Q2 English Module 3

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Quarter 2 - Module 3

Identifying Point-of-View

This Self-Learning Module (SLM) was designed and written with you in mind to help you
master in identifying point-of-view. The scope of this learning material focuses on the many
different learning situations.

Moreover, the language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary levels of learners. The
lessons are also arranged following the standard sequence of the course.

Hence, the order in which you read them can be changed to correspond with the textbook
you are now using.
The SLM contains:
Lesson 1: Identify Point-of-view

It is divided into three sub-lessons, namely:

Lesson 1.1 – Identifying Point of view
Lesson 1.2 A – Clarifying Meaning of Words Using Dictionary and Thesaurus
B - Using Online Resources

After going through this Self-Learning Module, you are expected to:
1. identify and describe story elements;
2. describe each point of view;
3. identify the point-of-view of a reading text;
4. determine the point-of-view in a story/paragraph; and
5. clarify meaning of words using dictionaries, thesaurus, and/ or online


Directions: Read the questions carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. What do you call the angle where the story is told?

A. fable B. point of view C. setting D. theme

2. Which of the following pronouns determines the first-person point of view?

A. it B. my C. they D. you

3. In what point of view wherein the reader feels as though he or she is a character in
the story?
A. first person B. limited C. second person D. third person

4. Which third person point of view wherein the narrator seems to know all about the
A. angle B. limited C. omniscient D. view
5. What is the point of view of the narrator in the sentence, “I believe I did a wonderful
A. first person B. perspective C. second person D. third person

6. What statement is NOT appropriate when you look for a word that has more than one
A. read the word aloud
B. find the meaning in a dictionary or thesaurus
C. use either print or online dictionary or thesaurus
D. determine the context in which the word is used in the sentence

7. The member of the panel will discuss pressing issues. What meaning fits
the italicized word panel?
A. a section of a surface
B. a thin board for an oil painting
C. a lengthwise strip as of clothing material
D. a group of persons for a specific purpose

8. Many substances expand when heated and contract when cooled. What
meaning fits the italicized word?
A. to establish formally
B. to become affected with
C. to shorten by omitting one or more sounds or letters
D. to draw together so as to become diminished in size

9. What meaning fits the word delicate in the sentence, “Everybody admired the
delicate pattern of the carpet design.”?

A. frail in health
B. easily damaged
C. needing careful handling
D. beautifully fine in texture, workmanship

10. The word border and margin are ___________ of the word verge.
A. Antonyms B. homonyms C. phrase D. synonyms

Identifying the Point of View of a Selection


Think about the story elements as you read the story

The Golden Fish Keeps a Promise
By: L.M. Gask
Upon a certain Island in the middle of the sea lived a fisherman and his wife.
They were so poor they often went home without bread when the fishing did not go well.
One day when they had been fishing for so many hours without any luck, he
hooked a small golden fish with eyes as bright as diamonds.
“Let me go, kind fisherman,” the little creature cried. “I would not even make a
single mouthful for your dinner”.
The man was so moved by the beauty of the golden fish that he let him go.
Before he swam away, the fish promised that he would come back if the fisherman ever
needed help.

Now let’s think about the story elements.

1. Who is this story mostly about?

The Characters (Fisherman and Golden fish) are who the
story mostly talk about.
2. Where are the characters when the story begins?
The Setting (at the sea) is where the story mostly takes
3. What is the plot of the story?
The Plot (the fisherman hooked a small golden fish who
wanted to be freed) is all of the events in the story. The
plot usually includes some kind of a problem.
4. What about the point-of-view of the story?

Who is narrating the story? How is the author related to the fisherman or to the Golden fish,
which are the characters? Is the author a character in the story, too?

The “Golden Fish Keeps a Promise” is told from the third person point of view,
which is the writer’s or author’s choice to set the amount of information that a reader is

A story can change depending on who is telling it. This is why choosing one’s
narrator is important. The final selection of a narrator determines the angle or point of view,
from which the story will be told, as well as the amount and kind of information the reader will
be given.

Point of view is the angle from which the story is told.

Below are the different types of point of view. Read and study them.

