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Valtek Mark One and
Mark Two Control Valves

The following instructions are designed to assist in NOTE: Selecting the proper fastener material is the
unpacking, installing and performing maintenance as responsibility of the customer. Typically, the supplier
required on Valtek® Mark One and Mark Two control does not know what the valve service conditions or
valves. Product users and maintenance personnel environment may be. Flowserve's standard body bolt-
should thoroughly review this bulletin prior to installing, ing material is B7/2H. B8 (stainless steel) is optional for
operating or performing any maintenance on the valve. applications more than 800° F / 425° C and with
Separate installation, operation, maintenance instruc- stainless steel or alloy body valves. The customer
tions cover additional features (such as special trim, therefore must consider the material's resistance to
diaphragm actuator, handwheel and extension bonnets). stress corrosion cracking in addition to general corro-
sion. As with any mechanical equipment, periodic
This publication does not contain information on Valtek
inspection and maintenance is required. For more
positioners. Refer to the appropriate Installation, Opera-
information about fastener materials, contact your
tion, Maintenance Instructions for installing, maintain-
Flowserve representative.
ing, troubleshooting, calibrating and operating Valtek
To avoid possible injury to personnel or dam- 1. While unpacking the valve, check the packing list
age to valve parts, WARNING and CAUTION against materials received. Lists describing valve
notes must be strictly followed. Modifying this and accessories are in each shipping container.
product, substituting non-factory parts or us-
ing maintenance procedures other than out- 2. When lifting the valve from shipping container, posi-
lined could drastically affect performance and tion the lifting straps through the yoke legs to avoid
be hazardous to personnel and equipment and damage to the tubing and mounted accessories.
may void existing warranties. WARNING: When lifting an actuator with lifting
straps through the yoke legs, be aware that the
WARNING: Standard industry safety practices center of gravity may be above the lifting point.
must be adhered to when working on this or any Therefore, support must be given to prevent the
other process control product. Specifically, per- actuator from rotating. Failure to do so can cause
sonal protective and lifting devices must be used serious injury to personnel, damage to the valve
as warranted. or nearby equipment.

Valtek No.
Flowserve 49011 Valtek Control Products, Tel. USA 801 489 8611
Corporation, 1-1
3. Contact your shipper immediately if there is shipping arrow attached to the body flange. Standard air-to-
damage. open valves close on air failure and should be
installed so the flow tends to close the valve, except
4. Should any problem arise, call your representative.
in rare circumstances that will be clearly indicated.
Standard air-to-close valves open on air failure and
Installation should be installed with the flow tending to open the
1. Before installing the valve, clean the line of dirt, valve.
welding chips, scale or other foreign material. 5. If welding the valve into the line, use extreme care to
2. Whenever possible, the valve should be installed in avoid excess heat buildup in the valve.
an upright position. Vertical installation permits 6. If the valve has separable end flanges, the half rings
easier valve maintenance. This is also important for must be installed on the valve body before bolting the
cryogenic applications to keep the packing isolated valve into the line to ensure a tight connection.
from the flowing medium, permitting the packing
temperature to remain close to ambient temperature. WARNING: Failure to install half rings on the
valve body can cause serious personal injury.
CAUTION: Do not insulate extension bonnets
that are provided for hot or cold services. 7. Connect air supply and instrument signal (air or mA)
lines. Throttling control valves are equipped with a
valve positioner. Two connections are marked: one
Table I: Overhead Clearance Requirement
for the air supply and the other for the instrument
Valve Size Clearance Valve Size Clearance signal. Both the actuator and the positioner are
(inches) (inches) (inches) (inches) suitable for 150 psi / 10.3 Bar air supply. An air
regulator is not required unless the supply pressure
/ 2 , 3/ 4 , 1 3 / 76 6 10 / 254 exceeds 150 psi / 10.3 Bar. An air filter should be
11/2, 2 5 / 127 8 13 / 330 installed before the positioner unless supply air is
3 6 / 152 10 14 / 356 clean and dry. All connections must be free of leaks.
4 8 / 203 12 15 / 381 CAUTION: On valves equipped with air filters, the
air filter must point down to perform properly.
3. Be sure to provide proper overhead clearance for the
NOTE: In some rare cases, the air supply must be
actuator to allow for disassembly of the plug from the
limited to less than 150 psi / 10.3 Bar. This is indi-
valve body. Refer to Table I for the necessary clear-
cated on a sticker found near the upper air port on the
ance needed for valve disassembly.
actuator cylinder. An air regulator should be installed
4. Double-check flow direction to be sure the valve is to ensure the supply pressure does not exceed the
installed correctly. Flow direction is shown by the line pressure indicated on the sticker.

Table II: Common Lubricants

Lubricant Manufacturer Range Description Applications

Krytox 206 E.I. DuPont -5° to 550° F / Fluorinated general purpose grease; handles common
-20° to 285° C liquids and gases; good lubricity in harsh mediums;
nonflammable, chemically inert; will not harm plastic
or metal parts
GP 460 Graphite 32° to 1000° F / Graphite in petrolatum; high pressures; anti-galling,
Products Co. 0° to 540° C graphite remains above 600° F / 316° C
Aeroshell Shell Oil Co. -100° to 300° F / Synthetic oil based; low temperature applications
Grease 7 -75° to 150° C
Garlock Garlock Inc. 32° to 500° F / General purpose molybdenum disulfide lubricant
Luball 0° to 260° C economical; good in water, steam and common
chemicals; not good in harsh mediums where Krytox
206 is recommended

1-2 Flowserve Corporation, Valtek Control Products, Tel. USA 801 489 8611
Adjusting Screw
(Item No. 210)

Spring Adjusting Screw Gasket

(Item No. 229) (Item No. 248)

Piston Stem O-ring Spring Button

(Item No. 272) (Item No. 227)

Cylinder Actuator Stem Locknut

(Item No. 202) (Item No. 348)

Piston Actuator Stem Spacer

(Item No. 225) (Item No. 228)

Actuator Stem Bushing

Piston O-ring (Item Nos. 253/254)
(Item No. 271)
Actuator Stem O-ring
Yoke O-ring (Item No. 275)
(Item No. 274)
Actuator Stem
Stem Clamp (Item No. 211)
(Item No. 249)
Cylinder Retaining Ring
Gland Flange (Item No. 256)
(Item No. 80)
Stroke Plate
Upper Packing (item No. 213)
(Item No. 88)
Stem Bellows
Yoke Clamp S (Item No. 247)
(Item No. 76)
Packing Spacer(s) (Item No. 201)
(Item Nos. 94-99)
Upper Stem Guide
Bonnet (Item No. 87)
(Item No. 40)
Upper Stem Guide Liner
Bonnet Flange (Item No. 86)
(Item No. 70)
Anti-Extrusion Spacer
Anti-Extrusion Spacer (Item No. 93)
(Item No. 93)
Bonnet Flange
Stud and Nut
Seat Retainer (Item Nos. 108/114)
(Item No. 30)
Bonnet Gasket
Seat Ring (Item No. 58)
(Item No. 20)
Lower Packing
Seat Ring (Item No. 88)
Lower Stem
(Item No. 55)
Body (Item No. 83)
(Item No. 1)
Lower Stem
Half Ring Guide Liner
(Item No. 11) E0031
(Item No. 82)

End Flange Plug

(Item No. 10) (Item No. 50)
Figure 1: Mark One Control Valve
NOTE: Item numbers correspond directly to the valve's bill of material. Refer to it for specific part numbers.

Flowserve Corporation, Valtek Control Products, Tel. USA 801 489 8611 1-3
Quick-check 7. If possible, stroke the valve and check for smooth,
full-stroke operation. Unsteady stem movement
Prior to start-up, check the control valve by following could indicate an internal valve problem.
these steps:
NOTE: Jerky stem motion is normal whenever
1. Stroke the valve and observe the plug position graphite packing is used.
indicator on the stem clamp compared to the stroke
WARNING: Keep hands, hair and clothing away
indicator plate. The plug should change position in
from all moving parts when operating the valve.
a smooth, linear fashion.
Failure to do so can cause serious injury.
2. Check for full stroke by making appropriate instru- 8. Make sure positioner linkage and stem clamp are
ment signal change: 3-15, 3-9, 9-15 psi / 0-1, 0-0.6, securely fastened. If the stem clamp is loose, check
0.6-1 Bar or associated split ranges for pneumatic plug thread engagement (refer to the “Reassem-
positioners, 4-20 or 10-50 mA for electro-pneu- bling the Actuator” section for the correct procedure
matic positioners). on aligning the plug with the seat.)
3. Check all air connections for leaks. 9. Ensure all accessories, brackets and bolting are
4. Adjust the packing nuts to slightly over finger-tight. securely fastened.
CAUTION: Do not overtighten packing. This can 10. If possible, remove air supply and observe actuator
cause excessive packing wear and high stem for correct fail-safe action.
friction that may impede plug movement. 11. Check rubber bellows for wear.
5. Make sure the valve fails in the correct direction in 12. Spray a soap solution around the cylinder actuator
case of air failure. This is done by shutting off the air retaining ring, adjusting screw and actuator stem
supply and observing the failure direction. guide to check for air leaks through the O-rings.
6. After temperature excursion has occurred, bonnet 13. Clean any dirt and other foreign material from the
flange bolting should be retightened to ensure bon- plug stem.
net gaskets do not leak. See Table III. 14. If an air filter is supplied, check and replace car-
tridge if necessary.
At least once every six months, check for proper opera- VALVE DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY
tion by following the preventative maintenance steps Disassembling the Body
outlined below. These steps can be performed while the
valve is in-line and, in some cases, without interrupting To disassemble the valve body, refer to Figures 1 and
service. If an internal problem is suspected, refer to the 4 then proceed as follows:
“Valve Disassembly and Reassembly” section. WARNING: Depressurize line to atmospheric pres-
sure and drain all fluids before working on the
1. Look for signs of gasket leakage through the end
valve. Failure to do so can cause serious injury.
flanges and bonnet. Tighten flange and bonnet
bolting (if required). See Table III. 1. If valve is air-to-open, apply air under the piston to
lift the plug off the seat before taking the valve apart.
2. Check for fluid leakage to the atmosphere through
If valve is air-to-close, proceed to step 2.
the pressure-balance sleeve, metal bellows seal
and body drain plug. 2. Remove the bonnet flange bolting and lift actuator,
bonnet and plug out of the valve.
3. Examine the valve for damage caused by corrosive
fumes or process drippings. CAUTION: Heavy actuators may require a hoist.
Lift the valve with the yoke legs using a lifting
4. Clean valve and repaint areas of severe oxidation. strap and a hoist. Great care should be taken to
5. Check packing box bolting for proper tightness. lift the actuator and plug straight out of the body
Packing nuts should be slightly over finger-tight; to avoid damage to the plug and seat.
however, tighten only as necessary to prevent stem 3. Lift retainer, seat ring and gaskets free of the body.
4. Check to see the seating surfaces on both the seat
CAUTION: Do not overtighten packing. This can ring and plug are free of damage to ensure tight
cause excessive packing wear and high stem shutoff. Make sure the gasket surfaces on the seat
friction that may impede stem movement. ring, bonnet and body are clean and undamaged.
6. If the valve is supplied with a lubricator fitting, check 5. To inspect the plug, remove by loosening the stem
lubricant supply and add lubricant if necessary. See clamp and gland flange and by taking off the yoke
Table II for common lubricants. clamps.

1-4 Flowserve Corporation, Valtek Control Products, Tel. USA 801 489 8611
Standard Twin Twin V-packing
V-packing V-packing w/ Lantern Ring

Twin Square Twin Square

Standard Twin Square Packing Packing
Square Packing Packing w/ Lubricator w/ Lantern
Fitting Ring

Graphite Graphite
Braided Rings (3) Rings (2)
Rings (3)
Rings (2)

Vacuum Seal
Standard Twin Graphite Vacuum Seal Twin V-packing
Graphite Packing Packing V-packing (w/ Lantern Ring)

Live Loading
(compressed) (not compressed)

Carbon-filled Carbon-filled
Teflon Teflon
Backups Backups
Virgin Teflon Kalrez Kalrez
V-rings (2) V-rings (2) V-rings (2)

SafeGuard SureGuard SureGuard XT

Live-loaded Packing Packing
Packing Box

Figure 2: Typical Packing Configurations

NOTE: See step 1 in ”Reasembling the Body” section.

Flowserve Corporation, Valtek Control Products, Tel. USA 801 489 8611 1-5
NOTE: With air-to-close, fail-open valves, it may be should be installed with the upper set. Lower
necessary to apply a small amount of air to the top packing installed in extended bonnets or metal
of the actuator to move the plug away from the bellows seal valves will diminish the integrity of
bonnet. Otherwise, plug galling may occur. the packing assembly.
Turn the actuator off the plug and bonnet without The graphite guide liners should be replaced each
allowing the plug to rotate within the bonnet. Pull the time the valve packing is replaced. Do not rebuild
plug carefully through the packing box. the valve without graphite liners in the guides.
CAUTION: To avoid scoring guides and plug 2. Reinsert the plug stem into the packing box, being
stem, follow the above procedure exactly. careful not to score the stem or the guides.
6. If the seat surfaces need remachining, both sur- 3. Turn actuator back onto the plug, without turning
faces on plug and seat ring must be reworked. The the plug inside the bonnet. Make sure the gland
seat angle on the plug is 30 degrees (36 degrees for flange and bonnet flange are in place before engag-
CavControl and Channel Stream valves); the seat ing the plug stem and actuator stem threads.
ring, 33 degrees. Lapping is not necessary if proper
assembly procedures are followed. NOTE: Do not allow the gland flange to contact and
gall the polished plug stem.
CAUTION: If remachining, protect the stem
while turning. Ensure concentricity of the seat Leave approximately three to four plug stem
surface with the plug stem (or outside diameter threads exposed. Attach yoke clamp and gland
of the seat ring, if machining the seat). flange bolting. For valves with a 2-inch spud, be
sure the half rings are in place between the yoke
7. To replace packing or change the packing box and bonnet. Firmly tighten yoke clamp bolting. The
configuration, from underneath the bonnet push out packing box nuts should be just over finger tight.
packing, spacer and guides with a dowel of the
same approximate size as the plug stem. 4. Install new bonnet and seat gaskets with the bev-
eled edge up for Teflon gaskets.
WARNING: For valves equipped with separable
end flanges, do not machine body gasket sur- 5. Insert the seat ring into the body with the step side
faces. Machining could cause failure of the down. Place the seat retainer into the body with the
separable flange lip causing end gasket leak- thin end of the cathedral window down.
age and valve failure.
NOTE: For ANSI Class 900 and above valves with
8. If separable end flanges need to be removed, file off valve sizes 1/2- through 11/2-inch, the seat retainer
tack welds or pull rivets behind the flanges. window should be placed in the body with the
window facing toward the valve ports. With valves
CAUTION: When using separable end flanges
2-inches and larger, the retainer's bar should face
and spiral wound gaskets, use gaskets with
toward the valve ports.
outer backup rings. Failure to do so could result
in excess stress in some applications. 6. Place air under the actuator piston on air-to-open
valves to retract the plug.
NOTE: To prevent flanges from dropping off during
shipping, a tack weld or stainless steel rivet has 7. Lower the plug and bonnet squarely into the body.
been installed behind the end flanges. Be careful not to scratch or gall the plug as it enters
the body.
Reassembling the Body 8. To properly align the seat ring and plug, first bring
the bonnet bolting to finger-tightness.
To reassemble the valve body, refer to Figures 1, 2 and
4 then proceed as follows: a. With pneumatic actuators, apply air pressure
above the piston to seat the plug in the seat ring.
1. If the packing has been removed, refer to Figure 2 Proceed to step 9.
and reinstall new packing exactly as shown. Make
b. With electric or hydraulic actuators, move the
sure at least 1/8-inch is left at the top of packing box
actuator stem down until it is completely ex-
for the top guide to enter. Different spacer lengths
tended. Next, retract the actuator stem 1/8 inch /
permit a wide variety of packing configurations,
3.175 mm. Install the stem clamp onto the plug
such as twin seal and vacuum-pressure packing.
stem / actuator stem and tighten the associated
WARNING: Valves with extended bonnets or bolting. Move the actuator stem completely
metal bellows seals must not have lower pack- down. Adjust actuator limit switches according to
ing installed. Instead, lower packing rings the actuator’s operating manual.

