Cut Diet
Cut Diet
Cut Diet
W W W . C U T D I E T . C O M
W W W . D I E T S B Y C H U C K . C O M
©Copyright 2006-2007 Scivation, Inc. All rights reserved. No duplication or reproduction of “Game
Over—The Final Showtime Cut Diet You’ll Ever Need” is allowed in any form without written per-
mission from Scivation, Inc. The opinions expressed are not necessarily the opinions of Scivation,
Inc. No claim or opinion in this guide is intended to be , nor should be construed to be, medical
advice. Please consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet or exercise program.
The food and drug administration has not evaluated any of the claims made in this book. The in-
formation or products mentioned in this book are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent
any disease. The respective authors of the book and Scivation, Inc. make no representations about
the suitability of the information contained in this guide for any purpose. The entire risk arising
out of the use of its contents remains with the recipient. In no event shall the respective authors
of this book and or Scivation, Inc. be liable for any direct, consequential, incidental, special, pu-
nitive or other damages whatsoever. By reading and following the principles in this guide, you
acknowledge that you have read, understand and agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.
Douglas Kalman PhD(c), RD, FACN
We all want it, yes, many people in fact envy others that have
it – can you guess what I am alluding to? That’s right, a fit body that
is muscular, ripped and looks the part of a physique competitor. It is
not that easy to just get in shape and look the part of a Men’s health
cover model or even a body builder as featured in such great maga-
zines as Muscular Development or Natural Body Building. However,
there are sure-fire ways to make your genetics and lifestyle work for
If you decided to join a gym because you were first inspired by
the physiques of Arnold, Ronnie Coleman, Milos Sarcev or various
NFL players, than you are just like thousands of other people. Have
you ever wondered what might be the difference between a body like
Kevin Levrone’s and Steven Seagal’s? Besides genetics, there are
two other factors – actually knowing what you do inside a gym and
understanding how to fuel the fire of fat burning via smart eating.
In other words, using the principles of the Cut Diet can lead you to a
more toned, more fit and healthier appearance than if you just went
to the gym and followed the general advice given to all trainers. You
know what I am talking about, “eat many small meals per day”, “you
advice is actually sound or good and this is EXACTLY where the Cut
Diet and the core principles taught by “The Ripper” come into play.
If you are looking to sure up your physique, if you are looking
to make that last leap from gym effort to fully looking the part, or
if you are looking for physique improvement for your next contest,
look no further, this book contains the Cut Diet principles to help
you achieve your goals. There is nothing like this book currently out
there and thankfully, after years of Chuck Rudolph helping count-
less clients achieve more, so can you. As a fellow sports nutritionist, I
embrace and enjoy Chuck’s teachings – so should you. So, enjoy this
book and let’s all stay “cut” and a step ahead of the others!
Adjunct Professor
New York Chiropractic College
The International Society of Sports Nutrition
"The Body Is Not A Textbook."
Table of Contents
12 Game Over
1. Monounsaturated Fats
These fats have one position missing a hydrogen atom,
instead containing a double bond between carbon atoms. Mono-
unsaturated fat is found in oils such as canola, olive, and peanut
as well as most nuts and nut butters. This type of fat does not
cause a rise in total cholesterol. In fact, science has indicated that
individuals who substitute monounsaturated fat for saturated fat
in their diet, actually shows a reduction in the bad cholesterol,
and protects the good cholesterol (HDL) from decreasing.
16 Game Over
2. Polyunsaturated Fats
These fats have more than one position missing in the
carbon chain, and contain more than one double bond as a result.
Two major categories of polyunsaturated fats are Omega-3 and
Omega-6 fatty acids. Omega-3 means there is a double bond in
the third position from the end of the carbon chain. These fats
are extremely healthful and have shown in clinical investigations
to support cardiovascular/heart health, reduce total triglycerides
and increase good cholesterol, produce hormone-like substances
with anti-inflammatory benefits and promote optimal focus and
concentration. The best sources of Omega-3s are fatty fish such
as salmon, sardines, mackerel, herring, and rainbow trout and
fish oil supplements high in DHA (docosahexaoic acid). Canola
oil, walnuts, and flaxseed also contain some Omega-3. Omega-6
fats have a double bond in the sixth position from the end of the
carbon chain. These fats are found in oils such as corn, soybean,
cottonseed, sunflower, and safflower.
Dietary Fiber
Calorie Control
Even though you will probably eat more on this diet than
any diet you have ever used before, the biggest factor in a diet is
calories in versus calories out with macronutrient manipulation.
By keeping insulin under control, the Cut Diet will keep your
appetite suppressed and your metabolism revving! The two
major “secrets” to the Cut Diet are to control insulin to maintain
Cut Diet Principles 19
an alkaline state in the body. Below are some of the ways we
accomplish this:
• Eat five to eight meals per day: Large meals can create
enormous an insulin spike, which can cause your body
to store fat. Small meals create a much smaller, more
controlled insulin release thus less fat storage and more
fat loss.
• Add fat to your meals! For example, when you eat a meal
like oatmeal and egg whites, you are eating a very acidic
meal. But when you put raisins and almonds in your
oatmeal and have some steamed vegetables with it, you
are lowering the acidity of that meal dramatically. All of
the Cut Diet meals keep this factor in mind.
This individual would opt to use the Cut Diet 2,500 or Cut
Diet 3,000. To be more accurate, for example, if this individual
were 15-17% bodyfat, then we would recommend starting closer
to the 2,900 calories. However, if this person started at 22-24%
30 Game Over
bodyfat then we would recommend starting at the 2,500 calorie
range. As you progress, gradually reduce total calories by 150-300
calories (strength and bodyfat reduction pending).
1. Bring the food required for the Carb Meal with you or go
to the store and buy it.
Once the Cut Diet begins, your body will go through some
changes and adaptations. Please note these changes are normal
and they will go away. Initially, you may feel weak in the gym,
low energy, possible headaches, irritability and weight loss. DO
NOT FREAK. The symptoms will last about one to two weeks and
they do not happen to everyone. Your strength, energy, pumps
and fat loss will start to kick-in between week four to six.