Point of
Description Excerpt
• The narrator is one of the I’m a little maple, oh so small
characters in the story. In years ahead, I’ll grow so tall!
He/She is usually the With a lot of water, sun and air
protagonist or the main I will soon be up there!
character. from “Growth of a Tree”
• The pronouns I, me, my, we By Meish Goldish
and mine are used.
• This is not often used, “Perhaps you started leafing
except in experimental through the book already in the
fiction. shop. Or were you unable to,
• Author uses the pronouns because it was wrapped in its
you and your, as though the cocoon or cellophane.”
reader is the character in the from If on a Winter’s Night a
story. Traveler by Italo Calvino
• It is the most commonly “Fern loved Wilbur more than
used point of view. anything. She loved to stroke him,
• The narrator is a character in to feed him, to put him to bed.
the story. He or she tells the Every morning, as soon as she got
readers about the feelings or up, she warmed his milk, tied his
thoughts of the characters. bib on, and held the bottle for him.”
• It may be omniscient or from Charlotte’s Web
limited. In omniscient point of By E.B .White
view, the narrator seems to
Third know all – what is going on,
Person what the characters do, why
the characters behave that
way, and how they feel.
However, in limited point of
view, the narrator knows the
thoughts and feelings of only
one character.
• Pronouns used are he, she,
it, they, him, her, its, their,
and them.

Read the following passages and determine from which point of view the passage is
narrated. Is it first-person, second-person, or third person and why?

Example 1

Cindy got her test back and started crying immediately. It was a C. Her mother would never
stand for Cs. She felt disappointed. She knew that she would be in big trouble. Then Jen got
her test back. Jen cheered. She got a C. Her mother would be so proud. Jen had studied
hard for the test and she was satisfied with the results. She felt proud.

Answer: _________________________________________________________________

Example 2

We stared at the Bubblegum Fortress from the mouth of the Cotton Candy Woods. The
gumdrop soldiers were scurrying atop their sugar coated ramparts. I wouldn't be surprised if
someone had tipped them off. Chet Eagle approached me and said, "What now,
Commander Candy?" I thought about it for a second. "Well, they get better prepared with
each passing second, so let's attack now." Chet Eagle bowed and said, "As you wish,
Commander Candy."

Answer: ________________________________________________________________

Example 3

You have friends who actually care about you and speak the language of the inner self. You
have avoided them of late. Your soul is dishevelled as your apartment, and until you can
clean it up a little you don’t want to invite anyone inside.

Bright Lights, Big City

by Jay Mclnerney

Answer: _________________________________________________________________


1. The point of view was third-person omniscient because the narrator uses
the pronouns her, it, she and reveals the internal thoughts and feelings
of more than one character (Cindy & Jen).
2. The point of view was first-person because the narrator tells the story first
hand, from the perspective of “I”. It uses the pronouns I and we.
3. The point of view was second-person because it was narrated from “You”

Lesson 1.2. Clarifying Meaning of Words

A. Using Dictionaries and Thesaurus
https://www.wisegeek.com/w hat-is-a-

You probably know that the word soul means the spiritual principle embodied in
human beings. However, just knowing this one meaning does not make sense
when used with other words in a sentence.

Read the sentences below.
Your soul is dishevelled as your apartment, and until you
can clean it up a little you don’t want to invite anyone inside.

If you look up the dictionary and thesaurus, you might find other meanings of the
word soul,

As a noun 1. spiritual or moral force

2. a person’s total self
3. an active or essential part
4. the immaterial essence, animating principle

As an adjective 1. designed for or controlled by blacks

2. of, relating to, or characteristic of black Americans or
their culture

Which of the above meanings makes the most sense with the other words in the
sentence? The word soul in the sentence would mean a person’s total self.

When a word has more than one meaning, it will be best to:

• find these meanings in a dictionary, thesaurus and/ or

online resources; or
• determine the context in which the word is used in the
sentence with other words to help you get the right

B. Using Online Resources


Aside from using print dictionaries and the thesaurus, you may also consult reliable
resources at hand.
For example, searching for and typing the word scurry using the web, you may get
results such as:
verb |scur∙ry| \´skər-ē\
first Known Use
short for hurry-scurry, reduplication of hurry
intransitive verb
• To move in or as if in a brisk pace
• To move around in an agitated, confused, or fluttering manner
Synonyms: bustle, buzz, chase, dash, hasten, hurl, hurry, run, travel
Antonyms: crawl, creep, poke

What kind of word is scurry? What is its origin? How many meanings are shown? What
meaning fits the phrase scurrying atop? What synonyms of scurry are given to fit its meaning
in the phrase scurried around the house?


