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Securing Your Critical Infrastructure

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Securing your

critical infrastructure
RUGGEDCOM Cybersecurity Solutions

from the inside out

Critical to your success

Every minute of
More than just a safe or a vault, effective cybersecurity must be a holistic approach to
downtime costs
protecting systems against unauthorized access or attack. With billions of Internet-of-
companies in a
Things (IoT) devices connected worldwide, cybersecurity is crucial to the success of the
multitude of ways:
digital economy.
• Outages in critical
infrastructure networks as Cyber attacks and threats have escalated and become more sophisticated with the
technicians work to resolve convergence of Information Technology (IT) and Operational Technology (OT).
communication disruptions
Automation and data-driven operations require a strong cybersecurity system to protect
• Security breaches with assets, equipment, and intellectual property while reducing downtime.
potentially devastating
impacts to public safety –
Defense in Depth
and to a company’s brand

• Expensive repairs from

The benefits of interconnected operations also bring potential threats from web-based
damage to equipment hackers, which can cause downtime and disruption. Threats from malware, external
or systems attacks, or a vulnerable point in a network can grind operations to a halt.
• Specialized IT technicians What’s more, regulatory bodies often require disclosure of security breaches to ensure
needed to reconfigure stakeholders are aware when personal and confidential industry information has been
networks compromised. Being aware of potential attacks is the first step in neutralizing them, in
• Industrial espionage or order to meet and exceed security standards and reporting requirements.
theft of intellectual property
affecting the integrity
Enter Defense in Depth, an approach to digitalized operations based on the IEC 62443
of operations standard that takes into account attacker motivations and a network’s unique design
to create a unified solution which protects against current and future threats.

15% $600B 41%

say they are confident in their is the current estimate that of Industrial Control Systems (ICS)
current abilities to maintain security cybercrime cost the world last year, attacked at least once in first half of
for IIoT devices and systems or 0.8% of glo bal GDP 2018, up from 36.6% in 2017
Source: The 2018 SANS Industrial IoT Source: McAfee, Economic Impact Source: Kaspersky Lab, Threat landscape
Security Survey: Shaping IIoT Security of Cybercrime – No Slowing Down, for industrial automation systems,
Concerns, July 2018 February 2018 September 2018
A global leader in cybersecurity
As a founding member of the Charter of Trust, Siemens is a
leader in advancing global cybersecurity. Signed in Munich
with partners around the world, the Charter calls for
binding rules and standards to build trust in cybersecurity
Implement and further advance digitalization.
With a full portfolio of state-of-the-art products, systems,
and services that protect customers’ data and equipment,
Security Siemens is a reliable and preferred partner for companies
which strive for the highest standards of cybersecurity.
Through a unique and multifaceted know-how as well as
comprehensive technology solutions for cybersecurity,
Siemens is home to industrial network experts with more
than a decade of experience assessing and designing
OT networks.


Assess Implement Manage

Assessment of the network is the first step After working to understand security needs Managing the security of a network means
and the key to a successful roll-out of and risks, Siemens implements a new staying on top of key areas: monitoring
cybersecurity solutions. security regime. More than just an out-of- threats, keeping security solutions up to
the-box security system on top of opera- date, and ensuring quick reaction times to
In the network assessment phase Siemens
tional technologies, everything companies identify threats.
experts analyze the number of assets
do should be ‘secure by design’.
the customer has. This assessment Keeping network secure does not stop
also provides insights into security Before adopting a new system, Siemens with the implementation of cybersecurity
vulnerabilities of customer’s network. assists in design and deployment of a solutions. In the managing phase
security solution to ensure a smooth customer manages the deployed
transition. This includes pre-configuration cyber­security solution by maintaining
and testing services as well as training so the software and signatures up to date.
staff can hit the ground running and play
their part in secure operations.
cybersecurity solutions




