincial government, has been carrying
out a program on rationalizing the distribution of banana-producing
areas in Hainan. The banana-producing areas in Hainan has been
divided into four regions, according to the different climate conditions
such as typhoon, light, heat, rainfall and the ecological conditions in
the island. The target by year 2010 is to increase the area and production
to 67 000 ha (Figure 2) and 2 525 900 tonnes respectively.

Southwest region
The region includes Sanya City, Ledong County, Dongfang County,
Baoting County and Changjiang County. This region is the traditional
and main production area in Hainan. Due to the limitation of land, the
region has little potential in increasing production areas for future
development. The policy of development suggested for the region is
to introduce excellent varieties, in order to increase yield and develop
new market.

Northwest region
This region includes Haikou City, Danzhou City, Lingao County,
Chengmai County and Dingan County. It is a new area for banana
production, with abundant land resource and appropriate climate,
hardly harmed by typhoon. The proposal to the region is to increase
the planting area.

Mountain region
Danzhou City, Chengmai County, Tunchang County, Qiongzhong
County, Wuzhishan, Baisha County are included in this region. This
region is in the centre of Hainan Island. The ecological environment is
very good, the soil is fertile and there is little pollution. It is suitable for
the production of organic banana.

East region
The region includes Haikou City, Wenchang County, Dingan County,
Qionghai County, Wanning County and Lingshui County. Banana can
be produced all year round but the area is highly prone to damage by
typhoon. It is recommended to plant windbreaks around the banana
plantation or to plant banana in the area that can avoid the damage of
196 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13

Figure 2. Planned distribution of banana-producing areas in 2010.

Status of banana R&D in Hainan, China 197

Study on the pests and diseases of banana

Major pests and diseases

There was a large scale investigation about pests and diseases in Hainan,
Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan and Fujian provinces of China from
July to September 2004. The results show that the major diseases are
yellow sigatoka, banana freckle disease, banana bunchy top, mosaic
disease and Panama wilt. The main pests are banana root borer, banana
corm borer, banana stem weevil borer, black banana aphid, Spodoptera
litura (Fabricius), Thrips hawaiiensis and Tetranychus piercei. In recent
years, the damage of Panama wilt is serious in Guangdong and Hainan.
Banana fusarium wilt [Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense (E.F.Smith)
Snyder et Hansen] is recorded in Hainan for the first time. On the
base of the modified Komada medium, 18 isolates of fusarium wilt of
banana from Hainan banana-growing areas were identified by artificial
inoculation in glasshouse. The results showed that all isolates in Hainan
belongs to 2 physiologic races of race 1 from Fenjiao (ABB Group) and
race 4 from Xiangjiao (AAA Group) based on the culturing characters
and pathogenic differentiation.

Primary study on pathogenicity and RAPD analysis of pathogens

of banana wilt
Identification of physiological race, testing of pathogenicity, RAPD
analysis was primarily studied using 18 isolates of Fusarium oxysporum
f.sp. cubense from Hainan and Guangdong province. The results showed
that 12 isolates from Fenjiao (ABB Group) were race 1, while 6 isolates
from Xiangjiao (AAA Group) were race 4. The disease incidence rate of
Fenjiao inoculated by race 1 isolates and of Xiangjiao inoculated by
race 4 isolates were all 100%; the pathogenicity of the No. 13 isolate
from Lizhigou, Shanya, Hainan was the strongest, compared with the
other 5 isolates of race 4; RAPD analysis could detect race 1 and
4,geographic origin of isolates, and pathogenicity; primer OPM-15
could be used to identity race 1 and 4.

Study on Tetranychus piercei McGregor

The influences of six different constant temperatures and nine host
plants on development and reproduction of Tetranychus piercei
McGregor were investigated under laboratory conditions. It could be
concluded that temperatures from 28-32 0C are the best suitable
temperature conditions for the development, survival and reproduction
of the mite. Papaya was the more favoured host plant compared with
198 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
cherimoya, and banana, and ‘Baxijiao’ (AAA Group) and ‘Gongjiao’
(AA) were the most suitable and unsuitable banana varieties
respectively for the development and reproduction of the mite.
The control test of Tetranychus piercei has also been carried out. In
indoor trail, the pesticides of 40% phoxim, 15% pyridaben, 12.5%
guohaimai, 2.5% and 1.8% abamectin were tested. The results showed
that the toxicities of 5 insecticides to the mites was arranged in
increasing order as abamectin, abamectin+cypermethrin, pyridaben,
guohaimai, phoxim. The LC50 of the tested insecticides were 0.0586,
0.4415, 34.6817, 35.0268 and 96.1017 ug/ml respectively.
Table 2. Results of toxicity of the 5 pesticides to female adult of Tetranychus
Pesticide Virulence equation (r)
) (χ2) LC50 (ug/ml)
Phoxim Y=4.7425x-4.4031 0.9516 0.0733 96.1017
Pyridaben Y=4.1991x-1.4671 0.9657 0.0320 34.6817
Guohaimai Y=3.1396x+0.1513 0.9241 0.0982 35.0268
Cypermethrin Y=6.6729x+7.3696 0.9939 0.0063 0.4415
Abamectin Y=2.4819x+8.0578 0.9756 0.1440 0.0586

In field trials in Hainan Island, the insecticides of pyridaben,

asabamectin+cypermethrin sumiekang, phoxim and abamectin were
evaluated for control of Tetranychus piercei on bananas. Concentration
setting was as followsPyridaben 30 ug/ml, 20 ug/ml, 15 ug/ml;
Asabamectin+cypermethrin 50 ug/ml, 25 ug/ml, 16.67 ug/ml; Sumiekang
133.33 ug/ml, 100 ug/ml,80 ug/ml; Abamectin 4.5 ug/ml, 3.6 ug/ml,
3.0 ug/ml; Phoxim 133.33 ug/ml.
The results showed that all the pesticides are good for the control
Tetranychus piercei, the control effects 1 day after treatment were all
above 80% except 40% Sumiekang 80 ug/ml (76.03%), 40% Sumiekang
133.33 ug/ml is the greatest (91.93%). The control effect of Abamectin
4.5 ug/ml, 3.6 ug/ml, 3.0 ug/ml and pyridaben 30 ug/ml, 20 ug/ml, 15
ug/ml were all increased 7 days after the treatment, in which the effect
of Abamectin was above 95% and the effect of pyridaben was in the
range 86~89%; the effect of asabamectin+cypermethrin, Sumiekang and
phoxim declined obviously 7 days later. This indicates that Abamectin
and pyridaben are the most efficient pesticide. The efficient concentration
was 3.0 ug/ml and 15 ug/ml.
Status of banana R&D in Hainan, China 199

Biological characteristics of Stethorus (Allosstethorus)

Stethorus (Allosstethorus) parapauperculus is a very important predator
of Tetranychus piercei. The influence of temperature on the
development, survivorship and propagation of S. (Allosstethorus)
parapauperculus have been studied.
The development of S. (Allosstethorus) parapauperculus
The relationships between temperature and developmental rates of
various stages and a generation could be described by logistic equation
model. It showed that the developmental threshold temperature and
effective accumulated temperature of a generation were 11.92 and
227.67 day-degrees. It can be estimated that S. (Allosstethorus)
parapauperculus.could finish 18-19generation yearly in Hainan.
The survival rate of S. (Allosstethorus) parapauperculus
It could be estimated that the highest survival rates of existence of egg,
the first larva, the second larva, the third larva , the forth larva, pupae
and a generation are respectively 94.66%, 93.77%, 96.89%, 96.43%,
99.32%, 94.43% and 74.33%, and the most suitable temperatures are
27.16 0C, 26.93 0C, 29.47 0C, 27.92 0C, 26.72 0C, 25.25 0C, and 27.01 0C
The fecundity of S. (Allosstethorus) parapauperculus
At 160C, the reproductive duration is the longest and at 320C it became
the shortest. The highest average fecundity (595.49 eggs/female) was
recorded at 280C and the lowest (125.05 eggs/female) at 160C. The
mean number of eggs laid daily per female was highest (6.96 egg/
female) at 320C and the lowest (1.08 eggs/female) at 160C. The life
span of female adult had a negative linear relation with temperature.
The relationship between temperature and fecundity were fitted by
curve regression equations.
Under conditions of changing temperatures, the ladybug can prey on
7150 of eggs or 1157 adults in all of its life. Results show that the
Stethorus (Allosstethorus) parapauperculus has a strong ability to control
Tetranychus piercei. Field trials are developed.

Study on the fertilization techniques of banana

For the accurate fertilization of banana, the total amount of each kind
of essential chemical element required for high yield (75 000 kg/ ha)
must be analyzed; and the utilization rate of the main chemical fertilizer
in the different type of soil must be identified.
200 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
The nutrient researches have been developed from planting to harvest
time. The researches conclude:
(1) Dry heavy ratio of root cap, pseudostem, leaf, fruit, sucker in the
period of harvest.
(2) The needed amount and proportion of every kind of nutrient in
different parts of banana (root, pseudostem, fruit, leaf, sucker).
(3) The amount of each kind of element that is demanded in different
growth period of banana.
(4) The variational regulation of every kind of nutrient in pseudostem
and leaf in different periods.
(5) Utilization rate of fertilizer in the brick red soil.
(6) The N, P and K fertilizer go together with the ratio under the basaltic
(7) The distribution of banana roots in soil.
(8) Study on the nutritional characteristic of soil on the rhizosphere.
The results suggested that abundant and secondary elements are
different in the organ and a single plant. Figure 3 shows that the amount
of N element in the fruit and leaf is bigger than in the other organs of
banana. The amount of K element is higher in the fruit and the
pseudostem than in the other organs. The highest amount of Ca in the
banana is found in the leaf. The content of Mg is relatively high in the
fruit, leaf and the pseudostem. The five kinds of chemical element are
mainly distributed in the fruit, leaf and the pseudostem, but little in
the peduncle and root of banana. The amount of the five kinds of
element that accumulated in the organs of banana is shown in Figure
4. N is abundant in the fruit, leaf and pseudostem, the amount of K is
high in the fruit and pseudostem and Ca in the leaf and the
Status of banana R&D in Hainan, China 201

N P K Ca Mg
Content of N,P,K,Ca,Mg(%) 60


















Organ of banana

Figure. 3.
Figure 3 N, P ,K,Ca,
N,P,K, Ca, Mg
Mg comparison
comparison in in
each organ
each of banana
organ of banana.

N P K Ca Mg
Contant(g/ individual plant)


















Organ of bannana

Figure. 44. N,
Figure P,K ,Ca,Mg
N,P,K, Ca, Mgaccumulation
accumulationin each organorgan
in each of banana
of banana.
INIBAP programme on conservation and use of banana diversity 205

INIBAP programme on conservation

and use of banana diversity

Agustin B. Molina, Jr.*, Jean-Vincent Escalant

and Inge Van den Bergh

Bananas and plantain are very important fruit crops in the tropical
world. They are grown largely by smallholders and play a major role
in food security and income generation for millions of the region’s rural
poor worldwide. In terms of gross value of production, bananas are
the developing world’s fourth most important food crop after rice,
wheat and maize, and as a fruit, they rank first. More than 100 million
tonnes of bananas are produced every year in 120 countries in over
ten million hectares. Only about 13% of the world’s banana production
is exported and 87% is consumed where they are produced, indicating
that bananas play a vital role as source of food and income in developing
countries. Bananas constitute a major staple food for millions of people
and provide a valued source of income through local and international
Production statistics in 2004 show that banana is an important crop in
the three major regions, Asia, Latin America and Africa. Most of the
export bananas produced comes from Latin America. In contrast,
bananas produced in Africa are consumed locally underscoring the
importance of banana as a major component of Africans’ daily diet.
Table 1 presents the world’s leading banana-producing countries. India
topped the list with 16.55 t/ha whereas the Philippines, with a total
production of 5.41 t/ha, came in 6th after Uganda, Brazil, Ecuador and
China. Except for the Philippines and the three Latin American
countries, most of the leading banana-producing countries grow
bananas for local consumption.