1-6 Flowserve Corporation, Valtek Control Products, Tel. USA 801 489 8611
NOTE: Step 9 applies only to valves with pneumatic repeat above seating procedure. When the bonnet
actuators. If an electric or hydraulic actuator is flange becomes tight against the finger-tight body
used, return the plug to the midstroke position and bolting, the plug is properly seated. If necessary,
proceed to tighten. repeat above procedure until proper seating occurs.
CAUTION: Failure to return the plug to a 10. Move the plug to the extended (or closed) position
midstroke position (electric or hydraulic opera- for pneumatic actuators and to the midstroke posi-
tors only) will cause damage to the actuator tion for electric, hydraulic or mechanical actuators.
and / or the valve during the bonnet tightening Begin tightening the bonnet flange bolting in a
sequence. This is due to the inability of most manner that will keep the bonnet flange square /
electric / hydraulic actuators to accommodate parallel with the body. Tighten the first bolt 1/6 turn,
the 1/16 inch / 1.60 mm back-drive during the then tighten the bolt directly opposite 1/6 turn and so
tightening sequence. on around the flange. Firmly tighten all bolts evenly
and completely to compress the bonnet gasket and
9. For air-to-close valves, skip this step and go to step to seat the bonnet. Torque the bonnet bolts to the
10. For air-to-open valves, check for proper plug suggested torque values in Table III.
seating as follows: When proper seating occurs,
the bonnet flange will be forced up against the 11. Apply air over the piston to seat the plug. For all
finger-tight body bolting with such force that it will be throttling valves, adjust the stem clamp so that with
impossible to move the flange. If proper seating full instrument signal to the positioner the full signal
does not occur, the bonnet flange can be wiggled scribe line on the positioner cam points to the center
with light hand force. Should this occur, place air of the cam roller bearing.
under the actuator piston and retract the actuator to NOTE: For on / off valves, the bottom of the stem
approximate midstroke position. Turn the plug out clamp should simply be lined up with the bottom of
of the actuator plug stem one additional thread and actuator stem (plus or minus 1/16 inch / 1.60 mm).




Air-to-Open Air-to-Close

Figure 3: Air-action Configurations

Flowserve Corporation, Valtek Control Products, Tel. USA 801 489 8611 1-7
Tighten the stem clamp bolting. Proper tightness is 5. Disconnect tubing.
important since this adjustment secures the actua-
6. Remove the adjusting screw to relieve the spring
tor stem to the plug stem. Adjust the stroke plate so
the stem clamp points to the “closed” position.
WARNING: The spring compression must be
12. If the valve has been taken out of the line, make sure relieved before further disassembly; other-
the flow arrow indicates proper flow direction upon wise, serious personal injury can occur dur-
reinstallation. ing disassembly.

Table III: Suggested Bonnet Bolting 7. Remove the retaining ring from the groove at the
base of the cylinder by using two screwdrivers,
Torque Values (ft-lbs / Nm, ±10 percent) inserting them in the ring’s slot and prying the ring
from the groove.
Bolt Bolt/Stud Material
Size Carbon Stainless 8. Pull the cylinder off of yoke and piston. Some O-ring
(inches) Steel Steel resistance may be felt. Remove spring for cleaning
and inspection (air-to-open configuration only).
/8 80 / 108 50 / 68
/4 140 / 190 90 / 122 WARNING: Do not use air pressure to remove
7 cylinder. Serious personal injury can occur.
/8 230 / 312 150 / 203
1 350 / 475 220 / 298 9. To remove the spring on air-to-close configura-
1 1/ 8 510 / 690 330 / 447 tions, remove the piston retaining nut and slide
piston off of the actuator stem. The spring may now
1 1/ 4 730 / 990 460 / 624
be removed.
1 3/ 8 990 / 1342 630 / 854
1 1/ 2 1320 / 1790 840 / 1140 NOTE: Step 10 can only be performed if the actua-
tor has been removed from the valve.
1 5/ 8 1710 / 2318 1080 / 1484
1 3/ 4 2170 / 2942 1400 / 1898 10. To inspect the actuator stem O-ring, remove the
stem clamp and bellows. Push the actuator stem
1 7/ 8 2700 / 3660 1700 / 2305
through the yoke, being careful not to gall the stem.
2 3350 / 4542 2100 / 2847 The O-ring may now be removed for replacement.
NOTE: The actuator stem bushings are pressed
Disassembling the Actuator into the yoke; it is not necessary to remove the
bushing to replace the actuator stem O-ring.
With air-to-open valves, the actuator may be disas-
sembled while on the valve. With air-to-close valves,
the actuator must be removed from the valve prior to Reassembling the Actuator
disassembly. To disassemble the actuator, refer to
Figures 1, 3 and 5 then proceed as follows: To reassemble the actuator, refer to Figures 1, 3 and 5
then proceed as follows:
NOTE: Steps 1 through 4 apply to removing the actua-
tor from the valve. If disassembly is to take place with 1. All O-rings should be replaced and the new ones
the actuator still attached to the valve, go on to step 5. lubricated with a silicone lubricant (Dow Corning
55M or equivalent). Silicone O-rings must be lubri-
1. Make sure the plug is neither seated on the seat ring cated with Magnalube-G lubricant or equivalent. Do
nor back-seated against the bonnet by attaching an not use a silicone lubricant on silicone O-rings.
air hose on the appropriate side of the cylinder and
release the pressure on the opposite side. 2. Make sure all internal parts are thoroughly cleaned
and lubricated before beginning reassembly.
CAUTION: Galling of critical surfaces may re-
sult if the plug is not positioned correctly be- 3. If the actuator stem has been removed, replace the
tween the seat ring and bonnet. piston stem O-ring and reassemble the piston and
2. Loosen the stem clamp. actuator spacer on the actuator stem according to
the proper air-action (refer to Figures 3 and 5.) Air-
3. Remove packing box bolting and yoke clamps. to-close configurations require the spring button to
4. Completely turn the actuator off the plug and bon- be inserted under the actuator stem retaining nut.
net without rotating the plug inside the bonnet. Tighten the retaining nut firmly.
CAUTION: Do not allow the plug to drop and 4. For air-to-close configurations, place the spring
impact against the seat after turning the actua- under the piston and insert the actuator stem
tor off the plug threads. through the yoke, being careful to not gall the stem

1-8 Flowserve Corporation, Valtek Control Products, Tel. USA 801 489 8611
or the bushings. Make sure the spring is retained in 12. Apply air over the piston to seat the plug. For all
the groove provided in the top of the yoke. For air- throttling valves, adjust the stem clamp so that with
to-open configurations, insert the actuator stem full instrument signal to the positioner the full signal
through the yoke and place the spring and spring scribe line on the positioner cam points to the center
button above the piston. of the cam roller bearing.
5. Install the cylinder, making sure the yoke is pushed NOTE: For on / off valves, the bottom of the stem
deep enough into the cylinder to allow the retaining clamp should simply be lined up with the bottom of
ring to be installed. the actuator stem (± 1/16 inch / 1.60 mm).
6. Reinsert the retaining ring by feeding it into the Tighten the stem clamp bolting. Proper tightness is
groove a little at a time until it snaps in place. important since this adjustment secures the actua-
Replace the stem bellows and stem clamp. tor stem to the plug stem. Adjust the stroke plate so
7. Using a new adjusting screw gasket, reinstall the the stem clamp points to the “closed” position.
gasket and adjusting screw. Tighten the adjusting 13. Reconnect the actuator / positioner tubing, supply
screw only enough to provide an air seal with the and signal lines.
gasket. Do not over tighten.
NOTE: On air-to-open configurations, make sure REVERSING THE AIR-ACTION
the hole in the spring button is directly centered
under the adjusting screw hole. Changing to Air-to-Open
8. Apply air over the piston and place the actuator To change the air-action from air-to-close to air-to-
subassembly onto the valve, making sure the gland open, refer to Figures 3 and 5 then proceed as follows:
flange and bonnet flange are in place. For valves
with a 2-inch spud, be sure the half rings are in place 1. Follow the instructions for disassembling the actua-
between the yoke and bonnet. Engage the plug tor (see “Disassembling the Actuator” section).
stem and actuator stem threads. Carefully turn the 2. Reassemble the actuator with the spring, actuator
actuator clockwise until the plug stem is engaged stem spacer and spring button over the piston. For
(three to four turns). proper alignment, the center hole in the spring
CAUTION: To avoid possible stem and / or seat button should engage the end of the adjusting
galling, do not allow the plug to turn on the seat. screw.

9. Apply sufficient air under the piston (for air-to-open 3. The positioner must also be changed. To do this,
valves) or over the piston (for air-to-close valves) to refer to the appropriate positioner Installation,
prevent the plug head from touching either the seat Operation, Maintenance Instructions.
or the bonnet. Continue turning the plug stem into
the actuator stem until two to three plug stem Changing to Air-to-Close
threads remain exposed.
To change the air action from air-to-open to air-to-close,
CAUTION: Do not allow the gland flange to
refer to Figures 3 and 5 then proceed as follows:
contact or gall the polished plug stem.
1. Follow the instructions for disassembling the actua-
CAUTION: To avoid possible stem and / or seat
tor (see “Disassembling the Actuator” section).
galling, do not allow the plug to turn on the seat.
2. Reassemble the actuator with spring and actuator
10. Apply air over the piston. This will drive the plug into
stem spacer below the piston. The spring should sit
the seat and lift the yoke off the bonnet approxi-
in the spring groove on top of the yoke. The spring
mately 1/16 inch / 1.60 mm. If the space is not 1/16 inch
button is not used on air-to-extend configurations
/ 1.60 mm, apply air under the piston to retract the
and is stored above the piston (the actuator stem
actuator stem and screw the plug in or out as
retaining nut holds the spring button in place.)
needed. Repeat this step until the 1/16 inch / 1.60
mm space is created. 3. The positioner must also be changed. To do this,
refer to the appropriate positioner Installation,
11. Apply air under the piston and attach the yoke
Operation, Maintenance Instructions.
clamps and packing box bolting. Tighten the yoke
clamp bolting firmly. The packing box nuts should
be just over finger-tight.
CAUTION: Do not overtighten packing. This can
cause excessive packing wear and high stem
friction that may impede plug movement.

Flowserve Corporation, Valtek Control Products, Tel. USA 801 489 8611 1-9
Packing Box Nut
(Item No. 117)

Gland Flange
(Item No. 80)

Upper Guide
(Item No. 87)

Stem Guide Liner

(Item No. 86)

Anti-Extrusion Spacer Clamp Nut Clamp Bolt

(Item No. 93) (Item No. 118) (Item No. 107)

Yoke Clamp
Female Ring (Item No. 76)
Upper Packing V-Ring
(Item No. 88)
Male Ring Bonnet
(Item No. 40)

Packing Spacer
(Item No. 94-99)
Packing Box Plug
Bolt (Item No. 50)
Female Ring (Item No. 109)
Lower Packing
(Item No. 88) Male Ring
Bonnet Gasket
(Item No. 58)

Anti-Extrusion Spacer Seat Retainer

(Item No. 93) (Item No. 30)

Stem Guide Liner

(Item No. 82) Seat Ring
(Item No. 83)
Lower Guide
(Item No. 83)
Seat Ring Gasket
Bonnet Flange Nut (Item No. 55)
(Item No. 114)

Bonnet Flange Stud Body

(Item No. 108) (Item No. 1)

Bonnet Flange
(Item No. 70)

End Flange
(Item No. 10)

Half Ring
(Item No. 11)


Figure 4: Exploded View – Body Assembly

NOTE: Item numbers correspond directly to the valve's bill of material. Refer to it for specific part numbers.

1-10 Flowserve Corporation, Valtek Control Products, Tel. USA 801 489 8611
Lifting Ring
(Item No. 209)

Adjusting Screw
(Item No. 210)

Adjusting Screw
(Item No. 248)

(Item No. 202)

Spring Button Actuator Stem

(Item No. 227) Lock Nut
(Item No. 348)
(Item No. 229) Spring Button
(Item No. 227)
Actuator Stem
AIR-TO- Lock Nut Piston O-ring AIR-TO-
RETRACT (Item No. 348) (Item No. 271) EXTEND
Stem Spacer Piston
(Item No. 228) (Item No. 225)

Piston O-ring Piston Stem O-ring

(Item No. 271) (Item No. 272)

Piston Stem Spacer

(Item No. 225)
Piston Stem O-ring (Item No. 229)
(Item No. 272)

Actuator Stem
(Item No. 211)

Upper Stem Bushing

(Item No. 253)

Actuator Stem O-ring

(Item No. 275)

Lower Stem Bushing

(Item No. 254)

Yoke O-ring
(Item No. 274)

(Item No. 201)

Stroke Plate Serial Plate

(Item No. 213) (Item No. 252)

Cylinder Retaining
(Item No. 256)

Stem Bellows Stem Clamp

(Item No. 247) (Item No. 249)

Stem Clamp Nut Stem Clamp Bolt

(Item No. 345) (Item No. 240)


Figure 5: Exploded View – Actuator Assembly

NOTE: Item numbers correspond directly to the valve's bill of material. Refer to it for specific part numbers.

Flowserve Corporation, Valtek Control Products, Tel. USA 801 489 8611 1-11
Troubleshooting Chart
Problem Probable Cause Corrective Action
Stem motion 1. Overtightened packing 1. Adjust packing box nuts to slightly over finger-tight
impeded 2. Service temperature is beyond 2. Reconfirm service conditions and contact factory
operating limits of trim design
3. Inadequate air supply 3. Check for leaks in air supply or instrument signal
system; tighten loose connections and replace
leaky lines
4. Malfunctioning positioner 4. Refer to positioner maintenance instructions
Excessive 1. Improperly tightened bonnet 1. Refer to step 3 of “Reassembling the Body”
leakage flange bolting section for correct tightening procedure
2. Worn or damaged seat ring 2. Disassemble valve and replace or repair seat ring
3. Worn or damaged seat or 3. Disassemble and replace gaskets
bonnet gasket
4. Inadequate actuator thrust 4. Check for adequate air supply to actuator; if air
supply is adequate, reconfirm service conditions
and contact factory
5. Incorrectly adjusted plug 5. Refer to steps 8 - 10 of “Reassembling the Body”
section for correct plug adjustment
6. Improper flow direction 6. Refer to original specifications or contact factory
7. Improper handwheel adjustment 7. Adjust handwheel until plug seats properly
acting as a limit-stop
Inadequate 1. Improper plug adjustment, 1. Refer to steps 8 - 10 of “Reassembling the Body”
flow limiting stroke section for correct plug adjustment
2. Malfunctioning positioner 2. Refer to positioner maintenance instructions
3. Service conditions exceed trim 3. Verify service conditions and consult factory
design capacity
Plug slams 1. Incorrect plug adjustment 1. Refer to steps 8 - 10 of “Reassembling the Body”
allowing improper cushion of section for correct plug adjustment
air between actuator piston
and yoke
2. Inadequate air supply 2. Check air supply to actuator; repair leaks and
remove any restrictions in supply line
3. Trim sized too large for flow rate 3. Install reduced trim
Valve does 1. Incorrect flow direction 1. Reconfirm direction and, if necessary, correct flow
not fail in cor- direction through valve
rect position

Flowserve Corporation has established industry leadership in the design and manufacture of its products. When properly selected, this Flowserve product is designed to perform its
intended function safely during its useful life. However, the purchaser or user of Flowserve products should be aware that Flowserve products might be used in numerous applications
under a wide variety of industrial service conditions. Although Flowserve can (and often does) provide general guidelines, it cannot provide specific data and warnings for all possible
applications. The purchaser/user must therefore assume the ultimate responsibility for the proper sizing and selection, installation, operation and maintenance of Flowserve products.
The purchaser/user should read and understand the Installation Operation Maintenance (IOM) instructions included with the product, and train its employees and contractors in the safe
use of Flowserve products in connection with the specific application.
While the information and specifications presented in this literature are believed to be accurate, they are supplied for informative purposes only and should not be considered certified or
as a guarantee of satisfactory results by reliance thereon. Nothing contained herein is to be construed as a warranty or guarantee, express or implied, regarding any matter with respect
to this product. Because Flowserve is continually improving and upgrading its product design, the specifications, dimensions and information contained herein are subject to change
without notice. Should any question arise concerning these provisions, the purchaser/user should contact Flowserve Corporation at any of its worldwide operations or offices.
For more information about Flowserve, contact www.flowserve.com or call USA 972 443 6500
Regional Headquarters Quick Response Centers
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Phone 801 489 8611 France Phone 281 479 9500 Phone 412 787 8803
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Phone (65) 862 3332 Phone 610 497 8600
Facsimile (65) 862 4940 Facsimile 610 497 6680

Flowserve and Valtek are registered trademarks of Flowserve Corporation.

