CRS Box Culvert

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Drwg Title- DESIGN OF BOX CULVERT mkd “BC-2”

Drwg No- XX-00-56871

Please provide reference for the locations, The soil report of the outside location is
1 SBC consideration Noted, Please share the reference page.
outside of s/s provided in specification. Pages attached

2 Load calculation Please revise the wall height Noted & updated Noted

3 Load calculation Please revise the base slab width. Noted & updated Noted

4 Uplift Please do the uplift check for reduced loads. Noted & updated Noted

Please check the update the soil load on

5 STAAD Noted & updated Noted
extended part of base slab

Please consider the live load surcharge

(mainly for tyre pressure on soil) on the
6 STAAD extended part of base slab Noted & updated Noted

Please provide the reference for

consideration of allowable bearing
pressure as 10540 Kg/sqm.

Please note that the box culvert is

to be designed for suitable for
heavy vehicular movements like
trucks, JCBs Cranes etc. Kindly
confirm on the same.

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