Holy Angels (For Sample Pages)
Holy Angels (For Sample Pages)
Holy Angels (For Sample Pages)
Holy Angels
Mother Alexandra
Published by:
Ancient Faith Publishing
A Division of Ancient Faith Ministries
P.O. Box 748
Chesterton, IN 46304
ISBN: 978-1-944967-77-2
Bible quotes taken from The Holy Bible, translated by Ronald Knox, copy-
right ©1944, 1948, 1950 by Sheed & Ward, Inc., New York.
Epilogue 293
Endnotes 298
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the holy angels
Then began the sad exile’s life, the “D.P.” [Displaced Person—ed.]
no one wanted. She and her family went first to Switzerland, then
Argentina, and finally, obtaining scholarships for most of the chil-
dren, they settled in Newton, Massachusetts. Their needs were met
by the sale of jewelry and by Mother Alexandra’s extensive lecture
tours. When all the children were either married or had found suf-
ficient employment, she fulfilled her great desire to devote her life
entirely to God and became a nun. She founded the Orthodox Mon-
astery of the Transfiguration in Ellwood City, Pennsylvania, and
reposed there in 1991.
Copyright ©1981 by Mother Alexandra;
copyright ©2019 by the Orthodox Monastery of the Transfiguration.
All Rights Reserved. Published by Ancient Faith Publishing
from the first edition
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Copyright ©1981 by Mother Alexandra;
copyright ©2019 by the Orthodox Monastery of the Transfiguration.
All Rights Reserved. Published by Ancient Faith Publishing
to the Present Edition
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the holy angels
* Hieromonk Makarios of Simonos Petra writes, “The Synaxarion is like a great river
Copyright ©1981 by Mother Alexandra;
copyright ©2019 by the Orthodox Monastery of the Transfiguration.
All Rights Reserved. Published by Ancient Faith Publishing
whose rushing waters carry along mud, stones, branches, and a little of every-
thing they have met with on their way, regardless of its value, but whose stream is
life-giving.” The Synaxarion: The Lives of the Saints of the Orthodox Church, Volume
One (Ormylia, 1998), xix.
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the holy angels
Peter Bouteneff
Professor of Systematic Theology
St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary
Synaxis of the Archangel Michael
and the Other Bodiless Powers, 2019
Copyright ©1981 by Mother Alexandra;
copyright ©2019 by the Orthodox Monastery of the Transfiguration.
All Rights Reserved. Published by Ancient Faith Publishing
to the First Edition
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the holy angels
Rich as the tradition is, and though the greatest masters and mys-
tics have dedicated pages and treatises to the angels, I do not know
of any contemporary work comparable to this magnificent and most
ample anthology prepared by Mother Alexandra. A woman who has
lived fully in the tradition, Mother has garnered up for us its most pre-
cious nuggets. And this is good. For perhaps in no other period of the
life of the Church have the angels been so needed and so neglected.
In an age when phenomenology holds sway and men and women live
primarily by their senses, advocates and friends who cannot be seen
and felt are not given much credence. When science seeks to master
and account for all, the activity of free heavenly spirits in the cosmic
sphere just does not fit into the picture.
Mother’s resume of the tradition, with all its fullness, balance,
and richness, adds much to an impoverished scientism in helping
us appreciate, enjoy, and collaborate with the creative order within
which we must find our own meaning and work out our salvation.
I think contact with the realities this living teaching of the tradi-
tion gives us is especially important for those Christians who are try-
ing to live a full life of prayer and praise, especially those who chant
the divine office night and day. Our sacrifice of praise lacks a most sig-
nificant dimension and is in danger of getting seriously earthbound if
we are not aware of how our praise is one with that of a great heavenly
host who create with us a continuum that reaches to the very throne
of Him Who is enthroned upon the cherubim. Those, like St. Ber-
nard, who have had keener spiritual vision, have recounted for us how
they have seen the choirs of angels one with the earthly choirs of men
and women offering the divine praises. What an effective stimulus it
is to our praise when we realize that we are singing and worshipping
with the angels!
In these days when we stand in dread of nuclear holocaust, when
we strain, struggle, and weep for peace among nations and within
nations, when the reports of devastating natural calamities—floods,
droughts, hurricanes, earthquakes (how much of this is not natural
Copyright ©1981 by Mother Alexandra;
copyright ©2019 by the Orthodox Monastery of the Transfiguration.