FCD VLAIM001-21 Flowserve Corporation,
©1999 Flowserve Corporation. Flowserve Corporation, Valtek
Valtek Control Control
Products, Products,
Tel. USA 801Tel.
489 USA 801 489 8611
Valtek MegaStream
Control Valves
The following instructions are designed to assist in the plug. It is also strongly suggested that during start-
disassembly, reassembly and troubleshooting of up, a strainer be placed in-line before valve to catch
MegaStreamTM attenuators in Valtek® valves. Product debris prior to it reaching the MegaStream valve.
users and maintenance personnel should thoroughly WARNING: Improper installation will result in ex-
review this bulletin in conjunction with Installation, cessive noise, causing possible damage to valve
Operation, Maintenance Instructions 1 (Mark One and parts or injury to personnel.
Two Control Valves) before installing, operating or
performing any maintenance on the valve. DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY
This publication does not contain information on install-
ing, maintaining, troubleshooting, calibrating, and oper- Disassembling Unbalanced MegaStream
ating Valtek positioners. Refer to the appropriate Main- Refer to Figure 1 and proceed as follows:
tenance Instructions when this information is required.
WARNING: Depressurize line to atmospheric pres-
To avoid possible injury to personnel or damage sure and drain all fluids before working on the
to valve parts, WARNING and CAUTION notes valve. Failure to do so can cause serious injury.
must be strictly adhered to. Modifying this prod- 1. Fully retract plug until stem clamp is pointing to the
uct, substituting nonfactory parts, or inferior open position on the actuator stroke plate.
parts, or using maintenance procedures other
than outlined could drastically affect perfor- 2. Remove bonnet flange bolting and lift actuator, bon-
mance and be hazardous to personnel and net and plug assembly out of the valve body. Re-
equipment. move the bonnet gasket.

MegaStream attenuators are designed to reduce gase- WARNING: A hoist may be necessary for larger
ous noise in automatic control valves through staged actuators (size 50 and larger). Care must be
pressure reduction and turbulence control. Mega- taken to lift the actuator and plug straight out of
Stream valves have two basic designs: A one- or two- the valve body. Any scraping of parts while
stage attenuator for low to moderate pressure drop removing the actuator may damage valve parts.
services and a multi-stage attenuator for high pressure When the actuator is not equipped with a lifting
drop applications. Pressure-balance designs are avail- ring, do not attach one; instead, lift the actuator
able in both types. by using lifting straps through the yoke legs. In
this case, the center of gravity may be above the
Installation lifting point. Therefore, support must be given to
prevent the actuator from rotating; otherwise,
Standard unpacking and installation instructions are
serious injury may result.
outlined in Installation, Operation, Maintenance In-
structions 1. Regardless of the air-action, it is impera- 3. With the actuator, bonnet and plug removed, the
tive that valves equipped with MegaStream attenuators attenuator can be lifted out of the valve body. In
be installed in the line with flow direction under the larger sizes, the attenuator may be too heavy to lift

Rev. 6/89 Valtek Part No. 10076401 18-1

Bonnet Bonnet Flange Bolting
(Item No. 40) (Item No. 108/114)

Bonnet Gasket Bonnet Flange

(Item No. 58) (Item No. 70)

Body Attenuator
(Item No. 1) (Item No. 30)

Seat Ring Plug

(Item No. 20) (Item No. 50)

Seat Ring Gasket

(Item No. 55)

Figure 1: Unblanced MegaStream Assembly

NOTE: Item numbers correspond directly to valve's bill of material. Refer to it for specific part numbers.

without a hoist; in this case, tapped holes are ma- 4. Fully retract the plug (stem clamp indicator pointing
chined into the top of the attenuator for installation of to the open position) and lower the actuator, bonnet
lifting rings. and plug squarely into the body and attenuator.
4. Remove the seat ring and seat ring gasket. CAUTION: The bonnet aligns closely to the
5. The attenuator may now be cleaned according to body. Damage could result from misalignment
established industry methods. If uncertain as to of the plug and attenuator; therefore, extreme
which methods to use with a particular attenuator caution should be exercised in this operation to
and application, contact factory. make sure it is installed squarely.
5. Once the actuator is resting on the body, tighten the
Reassembling Unbalanced MegaStream bonnet flange bolting fingertight.
Refer to Figure 1 and proceed as follows: 6. Seat the plug two or three times to center the seat
1. Install a new seat ring gasket and reinstall seat ring. ring. This can be done by applying air to the actuator.
NOTE: Bonnet and seat ring gaskets should be 7. Leaving the plug in the extended (or closed) position,
replaced each time the valve is disassembled. begin tightening the bonnet flange bolting in a criss-
2. Install the cleaned attenuator, making sure the hole cross pattern that will keep the bonnet square with
pattern closest to the edge is situated at the bottom the body. Tighten the first bolt 1/6 turn, then tighten
(by the seat ring). the bolt directly opposite 1/6 turn.
3. Replace bonnet gasket. 8. Continue tightening all bolts until the bonnet is firmly

(Item No. 40)
Bonnet Flange Bolting
Sleeve Gasket (Item No. 108/114)
(Item No. 56)

Bonnet Flange
Bonnet Gasket (Item No. 70)
(Item No. 58)

Body (Item No. 31)
(Item No. 1)

Seat Ring (Item No. 30)
(Item No. 20)

Plug Seals
(Item No. 65)

(Item No. 50)

Seat Ring Gasket

(Item No. 55)

Figure 2: Pressure-balanced MegaStream Assembly

NOTE: Item numbers correspond directly to valve's bill of material. Refer to it for specific part numbers.

seated, metal-to-metal, in the body. This can be taken to lift the actuator and plug straight out of
easily felt through the wrench. the valve body. Any scraping of parts while
9. Slowly stroke the plug up and down to check the removing the actuator may damage valve parts.
alignment of the plug with the attenuator. When the actuator is not equipped with a lifting
ring, do not attach one; instead, lift the actuator
Disassembling Pressure-balanced by using lifting straps through the yoke legs. In
this case, the center of gravity may be above the
lifting point. Therefore, support must be given to
Refer to Figure 2 and proceed as follows: prevent the actuator from rotating; otherwise,
WARNING: Depressurize line to atmospheric pres- serious injury may result.
sure and drain all fluids before working on the WARNING: Danger exists in removing the actua-
valve. Failure to do so can cause serious injury. tor, bonnet and plug– especially if Teflon pres-
1. Fully retract plug until indicator is pointing to the sure-balanced seals are used. The attenuator
open position. sleeve may stick to the plug and fall during
2. Remove bonnet flange bolting and lift the actuator, disassembly, causing possible serious injury
bonnet and plug out of the valve body. A hoist may and/or damage to the valve or nearby equipment.
be necessary for larger valves. Steps 3 thru 6 must be followed before attempt-
ing to remove the plug from the sleeve.
WARNING: A hoist may be necessary for larger
actuators (size 50 and larger). Care must be 3. If the sleeve is observed sticking to the plug during

6. Lift the actuator bonnet and plug assembly from inches to allow the use of a ring compressor on the
body, taking care not to damage the sleeve bore or metal rings. A suitable sized screw-type hose clamp
plug head. will also serve to compress the rings for reassembly.
7. Remove the sleeve attenuator, seat ring and gaskets Care should be taken to avoid damaging the sealing
from the body. surfaces while fitting the plug into the sleeve bore.
8. The attenuator may now be cleaned according to 4. Once the bonnet is resting on the body, reinstall and
established industry methods. If uncertain as to tighten the bonnet flange bolting fingertight.
which methods to use with a particular attentuator 5. Using the actuator, seat the plug two or three times
and application, refer to factory. to center the seat ring.
Reassembling Pressure-balanced 6. Leaving the plug in the extended (or closed) posi-
MegaStream tion, begin tightening the bonnet flange bolting in a
crisscross pattern that will keep the bonnet square
Refer to Figure 2 and proceed as follows: with the valve. Tighten the first bolt 1/6 turn, then
1. Install new seat gasket and reinstall seat ring. tighten the bolt directly opposite 1/6 turn.
NOTE: All gaskets should be replaced whenever 7. Continue tightening all bolting until the bonnet is
the valve is disassembled. firmly seated, metal to metal, in the body. This can
2. Install attenuator and sleeve. Replace bonnet and be easily felt through the wrench.
sleeve gaskets, and plug seals. 8. Slowly stroke the plug up and down to check the
3. Lower the actuator, bonnet and plug assembly alignment of the plug with the attenuator. If binding,
squarely into the sleeve bore. If Teflon seals are sticking or scraping noises are heard, stop stroking
used, the plug may remain retracted. With metal valve immediately. Disassemble the valve to deter-
piston ring seals, the plug must be extended a few mine noise and to detect possible damage.

Troubleshooting MegaStream Control Valves

Problem Probable Cause Corrective Action
Jerky 1. Galling or scoring between 1. Superficial scoring or galling may be removed with a light application
stem travel plug and pressure-balanced of emery cloth; if more serious damage exists, contact factory
sleeve CAUTION: Trim parts are machined to close tolerances which are essential
for correct functioning of the valve; attempting to remove deep scratches
could result in high leakage rates or improper functioning of valve.
2. Overtightened packing 2. Adjust the packing box nuts to slightly over finger-tight (over-tightening
will cause excessive packing wear and high stem friction)
3. Service temperature exceeds 3. Reconfirm service conditions and contact factory
operating parameter of trim design
4. Inadequate air supply 4. Check for leaks in air supply or instrument signal system; tighten any
loose connections and replace any leaky lines
5. Malfunctioning positioner 5. Refer to positioner maintenance instructions
Excessive 1. Insufficiently tightened 1. Refer to “Reassembly” section for correct tightening procedure
leakage bonnet flange bolting
2. Worn or damaged seat ring 2. Disassemble and replace or repair seat ring (for correct procedure on
remachining seat, see Maintenance Instructions 1)
3. Worn or damaged plug seals 3. Disassemble and replace plug seals
4. Worn or damaged gaskets 4. Disassemble and replace gaskets
5. Inadequate actuator thrust 5. Check for adequate air supply to the actuator; if supply is okay, reconfirm
service conditions and contact factory.
6. Incorrectly adjusted plug 6. Refer to Maintenance Instructions 1 for correct plug adjustment
Restricted 1. Dirty attenuator 1. Disassemble and clean attenuator, using established industry
flow cleaning methods
2. Incorrectly adjusted limit- 2. Check stroke limiting device and correct, if necessary
stop or handwheel
Excessive 1. Improper flow direction 1. Check installation for flow direction under the seat; reinstall, if necessary
noise 2. Excessive pressure drop 2. Check design service conditions
3. Jerky or improper stemtravel 3. See corrective action under “Jerky stem travel”
4. Throttling too close to the seat 4. Recommended throttling should be 5 percent or more open
5. Loose parts 5. Check all external bolts and nuts for tightness; if noise is internal,
disassemble, check for damaged, scored parts or missing seat gasket

18-4 © 1997, Valtek Incorporated, a unit of Flow Control Division, Flowserve Corporation. Valtek is a registered trademark of Valtek Incorporated.
Valtek Spring Cylinder
Linear Actuators


The following instructions are designed to assist in While unpacking the actuator, check packing list against
installing, troubleshooting and servicing Valtek spring materials received. Lists describing the actuator and
cylinder actuators. Product users and maintenance accessories are included in each shipping container.
personnel should thoroughly review this bulletin prior
1. Position the lifting straps and hoist to avoid damage
to installing, operating or disassembling the actuator.
to the tubing and mounted accessories when lifting
Separate installation, operation and maintenance
the actuator from the shipping container.
instructions cover additional features (such as hand-
wheels, limit stops, fail-safe systems or limit WARNING: When lifting an actuator with lifting
switches). straps through the yoke legs, be aware the
center of gravity may be above the lifting
This publication does not contain information on point. Therefore, support must be given to
Flowserve positioners. Refer to the appropriate instal- prevent the actuator from rotating or causing
lation operation and maintenance instructions for serious injury to personnel or damage to
installing, maintaining, troubleshooting, calibrating and nearby equipment.
operating Flowserve positioners.
2. Contact your shipper immediately in the event of
To avoid possible injury to personnel or dam- shipping damage.
age to valve parts, WARNING and CAUTION 3. Contact your Flowserve representative for any
notes must be strictly followed. Modifying this problems.
product, substituting non-factory or inferior
parts or using maintenance procedures other
than outlined could drastically affect perfor- Installation
mance, void product warranties and be hazard-
ous to personnel and equipment. Prior to installation, make sure adequate overhead
clearance for the actuator is provided to allow for proper
removal from the valve body and for proper mainte-
WARNING: Standard industry safety practices
nance. Refer to Table 1.
must be followed when working on this or any
process control product. Specifically, personal NOTE: If the actuator is attached to a valve body
protection and lifting devices must be used as assembly, see Installation, Operation, Maintenance In-
warranted. structions 1 for overhead clearances.

Valtek No.
Flowserve 49012 Valtek Control Products, Tel. USA 801 489 8611
Corporation, 2-1
Table 1: 9. Clean any dirt or foreign material from the actuator
Overhead Clearance for Disassembly stem.

Actuator Size Minimum Clearance 10. If an air filter is supplied, check and replace
cartridge as necessary.
25 6 inches
50 8 inches
9 inches
400,500,600 Disassembling the Actuator
1. Connect the air supply and instrument signal air Refer to Figures 1 through 5 to disassemble the cylinder
lines to the two appropriately marked connections actuator.
on the positioner. Since both the cylinder and 1. Shut off air supply. If actuator is installed on a
positioner are suitable for 150 psi air supply, an air Flowserve valve, remove the valve per Installation
regulator should not be used unless the supply Operation, Maintenance Instructions 1.
exceeds 150 psi.
WARNING: To avoid serious injury, depressur-
NOTE: In some cases, air supply must be limited to ize the line to atmospheric pressure and drain
100 psi rather than 150 psi; this will be indicated by all fluids before working on the actuator.
a sticker found near the upper air port on the cylinder.
2. Disconnect all tubing. Remove stem clamp and
WARNING: To avoid personal injury or equip- stem bellows from the actuator stem.
ment damage, do not exceed recommended
supply pressure. 3. Relieve spring compression completely by remov-
ing the adjusting screw. Remove adjusting screw
2. Installation of an air filter on the supply line is gasket from adjusting screw.
CAUTION: Do not use a screwdriver or bar to
3. Use a soap solution to make sure all air connections
turn the adjusting screw; instead, use a
are leak free.
wrench on the flats of the screw.
MAINTENANCE WARNING: To avoid serious personal injury,
At least once every six months, check for proper opera- relieve the spring compression before further
tion by following the preventative maintenance steps disassembly. The cylinder could possibly fly
outlined below. These steps can be performed while off the yoke when removing the cylinder
the actuator is in service and, in some cases, without retaining ring.
interrupting service. If an internal problem is suspected 4. Remove the cylinder retaining ring from the groove
with the actuator, refer to the “Disassembly and Reas- at the base of the cylinder by using two screw-
sembly” section. drivers. Insert one screwdriver in slot found in the
1. Examine the actuator for damage caused by corro- ring and pry the ring from the groove. Use the other
sive fumes and process drippings. screwdriver to help work the ring out of the cylinder
2. Clean the actuator and repaint any areas of severe groove.
oxidation. 5. Pull the cylinder off the yoke and piston; some
3. If possible, stroke the actuator and check for O-ring resistance may be felt.
smooth, full-stroke operation. WARNING: To avoid serious personal injury,
WARNING: To avoid serious injury, keep hands, do not use air pressure to remove the cylinder.
hair and clothing away from all moving parts The cylinder could possibly fly off the yoke.
while operating the actuator.
6. For heavy-duty spring designs using a spring cap
4. Make sure positioner mounting bolts, linkage and (see Figure 4), remove the spring cap and cap
stem clamp are securely fastened. O-ring from the cylinder.
5. Ensure all accessories, brackets and associated 7. For air-to-retract configurations, remove the
bolting are securely fastened. spring(s) and spring button for cleaning and inspec-
6. If possible, remove air supply and observe actuator tion (see Figures 1, 3 and 5). Remove the actuator
for correct fail-safe action. stem locknut and slide the piston and stem spacer
7. Check rubber bellows for wear. off the actuator stem. The spring guide should be
8. Spray soap solution around the cylinder retaining removed when using heavy-duty spring designs.
ring, the adjusting screw and the lower actuator NOTE: The dual, heavy-duty spring configuration
stem bushing to check for air leaks through the (Figure 3) has two springs, one inside the other.
O-rings and gasket. Remove both springs during this step.