Comprehensive cybersecurity solutions on the RUGGEDCOM hardware platform detect

potential attacks, reduce their severity, lower costs, and ensure compliance with a growing
number of regulations.
Siemens offers cybersecurity solutions installed on the RUGGEDCOM Multi-Service Platform
product family of cost-efficient, utility-grade Layer 2 and Layer 3 switches and routers –
designed for harsh environments and mission-critical applications. This is combined
with comprehensive network consulting services, on-site support, security assessments,
integration, deployment, and training.
Siemens has collaborated with leading minds in industrial cybersecurity to bring bundled
solutions with certified partner applications.
Third-party applications from leading cybersecurity companies available on RUGGEDCOM
devices provide more options for addressing various security challenges.
Taking into account region-specific preferences to cybersecurity, Siemens helps create an
ecosystem of comprehensive and reliable solutions customized to customers’ needs. With
no scheduled maintenance required and 24/7 availability, RUGGEDCOM products provide
critical infrastructure access and peace of mind security.
Using RUGGEDCOM cybersecurity solutions, Siemens customers can establish an electronic
security perimeter around their critical infrastructure to prevent the disruption of
mission-critical applications by accidental or malicious acts.
Stateful Inspection Firewall Virtual Private Networking (VPN) Strong encryption
Stateful inspection firewall to control traffic Provides secure communication links over Utilizes latest encryption algorithms for
between different zones of trust within networks. Ensures confidentiality, sender authorization, authentication and privacy.
a network. Includes Network Address authentication, message integrity, and Examples include TLS and SSH at upper
Translation (NAT) to prevent unauthorized uses IPSec (IP Security) for encryption and protocol levels, RSA and ECC for public
or malicious ac­tivity, initiated by outside authentication of all IP packets at the key encryption, and 3DES and AES for
hosts, from reaching the internal Local network layer. stream encryption.
Area Network (LAN).

RUGGEDCOM Multi-Service Platform

The Multi-Service Platform product family of utility-grade Layer 2 and Layer 3 switches and
routers has been specifically developed to provide multiple electronic defense layers for the
protection of critical cyber assets. RUGGEDCOM Multi-Service Platform is the main point of
entry between the local area network (plant floor or substation) and the outside world.
The platform combines a Layer 3 router, a firewall, and a VPN in one device.

RUGGEDCOM Application
Processing Engine (APE)


RUGGEDCOM’s RX1500 series is a family of utility-grade Layer 2 and Layer 3 switches and
routers. The RX1500’s modular and field replaceable platform allows customers to select
amongst Wide Area Network (WAN), serial, and Ethernet options, making it ideally suited
for utilities, industrial plant floors, and rail and traffic control systems.
These field-proven, industry-leading devices have been coupled with cybersecurity
applications to offer customized solutions of various security levels. Field-swappable modules
guarantee flexibility and easy maintenance for critical applications and are certified for use
in the harsh environments of electric power, transportation, and oil and gas industries.

RUGGEDCOM Application Processing Engine (APE)

The new version of the industrial application hosting platform – RUGGEDCOM APE1808 –
is ideal for safely running third party software applications in harsh, mission-critical environments.
The module plugs directly into any member of the RUGGEDCOM RX1500 family, except
for the RX1512, without the added complications of installing an external industrial PC.
RUGGEDCOM APE1808 excels at hosting a range of applications such as next generation
firewalls, network log and load processors, and intrusion sensors. Based on Intel quad
core and x86_64 architecture with support for Linux and Windows 10, the RUGGEDCOM
APE1808 provides a standards-based platform for commercially available software,
enabling partnerships with industry leaders in cyber threat detection and prevention.
Corporate Network
RUGGEDCOM cybersecurity solutions Enterprise
installed on the RUGGEDCOM Application Remote Access
Multi-Service Platform designed Server(s) 5
for harsh environments and
mission-critical applications.

Operations Center
IDS Console Event Reporting,
Forensics, Risk Assessment

Application RUGGEDCOM
1 2 3 4 Secure Access Manager
Server(s) RX1500

Remote Site

Security Monitoring RUGGEDCOM RX1500

Industrial Ethernet RUGGEDCOM RX1500 with APE1808 and
with APE1808 and ADM CROSSBOW SAM-L 1 2 5

1 Anomaly-based Intrusion
Detection System (IDS) 1 2 RUGGEDCOM RX1510
with APE1808 Patch Server,
2 Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) Anti-virus, etc.
1 2 4