All Rights Reserved. Published by Ancient Faith Publishing
Foreword to the First Edition
but the effect of our disturbing nature with our atomic and nuclear
blasts, underground or over?)—tear at our hearts, baffle our minds,
and strain our resources, it is good to know that there are angels at
work in our behalf, that the nations, the regions, the globe, the cos-
mos, have their angelic guardians. Perhaps, in spite of man’s worst
efforts, the balance can be preserved, the forces for evil offset, the
worst consequences be spared us. We have much reason to pray to the
Lord of the angels that his holy ministers would assist us and care for
us in these times.
Before concluding, I would like to say a word about the author, a
most remarkable woman of the Lord. I have already written of this
great spiritual mother in my book, In Search of True Wisdom. Mother
Alexandra is a beautiful woman of regal dignity. Her lineage is
impressive: great granddaughter of both Czar Alexander II of Russia
and Queen Victoria of England. Her father was King Ferdinand I of
Romania. Mother married a Catholic Archduke of Austria and boasts
fifteen grandchildren, of whom she is quite justifiably proud, while at
the same time, as any grandmother in these times, quite concerned.
Mother’s life has intimately touched the three great Catholic tradi-
tions: Roman, Orthodox, and Anglican. Yet it is in the Orthodox that
Mother finds herself firmly rooted. After a very difficult struggle to
raise six children under the duress of war, dictatorships, and perse-
cutions, Mother Alexandra finally found the freedom to give a full
response to her desire to be wholly unto the Lord. She had long prac-
ticed and taught the ways of prayer, especially the Jesus Prayer. Now
she was able to enter fully into a life of prayer, first in France under
a renowned spiritual mother, Mother Eudoxia, and then as founder
of the first English-speaking Romanian Orthodox monastery for
women in America.
The work that went into the preparation of this volume was no
mere academic task. The rich teaching we are here privileged to share
is the fruit of Mother’s own personal communing with the reality of
the Christian tradition. We have here not a collection of historical
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the holy angels
texts, but the living and lived synthesis of a life-giving current as it has
been experienced by a deeply religious and highly sensitive daughter
of God and mother of His children.
We can be very grateful that this busy Hegumena, upon whose
spiritual wisdom so many call, has taken the time to share this fruit
of her reading and reflection with us in this volume. May the Lord, to
Whom she has so completely given her life, reward her with His very
Self. And may her sharing bear fruit in all our lives.
M. Basil Pennington
Feast of the Holy Angels
Copyright ©1981 by Mother Alexandra;
copyright ©2019 by the Orthodox Monastery of the Transfiguration.
All Rights Reserved. Published by Ancient Faith Publishing
to the First Edition
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Copyright ©1981 by Mother Alexandra;
copyright ©2019 by the Orthodox Monastery of the Transfiguration.
All Rights Reserved. Published by Ancient Faith Publishing
Book I
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Copyright ©1981 by Mother Alexandra;
copyright ©2019 by the Orthodox Monastery of the Transfiguration.
All Rights Reserved. Published by Ancient Faith Publishing
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the holy angels
according to the books of the Bible. But, first of all, when referring to
these celestial beings we should understand that the term “angel” is
loosely and inaccurately used, for in Greek it simply means “messen-
ger” and, properly speaking, this would apply only to the two orders
of angels in direct communication with man.
Angels and archangels, although spirit, are not supernatural. God
alone is supernatural, for he alone is uncreated. Like us, the holy
angels are created, natural beings, as much a part of our world as we
ourselves. “Yes, in him all created things took their being, heavenly
and earthly, visible and invisible . . .” (Col. 1:16).
An angel has character, individuality, and a will of his own, much
as we have; but in other ways angels do not resemble us. When, to
make himself manifest to us, an angel takes on human semblance,
he never is physically like a human being, but only a mental image of
one. If we are so little aware of them, it is because we do not as a rule
see them with our mortal eyes, and our spiritual perception is either
dulled or undeveloped.
In seeking better to understand the angelic nature, we should
turn to our knowledge of God rather than to our knowledge of man.