2-2 Flowserve Corporation, Valtek Control Products, Tel. USA 801 489 8611
Adjusting Screw
Adjusting Screw Gasket (Item No. 210)
(Item No. 248)

Spring Button (Item No. 202)
(Item No. 227)

Actuator Stem Locknut (Item No. 229)
(Item No. 348)

Stem Spacer
Piston Stem O-ring (Item No. 223)
(Item No. 272)

Piston O-ring
Piston (Item No. 271)
(Item No. 225)

Yoke O-ring
Upper Stem Bushing (Item No. 274)
(Item No. 253)

O Cylinder Retaining
Actuator Stem O-ring Ring
(Item No. 275) (Item No. 256)

Lower Stem Bushing Actuator Stem

(Item No. 254) (Item No. 211)

Stem Clamp Bolting Stem Bellows

(Item No. 240/345) (Item No. 247)

Stem Clamp Stroke Plate

(Item No. 249) (Item No. 213)

(Item No. 201)

Figure 1: Air-to-retract Cylinder Actuator

NOTE: Item numbers correspond directly to actuator's bill of material. Refer to it for specific part numbers.

For air-to-extend configurations, slowly loosen and 8. Remove the piston O-ring, piston stem O-ring and
remove the actuator stem locknut. Be certain the yoke O-ring.
piston follows the stem locknut up the actuator stem 9. Remove the actuator stem O-ring.
and does not bind on the actuator stem. Remove
the actuator stem locknut, spring button, piston, NOTE: The upper and lower stem bushings are
spring and stem spacer. pressed into the yoke. Removal of the bushings to
WARNING: To avoid personal injury, be certain replace the actuator stem O-ring is unnecessary.
the spring force is completely relieved before 10. Use appropriately sized press to push worn or
removing actuator stem locknut. damaged bushings out of yoke.

Flowserve Corporation, Valtek Control Products, Tel. USA 801 489 8611 2-3
Adjusting Screw
Adjusting Screw Gasket (Item No. 210)
(Item No. 248)

Actuator Stem Locknut

(Item No. 348)
(Item No. 202)
(Item No. 225)
Spring Button
(Item No. 227)
Stem Spacer
(Item No. 228)

Piston O-ring
(Item No. 271) Actuator Stem O-ring
(Item No. 275)

Piston Stem O-ring Yoke O-ring

(Item No. 272) (Item No. 274)

Spring Cylinder Retaining Ring

(Item No. 229) (Item No. 256)

Upper Stem Bushing Actuator Stem

(Item No. 253) (Item No. 211)

Lower Stem Bushing Stem Bellows

(Item No. 254)
S (Item No. 247)

Stem Clamp Bolting Stroke Plate

(Item No. 240/345) (Item No. 213)

Stem Clamp Yoke

(Item No. 249) (Item No. 201)

Figure 2: Air-to-extend Cylinder Actuator

NOTE: Item numbers correspond directly to actuator's bill of material. Refer to it for specific part numbers.

Reassembling the Actuator in the yoke until it bottoms out. Press the upper
To reassemble the cylinder actuator, refer to Figures 1 stem bushing into the bore until it is flush with the
through 5: top of the yoke (refer to Figures 1 or 2).
1. All O-rings should be replaced. New O-rings should 4. Replace the actuator stem O-ring and yoke O-ring.
be lubricated with a silicone lubricant (Dow Corning 5. Reassemble the piston, piston stem O-ring and
55M or equivalent). Silicone O-rings must be lubri- stem spacer on the actuator stem according to the
cated with Magnalube-G lubricant or equivalent. Do proper air-action (refer to either Figure 1 or 2).
not use silicone lubricant on silicone O-rings. Replace the piston O-ring. Air-to-extend configura-
2. Thoroughly clean all internal parts before beginning tions require the spring button to be stored under
assembly. Lubricate cylinder wall with silicone actuator stem locknut. Tighten the locknut firmly.
lubricant. NOTE: When reassembling heavy-duty, spring-
3. Lubricate the outside of the replacement bushings design actuators, the spring guide must be first
if the stem bushings have been removed. Press a inserted under the actuator stem locknut (see
new lower stem bushing into the actuator stem bore Figures 3 and 4).

2-4 Flowserve Corporation, Valtek Control Products, Tel. USA 801 489 8611
Adjusting Screw Gasket Adjusting Screw
(Item No. 248) (Item No. 210)

Outer Spring Cylinder

(Item No. 229) (Item No. 202)

Inner Spring Spring Button

(Item No. 230) (Item No. 227)

Actuator Stem Locknut Spring Guide

(Item No. 348) (Item No. 326)

Piston Stem O-ring Piston O-ring

(Item No. 272) (Item No. 271)

Piston Yoke O-ring

(Item No. 225) (Item No. 274)

Upper Stem Bushing Cylinder Retaining Ring

(Item No. 253) O (Item No. 256)

Actuator Stem O-ring Actuator Stem

(Item No. 275) (Item No. 211)

S Stem Bellows
Lower Stem Bushing
(Item No. 254) (Item No. 247)

Stem Clamp Bolting Stroke Plate

(Item No. 240/345) (Item No. 213)

Stem Clamp Yoke

(Item No. 249) (Item No. 201)

Figure 3: Dual-spring Cylinder Actuator

NOTE: Item numbers correspond directly to actuator's bill of material. Refer to it for specific part numbers.

6. For air-to-extend configurations, place the spring 9. Reinsert the cylinder retaining ring by until it snaps
under the piston and insert the actuator stem in place. Use a hammer and drift punch to lightly tap
through the yoke, being careful not to pinch the the retaining ring in the groove.
actuator stem O-ring or gall the stem and stem WARNING: To avoid personal injury, the cylin-
bushings. For air-to-retract configurations, insert der retaining ring must be solidly in place. The
the actuator stem through the yoke and place the cylinder could possibly fly off when pressur-
spring(s) and spring button above the piston. ized. Be careful not to pinch or cut fingers on
7. Replace the cap O-ring and install the spring cap in the square edges of the retaining ring during
the cylinder when using heavy-duty spring designs installation.
using spring caps (see Figure 4). 10. Reinstall the adjusting screw using a new adjusting
8. Install the cylinder, making sure the yoke is pushed screw gasket.
deeply enough into the cylinder to allow the cylinder NOTE: Be certain the hole in the spring button is
retaining ring to be installed. Care should be taken directly centered under the adjusting screw hole in
not to scar or cut the piston and yoke O-rings. the cylinder on air-to-retract configurations.

Flowserve Corporation, Valtek Control Products, Tel. USA 801 489 8611 2-5
Adjusting Screw
Adjusting Screw Gasket (Item No. 210)
(Item No. 248)
Spring Cap
Spring Button (Item No. 325)
(Item No. 227)
Cap O-ring (Item No. 229)
(Item No. 270)

Actuator Stem Locknut (Item No. 202)
(Item No. 348)

Spring Guide
Piston Stem O-ring (Item No. 326)
(Item No. 272)
Piston O-ring
Piston (Item No. 271)
(Item No. 225)
Yoke O-ring
Upper Stem Bushing (Item No. 274)
(Item No. 253)
Cylinder Retaining Ring
Actuator Stem O-ring (Item No. 256)
(Item No. 275) O
Actuator Stem
Lower Stem Bushing (Item No. 211)
(Item No. 254)
S Stem Bellows
Stem Clamp Bolting (Item No. 247)
(Item No. 240/345)
Stroke Plate
Stem Clamp (Item No. 213)
(Item No. 249)
(Item No. 201)

Figure 4: Cap-spring Cylinder Actuator

NOTE: Item numbers correspond directly to actuator's bill of material. Refer to it for specific part numbers.

11. Tighten the adjusting screw enough to provide an Reversing the Air-action
air seal with the gasket. Do not overtighten.
To change the air action from air-to-retract to air-to
12. Reinstall the stem bellows and stem clamp. extend, or vice versa, refer to Figures 1, 2 or 5:
NOTE: To ensure maximum clamping strength NOTE: Heavy-duty spring actuators are not reversible.
when installing the stem clamp, make sure the stem 1. Disassemble the actuator according to the “Disas-
clamp bolting is perpendicular to one of the slots sembling the Actuator” section.
machined into the actuator stem. 2. For air-to-retract action, reassemble the actuator
13. Apply air over the piston. Tighten the stem clamp with stem spacer and spring button over the piston.
bolting with the stem clamp adjusted to point at the 3. For air-to-extend action, reassemble with spring
closed position of the stroke indicator plate. and stem spacer below the piston and with the
NOTE: If the actuator is installed on a Flowserve spring button stored above the piston.
valve, refer to Installation, Operaton, Mainte- 4. Reassemble the actuator according to the “Reas-
nance Instructions 1 for correct plug stem thread sembling the Actuator” section.
engagement. 5. The positioner must also be reversed. See the
14. Reconnect tubing, supply and signal lines. appropriate positioner maintenance instructions.

2-6 Flowserve Corporation, Valtek Control Products, Tel. USA 801 489 8611
Lifting Ring
(Item No. 209)

Adjusting Screw
(Item No. 210)

Adjusting Screw Gasket

(Item No. 248)

(Item No. 202)
E Actuator Stem Lock Nut
K (Item No. 348)
Spring Button
(Item No. 227)

(Item No. 229) Spring Button
(Item No. 227)
Actuator Stem Lock Nut
AIR-TO- Piston O-ring
(Item No. 348)
(Item No. 271)
(Item No. 228)
(Item No. 225)

Piston O-ring Piston Stem O-ring

(Item No. 271) (Item No. 272)

Stem Spacer
(Item No. 225)
(Item No. 229)
Piston Stem O-ring
(Item No. 272)

Actuator Stem
(Item No. 211)

Upper Stem Bushing

(Item No. 253)

Actuator Stem O-ring

(Item No. 275)

Lower Stem Bushing

(Item No. 254)

Yoke O-ring
(Item No. 274)

Serial Plate
(Item No. 201)
(Item No. 252)

Stroke Plate
(Item No. 213)

Cylinder Retaining Ring

(Item No. 256) Stem Clamp
(Item No. 249)

Stem Bellows Stem Clamp Bolt

(Item No. 247) (Item No. 240)

Stem Clamp Nut E0170

(Item No. 345)

Figure 5: Exploded View, Spring Cylinder Actuator

NOTE: Item numbers correspond directly to actuator's bill of material. Refer to it for specific part numbers.

Flowserve Corporation, Valtek Control Products, Tel. USA 801 489 8611 2-7
Problem Probable Cause Corrective Action
High air consumption or 1. Leaks in the air supply or instru- 1. Tighten connections and replace any
leakage ment signal system leaking lines
2. Malfunctioning positioner 2. Refer to appropriate positioner
maintenance bulletin
3. Leaks through O-rings or adjusting 3. Replace O-rings or gasket
screw gasket
Actuator does not move to 1. Air pressure in cylinder not venting 1. Refer to appropriate positioner
fail position upon loss because of faulty positioner maintenance bulletin
of air supply pressure 2. Spring failure 2. Replace spring
3. Internal valve problem 3. Refer to valve’s maintenance bulletin
Jerky or sticking 1. Insufficient air supply pressure 1. Check air supply and any filters or
stem travel regulators; check for leaking O-rings
2. Unlubricated cylinder wall 2. Lubricate cylinder wall with silicone
3. Worn or damaged stem bushings 3. Check actuator stem for damage;
replace actuator stem, O-ring, and
stem bushings, if necessary
4. Improperly assembled spring 4. Disassemble actuator and check
cylinder and piston for damage;
reassemble actuator correctly
5. Internal valve problem 5. Refer to valve’s maintenance

Flowserve Corporation has established industry leadership in the design and manufacture of its products. When properly selected, this
Flowserve product is designed to perform its intended function safely during its useful life. However, the purchaser or user of Flowserve
products should be aware that Flowserve products might be used in numerous applications under a wide variety of industrial service
conditions. Although Flowserve can (and often does) provide general guidelines, it cannot provide specific data and warnings for all
possible applications. The purchaser/user must therefore assume the ultimate responsibility for the proper sizing and selection, installa-
tion, operation and maintenance of Flowserve products. The purchaser/user should read and understand the Installation Operation
Maintenance (IOM) instructions included with the product, and train its employees and contractors in the safe use of Flowserve products in
connection with the specific application.
While the information and specifications presented in this literature are believed to be accurate, they are supplied for informative purposes
only and should not be considered certified or as a guarantee of satisfactory results by reliance thereon. Nothing contained herein is to be
construed as a warranty or guarantee, express or implied, regarding any matter with respect to this product. Because Flowserve is
continually improving and upgrading its product design, the specifications, dimensions and information contained herein are subject to
change without notice. Should any question arise concerning these provisions, the purchaser/user should contact Flowserve Corporation
at any of its worldwide operations or offices.

For more information about Flowserve and its products,

For more information, contact: contact www.flowserve.com or call USA 972 443 6500

Regional Headquarters Quick Response Centers

1350 N. Mt. Springs Prkwy. 5114 Railroad Street

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Phone 801 489 8611 Phone 281 479 9500
Facsimile 801 489 3719 Facsimile 281 479 8511

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Phone (65) 862 3332 Phone 610 497 8600
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Phone (33 1) 60 92 32 51 Phone 412 787 8803
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Flowserve and Valtek are registered trademarks of Flowserve Corporation.

FCD VLAIM002-15 ©1999 Flowserve Corporation. Flowserve Corporation, Valtek Control
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USA 801 489 8611
Flow Control

Installation, Operation, Maintenance Instructions

XL90 Series
This bulletin is designed to assist in installing, calibrating, particle size below 5 microns, oil content not to exceed one
troubleshooting and performing maintenance as required for the part per million).
XL90 Series high-performance positioner. The XL90 Series positioner features an adjustable gain of
Product users and maintenance personnel should thoroughly 400-1100:1. The medium gain setting is standard for smaller
read and strictly follow the instructions contained in this bulletin actuators, while the high gain setting is used on larger actuators
prior to operating the positioner. Any questions concerning this (refer to ‘Gain Adjustment Procedure’ section for further details.)
product should be directed to a Flowserve representative.

To avoid possible injury to personnel or damage to valve POSITIONER OPERATION

parts, WARNING and CAUTION notes must be strictly The positioner schematic (Figure 1) shows an XL90 Series
followed. Modifying this product, substituting non- positioner connected for double-acting service on a rotary rack-
factory parts or using maintenance procedures other and-pinion actuator. Tension on the feedback spring provides
than outlined could drastically affect performance and be feedback to the positioner, which varies as the stem position
hazardous to personnel and equipment. changes. The spring-loading force is applied through the feed-
The XL90 high-performance positioner is a two-stage device back linkage and cam to the positioner’s input capsule.
and is designed for use in control loops where fast response is Instrument signal pressure is applied between the diaphragms in
required. The XL90 positioner is designed to be modular and use the input capsule. Therefore, the input capsule serves as a force-
the P/P module for 3-15 psi input signal or the NT 3000 Series balance member, matching the valve stem position (as measured
Transducer Module for 4-20 mA input signal. by tension on the feedback spring) to the instrument signal.
The XL90 high-performance positioner is designed as a four- When the opposing forces balance exactly, the system will be
way device, but can easily be converted to a three-way device by in equilibrium and the stem will be in the exact position called
plugging one of the output ports. for by the instrument signal. If the opposing forces are not in
NOTE: The XL90 high-performance positioner must use the balance, the input capsule will move up or down and, by means
I/P NT 3000 Transducer. The I/P 2000 Transducer is not of the pilot-valves, will change the output pressures, moving the
acceptable for use with the XL90 Series Positioner. stem until the tension on the feedback spring exactly opposes
the instrument signal pressure.
The XL90 positioner can handle supply pressures up to 150 psi;
thus, a supply regulator is usually not required. However, a five The sequence of operation is as follows: An increase in instru-
micron air filter is required for pneumatic positioners and a ment signal pressure forces the input capsule downward.
coalescing filter is required for I/P positioners. Displacement of the capsule in turn moves the flapper away
from the detecting nozzle. This allows a larger flow rate through
NOTE: The air supply should conform to ISA Standard S7.3 (a the nozzle, decreasing the pressure exerted on the top of the
dew point at least 18° F / -8° C below ambient temperature, pilot valve capsule.