Using either print or online dictionary or thesaurus, you

may find that a word may have more than one meaning. That
is why, it is important to know the context in which the target
word occurs – the sentence, paragraph, or passage. When
you decide the meaning, you look for clues before and after
the sentence in which the word is used. This will give you an
idea of the possible meaning.

General Directions: Answer Activities 1- 5.

Activity 1. Identifying Elements of Story

Directions: Identify the elements of the story being described. Write your answers on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. It is where the story mostly takes place.

2. It is the story mostly about or focuses to.
3. It is all of the events in the story.
4. It is the angle where the story is told.

Activity 2. Describing Each Point of View

Directions: Describe each point-of-view. Copy the thought bubbles and write your
answers on a separate sheet of paper.

First Second Third

Person Person Person

Activity 3. Identifying Point-of-View of a Reading Text

A. Directions: Identify the Point of view in each sentence. Write FP , if the sentence is
written from first person, SP for second person and TP for third person point
of view. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

_______ 1. I heard the street vendor shouting as he pushed his cart down the block.

_______ 2. They were watching the sunset and thinking of the great battles behind
_______ 3. My coat was already zipped, but I pulled it up as high as it would go and
buttoned the top buttons.
_______ 4. She had wanted a cute little dog that could sit in her lap and wear tiny
sweaters, not a great big hound that knocked over her dolls with its tail
and left drool puddles everywhere.
_______ 5. When you have folded the entire paper in this manner, you will have a
fan that may help you stay cool.

Activity 4. Determining point-of-view in a story/paragraph

Directions: Determine the point of view used in the paragraph. Copy the lines or sentences
that show the writer’s point of view. Copy the graphic organizers below then
write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1. "Go long, Howard," Mike said to me. Having not played much football before, it took me a
couple seconds to process the words, but then I took off like a getaway car. I ran as fast as I
could for about thirty yards and then I hooked left, turning around just in time to see the ball
spiralling toward my head.
Crunch Time by Larry Waters

2. Shelly sat at the windowsill in her bedroom wearing the purple dress. Each time that a car
drove by the window, her heart fluttered with glee and she would head to the door, only to
shortly realize that it was not Isaac. It was like a tide of hope and disappointment, constantly
pushing and pulling her emotions.
Shelly of Burberry Lane by Samantha Doyle

3. Your tomato plants may be resilient, but there are a couple things that you can do to help
them grow rich and lush. First, you should water the tomato plant in the morning. Tomatoes
grow best when they can aspirate, or drink water, all day in the sun. If you water them at
night, they will have a harder time releasing excess water.
Growing Tomatoes by Luke Pitt

Point of View Source Line or Sentence




Activity 5. A. Clarifying Meaning Using the Dictionary and Thesaurus
Directions: Identify the meaning that best fits the italicized word in each sentence. Use the
dictionary, thesaurus or online resources to clarify the meaning. Choose your
answer from the box below. Write only the letter of your answer on a separate
sheet of paper.

1. Everybody admired the delicate pattern of the carpet design.

2. Singers have a delicate ear for music.

3. It is unfortunate that the coaches and players are in a delicate situation.

4. Glass is delicate; it should be handled with great care.

5. Cynthia’s delicate health doesn’t allow her to participate in strenuous activities.

a. pleasing and finely flavored e. easily damaged
b. deliciously mild and soft f. frail in health
c. beautifully fine in texture, workmanship, etc. g. needing careful handling
d. slight and subtle h. finely sensitive

B. Using Online Resources

Directions: Using online resources find the appropriate meaning of each italicized word
below and give other information asked about it. Write your answers on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. ran swiftly (meaning and antonym)

2. painting panel (meaning and part of speech)

3. conscious guilt (meaning and synonym)

Directions: Complete the 3-2-1 Chart about your discoveries, learning, and confusion on
Identifying point of view. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.


Directions: Read the questions carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following pronouns determines the first-person point of view?