St. Basil says that in his eyes “their substance is a breath of air or an
immortal fire, and this is why they are localized or become visible in
the shape of their own bodies to those who are worthy to see them.”1
St. Basil means that they take on a visible individuality expressed in
human form, though not humanly tangible. The holy angels, from the
beginning of their creation, are completed beings, but without mate-
rial form.
Angels are of a superiority all but incomprehensible to us, but they
are a part of our lives: by God’s boundless mercy, they are destined,
in the great moments of history, to be the heralds of the Most High to
man below; they are, as well, our guides, guardians, mentors, protec-
tors, and comforters from birth to the grave.
Angels are pure integral spirits: they are not confined to time or
space; they know neither youth nor old age, but life ever at its fullest.
Copyright ©1981 by Mother Alexandra;
copyright ©2019 by the Orthodox Monastery of the Transfiguration.
All Rights Reserved. Published by Ancient Faith Publishing
What Are Angels?
The Lord has set up his throne in heaven, rules with universal
sway. Bless the Lord, all you angels of his; angels of sovereign
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the holy angels
Copyright ©1981 by Mother Alexandra;
copyright ©2019 by the Orthodox Monastery of the Transfiguration.
All Rights Reserved. Published by Ancient Faith Publishing
What Are Angels?
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the holy angels
greatest of all the heavenly hosts. He was called Lucifer, “the bearer
of light,” and held his place at the very summit of created perfection.
In spite of his fall, he is much closer in the order of nature to God
than to man, for being pure spirit, he is deathless and ageless; he par-
takes of all the attributes of the angelic world, neither space nor time
encumber him, and his intellect is clarity itself. We must never for a
moment forget Satan’s spiritual nature and the fewness of his limita-
tions. These are only understandable when we see him—as we must
see all the angels—in relationship to God.
Copyright ©1981 by Mother Alexandra;
copyright ©2019 by the Orthodox Monastery of the Transfiguration.
All Rights Reserved. Published by Ancient Faith Publishing
What Are Angels?
Thus Satan fell from his high estate because he would not fulfill his
role, and lost for all time the place for which he was created. As Isaiah
What, fallen from heaven, thou Lucifer, that once didst herald
the dawn? Prostrate on the earth, that didst once bring nations
to their knees? I will scale the heavens (such was thy thought);
I will set my throne higher than God’s stars, take my seat at his
own trysting-place, at the meeting of the northern hills; I will
soar above the level of the clouds, the rival of the most High.
Thine, instead, to be dragged down into the world beneath, into
the heart of the abyss. (Is. 14:12–15)
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Fierce war broke out in heaven, where Michael and his angels
fought against the dragon. The dragon and his angels fought on
their part, but could not win the day, or stand their ground in
heaven any longer; the great dragon, serpent of the primal age,
was flung down to earth; he whom we call the devil, or Satan,
the whole world’s seducer, flung down to earth, and his angels
with him. . . . Rejoice over it, heaven, and all you that dwell in
heaven; but woe to you, earth and sea, now that the devil has
come down upon you, full of malice, because he knows how
brief is the time given him. (Rev. 12:7–12)
Satan’s fall from heaven left him with a great consuming fury, for it
is on earth alone that he has power. Satan is doubly angry because
his power is limited to our world, and he knows fully that when our
world is ended, his power to deceive mankind ends with it. His time
for each one of us is shorter still, as his ability to reach us as individu-
als is limited to the life span granted us on the earth. It is in eternity
that man reaps the fulfillment of this earthly battle.
The story of Satan’s fall is so dramatic that it is difficult to drag
Copyright ©1981 by Mother Alexandra;
copyright ©2019 by the Orthodox Monastery of the Transfiguration.
All Rights Reserved. Published by Ancient Faith Publishing
What Are Angels?
our eyes away from that bottomless pit over which he is king (Rev.
9:11) and to look up once more to those holy angels who did not fall,
but turned their burning love in all its magnificence to humbly adore
their Creator and fulfill his will. It is with them we are essentially
concerned in these pages, and especially with their mission to us,
because of which we call them “angels.”
Thou, Lord of all, dost clearly save the breed of mortal men
by the appointment of the angels. For Thou hast set them over
all the faithful who sing Thy praises in right faith—Thou, the
God of the fathers, Who art praised and passing glorious.
(Monday Canon, Tone I)
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