VLAIM 048-00 (181157.000.000) Flowserve Corporation, Valtek Control Products, Tel. USA 801 489 8611 48-1
Balance Adjustment Feedback Spring Zero Adjustment

Supply Seat Range Adjust

Upper Pilot
Poppet Piston
Exhaust Seat Cylinder
Port No. 1



Pilot Valve Feedback

Capsule (shaft)

Exhaust Seat Instrument Signal

Port No. 2 Upper Diaphragm
Lower Pilot Nozzle Lower Diaphragm
Poppet Flapper Input Capsule
Supply Seat

Figure 1: XL90 Positioner Schematic for Air-to-Open

Supply air biases the pilot-valve in an upward direction. As

the capsule moves up, it will close the exhaust seat of the upper
pilot poppet and open the supply seat, which applies increased
air pressure to the bottom cylinder port. At the same time, the
pilot-valve capsule will open the exhaust seat for the lower pilot
poppet; thus, decreasing pressure to the top cylinder port.
This difference in pressure will drive the piston outward, rotate
the pinion and stretch the feedback spring until the spring ten-
sion exactly opposes the force resulting from the instrument sig-
nal pressure. At this point, the flapper will be moved toward the
detecting nozzle to restore the pressure above the pilot-valve
capsule to its equilibrium value. As a force-balanced condition
is approached, the pilot-valve capsule will be forced back to a
neutral position where the pilots are neither supplying air to, nor
exhausting air from, their respective sides of the piston. Figure 2: Positioner Mounting with NAMUR shaft
A decrease in instrument signal pressure reverses the described
actions and causes a proportional inward movement of actuator
pistons and a reversal in pinion direction.

Installation of XL90 Series Positioner on Actuators

The XL90 can be installed on most sizes of rotary and linear
actuators. Actuators can be either double acting or spring return.
Cams can be used for direct acting or reverse acting directions.
These instructions apply to rotary actuators only. For linear actu-
ator mounting instructions, consult the factory.
NOTE: For retrofitting to an actuator equipped with an Apex
positioner, the same bracket and bolting may be used.
NOTE: NAMUR mounting is available with the XL90 position-
er. When retrofitting the XL90 positioner to an actuator
Figure 3: Positioner Mounting with Double D Shaft
equipped with another positioner, remove the existing posi-
and Linkage
tioner, tubing and associated bolting. See tubing instructions
in Connecting XL90 Positioner Ports section.

48-2 Flowserve Corporation, Valtek Control Products, Tel. USA 801 489 8611
Mounting Instructions for XL90 with NAMUR Shaft Connecting XL90 Positioner Ports
Connection 1. For double acting actuators, connect positioner ports 1
1. Mount the bracket to the actuator. Finger tighten the and 2 to the actuator. Port 1 is always connected to the
bracket bolting. actuator port used to drive the actuator away from its start
2. If required, install a coupler on the actuator shaft. Make or fail position (the factory cam setting is full clockwise at
sure the shaft and coupler are centered. See Figure 2. minimum input signal).
NOTE: For single acting, spring return actuators, plug
3. Verify the orientation of the actuator and coupler flats
output port 2.
match the positioner flats on the end of the shaft. Loosen
the cam if necessary. (See “Cam Installations” 2. Connect supply air to the port marked “SUPPLY.”
instructions.) 3. Connect air (for pressure inputs) or instrument tubing
4. Install the positioner onto the bracket. Make sure positioner or wiring (for 4-20 mA inputs). For current inputs, the
shaft and coupler are engaged and centered. Finger tighten terminal is marked (+) and (-) inside the I/P module. The
positioner bolts. I/P is factory calibrated and should not require adjust-
ment. If adjustments are necessary, see “Calibrating I/P
5. Proceed to “Connecting XL90 Positioner Ports.” Module Zero and Span Settings” section.
CAUTION: Signal air pressure higher than 30 psi may
Mounting Instructions for XL90 Positioner on damage the module gauge and instrument signal cap-
Sereg Rotary Actuators sule; a 3-15 psi instrument signal is recommended on
the pneumatic module.
1. Mount the positioner to the transfer case plate in the
proper orientation. Tighten the four bolts. 4. Stroke actuator/valve two or three times to align positioner,
coupler and actuator. With 50% input (actuator/valve at 45
2. Loosen jam nut (see “Cam Installation” instructions). degrees), tighten all mounting bolts. Stroke actuator/valve
3. Mount the follower arm, lockwasher and nut on the end of again to verify there is no misalignment throughout the
the shaft and tighten nut. Carefully hold the shaft with stroke.
wrench on shaft flats. 5. Calibrate valve and adjust cam if necessary. (See “Cam
4. With valve in closed position, make sure follower pin lever Installation” and “Positioner Calibration” instructions.)
is mounted parallel to valve lever, flush with end of valve
shaft and the nut is tight.
Cam Removal: Disconnect cam return spring. With a wrench
5. Place follower pin (mounted to the lever that is mounted to carefully placed on the output shaft (if necessary), loosen and
the valve shaft) into follower arm slot and bolt the transfer remove the jam nut. Remove pressure from the span arm by
case plate in place finger tight only. See Figure 3. pushing it away from the cam. Remove the cam.
6. Orient the cam to align the “L” shaped line located on the Cam Installation:
left side of the characteristic curve through the middle of
the span arm roller. (See Figure 5.) The valve should be 1. A) For NAMUR shaft end connections make sure shaft is
seated when this alignment is done. (See “Cam Installation” properly aligned with coupler or actuator.
instructions.) For correct cam characteristics, see Table I. B) For Sereg actuators, make sure follower pin is in
7. Proceed to “Connecting XL90 Positioner Ports” follower arm groove.
instructions. 2. Push span arm away from shaft to avoid pressure on the

Table I: Cam Characteristic Identification Sereg

Cam Guide
Sereg Actuator NR NX NL
Plug Characteristic MaxFlo Linear Linear Equal Percent Linear Equal Percent
Fail Position Close Open Close Open Close Open Close Open Close Open
Direct Acting Linear A B N M A B
Positioner Equal % C E Q P N M C E A B
Equal % Mod B A
Reverse Acting Linear B A M N B A
Positioner Equal % E C P Q M N E C B A
Equal % Mod A B

Flowserve Corporation, Valtek Control Products, Tel. USA 801 489 8611 48-3
Figure 4: Alignment for Accord Cams Figure 5: Alignment for Sereg Cams

3. Place cam over the shaft with the appropriate characteristic 2. Loosen the span adjustment locking screw no more than
facing up and closest to the span arm roller. For Sereg 1/8 turn.
cams, see Table I. For Accord cams, “D” represents direct- 3. With a phillips screwdriver adjust the span adjustment so
acting and “R” represents reverse acting. valve is at full stroke with more than 15 psi for 3-15 or 9-
4. A) For NAMUR shaft end connections, make sure the round 15 psi range (adjust to 9 psi for 3-9 psi range).
mark on the left hand side of the characteristic curve is 4. Return to 3 psi (or 9 psi for 9-15 psi range) and check the
lined up with the span arm roller bearing. See Figure 4. zero. Repeat steps 1-4 if necessary.
B) For Sereg actuators, make sure the line on the left hand 5. Tighten the zero adjustment lock knob and span adjustment
side of the characteristic curve is lined up through the locking screw.
middle of the span arm roller bearing. See Figure 5.
6. Use the same procedure for three-way split range.
5. Tighten jam nut making sure cam does not rotate. Use a flat
screwdriver to prevent cam rotation and shaft flats to pre- 7. Connect Cam return spring. See Figure 6.
vent shaft rotation (if necessary).
6. Connect supply pressure to port marked ‘Supply.’ Positioner Balance Adjustment
7. Stroke actuator/valve two or three times to align position CAUTION: Balance pressure is 75 percent of the supply pres-
with actuator. With a 50 percent input signal, tighten all sure and is the average pressure of output ports 1 and 2.
mounting bolts. Stroke actuator to verify proper alignment. Balance is preset at factory. However, if this adjustment
becomes necessary, carefully make this adjustment slowly,
POSITIONER CALIBRATION allowing the positioner to stabilize. Check after a short while
to make sure balance pressure is correct.
Balance adjustment is set at the factory and should not need
Valtek positioners are calibrated at the factory; however, due to adjustment. Balance adjustment (output pressure level) permits
shipping and handling, it may be necessary to check the cali- the equilibrium pressure in both sides of the actuator piston to
bration before operating the valve. The XL90 positioner can be be raised or lowered. The average actuator pressure level of out-
calibrated to a range of 3-15; two-way split range, 3-9, or 9-15; put 1 or 2 is approximately 75 percent of supply pressure. For
and three-way split ranging, 3-7, 7-11, 11-15 psi using the stan- single-acting actuators, the balance pressure should be left
dard feedback spring. at the factory setting. If it is necessary to adjust the output pres-
WARNING: When stroking the actuator during calibration, sure level, follow the procedure outlined:
keep hands, hair and clothing away from moving parts. 1. If output pressure level is low, before adjusting, check for
Failure to do so may cause serious personal injury. leaks in tubing connections between positioner and actua-
Note: Positioners and I/Ps are calibrated at the factory. Use tor and check supply pressure.
mechanical adjustments in positioner for calibration. Zero and 2. Make certain there is no process force or pressure in the
span on the I/P should not be used to calibrate the valve. valve (The valve should be removed or isolated from the
For calibration, refer to Figure 6 and proceed as follows: process.)
1. For 3-15 or 3-9 psi range, loosen by hand the zero adjust- 3. On positioners without gauges, connect gauges to ‘output
ment locking knob and adjust the zero adjustment knob 1’ and ‘output 2’ lines.
until the valve begins to stroke with more than 3 psi signal
(for 9-15 psi range adjust to 9 psi).
48-4 Flowserve Corporation, Valtek Control Products, Tel. USA 801 489 8611
Zero Adjustment
Output 1

Zero Adjustment Span Adjustment

Lock Knob
Feedback Spring
Cam Follower Arm Arm
(Range Arm)
Span Adjustment
Output 2 (shown plugged) Locking Screw
Balance Mounting Holes
Adjusting Screw
for Internal
Feedback Electronics
Pilot Relay
Assembly Orifice Screw

I/P Transducer Cam Spring

Figure 6: Positioner Adjustments

4. Remove rubber cap over balance adjustment screw. (See 2. Turn off supply air to control valve actuator.
Figure 6.) 3. Using a 5/64-inch allen wrench, loosen both upper and
5. Apply full actuator operating pressure to positioner supply lower lock screws about one half turn. Do not loosen the
port. spacer nut. (See Figure 8.)
6. Set input signal to midscale (9 psi for 3-15 psi span). 4. By grasping adjust lever, carefully rotate gain adjust assem-
Output pressure level cannot be adjusted with actuator bly to desired position.
against valve seat or travel stops. Allow actuator pressure CAUTION: To avoid damaging gain adjust connecting
to stabilize. spring mechanism, make sure both upper and lower gain
7. Observe the pressure gauges. If reading is not correct, turn adjust plates rotate together. When they are rotated to
balance adjustment screw about 1/8 turn at a time and wait the new position, the connecting spring should be per-
about 20-30 seconds for pressure to stabilize (counter- pendicular to the plates.
clockwise to increase pressure). Continue until output 5. When the gain is set to the desired position, firmly tighten
pressure level of the higher pressure gauge is approxi- both lock screws.
mately 80 percent of supply.
6. Turn on the supply pressure. Check actuator responsive-
8. Replace rubber cap over balance adjustment screw. ness by providing a step signal to positioner. When gain is
set as desired, check valve zero and span calibration and
re-calibrate if needed.
Gain Adjustment Procedure
7. Return the valve to service.
The unique gain adjustment on the XL90 positioner provides a
means to increase or decrease the responsiveness of the valve /
actuator / positioner system. Increasing gain makes the valve Calibrating I/P Module Zero and Span Settings
more responsive and faster, while decreasing gain makes the NOTE: Although calibration can be accomplished using the
system less sensitive and slower to respond (with increased output pressure gauge on the I/P module, its accuracy is
damping). ±3 percent. The standard gauge should be removed only for
The gain is infinitely adjustable between its highest and lowest calibration and more accurate calibration equipment of ±0.1
settings. For convenience, three marks indicate (H) high, (M) percent of span should be used. The pressure gauge port is
medium and (L) low gain. Most sizes of actuators will respond 1/8-inch NPT. Calibration manifolds are available from the
well to a (M) setting. Unique actuator/valve configurations may factory (Part No. 97370).
require a gain adjustment at the factory or in the field. 1. Connect I/P module to a supply pressure between 30 to
1. Before adjusting the gain, place controller on manual and 150 psi.
isolate the valve from the process. 2. Remove I/P module housing cover. (See Figure 9.)
Flowserve Corporation, Valtek Control Products, Tel. USA 801 489 8611 48-5
Lock Screw

Lock Screw Spacer Nut
(Do not loosen)

Adjust Lever

Figure 7: Close-up of Gain Adjustment Figure 8: Gain Adjustment

WARNING: Be certain power to I/P module is disconnected the positioner. When the input signal falls below a user-
before removing housing cover in explosive atmospheres; adjustable current, the pressure output falls rapidly to approxi-
otherwise personal injury may occur. mately 1.7 psi, causing the valve to move to the failure position.
3. Before adjusting the zero and span, be certain the MPC fea- This feature is generally used when the service requires a tight
ture is disabled. Refer to Step 7 in the ‘Adjusting the shut off or to prevent throttling near the valve seat. To adjust this
Minimum Pressure Cutoff Feature’ section. feature, refer to Figure 9 and perform the following :

4. Connect a current source to the terminal block on circuit NOTE: The following procedure applies only when the mini-
board. mum pressure cutoff feature will be used.

