Geonics Catalogue

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1745 Meyerside Drive, Unit 8
Mississauga, Ontario
Canada L5T 1C6
Telephone: +1 (905) 670 9580
Telefax: +1 (905) 670 9204
E-mail: [email protected]
vlf receiver / transmitter


A Canadian-owned company located in Mississauga, Ontario, Geonics Limited is a world The EM16 VLF Receiver is the most widely used EM geophysical instrument of all time. Local
leader in the design, manufacture and service of electromagnetic (EM) geophysical tilt and ellipticity of VLF broadcasts are measured and resolved into in-phase and quadrature
instrumentation. components of VLF response. The EM16 has discovered several base and precious metal ore
bodies and many water-bearing faults.
Incorporated in 1962, Geonics earned early recognition with the development of the
patented EM16 VLF Receiver, which became an exploration industry standard for ground VLF The EM16R Resistivity Attachment uses a pair of electrodes to measure the apparent
instrumentation. Equipment manufactured during the first several years included surface, fixed resistivity of the earth. The combined EM16/16R instrument can detect a second earth-layer
wing and helicopter EM systems, primarily for applications in natural resource exploration. if the layer occurs within the VLF skin-depth. In addition, the EM16/16R can map resistive
alteration for gold exploration.
From an early commitment to specialize in electromagnetic methods, Geonics has since been
able to develop a broad range of unique instrumentation for an ever-increasingly diverse range The TX27 is a portable VLF transmitter supplying a VLF field for surveying with either the EM16
of applications. With the introduction of the EM31 Ground Conductivity Meter in 1976, Geonics or EM16/16R if remote broadcasts are weak, intermittent or poorly coupled with the target.
began to service end-user communities, such as geotechnical engineers and environmental For EM16 surveys, the TX27 antenna consists of a long (typically 1 km) grounded wire.
professionals, with a particular interest in near-surface characterization. Subsequent
development of the EM34-3 and EM38 series of Ground Conductivity Meters – for exploration
to relatively greater and lesser depths, respectively – expanded the range of application fields EM16/16R Specifications
to include groundwater, and agriculture and archaeology.
MEASURED QUANTITIES EM16: In-phase and Quadrature components of the secondary
Using more than 15 years of experience in the design and development of time domain VLF field, as percentages of the primary field
electromagnetic (TDEM) systems, Geonics introduced, in 1987, the versatile, digital EM16R: Apparent resistivity in ohm-metres, and phase angle
between Ex and Hy
PROTEM TDEM systems. With a single receiver and, now, five interchangeable transmitters,
the modular PROTEM systems are suitable for a full range of applications from shallow PRIMARY FIELD SOURCE VLF broadcast stations
environmental and groundwater studies, to deep resistivity soundings and three-component
surface and downhole exploration for mineral and geothermal targets SENSOR EM16: Ferrite-core coil
EM16R: Stainless-steel electrodes, separated by 10 m;
From this long tradition of research and development excellence, Geonics continues to sensor impedance is 100 MΩ in parallel with 0.5 pf
move forward with the introduction of new, more advanced instrumentation: the second OPERATING FREQUENCY 15 to 28 kHz, depending on VLF broadcasting station
generation of EM61 Metal Detectors has been recognized by the North American military
community as a standard sensor technology for the detection of unexploded ordnance (UXO); MEASUREMENT RANGES EM16: In-phase: ±150 %: Quadrature: ±40 %
applications in resource exploration have been further supported by the recent availability EM16R: 300, 3000, 30000 Ω-m, Phase: 0-90°
of surface and downhole fluxgate sensors; the PROTEM CM and G-TEM TDEM systems
POWER SOURCE EM16 or EM16/16R: 9 V battery
each offer the convenience of receiver/transmitter consolidation; and, in the case of G-TEM
specifically, a Windows-based operating system that supports both new and enhanced in-field OPERATING TEMPERATURE -30° C to +50° C
DIMENSIONS EM16 or EM16/16R: 53 x 30 x 22 cm
And, in addition to standard production instrumentation, custom-build solutions are available
to address many unique or otherwise unconventional requirements. weight EM16: Instrument: 1.8 kg; Shipping: 6.2 kg
EM16R: Instrument: 1.5 kg; Shipping: 6 kg
For more than five decades, used extensively throughout the world in varied and demanding
survey environments, Geonics instrumentation has earned, and continues to earn the field-
tested reputation for superior quality and performance. TX27 Specifications
PRIMARY FIELD SOURCE Grounded wire or 500 x 500 m loop, current adjustable,
0 to 2 A


POWER SOURCE 120/220 V, 350 W motor generator

DIMENSIONS Transmitter and loop: Shipping: 89 x 29 x 39 cm

Generator: Shipping: 50 x 27 x 36 cm

weight Transmitter and loop: Shipping: 32.5 kg

Generator: Shipping: 17 kg
Borehole Probes
Gamma39 natural Gamma
The EM39 Borehole Induction Probe was designed, in part, for rapid, accurate assessment
of groundwater contamination in the soil and rock material surrounding monitoring wells.
Because clay materials can produce an electrical conductivity response similar to some
groundwater contaminants, however, Geonics introduced the Gamma39 Natural Gamma
Probe to resolve ambiguity in interpretation. For example: whereas a conductivity high with
a coincident high gamma count often indicates the presence of clay materials, a conductivity
high without an associated high gamma count can be expected to be due to the contamination
of groundwater.

