Ortho NCP

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Assessment Nursing diagnosis Scientific Planning Implementation Scientific Evaluation

Explanation Rationale

Subjective: Fear/anxiety Long term goal: -Determine what -clarifies client’s Long term goal:
related to the doctor has information
-N/A- situational crisis After 1 week of told client and Goal fully
as evidenced by nursing what conclusion -provides achieved;
apprehension intervention the client has opportunity to
client will be able reached. examine realistic After 1 week of
Objective: and restlessness nursing
to appear relaxed fears and
-frequent and report anxiety -encourage client misconceptions intervention the
asking of is reduced to a to share thoughts about diagnosis client was able to
condition manageable level. and feelings. appear relaxed
-provides and report anxiety
-restlessness -Provide open assurance client is is reduced to a
environment in not alone or manageable level.
-apprehension Short Term w/c client feels rejected.
Outcome: safe to discuss
After 8 hours of feelings or to Short Term
-cold clammy nursing refrain from -acceptance of Outcome:
skin intervention the talking feelings allows the
client will be able -maintain client to begin to Goal fully
to demonstrate frequent contact deal w/ situation. achieved;
-chest pain 2/3 use of w. client, talk w/ -the goal of After 8 hours of
effective coping and touch client, cancer treatment nursing
-limitation to mechanism and as appropriate. is branched to intervention the
participation in active
many types and client was able to
hobbies participation in -permit
may experience demonstrate 2/3
treatment expressions of use of effective
-night sweats
regimen. anger , fear, and unwanted effects. coping
despair w/o -maybe useful in mechanism and
confrontation. brief times to help active
-Explain client the handle feelings of participation in
recommended anxiety treatment
Treatment, its
purpose, and Recommendatio
potential side- n:
effects. Terminate plan

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