NOTE: The zero and span adjustments are multi-turn potentio- NOTE: The zero and span settings of both the positioner and
meters (pots) that have no stops on the ends of their travel; I/P transducer should be verified as accurate before the min-
however, they have a slip clutch to prevent damage from over- imum pressure cutoff feature is enabled and adjusted.
adjustment. The pots also make a clicking noise when they 1. Connect the I/P module to a 30 to 150 psi air supply
have reached adjustment limits. pressure.
5. Apply a 4.0 mA signal to the input. Locate and adjust zero
Circuit Board
trim pot to achieve a 3.0 psi output. The output will increase Mounting
with clockwise rotation of the zero trim pot. If calibrating an Screws
I/P module with a 10-50 mA input signal, apply a 10.0 mA
signal to input. Screw
6. Increase input signal to 20.0 mA (50 mA for 10-50 mA FLOWSERVE
units). Locate and adjust span trim pot to achieve a 15.0 psi INTERNAL PARTS
output. The output will increase with clockwise rotation of
the span. ZERO

7. Recheck zero setting by repeating Step 5. The span adjust- SPAN
ment may affect zero setting. MPC
Loop (-)
Zero Adjustment Termination
8. Repeat Steps 5, 6 and 7 until proper adjustments are
obtained. Span Adjustment Current
Loop (+)
Minimum Pressure Termination
Cutoff Adjustment
Adjusting the Minimum Pressure Cutoff Feature
The XL90 positioner with I/P Transducer has a “Minimum Figure 9: NT 3000 Circuit Board Module
Pressure Cutoff” (MPC) feature, which allows the user to set (housing cover removed)

48-6 Flowserve Corporation, Valtek Control Products, Tel. USA 801 489 8611
2. Remove the I/P module housing cover. 3. Remove the nut (25) connecting the flapper assembly (21)
WARNING: Be certain power to the I/P module is discon- to the signal capsule.
nected before removing the housing cover in explosive 4. Remove four screws (32) holding the two halves of the
atmospheres; otherwise personal injury may occur. pilot relay assembly together. Carefully pull the relay
assembly halves apart, making sure the flapper assembly
3. Connect an adjustable current source to the terminal block
(21) slides off the flapper adjustment screw (19) without
on the circuit board. Apply the desired input signal to the
damaging the signal diaphragm assembly (16). Pull the
positioner at which the output pressure is to fall to approx-
relay diaphragm assembly (13) out of the other half of the
imately 1.7 psi. This signal can range from factory setting
relay body (9).
of 3.7 to 8 mA.
5. With the relay assembly in two sections, remove two
4. Turn the minimum pressure cutoff pot clockwise until the screws (22) holding flapper assembly (21) to the relay
output pressure drops off. diaphragm assembly (13). Remove the flapper.
5. Fine-tune the pressure drop-off point by increasing the 6. Remove diaphragm retaining plate (15) from relay
input signal and then decreasing it through the desired diaphragm assembly (13) and relay plate (14).
shut-off signal. Observe the signal value at which the
7. Replace relay diaphragm assembly (13) with one from the
pressure drops off. If the pressure drops off at a lower mA
positioner repair kit. Place the relay plate (14) between the
signal than desired, turn the MPC pot counterclockwise. If
new diaphragms making sure the 1/16-inch diameter holes
the pressure drops off at a higher signal than desired, turn
between the relay plate (14) and the diaphragm line up.
the MPC pot clockwise.
Position diaphragm retaining plate (15) on relay diaphragm
6. Repeat Step 5 until the pressure drops off at the desired assembly with rounded inner diameter edge against
input signal. diaphragm.
7. To disable the MPC feature turn the minimum pressure cut- 8. Attach flapper assembly (21) onto relay diaphragm assem-
off pot (marked “MPC”) 20 turns counterclockwise or until bly (13) using two screws (22) with a locking adhesive on
it makes a clicking noise. the threads. The flapper assembly should extend away from
the 1/16-inch diameter hole through the relay plate. Make
sure lettering on flapper assembly is facing away from
Positioner Maintenance diaphragm.
NOTE: Refer to NT 3000 IOM for I/P module maintenance 9. With relay halves still apart, remove relay tube O-rings (8)
instructions. from upper and lower bodies (9, 7) and replace them with
For proper maintenance, proceed as follows: new O-rings (found in the positioner O-ring repair kit).
10. Remove rubber cap (35) and balance adjust screw cap
1. Maintain a clean air supply, free of dust, oil and water. A
(36) from upper relay body (9). Remove O-ring (38)
coalescing air filter for I/P is required to ensure a clean air
from balance adjust screw and install new O-ring.
supply. Check and maintain filter regularly.
11. To remove and clean poppets (28), remove the retaining
2. Make sure all arms and levers move freely. rings (31), poppet covers (27), O-rings (30), and poppet
3. Check for loose parts. springs (29) found at the end of each housing. After remov-
ing poppets, inspect them for dirt buildup or damage to
4. Be sure there are no leaks in the air supply tubing fittings or
seating surfaces.
12. The upper relay body (9) has a movable seat ring (34)
5. Refer to the troubleshooting chart on page 9 in case of
which is adjusted with the balance adjust screw (36). This
seat is removed by pushing it out with a soft instrument
such as a wooden dowel. Be careful not to damage seating
Pilot Relay Disassembly and Reassembly surface. Remove O-ring (37) from the seat ring (34).
13. Lubricate and replace the O-ring (37) on movable seat ring
The pilot relay is available as a complete unit and can be easily
(34). Carefully reinstall the seat ring (34) into upper relay
replaced (See Steps 2 and 18.) Before attempting to correct any
body (9), being careful not to damage seating surface or
problem with the pilot relay assembly, obtain a positioner repair
kit that contains the soft goods most commonly required.
14. Reinstall poppets (28), poppet springs (29), Seat Spring
NOTE: Numbers in parentheses correspond to the numbers in (39), O-rings (30), and poppet covers (27) before installing
Figure 16. retaining rings (31).
1. Remove the feedback spring (47) and rotate the span and 15. If signal diaphragm assembly (16) is damaged, proceed as
zero arms (40, 46) out of the way. follows: With relay halves still apart, remove four screws
2. Remove four screws (33) holding the pilot relay to posi- (32) holding signal diaphragm assembly (16) to the pilot
tioner base (1). Remove relay from positioner. relay assembly. Remove locking screw (23), washer (24),
Flowserve Corporation, Valtek Control Products, Tel. USA 801 489 8611 48-7
adjustable gain lower plate (26), and diaphragm plate. to the desired switch trip point. After releasing, the spring causes
Remove signal diaphragm assembly (15) and remove relay automatic spline engagement, locking the setting.
plate (14) from between the diaphragms. Place relay plate
(14) between the diaphragms on the new assembly taking
Load Capacity: 15 amp & 1/2 HP 125 VAC, 10 amp 250 VAC,
care to align the 1/16-inch diameter holes between the
1/2 amp 125 VDC, 1/4 amp 250 VDC
diaphragms and the relay plate (14). Replace diaphragm
Operating Force: 4.8 ounces
plate (15), adjustable gain lower plate (26), washer (24),
Differential Travel: 0.016 inches minimum
and locking screw, but do not tighten. Replace four screws
Mechanical Life: 10,000,000 cycles
(32) that hold signal diaphragm assembly together.
Option M and N: Proximity Switches
16. Pack O-ring grease into the O-ring groove and lightly lubri-
Proximity reed switches offer cost effective contacts for extend-
cate the outside of the relay tube on diaphragm relay
ed life in corrosive applications. These switches are tripped by
assembly (13). Make sure small holes on the side of the
magnets embedded in cams to indicate valve open and closed
tube do not get plugged with grease. Insert the relay
positions. Tool-free cam adjustment is accomplished through a
diaphragm assembly (13) as assembled in steps 7 and 8
spring-loaded spline arrangement. Simply push or pull the cam,
into the lower relay half. Carefully align the flapper (21) over
disengaging the splines, and rotate to desired switch trip point.
the adjustable gain screw (19) and replace and tighten the
After releasing, the spring causes automatic spline engagement,
nut (25).
locking the setting.
17. Fasten the two halves of the relay together using four long
screws (32). Make sure the 1/16-inch diameter holes in the SPST Proximity Switches
relay diaphragm assembly (13) and the upper relay body Load Capacity: 0.35 amp 140 VAC, 1 amp 50 VDC, 50 Watt Max.
(9) line up. Set gain to desired setting and tighten locking contact rating
screws (23, 25). See gain adjustment procedure. Contact Material: Rhodium plated
Actuated by magnetic force
18. Replace screen (110) and O-rings (8,12) found on the back
of the pilot relay before reinstalling the pilot relay on the SPDT Proximity Switches
base of the positioner with four screws (33). Clean out any Load Capacity: 0.25 amp 120 VAC, 0.25 amp 28 VDC, 3 Watt
debris lodged in screen or replace with a new one. Max. contact rating
Contact Material: Ruthenium plated
19. Replace span arm and zero arm (40, 46) and feedback
Actuatore by magnetic force
spring (47).
MOV and 0.25 amp fuse protected
Option Q: Intrinsically Safe Solid State Proximity Switches
Installation, Operation and Maintenance of With the same mounting as the mechanical switches the
UltraSwitch Position Indicators FM/CSA rated I.S. Solid State Proximity Switches can be used to
For detailed information, refer to the following Accord controls obtain valve open and closed position. Tool-free cam adjustment
bulletins: is accomplished through a spring-loaded spline arrangement.
Simply push or pull the cam, disengaging the splines, and rotate
• PS0008, PS0009, PS0031, PS0032, PS0033, PS0034,
to the desired switch trip point. After releasing, the spring causes
PS0037 and PS0050
automatic spline engagement, locking the setting.
Load Capacity: ≤ (less than or equal to) 1 mA ≥ (greater than or
XL90 OPTIONS equal to) 3 mA
Option F: 4-20 mA Transmitter Voltage Range: 5-25 VDC
The XL 90 Feedback Option allows accurate and reliable moni-
toring of valve position when installed in the XL 90 positioner. 1800
The Feedback Option may be used in any non-hazardous loca-
tion. For hazardous locations utilize the UltraSwitch L explosion

proof limit switch enclosure.

Voltage Supply Required: 6-30 VDC
Impedance: 300 Ohms at 20 mA
Note: Impedance changes with current (see chart). To properly
design the current loop, use 300 Ohms and 20 mA current. 600
Option J and K: Mechanical Switches
Mechanical switch technology is the oldest yet most cost effec-
tive switching method used today. Tool-free cam adjustment is 4 8 12 16 20
accomplished through a spring-loaded spline arrangement. CURRENT (mA)
Simply push or pull the cam, disengaging the splines, and rotate

48-8 Flowserve Corporation, Valtek Control Products, Tel. USA 801 489 8611
Troubleshooting XL90 Positioners

Failure Probable Cause Corrective Action

Valve won’t 1. Tubing to wrong ports 1. Re-tube to correct ports (see ‘Installation’ section)
stroke, no 2. Cam action reversed 2. Refer to ‘Installation’ section and reverse cam
excessive air is 3. Feedback lever arm is stuck 3. Work with lever arm until it turns freely
exhausting 4. Low air supply 4. Increase air supply to recommended value
from positioner 5. Relay tube stuck 5. Disassemble relay assembly and work relay tube free. Lightly lubricate
if necessary
6. Balance adjust screw not adjusted 6. Adjust balance pressure with adjusting screw
7. I/P module filter plugged 7. Remove I/P module and replace filter
8. I/P module failure 8. Replace I/P module
9. I/P mounting bolts loose 9. Tighten mounting bolts
10. I/P pressure signal blocked 10. Remove I/P module and clear passageway; replace O-ring if necessary
Valve won’t 1. A diaphragm in relay assembly burst 1. Replace relay assembly or replace diaphragms
stroke, 2. One of the poppets is stuck 2. Remove relay assembly/poppet cover; free stuck poppet
excessive air 3. Internal control valve problem 3. Refer to instructions or check for actuator tubing leaks
exhausting 4. Damaged relay O-rings on relay tube 4. Disassemble relay and replace O-rings
from positioner 5. Blocked passageways in relay 5. Disassemble relay and check small holes under diaphragms; clean if
Actuator goes 1. Broken feedback spring 1. Replace feedback spring
to full signal 2. Linkage is disconnected or stuck 2. Check and tighten bolts/nuts in linkage. Make sure linkage
position does not hang up; grease pin that rides in follower arm slot
regardless of 3. Orifice is clogged by water, oil or 3. Remove orifice screw and carefully clean orifice hole
signal dust in air supply
4. Bent flapper, damaged nozzle 4. Straighten flapper or replace damaged parts
5. I/P module failure 5. Replace I/P module
6. Clogged orifice screen 6. Remove relay and clean or replace orifice screen
Calibration 1. Loose positioner mounting 1. Remove cover and check three screws holding positioner to
bracket; check two bolts holding bracket to yoke
2. Loose linkage 2. Tighten nuts and bolts on linkage and stem clamp
3. Loose zero adjustment locking knobs 3. Tighten zero adjustment locking knob; re-calibrate if necessary
4. Wear of arms or pins 4. Replace worn arms, pins; grease appropriately
5. I/P mounting bolts loose 5. Tighten I/P mounting bolts
6. Stroke has changed in valve 6. Refer to valve maintenance instructions
Excessive air 1. Air leakage from manifold rings 1. Tighten screws holding relay assembly together and/or replace O-rings
consumption between relay and base
(other than 2. Air leakage from tubing 2. Tighten or replace tubing fittings
normal 3. Leaky cylinder piston O-rings 3. Replace O-rings in cylinder
exhaust) 4. Air leakage from relay 4. Disassemble relay and check and replace dynamic O-rings next to tube
if necessary
Actuator 1. Connection between signal capsule 1. Adjust gain according to Figure 8 or until actuator strokes approxi-
strokes very and flapper misadjusted mately equal speed in both directions. Verify alignment of upper and
slowly in one lower gain plates. Make sure spacer nut is tightened
direction only 2. Tubing to cylinder is restricted 2. Inspect tubing/fittings for restrictions and replace if necessary
3. Balance pressure low 3. Adjust balance pressure according to page 5
Erratic 1. Dirt buildup on relay poppets or seats 1. Disassemble; clean poppets and seats; add air filter or change filter
operation 2. Dirt buildup on relay tube 2. Disassemble; clean relay and lightly lubricate; replace O-rings if neces-
sary; add air filter or change filter
3. Clogged ports / passageways in relay 3. Disassemble, inspect and clean all ports and passageways
4. Faulty I/P module 4. Replace the I/P module
5. Clogged orifice screw 5. Remove orifice screw and carefully clean orifice
6. Mechanical binding in linkage or 6. Tighten linkage or refer to valve maintenance instructions
internal galling in valve
7. Clogged orifice screen 7. Remove relay and clean or replace orifice screen
Excessive 1. Restricted air flow to positioner 1. Adjust air supply as needed
overshoot 2. Balance pressure not set correctly 2. Adjust balance pressure according to page 5.
3. Gain is set too high 3. Lower gain mechanism until overshoot is minimized

Flowserve Corporation, Valtek Control Products, Tel. USA 801 489 8611 48-9


72 19 21 35
17 38 11
73 20 36 10
44 50 3224 25 33
43 49 26 57
45 46 48
106 47 16 33 31
6 40 14 8
117 45 30 27
29 39
69 22 37 28
15 32 8
67 33 28 14 12110
116 7
66 12
69 53
31 8
27 29
112 1

Figure 16: XL90 Positioner – Exploded View – Accord Cam

1 Base assembly 26 Adjustable gain lower plate 52 Cam shaft
2 Cover 27 Poppet cover 53 Cam
3 Screw 28 Poppet 55 Nut
6 Pressure gauge 0-160 psi 29 Poppet spring 56 Screw
7 Bottom relay assembly 30 O-ring 57 O-ring
8 O-ring 31 Retaining ring 66 Pneumatic adapter
9 Upper relay assembly 32 Screw 67 Screw
10 Orifice screw 33 Screw 69 O-ring
11 O-ring 34 Adjustable seat 72 I/P module
12 O-ring 35 Rubber cap 73 Screws
13 Relay diaphragm assembly 36 Balance adjust screw 106 Washer
14 Relay plate 37 O-ring 107 Signal gauge
15 Diaphragm retaining plate 38 O-ring 110 Orifice screen
16 Signal diaphragm assembly 39 Adjustable seat spring 112 Snap ring
17 Set screw 40 Span arm 116 Rotor or indicator
18 Spring 43 Pivot bushing 117 O-ring
19 Set screw 44 Pivot screw 118 O-ring
20 Nut 45 Snap ring 119 Dome
21 Adjustable gain upper plate/flapper assembly 46 Zero arm 120 Adapter shaft
22 Pan head screw 47 Feedback spring 121 Screw
23 Socket screw 48 Pivot block 128 Jam nut
24 Washer 49 Adjust zero knob 130 Spring
25 Spacer nut 50 Zero locking knob 200 Relay assembly

All of the above parts are in stock and can be purchased in a spare parts kit. For selecting and ordering the appropriate kit or a new positioner, contact your Flowserve
representative or the factory.