The first two to three carbohydrate loads can be difficult
to handle. First, the amount of food is large and the stomach
may have problems adjusting. This is normal. Also, you may get
light-headed, woozy, dizzy and tired after the meal and even
the next day. The day after this meal, you may experience gas,
bloating and water retention the first two to three carbohydrate
loads. One way to help avoid this is to take your time eating this
meal. Make it last a minimum of 30 minutes and no longer than
45. Also, be sure that you do not lie down to bed within 45-60
minutes of the last bite.
38 Game Over
Vitamins – What They Do and Where to Get Them
Copper 1.0mg Meat, Fish, Poultry, Shell- Proper use of iron and hemoglo-
fish, Nuts, Eggs, Bran bin, metalloenzyme involved in
Cereals, Avocados, Broc- connective tissue formation and
coli, Bananas oxidation
40 Game Over
*The Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) are the most recent set of
dietary recommendations established by the Food and Nutrition
Board of the Institute of Medicine, 1997-2001. They replace pre-
vious RDAs and may be the basis for eventually updating the
RDIs. The value shown here is the highest DRI for each nutrient.
- Council for Responsible Nutrition, 2001
Fat-Soluble Vitamins
Vitamin A 3000IU Whole Milk, Fortified Maintains skin tissue and mu-
Milk, Cheese, Carrots, cous membranes, supports
Green Leafy Vegetables night vision and bone health
Sweet Potatoes, Fortified
Vegetable Oils
Thiamin (B1) 1.2mg Ham, Pork, Lean Meat, A Coenzyme (CE) for energy
Whole Grain Products, For- production from carbohy-
tified Breads and Cereals, drates essential for normal
Legumes CNS functioning
42 Game Over
Water-Soluble Vitamins
Folic Acid 400mcg Green Leafy Vegetables, A (CE) for formation of DNA,
Legumes, Nuts RBC development
*The Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) are the most recent set of
dietary recommendations established by the Food and Nutrition
Board of the Institute of Medicine, 1997-2001. They replace pre-
vious RDAs and may be the basis for eventually updating the
RDIs. The value shown here is the highest DRI for each nutrient.
Cut Diet Principles 43
Can Women Follow the Cut Diet?
44 Game Over
No Pre-Workout Shake?
5:30am Breakfast
8:00am Meal 2
11:00am Meal 3
1:30pm Meal 4
4:30pm Meal 5
7:00pm Meal 6
9:30pm Meal 7
Bed around 10:30-11pm
4:45am Breakfast
6-7:30am Workout
9:30am Meal 2
12:30pm Meal 3
3:30pm Meal 4
6:30pm Meal 5
9:30pm Meal 6
Bed around 10:30-11 pm
4:45am Breakfast
6-7:30am Workout
8:00am Meal 2
11:00am Meal 3
1:30pm Meal 4
4:30pm Meal 5
7:00pm Meal 6
9:30pm Meal 7
Bed around 10:30-11pm
52 Game Over
Eight Meal Plan
4:45am Breakfast
6-7:30am Workout
8:00am Meal 2
10:30am Meal 3
1:00pm Meal 4
3:00pm Meal 5
5:30pm Meal 6
7:30pm Meal 7
9:30pm Meal 8
Bed around 10:30-11pm
7:00am Breakfast
10:00am Meal 2
1:00pm Meal 3
4:30pm Meal 4
6-7:30pm Workout
8:30pm Meal 5
10-10:30pm Meal 6
Bed around 11:30-12 pm
Cut Diet Training 53
Seven Meal Plan
6:30am Breakfast
9:00am Meal 2
11:30am Meal 3
2:00pm Meal 4
4:30pm Meal 5
6-7:30pm Workout
8:00pm Meal 6
10:00-10:30pm Meal 7
Bed around 11:30-12 pm
5:30am Breakfast
7:30am Meal 2
9:30am Meal 3
11:30am Meal 4
1:30pm Meal 5
4-4:30pm Meal 6
6-7:30pm Workout
8:00pm Meal 7
10:00-10:30pm Meal 8
Bed around 11:30-12pm
54 Game Over
As we have stated, the goal is to continually fuel the body
and allow it to recover. We hear constant debate over what the
best pre and post workout options are and frankly, we like to give
the body what it needs during training; ample amino acids with
an abundance of BCAAs, Glutamine and the proven performance
enhancer, Citrulline Malate. This is why we formulated Xtend.
No Xtend? Don’t worry, just take Whey Protein Isolate post
workout. Remember, it is not the pre-workout meal that fuels
your workout; it is the many meals the days prior that fuel your
training and recovery.
Week 1: Conditioning
Week 2: Growth/Strength
Week 3: Strength/Growth
Week 2
The goal is increase the weight but drop the reps to 12.
Week 3
The goal is to increase the weight and increase the reps to 15.
Week 4
The goal is to increase the weight again, but drop the reps back
to 12. By varying our weight and reps we essentially are tricking
our bodies into getting major results that are not capable from old
training regimes. We are promoting a new type of athlete that
is in control of his body and whose training allows for complete
development of muscle density, tone, definition, symmetry, and
superior strength.
Week 2
The goal is to increase the weight, but you must get eight reps for
five sets.
Week 3
The goal is to increase the weight, but you must get six reps for
five sets.
Week 4
The goal is to increase the weight and to increase the sets, but you
must get eight reps for six sets.
Weeks 1 and 2
The goal is to adjust the weight (decrease the load as the volume
increases) to get four reps on every exercise.
Weeks 3 and 4
The goal is to maintain the same weight but increase the reps to
six and perform six sets.
Week 1
The goal is to adjust the weight (decrease the load as the volume
increases) to get 12-15 reps on every exercise.
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4 – SHOWTIME!
7th Day out CARB LOAD – This Carb Meal (the normal Carbo-
hydrate Meal you have been doing the past 12-16 weeks) should
be planned out so it occurs on the day one week prior to event. No
60 Game Over
water intake 60 minutes prior to the Carb Meal or after the Carb
Meal. Get all of your water in 60 minutes before the Carb Meal.