Like the EM39 conductivity probe, the Gamma39 is unaffected by the presence of plastic
casing in the well. No special license is required, it can be used anywhere, and is simple
to operate. The unit, of course, can also be employed to detect radioactive wastes in the

EM39 Conductivity
MEASURED QUANTITY Naturally occurring gamma-radiation, in counts/second

SENSOR Thallium-activated sodium iodide crystal

The EM39 Borehole Induction Probe provides measurement of the electrical conductivity
Counts range 100, 300, 1000 counts/second
of the soil and rock material surrounding a borehole or monitoring well using the inductive
electromagnetic technique. The unit employs coaxial coil geometry with an intercoil spacing DEPTH 200 m (500 m cable optional)
of 50 cm to provide an effective radius of exploration of 1 m into the formation while
maintaining excellent vertical resolution. Measurement is unaffected by conductive borehole MEASUREMENT precision one count/second
fluid or the presence of plastic well casing.
Power source 10 disposable “D” cells, or 12 VDC external power source
The combination of a large conductivity range, high sensitivity and very low noise and
DIMENSIONS Probe: 3.6 cm diameter, 100 cm length
drift, allows accurate characterization of geologic conditions. Typical applications include
groundwater contamination monitoring, groundwater and mineral exploration, and WEIGHTS Probe: 1.6 kg
geotechnical investigations, to depths of 500 metres.

The 4-conductor EM39 probe can be used with many commercially available borehole logging
systems, or with a dedicated winch and console system from Geonics.

Measurements can be viewed and recorded in real-time with an appropriate field computer EM39s magnetic susceptibility
and third party software. The EM39S Magnetic Susceptibility Probe provides measurement of the magnetic
susceptibility of the soil and rock material in the vicinity of a borehole or monitoring well. With
Specifications an intercoil spacing of 50 cm, the EM39S provides good vertical resolution while still achieving
a reasonable range of investigation into the surrounding medium. High sensitivity and low
MEASURED QUANTITIES Apparent conductivity in millisiemens per metre (mS/m)
noise ensure an excellent range of measurement for most geological applications.
PRIMARY FIELD SOURCE Self-contained dipole transmitter
The susceptibility response is unaffected by plastic casing and, unlike conventional
SENSOR Self-contained dipole receiver magnetometers, is unaffected by variations in either the remnant magnetization of the
surrounding soil and rock, or the strength of the earth’s magnetic field.

OPERATING FREQUENCY 39.2 kHz Specifications

MEASURING RANGES ± 100, 1000, 10,000 mS/m MEASURED QUANTITY Magnetic susceptibility in parts per thousand (ppt)

DEPTH 200 m (500 m cable optional) PRIMARY FIELD SOURCE Self-contained dipole transmitter

MEASUREMENT RESOLUTION 0.1 % of full scale SENSOR Self-contained dipole receiver



POWER SOURCE 10 disposable “D” cells, or 12 VDC external power source MEASURING RANGES ± 30, 300 ppt

DIMENSIONS Probe: 3.6 cm diameter, 163 cm length DEPTH 200 m (500 m cable optional)

WEIGHTS Probe: 2.2 kg, Console: 7 kg MEASUREMENT RESOLUTION 0.1 % of full scale
Shipping: 90 kg (2 boxes)


Power source 10 disposable “D” cells, or 12 VDC external power source

DIMENSIONS Probe: 3.6 cm diameter, 163 cm length

WEIGHTS Probe: 2.2 kg

Shipping: 90 kg (2 boxes)

EM31-MK2 EM34-3
Using a patented electromagnetic inductive technique that allows measurement without any Using the same inductive technique as the EM31-MK2, the EM34-3 Ground Conductivity
requirement for either electrodes or ground contact, the EM31-MK2 Ground Conductivity Meter incorporates three intercoil spacings – 10, 20 and 40 m – to provide variable depths
Meter maps soil materials, groundwater contaminants or any subsurface feature associated of exploration to 60 metres. With three intercoil spacings, and two dipole modes (horizontal
with changes in conductivity. With this inductive method, surveys can be conducted over as shown, and vertical) available with each spacing, a total of six measurements can be
any surface conditions, including those with high resistivity materials such as sand, gravel associated with a single location. With appropriate software (e.g. IX1D, EMIGMA, etc.),
and asphalt. multiple measurements can be used to model the geologic profile.

Ground conductivity (quad-phase) and magnetic susceptibility (in-phase) measurements Simple to operate and cost-effective, the EM34-3 is an instrument for the geologist and
are recorded directly onto an integrated Archer field computer. The field computer provides hydrogeologist alike. Common applications include the detection and delineation of
many features for enhanced data collection including Bluetooth wireless communication, GPS groundwater contamination and the exploration for sources of potable groundwater; in the
compatibility, real-time data graphics, and compatibility with Windows Mobile applications. vertical dipole mode specifically, the EM34-3 is particularly sensitive to vertical geologic
structure, and is widely used for applications within fractured and faulted bedrock systems.
The effective depth of exploration is about six metres from the instrument, making it ideal for
environmental and engineering site characterization. Important advantages of the EM31-MK2 In regions of particularly high cultural and / or atmospheric noise, the EM34-3XL – including a
over conventional resistivity methods include: speed of operation; high-volume, continuous larger transmitter coil and increased transmitter power – improves the signal-to-noise ratio by
data collection; high spatial resolution of data; and the precision with which small changes in a factor of 10 at the 40 m spacing, and a factor of four at the 10 m and 20 m spacings.
conductivity can be measured. Additionally, the in-phase component is particularly useful for
the detection of buried metallic structure and waste material. The standard EM34-3/XL provides an analog output signal; a real-time (RT) modification for
conversion of the output signal from analog to digital, required for data collection with the
EM31-Sh DAS70-AR Data Acquisition System, or any computer-based acquisition device, is available
as an option.
The EM31-SH is a “short” version of the standard EM31-MK2 providing an effective depth
of exploration of about four metres. With a smaller coil separation (2 m) and lighter weight, Specifications
the EM31-SH offers improvements in sensitivity to smaller near-surface targets, lateral
resolution and portability, while maintaining the high levels of accuracy and stability provided MEASURED QUANTITIES Apparent conductivity in millisiemens per metre (mS/m)
by the standard EM31-MK2. Where field conditions allow, a supporting wheel assembly is
an option. PRIMARY FIELD SOURCE Self-contained dipole transmitter