INIBAP Programme
The International Network for the Improvement of Banana and Plantain
(INIBAP), a network of the International Plant Genetic Resources
Institute (IPGRI), was established in 1985. It has coordinated the global
research effort on banana and promoted the collaboration among
countries in banana-related research activities. One of the important
project areas of INIBAP is Musa genetic conservation, management
and improvement. INIBAP hosts the largest assemblage of Musa
*INIBAP Regional Coordinator for Asia and the Pacific, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines.
206 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13

Table 1. World’s leading banana-producing countries

Top 10 Production (million t) % of total
producing world
Bananas Plantains
countries production
India 16.82 0.00 16.55
Uganda 0.62 10.00 10.44
Brazil 6.59 0.00 6.49
Ecuador 5.90 0.65 6.45
China 6.22 0.00 6.12
Philippines 5.50 0.00 5.41
Colombia 1.55 2.95 4.43
Indonesia 4.40 0.00 4.33
Rwanda 0.00 2.47 2.43
Ghana 0.01 2.38 2.35
Rest of the World 21.38 14.21 35.01

collections through its INIBAP Transit Center located in Catholic

University in Leuven, Belgium. INIBAP has also supported the
collection, conservation and characterization of Musa germplasms in
several countries where there is high Musa diversity.

Musa collection and conservation

In collaboration with the Indian Council for Agricultural Research
(ICAR), INIBAP supported the efforts of the National Research Centre
for Bananas (NRCB) in carrying out collection missions in various parts
of north-eastern India, western and eastern ghats of India, and Andanan
and Nicobar islands. From these explorations, NRCB has assembled
953 accessions including popular cultivar cultigens and wild species
both from primary and secondary sources of origin of diversity. These
Musa germplasm collections were successfully established in the field
banks of NRCB, characterized and evaluated for some agronomic traits.
Some were deposited at the National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources
(NBPGR) for proper duplication and conservation. Moreover, NRCB
participates in the Musa Germplasm Information System, a global
database management system developed and coordinated by INIBAP.
NRCB submits germplasm characterization data to INIBAP for data
integration into the MGIS. Subsequently they were given access to
the global information available at the MGIS database. The richness of
the Indian collection is reinforced by another INIBAP-ICAR
INIBAP programme on conservation and use of banana diversity 207

collaboration of germplasm exchange where ICAR, through NBPGR

and NRCB, received virus-free Musa accessions from INIBAP’s
International Transit Centre in Leuven, Belgium. These are distributed
to various institutions for research purposes.

INIBAP had supported the efforts to conserve the Musa collections in
the Philippines. Originally established in 1978 with the support of the
International Board of Plant Genetic Resources (IBPGR), which later
became IPGRI, the banana germplasm collection at the BPI-DNCRDC
in Bago-Oshiro, Davao City was designated as the Southeast Asian
Banana and Plantain Resource Center. The genebank holds the
Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea
The maintenance of the field genebank encountered difficulties because
of infections of viral diseases primarily banana bunchy top virus, banana
bract mosaic virus, banana leaf streak virus, fusarium wilt and bacterial
wilt. Through the assistance of INIBAP, the Musa field collections were
rehabilitated in 2002. A total of 205 accessions consisting of 88 accessions
from the Philippines, 45 from PNG, 17 from Thailand, 6 from
Indonesia, 22 from Malaysia, 32 ITC accessions and 4 reference
materials were planted. With the minimal maintenance given to the
plants, occurrence of diseases is still an ongoing problem. From 2002
to present, recorded incidences of BBTV is at 5.09%, BBrMV at 9.94%
and BSV at 1.39%. For the soil borne pathogens, Moko incidence is
0.46% and Panama Disease at 1.27%.
The BPI Musa genebank actively participated in the MGIS programme.
The Musa collections were morphologically characterized and data were
integrated in the global MGIS database.
Through a project funded by the Philippine Council of Agricultural
Research, the Institute of Plant Breeding, University of the Philippines
at Los Baños carried out a Musa collection missions in different parts
of the Philippines such as Palawan, Mindoro and Mt. Pinatubo in 1991.
Collected materials were planted at the banana field collection at UPLB.
Results showed that there are many distinct focus of wild Musa
balbisiana, contrary to the general belief that M. balbisiana is highly
uniform. On the other hand, 12 out of the cultivars that were collected
in Mt. Pinatubo turned out to be synonyms of known varieties.

A Banana Germplasm Conservation and Improvement Cooperation
208 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
was innovated between the Indonesian government and INIBAP. This
programme was intended to tie up the ongoing banana germplasm
conservation project of Indonesia covering the major islands of
Sumatra, Java, Sulawesi, Kalimantan with an INIBAP-initiated activity
that will finance exploration missions to Maluku and Irian Jaya.
Supplemental INIBAP funding also includes training opportunities in
germplasm documentation and characterization.
The first banana prospection mission to Maluku covered the islands
of Ambon and Ceram. The banana explorers from the Indonesian Fruit
research Institute (IFRI) at Solok collected 28 wild species and cultivars.
These accessions have been introduced to the national field collection
in Solok where banana germplasm earlier gathered from Sumatra,
Java and other regions of Indonesia are being assembled. Additional
collecting trips are scheduled for Maluku and Irian Jaya. A duplicate
Indonesian banana germplasm was maintained in trust for the world
community at ITC.

In collaboration with Phu Ho Fruit Research Center (PHFRC), a
complete national field collection of indigenous germplasm was
established in Vinh Phu province, northwest of Hanoi with duplicates
of southern banana cultivars planted in Long Dihn Fruit Research
Center, Tien Giang province, south of Saigon. This project has collected
107 accessions (19 wild species and 88 cultivars) from Phu Ho and 45
accessions from Long Dinh. The accessions are being conserved and
characterized at the PHFRC using banana descriptors from INIBAP.
Both field collections are well maintained with local funding support.
Some 55 distinct accessions were duplicated in vitro at the Vietnam
Agricultural Science Institute and shipped to INIBAP’s Transit Centre
in Belgium.

Collection missions were conducted in the southern provinces of China
bordering Vietnam, Laos and Burma such as Guangxi, Yunnan and
Guangdong provinces from 1996-1997. From there, some 53 wild and
cultivated banana species were collected and then maintained,
characterized and identified for synonyms at the field genebanks in
South China Agricultural University (SCAU). Twenty-three accessions
were characterized completely using the INIBAP Passport data and
submitted to the MGIS.
INIBAP programme on conservation and use of banana diversity 209

Musa improvement and use

Banana breeding is a difficult and long-term programme. The generally
seedless nature and longer gestation of bananas make breeding difficult
and expensive. Hence, although bananas are very important fruit crop
in many tropical countries, there are just a few serious breeding
programmes in the world. Pests and diseases are recognized as the
global common denominators as far as major production constraints
are concerned. The epidemic of fusarium wilt in Central America in
the 50s, and the global outbreak of the virulent black sigatoka had
provided impetus to breeding programmes worldwide. In the last 15
years, Musa breeding programmes within the INIBAP network have
made significant accomplishments, resulting to a number of new, high-
yielding and disease-resistant varieties of bananas and plantains. These
varieties include both dessert and cooking types, a number of which
are considered to hold good potential in Asia. These varieties are
evaluated through the International Musa Testing Programme (IMTP).
IMTP is the evaluation of elite Musa breeding lines from various
breeding programmes together with some popular local cultivars in
different agro-ecological zones worldwide.
The different research institutions in BAPNET-member countries
collaborated with INIBAP to embark on a project on the introduction
and evaluation of a selection of improved varieties bred by breeding
programmes in other countries. Twenty-one varieties were introduced
and were evaluated under the International Musa Testing Programme
(IMTP). These varieties were tested against black and yellow sigatoka,
fusarium wilt and nematodes. Information on pathogen populations,
host-pathogen relationships and adaptability and productivity were
obtained through the evaluation trials (Table 2). Currently, IMTP is on
its Phase III, and is being undertaken in several countries.
To enhance a broader national evaluation trials in Asia Pacific, INIBAP
established the National Repository, Multiplication Centers (NMRDC)
in all BAPNET-member countries. The NMRDCs are the repositories
of both popular local as well as introduced improved varieties from
INIBAP-ITC. All germplasm movements, both into the region from
outside and between countries in the region, are carried out according
to the FAO/IPGRI Guidelines for the Safe Movement of Musa
Germplasm. Appropriate Material Transfer Agreements were signed
to cover the introduction of all INIBAP-IMTP varieties. Support has
been provided to access the new, improved hybrids and superior
varieties from INIBAP and multiply them locally, in order to provide
210 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
materials to national programmes for more expanded evaluation
activities and eventual adoption by farmers. Local tissue-culture
facilities are being used for multiplying planting materials.
A follow-up project to the NRMDCs is the Evaluation and Promotion
of Musa Germplasm (EPMG). This is already being started in several
countries through the establishment of on-station and on-farm
Table 2. List of hybrids available for evaluation in IMTP Phase III.
Hybrid Type Characteristic*
FHIA-01 Dessert/cooking Resistant to BS and FW
FHIA-02 Dessert/cooking Resistant to BS
FHIA-03 Dessert/cooking Resistant to BS and FW, drought tolerant
FHIA-17 Dessert/cooking Tolerant to BS and resistant to FW race 1.
FHIA-18 Dessert Resistant to BS
FHIA-21 Plantain Resistant to BS
FHIA-23 Dessert/ cooking Tolerant to BS and FW
FHIA-25 Cooking Resistant to BS
SH-3640 Dessert/ cooking Resistant to BS
BITA-2 Cooking Resistant to BS, Susceptible FW
BITA-3 Cooking Resistant to BS
CRBP-39 Plantain Resistant to BS
SH-3436-9 Dessert Tolerant to BS
IRFA-911 Plantain Resistant to BS
GCTCV-119 Dessert Resistant to FW race 1
GCTCV-106 Dessert Resistant to FW race 1
GCTCV-247 Dessert Resistant to FW race 1
‘Yangambi km 5’ Dessert/ cooking Reference clone (sigatoka)
‘Pisang Ceylan’ Dessert Reference clone (sigatoka)
‘Gros Michel’ Dessert Reference clone (fusarium)
‘Williams’ Dessert Reference clone (fusarium)
‘Cultivar Rose’ Dessert Reference clone (fusarium)
‘Cachaco’ Cooking/dessert Reference clone (fusarium)
‘Pisang Jari Dessert Reference clone
* BS = black sigatoka FW = fusarium wilt
The IMTP, NRMDCs and EPMG 211


Instruments to enhance the maintenance,
multiplication, distribution, evaluation and
promotion of Musa varieties in Asia and the

Inge Van den Bergh*, Marian Angeli G. Maghuyop,

Jean-Vincent Escalant and Agustin B. Molina, Jr.

Bananas and plantains are among the major fruit crops in the world,
but their production is seriously threatened by many pest and disease
problems, among which are black and yellow sigatoka, fusarium wilt
and nematodes. The members of BAPNET have identified pests and
diseases as the main constraint to Musa production in Asia and have
appealed to INIBAP to mobilise resources to address such constraints.
Different institutions began banana breeding programmes to overcome
these diseases, and a number of high-yielding, pest- and disease-
resistant varieties were developed. Although the major Musa breeding
programmes are located outside Asia, many of the new hybrids being
produced by these programmes may be of interest for production in
The International Musa Testing Programme (IMTP) is a world-wide
collaborative effort coordinated by INIBAP to evaluate, in multi-
locational trials around the world, such elite Musa varieties produced
by breeding programmes as well as promising germplasm accessions
from the INIBAP collection, in order to obtain information on their
resistance/tolerance to black and yellow sigatoka, fusarium wilt and
nematodes. The aim is to identify banana and plantain hybrids resistant
to these pests and diseases, which would meet local requirements and
with which small-scale farmers could replace existing susceptible
IMTP phase I - The establishment of IMTP began in 1989 as a
programme to evaluate germplasm from the FHIA-breeding
programme in Honduras for resistance to black sigatoka. Seven
tetraploid hybrids with wide genetic backgrounds were tested along
with several diploid reference clones (both wild and edible), that
represented the whole range of reaction to black sigatoka, from highly

*Associate Scientist - Technology Transfer, INIBAP-AP, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines.