60 minutes after the Carb Meal, you can drink four to six ounces
of water.
6th day out – Chest, shoulders, legs and triceps workout – 8-10
reps with drop sets to total 25-30 reps, two sets each – Dumbbell
bench press, pushups (until failure – one set), dumbbell military
press, side lateral raise, triceps press down, leg press and seated
calf raises. Perform your regular cardio routine.
5th day out - Back, legs and biceps workout – 8-10 reps with
drop sets to total 25-30 reps, two sets each – Lat pull down, Low
rows, dumbbell shrug, standing barbell or cable curl, lunges and
standing calf raises. Perform your regular cardio routine.
4th day out – Can do 6th day out routine which was Chest, shoul-
ders, legs and triceps workout – 8-10 reps with drop sets to total
25-30 reps, two sets each – Dumbbell bench press, pushups (un-
til failure – one set), dumbbell military press, side lateral raise,
triceps press down, leg press and seated calf raises. Perform the
following cardio routine:
Follow meal plan as normal with all fresh foods and switch all
vegetable servings to asparagus or spinach and all fat servings to
avocado or almond butter.
Follow meal plan as normal with all fresh foods and NO SALT
and switch all vegetable servings to asparagus or spinach and all
fat servings to avocado or almond butter.
Cut Diet Training 63
2nd day out
15 – 20 minutes posing practice – NO Weights and 20-25 minutes
of Cardio if Desired.
Follow meal plan as normal with all fresh foods and NO SALT
and switch all vegetable servings to asparagus or spinach and all
fat servings to avocado or almond butter.
Please NOTE: This meal maybe started early and cut in half to
be consumed over a 4-4.5 hr period. It maybe too much food at
one time and the “nibbling” effect has indicated better results.
The last meal (INSTEAD OF NORMAL CARB LOAD) is the fol-
– Here is the tricky part. Your body needs water to FILL UP the
muscles; however it’s a fine line of when you add salt to foods as
well as begin to gradually add water on competition day. The
rule of thumb is if you feel great about how you look keep water
minimal and away from food intake. If you feel flat then consume
water three to five oz every 45-60 minutes and three to five salt
shakes onto nibbled food or you can use Gatorade (with the elec-
trolytes and sodium) four to six oz every 45-60 minutes. PLEASE
NOTE: These are tips that may work for you or you may try dif-
ferent approaches as you learn your body.
Monday – Chest
Exercise to be performed in order
Tuesday – Legs
Exercise to be performed in order
Wednesday – Back
Exercise to be performed in order
Saturday – Shoulders
Exercise to be performed in order
Monday – Chest
Exercise to be performed in order
Tuesday – Legs
Exercise to be performed in order
Friday – Arms
Exercise to be performed in order
Saturday – Shoulders
Exercise to be performed in order
Monday – Chest
Exercise to be performed in order
Wednesday – Back
Exercise to be performed in order
Friday – Arms
Exercise to be performed in order
Saturday – Shoulders
Exercise to be performed in order
Monday – Chest
Exercise to be performed in order
1. Incline Dumbbell Press - 3 sets 12-15 reps
2. Flat Dumbbell Press - 3 sets 12-15 reps
3. Dumbbell flys - 3 sets 12-15 reps – smooth and controlled motion
4. Push Ups - to failure
5. Crunches - 3 sets for 30 – 45 seconds
6. Reverse crunches - 3 sets for 30 - 45 seconds
Tuesday – Legs
Exercise to be performed in order
Wednesday – Back
Exercise to be performed in order
Friday – Arms
Exercise to be performed in order
Saturday – Shoulders
Exercise to be performed in order
Monday – Chest
Exercise to be performed in order
Wednesday – Back
Exercise to be performed in order
Friday – Arms
Exercise to be performed in order
Saturday – Shoulders
Exercise to be performed in order
Monday – Chest
Exercise to be performed in order
Tuesday – Legs
Exercise to be performed in order
1. Squat
- 3 sets 8-10 reps with a dropset on last set to total 25-30 reps
2. Straight Leg Dead Lift
- 3 sets 8-10 reps with a dropset on last set to total 25-30 reps
3. Leg curl
- 3 sets 8-10 reps with a dropset on last set to total 25-30 reps
80 Game Over
4. Stationary Barbell Lunges
- 3 sets 8-10 reps with a dropset on last set to total 25-30 reps
5. Leg extension
- 3 sets 8-10 reps with a dropset on last set to total 25-30 reps
6. Standing Calf Raises
- 3 sets 8-10 reps with a dropset on last set to total 25-30 reps
7. Seated Calf Raises
- 3 sets 8-10 reps with a dropset on last set to total 25-30 reps
Wednesday – Back
Exercise to be performed in order
Saturday – Shoulders
Exercise to be performed in order
84 Game Over
Research has shown time and time again that the essential
amino acids (EAA) boost protein synthesis when taken around
86 Game Over
your workout. Free-form EAA do not need to be digested and
are therefore absorbed very rapidly, leading to a greater spike of
amino acids and protein synthesis than if a whole protein
source was consumed. Free-form EAA even outperformed whey
protein, a fast digesting protein, when both were taken pre-workout
(Kerksick, 2006). Supplementing with free-form EAA is more
effective than using a whole protein source, even whey protein.
The increase in protein synthesis from supplemental EAA
is greater when the EAA are taken pre-workout versus post-
workout (Tipton, 1999). One of the reasons for this difference in
rotein synthesis is EAA delivery to skeletal muscle is greater
when they are taken pre-workout due to increased blood flow to
skeletal muscle during exercise. At rest, skeletal muscle receives
very little blood compared to the rest of the body, but during
exercise, over 80% of blood is sent to the working skeletal
muscle. The rate-limiting step of amino acid uptake into skeletal
muscle is the transportation of the amino acids through the blood
to the skeletal muscle, which is governed by blood flow (Wolfe,
2004). Greater results can be seen by supplementing with EAA
pre-workout than post-workout due to increased blood flow.