SENSOR Self-contained dipole receiver

REFERENCE CAbLE Lightweight, 2 wire shielded cable
MEASURED QUANTITIES 1: Apparent conductivity in millisiemens per metre (mS/m)
2: In-phase ratio of the secondary to primary magnetic INTERCOIL SPACINGS & 10 m at 6.4 kHz
field in parts per thousand (ppt) OPERATING FREQUENCY 20 m at 1.6 kHz
40 m at 0.4 kHz
CONDUCTIvITY RANGES 10, 100, 1000 mS/m
MEASUREMENT RESOLUTION ± 0.1 % of full scale
MEASURING RANGES Conductivity: 10, 100, 1000 mS/m; In-phase: ± 20 ppt
MEASUREMENT RESOLUTION ± 0.1 % of full scale
NOISE LEvELS 0.2 mS/m (can be greater in regions of high power line
MEASUREMENT ACCURACY ± 5 % at 20 mS/m interference)

NOISE LEvELS Conductivity: 0.1 mS/m; In-phase: 0.03 ppt POWER SOURCE Receiver: 8 disposable “C” cells; rechargeables optional
Transmitter: 8 disposable “D” cells; rechargeables optional
DATA STORAGE 512 MB internal disk; SD and CF slots, user accessible
POWER SOURCE 8 disposable “C” cells (approx. 20 h continuous)
DIMENSIONS Receiver Console: 19 x 13.5 x 26 cm
OPERATING TEMPERATURE Instrument: -40° C to +50° C Transmitter Console: 15.5 x 8 x 26 cm
Field Computer: -30° C to +55° C Receiver & Transmitter Coil: 63 cm diameter
EM34-3XL Transmitter Coil: 100 cm
DIMENSIONS Boom: 4.0 m extended, 1.4 m stored Shipping Case: 27.5 x 75 x 75 cm
Shipping Case: 145 x 38 x 23 cm
WEIGhTS Instrument: 20.5 kg; XL: 26.5 kg
WEIGhTS Instrument: 12.4 kg; Shipping: 28 kg Shipping: 43 kg; XL: 51 kg


The EM38-MK2 provides measurement of both the quad-phase (conductivity) and in-phase The DAS70-AR Data Acquisition System is available as an option for any model of Ground
(magnetic susceptibility) components within two distinct depth ranges, all simultaneously, Conductivity Meter that provides a digital output signal, and all models of EM61/-MK2 Metal
without any requirement for soil-to-instrument contact. With a maximum effective depth of Detectors; compatibility with first-generation EM61 instruments, specifically, requires the
exploration of 1.5 m, applications in agriculture, archaeology and general soil sciences are purchase of additional third party software.
A complete DAS70-AR system includes an ultra-rugged waterproof Archer field computer,
The standard EM38-MK2 includes two receiver coils, separated by 1 m and 0.5 m from the interface cables, and utility software with programming for data transfer and management.
transmitter, providing data from effective depth ranges of 1.5 m and 0.75 m respectively when Software for instrument-specific data acquisition and processing is included with the
positioned in the vertical dipole orientation, and 0.75 m and 0.375 m respectively when in
purchase of the relevant instrument; optional third party applications, including real-time
the horizontal dipole orientation. The EM38-MK2-1 model includes one receiver coil only, at
colour-scale mapping, can further increase in-field functionality.
1 m from the transmitter.
New coil technology, supported by temperature compensation circuitry, markedly improves The Archer field computer provides several benefits for in-field operations including: a real-
temperature-related drift characteristics as compared with the preceding generation of EM38 time graphic display of collected data; high capacity (512 MB) internal data storage; SD
instruments. and CF card compatibility and rechargeable, long life Li-Ion batteries for extended survey
time; and multiple input connections (1 x RS-232 serial; 1 x USB; Bluetooth) that support
An optional, collapsible calibration stand supports automation of the instrument calibration the simultaneous collection of EM and GPS data. An integrated sub-meter DGPS receiver is
procedure. Once positioned within the stand, the instrument can be calibrated within seconds, available as an option.
without any requirement for iterative adjustments.
For survey applications that include the use of multiple sensors (e.g. EM61-MK2) within
Supporting both walking and trailer-mounted survey methods, external power sources can
an array configuration, the DAS70-ML Data Acquisition System, including a Panasonic
be connected to the instrument for extended field operations; an optional, lightweight,
Toughbook computer, supports simultaneous EM and GPS data collection through eight
rechargeable battery pack provides for 25 hours of continuous operation. Also for trailer-
available input connections.
mounted operations, a protective capsule, constructed of durable plastic materials, is available
as an option.
Data collection is supported by the DAS70-AR Data Acquisition System, or other appropriate
field computer, connected by either RS-232 serial cable or Bluetooth wireless technology. PROCESSOR Intel XScale PXA270, 520 MHz

OPERATING SYSTEM Windows Mobile 6.1

Specifications MEMORY 128 MB RAM
MEASURED QUANTITIES 1: Apparent conductivity in millisiemens per metre (mS/m) DATA STORAGE 512 MB internal disk storage; SD and CF slots, user
2: In-phase ratio of the secondary to primary magnetic accessible
field in parts per thousand (ppt)
INTERCOIL SPACING 1 and 0.5 metres DISPLAY High visibility active matrix TFT colour LCD (240 x 320
COMMUNICATIONS RS-232 serial; USB Mini-A; USB Mini-B; Bluetooth
MEASURING RANGE Conductivity: 1000 mS/m
In-phase: ± 28 ppt for 1 m separation POWER SOURCE Rechargeable Li-Ion battery
In-phase: ± 7 ppt for 0.5 m separation
bATTERY LIFE Up to 20 h on one charge
MEASUREMENT RESOLUTION ± 0.1 % of full scale