212 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
resistant to highly susceptible. The experiments were established in
six countries.
Four years later, the recommendation was made to release three clones
for distribution: the clones FHIA-01 and FHIA-02, both dessert banana
varieties with outstanding performance and high resistance to black
sigatoka, and FHIA-03, a cooking banana also with excellent
performance and resistance to black sigatoka. Over the last ten years,
these three clones have been distributed to more than 50 countries
IMTP phase II – The second phase of IMTP started in 1996. The
germplasm was evaluated for resistance to three diseases instead of
one: black sigatoka, yellow sigatoka and fusarium wilt. Four breeding
programmes contributed germplasm and the number of testing sites
increased from six to 37, despite the fact that the trials were financed
at the participating institutes’ own expense.
The results suggested that, among the different materials tested, FHIA-
23 and SH 3436-9 are the most tolerant to black sigatoka. They also
performed well in terms of yield, and the good performance of the
FHIA and INIVIT hybrids compared to local references was reinforced.
In conclusion, the FHIA hybrids were consistently the best yielding
genotypes in these trials. The improved hybrid with the best overall
performance was FHIA-23. An improved cultivar that deserves special
reference is GCTCV-119, which had the lowest discoloration score for
both Foc races and good yields under good management.
IMTP phase III – At the moment, 27 countries (Australia, Bangladesh,
Burundi, Cameroon, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Côte d’Ivoire,
Dominican Republic, Ethiopia, Haiti, Honduras, India, Indonesia,
Malaysia, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, Philippines, Rwanda, Sri Lanka,
South Africa, Taiwan, Thailand, Uganda, Venezuela and Vietnam) are
participating in IMTP phase III.
Evaluation guidelines are made available to the participating
programmes and a standard procedure for data management and
statistical analysis has been developed. Selected hybrids/varieties are
recommended by INIBAP for further evaluation and distribution to
In the course of 2001, some 450 assignments of germplasm accessions
have left the INIBAP Transit Centre (ITC) destined for the countries
taking part in phase III of IMTP. These include dessert and cooking
bananas and plantains, either resistant or tolerant to black sigatoka
and fusarium wilt, as well as reference clones to the three diseases.
These are FHIA-01, FHIA-02, FHIA-03, FHIA-17, FHIA-18, FHIA-21,
The IMTP, NRMDCs and EPMG 213

FHIA-23, FHIA-25, SH 3640, BITA-2, BITA-3, CRBP-39, SH 3436-9,

IRFA-911, GCTCV-119, GCTCV-106, GCTCV-247, Yangambi Km 5,
Pisang Ceylan, Gros Michel, Williams, Cultivar Rose, Cachaco and
Pisang Jari Buaya. The first outputs and results are expected in 2005.
In addition to the release of elite banana materials, integrated pest
management (IPM) strategies for many of the important banana pests
and diseases have been developed, including the use of in-vitro plantlets
as clean planting materials.
However, the existence in itself of these elite banana materials and IPM
strategies is not sufficient to help small-scale farmers address the serious
constraints they face from pests and diseases. In order to obtain a rapid
and significant impact on banana production levels, and thus on rural
poverty and malnutrition, small-scale farmers need to get access to the
available elite materials and the developed strategies. The availability
of in-vitro propagated materials of these improved varieties for wide
distribution is limited by the capability of the International Transit
Centre (ITC) in Belgium to respond to the many requests for materials
worldwide. In this perspective, BAPNET launched the program of the
National Repository, Multiplication and Dissemination Centers
(NRMDCs) in Asia and the Pacific, to provide access to the new,
improved hybrids and superior varieties developed by breeding
programs all over the world, multiply them locally, and make them
available to Asia and Pacific countries for national yield performance
evaluation by researchers/farmers and eventual adoption by farmers.
The NRMDCs, the ITC in Belgium and the breeding programmes
worldwide exchange local germplasm and improved hybrids. The
NRMDCs maintain this germplasm and distribute clean materials of
all germplasm to scientists, farmers and other interested local parties.
These parties, in return, give feedback on the performance of all the
varieties to the NRMDCs, ITC and the breeding programmes.
The goals of the NRMDCs are:
· improved access to new hybrids and superior varieties from INIBAP;
· local multiplication for provision of materials to national
programmes for more expanded evaluation activities;
· local multiplication for provision of materials for the eventual
adoption by farmers; and
· maintenance of disease-free foundation stocks.
Twenty-three accessions were turned over to the participating institutes
of BAPNET member countries and institutions. Most of the institutes
requested in-vitro proliferating tissues. Rooted materials were sent only
to those institutes where the facilities for in-vitro culture were not
214 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
adequate. Some institutes experienced some problems with
contamination and some of the accessions needed to be replaced.
The main activities of the NRMDCs are conservation of the introduced
and local varieties under in-vitro conditions as well as in a screenhouse
and field, multiplication and distribution of the germplasm to scientists
and farmers, and evaluation and promotion of the in-vitro propagated
banana materials.
In May 2004, a questionnaire to assess the impact of the NRMDCs
after 3 years of implementation was sent to the partners.
The BAPNET partners unanimously agree that the NRMDCs are an
efficient tool for the conservation and maintenance of germplasm. All
but SPC also value the importance of the NRMDCs in the evaluation
of germplasm. SPC has no land available for the evaluation of the
material and has to rely on its member countries for field testing.
Some partners also consider the NRMDCs efficient in the multiplication
and distribution of germplasm. However, the capacity of the NRMDCs
in some countries is too low for the supply of materials on a large
scale. Possible cooperation between the NRMDCs and government
institutions, private companies or NGOs is suggested. This is in fact
already being done in the Philippines. For its programme of distribution
of local and introduced varieties to State Universities and Colleges
(SUCs) as well as small-scale farmers in the Philippines, INIBAP has
called upon the services of a private company that supplies INIBAP
with large numbers of meriplants at a minimal cost of less than $ 0.1
per plantlet. Whenever the SUCs or farmers are not able to raise the
meriplants themselves, private nurseries take over the job of raising
the plantlets until ready for field planting.
The major strengths of the NRMDCs were identified as follows:
· enrichment of the genetic material through the introduction and
distribution of new varieties;
· introduction of the technique of using in-vitro propagated plantlets
as disease-free planting materials;
· supply of materials for experiments; and
· safety conservation of germplasm.
Despite the enthusiasm of most partners, the NRMDCs are not perfect
yet. There is a need for the improvement of the facilities as well as
human resources in order to enhance the institutional capacity of the
NRMDCs. SPC would benefit from the availability of more germplasm
at the beginning, which would assist multiplication for large-scale
distribution. ICHORD and VASI mentioned that the networking within
The IMTP, NRMDCs and EPMG 215

and between countries could still be improved. Lastly, promotional

campaigns and dissemination of information, both on the NRMDC
and the new varieties, is regarded of high priority, certainly by
During the evaluations carried out by many of the NRMDCs, the
introduced varieties performed better than the local varieties in most
trials in terms of agronomic features and yield. In general, they also
show a good resistance/tolerance to pests and diseases. The postharvest
characteristics and taste however proved to be different from the local
varieties. Consumers still have to get used to the unfamiliar taste and
as a result, farmers adopt a “wait-and-see” attitude towards growing
these varieties. It was suggested that promotional campaigns could be
of much help to overcome this problem.
Most farmers are impressed by the technique of using in-vitro
propagated plantlets. For them, the main advantages over traditional
planting materials are that in-vitro plantlets are free of pests and diseases,
give a uniform growth and are easy to transport. However, the biggest
obstacle that discourages farmers to use in-vitro materials is its higher
price compared to suckers.
In 2004, the NRMDC programme was concluded in BARI, CARDI,
VASI and SPC. The countries where the programme started more
recently (CATAS, MAS, PNG and TBRI) will complete the program in
2005. However, the NRMDCs will still continue to play an important
role in the production of pest- and disease-free planting materials,
whether it be from local or introduced germplasm. Cooperation with
other institutions may be recommended here.
Because of the success of the programme and the interest of most
partners to continue and further elaborate the NRMDCs, a follow-up
project to evaluate and promote Musa germplasm within the countries
through the establishment of on-station and on-farm experiments was
developed. The Letter of Agreement was signed by all partners and
the EPMG programme was initiated already in several countries.
Note: All germplasm movement, both into the region from outside
and between countries in the region, is carried out according to the
FAO/IPGRI Guidelines for the Safe Movement of Musa Germplasm.

FAO. 2002. FAOSTAT database.
Frison E. and Sharrock S. 1999. The economic, social and nutritional
importance of banana in the world. In: Bananas and food security.
216 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
Les productions bananières: un enjeu économique majeur pour la
sécurité alimentaire. Proceedings of an international symposium
held in Douala, Cameroon, 10-14 November 1998. Picq C., Fouré
E. and Frison E.A. (eds). International Network for the
Improvement of Banana and Plantain, Montpellier, France: 21-35.
Jones D.R. and Tezenas du Montcel H. (eds). 1994. Final report for
UNDP/World Bank on the results of the International Musa Testing
Programme (Phase I). International Network for the Improvement
of Banana and Plantain, Montpellier, France.
Molina A.B. and J.V. Escalant. 2002. The International Musa Testing
Programme (IMTP): a world-wide programme to evaluate elite
Musa varieties. Pp 14-15 in Global Conference on Banana and
Plantain (H.P. Singh and N.K. Dadlani, eds) Bangalore India, 28-
31 October 2002. AIPUB, New Delhi. Abstract.
Orjeda G. (ed). 2000. Evaluating bananas: a global partnership. Results
of IMTP Phase II. International Network for the Improvement of
Banana and Plantain, Montpellier, France. 466 pp.
Safe movement of Musa germplasm, knowledge of genome ... 217

Safe exchange of Musa germplasm,

knowledge of the genome and its
application in Musa improvement
Ines van den Houwe, Nicolas Roux*,
Jean-Vincent Escalant and Richard Markham

Conserving and managing diversity

Activities in the conservation and management of banana genetic
diversity are centred on the state-of-the-art International Musa
Germplasm Collection managed by INIBAP at the INIBAP Transit
Centre (ITC) in K.U.Leuven* with the support of the Directorate
General for Development Cooperation of Belgium. Most of the
collection is held ‘in trust’, under the auspices of the FAO for the benefit
of the international community and is made publicly available through
a standard material transfer agreement (MTA). A major upgrade of the
collection, funded by the World Bank and Gatsby Charitable
Foundation, is underway to rejuvenate and validate the taxonomy of
the in vitro collection and to place the entire collection in safe, long-
term storage in liquid nitrogen (cryopreservation). Advances in
germplasm conservation, and cryopreservation in particular, have
helped place INIBAP and K.UL.euven in a position where they can
provide expertise or capacity building to other genenbanks. Other
activities include the management of data on Musa accessions
worldwide, research into viral diseases and the molecular and
morphological characterization of the accessions.

o In January, Prof. Edmond De Langhe conducted a consultancy
mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo to plan collecting
missions of plantain cultivars in the eastern Congo basin.
o Preparations were made at the field collection at the University of
Kisangani to house the cultivars that will be collected in 2005. The
collection will be expanded to include plantains from the Congo
Basin that are not found in the field collections held at CARBAP
and IITA, namely dwarf, semi-dwarf, early fruiting and drought
resistant cultivars.
o A workplan for maintaining the field collection has been developed
and the areas for conducting collections has been identified.
*Scientist, Musa Genomics and GeneticRresources Coordinator, INIBAP, Montpellier,
218 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
o There are currently 1177 accessions being maintained under slow
growth conditions (MTS) in the genebank (of which 986 are held
‘in trust’).
o Seven accessions received from Oman in 2003 were officially
transferred to the ITC collection in 2004.
o In the course of 2004, 1245 accessions were removed from cold
storage for annual subculturing. The cultures were checked for
fungal contamination and viability and only the suitable ones were
used to establish a fresh set of 20 proliferating shoot cultures.
o Started in 2001, work on rejuvenating the collection –whereby
samples are regenerated, the plants grown in greenhouses and then
decapitated to supply suckers –continued. In 2004, 106 accessions,
including 89 accessions that were planted for the first time and 17
accessions that needed replanting because the plants had died after
planting or after decapitation, were transferred to greenhouses where
the vigour and morphology of the plants are checked every 2
months. During the same period, 224 accessions were returned in
o In 2004, 358 accessions have been sent to field sites in Cameroon
(173), Guadeloupe (43), Honduras (46), the Philippines (69) and
Uganda (27) for evaluating their trueness-to-type.
o An agreement has been drawn up with Universiti Putra Malaysia
to cryopreserve zygotic embryos from wild banana species.
o K.U.Leuven continued to work with Infruitech-Nitvoorbij in South
Africa and CIBE-ESPOL Ecuador to cryopreserve the collection. As
of the end of 2004, 306 banana accessions had been cryopreserved
at K.U.Leuven, 4 at Infruitech and 10 at ESPOL. The arrival at
ESPOL of plant material from the ITC was delayed by formalities,
while progress at Infruitech was hindered by a bacterial
contamination that could not be eradicated.
o Research into the cryopreservation protocol for proliferating
meristems using the simple freezing method showed that for the
cultivars ‘Cacambou’, ‘Grande Naine’ and ‘Williams’, the rate of
shoot regeneration increased after the application of 0.1 to 0.5 mM
cholesterol, sitosterol or stigmasterol to the sucrose preculture
medium. The post-thaw regeneration frequencies using the
vitrification method were not affected by the addition of sterols.
o In general, the addition of 1 mM of polyamines and aromatic
amines to the preculture or regeneration medium did not affect
post-thaw shoot regeneration of banana meristems. The addition
Safe movement of Musa germplasm, knowledge of genome ... 219

of tyramine to the preculture medium enhanced the rate post-thaw

shoot regeneration of ‘Cacambou’ and ‘Williams’ using the simple
freezing method.
o A technician has been recruited by K.U.Leuven and trained in
cryopreservation to start work on a ‘black box collection’ that will
serve as insurance against the physical loss of the collection in
o The management of the collection has been made easier with the
installation of a data management system that records most aspects
of accession information, from virus indexing results to stock levels.
The information is accessed from a hand-held unit that reads the
barcodes attached to each accession. All the accessions have been
bar-coded and the data for these accessions are now routinely
entered in the database by means of this device. Improvements
are being made to the system, which will also facilitate the exchange
of information with MGIS.
o In response to demands for DNA, the ITC developed a freeze drying
protocol and established a collection of lyophilized leaf samples,
which means that even virus-infected accessions can be made
available for molecular study. In 2004, 465 samples of 63
rejuvenated accessions have been lyophilized. Each sample consists
of ±1g of fresh leaf tissue (or 0.1g of lyophilized tissue) and is kept
in an air- and water-tight plastic bag that is stored in a freezer at -
20°C. The leaf samples will be made available in 2005.