One way to further increase the effectiveness of supplemen-
tal EAA is to increase blood flow to skeletal muscle beyond what
normal exercise does. This can be accomplished by increasing
the production of Nitric Oxide (NO) in the body during exercise.
NO vasodilates blood vessels, thereby increasing blood flow. This
increase, when combined with exercise means greater blood flow
Essential Cut Diet Supplementation 87
and amino acid deliver and uptake in the working skeletal mus-
cle. Supplementing with Arginine and Citrulline Malate has been
shown to increase NO production (Douglas, 2004). In addition to
increasing amino acid delivery to skeletal muscle, blood flow is
thought to be one of the factors that increases protein synthesis
post-workout (Douglas, 2004). Supplementing with Arginine and
Citrulline Malate to increase NO production not only increases
amino acid delivery to skeletal muscle, but it also may boost
post-workout protein synthesis.
In addition to the effect Primal EAA and Primal N2O have
on protein synthesis and blood flow to skeletal muscle, Primal
N2O also contains the proven performance enhancers creatine,
citrulline malate, beta-alanine, tyrosine, carnitine, and caf-
feine. All of these supplements work together to increase ATP
(energy) production, performance, power output, work capacity,
lean mass, and strength while decreasing fatigue. Primal N2O
contains proven performance and energy enhancers, which allow
you to workout harder and longer, leading to greater results.
Primal EAA and Primal N2O contain synergistic
ingredients that work together to take the results you will see to
the next level and beyond. There is nothing primitive about these
supplements. Stack them and you will feel what it is like to have
your pre-workout nutrition dialed in.
Tipton, K., Ferrando, A., Phillips, S., Doyle, D. & Wolfe, R. (1999). Postexercise
net protein synthesis in human muscle from orally administered amino acids.
The American Journal of Physiology, 276(4), E628-E634.
Wolfe, et. al., In vivo muscle amino acid transport involves two distinct pro-
cesses. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2004 Jul;287(1):E136-41.
Dialene 4
Dialene 4 Ingredients
B Vitamins
Vitamin B3 (Niacinimide USP): 75mg
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine HCl): 50mg
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid): 25mg
Vitamin B12 (Methylcobalamin): 100mcg
Caffeine USP
Caffeine, a plant alkaloid belonging to the drug class meth-
ylxanthines and is found in natural sources such as coffee beans,
tea leaves, cocoa beans, and other plants, is the world’s most
widely used stimulant. Caffeine is a Central Nervous System
(CNS) stimulant shown to delay fatigue and improve cognitive
Caffeine acts as an adenosine receptor antagonist.
Adenosine decreases the release of stimulatory/excitatory
neurotransmitters (i.e. norepinephrine [NE]). Therefore,
blocking the adenosine receptor allows a greater excitation to occur
by increasing NE’s ability to activate the adrenergic receptors.
Essential Cut Diet Supplementation 97
Caffeine inhibits phosphodiesterase (PDE), causing a build-
up of cAMP levels and greater effect of NE on fatty acid lipolysis.
PDE blunts lipolysis; therefore inhibiting PDE allows lipolysis to
proceed at an accelerated rate. The end result is there are more
fatty acids available for oxidation after consumption of caffeine.
Naringin is a citrus flavanoid found it citrus fruits such as
grapefruit and oranges.
Grapefruit juice has been shown to decrease the breakdown of
caffeine and prolong its effects and impact on fat loss. Naringin is
believed to cause this effect from grapefruit. Adding Naringin to
Dialene 4 will enhance the effects of caffeine.
Phenylethylamine (PEA)
PEA is an amphetamine-like compound found naturally in
the brain that is believed to elevate mood and have a stimulating
D,L-Phenylalanine is a 50/50 mix of D-Phenylalanine and
L-Phenylalanine. L-Phenylalanine is an essential amino acid
while D-Phenylalanine is a non-protein amino acid that is not
used in protein synthesis. Phenylalanine can be metabolized to
PEA and is also a precursor for norepinephrine and dopamine.
Vinpocetine increases circulation and blood flow to the
brain. Just like cayenne, vinpocetine’s ability to increase blood
flow aids in the transportation of fatty acids to tissues where they
can be burned.
Essential Cut Diet Supplementation 99
LipoLean Blend 325mg
(Cayenne Pepper 40,000 HU, Citrus Peel Extract (containing limonene
and terpinen-4-ol), Evodiamine)
Evodiamine is an alkaloid extracted from the plant Evodiae
Fructus. In-vitro studies and studies done on rats have shown evodi-
amine to decrease fat uptake into cells, increase body temperature, and
increase catecholamine secretion
Sesamin + Dialene 4
Sesamin and Dialene 4 work together to increase the lib-
eration of fatty acids from fat cells and increase the oxidation
of these fatty acids, leading to greater losses in fat and less fat
100 Game Over
stored. Using Sesamin + Dialene 4 on the Cut Diet Lean Mass
program will lead to less unwanted fat gains! We recommend
stacking Sesamin and Dialene 4 together as follows:
1. Control insulin throughout the day by combining good fat and lean pro-
tein with green vegetables.
2. Control the acidity of your meals by consuming alkaline foods and/or
supplementing with L-Glutamine.
3. Eat frequently, every two to three hours.
4. Do NOT consume a post workout shake unless you do not have Workout
Nutrition DURING your workout. If this is the case, then we would rec-
ommend whey protein PWO then a whole meal 30-45 minutes later.
5. Do cardio 30-45 minutes pre or post workout at 40-50% VO2 Max (130-
150 beats per minute on average).
Essential Cut Diet Supplementation 101
102 Game Over
*NOTE: You can substitute 3oz of any of these protein choices for
1 scoop of Substance WPI if desired.
Based on the calorie equation above, here are different Cut Diet
options depending on the individual.