NOISE LEvELS Conductivity: 0.5 mS/m; In-phase: 0.02 ppt DIMENSIONS 16.5 x 8.9 x 4.3 cm
DATA OUTPUT RS-232 serial port, Bluetooth WEIGhT <0.5 kg
POWER SOURCE 9 V disposable battery; external rechargeable battery pack
bATTERY LIFE Up to 5 h continuous for MN1604; 12 h continuous for L522;
25 h for rechargeable battery pack
DIMENSIONS Instrument: 107 x 17 x 8 cm
Shipping Case: 114 x 20 x 26 cm
WEIGhTS Instrument: 5.4 kg; Shipping: 14 kg

Geonics recommends any mapping application that supports multiple mapping and
presentation formats, which can each be readily customized. Gridding algorithms should EM61-MK2A
be best suited to line-based data of high density and high dynamic range. The following are
The EM61-MK2A is a high sensitivity, high resolution, time domain metal detector suitable
popular third party options:
for the detection of both ferrous and non-ferrous metal. Typical target response is a single,
sharply defined peak, facilitating quick and accurate determination of location. Achievable
depth of detection will depend on several target characteristics, with the surface area and

Surfer orientation of the target of particular importance. A single 200 litre (55 gal.) drum can be
detected at depths greater than three metres.
Surfer is a powerful gridding, contouring and surface mapping program developed by Golden
In comparison with the previous-standard EM61-MK2, the EM61-MK2A provides the same
Software, Inc. Data is quickly and easily converted into outstanding contour, 3D surface, 3D
feature and performance specifications. Differences between the two models are ergonomic:
wireframe, vector, image, shaded relief and post maps. Virtually all aspects of your maps can
because the A-model does not include a backpack for system components, the electronics
be customized to produce exactly the presentation desired. The production of publication
console is mounted on the U-handle, and the battery is positioned in the centre of the coils.
quality maps has never been quicker or easier.
Data from multiple time gates -- three or four, user-selectable -- are recorded to provide
a description of the response decay rate, supporting both the characterization and limited

OASIS montaj
discrimination of targets. Data collection is supported by the DAS70-AR Data Acquisition
A leading exploration technology solution, Oasis montaj provides a scalable environment for The system can be pushed or pulled as a trailer, by person or vehicle, as either a single unit or
efficiently importing, processing, viewing, analyzing and sharing large volume geophysical, an array of multiple units; for multiple unit configurations, options are available to customize
geochemical and geological data, all within one integrated environment. component specifications and layout. As may be required, with the addition of a backpack and
associated cable set, the system can be carried by a single person with a belt harness.
Manage your advanced earth mapping projects. Process, map, integrate, QA and interpret
all your ground and airborne survey data. This powerful mapping and processing software is
designed to support and streamline your daily problem solving needs, with a rich set of easy high Power (hP) Modification
to use features that meet and exceed rising global standards. To increase the depth at which any target is detectable, the high power (HP) modification
increases the amount of signal received by eight times, resulting in significant improvements in
the signal-to-noise ratio. Compared to the standard EM61-MK2A, the depth of detection for any
target will increase between 45% and 80%, depending on target characteristics.

MEASURED QUANTITIES Four time gates of secondary response in mV

EM SOURCE Air-cored coil, 1 x 0.5 m size

CURRENT WAvEFORM Unipolar rectangular current with 25 % duty cycle

EM SENSORS a) Main: Air-cored coil, 1 x 0.5 m in size, coincident with EM

b) Focusing: Air-cored coil, 1 x 0.5 m in size 30 cm above
main coil


OUTPUT MONITOR Colour active matrix TFT-LCD (240 x 320 pixels), and audio tone

DATA STORAGE 512 MB internal disk; SD and CF slots, user accessible

DATA OUTPUT RS232-serial port, Bluetooth

POWER SOURCE 12 V rechargeable battery for 4 h continuous operation


OPERATING WEIGhT 41 kg in trailer mode;

& DIMENSIONS 100 x 50 x 5 cm (bottom), 100 x 50 x 2 cm (top)

ShIPPING WEIGhT 90 kg with trailer-mode components;

& DIMENSIONS 106 x 61 x 33 cm (box 1), 54 x 45 x 56 cm (box 2)
Metal Detectors

EM61S EM63-3D-MK2
For applications in marine environments, the EM61S (Submersible) is a submersible coil With three orthogonal receivers each simultaneously measuring the complete transient
and cable system capable of operation to depths of more than 60 metres. The feature and response associated with each of three orthogonal transmitters, the EM63-3D-MK2
performance specifications of the EM61S are the same as the standard EM61-MK2A; the high represents our most advanced instrumentation for the characterization and classification of
power (HP) modification is an available option. near-surface metallic objects.

The EM61S is available as either a complete stand-alone system, or as an attachment to Any one transmitter coil generates a pulsed primary magnetic field that induces eddy currents
an EM61-MK2A (or EM61-MK2), to be operated either as a single unit or in multiple unit in any nearby metallic objects. The decay of these eddy currents with time generates a
configurations; customized component specifications and layout are available. secondary magnetic field with a specific rate of decay that is determined uniquely by the
object characteristics: size, shape, orientation, composition, etc. Measurement of the
secondary field decay (the transient response), therefore, will provide important information
EM61HH-MK2A toward a more complete characterization and classification of all objects; the identification and
rejection of the characteristic response from certain geologic materials (e.g. magnetite); and,
The EM61HH-MK2A is a “hand-held” complement to the EM61-MK2A, providing greater for applications associated with the interrogation of unexploded ordnance and similar items
sensitivity to smaller targets at shallow depths. A single 20 mm projectile can be detected of explosive concern, an important reduction in target selection error (the “false positive” rate).
to a depth greater than 0.5 m; a single 200 litre (55 gal.) drum can be detected to depths of And with three orthogonal transmitter coils, the EM63-3D-MK2 provides the further benefits
greater than two metres. associated with the illumination of an object from multiple directions.