o The Laboratory of Molecular Cytogenetics and Cytometry at the
IEB finished determining the ploidy level of the 1150 accessions
held at the ITC at the end of the project. Flow cytometry was used.
The method measures the content of nuclear DNA, which is directly
proportional to the number of chromosomes. The analysis
confirmed the ploidy of 958 accessions and revealed the level of 81
accessions for which it was unknown (Figure 1). The ploidy turned
out to be different from the previously accepted level in 88
accessions. The exercise confirmed that maintaining plants under
in vitro conditions does not lead to large-scale changes in the genome.
o The characterization activities funded by the Challenge programme
for “Unlocking genetic diversity in crops for the resource-poor”
are presented in the section on the Global Musa Genomics
o As part of an IFRA-funded project, the genetic diversity in 15
220 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
populations of Musa balbisiana from China was studied by using
AFLP. High levels of genetic diversity were revealed. The application
of AFLP to 281 plants generated 199 bands.
o In another IFRA-funded project, microsatellites have been used to
differentiate 10 FHIA hybrids in order to facilitate their identification
and the conservation of the true types. Ten microsatellites were
enough to discriminate between FHIA-01 and FHIA-18 but not
the other hybrids.

Determined for
Mixoploidy the first time
(0.79%) (7.04%)

Mixed ploidy Other ploidy

(1.22%) (7.65%)

Figure 1. Distribution of 1150 Musa accessions in relation to their ploidy level

before and after flow cytometry analysis. Mixoploidy refers to a plant
containing cells of different ploidy (e.g. 2x+3x). Mixed ploidy refers
to accessions represented by plants of different ploidy.

o In 2004, a total of 919 accessions, represented by 3425 tissue culture
samples, were sent by the ITC to 32 countries, which is 33% more
than in 2003. The increase is mainly due to the start, in 2004, of
the field verification activity as part of the rejuvenation of the
o The majority of samples (64%) were sent as rooted plantlets.
o In 2004, 8 accessions were supplied to the QDPI Virus Indexing
Centre in Australia and 9 to the Cirad one in France. No indexing
results were released this year. The proportion of virus-free plants
and virus-infected ones is presented in Figure 2.
Safe movement of Musa germplasm, knowledge of genome ... 221




No vir us
Other 61%

Not tested

Figure 2. Virus health status of the banana germplasm collection

Virus research
o As part of a World Bank-funded project, the Faculté des Sciences
Agronomiques de Gembloux (FUSAGx) has shown that a protocol
based on thermotherapy combined with meristem isolation to be
the most efficient method to eliminate the BanMM virus, which
infects 18% of the collection. Routine eradication of the BanMM
virus started in 2004. Of the 100 or so accessions needing treatment,
5 rooted plants of the first 20 accessions have been sent to FUSAGx.
o Plantlets that test virus-negative are returned to the ITC, where a
new set of proliferating cultures is established from a clean plant
and 5 rooted plants are prepared for full virus indexing at one of
the VICs. The entire process will take about 1.5 year.
o PPRI developed a triple antibody sandwich (TAS) ELISA test capable
of detecting a wide range of BSV isolates.
o Work was initiated on a survey of molecular diversity of BSV in
Colombia, Educador, Costa Rica and Mexico to provide data for
risk assessment. Thirty samples have been sent from Colombia to
CINVESTAV in Mexico to be tested.
o Cirad scientists studying the effect of in vitro culture on BSV
activation have observed that BSV(-) material containing the B
genome could give rise to infected clones following in vitro
multiplication. This work needs to be pursued with monitoring
the virological status in the field of plants that have been indexed
as BSV(-) and testing the impact on activation of multiplication
techniques such as PIF.
222 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
o A total of 5174 accessions from 17 institutions are included in the
MGIS database.
o The MGIS database is now linked to the SINGER database – the
CGIAR System-wide Information Network for Genetic Resources.
o The taxonomical experts Edmond De Langhe and Markku
Hakkinen will help check the classification data in the MGIS
o As part of the upgrading of the MGIS database, it is being linked
with the ITC genebank management system.

Using diversity for genetic improvement

INIBAP works on genetic improvement at multiple levels to address
global research challenges collaboratively. INIBAP’s support to crop
improvement focuses on broadening the genetic base of materials
available to banana and plantain breeders around the world, facilitating
interactions between breeders, encouraging interactions with specialists
in pests and diseases, and helping breeders to achieve the widest
possible evaluation and uptake of the improved materials resulting
from their work. Molecular techniques are becoming increasingly
important in understanding the diversity in the Musa genome, how it
functions, and how it can be used in crop improvement. Much of this
agenda is pursued through consortia for which INIBAP provides the
secretariat (see below). The Generation Challenge Programme has
provided an impetus to research in this area and the Global Musa
Genomics Consortium has already played a key role in bringing
together research groups working on Musa to develop a coherent
response to this new opportunity.

International Musa Testing Programme

In the IMTP, INIBAP facilitates the testing of new improved banana
varieties in locations around the world. After a decade of functioning,
IMTP is in its third and most ambitious phase yet. Thirty-five varieties,
including promising improved varieties from all six major banana
breeding programmes, have been disseminated to and are being
evaluated by 50 partners in 35 countries in phase III of IMTP. For the
first time, two private companies in Asia have participated in the trials.
The participating countries are Australia, Bangladesh, Burundi,
Cameroon, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Côte d’Ivoire, Dominican
Republic, Ethiopia, Haiti, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Malaysia,
Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, Philippines, Rwanda, South Africa, Sri Lanka,
Uganda, Venezuela, Vietnam.
Safe movement of Musa germplasm, knowledge of genome ... 223

o All the trials are now planted and all partners have started evaluating
performance. A complete set of data from 5 institutions has already
been received for analysis and integrated into a centralized database.
o The trials at Lapanday and Dole in the Philippines, as well as the
trials in Vietnam, are finished. Data are being summarized/
compiled for submission.

Support to breeding programmes

o Two populations segregating for nematode resistance supplied by
CIRAD have been evaluated in the field at CORBANA, Costa Rica.
o New hybrids from CARBAP, in Cameroon, have been sent to the
ITC in Belgium for virus indexing and further evaluation.

Developing improved East African highland banana

varieties using biotechnology
In 2000, in response to a request from the Ugandan Government and
USAID, INIBAP set up a project to develop improved AAA East African
highland bananas (EAHB) through the use of biotechnology. The aims
were to genetically modify eight cooking and brewing varieties to
express resistance to nematodes, black sigatoka and weevils, and to
build Uganda’s national capacity to use the current tools of
biotechnology to develop high-yielding, pest- and disease-resistant
varieties of this crop. Two laboratories for tissue culture and molecular
research at NARO have been revamped and furnished and a team of
technicians has been trained and guided through the process of
establishing ECS with technical backstopping from KULeuven, CIRAD
and JIC.
Donor: Ugandan Government, USAID, Belgian Government,
Rockefeller Foundation
Partners by country: Belgium: K.U.Leuven; France: CIRAD; South
Africa: FABI-University of Pretoria; Uganda: IITA, Makerere University,
o Given the difficulty of reproducing the ‘scalp’ technology using
EAHB cultivars, it was decided in 2004 to concentrate on male
flowers. The male flowers of four of the eight originally selected
cultivars – ‘Mbwazirume’, ‘Nakinyika’, ‘Nakitembe’ and
‘Mpologoma’ – are regularly used as starting material to initiate
cell suspension cultures.
o Embryogenic calli have been obtained for ‘Mbwazirume’ and
‘Nakinyika’ and cell suspensions initiated.
224 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
o The cell suspensions of the AAB cultivar ’S. Ndizi’ continue to
perform well.
o Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of ’S. Ndizi’ cell
suspensions by using the GUS marker gene was performed,
confirming the wide applicability of the Agrobacterium
transformation system developed at KULeuven.
o Equipment for cryopreservation was acquired and cryopreservation
of cell suspensions started in February 2004. Seventeen cell lines
have been cryopreserved, of which 13 were re-established in liquid
medium. All the cell lines that established well in liquid medium
(i.e. the cells multiplied and increased in volume) and maintained
their embryogenic potential were less than 1 year old at the time of
o The inhibitory activity on banana weevils (Cosmopolites sordidus) of
the papaya cystatin was enhanced by the generation of mutants
with improved binding and stability (Figure 3). Based on an analysis
of their amino acid sequences, 18 mutations were created and tested
for their ability to inhibit papaya cystatins. In preliminary tests,
inhibition was improved in 11 out of 18 mutant cystatins.
o A technique allowing Radopholus similis and Pratylenchus coffeae to
take up substances from a liquid medium has been developed. This
will enable the testing of various lectins and, as such, the
identification of potential genes to control nematodes.
o A cDNA library was developed using plants artificially infested with
weevil eggs and untreated plants. Various subtraction products were
isolated and cloned. Inserts obtained after digestion with restriction
enzymes were sequenced. The sequences seem to belong to family
of variable genes that might be involved in resistance to weevils.