Meal 1
6 egg whites
1 whole egg
1 oz grilled chicken
1.33 cup steamed spinach
6 almonds
6.5 oz PEELED ruby red grapefruit
- Splenda packets can be used to sweeten if desired
35g protein, 25g carbohydrates, 10g fat
Meal 2
5 oz grilled chicken breast or halibut/tilapia or Sirloin fillet or
Tuna (albacore packed/canned in water)+ 5g GlutaForm
4 tsp peanut butter or 12 almonds or 1 oz avocado
1/2 cup steamed Broccoli or green beans or 4 oz steamed asparagus
35g protein, 5g carbohydrates, 5g fat
Meal 3
3 oz grilled chicken breast or halibut/tilapia or Sirloin fillet or
Tuna (albacore packed/canned in water)
106 Game Over
½ cup steamed Broccoli or green beans or 4 oz steamed asparagus
4 tsp peanut butter or 12 almonds or 2 oz avocado
21g protein, 5g carbohydrates, 10g fat
Meal 4
3 oz grilled chicken breast or halibut/tilapia or Sirloin fillet or
Tuna (albacore packed/canned in water)
½ cup steamed Broccoli or green beans or 4 oz steamed asparagus
4 tsp peanut butter or 12 almonds or 2 oz avocado
21g protein, 5g carbohydrates, 10g fat
Meal 5
3 oz grilled chicken breast or halibut/tilapia or Sirloin fillet or
Tuna (albacore packed/canned in water)+ 5g GlutaForm
6 almonds
½ cup steamed Broccoli or green beans or 4 oz steamed asparagus
21g protein, 5g carbohydrates, 5g fat
Meal 6
3 oz grilled chicken breast or halibut/tilapia or Sirloin fillet or
Tuna (albacore packed/canned in water)
½ cup steamed Broccoli or green beans or 4 oz steamed asparagus
1 oz avocado
21g protein, 5g carbohydrates, 5g fat
Every 18th meal is the Carb meal. It is the last meal and it re-
places Meal 6. The Carb Meal must be eaten in this order.
Meal 2
5 oz grilled chicken breast or halibut/tilapia or Sirloin fillet or
Tuna (albacore packed/canned in water)+ 5g GlutaForm
4 tsp peanut butter or 12 almonds or 2 oz avocado
1 cup steamed Broccoli or green beans or 8 oz steamed asparagus beans
35g protein, 10g carbohydrates, 10g fat
Meal 3
5 oz grilled chicken breast or halibut/tilapia or Sirloin fillet or
Tuna (albacore packed/canned in water)
1 cup steamed Broccoli or green beans or 8 oz steamed asparagus
4 tsp peanut butter or 12 almonds or 2 oz avocado
35g protein, 10g carbohydrates, 10g fat
The Cut Diet 109
Meal 4
4 oz grilled chicken breast or halibut/tilapia or Sirloin fillet or
Tuna (albacore packed/canned in water)
1 cup steamed Broccoli or green beans or 8 oz steamed asparagus
4 tsp peanut butter or 12 almonds or 2 oz avocado
28g protein, 10g carbohydrates, 10g fat
Meal 5
5 oz grilled chicken breast or halibut/tilapia or Sirloin fillet or
Tuna (albacore packed/canned in water)+ 5g GlutaForm
12 almonds
½ cup steamed Broccoli or green beans or 4 oz steamed asparagus
35g protein, 5g carbohydrates, 10g fat
Meal 6
4 oz grilled chicken breast or halibut/tilapia or Sirloin fillet or
Tuna (albacore packed/canned in water)
½ cup steamed Broccoli or green beans or 4 oz steamed asparagus
1 oz avocado
28g protein, 5g carbohydrates, 5g fat
Meal 2
6 oz grilled chicken breast or halibut/tilapia or Sirloin fillet or
Tuna (albacore packed/canned in water)+ 5g GlutaForm
2 tbsp peanut butter or 18 almonds
1 cup steamed Broccoli or green beans or 8 oz steamed asparagus
42g protein, 10g carbohydrates, 15g fat
Meal 3
5 oz grilled chicken breast or halibut/tilapia or Sirloin fillet or
Tuna (albacore packed/canned in water)
1 cup steamed Broccoli or green beans or 8 oz steamed asparagus
4 tsp peanut butter or 12 almonds
35g protein, 10g carbohydrates, 10g fat
Meal 4
5 oz grilled chicken breast or halibut/tilapia or Sirloin fillet or
112 Game Over
Tuna (albacore packed/canned in water)
1 cup steamed Broccoli or green beans or 8 oz steamed asparagus
4 tsp peanut butter or 12 almonds
35g protein, 10g carbohydrates, 10g fat
Meal 5
5 oz grilled chicken breast or halibut/tilapia or Sirloin fillet or
Tuna (albacore packed/canned in water)+ 5g GlutaForm
12 almonds
6.5 oz PEELED ruby red grapefruit – splenda packets can be used
to sweeten if desired
1 cup steamed Broccoli or green beans or 8 oz steamed asparagus
35g protein, 25g carbohydrates, 10g fat
Meal 6
5 oz grilled chicken breast or halibut/tilapia or Sirloin fillet or
Tuna (albacore packed/canned in water)
½ cup steamed Broccoli or green beans or 4oz asparagus
1 oz avocado
35g protein, 5g carbohydrates, 5g fat
Meal 1
6 egg whites
1 whole egg
114 Game Over
2 oz grilled chicken breast
1.33 cup steamed spinach
12 almonds
6.5 oz PEELED ruby red grapefruit
– Splenda packets can be used to sweeten if desired
42g protein, 25g carbohydrates, 15g fat
Meal 2
6 oz grilled chicken breast or halibut/tilapia or Sirloin fillet or
Tuna (albacore packed/canned in water)+ 5g GlutaForm
2 tbsp peanut butter or 18 almonds
1 cup steamed Broccoli or green beans or 8 oz steamed asparagus
42g protein, 10g carbohydrates, 15g fat
Meal 3
6 oz grilled chicken breast or halibut/tilapia or Sirloin fillet or
Tuna (albacore packed/canned in water)
1 cup steamed Broccoli or green beans or 8 oz steamed asparagus
2 tbsp peanut butter or 18 almonds
42g protein, 10g carbohydrates, 15g fat
Meal 4
6 oz grilled chicken breast or halibut/tilapia or Sirloin fillet or
Tuna (albacore packed/canned in water)
1 cup steamed Broccoli or green beans or 8 oz steamed asparagus
4 tsp peanut butter or 12 almonds
42g protein, 10g carbohydrates, 10g fat
The Cut Diet 115
Meal 5
6 oz grilled chicken breast or halibut/tilapia or Sirloin fillet or
Tuna (albacore packed/canned in water)+ 5g GlutaForm
12 almonds
6.5 oz PEELED ruby red grapefruit
– splenda packets can be used to sweeten if desired
1 cup steamed Broccoli or green beans or 8 oz steamed asparagus
42g protein, 25g carbohydrates, 10g fat
Meal 6
5 oz grilled chicken breast or halibut/tilapia or Sirloin fillet or
Tuna (albacore packed/canned in water)
½ cup steamed Broccoli or green beans or 4oz asparagus
1 oz avocado
35g protein, 5g carbohydrates, 5g fat
Every 18th meal is the Carb meal. It is the last meal and it re-
places Meal 6. The Carb Meal must be eaten in this order.