48-10 Flowserve Corporation, Valtek Control Products, Tel. USA 801 489 8611

125 23
72 19 21 35
126 17 38 11
73 44 24 20 36 10
50 32 25 33
43 127 49 26 57
45 46 48
106 47 16 33 31
6 40 14 8 30 27
117 45
29 39
69 22 37
15 32 8
67 33 28 14 12110
116 7
66 12
69 53
31 8
27 29
112 1

Figure 17: XL90 Positioner – Exploded View – Sereg Cam

1 Base assembly 27 Poppet cover 55 Nut
2 Cover 28 Poppet 56 Screw
3 Screw 29 Poppet spring 57 O-ring
6 Pressure gauge 0-160 psi 30 O-ring 66 Pneumatic adapter
7 Bottom relay assembly 31 Retaining ring 67 Screw
8 O-ring 32 Screw 69 O-ring
9 Upper relay assembly 33 Screw 72 I/P module
10 Orifice screw 34 Adjustable seat 73 Screws
11 O-ring 35 Rubber cap 106 Washer
12 O-ring 36 Balance adjust screw 107 Signal gauge
13 Relay diaphragm assembly 37 O-ring 110 Orifice screen
14 Relay plate 38 O-ring 112 Snap ring
15 Diaphragm retaining plate 39 Adjustable seat spring 116 Rotor or indicator
16 Signal diaphragm assembly 40 Span arm 117 O-ring
17 Set screw 43 Pivot bushing 118 O-ring
18 Spring 44 Pivot screw 119 Dome
19 Set screw 45 Snap ring 120 Adapter shaft
20 Nut 46 Zero arm 121 Screw
21 Adjustable gain upper plate/flapper assembly 47 Feedback spring 125 Cam
22 Pan head screw 48 Pivot block 126 Cam clip
23 Socket screw 49 Adjust zero knob 127 Screw
24 Washer 50 Zero locking knob 128 Jam nut
25 Spacer nut 52 Cam shaft 130 Spring
26 Adjustable gain lower plate 53 Cam 200 Relay assembly

All of the above parts are in stock and can be purchased in a spare parts kit. For selecting and ordering the appropriate kit or a new positioner, contact your Flowserve
representative or the factory.

Flowserve Corporation, Valtek Control Products, Tel. USA 801 489 8611 48-11
XL90 Part Numbering System Input Temp-
Prefix Model Indication Gages erature Cam Connection Option

■■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Selection Code
Automax Manufacture - Black Epoxy MB
Automax Manufacture - White Food Grade Epoxy MW
Accord Manufacture - Black Epoxy AB
Accord Manufacture - White Food Grade Epoxy AW
Sereg Manufacture - White Epoxy SW
Valtek Manufacture - White Epoxy VW

Selection Code
Pneumatic Input 3-15 psi 90
Electro-Pneumatic Input 4-20mA 91
General Purpose NT3000
Electro-Pneumatic Input 4-20mA 92
FM/CSA Explosion Proof and Intrins. Safe NT3000
Electro-Pneumatic Input 4-20mA 93
CENELEC EExd (Explosion Proof) NT3000
Electro-Pneumatic Input 4-20mA 94
CENELEC EExia & EExib (Intrinsically Safe) NT3000

Selection Code
Flat Lens with Green Indicator 1
Ultradome with Green Indicator U
Cover for top-mounted Namur UltraSwitch T
(includes UltraSwitch mounting kit)

Selection Code
3 Stainless Steel Gages with Brass Fittings 2
2 Stainless Steel Gage with Brass Fitting 3
3 Stainless Steel Gages 4
2 Stainless Steel Gages 5
No Gages 6

Selection Code
Standard Temperature (Buna-N soft goods) 7
Extended Temperature (Fluorosilicone soft goods) 8

Selection Code
Accord Linear Cam A
Accord 30, 45, 60 & 90 Degree Linear Cam B
Accord Linear, Square, Square Root (Damper) Cam C
Accord 0-60 Degree Cam (Butterfly Valves) D
Sereg Linear and =% Cam - Diaphragm Actuator E
Valtek Linear Cam - Piston Actuator F
Valtek =% Cam-Piston Actuator-Rotary Valve G


Selection Code
1/2" NPT (Standard) P
M20 Threads R

OPTIONS - As Needed (See notes 1-4 below)

Selection Code
4-20mA Transmitter F
2-SPDT Mechanical Switches with High Resolution Cams J
2-SPDT Mechanical Switches K
2-SPST Proximity Switches M
2-SPDT Proximity Switches N
2-Intrinsically Safe Solid State Proximity Switches Q

Notes: 1. Internal limit switches and an internal transmitter cannot be used simultaneously.
2. When options F, J, K, M, or N are used with an I/P transducer, input model number 91 must be used.
3. When option Q is used with an I/P transducer, input model numbers 90 or 92 must be used.
4. Internal limit switches or an internal transmitter cannot be used in an explosion proof environment. As an alternative, the explosion proof UltraSwitch may be mounted on
top of the positioner. (Use option T.)
5. Namur shaft end connections are standard for Automax and Accord positioners, Double “D” shaft end connections are standard for Sereg and Valtek positioners. Contact
factory for exceptions to this standard.

48-12 Flowserve Corporation, Valtek Control Products, Tel. USA 801 489 8611
General Spare Parts Kits
Standard O-ring Kit – Part No. 10094526 Ext. Temp. O-ring Kit – Part No. 10094527
Item No. Description Quantity Item No. Description Quantity
8 Relay/base O-ring and relay tube O-ring 6 8 Relay/base O-ring and relay tube O-ring 6
11 Orifice screw O-ring 1 11 Orifice screw O-ring 1
12 Relay/base O-ring 2 12 Relay/base O-ring 2
30 Relay retainer O-ring 2 30 Relay retainer O-ring 2
37 Adjustable seat O-ring 1 37 Adjustable seat O-ring 1
38 Adjustable screw O-ring 1 38 Adjustable screw O-ring 1
57 Orifice face O-ring 1 57 Orifice face O-ring 1
69 Input signal O-ring 2 69 Input signal O-ring 2
117 Cover O-ring 1 117 Cover O-ring 1

Standard Diaphragm Kit – Part No. 10094528 Ext. Temp. Diaphragm Kit – Part No. 10094529
Item No. Description Quantity Item No. Description Quantity
13 Relay diaphragm assembly (Includes 1 13 Relay diaphragm assembly (Includes 1
item No. 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83) item No. 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83)
16 Signal diaphragm assembly (Includes 1 16 Signal diaphragm assembly (Includes 1
item No. 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 86) item No. 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 86)

Standard Relay Kit – Part No. 10094530 Cover Kit, Ultradome, White – Part No. 10118702
Item No. Description Quantity Item No. Description Quantity
200 Relay assembly (Includes item Nos. 1 2 Cover 1
7-39, 56, 57, 110) 3 Screw 4
117 O-ring 1
Shaft Kit, Double D End Connection – Part No. 10118747 119 Dome 1
Item No. Description Quantity 122 Sticker, Rotor 1
52 Cam Shaft 1 120 Adapter Shaft 1
112 Retaining Ring 2 121 Screw 4
128 Jam Nut 1 118 O-ring 1
54 Lock Washer 1 116 Rotor 1
55 Nut 1

Cover Kit, Ultradome, Black – Part No. 10118719

Ext. Temp. Relay Kit – Part No. 10094531 Item No. Description Quantity
Item No. Description Quantity 2 Cover 1
200 Relay assembly (Includes item Nos. 1 3 Screw 4
7-39, 56, 57, 110)
117 O-ring 1
119 Dome 1
122 Sticker, Rotor 1
120 Adapter Shaft 1
121 Screw 4
118 O-ring 1
116 Rotor 1

Flowserve Corporation, Valtek Control Products, Tel. USA 801 489 8611 48-13
Shaft Kit, NAMUR End Connection – Part No. 10118753 Cover Kit, Lens, White, Valtek – Part No. 10118690
Item No. Description Quantity Item No. Description Quantity
52 Cam Shaft 1 2 Cover 1
112 Retaining Ring 2 3 Screw 4
128 Jam Nut 1 117 O-ring 1
119 Valtek Lens 1
Feedback Spring Kit – Part No. 10094524 116 Indicator 1
Item No. Description Quantity 118 O-ring 1
47 Feedback spring assembly (Includes 1
item Nos. 103, 104) Cover Kit, Lens, Black, Automax – Part No. 10118698
48 Pivot block 1 Item No. Description Quantity
49 Adjustment knob 1 2 Cover 1
50 Lock knob 1 3 Screw 4
117 O-ring 1
Manufacturer-Specific Spare Parts Kits 119 Dome 1
Sereg Cam Kit – Part No. 10116036 116 Indicator 1
Item No. Description Quantity 118 O-ring 1
53 Direct Acting Cam 1
125 Reverse Acting Cam 1 Electronic Spare Parts Kits
126 Cam Cover Clip 1 WARNING: Internal electronic kits cannot be used in applica-
127 Screw 1 tions requiring explosion-proof components.

130 Cam Spring 1 As an alternative, the explosion-proof UltraSwitch position

indicator may be mounted to the top of the positioner. Consult
131 Screw 1 your local Flowserve representative for ordering information.
132 Sticker, Cam 1

Transmitter Kit, 4-20mA Output, Double D Shaft End

Cover Kit, Lens, White, Sereg – Part No. 10118691 Connection – Part No. 10118423
Item No. Description Quantity Item No. Description Quantity
2 Cover 1 52 Cam Shaft 1
3 Screw 4 112 Retaining Ring 2
117 O-ring 1 128 Jam Nut 1
119 Sereg Lens 1 54 Lock Washer 1
116 Indicator 1 55 Nut 1
118 O-ring 1 130 Electronics Kit (Includes shaft gear, 1
circuit board and mounting screws)
Cover Kit, Lens, Black, Accord – Part No. 10118697
Item No. Description Quantity
2 Cover 1
3 Screw 4
117 O-ring 1
119 Accord Lens 1
116 Indicator 1
118 O-ring 1

48-14 Flowserve Corporation, Valtek Control Products, Tel. USA 801 489 8611
Transmitter Kit, 4-20mA Output, NAMUR Shaft End Mechanical Limit Switch Kit, NAMUR Shaft End Connection –
Connection – Part No. 10118427 Part No. 10118454
Item No. Description Quantity Item No. Description Quantity
52 Cam Shaft 1 52 Cam Shaft 1
112 Retaining Ring 2 112 Retaining Ring 2
128 Jam Nut 1 128 Jam Nut 1
130 Electronics Kit (Includes shaft gear, 1 130 Electronics Kit (Includes shaft cams, 1
circuit board and mounting screws) spring, circuit board and mounting
spacers and screws)
High Resolution Mechanical Limit Switch Kit, Double D
Shaft End Connection – Part No. 10118432 Proximity Limit Switch Kit, SPST, Double D Shaft End
Connection – Part No. 10118444
Item No. Description Quantity
Item No. Description Quantity
52 Cam Shaft 1
52 Cam Shaft 1
112 Retaining Ring 2
112 Retaining Ring 2
128 Jam Nut 1
128 Jam Nut 1
54 Lock Washer 1
54 Lock Washer 1
55 Nut 1
55 Nut 1
130 Electronics Kit (Includes shaft cams, 1
spring, circuit board and mounting 130 Electronics Kit (Includes shaft cams, 1
spacers and screws) magnets, spring, circuit board and
mounting spacers and screws)
High Resolution Mechanical Limit Switch Kit, NAMUR Shaft
End Connection – Part No. 10118451 Proximity Limit Switch Kit, SPST, NAMUR Shaft End
Connection – Part No. 10118455
Item No. Description Quantity
Item No. Description Quantity
52 Cam Shaft 1
52 Cam Shaft 1
112 Retaining Ring 2
112 Retaining Ring 2
128 Jam Nut 1
128 Jam Nut 1
130 Electronics Kit (Includes shaft cams, 1
spring, circuit board and mounting 130 Electronics Kit (Includes shaft cams, 1
spacers and screws) magnets, spring, circuit board and
mounting spacers and screws)
Mechanical Limit Switch Kit, Double D Shaft End
Connection – Part No. 10118439 Proximity Limit Switch Kit, SPDT, Double D Shaft End
Connection – Part No. 10118446
Item No. Description Quantity
Item No. Description Quantity
52 Cam Shaft 1
52 Cam Shaft 1
112 Retaining Ring 2
112 Retaining Ring 2
128 Jam Nut 1
128 Jam Nut 1
54 Lock Washer 1
54 Lock Washer 1
55 Nut 1
55 Nut 1
130 Electronics Kit (Includes shaft cams, 1
spring, circuit board and mounting 130 Electronics Kit (Includes shaft cams, 1
spacers and screws) magnets, spring, circuit board and
mounting spacers and screws)

Flowserve Corporation, Valtek Control Products, Tel. USA 801 489 8611 48-15
Intrinsically Safe Proximity Limit Switch Kit, NAMUR Shaft Intrinsically Safe Proximity Limit Switch Kit, Double D Shaft
End Connection – Part No. 10118458 End Connection – Part No. 10118450
Item No. Description Quantity Item No. Description Quantity
52 Cam Shaft 1 52 Cam Shaft 1
112 Retaining Ring 2 112 Retaining Ring 2
128 Jam Nut 1 128 Jam Nut 1
130 Electronics Kit (Includes shaft cams, 1 54 Lock Washer 1
magnets, spring, circuit board and
55 Nut 1
mounting spacers and screws)
130 Electronics Kit (Includes shaft cams, 1
Proximity Limit Switch Kit, SPDT, NAMUR Shaft End magnets, spring, circuit board and
Connection – Part No. 10118457 mounting spacers and screws)

Item No. Description Quantity

52 Cam Shaft 1
112 Retaining Ring 2
128 Jam Nut 1
130 Electronics Kit (Includes shaft cams, 1
magnets, spring, circuit board and
mounting spacers and screws)

Flowserve Corporation has established industry leadership in the design and manufacture of its products. When properly selected, this
Flowserve product is designed to perform its intended function safely during its useful life. However, the purchaser or user of Flowserve
products should be aware that Flowserve products might be used in numerous applications under a wide variety of industrial service condi-
tions. Although Flowserve can (and often does) provide general guidelines, it cannot provide specific data and warnings for all possible
applications. The purchaser/user must therefore assume the ultimate responsibility for the proper sizing and selection, installation, operation
and maintenance of Flowserve products. The purchaser/user should read and understand the Installation, Operation, Maintenance (IOM)
instructions included with the product, and train its employees and contractors in the safe use of Flowserve products in connection with the
specific application.

While the information and specifications presented in this literature are believed to be accurate, they are supplied for informative purposes
only and should not be considered certified or as a guarantee of satisfactory results by reliance thereon. Nothing contained herein is to be
construed as a warranty or guarantee, express or implied, regarding any matter with respect to this product. Because Flowserve is continu-
ally improving and upgrading its product design, the specifications, dimensions and information contained herein are subject to change
without notice. Should any question arise concerning these provisions, the purchaser/user should contact Flowserve Corporation at any of
its worldwide operations or offices.

For more information about Flowserve and its products, contact

For more information, contact: www.flowserve.com or call USA 972 443 6500.

Regional Headquarters Quick Response Centers

1350 N. Mt. Springs Prkwy. 5114 Railroad Street

Springville, UT 84663 Deer Park, TX 77536 USA
Phone 801 489 8611 Phone 281 479 9500
Facsimile 801 489 3719 Facsimile 281 479 8511

12 Tuas Avenue 20 104 Chelsea Parkway

Republic of Singapore 638824 Boothwyn, PA 19061 USA
Phone (65) 862 3332 Phone 610 497 8600
Facsimile (65) 862 4940 Facsimile 610 497 6680

12, av. du Québec, B.P. 645 1300 Parkway View Drive

91965, Courtaboeuf Cedex, France Pittsburgh, PA 15205 USA
Phone (33 1) 60 92 32 51 Phone 412 787 8803
Facsimile (33 1) 60 92 32 99 Facsimile 412 787 1944
Flowserve and Valtek are registered trademarks of Flowserve Corporation.

