EE 333 Learning To Solder: Soldering Exercise
EE 333 Learning To Solder: Soldering Exercise
EE 333 Learning To Solder: Soldering Exercise
Learning to solder
This is an optional labs for students who have little or no soldering experience. The basic
approach is gain some knowledge about soldering and then apply what’s been learned by
soldering together a simple circuit.
The circuit is a simple version of a pulse-width modulation (PWM) circuit, built using basic op-
amps. There are other ways to achieve pulse-width modulation, including using a micro-
controller or using the venerable 555 timer chip. The version used here can be built with simple
components from the EE 201 and 230 lab kits.
Although students with more extensive soldering experience are not required to do this lab, they
still might benefit from building and testing the circuit, if they have not seen PWM operation
Prior to Lab
To help prepare, you probably should spend some time watching a couple of soldering tutorials.
There are many available on the internet. Here are two that I like.
(There is a prequel to this video that discusses soldering tools more extensively. If you
have time you might want to watch it, too.
SolderingTutorialPart1-480x272.m4v ).
The circuit
22 k!
The PWM circuit is shown at right. The operation is fairly Ra
simple. The top op amp is configured as a non-inverting +
comparator. The middle op-amp is connected as an inverting 10 k!
integrator. The comparator and integrator are cross-coupled to
form a simple oscillator with square wave and triangle wave
outputs. The chosen components should give an oscillation C 0.47 µF
frequency of about 12 Hz. (See the non-linear oscillator notes
from EE 230 for theory of how this circuit oscillates, if you R1
are not familiar with it.
– )
+ 100 k!
The bottom op amp is also a non-inverting comparator. The
inverting terminal is connected to a potentiometer, which VS+ vPWM
serves as an adjustable reference. The non-inverting terminal +
is connected to the triangle-wave output of the oscillator. The Radj – RL
output of the lower comparator will consist of pulses at a rate 470 !
of 12 Hz. The width of the pulses can be varied by adjusting VS–
the potentiometer. The LED provides a convenient visual LED
indication of pulses. Of course, as you test the circuit, you
should be using the oscilloscope to obtain quantitative results.
EE 333 soldering exercise
Circuit BOM and circuit details
(All components available in EE 201 and 230 kits.)
The power supplies for the op-amps and for the PWM adjustment resistors are ± 5 V, taken from
the triple-output lab supply. You can use regular lab leads to attach the power supply to your
The adjustment resistor consists of the two 6.8-kΩ and the 10-kΩ potentiometer in series. The
6.8-kΩ resistors go on either side of the potentiometer. This configuration limits the adjustment
voltage to the range of about –2.11 V < Vadj < +2.11 V, approximately matching the swing of the
triangle wave.
Prototype it
Build and test the circuit on a solderless breadboard. (Just like 201 and 230 lab.) Confirm the
operation of the circuit. The basic oscillator should oscillate at about 12 Hz with clean triangle
and square wave outputs. The square wave levels should be ± 5 V and the triangle wave limits
should be about ± 2.25 V. The PWM output should be adjustable from less than 10% duty cycle
to more than 90% duty cycle. Make sure that the circuit works before you begin soldering
Solder it
At the beginning of the lab period, the TAs will give a quick overview of soldering and pass out
the needed materials (perfboard, solder, hookup wire). Once you are certain that you have built a
properly functioning prototype, solder up the circuit on perfboard. If you have enough
components, it is a good idea to leave the prototype intact and solder together a second version of
the circuit using new components. That way, if you have trouble with the soldered circuit, you
will have something to compare against as you try to trouble-shoot.
Prepare a short report describing the operation of the finished soldered circuit. Be sure to include
enough annotated oscilloscope traces to show the complete operation of the circuit. Also include
some good photographs of the soldered circuit. You might want to make a sequence of photos
showing the progression as you solder the circuit together. The report is due one week after you
finish the lab — submit it to your lab TAs.