Meal 1
6 egg whites
1 whole egg
2 oz grilled chicken
1.33 cup steamed spinach
4 tsp peanut butter or 12 almonds
6.5 oz PEELED ruby red grapefruit
– splenda packets can be used to sweeten if desired
42g protein, 25g carbohydrates, 15g fat
The Cut Diet 117
Meal 2
6 oz grilled chicken breast or halibut/tilapia or Sirloin fillet or
Tuna (albacore packed/canned in water)+ 5g GlutaForm
2 tbsp peanut butter
1 cup steamed Broccoli or green beans or 8 oz steamed asparagus
42g protein, 10g carbohydrates, 15g fat
Meal 3
6 oz grilled chicken breast or halibut/tilapia or Sirloin fillet or
Tuna (albacore packed/canned in water)
1.5 cup steamed Broccoli or green beans or 12 oz steamed asparagus
2 tbsp peanut butter or 18 almonds
42g protein, 15g carbohydrates, 15g fat
Meal 4
6 oz grilled chicken breast or halibut/tilapia or Sirloin fillet or
Tuna (albacore packed/canned in water)
1 cup steamed Broccoli or green beans or 8 oz steamed asparagus
2 tbsp peanut butter or 18 almonds
42g protein, 10g carbohydrates, 15g fat
Meal 5
6 oz grilled chicken breast or halibut/tilapia or Sirloin fillet or
Tuna (albacore packed/canned in water)+ 5g GlutaForm
18 almonds
1 cup steamed Broccoli or green beans or 8 oz steamed asparagus
42g protein, 10g carbohydrates, 15g fat
118 Game Over
Meal 6
6 oz grilled chicken breast or halibut/tilapia or Sirloin fillet or
Tuna (albacore packed/canned in water)
1 cup steamed Broccoli or green beans or 8 oz steamed asparagus
3 oz avocado or 18 almonds
6.5 oz PEELED ruby red grapefruit
– splenda packets can be used to sweeten if desired
42g protein, 25g carbohydrates, 15g fat
Meal 7
5 oz grilled chicken breast or halibut/tilapia or Sirloin fillet or
Tuna (albacore packed/canned in water)
½ cup steamed Broccoli or green beans or 4 oz steamed asparagus
2 oz avocado or 12 almonds
35g protein, 5g carbohydrates, 10g fat
Every 21st meal is the Carb meal. It is the last meal and it re-
places Meal 7. The Carb Meal must be eaten in this order.
The Cut Diet 119
1. 1.5 cups steamed green beans or 12 oz asparagus = 15g
2. ¾ cup oatmeal (measured dry then add water and mi-
crowave) = 45g carbohydrates
3. tbsp raisins or 6.5 oz grapefruit = 15g carbohydrates
4. ¾ tbsp honey = 15g carbohydrates
4-6 packets splenda for sweetening
5. 18 almonds = 15g fat
6. 8 oz sweet potato = 60g carbohydrates
7. 2 tbsp peanut butter or almond butter = 15g fat
4-6 packets splenda for sweetening
Meal 1
6 egg whites
1 whole egg
2 oz grilled chicken
1.33 cup steamed spinach
2 tbsp peanut butter or 18 almonds or 3 oz avocado
120 Game Over
6.5 oz PEELED ruby red grapefruit – splenda packets can be used
to sweeten if desired
42g protein, 25g carbohydrates, 20g fat
Meal 2
6 oz grilled chicken breast or halibut/tilapia or Sirloin fillet or
Tuna (albacore packed/canned in water)+ 5g GlutaForm
24 almonds
2 cup steamed Broccoli or green beans or 16 oz steamed asparagus
42g protein, 20g carbohydrates, 20g fat
Meal 3
6 oz grilled chicken breast or halibut/tilapia or Sirloin fillet or
Tuna (albacore packed/canned in water)
1.5 cup steamed Broccoli or green beans or 12 oz steamed asparagus
4 oz avocado or 24 almonds
42g protein, 15g carbohydrates, 20g fat
Meal 4
6 oz grilled chicken breast or halibut/tilapia or Sirloin fillet or
Tuna (albacore packed/canned in water)
1.5 cup steamed Broccoli or green beans or 12 oz steamed asparagus
4 oz avocado or 24 almonds
42g protein, 15g carbohydrates, 20g fat
The Cut Diet 121
Meal 5
6 oz grilled chicken breast or halibut/tilapia or Sirloin fillet or
Tuna (albacore packed/canned in water)+ 5g GlutaForm
24 almonds
1.5 cup steamed Broccoli or green beans or 12 oz steamed asparagus
42g protein, 15g carbohydrates, 20g fat
Meal 6
7 oz grilled chicken breast or halibut/tilapia or Sirloin fillet or
Tuna (albacore packed/canned in water)
1 cup steamed Broccoli or green beans or 8 oz steamed asparagus
2 oz avocado + 6 almonds or 3 oz avocado or 18 almonds
6.5 oz PEELED ruby red grapefruit
– splenda packets can be used to sweeten if desired
49g protein, 25g carbohydrates, 15g fat
Meal 7
7 oz grilled chicken breast or halibut/tilapia or Sirloin fillet or
Tuna (albacore packed/canned in water)
1.5 cup steamed Broccoli or green beans or 12 oz steamed asparagus
3 oz avocado or 18 almonds or 2 oz avocado + 6 almonds
49g protein, 15g carbohydrates, 15g fat
Every 21st meal is the Carb meal. It is the last meal and it re-
places Meal 7. The Carb Meal must be eaten in this order.