A. it B. my C. they D. you

2. What do you call the angle where the story is told?

A. fable B. point of view C. setting D. theme
3. Which third person point of view wherein the narrator seems to know all
about the character?
A. angle B. limited C. omniscient D. view
4. In what point of view wherein the reader feels as though he or she is a
character in the story?
A. clause B. first person C. second person D. third person
5. What statement that is NOT inappropriate when you look for a word that has more
than one meaning?
A. read the word aloud
B. find the meaning in a dictionary or thesaurus
C. use either print or online dictionary or thesaurus
D. determine the context in which the word is used in the sentence
6. What is the point of view of the narrator in the sentence, “I believe I did a
wonderful job.”?
A. first person B. second person C. perspective D. third person
7. Many substances expand when heated and contract when cooled. What
meaning fits the italicized word?
A. to establish formally
B. to become affected with
C. to shorten by omitting one or more sounds or letters
D. to draw together so as to become diminished in size
8. The member of the panel will discuss pressing issues. What meaning fits
the italicized word panel?
A. a section of a surface
B. a thin board for an oil painting
C. a lengthwise strip as of clothing material
D. a group of persons for a specific purpose
9. The word border and margin are ___________ of the word verge.
A. Antonyms B. homonyms C. phrase D. synonyms
10. What meaning fits the word delicate in the sentence, “Everybody admired
the delicate pattern of the carpet design.”?
A. frail in health
B. easily damaged
C. needing careful handling
D. beautifully fine in texture, workmanship

Activity 2
First person
Activity 1
➢ The narrator is one of the characters
Pretest in the story. It uses the pronouns I,
1. Setting me, my and mine.
1. B
Second person
2. B 2. Characters
3. C
3. Plot ➢ Author uses the pronoun you and
4. C
5. A
your, as though the reader is the
6. A 4. Point-of-view character in the story.
7. D Third person
8. D
9. D ➢ The narrator tells about the feelings or
10. D thoughts of the characters using
pronouns he, she, it, they, him, her,
its, their, and them.
Activity 4
Activity 5 A
Activity 3
Point of Source Line/Sentence
View 1. C
1. FP
Crunch Answers may 2. H
2. TP
First Time by vary
3. FP 3. D
Person Larry
4. TP
Waters 4. G
5. SP
Third Shelly of
5. F
Person Burberry
Lane by
Second Growing
Person Tomatoes
by Luke
Activity 5 B
Possible Answers
1. B
1.quickly slowly
2. B
2. a thin flat piece of noun 3. C
wood on which a
picture is painted 4. C
3.personally felt knowing 5. A
6. A
7. D
8. D
9. D
10. D
Answer Key
Kristine Erika C. Castillo and Evelyn B. Angeles. Joy in Learning English 5, Vibal Group, Inc.,1253 G.
Araneta Avenue, Quezon City, Philippines, 2016.

“The Ultimate POV Guide with Examples”, Retrieved October 28, 2020 from
“Easy Activities for Teaching Point of View”, Retrieved October 28, 2020 from
“Image of a Dictionary”, Retrieved November 3, 2020 from
“Image for Online Learning Resources”, Retrieved November 3, 2020 from
“Image of Hand Holding Camera Lens”, Retrieved November 3, 2020 from
“ClipArt-Kid Thinking with a Book”, Retrieved November 3, 2020 from

Icons credit: Ivin Mae N. Ambos, Division of Surigao del Sur

Published by the Department of Education, Caraga Region
Schools Division Office of Surigao City
Schools Division Superintendent: Karen L. Galanida
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent: Florence E. Almaden

Development Team
Writer : Germalyn T. Estay
Editors : Meyrabe A. Clerigo
Evaluators : Evangeline L. Calonia, Nimpha A. Cañeda, Rhodora L. Ecoben,
Flordelina L. Cabahug, Cheryl Grace B. Sering

Illustrator :
Management Team : Karen L. Galanida
Florence E. Almaden
Carlo P. Tantoy
Noemi D. Lim
Ricky L. Pedralba

Printed in the Philippines by the Schools Division Office of Surigao City

Office Address : M. Ortiz Street, Barangay Washington
: Surigao City, Surigao del Norte, Philippines
Telephone : (086) 826-1268; (086) 826-3075; (086) 826-8931
E-mail Address : [email protected]


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