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EDUC 60: The Teacher and The Community, School Culture and Organizational Leadership Learning Activity 2: Philosophical Thoughts On Education

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EDUC 60: The Teacher and the Community, School Culture and Organizational Leadership

Learning Activity 2: Philosophical Thoughts on Education

Name: Kenneth Mayo Monteverde Program/Year/Section: BSE-English 1-1

A. Make a table summary of the philosophies of education:

Aims and Methods of Classroom/School
Education Application
• Help students to become an
active and intelligent citizen in • Knowledge is not contained in a
democratic country. the Classics/Great books. • The Students
gradually • The school engage the
1. John Locke acquire knowledge through learners in some recreational
The Empiricist interacting and comparing. activities that helps to develop •
They are able to form the child, and able to acquire complex ideas
through knowledge through empirical generalization and reflecting
with concrete experiences.
• Students are engage in the
activities like memorization and • Helps the students to survive learning information that in a
complex society. positively affects their cognitive 2. Herbert Spencer
The utilitarianist • And aims to make learners a development.
productive citizen that leads to • The educators provide a
social progress. learning environment that is
physically and emotionally safe.
• Learners are encouraged
to • Focuses on student’s cooperate in group work development or the whole discussion
and have self3. John Dewey child, and the cultivation of discipline to gain knowledge.
Experience individuality. • They have the ability to deal
• Students are “learning by
with problems using their ➪ doing” and reflective thinking. ideas, discoveries,
inventions and social participation.

4. George Counts • Teachers prepare students to • Learners are engage in

practical problem solving.
Building a new social become agents of change for order the social improvement. •
Students acquire knowledge
through real life situations.
• Helps the students to • The teachers engage become great leaders
and students about the issues that
5. Theodore Brameld able to solve social problems exist in society.
The Social that leads to the development • Educators guide them how to
Reconstructionist of the society. take actions and make a plan
• It provides a curriculum that and solutions to address the
emphasizes social reforms. societal problems.
6. Paulo Freire • Helps to empower the • Students are encouraged to Critical
Pedagocy vs. learners and develop critical express their views and
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consciousness. • They are allowed to critically

evaluate the opinions of others.
Banking Method • Aims to exercise self-

expression. • It involves dialogue as

opposed to the banking method.

B. As future teacher, what philosophy will you adapt? Explain your answer.

As a future teacher, the philosophy of education that I want to adapt is the Social
Reconstructionism. This philosophy focuses on changes, and it highlights the social reforms for the
betterment of society. Teaching the youth about the problems in our society helps us to raise
awareness and keep informed about the issues that exist in this world. It enables students to think
critically and rationally, it enhances and improves the learner’s intellectual capacity. Having a dialogue
with the students regarding to the scarcity of society, it will lead to a fruitful discussion. In line with
this, students will exercise their problem-solving skills, able to present different varieties of
perspectives, and able to have self-realization. We all know that the students are the future of our
society. The students are the ones who will lead the nation in the near future, that is why teachers
serve as an eye-opener to eliminate the social injustice and encourage the youth to speak out about
the things that negatively affect them. I believe that education is the key to eliminate social
injustice and oppression. I want to guide the learners on how to generate solutions that will make the
society healthy and progressive. A student should not just learn how to derive equations, memorize
information, analyze and understand scientific explanations but also how to cope with real-life
situations and problems. They should understand its impact on every people’s life.
Poverty, discrimination, violence, terrorism, racism, inequality are just some of the controversial
issues that we face in our society, and educators will help to lead and build the nation through
applying an essential solution by educating and touching the lives of every student. We all know that
teachers have a great influence on the student’s development and we should help the child to
become globally competitive and locally active.
In adopting the Social Reconstructionism and providing a teaching method or curriculum that
fosters the student’s development it would have a great contribution to our society. It is essential for
us to encourage the students in discussing societal issues and problems because it helps them create
and reconstruct a plan of action, and the ability to prioritize in making social changes. All in all, the
school will produce holistically developed professionals and they will use their roles to address
societal problems.

1. Answer the activity using the given format.
2. Save the file in PDF format.
3. Submit the file in the following format: Surname_FirstName_Program_Activity2 and send
it to alfredvenzon@gmail.com on or before Thursday, October 15, 2020.
4. Late submissions will not be accepted.

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