1. 1.5 cups steamed green beans or 12 oz asparagus = 15g
2. 1 cup oatmeal (measured dry then add water and micro-
wave) = 60g carbohydrates
3. tbsp raisins or 6.5 oz grapefruit = 15g carbohydrates
4. ¾ tbsp honey = 15g carbohydrates
4-6 packets splenda for sweetening
5. 18 almonds = 15g fat
6. 10 oz yam or sweet potato = 75g carbohydrates
7. 2 tbsp peanut butter or almond butter = 15g fat
4-6 packets splenda for sweetening
Meal 2
7 oz grilled chicken breast or halibut/tilapia or Sirloin fillet or
Tuna (albacore packed/canned in water)+ 5g GlutaForm
2 cup steamed Broccoli or green beans or 16 oz steamed asparagus
2 tbsp peanut butter + 12 almonds or 30 almonds or 2 oz avocado
+ 18 almonds
49g protein, 20g carbohydrates, 25g fat
Meal 3
8 oz grilled chicken breast or halibut/tilapia or Sirloin fillet or
Tuna (albacore packed/canned in water)
2 cup steamed Broccoli or green beans or 16 oz steamed asparagus
2 tbsp peanut butter + 12 almonds or 30 almonds or 2 oz avocado
+ 18 almonds
56g protein, 20g carbohydrates, 25g fat
124 Game Over
Meal 4
7 oz grilled chicken breast or halibut/tilapia or Sirloin fillet or
Tuna (albacore packed/canned in water)+ 5g GlutaForm
2 cup steamed Broccoli or green beans or 16 oz steamed asparagus
2 tbsp peanut butter + 12 almonds or 30 almonds or 2 oz avocado
+ 18 almonds
49g protein, 20g carbohydrates, 25g fat
Meal 5
7 oz grilled chicken breast or halibut/tilapia or Sirloin fillet or
Tuna (albacore packed/canned in water)
1.5 cup steamed Broccoli or green beans or 12 oz steamed asparagus
2 oz avocado + 12 almonds or 4 oz avocado or 24 almonds
6.5 oz PEELED ruby red grapefruit – splenda packets can be used
to sweeten if desired
49g protein, 30g carbohydrates, 20g fat
Meal 6
7 oz grilled chicken breast or halibut/tilapia or Sirloin fillet or
Tuna (albacore packed/canned in water)
1.5 cup steamed Broccoli or green beans or 12 oz steamed asparagus
2 oz avocado + 12 almonds or 4 oz avocado or 24 almonds
49g protein, 15g carbohydrates, 20g fat
The Cut Diet 125
Meal 7
7 oz grilled chicken breast or halibut/tilapia or Sirloin fillet or
Tuna (albacore packed/canned in water)
1.5 cup steamed Broccoli or green beans or 12 oz steamed asparagus
4 oz avocado or 24 almonds
49g protein, 15g carbohydrates, 20g fat
Every 21st meal is the Carb meal. It is the last meal and it re-
places Meal 7. The Carb Meal must be eaten in this order.
1. 1.5 cups steamed green beans or 12 oz asparagus = 15g
2. 1 cup oatmeal (measured dry then add water and micro-
wave) = 60g carbohydrates
3. 4 tbsp raisins or 13 oz grapefruit = 30g carbohydrates
4. 2 tbsp honey = 15g carbohydrates
4-6 packets splenda for sweetenin
5. 18 almonds = 15g fat
6. 12 oz sweet potato = 90g carbohydrates
7. 2 tbsp peanut butter or almond butter = 15g fat
4-6 packets splenda for sweetening
Meal 1
6 egg whites
2 whole eggs
2 oz grilled chicken
2-2/3 cup steamed spinach
2 tbsp peanut butter or 18 almonds or 3 oz avocado
6.5 oz PEELED ruby red grapefruit
– splenda packets can be used to sweeten if desired
49g protein, 35g carbohydrates, 25g fat
Meal 2
7 oz grilled chicken breast or halibut/tilapia or Sirloin fillet or
Tuna (albacore packed/canned in water)+ 5g GlutaForm
2 cup steamed Broccoli or green beans or 16 oz steamed asparagus
2 tbsp peanut butter + 12 almonds or 30 almonds or 2 oz avocado
+ 18 almonds
49g protein, 20g carbohydrates, 25g fat
Meal 3
7 oz grilled chicken breast or halibut/tilapia or Sirloin fillet or
The Cut Diet 127
Tuna (albacore packed/canned in water)
2 cup steamed Broccoli or green beans or 16 oz steamed asparagus
2 tbsp peanut butter + 12 almonds or 30 almonds or 2 oz avocado
+ 18 almonds
49g protein, 20g carbohydrates, 25g fat
Meal 4
6 oz grilled chicken breast or halibut/tilapia or Sirloin fillet or
Tuna (albacore packed/canned in water)+ 5g GlutaForm
2 cup steamed Broccoli or green beans or 16 oz steamed asparagus
2 tbsp peanut butter + 12 almonds or 30 almonds or 2 oz avocado
+ 18 almonds
42g protein, 20g carbohydrates, 25g fat
Meal 5
7 oz grilled chicken breast or halibut/tilapia or Sirloin fillet or
Tuna (albacore packed/canned in water)
2 cup steamed Broccoli or green beans or 16 oz steamed asparagus
2 tbsp peanut butter + 12 almonds or 30 almonds or 2 oz avocado
+ 18 almonds
6.5 oz PEELED ruby red grapefruit – splenda packets can be used
to sweeten if desired
49g protein, 35g carbohydrates, 25g fat
128 Game Over
Meal 6
7 oz grilled chicken breast or halibut/tilapia or Sirloin fillet or
Tuna (albacore packed/canned in water)+ 5g GlutaForm
2 cup steamed Broccoli or green beans or 16 oz steamed asparagus
2 oz avocado + 12 almonds or 4 oz avocado or 24 almonds
49g protein, 20g carbohydrates, 20g fat
Meal 7
7 oz grilled chicken breast or halibut/tilapia or Sirloin fillet or
Tuna (albacore packed/canned in water)
1.5 cup steamed Broccoli or green beans or 12 oz steamed asparagus
2 oz avocado + 12 almonds or 4 oz avocado or 24 almonds
49g protein, 15g carbohydrates, 20g fat
Meal 8
7 oz grilled chicken breast or halibut/tilapia or Sirloin fillet or
Tuna (albacore packed/canned in water)
1.5 cup steamed Broccoli or green beans or 12 oz steamed asparagus
2 oz avocado + 12 almonds or 4 oz avocado or 24 almonds
49g protein, 15g carbohydrates, 20g fat
Every 24th meal is the Carb meal. It is the last meal and it re-
places Meal 8. The Carb Meal must be eaten in this order.
