Liair Series: Uav 3D Mapping Systems

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LiAir Series

UAV 3D Mapping Systems

LiAir 50

System Specifications & Operations

The LiAir S50 & P50 was designed with accuracy and
Laser Sensor Velodyne VLP-16
affordability in mind. Our entry-level LiAir model
utilizes the Velodyne© VLP-16, an INS system (differs Range Accuracy ±3 cm
depending on S or P models) and RGB camera to Maximum Range 100 m
quickly and efficiently map 3D environments. The 50
System Relative Accuracy ±5 cm
is highly accessible due to our ability to include
software packages for route planning, real-time Attitude: (S50) 0.1° (1σ)
visualization, georeferencing and PPK - which often Azimuth: (S50) 0.1° (1σ)
POS System Performance
costs thousands of dollars extra. For this reason, it is a Attitude: (P50) 0.015° (1σ)
Azimuth: (P50) 0.08° (1σ)
popular choice for academia, researchers and entry-
level LiDAR mapping users. Onboard Storage 128 GB
Ports Available Ethernet & USB 3.0
Weight 3 kg
Dimensions 1170*181*197 mm
Max. Flight Time 21 min
Operating Voltage 9 - 30 v
Vertical FOV -15° to +15°
Horizontal FOV 360°
Route Planning Software LiPlan (Proprietary)
Acquisition /PPK Software LiAcquire (Proprietary)
RGB Camera (optional) Sony a6000 Mirrorless

Dimensions: mm
LiAir 100

System Specifications & Operations

The LiAir S100 & P100 is designed for users who require
a higher point density whilst retaining the same Laser Sensor Velodyne HDL-32e
accuracy and affordability that the 50 provides. Range Accuracy ±2 cm
Integrating the Velodyne© HDL-32e sensors allows for Maximum Range 100 m
up to ~1.39 million points per second - essential for
penetrating dense terrains and obtaining sufficient System Relative Accuracy ±3 cm
ground points. The system also includes with all pre- Attitude: (S100) 0.1° (1σ)
processing and in-flight analysis software. The LiAir 100 Azimuth: (S100) 0.1° (1σ)
POS System Performance
also offers an RGB camera add-on which allows users to Attitude: (P100) 0.015° (1σ)
Azimuth: (P100) 0.08° (1σ)
colorize point cloud and assess real-world conditions.
Onboard Storage 128 GB
Ports Available Ethernet & USB 3.0
Weight 3.3 kg
Dimensions 1170*181*197 mm
Max. Flight Time 21 min
Operating Voltage 9 - 30 v
Vertical FOV -30° to +10°
Horizontal FOV 360°
Route Planning Software LiPlan (Proprietary)
Acquisition /PPK Software LiAcquire (Proprietary)
Post-Processing Software LiDAR360 (Proprietary)
RGB Camera (optional) Sony a6000 Mirrorless

Dimensions: mm
LiAir 250

System Specifications & Operations

The LiAir 250 is our go-to system for power line
corridor mapping. The Riegl mini-VUX1 UAV LiDAR is Laser Sensor Riegl miniVUX-1 UAV
extremely accurate and lightweight enough to be Range Accuracy ±15 mm
safely mounted to drones such as the DJI m600 Pro. Scan Range 3 - 250 m
To process and analyze this data, we created
System Relative Accuracy ±3 cm
LiPowerline - a software suite including machine
learning classification, danger point detection and Attitude: 0.015° (1σ)
POS System Performance
simulated environmental condition analysis. All of Azimuth: 0.08° (1σ)
this information is then generated into a easily Onboard Storage 128 GB
Ports Available Ethernet & USB 3.0
Weight 3.8 kg
Dimensions 1117*181*197 mm
Max. Flight Time 21 min
Operating Voltage 9 - 30 v
Scan Rate 100,000 pts /second
Horizontal FOV 360°
Route Planning Software LiPlan (Proprietary)
Acquisition /PPK Software LiAcquire (Proprietary)
RGB Camera (optional) Sony a6000 Mirrorless

Dimensions: mm
LiAir 1000
System Specifications & Operations
The LiAir 1000 is GreenValley's most accurate and
robust UAV-mounted mapping system. The Riegl VUX-1 Laser Sensor Riegl VUX-1 UAV
UAV LiDAR sensor has the ability to accurately map at a Range Accuracy ±10 mm
range of up to 920 meters with a millimeter-level Scan Range 3 - 920 m
ranging accuracy. The LiAir 1000 can also be modified
System Relative Accuracy ±3 cm
to include the Riegl VUX-1 UAVLR for an even longer
range. The power of this system makes it an excellent Attitude: 0.015° (1σ)
POS System Performance
choice for survey-grade accuracy and mapping Azimuth: 0.08° (1σ)
extremely dense terrain such as equatorial rainforests. Onboard Storage 128 GB
Ports Available Ethernet & USB 3.0
Weight 6.5 kg
Max. Flight Speed 10 m/s
Operating Voltage 9 - 30 v
Scan Rate 500,000 pts /second
Horizontal FOV 330°
Route Planning Software LiPlan (Proprietary)
Acquisition /PPK Software LiAcquire (Proprietary)
RGB Camera (optional) Sony a6000 Mirrorless

LiAcquire is a proprietary point cloud acquisition and conversion software which now includes a comprehensive
Post-Processed Kinematic (PPK) solution. RTK positioning may sometimes be unreliable due to radio link
outages or GNSS signal blocks - all of which are happening in real-time. PPK processes data and GNSS
information after the flight and as a result, the processed data is more accurate.
2120 University Ave, Berkeley, CA, USA 94704
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +1 (510) 345-2899

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