3 Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) LAN Switch LAN Switch


4 Next Generation Firewall (NGFW)

Field Devices Controller Engineering

Secure Access Control

RUGGEDCOM CROSSBOW – Secure Access Control

RUGGEDCOM CROSSBOW is a secure access management solution designed to provide
assistance with cybersecurity compliance including NERC CIP (North American Electric
Reliability Corporation critical infrastructure protection) and IEC 62443-1 access to
Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs). The CROSSBOW solution focuses on delivering produc-
tivity gains for administrators and users while assisting with cybersecurity compliance in
managing, securing, and reporting on remote access.
The RUGGEDCOM CROSSBOW system consists of a central server along with a number of
clients connecting securely with TLS 1.2 – typically the user’s desktop or laptop computers.
The server contains the system database, based on Microsoft SQL Server, and manages
all connections from the clients to the remote IEDs. The central server supports a high
availability cluster configuration for increased reliability.
With administrator defined Role Based Access (RBA), CROSSBOW provides activity logging
and data privacy as users connect to remote Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs). Operators
are guaranteed a secure connection to field devices without going on-site or entering an
application, allowing them access to devices from the comfort, convenience, and safety of
the control room. Strong two-factor authentication through RSA SecurID, Active Directory,
and RADIUS ensures the highest in process security.
In addition to secure access, the RUGGEDCOM CROSSBOW solution provides automated
functionality for device password management, configuration and firmware version
monitoring, remote connectivity verification, and data file retrieval.
Anomaly-based Intrusion Detection System
Non-Intrusive, anomaly-based signatureless Intrusion Detection System
(IDS) software for mission-critical operational networks, operating on
RUGGEDCOM hardware, provides early-warning notification and alerting
on vulnerabilities and sophisticated cyber threats that may be
undetectable by conventional IT security tools.

Deep Packet Inspection

Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) on the RUGGEDCOM RX1500 with the
APE1808 examines data packets utilizing a non-intrusive methodology
for mission-critical networks focusing on OT protocols (such as Modbus
and DNP3) searching for potential non-compliance traffic, viruses, spam,
intrusions, or user-defined criteria to determine whether the packet may
pass or if it needs to be routed to a different destination for cybersecurity
analysis and mitigation helping to secure communication to control
centers and IT networks.

Next Generation Firewall

Utilizing a combination of RUGGEDCOM switching and routing platform,
with leading Next Generation Firewalls (NGFW) functionality on a single,
integrated appliance, provides for additional integrated DPI/IPS
functionalities, offering security when connecting non-critical
IT networks, to critical deterministic operational networks.

Intrusion Prevention System

An Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) is a capability available on the
RUGGEDCOM hardware if equipped with a NGFW solution. IPS is located
between the WAN and the LAN to deny the traffic that represents known
threat based on a security profile.

Siemens professional services

From assessment, pre-configuration and testing services to
implementation and training, Siemens has it covered.
Siemens professional services team offers:
• Discovery and analysis of the existing network assets
and network architecture
• Vulnerability assessment of the network by assessing the existing
security features and providing a security assessment report
with recommendations on how to improve the security
• Design and deployment of security solutions and security
training of the stakeholders
Published by
Siemens AG

Digital Industries
Process Automation
Östliche Rheinbrückenstr. 50
76187 Karlsruhe, Germany
For the U.S. published by
Siemens Industry Inc.

100 Technology Drive

Alpharetta, GA 30005
United States
Article No.: DIPA-B10050-00-7600
Dispo 06366
WS 08192.0
Printed in Germany
© Siemens 2019
Subject to changes and errors. The information given in this docu-
ment only contains general descriptions and/or performance features
which may not always specifically reflect those described, or which
may undergo modification in the course of further development of
the products. The requested performance features are binding only
when they are expressly agreed upon in the concluded contract.
All product designations may be trademarks or product names of
Siemens AG or supplier companies whose use by third parties for their
own purposes could violate the rights of the owners.

Security information

Siemens provides products and solutions with industrial security

functions that support the secure operation of plants, systems,
machines and networks.
In order to protect plants, systems, machines and networks against
cyber threats, it is necessary to implement and continuously maintain
a holistic, state-of-the-art industrial security concept. Siemens’
products and solutions only form one element of such a concept.
Customer is responsible to prevent unauthorized access to its plants,
systems, machines and networks. Systems, machines and compo-
nents should only be connected to the enterprise network or the
Internet if and to the extent necessary and with appropriate security
measures (e.g. use of firewalls and network segmentation) in place.
Additionally, Siemens’ guidance on appropriate security measures
should be taken into account. For more information about industrial
security, please visit

Siemens’ products and solutions undergo continuous development

to make them more secure. Siemens strongly recommends to
apply product updates as soon as available and to always use the
latest product versions. Use of product versions that are no longer
supported, and failure to apply latest updates may increase
customer’s exposure to cyber threats.
To stay informed about product updates, subscribe to the Siemens
Industrial Security RSS Feed under

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