Trece Martires: Turns Into Virtual City
Trece Martires: Turns Into Virtual City
Trece Martires: Turns Into Virtual City
In preparation for the New Normal, the system is a contactless transaction thru online
system that will ensure more efficient, fast and convenient business dealings with the
different departments of the city government.
“It’s a convenient way to transact with constituents and at the same time, to prioritize the
safety of employees as well as the customers."- Mr. Glenn Agetano (Head of ICT
The smart city system phase 1 offer services that includes the processing of Business
Permit, Business Tax, Real Property Tax, Birth Certificate, Cedula, Local Civil Registry,
Occupational Rents and Health Certificate, and other payments.
Payments can be made thru over-the-counter via Bayad centers, banks and online
banking with affiliated banking establishments of BDO, BPI, and Metrobank, via digital
payments like Paymaya and GCash, and debit or credit card payments. The proposed
date of launching would be on January 2021.
The Phase 2 of this project will possibly include the processing in city health office,
sanitary permits, medical assistance, birthday cash gift, financial assistance and other
services that could be credited directly to the residents thru the system and all other
possibilities will be explored to maximize the utilization of the system to better serve the
The ICT office of Trece would be creating an Infomercial to help them disseminate the
new system that they will integrate in processing and paying taxes. They will provide
kiosk and will assign personnel that would assist people in filling up forms. They are
planning to have the processed papers delivered right in the door step of the customers
as it will be convenient and there would be less interaction. The website can be used
24/7, there would be no lunch breaks or cut offs.
There is no fund used from the city government in launching this project, Multisys
deployed the system free of charge but in very transactions there would be a
convenience fee that would be deducted to the customer.
This project was already proposed before COVID-19 hit the Philippines and it was
prioritized as a response for the new normal. Mayor Gemma Lubigan’s goal is to serve
the city with good governance and transparency; she wanted to let everyone feel the
growth of their city from the bottom.
"We are looking forward to the launching of this project, we are hoping that a quicker,
effective service and the assurance for the people of Trece. Little by little we would be
an innovative city and athe use of effective technology for our city.” said Mayor Lubigan.
(Ruel Francisco/Trece Martires City Information Office)
Ms. Kristine Buhain
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