With a narrower spatial focus than the standard EM61-MK2A, the EM61HH-MK2A is relatively The EM63-3D-MK2 accurately measures the complete transient response over a wide
less sensitive to sources of potential interference. As a result, data can be collected in closer dynamic range of time: measurements are recorded at 26 geometrically spaced gates,
proximity to cultural features such as fences and buildings. Additionally, the narrower focus covering a time range from 180µs to 25ms. Continuous, high-volume data acquisition
provides for enhanced target resolution and, by consequence, improved discrimination of in walking mode is supported by the Panasonic Toughbook field computer, which can
multiple targets. simultaneously record both EM and GPS data.

The EM61HH-MK2A can be operated either with or without wheels. In either mode of In the event that the full capabilities of the EM63-3D-MK2 are not required, the EM63-MK2,
operation, the smaller, more portable design offers improved access to areas of particularly with three orthogonal receiver coils, includes a single vertical-dipole transmitter only.
difficult terrain and dense vegetation.
EM61HH-MK2A Specifications MEASURED QUANTITIES 26 time gates of secondary response in mV; time range from
MEASURED QUANTITIES Four time gates of secondary response in mV 180µs to 25 ms

EM SOURCE Air-cored coil, 17 cm diameter EM SOURCE Three air-cored coils, nominally 1 x 1 m size each

CURRENT WAVEFORM Unipolar rectangular current with 25 % duty cycle CURRENT WAVEFORM Bipolar rectangular current

EM SENSORS Air-cored coil, 17 cm diameter EM SENSORS Four air-cored coils, compensation plus three orthogonal
signal coils, nominally 30 x 30 cm each
OUTPUT MONITOR Colour active matrix TFT-LCD (240 x 320 pixels), and audio tone
Output monitor 10.4 inch TFT active matrix colour LCD
DATA STORAGE 512 MB internal disk; SD and CF slots, user accessible
DATA STORAGE Solid-state memory with 2000 h capacity
DATA OUTPUT RS-232 serial port, Bluetooth
DATA OUTPUT USB port, network connection
POWER SOURCE 12 V rechargeable battery for 4 h continuous operation
POWER SOURCE 12 V rechargeable battery for 4 h continuous operation
OPERATING WEIGHT Sensor Assembly: 2.8 kg (7.5 kg with wheels); 33 x 20 cm

SHIPPING WEIGHT 17.5 kg (36 kg with wheels); SHIPPING WEIGHT EM63-3D-MK2: 140 kg; EM63-MK2: 124 kg
& DIMENSIONS 142 x 25 x 25 cm (sensor), 55 x 50 x 55 cm (wheels) & DIMENSIONS 110 x 110 x 30 cm (box 1), 107 x 60 x 55 cm (box 2)
protem time domain em systems

protem receiver TEM47 TRANSMITTER

The primary purpose of any time domain electromagnetic receiver is to record the transient Small and lightweight, the battery-powered TEM47 transmitter is ideal for rapid resistivity
signal generated by the decay of induced eddy currents in the subsurface. As the received surveys of the near surface. Single turn transmitter loops, from 1 to 100 m on a side, with
voltage will span a very large amplitude range, often more than six decades from early to late turn-off times as short as 0.5 µs can be used to provide maximum near-surface resolution.
times, the receiver must accurately record both high amplitude, rapidly changing voltage at An output current of 3 A into a 100 x 100 m loop gives a good response and resolution to
early times, and very small amplitude, slowly changing signal at late times. depths of 150 metres. The PROTEM 47 (incl. PROTEM receiver, TEM47 transmitter) is most
commonly used for shallow resistivity sounding applications.
The PROTEM Receiver divides the transient into time windows, then converts the voltage in
each window into a digital value. During this process, to ensure the highest quality of data in When used as part of a PROTEM 47 system for profiling, the TEM47 supplies 2.5 A to
all operating environments, PROTEM offers a number of important design benefits: an 8-turn, 5 x 5 m moving transmitter loop to provide a dipole moment of 500 Am2.
With base frequency of 75 Hz, and 20 gates from 49µs to 2.9 ms, this configuration is
• A large (270 kHz) input bandwidth to avoid distortion of early time signals optimal for Slingram (horizontal loop) surveys for mineral exploration to shallow depths,
• Seven selectable gain settings in binary steps from 104 to 6,656 and for groundwater exploration in bedrock fractures. Electrical sounding is performed
• Optimized window specifications for each of seven base frequencies: early time windows, simultaneously with the search for fault or dike-like targets.
as narrow as 1.4 µs for accurate measurement of fast-changing signal; wide late time
windows to reduce noise levels before stacking The TEM47 uses a reference cable to achieve the high synchronization accuracy required
• Stacking of >550,000 transients at 25 Hz base frequency, or >700,000 transients at 30 for shallow sounding. Regardless of application, a high-frequency 1D or 3D induction coil is
Hz (incl. repeats) to further reduce any noise used with all PROTEM 47 systems – the high-frequency coils have the bandwidth necessary
• Up to 99 repeat readings to support “smart stacking” during post-processing of data to capture the earliest portion of the transient decay with minimal distortion. For best
• A true, proprietary 24-bit ADC optimized for transient measurements: smaller responses consideration of structural response within complex geologic environments, the 3D induction
are resolved with less amplification such that very weak signal can be measured in the coil is recommended.
presence of high amplitude noise

As the principal component of the modular PROTEM system, the receiver can be used with any
High Power (HP) Modification
of five standard TEM transmitters to cover a broad range of exploration depths; both single- With the addition of the high power (HP) modification, output voltage is increased to as much as
and three-component data collection is available with any transmitter, supported by any of 48 V (with external batteries), and maximum current to 8 amps. As a result, achievable exploration
several induction coils or fluxgate magnetometers available from Geonics, or compatible depths are increased considerably. A PROTEM 47 HP system is ideal for magnetotelluric static
SQUID sensors. correction surveys, or applications where near-surface resolution is required, but also greater
depths than are possible with the standard TEM47. A common use of the PROTEM 47 HP is for
Specifications the in-mine mapping of water saturation zones, with a small, multi-turn transmitter loop.