1. 1.5 cups steamed green beans or 12 oz asparagus = 15g
2. 1 cup oatmeal (measured dry then add water and micro-
wave) = 60g carbohydrates
3. 4 tbsp raisins or 13 oz grapefruit = 30g carbohydrates
4. 2 tbsp honey = 15g carbohydrates
4-6 packets splenda for sweetening
5. 18 almonds = 15g fat
6. 14 oz sweet potato = 105g carbohydrates
7. 2 tbsp peanut butter or almond butter = 15g fat
4-6 packets splenda for sweetening
You may be asking why we eat certain foods leading into the show.
Well, here are the reasons:
7th Day out CARB LOAD – This Carb Meal (the normal Carbo-
hydrate Meal you have been doing the past 12-16 weeks) should
be planned out so it occurs on the day one week prior to event. No
water intake 60 minutes prior to the Carb Meal or after the Carb
Meal. Get all of your water in 60 minutes before the Carb Meal.
60 minutes after the Carb Meal, you can drink four to six ounces
of water.
6th day out – Chest, shoulders, legs and triceps workout – 8-10
reps with drop sets to total 25-30 reps, two sets each – Dumbbell
bench press, pushups (until failure – one set), dumbbell military
press, side lateral raise, triceps press down, leg press and seated
136 Game Over
calf raises. Perform your regular cardio routine.
Salt everything (10-12 shakes of a salt shaker every meal)
99mg potassium every four hours
2.5-3 gallons of water throughout the day
Follow meal plan as normal with all fresh foods and switch all
vegetable servings to asparagus or spinach and all fat servings to
avocado or almond butter.
5th day out - Back, legs and biceps workout – 8-10 reps with
drop sets to total 25-30 reps, two sets each – Lat pull down, Low
rows, dumbbell shrug, standing barbell or cable curl, lunges and
standing calf raises. Perform your regular cardio routine.
4th day out – Can do 6th day out routine which was Chest, shoul-
ders, legs and triceps workout – 8-10 reps with drop sets to total
25-30 reps, two sets each – Dumbbell bench press, pushups (un-
til failure – one set), dumbbell military press, side lateral raise,
triceps press down, leg press and seated calf raises. Perform the
following cardio routine:
Dialing It In For The Big Day 137
Cardio 30-35 minutes + 10-15 minutes posing practice
Salt everything (10-12 shakes of a salt shaker every meal)
99mg potassium every three hours
2 gallons of water throughout the day
100mg Vitamin B6 – three times per day
1000mg Dandelion – three times per day
625 mg Uva Ursi – three times per day
100mg caffeine – three times per day
Follow meal plan as normal with all fresh foods and switch all
vegetable servings to asparagus or spinach and all fat servings to
avocado or almond butter.
3rd day out – Can do 5th day out weight routine without leg
training which was: Back, legs and biceps workout – 8-10 reps
with drop sets to total 25-30 reps, two sets each – Lat pull down,
Low rows, dumbbell shrug and standing barbell or cable curl,
lunges and standing calf raises.
Follow meal plan as normal with all fresh foods and NO SALT
and switch all vegetable servings to asparagus or spinach and all
fat servings to avocado or almond butter.
Night Time Meal: Follow meal plan as normal with all fresh foods
and NO SALT and switch all vegetable servings to asparagus or
spinach and all fat servings to avocado or almond butter.
Please NOTE: This meal maybe started early and cut in half to be
consumed over a 4-4.5 hr period. It maybe too much food at one
time and the “nibbling” effect has indicated better results. The
last meal (INSTEAD OF NORMAL CARB LOAD) is the following:
Six to ten oz LEAN Fillet or Halibut - no salt, no seasoning, no
140 Game Over
One to two cup steamed asparagus/spinach - NO SALT
12-15 oz baked potato or sweet potato - NO SALT
One to Two tbsp UNSALTED butter or almond butter
Six to Ten oz Red Wine (if applicable)
PLEASE NOTE: These are tips that may work for you or
you may try different approaches as you learn your body.
Playing it Safe
CLEAN Night Time Meal: Follow meal plan as normal with all
fresh foods and NO SALT and switch all vegetable servings to as-
paragus or spinach and all fat servings to avocado or almond butter.
• 1.5 Hrs AFTER this meal – More sweet potato and al-
mond butter with NO protein to avoid insulin spike.
You’ve done it! The Cut Diet and training program has
helped you get in SHOWTIME condition. Now get on stage and
show those abs!
Marc Lobliner
Sean Kane
Derek Charlebois
“Chuck Rudolph, MEd, RD provides a unique and non-traditional approach for attaining a
leaner physique. This information won’t be found in that dietetics manual collecting dust
on your bookshelf ! So read Chuck’s Game Over: The Final Showtime Cut Diet You’ll Ever
Need! and see if it brings you one step closer to the physique you want.”