Figure 3. Papaya cystatins

(insert) were re-
engineered and
fed to weevils.
The larvae fed
the modified
cystatins had
reduced growth
(right) compared
to the controls
Safe movement of Musa germplasm, knowledge of genome ... 225

Developing genetic transformation protocols

With funds from DGDC, INIBAP pursues studies to refine the protocols
for developing and storing starting materials for genetic transformation
and for optimizing the process of transformation. The research takes
place in the Laboratory for Tropical Crop Improvement at KULeuven.
o In 2004, 13 cryopreservation experiments on 8 cell lines each were
conducted. For each cell line, an average of 8 cryotubes were
transferred to the liquid nitrogen tank. After careful screening of
all cryotubes, 623 cryotubes remain stored for the long term. The
total number of cryotubes stored in liquid nitrogen containing
transformation competent cell lines of 13 cultivars is 2140 (Table
o The conventional and new methods to prepare embryogenesis-
competent explants were used on ‘Calcutta 4’, ‘Williams’,
‘Ingarama’, ‘Orishele’ and ‘Cachaco’. The quality of the cultures
was scored from very low (-) to very high (++++) depending on the
proportion of meristematic tissue to corm and leaf tissue. According
to the time required to obtain 50 optimized multiple meristem
cultures (i.e. cultures whose quality could not be further improved),
the gain of time with the new method was 1 month for ‘Cachaco’,
3 for ‘Calcutta4’, 5 for both ‘Williams’ and ‘Ingarama’ and 6 for
‘Orishele’. The morphological characteristics of the cultures,
however, were similar, except for ‘Calcutta 4’ and ‘Ingarama’, which
were slightly improved using the new method.
o Several promoter tagging vectors containing the codon-optimized
luciferase (luc+) reporter gene close the right hand side border of
the T-DNA have been developed. These constructs increased the
activity of the luciferase enzyme and the tagging frequency 40-
fold in ‘Three hand planty’, ‘Williams’ and ‘Cacambou’, compared
to the wild-type luciferase gene. These constructs significantly
increased the efficiency of the large-scale search for banana
promoters. As a result, 40 000 cell colonies can be screened in a
o The 10 196 gene-specific tags generated from leaf cDNA after
performing SuperSAGE represent 5292 expressed genes, of which
83% occurred only once, a very low frequency.
o Despite the poor results obtained when using xylose to select
transgenic plants of ‘Three hand planty’, the xylA gene was further
tested by introducing it into embryogenic cell suspensions of the
dessert banana ‘Gros Michel’. The regeneration frequency was only
improved when sucrose was added to the selection system. It was
226 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
concluded that xylose is not suitable for efficient selection of
transgenic banana plants. Preliminary results also indicate that
mannose and the phosphomannose isomerase gene are not suitable
selection systems.
Table 1. Cryopreserved suspensions that are currently safely stored for the long
Cultivar Genomic group Number of independent cell
lines stored in LN
Agbagba AAB plantain 4
Three hand planty AAB plantain 6
Orishele AAB plantain 10
Obino L’ewai AAB plantain 1
Dominico AAB plantain 2
Bisé egomé AAB plantain 2
Bluggoe ABB 6
Cacambou ABB 16
Cachaco ABB 5
Dole ABB 8
Grande Naine AAA 11
Gros Michel AAA 1
Williams AAA 24

The Global Programme for Musa Improvement, PROMUSA, brings
together more than 100 researchers to focus on the smallholder crop.
Working groups are devoted to Sigatoka, Fusarium wilt, Nematology,
Weevil, Virology and Genetic Improvement. Genomics consortia on
banana and Mycosphaerella and a breeding consortium have also been
launched. INIBAP provides the secretariat.
o The “First International Congress on Musa” organized by
PROMUSA and MARDI took place in Malaysia from 6 to 9 July
2004. Some 250 delegates, from both public and private research
institutes as well as from the commercial sector, participated in the
Congress. The theme “Harnessing research to improve livelihoods”
was chosen to illustrate PROMUSA’s commitment to knowledge
building across disciplines and regions, which, in due course,
should have a direct impact on improving the livelihoods of banana
farmers and communities throughout the world.
o The 4th PROMUSA Global Meeting was held from 12 to 13 July
2004 in Malaysia. Each working group met to review scientific
priorities and elect a convener.
o The convenors are: Dirk De Waele (Nematology); Jaroslav Dolozel,
IEB (Genetic improvement); Andrew Geering, QDPI (Virology);
Safe movement of Musa germplasm, knowledge of genome ... 227

Cliff Gold, IITA (Weevil); Michael Pillay, IITA (Breeding) and Altus
Viljoen, FABI (Fusarium).

Global Musa Genomics Consortium

This Consortium brings together expertise from 30 public-funded
institutions in 16 countries. As well as providing close collaboration,
the consortium enables research resources to be shared, including
sequence data and enabling technologies. The sequence data produced
by the Consortium will be placed in the public domain and any new
varieties will be made freely available to smallholder farmers. The
overall strategy of the Consortium is to adopt a step-wise approach,
focusing on comparative genomics and targeting gene discovery.
INIBAP provides the secretariat. Funding is provided by the members
through individual projects. Much of the Consortium activities are
dependent on funding from the member institutes. Several regional
groupings between members have also been established.
Partners by country: Australia: DPI, QUT, University of Queensland;
Austria: ARC, FAO/IAEA; Belgium: K.U.Leuven, UCL, University of
Gent; University of Liege, University of Gembloux; Brazil: CENARGEN/
EMBRAPA, Universidade Catolica de Brasilia; Czech Republic: IEB;
Finland: Turku Centre for Biotechnology; France: CIRAD, INIBAP;
Germany: MIPS/GSF; India: IIHR; Japan: NIAS; Malaysia: UM; Mexico:
University of Leicester; USA: Arizona State University, NSF, TIGR,
University of Georgia; University of Minnesota.
o The 3rd meeting of the Global Musa Genomics Consortium was held
in Malaysia in July and was attended by 22 participants from 12
o KULeuven has been suggested as Musa Transgenic Resource Center
for the Consortium, i.e. provide transgenic plants for partners with
their gene of interest and coordinate with interested partners the
generation and the utilization of a mutant population by T-DNA
o The CGIAR Generation Challenge Programme (GCP), which
became operational in 2004, has provided support for Consortium
member activities in genetic diversity characterization, comparative
genomics and bioinformatics.

Subprogramme genetic diversity:

o A first set of 48 accessions represented at the ITC and Cirad field
228 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
collection in Guadeloupe was selected for genotyping using SSR
and IRAP markers. The DNA was extracted at CIRAD and sent to
IAEA and the University of Leicester.
o The University of Leicester team analysed the 48 accessions using
IRAP markers. The results were comparable to the ones obtained
using other DNA-based markers and were obtained at less cost.
o FAO/IAEA developed 53 SSR markers from a small insert library
enriched for SSR motifs and from BAC-end sequences. The
reliability of these markers is being tested with the 48 accessions
selected by the Consortium.
o A second set of 186 accessions mostly from the IITA collection was
selected. The DNA extracted at IITA was sent to CIRAD and
molecular characterization is being done by at both institutes by
using 27 SSR markers.
o The 4 th FAO/IAEA Interregional Training Course on Mutant
Germplasm Characterization Using Molecular Markers was held
from 27 September to 22 October 2004 at the IAE in Vienna,

Subprogramme comparative genomics:

o The University of Leicester team designed primers using conserved
regions of orthologous genes. Some 80 primer pairs have been
constructed and 360 sequences identified. A picture of genetic
variability between accessions and the extent of gene conservation
between Musa and other species is emerging.
o To identify COS markers common to rice/sorghum and Musa, 49
cDNA clones from sorghum and rice were used at CIRAD to screen
the Musa acuminata Calcutta 4 BAC library. The use of heterologous
RFLP probes from sorghum is inadequate to create links between
genetic maps of mononcots.
o Two SSH cDNA libraries were constructed at CIRAD to better
understand somaclonal variation and plant development.
o Gene expression profiling methods are being developed at IITA to
identify markers for the selection of drought tolerant and high water
use efficiency Musa accessions.

Subprogramme bioinformatics:
o INIBAP organized an EST analysis workshop, where 8 staff from
member institutes in Brazil, India, Malaysia, Nigeria and France
were trained to analyse their institute’s EST sequences. The genomic
Safe movement of Musa germplasm, knowledge of genome ... 229

data were made available in a web-based information portal on the

Consortium web site. At the annual meeting of the GCP, special
recognition was paid to INIBAP for its support to capacity building.
o A prototype, using the website technology BioMoby, has been
developed to access the molecular characterization data in the
CIRAD Tropgene online database using the accession identification
number, effectively linking the passport data in MGIS with the
molecular data in Tropgene.
o Laboratory Information Management Systems and a software for
SSR genotyping were evaluated at Agropolis.

Musa Genomics Resource Centre

The Musa Genomics Resources Centre (MGRC) based at the IEB in the
Czech Republic has been active in distributing Musa genome resources
to consortium members and in developing new resources. The aim of
the MGRC is to provide DNA libraries, individual DNA clones, markers
for molecular cytogenetics and high-density colony filters to the
members of the Consortium. Three BAC libraries are available through
the MGRC as 384 or 96 well plates or as high-density colony filters
and, exceptionally, as single clones (Table 2). A growing collection of
repetitive DNA clones is also being maintained and characterized by
copy number, genomic distribution in Musa acuminata and Musa
balbisiana, and similarity to known DNA sequences. Cytogenetic
markers available for distribution include those for 5S and 45S
ribosomal RNA loci. New cytogenetic markers based on BAC clones
isolated from genomic libraries are being developed.
A framework agreement is being prepared to consolidate the sharing
of resources and information among Consortium members.

Table 2. Features of the BAC libraries available through the MGRC.

Name Genotype No. Average Genomic Restriction Authors
clones insert size coverage site
C4BAM Calcutta 4 17280 110kb 3x BamHI A.C. James and
Q. Tao
MA4 Calcutta 4 55296 100kb 9x HindIII A. Vilarinhos
and P. Piffanelli
MBP Pisang 36864 135kb 9x HindIII J. Šafář and P.
Klutuk Piffanelli
230 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
International Mycosphaerella Genomics Consortium
Partners by country: Brazil: EMBRAPA; Cuba: IBP; France: CIRAD;
Mexico: CICY; Netherlands: PRI; Switzerland: ETH; and USA: BTI.
The International Mycosphaerella Genomics Consortium brings
together seven partners from seven countries, who have shared research
interest in Mycosphaerella species. Present activities aim to build a
collection of Mycosphaerella isolates, mapping populations and
transgenic strains at CIRAD, under the auspices of INIBAP, to be made
available to the banana research community.
o The International Mycosphaerella Genomics Consortium members
met in Malaysia on 9 July 2004. The development of a web site was
discussed and it was proposed that the international collection of
Mycosphaerella pathogens attacking bananas (M. fijiensis, M.
musicola and M. eumusae) be based at CIRAD, under the auspices
of INIBAP. The CIRAD collection already includes Mycosphaerella
banana pathogens, as well as mapping populations and transgenic
o IPB and the University of Hamburg are studying Mycosphaerella
fijiensis-banana interactions, using cDNA libraries obtained from
Calcutta 4 plants at an early stage of infection and from Niyarma
Yik plants at a late stage of infection.
o At CIRAD-AMIS, three F1 populations were obtained by crossing
isolates form Cameroon, Columbia, Mexico and the Philippines
and are being screened using markers from M. fijiensis, M. grisea
and M. graminicola.
Promoting conservation through sustainable use of underutlized... 231

Promoting conservation through

sustainable use of underutilized crops in
livelihood development – A case of
Zongwen Zhang*

Underutilized crops are often considered ‘minor crops’ and were once
grown more widely or intensively, but are falling into disuse for a variety
of agronomic, genetic, economic and cultural reasons. Farmers and
consumers are using these crops less because they are in some way
not competitive with other species in the same agricultural environment
(IPGRI 2002). Consequently, these species have been neglected and
genetic erosion of their genepools has become severe. Underutilized
crops can be found in many different agricultural ecosystems, but they
are mainly grown by small landholders in the marginal areas. They
are usually characterized by having local importance in consumption
and production systems, requiring relatively low inputs, adapting to
specific agro-ecological niches, receiving scarce attention by national
agricultural and biodiversity conservation efforts, mainly consisting
of local types or landraces, and being cultivated with indigenous
knowledge. Many underutilized species are adapted to low-input
agriculture and depended on by a large number of people in marginal
areas in developing countries. Millets, for example, are a staple food
for people living in marginal dry areas in northwest China. The erosion
of these species, whether wild, managed or cultivated, can have
immediate consequences on the food security and well-being of the
poor in marginal areas. Underutilized species are usually rich in
nutrition. Many underutilized fruits and vegetables contain more
vitamin C and pro-vitamin A than widely available commercial species
and varieties (IPGRI 2002). Their enhanced use can improve nutrition.
For example, buckwheat grains provide a rich source of high-quality
nutritious food, high in amino acids, vitamin P, flavonoid rutin and
dietary fibre. Similarly safflower oil contains 80% unsaturated fatty
acid, of which 80% is linolic acid. Promoting use of underutilized crops
will effectively maintain a diverse and healthy diet and to combat

*Coordinator, IPGRI-APO Office for East Asia, Beijing, China.

