Self Assessment Rubric

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Exceptional (3) Satisfactory (2) Needs

There is a motivating There is nothing that
factor present to motivate connects the students to
students that are threaded the Unit and the work that
throughout the Unit. is expected to be
The learning objective of The learning objective is
the Unit is made clear to either not clear,
the students and stays undeveloped, or
consistent throughout. inconsistent.
The Unit has an organized The Unit contains little to
structure supported by no organizational structure
resources that allow the and doesn't allow students
students to monitor their to monitor their progress.
Students are given The Unit is too restrictive
multiple avenues and and doesn’t allow students
opportunities to engage multiple avenges to
with the Unit's learning complete the assignment.
They provided There is no clear way to
assessments that have assess students learning, or
clear expectations and the assessment does not
directly connect to the match the learning
learning objective. objective.
Students are provided with The assignment and Unit
a chance to expand their are too restrictive and guide
learning outside of the the students too much.
confines of the
Students are provided with Students are not provided
clear and actionable with a chance to grow from
feedback that will allow their mistakes, and learning
them to improve their final has not been encouraged or
product and enhance their achieved.
Overall comments on Unit Plan:


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