MEASURED QUANTITIES Rate of decay of magnetic field along 3 axes, in nV/m2

CHANNELS 1 channel used sequentially for 3 components; optionally,
3 channels for 3-component simultaneous operation CURRENT WAVEFORM Bipolar rectangular current with 50 % duty cycle

TIME GATES 20 gates covering 2 time decades, or BASE FREQUENCY 7.5, 30, 75, or 285 Hz (60 Hz power line frequency)
30 gates covering 3 time decades 6.25, 25, 62.5 or 237.5 Hz (50 Hz power line frequency)

DYNAMIC RANGE 29 bits (175 dB) including all gains TURN-OFF TIME 2.5 µs at 3 A into 40 x 40 m loop. Faster into smaller loop

BASE FREQUENCY 0.3, 0.75, 3, 7.5, 30, 75 and 285 Hz, or TRANSMITTER LOOP 1 x 1 to 100 x 100 m single turn loop, or 5 x 5 m 8-turn loop
0.25, 0.625, 2.5, 6.25, 25, 62.5 and 237.5 Hz
OUTPUT VOLTAGE TEM47: 0 to 9 V, continuously adjustable, with internal 12 V
INTEGRATION TIME 0.5, 2, 4, 8, 15, 30, 60 or 120 s battery
TEM47 HP: 12 to 48 V with external batteries
DATA STORAGE Solid-state memory for 25,000 data records
OUTPUT CURRENT TEM47: up to 3.5 A with internal 12 V battery
DATA OUTPUT RS-232 serial, USB ports TEM47 HP: up to 8 A with external batteries

SYNCHRONIZATION Reference cable or, optionally, highly stable quartz crystal POWER SOURCE Internal 12 V rechargeable battery;
optionally, up to four external 12 V batteries
POWER SOURCE 12 V rechargeable battery for 8 h continuous operation
BATTERY LIFE 5 h continuous operation at 2 A output
DIMENSIONS 34 x 38 x 27 cm
DIMENSIONS TEM47: 10.5 x 24 x 32 cm; TEM47 HP: 14 x 24 x 32
WEIGHT 15 kg
WEIGHT TEM47: 5.3 kg; TEM47 HP: 6.5 kg
protem time domain em systems

tem57-mk2 transmitter tem67 transmitter

The design and performance of the TEM57-MK2, with a power output of 1,650 W from an For applications at greater depths, the TEM67 and TEM67Plus transmitters provide the
internal power supply, makes it a highly portable, mid-power time domain transmitter. The power necessary for exploration to 1,000 m or more, with a component-based flexibility not
internal power supply, with a continuously variable voltage range from 18 to 60 V, can be previously available with time domain transmitters.
perfectly matched to the transmitter loop for optimum performance. A practical number of
external batteries can increase these specifications to 4,500 W of power output, and a voltage The standard TEM67 transmitter is comprised two components: a complete TEM57-MK2
range to 160 volts. transmitter; and a single TEM67 power module (with the requirement for a larger (4,500 W)
generator). Such modular design allows for easy upgrade of a TEM57-MK2 transmitter, when
The TEM57-MK2 is an ideal mid-power transmitter for sounding the depth, thickness and required, by the addition of a TEM67 power module and generator only. Conversely, when the
conductivity of layers to depths of 500 m or more. Common applications include the mapping full (4,200 W) power of the TEM67 is not required for a particular application, the system can
of geologic sequence and structure, and the characterization of freshwater resources. In be conveniently scaled down to make use of the TEM57-MK2 only.
coastal areas, the PROTEM 57-MK2 system (incl. PROTEM receiver, TEM57-MK2 transmitter)
can accurately define the depth(s) at which saltwater intrudes into local aquifer systems. With a 1D low frequency induction coil, the PROTEM 67 system (incl. PROTEM receiver,
TEM67 transmitter) is ideal for soundings to 1,000 m or more for applications in regional
The PROTEM 57-MK2, with a short reference cable, portable transmitter and 3D receiver coil, groundwater and geologic research. When used with a 3D induction coil or 3D fluxgate
can detect and delineate complex ore bodies within 200 m of surface. Deeper conductors can sensor, it is then ideal for profiling deeply buried conductive ore bodies to depths in excess of
be characterized by profiling with a crystal-synchronized receiver and a large, fixed transmitter 500 m. With the BH43-3D induction borehole probe or MAG43-3D fluxgate probe, mineral
loop. Modeling provides conductivity, thickness, dip and extent of the ore body. exploration to depths of 2,500 m is possible.

For measurements during the turn-off (T/O) ramp, an optional T/O controller, connected
externally to the transmitter, can variably increase the turn-off time, typically within the range
of 200–1000 microseconds. To further increase the depth of exploration, the addition of a second power module increases
the maximum output voltage and power to 240 V and 6,700 W, respectively. The PROTEM
Specifications 67Plus is the high-power system needed for deep mineral exploration under conductive cover:
with the 1,000 m2 rigid coil, resistivity sounding for deep geologic mapping or geothermal
Current Waveform Bipolar rectangular current with 50 % duty cycle exploration is possible to depths well in excess of 1,500 metres.
Base Frequency 0.3, 0.75, 3, 7.5, or 30 Hz (60 Hz power line frequency)
0.25, 0.625, 2.5, 6.25, or 25 Hz (50 Hz power line frequency) Specifications
Rates below 1 Hz available through cable reference; through
crystal reference with modification Current Waveform Bipolar rectangular current with 50 % duty cycle

turn-off time 20 to 115 µs, depending on size, current and number of turns Base Frequency 0.3, 0.75, 3, 7.5 or 30 Hz (60 Hz power line frequency)
in transmitter loop 0.25, 0.625, 2.5 or 25 Hz (50 Hz power line frequency)
Rates below 1 Hz available through cable reference; through
Transmitter loop Single turn: any dimension; minimum resistance is 0.7 ohms, crystal reference with modification
up to 300 x 600 m
8-turn: 5 x 5 or 10 x 10 m turn-off time 20 to 750 µs, depending on transmitter loop size, current and
number of turns
Output Voltage 18 to 60 V continuously adjustable; up to 160 V (4,500 W)
with external power source Transmitter loop Up to 2,000 x 2,000 m maximum