232 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
micronutrient dietary deficiencies in both developed and developing
The growing demand from consumers in developed and developing
countries for diversified foods is creating new market niches for
underutilized species. These market opportunities can generate
significant income for poor farmers in less-favoured environments
where these crops have comparative advantages over other staples
crops. Many underutilized crops are associated with local cultures and
traditions. The diversity of underutilized crops provides diversity of
food in taste, colour, texture and recipes prepared by different ethnic
groups. Many underutilized crops have their greatest cultural value at
the local level to support cultural diversity and maintain the colourful
and enjoyable life of human beings in the world.
Buckwheat (Fagopyrum spp.) is an ancient Asian crop now widely
grown around the world. Even though it is an underutilized crop, it
remains important for food security in the temperate and hilly regions
of countries in East Asia, East Europe and the Himalayan region (Arora
1995; Zhou and Arora 1995). Buckwheat contains rich amino acids,
abundant vitamin P high in rutin, which reduces blood cholesterol;
Vitamin B1 and B2, dietary fibre, lipids and minerals (Yang and Lu 1992;
Ohsawa and Tsutsumi 1995). Traditionally, buckwheat was used as a
nutritious food, a leafy vegetable, fodder or medicine in East Asian
and South Asian countries. Nowadays, buckwheat has become an
important health food. Buckwheat can be further processed to value-
added products such as cakes, instant powder, wine or vinegar to
increase the economic returns to the buckwheat farmers (IPGRI-APO
International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI) Regional Office
for Asia, the Pacific and Oceania (APO) has made efforts to promote
the conservation and use of buckwheat genetic resources through a
programme on underutilized crops in the region. The Programme aims
at addressing constraints and promoting aspects of diversity availability,
genetic enhancement and access to marketing. IPGRI-APO, in
cooperation with the national programmes in the region, focused
initially on producing a bibliography, descriptors and directory, and
currently the emphasis is on in situ conservation, and assessing and
promoting the potential of buckwheat for sustainable livelihoods for
the poor.
Promoting conservation through sustainable use of underutlized... 233

Buckwheat biodiversity in APO region

Species diversity
Buckwheat belongs to the genus Fagopyrum and family Polygonaceae.
There were 15 species in the genus Fagopyrum. Most of these species
occur in the temperate areas of Eurasia and a few in North America.
The classification of Fagopyrum was discussed by Ye and Guo (1992)
and further improved by Ohnishi (1995). F. esculentum and F. tataricum
are two cultivated species with rich diversity in East Asia and South
Asia. Among the wild species, F. cymosum is widely distributed, F.
gracilipes occurs in South China, extending to Bhutan, while other
species namely F. urophyllyum, F. statice, F. leptopodum, F. leptopodum
var. grossii, F. lineare, F. gracilies var. odontopodum, F.caudatum and F.
gilesii are mainly located in South China with preponderance in Yunnan,
Gunsu, Sichan and adjoining tracts (Ye and Guo 1992). The centre of
species diversity is Southwest China, mainly northern Yunnan and
southern Sichuan (Ohnishi 1995). The Himalayan region presents a
diverse range of species including F. esculentum, F. tataricum, F.
kashmirianum, F. emarginatum, F. sagittatum, F. cymosum, F. megacarpum,
F. gracilipes. The Eastern Himalaya, particularly Nepal and Bhutan
possess more diversity for the species of F. saggitatum and F.
kashmirianum, which are co-specific with F. esculentum and F. tataricum
(Arora 1995).

Genetic diversity
In Asia, particularly in China, Japan, DPR Korea, India and Nepal, efforts
have been made to collect and conserve buckwheat genetic diversity.
IPGRI-APO assessed the status of buckwheat genetic diversity collected
and maintained in East and South Asia. It was estimated that 4711
accessions of buckwheat have been collected in East and South Asia,
which account for about 52% of the world buckwheat collection.
Furthermore, over 90% of the world tartary buckwheat accessions are
from Asia. China has the largest buckwheat collection with 2146
accessions, which accounts for 46% of Asia’s total collections. India has
954 accessions, followed by Japan (746), DPR Korea (413), Nepal (327),
R. Korea (95) and Mongolia (30) (Table 1). However, the diversity of
wild species is not well represented in most of these collections. A total
of 50 wild species accessions are maintained by China, Japan and India
(IPGRI-APO 1999; Zhou and Zhang 1995).
Characterization of buckwheat genetic resources showed a wide range
of diversity in common buckwheat characters such as seed size and
234 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
Table 1. Buckwheat germplasm collections in Asian countries.
Countries Common Tartary Wild Total
buckwheat buckwheat buckwheat accessions
China 1544 578 24 2146
Japan 588 140 18 746
India 637 309 8 954
DPR Korea 405 8 413
Nepal 160 167 327
R. Korea 95 95
Mongolia 30 30

Total 3459 1202 50 4711

shape, pericarp colour, flower colour, plant height, leaf size and shape,
growth period, chemical components, etc. The evaluation is focused
on identifying buckwheat lines with economically important traits such
as early maturity, resistance to frost and lodging, high yield, reduced
shattering and high flavonoid content. Genetic diversity of buckwheat
has contributed to developing many buckwheat cultivars in the world
(Campbell 1997).

Potential of buckwheat biodiversity in sustainable livelihood

Factors influencing farmers’ choice of buckwheat

Social and cultural values
Buckwheat is a very important crop for people living in remote areas
in some countries in the region. For example, tartary buckwheat has
been cultivated since the 2nd century B.C. and is one of the earliest
food crops cultivated by Yi people in China. In Yi’s written language,
tartary buckwheat is called “E’amu”. “E” means tartary buckwheat
and “amu” means mother. Tartary buckwheat can always be found in
any celebration of Yi in China. The flour of buckwheat is used in different
religious festivals by making various processed products in Nepal. Some
of the Lama’s monks (Gumba) also use it for social or religious purposes.

The value for food security and better nutrition

Buckwheat is a stable food crop in some areas of China. In the
Liangshan Prefecture, Sichuan province of China, the tartary
buckwheat growing area is about 30% of the total area planted with
food crops. Tartary buckwheat is used for the preparation of baby food,
bread, pancakes, thick porridge, for making sausages and other locally
Promoting conservation through sustainable use of underutlized... 235

consumed food products in Nepal. The tartary buckwheat is also used for
preparation of local wine and whisky in both China and Nepal. In Dolpa,
Nepal, buckwheat is the only crop which can provide food security to
Buckwheat grain contains 10.9-15.5% protein, 2.1-2.8% fat, 63-71.35%
starch and 1.0-1.61% fibre (Chai et al. 1989). Protein content in
buckwheat flour is significantly higher than that in rice, wheat, and
maize. Its protein composition is similar to that of beans, i.e. high in
albumin and globulin. It is also high in essential amino acids such as
lysine (5-7%) that are deficient in major cereal crops, and lipids, minerals
(iron, phosphorus, and copper), and vitamins (B1 and B2, VPP, VP
and folic acid contents are all higher than in grains of major crops) and
rutin. Rutin is only found in buckwheat grains and plants (but not in
other grains ( It contains more fat
than rice and wheat. It contains 9 types of aliphatic acids, mainly oleic
acid and linolic acids.

Medicinal value
Specific medicinal properties of buckwheat are mainly conferred by
its biological flavonoid and fagopyritol. Flavonoid helps in relieving
coughs and eliminating phlegm. Flavanoid content is higher in tartary
buckwheat than common buckwheat. Using the flavonoid extracted
from tartary buckwheat, several kinds of Chinese pharmaceutical
preparations have been developed, including capsules, tablets, and elec-
tuaries. Rutin has a function of preventing haemorrhage caused by
fragile blood capillaries and treating hypertension by lowering sugars
and lipids. Buckwheat contains abundant Cu, which can improve the
function of Fe and prevent hypohemia.

Process for adding value to products

Processing could add more value to buckwheat products and generate
more profit for farmers. For example, farmer He Zengbao from Pingtou
town processed 10 t of buckwheat flour from 15 t of buckwheat grain
and sold it in markets in Yuci and Yangqu. The value increased from
US$2 012.25 to US$3 022.75, about a 33.4% increase in profit.

Buckwheat flour or broken grains

Examples of products from buckwheat flour and grain are common
buckwheat flour, tartary buckwheat flour, dried noodles, instant
noodles, dumpling, powder, flake, etc. The flour and grain products
are easy to produce and are also durable for transportation. Therefore,
236 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
these products can be produced by community-run factories and sold
to local markets.

Buckwheat snacks
This includes different kind of cakes made from buckwheat flour, for
example, braised cake buckwheat cake, buckwheat-blood cake, etc.
These products are mainly produced by food companies in nearby
cities and supplied to the supermarkets.

Buckwheat liquids
Buckwheat is also used to produce wine and vinegar, which are usually
produced by local factories and preferred by local people. Some of
these products can be found in supermarkets in the cities. There could
be a potential for expansion of the market for these products.

Buckwheat tea
Tartary buckwheat can be processed into different kinds of teas, which
have functions of reducing blood pressure and lowering sugars and
lipids. It can be processed by mixing with other materials such as the
fruit of Chinese wolfberry (Lycium spp.).

Market for income generation

Buckwheat has become one of the main income sources of farmers in
buckwheat producing areas. The survey in China showed that farmers
gain much more growing buckwheat than growing other cereal crops.
Domestic demand for buckwheat has increased dramatically in recent
years while international markets remain stable. Some countries such
as Japan import buckwheat from China. This provides an opportunity
to expand buckwheat production and its economic value.

Domestic market
Generally, buckwheat can be grown even in poor soils and low inputs.
China is a large buckwheat producing country with a total planting
area of 1 million ha and a production of 1.05 million tonnes. Common
buckwheat is planted on 0.7 million ha with a production of 0.75 million
tonnes and tartary buckwheat on 0.3 million ha with a production of
0.3 million tonnes. A large proportion of buckwheat production is
consumed by farmers themselves. However, considerable amounts are
made available to the local market. There are specific companies and
retail chain stores for buckwheat products in Beijing, Shanghai and
other developed districts.
Promoting conservation through sustainable use of underutlized... 237

International market
One of the driving forces for buckwheat’s market growth is an increased
demand from Asian market. Japan now imports approximately 120
000 tonnes of buckwheat annually for its soba noodles. Being low in
fat and sodium with no cholesterol, buckwheat is also quite popular
among health-conscious Americans. Annually, China exports 80 000
tonnes of buckwheat to Japan. In addition, China also exports
buckwheat to the Netherlands, R. Korea, Hong Kong, Russia and
Cuba. With an increase in health consciousness worldwide, demand
is expected to grow, which has potential for farmers to grow more
buckwheat and benefit from it.

Buckwheat Association

Buckwheat Livelihood
Biodiversity -Government Outcomes
-Extension + Sustainable use Livelihood
-Institutes of buckwheat Capital Assets
-Enterprises + Income
- Vulnerability
+ Food security
management Natural

Adding value Marketing

processing Strategies Physical Financial

Figure 1. The Livelihood Framework on Buckwheat

Livelihood framework on buckwheat

The objective of developing a livelihood framework is to ensure a better
livelihood for the poor. Plant diversity can be used to reduce poverty.
The livelihood framework on buckwheat is to use buckwheat as a
resource to improve the capital assets of buckwheat producers at
selected sites. According to the study in Shouyang, Shanxi, the livelihood
framework on buckwheat can be envisaged in Figure 1.
The framework brings different stakeholders together for promoting
buckwheat production, processing and marketing. The Shouyang
Buckwheat Association plays a critical role in linking different sectors.
Members of the Association include farmers, enterprises, research
organizations and governmental agencies. The Association is actively
238 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
involved in training farmers on buckwheat cultivation, sharing
technologies, providing market information, introducing varieties,
technologies and capital as well as coordinating member’s activities on
production, process and marketing.
Farmers are the major players in buckwheat production and
management of buckwheat genetic resources. They are major suppliers
of raw materials to enterprises for processing new buckwheat products.
Farmers’ traditional knowledge on the use of buckwheat will be useful
information for enterprises in developing new buckwheat products.
Farmers can benefit in two ways: 1) increased buckwheat productivity
and 2) increased market opportunities for income generation. Farmers
actively participate in variety selection for high yielding and good quality,
which contributes to a better harvest and higher price.
Community enterprises play a role in adding more value to buckwheat
products. The studies showed that processed flour could increase
191.2% the original value of buckwheat grain, while processed Bowl
Shaped Lump could increase 883% the original value of buckwheat
flour. At the same time, the processing of buckwheat also provides
employment opportunities, which is an important source of income
generation for farmers. The enterprises will pay attention to expanding
market for seeking economic benefits. They also collaborate with
scientists to develop new varieties of buckwheat to be used as health
Research organizations contribute to conservation and improvement
of buckwheat genetic resources and make them available to farmers.
In previous years, the research institutes have released 6 varieties of
common buckwheat (Jinqiao No. 1, Xinnong No. 1, 8802-1, Pingqiao
No. 2, Liuqiao No. 1, Yuqiao-4) and 10 of tartary buckwheat (Nongda
9909, ding 98-1, Dianning 1, Zhaoku 1, Qianwei 3, Jiujiang Kuqiao,
Liuqiao-1, Liuqiao-2, Liuqiao-3 and Heifeng No. 1). In addition,
scientists from food processing institutes help community enterprises
to develop new buckwheat products such as tartary buckwheat wine
and instant health thick soup of buckwheat. These new products are
now available in the market in Shanxi Province.
Local government plays a role coordinating activities and providing
policy support through its relevant departments. Government helps
to facilitate the development of buckwheat markets and the
establishment of buckwheat production bases. The government also
will play a role in public awareness of buckwheat and its products.
Promoting conservation through sustainable use of underutlized... 239

