(2020) MM6031-Branding and Marketing Communication
(2020) MM6031-Branding and Marketing Communication
(2020) MM6031-Branding and Marketing Communication
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1. Mission of SBM ITB
SBM ITB has mission as follows:
2. Course Description
Brand is an important asset in any modern firms. It is not only used for differentiatingmarketing
offerings, but also to guide consumer choice. It can be used as reference, abenchmark, source of
competitive advantage and the center of cus
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Demonstrate listening skills
Recognize ethical issues in business
4 Ethical Responsibility
Assess the impact of ethical issue
toward various stakeholders
Systematically analyze the pro and cons
of any decisions related to ethical issues
Demonstrate the propensity to take
5 Leadership
Bring influence toward other people in
her/his team
Inspire and empower others by
evaluating, analyzing, and providing
critics on how leadership behaviors and
characteristics affect employees and
businesses outcomes
Demonstrate an ability to manage
Identify global issues that may affect the
6 Global awareness
industry (Global Intellectual Capital)
Develop understanding toward global
cultural aspects that affect business
Develop business recommendations
based on understanding about the
global aspects
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4. Reading Material
Strategic Brand Management; 4th ed., Digital Marketing: strategy, implementation and
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5. The Course Schedule/ Plan
Table 3 present the class activities that are required to achieve the learning objectives of this course.
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Brand advantage - Brand preference - Brand insistence
Lecture, case and paper discussion
Students will learn about brand development from customer awareness to customers'
brand knowledge. They will also learn how brand loyalty is built, starting from creating
awareness among customers to making them insist to search the brand.
Course Outcomes:
1. Students will be able to create a solid brand concept, considering the global and
local business environment
Strategic Brand Management; 4th ed. ()
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Strategic Brand Management; 4th ed. ()
Individual Assignment (Case reading and analysis)
Topic: Nita Garnida
Creating a unique and favorable brand concept
- Determining a new brand position - Identifying the source of brand association -
Testing the brand concept
Session 4 Activity:
Friday, 24th January Group and class discussion
2020 Description:
09:45 - 11:15 Students learn how to develop a new brand positioning after collecting and analyzing
Seminar 1 Barrac the data from the business environment.
Building Course Outcomes:
1. Students will be able to create a solid brand concept, considering the global and
local business environment
Strategic Brand Management; 4th ed. ()
Group Assignment (Case studies on brand concept development)
Session 5 Topic: Nita Garnida
Friday, 31st January Group presentation on brand concept development
08:00 - 09:30
- Business environment analysis - New brand positioning
Seminar 1 Barrac Activity:
Building Group presentation
Course Outcomes:
1. Students will be able to create a solid brand concept, considering the global and
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local business environment
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local business environment
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Course Outcomes:
1. Students will be able to create a solid brand concept, considering the global and
local business environment
Strategic Brand Management; 4th ed. ()
Individual Assignment (Case reading)
Topic: Nita Garnida
Changing a brand positioning
Case study analysis
Session 10 Activity:
Friday, 14th February Case discussion
2020 Description:
09:45 - 11:15 students will analyze some cases of brand repositioning
Seminar 1 Barrac Course Outcomes:
Building 1. Students will be able to create a solid brand concept, considering the global and
local business environment
Strategic Brand Management; 4th ed. ()
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Course Outcomes:
1. Students will be able to create a solid brand concept, considering the global and
local business environment
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Course Outcomes:
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Course Outcomes:
2. Students will be able to plan an ethical and integrated marketing communication
program for branding
Digital Marketing: strategy, implementation and practice ()
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Course Outcomes:
2. Students will be able to plan an ethical and integrated marketing communication
program for branding
Strategic Brand Management; 4th ed. ()
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Course Outcomes:
3. Students will be able to develop a digital marketing strategy for branding
Digital Marketing: strategy, implementation and practice ()
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Course Outcomes:
2. Students will be able to plan an ethical and integrated marketing communication
program for branding; 3. Students will be able to develop a digital marketing strategy
for branding
Digital Marketing: strategy, implementation and practice ()
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Practical brand audit
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- Brand reinforcement - Brand revitalization
lecture and case discussion
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6. Assessment Summary
Table 4. Assessment summary and weight of Branding and Marketing Communication
7. Grading Policy
Aspect %
Individual Assignment 25
Participation 15
Mid Semester Test 30
Final Examination 30
8. Course Policy
1. Students are required to bring a laptop every time they are present in class, however it can only
be used according to lecturer’s instruction 2. Lecturer will not allow students to join a running
session. They may join the next session after the running session ends.
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9. Lecture(S)/ Facilitator(S) Profile
Lecture Profile
1 Name : Nita Garnida
E-mail : [email protected]
Short Profile
Nita Garnida is a Lecturer at the School of Business and Management, Institut Teknologi
Bandung (SBM ITB). Up to present she has taught Shopper Behavior, Brand Management,
Business Growth Strategy, Branding and Marketing Communication to undergraduate and
MBA students. Her research interest includes consumer behavior, brand management,
customer relationship management, marketing research, and technology adoption. She
received her bachelor degree from Chemistry Department, Bandung Institute of
Technology and her master degree in Marketing Management from Mulawarman
University. She continued her study and received her doctoral degree in Science of
Management from School of Business and Management, Bandung Institute of Technology.
Her dissertation integrates four theories and models of Technology Acceptance Model,
Customer Relationship Management, Knowledge Management, and Consumer Behavior. In
addition to her academics background, Nita is also a practitioner. She has twelve years of
experiences as a marketing manager in service company that serve oil and gas industry and
four years of experiences as senior manager in mining operations. Now she is running her
own health business in Bandung.
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