Output Voltage TEM67: 18 to 150 V continuously adjustable

Output Current 28 A maximum TEM67Plus: 18 to 240 V continuously adjustable
Synchronization Reference cable or, optionally, highly stable quartz crystal Output Current 28 A maximum
Power source 1,800 W, 110/220 V, 50/60 Hz single-phase motor-generator Synchronization Highly stable quartz crystal and reference cable
or, optionally, multiple 12 V batteries
Power source TEM67: 4,500 W, 115 or 110/220 V, 50/60 Hz, single
OPERATING TEMPERATURE -35° C to +50° C phase motor generator
TEM67Plus: 6,700 W, 115 or 110/220 V, 50/60 Hz, single
Transmitter Protection Electronic and electromechanical protection phase motor generator

Transmitter Size 43 x 25 x 25 cm OPERATING TEMPERATURE -35° C to +50° C

Transmitter Weight 15 kg Transmitter Protection Electronic and electromechanical protection

Transmitter Size TEM57-MK2: 43 x 25 x 25 cm; TEM67 Power Module, each:

42 x 20 x 31 cm

Transmitter Weight TEM57-MK2: 15 kg; TEM67 Power Module, each: 12 kg


By consolidating the PROTEM receiver and TEM47 transmitter components into a single With the objective to reduce cost while both maintaining the core performance characteristics of
console, the PROTEM CM system offers significant improvements in portability and the more advanced PROTEM systems and adding several new performance-enhancing features,
convenience: As compared to the individual receiver and transmitter components, the PROTEM the new G-TEM system represents exceptional value in time domain electromagnetic (TDEM)
CM is both smaller in size, and less in weight by about half. The increase in component instrumentation for both academic and commercial applications alike.
portability will be of particular benefit for surveys in more demanding environments, both
in-mine and over rugged terrain. Designed as a complete system for exploration of the geologic near-surface, the modular G-TEM
components are also compatible with all PROTEM system components, in cable reference mode
Available with cable reference synchronization only, for either single component or sequential only, supporting exploration to greater depths and a wider range of applications.
three-component data collection, PROTEM CM otherwise offers the same functions and
The integration of a Panasonic Toughbook computer as the system controller has provided the
performance characteristics as the standard PROTEM 47 components, and is compatible with
opportunity to introduce several new operating features, including:
all other Geonics transmitters.
• User-programmable receiver gate positions
For greater depth of exploration, a high power (HP) modification to increase the output current • Single, multiple or continuous records during each measurement cycle; continuous recording
from the transmitter section is available as an option. facilitates mobile data collection
• Standard and smart integration (stacking) for low-noise data acquisition
Specifications • Multiple data presentation formats, including profile and colour pseudo-section
• Optional data inversion software providing in-field forward and inverse modelling capabilities
receiver SECTION • Fast Fourier transform (FFT) function enabling characterization of data noise
MEASURED QUANTITIES Rate of decay of induced magnetic field along 3 axes • 320 GB data storage on internal hard drive; memory stick connectivity for data redundancy
• GPS compatibility, supporting GPS-assisted transmitter loop layout and graphical display of
TIME GATES 20 or 30 geometrically spaced gates for each base loop layout and receiver position; optional integrated GPS antenna
frequency; range from 6 µs to 800 ms • Modular design that allows receiver/transmitter sections to be operated either as a single
BASE FREQUENCY 0.3, 0.75, 3, 7.5, 30, 75 and 285 Hz, or console, or two individual components to accommodate layout requirements
0.25, 0.625, 2.5, 6.25, 25, 62.5 and 237.5 Hz
DYNAMIC RANGE 29 bits (175 dB) including all gains
SYNCHRONIZATION Internal; terminals provided for cable reference with Specifications
external transmitters
receiver SECTION
DATA OUTPUT RS-232 serial, USB ports
DISPLAY 10” colour touchscreen LCD
CHANNELS 1 channel
CURRENT WAVEFORM Bipolar rectangular current with 50 % duty cycle
BASE FREQUENCY 0.3, 0.75, 3, 7.5, 30, 75 and 285 Hz, or
BASE FREQUENCY 30, 75, or 285 Hz (60 Hz power line frequency) 0.25, 0.625, 2.5, 6.25, 25, 62.5 and 237.5 Hz
25, 62.5 or 237.5 Hz (50 Hz power line frequency)
DYNAMIC RANGE 16 bits minimum
TURN-OFF TIME 2.5 µs at 2 A into 40 x 40 m loop; faster into smaller loop
TRANSMITTER LOOP Any dimension from 5 x 5 m to 200 x 200 m;
multiple-turn loops possible, from 1 x 1 m DATA OUTPUT RS-232 serial, USB and RJ45 ports
OUTPUT VOLTAGE CM: 0 to 9 V continuously adjustable (at 1 A load), or 24 V TRANSMITTER SECTION
CM HP: 12 to 36 V with external batteries
OUTPUT VOLTAGE 0 to 9 V, continuously adjustable, with internal 15 V battery
OUTPUT CURRENT CM: 3.5 A maximum (7 A pp) with internal battery
CM HP: 11 A maximum (22 A pp) with external batteries OUTPUT CURRENT 3.5 A with internal 15V battery
POWER SOURCE Internal 12/24 V rechargeable lithium-ion battery POWER SOURCE Rx/Tx: Internal 15 V rechargeable lithium-ion battery
Tx: optionally, up to four external 12 V batteries
BATTERY LIFE 8 h continuous operation with 2 A transmitter current at
12 V output voltage BATTERY LIFE 8h continuous operation at 2 A output
DIMENSIONS 40 x 35 x 24 cm DIMENSIONS Rx: 10 x 32 x 40 cm; Tx: 8 x 32 x 40 cm