Buckwheat has a long history of cultivation. It is mainly distributed in
the Himalaya region covering East and South Asia and is an important
crop for people living in the mountainous and remote areas in these
regions. The Southwest of China is the original centre of cultivated
species of Fagopyrum, where a diverse genepool exists, including
cultivated, semi-wild and wild species. The genetic diversity of
buckwheat is mainly preserved in Asian collections, which are
maintained at different ex situ genebanks. A wide range of diversity
was found in buckwheat characters such as seed size and shape,
pericarp colour, flower colour, plant height, leaf size and shape, growth
period, chemical components, etc. Early maturity, resistance to frost,
resistance to lodging, high yield, reduced shattering and high flavonoid
content are major traits preferred by breeders for buckwheat
Buckwheat has great potential for supporting sustainable livelihoods
in China. Buckwheat foods are well appreciated by a wide range of
consumers not only in China, but also in many other countries such as
Japan, Korea, etc. Buckwheat contains many nutritional components
such as protein, amino acids, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, which are all
important healthy compounds. Buckwheat also has medicinal value,
particularly functioned by flavonoid in relieving coughs and eliminating
phlegm, and prevention of haemorrhages and treatment of
hypertension. For value adding, the production of food, health and
medicinal products is essential for buckwheat producers and
consumers. Many kinds of buckwheat processed flours, snacks, wine,
and vinegars are available in local markets in China. Buckwheat is
exported to international markets, particularly to Japan. This is an
important source of income generation for local farmers. Through the
livelihood framework developed on buckwheat, farmers, local
processors and trade companies are all beneficiaries of buckwheat. This
framework will serve as an example for other underutilized crops in
the IPGRI-APO programme.

Arora R. K. 1995. Buckwheat genetic resources in the Himalayas: their
diversity, conservation and use. Pp. 39-46 in Current Advances in
Buckwheat Research. Vol. I-III. Proc. 6th Int. Symp. on Buckwheat
in Shinshu, 24-29 August 1995 (T. Matano and A. Ujihara, eds.).
Shinshu University Press, Asahi Matsumoto.
Chai Y., R. Liu and S. Feng. 1989. Nutritive components and nutritive
values of buckwheat. Pp 198-202 in A Collection of Scientific
240 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
Treaties on Buckwheat in China. Academic Periodical Press. Beijing.
Campbell C.G. 1997. Buckwheat. Fagopyrum esculentum Moench.
Promoting the conservation and use of underutilized and neglected
crops. 19. Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research,
Gatersleben/International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome,
IPGRI. 2002. Neglected and Underutilized Plant Species: Strategic
Action Plan of the International Plant Genetic Resources Institute.
International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome, Italy.
IPGRI-APO. 1999. Status reports on genetic resources of buckwheat.
IPGRI Regional Office for Asia, the Pacific and Oceania, Serdang,
Ohnishi O. 1995. Discovery of new Fagopyrum species and its
implication for the studies of evolution of Fagopyrum and of the
origin of cultivated buckwheat. Pp. 175-190 in Current Advances
in Buckwheat Research. Vol. I-III. Proc. 6th Int. Symp. on
Buckwheat in Shinshu, 24-29 August 1995 (T. Matano and A.
Ujihara, eds.). Shinshu University Press, Asahi Matsumoto.
Ohsawa R. and T. Tsutsumi. 1995. Improvement of rutin content in
buckwheat flour. Pp. 365-372 in Current Advances in Buckwheat
Research. Vol. I-III. Proc. 6th Int. Symp. on Buckwheat in Shinshu,
24-29 August 1995 (T. Matano and A. Ujihara, eds.). Shinshu
University Press.
Yang K. and D. Lu. 1992. The quality appraisal of buckwheat
germplasm resources in China. Pp. 90-97 in Proc. 5th Int. Symp.
on Buckwheat, 20-26 August 1992, Taiyuan, China (Lin Rufa, Zhou
Ming-De, Tao Yongru, Li Jianying and Zhang Zongwen, eds.).
Agricultural Publishing House, Beijing.
Ye N. and G. Guo. 1992. Classification, origin and evolution of genus
Fagopyrum in China. Pp. 19-28 in Proc. 5th Int. Symp. on
Buckwheat, 20-26 August 1992, Taiyuan, China (Lin Rufa, Zhou
Ming-De, Tao Yongru, Li Jianying and Zhang Zongwen, eds.).
Agricultural Publishing House, Beijing.
Zhou M. and R.K. Arora. 1995. IBPGR activities on buckwheat genetic
resources. Pp. 71-78 in Current Advances in Buckwheat Research.
Vol. I-III. Proc. 6th Int. Symp. on Buckwheat in Shinshu, 24-29
August 1995 (T. Matano and A. Ujihara, eds.). Shinshu University
Press, Asahi Matsumoto.
Zhou M. and Z. Zhang. 1995. Directory of Germplasm Collections -
Buckwheat. International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Beijing.

Programme 243

Appendix 1: Programme of the

3rd BAPNET Steering Committee meeting
Monday, 22 November Arrival of participants

Tuesday, 23 November

8:00 am Registration
8:30 Opening ceremonies
Introduction of participants Dr Cao Jun Ming
Introduction of conference hosts
Welcome remarks Prof Luo Fuhe
President, GDAAS
Messages Mr Ma Xian Min
Vice Director, Guangdong
Science andtechnology
Messages Dr Zhang Zhongwen
IPGRI-East Asia Coordinator
Dr. Nicolas Roux
Musa Genomics and Genetic
Resources Coordinator,
Remarks and presentation Dr Agustin B. Molina
of Plaques of Appreciation Regional Coordinator
INIBAP-Asia Pacific
10:00 Coffee/Tea break
10:30 Country presentations
10:30 Australia Mr Bob Williams
10:50 Bangladesh Dr Md. Abdus Satter
11:10 Cambodia Dr Men Sarom
11:30 China Mr Xu Linbing
12:00 nn Lunch break
1:30 pm India paper distributed only
1:50 Indonesia Dr Suyamto
2:10 Malaysia Dr Nik Masdek Hassan
2:30 Myanmar Dr Aye Tun
2:50 Coffee/Tea break
3:10 Papua New Guinea Ms Rosa Kambuou
3:40 Philippines Dr Patricio S. Faylon
4:00 Sri Lanka Dr C. Kudagamage
4:20 Thailand Mr S. Chandraparnik
4:40 Vietnam Dr Ho Huu Nhi
5:00 Secretariat of the Pacific Dr Mary Taylor
7:00 pm Welcome cocktails/dinner w/ cultural show
hosted by GDAAS
244 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
Wednesday, 24 November
8:10 am Taiwan Banana Research Dr Chi-Hon Chen
8:30 South China Agricultural Dr Chen Houbin
9:00 South China Botanical Garden Dr Ge Xue Jun
9:20 Zhongshan University Prof Huang Xuelin
9:40 Guangdong Academy of Prof Huang Bingzhi
Agricultural Sciences
10:00 Hainan Dr Chen Yeyuan
10:20 Coffee/Tea break
10:40 INIBAP-AP Dr Agustin Molina
11:00 INIBAP-AP Dr Inge Van den Bergh
11:20 IPGRI-APO- East Asia Dr Zhang Zongwen
11:40 INIBAP Hq Dr Nicolas Roux
12:00 nn Lunch break
1:30 pm Workshop/discussions
7:00 Hospitality cocktails/dinner hosted by INIBAP
Thursday, 25 November

8:10 am Continuation of workshop/discussions

10:00 Coffee/Tea break
10:20 Continuation of workshop/discussions
12:00 nn Lunch break
1:30 pm Continuation of workshop/discussions
3:30pm Conclusion
Election of new chairman
Nomination of date and place of next BAPNET SC meeting

Friday, 26 November
8:30 am Field trip

Saturday, 27 November Departure of participants

Directory 245

Appendix 2 : Directory of BAPNET Steering

Committee members/hosts/resource
Australia Mr Robert Williams
Science Leader – Horticulture and Forestry Science
Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries
P.O. Box 20, South Johnstone Rd.
South Johnstone Qld 4859
Tel: (61-7) 40641151
Fax: (61-7) 40642249
Email: [email protected]
Bangladesh Dr Md Abdus Satter
Director General
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute
Joydebpur, Gazipur 1701
Tel: (880-2) 925 2715
Fax: (880-2) 926 2713
Email: [email protected]
Cambodia Dr Men Sarom
Cambodian Agricultural Research and
Development Institute (CARDI)
Prateah Lang, National Road #3
Dangkor, Phnom Penh
(P.O. Box 01, Phnom Penh, Cambodia)
Tel: (855-23) 219692
Fax: (855-23) 219800
Email: [email protected]
China Mr Xu Linbing
Senior Agronomist
Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Wushan, Guangzhou 510640
Tel: (86-20) 38765468
Fax: (86-20) 38765468
Email: [email protected]
India Dr M.M. Mustaffa (absent)
Principal Scientist
National Research Centre on Banana (ICAR)
Thogamalai Main Road
Thayanur Post, Thiruchirapalli - 620 021
246 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
Tel: (91-431) 2618104, 2618106
Fax: (91-431) 2618115
Email: [email protected]
Indonesia Dr Suyamto
Director, Indonesian Centre for Horticultural
Research and Development (ICHORD/AARD)
Jl. Ragunan 19, Pasarminggu, Jakarta
Tel: (62-21) 7890990
Fax: (62-21) 7805135
Email: [email protected]
Malaysia Dr Nik Masdek Hassan
Horticulture Research Centre
Malaysian Agriculture Research and Development
Institute (MARDI)
P.O. Box 12301, 50774 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: (603) 89437445
Fax: (603) 89487590
Email: [email protected]
Myanmar U Aye Tun
Project Manager (VFRDC)
Myanma Agricultural Service
Ministry of Agruiclture and Irrigation
Agriculture Lane, Yankin, Kanbe, Yangon
Tel: (95-1) 625046
Fax: (95-1) 667991
Email: [email protected]
Papua New Guinea Mrs Rosa Naipo Kambuou
Principal Scientist - Plant Genetic Resources
National Agricultural Research Institute –
Dry-Lowlands Programme – Laloki
P.O. Box 1828, Port Moresby
Tel: (675) 3235511
Fax: (675) 3234733
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
Philippines Dr Patricio S. Faylon
Executive Director
Philippine Council for Agriculture, Forestry and
Natural Resources Research and Development
Los Baños, Laguna 4030
Tel: (63-49) 5364990 / 5365899
Fax: (63-49) 5367922
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
Directory 247

Dr William C. Medrano (absent)

Bureau of Agricultural Research (DA-BAR)
Department of Agriculture
3rd Flr., ATI Bldg.
Elliptical Road, Diliman, Quezon City
Tel: (63-2) 9288505
Fax: (63-2) 9275691
Email: [email protected]
Sri Lanka Dr Chandrasiri Kudagamage
Horticultural Crop Research and Development
Institute (HORDI)
P.O. Box 11, Gannoruwa, Peradeniya
Tel: (94-8) 2388234 (direct), (94-8) 2388011-3
Fax: (94-8) 2388234
Email: [email protected]
Thailand Mr Sookwat Chandraparnik
Horticulture Research Institute
Department of Agriculture
Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900 Thailand
Tel: (662) 5792759
Fax: (662) 5799545
Email: [email protected]
Vietnam Dr Ho Huu Nhi
Head, Agro-biotechnology Department
Vietnam Agricultural Science Institute (VASI)
Thanh tri, Hanoi
Tel: (84-4) 8617167
Fax: (84-4) 8617167
Email: [email protected]
Taiwan Banana Dr Chi-Hon Chen
Research Institute Director, Taiwan Banana Research Institute
(TBRI) P.O. Box 18, Chiuju, Pingtung, Taiwan 90403
Tel: (886-8) 7392111/3
Fax: (886-8) 7390595
Email: [email protected]
Secretariat of the Dr Mary Taylor
Pacific Community Regional Germplasm Adviser
(SPC) Secretariat of the Pacific Community
PMB, Suva, Fiji Islands
Tel: (679) 3371279
Fax: (679) 3370033
Email: [email protected]
248 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
Executive Secretary Dr Agustin B. Molina
(INIBAP-AP) Regional Coordinator
College, Laguna 4031 Philippines
Tel/Fax: (63-49) 5360532
Tel: (63-2) 8450563; 8127686 loc 6874
Fax: (63-2) 8450606
Email: [email protected]

GDAAS Prof Luo Fu he
President of GDAAS /
Vice Chairman of Guangdong Provincial Political
Consultant Committee

Dr Cao Junming
Vice President of GDAAS

Guangdong S&T Dr Ma Xian Min

Vice Director
Department of Science and Technology
Guangdong Province

Other participants and guests

TBRI Dr Chih-Ping Chao
Associate Researcher/ Head, Extension Division
Taiwan Banana Research Institute
P.O. Box 18, Chiuju, Pingtung, Taiwan 90403
Tel: (886-8) 7392111
Fax: (886-8) 7390595
Email: [email protected]
INIBAP Hq Dr Nicolas Roux
Coordinator, Musa genomics and genetic resources
Parc Scientifique Agropolis II
34397 Montpellier Cedex 5 France
Tel: (33) 467619946
Fax: (33) 467610334
Email: [email protected]
INIBAP-AP Dr Inge Van den Bergh
College, Laguna 4031 Philippines
Tel/Fax: (63-49) 5360532
Tel: (63-2) 8450563; 8127686 loc 6874
Fax: (63-2) 8450606
Email: [email protected]
Directory 249

IPGRI-APO East Asia Dr Zhang Zongwen

Coordinator, IPGRI-East Asia
c/o CAAS, 12 Zhongguancun Nandajie
Beijing 100081 China
Tel: (86-10) 62163744 / 68918383
Fax: (86-10) 68975192
Email: [email protected]
China Dr Chen Yeyuan
Deputy Director
Tropical Crops Genetic Resource Institute
Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences
Danzhou City, Hainan Province 571737
Tel: (86-898) 23300554
Fax: (86-898) 23300440
Email: [email protected]
Dr Chen Houbin
Director, Tropical and Subtropical Fruit
Research Laboratory
Vice Dean, College of Horticulture
South China Agricultural University
Wushan, Guangzhou 501640
Tel: (86-20) 8528 0231
Fax: (86-20) 8528 2107
Email: [email protected]
Dr Ge Xue-Jun
South China Botanical Garden
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Leyiju, Guangzhou
Tel: (86-20) 3725 2551
Fax: (86-20) 3725 2831
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
Dr Huang Xue-Lin
Professor and Chairman
Department of Biology, School of Life Sciences
Zhongshan (Sun Yat Sen) University
Guangzhou 510275
Tel: (86-20) 84110797
Fax: (86-20) 84113472
Email: [email protected]
Dr Huang Bingzhi
Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Wushan, Guangzhou 510640
Tel: (86-20) 3876 5640
Fax: (86-20) 3876 5468
Email: [email protected]
250 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13

INIBAP-AP Ms Versalynn N. Roa

GDAAS Prof Tang Xiaolang

Prof Sun Ling
Mr Shu Zhao Su
Mr Yang Hu
Ms Han Dong Mei
Dr Wei Yue Rong
Awards 251

Appendix 3 : Awards


and the

Presents this

Plaque of Appreciation

Xu Linbing

For his leadership in promoting banana R&D in China.

For his dedicated efforts in coordinating banana R&D cooperative projects and global research
programs in Guangdong province in particular and in China in general.

For his valuable efforts in spearheading the 3rd BAPNET Steering Committee meeting.

In acknowledgment of his active participation as representative of China in the BAPNET Steering

Committee resulting in productive cooperation and in recognition of his efforts in joining other
Chinese scientists in the establishment of a Chinese banana R&D network that would advance a
unified banana R&D in China.

This Plaque of Appreciation is given this 26th day of November 2004 during the 3rd BAPNET
Steering Committee meeting in Guangzhou, China.


Regional Coordinator Director

INIBAP is a programme of the International Plant Genetic

Resources Institute (IPGRI), a center of
252 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13


and the

Presents this

Plaque of Appreciation
to the

Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences

In recognition of its strong commitment in banana and plantain R&D and of its
cooperation with INIBAP as well as the active participation of its scientists in
conferences and training programs.

In grateful appreciation for hosting the 3rd BAPNET Steering Committee meeting on
23-26 November 2004.

In acknowledgment of its participation in the National Repository, Multiplication and

Dissemination Program in the Asia Pacific region in an effort to evaluate and adopt
banana varieties that may solve major banana production constraints in China such as
Fusarium wilt (race 4) and virus diseases.

This Plaque of Appreciation is given this 23th day of November 2004 during the 3rd
BAPNET Steering Committee meeting in Guangzhou, China.


Regional Coordinator Director

INIBAP is a programme of the International Plant Genetic

Resources Institute (IPGRI), a center of
Awards 253


and the
Presents this

Pisang Raja Award

to the

Dr. S. Sathiamoorthy
In recognition of his outstanding contribution to banana R&D in India and in the region in general.
He has devoted his career to banana research including the collection, conservation and
characterization of the diverse Musa germplasm in India that resulted to the establishment of the
largest field Musa collection in Asia. He had initiated a systematic banana breeding and selection
programme leading to the development of banana cultivars in India. His scientific contribution to
banana R&D can be gleaned from his technical publications as he authored and co-authored 236
publications that included 4 books and 5 book chapters.

In sincere appreciation of his cooperation and active participation in INIBAP programs/activities

such as the ‘National Training on Musa Germplasm Information System’, and the ‘Workshop on
Compilation of Names and Synonyms of Banana and Plantains in India’ held in Trichy, India in
May 2001; the PROMUSA Working Group meeting held in Trichy, India in June 2003; the ‘Eco-
friendly Management of Banana Nematodes’ held in Trichy, India in March 2004; and a member
and previous convenor of the PROMUSA Genetic Improvement Working Group.

For his dedicated efforts in coordinating national cooperative projects on the National Repository,
Multiplication and Dissemination Program and the global research program of the International
Musa Testing Programme in India.

In gratitude of his active role in promoting banana R&D in India through participation as member
of the INIBAP Steering Committee representing India in 2000.

This Pisang Raja Award is given this 23rd day of November 2004 during the 3rd BAPNET
Steering Committee meeting in Guangzhou, China.


Regional Coordinator BAPNET Chair Director
INIBAP Asia-Pacific 2004-2005 INIBAP

INIBAP is a programme of the International Plant

Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI), a center of
Acronyms and abbreviations 255

Appendix 4 : Acronyms and abbreviations

ABGC Australian Banana Growers Council

ACIAR Australian Centre for International Agricultural
APO Agricultural Productivity Organization
APVMA Australian Pesticide and Veterinary Medicines
ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations
BAPHIQ Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and
BAPNET Banana Asia Pacific Network
BARI Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute
BAU Bangladesh Agricultural University
BBD bacterial blood disease
BBTV Banana Bunchy Top Virus
BBrMV Banana Bract Mosaic Virus
BC banana community
BLS black leaf streak
BPI-DNCRDC Bureau of Plant Industry - Davao National Crop
Research and Development Center, Philippines
BS black sigatoka
BSMRAU Bangladesh Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural
University, Bangladesh
BSV Banana Streak Virus
CAM-SSCDC China Agriculture Ministry, South Sub-tropical
Crop Development Center, China
CARDI Cambodian Agricultural Research and Development
CATAS Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences
CCI Cocoa Coconut Research Institute, PNG
CGIAR Consultative Group on International Agricultural
CIRAD Centre de Cooperation Internationale en Recherche
Agronomique Pour le Developpement, France
cm centimeter
CMV Cucumber Mosaic Virus
CRCTPP Cooperative Research for Tropical Plant Protection,
CRI Coffee Research Institute, PNG
CvSU Cavite State University, Philippines
DA-BAR Department of Agriculture - Bureau of Agricultural
Research, Philippines
DAE Department of Agriculture Extension, Bangladesh
256 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
DAR Department of Agriculture Research, Myanmar
DMMMSU Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University,
DNA deoxyribonucleic acid
DOST Department of Science and Technology, Philippines
ECS embryogenic cell suspensions
ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
EMS Environmental Management Systems
EPMG Evaluation and Promotion of Musa Germplasm
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations, Italy
Foc Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense
FFTC Food anf Fertilizer Technology Center, Taiwan
FHIA Fundacion Hondureña de Investigacion Agricola,
FSM Federated States of Micronesia
ft foot/feet
GDAAS Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences
GC Giant Cavendish
GCTCV Giant Cavendish Tissue Culture Variant
GDP gross domestic product
GIS Geographic Information Systems
ha(s) hectare(s)
HBA Hainan Banana Association, China
HGB heated green banana
HOAFS Heads of Agriculture and Forestry
IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency, Austria
ICAR Indian Council of Agricultural Research
ICHORD Indonesian Center for Horticultural Research and
IFRI Indonesian Fruit Research Institute
IITA International Institute for Tropical Agriculture,
IMTP International Musa Testing Program
INIBAP International Network for the Improvement of Banana
and Plantain, Montpellier, France
IPB-UPLB Institute of Plant Breeding, University of the
Philippines Los Baños
IPGRI International Plant Genetic Resources Institute,
Macaresse, Italy
IPM integrated pest management
IPR Intellectual Property Rights
ISPSC Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College, Philippines
ITTO International Tropical Timber Organization
ITC INIBAP Transit Centre, Leuven, Belgium
kg kilogram
K.U.Leuven Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Acronyms and abbreviations 257

LOA letter of agreement

m meter
MARDI Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development
Institute, Serdang, Malaysia
MGIS Musa Germplasm Information System
MinSCAT Mindoro State College of Agriculture and Technology,
mo(s) month(s)
MTA material transfer agreement
NAFC National Agriculture and Fishery Council, Philippines
NARI-DLP National Agricultural Research Institute - Dry
Lowlands Programme, Papua New Guinea
NARS National Agricultural Research System
NAST National Academy of Science and Technology,
NBPGR National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, India
NGO non-government organization
NPK nitrogen phosphorus potassium
NRCB National Research Centre for Banana, India
NTU National Taiwan University
PCARRD Philippine Council for Agriculture, Forestry and
Natural Resources Research and Development
PC plant crop
PCR polymerase chain reaction
PG Polygalacturonase
PGR plant genetic resources
PME pectin methyl esterase
PMN Planting Material Network, Soloman Islands
PNG Papua New Guinea
PROMUSA Global Programme for Musa Improvement
QSC Quirino State College, Philippines
QUT Queensland University of Technology, Australia
QBAN Quality Banana Approved Nursery
RAPD random amplified polymorphic DNA
RC Regional Coordinator
R&D research and development
RFLP Random fragment length polymorphism
RGC Regional Germplasm Centre, Fiji
RISBAP Regional Information System for Bananaa and
Plantain - Asia and the Pacific
RNA ribonucleic acid
RT PCR reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction
sp/spp. species
R&D research and development
RDE research, development and extension
SC steering committee
SCAU South China Agricultural University
258 Advancing banana and plantain R&D in Asia and the Pacific - Vol 13
SCUs state colleges and universities
SCV settled cell volume
SERD-PCARRD Socio-economic Research Division, PCARRD,
SLPC Southern Luzon Polytechnic College, Philippines
SOFRI Southern Fruit Research Institute, Vietnam
SPC Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Fiji
SPS sucrose phosphate synthase
S&T science and technology
t tonnes
TBRI Taiwan Banana Research Institute
TCP tissue-cultured plant
TIS Temporary Immersion System
TNAU Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, India
TOPD-PCARRD Technology Outreach and Promotion Division,
PCARRD, Philippines
UHGB unheated green banana
UPLB University of the Philippines, Los Baños
UPLB-CEM UPLB, College of Economics and Management,
UQ Queensland University
VASI Vietnam Agricultural Science Institute
VCGs vegetative and compatibility groups
VFI Virlanie Foundation, Incorporated, Philippines
VFRDC Vegetable and Fruit Research and Development
Center, Myanmar
VLIR Flemish Inter-University Council, Belgium
VVOB Vlaamse Vereniging voor
Ontwikkelingsamenwerking en Technische Bijstand,
Belgium (or Flemish Association for Development
Cooperation and Technical Assistance)
WTO World Trade Organization
YAU Yezin Agriculture University, Myanmar
YLS youngest leaf spotted
YS yellow sigatoka

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