WEIGHT CM: 10.5 kg; CM HP: 11.7 kg WEIGHT Rx: 8 kg; Tx: 5 kg


bh43-3D TDEM PRObE
Six induction coils are available, each most appropriate for certain depths and applications. In conjunction with a ground-based PROTEM system, the BH43-3D provides three-dimensional
For shallow resistivity soundings, the high bandwidth of the high frequency coils is needed for time domain electromagnetic data from boreholes. With a 500 x 500 m transmitter loop at
the rapidly changing early-time signal. Comparatively, for deeper soundings, or for measuring surface, data can be received from boreholes to depths of 2.5 kilometres. (At developed
late-time signal from conductive ore bodies, the larger effective area of the low frequency coils mines, the transmitter loop can be laid out within the underground workings.)
amplifies the very low amplitude late-time signals to measureable levels.
The BH43-3D probe has three sensors that measure orthogonal components of decay.
When the stratigraphy of the survey environment is effectively flat-lying, a single component Measurement intervals are determined by the resolution required; along the hole, spatial
coil is generally appropriate. The response from sub-vertical structure, however, is three resolution as fine as 1 m can be obtained.
dimensional; in these environments, the measurement of all three components will result in The wide bandwidth of the probe, coupled with the excellent temporal resolution and large
an easier and more accurate interpretation. Both high and low frequency coils are available dynamic range of the PROTEM system, provides maximum diagnostic information and a high
in both single component (1D) and three component (3D) versions. degree of rejection of powerline and other sources of noise.
Geonics induction coils are air-cored, rather than ferrite-cored, offering two significant The BH43-3D probe is available separately, or as a complete borehole system with cable,
advantages: most ferrite materials exhibit some self-response when subject to strong primary main winch, dummy probe, test cable and winch, and retrieval tools.
magnetic fields, which can unnecessarily add noise to the data. Second, ferrite-cored coils
are long and thin in design which tends to make them sensitive to noise from wind-induced
vibration; air-cored coils with “flat” geometry are much less sensitive to this effect.
MAG43-3D probe is an ideal tool for the survey of highly conductive targets such as nickel
sulphide ore bodies. While such targets may produce very little decay to measure with an
induction coil, strong secondary magnetic fields can be readily detected with a fluxgate sensor.
Some ore bodies can be so conductive that induced eddy currents decay exceedingly slowly, As with the BH43-3D, measurements from depths to 2.5 km are achievable.
in which case voltage induced in an induction coil may be too small to measure. The actual
magnetic field amplitude associated with such ore bodies, however, will be quite high.
Overburden or other lesser conductors will produce relatively weak magnetic fields that Specifications
decay rapidly leaving, by late time, only fields from the more conductive targets. For such SENSOR BH43-3D: three orthogonal coils (one axial and two radial)
circumstances, a three component (3D) fluxgate magnetometer sensor is available. MAG43-3D: three orthogonal low-noise fluxgate sensors

Specifications SENSOR AREA-TURNS

BH43-3D: 5,000 m2 for axial coil and 1250 m2 for radial coils
(with amplification)
EFFECTIvE AREA HF Coil: 31.4 m2
SENSOR bANDWIDTh BH43-3D: 10 kHz for all coils
HF-3D Coil: 31.4 m2 for each sensor
MAG43-3D: 3 kHz for all sensors
LF Coil: 100 m2
3D-3 LF Coil: 200 m2
PRObE ROTATION Two orthogonal tilt meters with range from
1,000 m2 (rigid) Coil: 1,000 m2
CORRECTION ± 1° to ± 80° (from vertical)
10,000 m2 (flexible) Coil: 10,000 m2
MEASURING RANGE MAG43-3D: +/- 100 microTesla (µT)
bANDWIDTh HF Coil: 800 kHz
HF-3D Coil: 500 kHz for each sensor
CONTROL bOX Channel selection, impedance and gain matching network between
LF Coil: 32 kHz
probe and PROTEM receiver (normalizes sensor effective area to
3D-3 LF Coil: 30 kHz
100 m2 for all three sensors); includes VLF filter
1,000 m2 (rigid) Coil: 3 kHz
10,000 m2 (flexible) Coil: 3 kHz
POWER SOURCE Rechargeable nickel cadmium battery sealed pack for 20 h
3D-3M Fluxgate Sensor: 3 kHz for each sensor
continuous operation
MEASURING RANGE 3D-3M Fluxgate Sensor: +/- 100 microTesla (µT)
CAbLE Two-conductor shielded; polyurethane jacket; Kevlar
strength membrane; 5.6 mm diameter; weight: 40 kg/
km; breaking strength: 500 kg


WEIGhT BH43-3D: 9.5 kg; MAG43-3D: 4.7 kg

Control Box: 1.5 kg

DIMENSIONS BH43-3D: 3.8 x 234 cm; MAG43-3D: 3.8 x 138 cm

Control Box: 22 x 13.5 x 8 cm
1745 Meyerside Drive, Unit 8, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L5T 1C6
Tel: + 1 (905) 670-9580 • Fax: +1 (905) 670-9204 • E-mail: [email protected] • Website:

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