48-16 Flowserve Corporation, Valtek Control Products, Tel. USA 801 489 8611
Valtek Position Pac

The following instructions are designed to assist with Position Pac’s sealed construction provides protection
installing, calibrating and troubleshooting the Valtek® from the entry of water, dust and oil as defined by the
Position Pac™ valve position indicator. Product users National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA)
and maintenance personnel should thoroughly review 1, 3, 3R, 4, 12 and 13. Position Pac is also explosion-
this bulletin in conjunction with the maintenance bulletin proof, providing protection from flammable hydrocarbon
for the appropriate valve body and actuator being used. atmospheres, metal dust, coal dust, and grain dust. It is
UL and CSA listed for Class I, Division 1, Groups B, C, D;
To avoid possible injury to personnel or damage Class II, Division 1, Groups E, F, G (See Table I). All
to valve parts, WARNING and CAUTION notes electrical wiring should be installed per NEC articles
must be strictly adhered to. Modifying this prod- 501-4 and 501-5.
uct, substituting non-factory or inferior parts, or WARNING: Keep hands, hair, clothing, etc. away
using maintenance procedures other than out- from moving parts when operating the valve. Fail-
lined could drastically affect performance, be ure to do so can cause serious injury.
hazardous to personnel and equipment, and may INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS
void existing warranties.
The following instructions are designed to assist in the
field installation of Position Pac units.
Valtek Linear Actuators
Position Pac is a ‘package’ unit containing a potenti-
ometer and transmitter, two or four limit switches, or a To install Position Pac on Valtek linear actuators, refer
combination of a transmitter and two limit switches. to Figures 1 and 2, and proceed as follows:

The position transmitter utilizes a potentiometer to 1. Remove the name plate from the yoke leg opposite
measure the valve’s position and a transmitter circuit from the stroke indicator plate.
that sends a 4 to 20 mA electrical signal to a remote 2. Using the two tapped holes, attach the Position Pac
monitoring device. Position Pac will continuously trans- mounting bracket to the yoke leg using two mounting
mit the position of a control valve as it modulates bolts. When facing this yoke leg, the bracket will jog
between the open and closed positions. in towards the valve center and protrude to the left.
The limit switches in Position Pac can be independently 3. Remove the nut from the stem clamp bolting. Place
set to indicate open, closed or any intermediate valve the tripper bracket on the bolt so the ‘S’ shape ex-
position. tends down. Replace the nut and tighten it firmly.

Valtek No.
Flowserve 62152 Valtek Control Products,
Corporation, Flowserve
USA 801 489 Valtek
8611Control Products, Tel. USA 801 489 8611 29-1
Figure 1: Linear Application – Front View Figure 2: Linear Application – Rear View
(cover removed) (cover removed)

Table I: Model Configuration

Electrical Area
Explosion Proof
Sealed Housing
Model Description NEMA Class I Division Class II Division CENELEC Rating
Switches Size
4 1 & 2 (Group) 1 & 2 (Group) Approval
Analog Transmitter with two her-
TH2 UL Yes Long
metically sealed SPDT switches
Two hermetically sealed SPDT
H2TS UL Yes Long
switches with terminal switch
TX Analog transmitter UL/CSA No Short
Analog transmitter with two Pending
TA2 UL No Long
SPDT switches
A2 Two SPDT switches UL No Short
A4 Four SPDT switches UL No Long
Two SPDT switches with
A2TS UL No Long
terminal strip

Table II: Linear Mounting Information 4. Mount Position Pac to the bracket using the mount-
ing holes as specified in Table II: Insert the lever
Actuator Valve Spud Kit Hole
onto the switch shaft. On larger actuators (size 50
Size Stroke Size No.* Set
and larger) that use the adjustable lever arm, adjust
(sq. in.) (inch) (inch) (Mounting)
the length so that the center of the roller rests on the
25 0.5-1.0 2.00 37434 bottom of slot center of the tripper bracket. To preload the Position
1.5 2.00 37434 top of slot Pac’s restoring spring, be certain the control valve is
50 0.5-2.5 2.62 37345 bottom holes in its minimum signal position. Loosen the lever arm
3.0 2.62 37345 top holes clamp screw with a 0.14-inch ( 9/ 64) hex wrench,
allowing the arm to turn on the shaft. While holding
100 1.0-3.5 2.62/2.88 37436 bottom holes the arm in contact with the bottom of the tripper
& larger 4.0 3.38 37630 top holes bracket and using a slotted screwdriver to rotate the
4.0 4.75 71636 top holes switch shaft perform the following (all rotation direc-
*Kit includes: bracket, arm, trip lever or stem clamp with trip lever tion instructions are as viewed from the lever arm
nuts and bolts. side of the Position Pac):

29-2 Flowserve Corporation, Valtek Control Products, Tel. USA 801 489 8611
Figure 3: Rotary Application – Rear View Figure 4: Rotary Application – Front View
(cover removed; air-to-close valve) (cover removed; air-to-close valve)

For direct-acting, air-to-open actuators, rotate the 6. To adjust the limit switches and/or position transmit-
shaft counter clockwise as far as it will go, then back ter, remove the housing cover and refer to the Cali-
off approximately 5 to 10 degrees. For direct-acting, bration section in this document.
air-to- close actuators, rotate the shaft counter clock- WARNING: On explosion-proof installations,
wise approximately 5 to 10 degrees. disconnect electrical power or be certain the
For reverse-acting, air-to-open actuators, rotate the area is safe from combustible atmospheres be-
shaft counter clockwise approximately 5 to 10 de- fore removing the housing cover.
grees. For reverse-acting, air-to-close actuators, 7. Replace the housing cover.
rotate the shaft counter clockwise as far as possible,
8. Reinstall the name plate to the mounting bracket.
then back off approximately 5 to 10 degrees. With the
slot in this position, tighten lever arm clamp screw NOTE: Name plate reinstallation is important for
tightly (until the teller tab will not move). With this pro- valve identification/servicing purposes.
cedure completed, stroke valve to ensure spring is
preloaded throughout the entire valve travel. Valtek Rotary Actuators
5. To make electrical connections, remove the housing To install Position Pac on Valtek rotary actuators, refer
cover. to Figures 3 and 4, and proceed as follows:
WARNING: On explosion-proof installations, 1. Mount the bracket to the mounting pad on the back-
disconnect electrical power or be certain the side of the actuator using two 0.31-inch (5/16) mount-
area is safe from combustible atmospheres be- ing bolts.
fore removing the housing cover. 2. Mount the Position Pac to the bracket using four
(Refer to the specifications in Table IV for component 0.31-inch (5/16) mounting bolts and nuts.
electrical ratings.) Attach transmitter signal wiring to 3. Loosely mount the trip lever to the valve shaft within
the transmitter terminal block, using caution to attach the yoke.
the positive and negative wires to the appropriate 4. Attach the switch lever to the Position Pac shaft.
5. Connect the linkage assembly to both levers as
CAUTION: Do not apply a voltage greater than 40 shown in Figure 3.
volts to the transmitter terminals or the circuit 6. Measure the approximate radius of the trip lever from
will be damaged. the center of the valve shaft to the linkage assembly
Attach limit switch wiring to the ‘COMM’ (common) connection (not the end of the lever). Next, adjust
and either ‘NC’ (normally closed) or ‘NO’ (normally the switch lever to approximately the same radius
open) terminals according to the needed signal. and tighten.

Flowserve Corporation, Valtek Control Products, Tel. USA 801 489 8611 29-3
Table III: Rotary Mounting Kits ‘NC’ (normally closed) or ‘NO’ (normally open) termi-
nals according to the needed signal.
Actuator Valve Shaft
Size Diameter Kit No.* WARNING: On explosion-proof installations,
(sq. in.) (inches) disconnect electrical power or be certain the
area is safe from combustible atmospheres be-
25 0.62 97556
fore removing the housing cover.
25 0.75 97557
25 0.88 97558 11. To adjust the limit switches and/or the position trans-
mitter, remove the housing cover and refer to the
50 0.62 97559
Calibration section in this document.
50 0.75 97560
50 0.88 97561 12. Replace the housing cover.
50 1.12 97562 CALIBRATION
100 0.88 97563 When a Position Pac is installed in the field or a factory
100 1.12 97564 installed unit needs to have output signal adjustments
100 1.50 97565 made, refer to Figure 5 and proceed as follows:
100 1.75 97566
*Kit includes: bracket, trip lever, switch lever, linkage assembly, Limit Switch
nuts and bolts. Position Pac limit switches are adjusted at the factory
7. With the actuator at its minimum signal position, before shipment and should not require on-site adjust-
slide the trip lever along the shaft until the linkage ment. However, if the mechanical lever has shifted
assembly is parallel to the mounting bracket. At the position, the unit may need readjustment. To readjust
same time, rotate the trip lever until it is at a 45- the limit switch, proceed as follows:
degree angle to the mounting bracket and pointing CAUTION: If the valve cannot be stroked without
toward the top yoke bolt closest to the Position Pac. disturbing the process fluid, bypassing or remov-
Tighten the trip lever on the shaft in this position. ing the valve from the line may be necessary before
8. Adjust the linkage assembly until the switch lever is calibrating the Position Pac.
approximately the same angle as the trip lever and WARNING: Prior to removing the valve from the line,
the linkage assembly is horizontal. To preload the depressurize the line to atmospheric pressure, drain
Position Pac's restoring spring (used to remove all process fluid and, if caustic or hazardous mate-
backlash in the linkage), be certain the actuator is in rial are present, decontaminate the valve. Failure to
its minimum signal position and perform the follow- do so can cause serious injury.
ing using a slotted screw driver to rotate the switch 1. Stroke the valve to the closed position.
shaft (all rotation direction instructions are as viewed
WARNING: Keep hands, hair, clothing, etc. away
from the lever arm side of the Position Pac):
from moving parts when operating the valve.
For direct-acting, air-to-open actuators, rotate the Failure to do so can cause serious injury.
shaft counter clockwise as far as it will go, then back
2. Remove the housing cover from the Position Pac.
off approximately 5 to 10 degrees. For direct-acting,
WARNING: On explosion-proof installations,
air-to-close actuators, rotate the shaft clockwise
disconnect electrical power or be certain the
approximately 5 degrees.
area is safe from combustible atmospheres be-
For reverse-acting, air-to-open actuators, rotate the fore removing the housing cover.
shaft clockwise approximately 5 degrees. For re-
3. Lift the appropriate cam follower lever. Move the
verse-acting, air-to-close actuators, rotate the shaft
cam wheel axially to disengage the teeth on the
counter clockwise as far as possible, then back off
wheel from the teeth on the shaft disc.
approximately 5 to 10 degrees.
4. Turn the cam wheel to the desired position. Each
With the slot in this position, tighten the lever arm
notch on the cam wheel represents an operating
clamp screw tightly (until the teller tab will not move).
point change of 70 20'.
9. If possible, stroke the valve; the linkage assembly
5. When the cam wheel has been rotated to the desired
should travel back and forth remaining horizontal.
location, slide the cam wheel to engage with the
10. To make electrical connections, remove the hous- mating shaft disc. (For finer adjustment, use the
ing cover. (Refer to the specifications in Table IV for setscrew in the cam follower.)
the component electrical ratings.) Attach the trans-
6. Release the cam follower lever.
mitter signal wiring to the transmitter terminal block,
using caution to attach the positive and negative 7. Cycle the valve and check for proper adjustment.
wires to the appropriate terminal. Attach the limit Readjust if necessary.
switch signal wiring to ‘COMM’ (common) and either 8. Replace the housing cover.

29-4 Flowserve Corporation, Valtek Control Products, Tel. USA 801 489 8611
Limit switch
adjustment cams
(not shown)
block Transmitter span
adjusting screw
Limit switch
wiring terminal

Transmitter zero
clockwise switch
Adjusting Screw

Figure 5: Calibration Points

Position Transmitter 5. Referring to Figure 5, adjust the ZERO adjusting

screw with a small, straight end screw driver, until the
1. Remove the housing cover from the Position Pac. meter reads 4 mA DC.
WARNING: On explosion-proof installations, 6. Stroke the valve to the open position.
disconnect electrical power or be certain the
area is safe from combustible atmospheres be- 7. Adjust the SPAN adjusting screw until the meter
fore removing the housing cover. reads 20 mA DC.
2. Wire the Position Pac transmitter in series with a 8. Stroke valve to the closed position and recheck the
12.5-40 VDC power supply and a milliamp meter. meter for 4 mA DC. Some readjusting of the calibra-
tion may be required. Repeat steps 4-8 until satis-
NOTE: Instructions within parenthesis ( ) refer to fied.
older Position Pac models characterized by a white
label. 9. If calibration is unsuccessful after following this pro-
cedure, one of two problems may exist: (a) The ori-
CAUTION: Do not apply a voltage greater than 40 entation of the Position Pac stem may need to be
volts to transmitter terminals or the circuit will be adjusted. (b) The ZERO and SPAN potentiometers
damaged. may be adjusted out of range.
3. Be certain the CW/CCW Switch located next to the NOTE: The electrical travel of the potentiometer is
potentiometer (Direct/Reverse Switch located next 340 (150) degrees. To operate properly, the poten-
to the wire terminal block) is set to provide the de- tiometer wiper must stay within the center 185 de-
sired output signal action. In the CW (DIR) position, grees of its 340 degree electrical range during the full
a clockwise rotation of the Position Pac shaft will stroke of the valve.
cause the output signal to increase. In the CCW
(REV) position, a counterclockwise stem rotation 9a. To adjust, stroke the valve to its middle position.
causes the signal to increase. Loosen the potentiometer collar nut. While measur-
ing the voltage between pins 1 and 2 on the back of
4. Stroke the valve to the closed position. the potentiometer, rotate the potentiometer until the
WARNING: Keep hands, hair, clothing, etc. away voltage is between 0.55 and 0.65 volts. Retighten
from moving parts when operating the valve. the potentiometer being careful to keep the potenti-
Failure to do so can cause serious injury. ometer oriented in the same position.

Flowserve Corporation, Valtek Control Products, Tel. USA 801 489 8611 29-5
9b. Set the ZERO and SPAN potentiometers to their NOTE: Instructions within parenthesis ( ) refer to older
approximate middle position. This is accomplished Position Pac models characterized by a white label.
by first turning each potentiometer clockwise 25 1. Remove the housing cover.
turns or until a ‘click’ is either felt or heard. Then turn
each potentiometer counterclockwise approxi- WARNING: On explosion-proof installations,
mately 12 complete turns. Repeat steps 2 through 8 disconnect electrical power or be certain the
to complete calibration. area is safe from combustible atmospheres be-
fore removing the housing cover.
10. Replace the housing cover.
2. Locate the switch next to the position transmitter’s
wiring terminal. Move switch to the opposite posi-
REVERSING POSITION TRANSMITTER tion, CCW or CW (DIR or REV). Repeat steps 3-9 in
SIGNAL the Calibration section for the position transmitter.
The following instructions should be used when the sig- NOTE: The SPAN potentiometer will generally not
nal being transmitted from the position transmitter is need readjustment.
either incorrect or needs to be reversed. Refer to 3. Replace the housing cover.
Figure 5.

Table IV: Specifications

Analog Output
Power Supply Range 12.5 to 40 VDC (24V DC typical)
Maximum Load Maximum Resistance (ohms) =
Resistance Supply Voltage - 12.5
(see Figure 3) 0.02
Current Signal Output 4-20 mA
Span Adjustable from 5° to 100° of angular
Null 4 mA position may be set at any angular
Linearity ±1.0% full-scale*
Repeatability ±0.25% full-scale
Hysteresis ±1.0% full-scale
Operating -40O to 185O F (-40O to 85O C)
Temperature Range
Ambient Temperature For a 100O F (38O C) change in ambient
Range temperature, maximum zero shift is
±0.4% full scale, maximum span
Figure 6: Wiring Diagram shift is ±0.7% full scale
Power Supply Output signal changes less than
0.05% when supply voltage is varied
Max. Load Resistance, RL(Ω)

between 12.5 and 40 volts dc
1250 RL max = V PS - 12.5V
20 mA Limit Switches
(SPDT) 20 amps, 125, 250, 480 VAC, ind. and
750 UL/CSA Rating (L23) res. 1 Hp. 125 VAC; 2 Hp, 250 VAC, 0.5
amp. 125 VDC; 0.25 amp, 250 VDC res.
250 Mechanical
Input motion ±105O from the center; spring
loaded to return to the center
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Power Supply Voltage, VPS (volts) * Linearity is ±1.0% for 90O rotary shaft input. When mounted to
linear travel valves, linearity is dependent on linkage design and
stroke length. Typical linearity is ±1.5% full-scale on Valtek Mark
Figure 7: Power Supply Requirements One control valves.

29-6 Flowserve Corporation, Valtek Control Products, Tel. USA 801 489 8611
Rotary Short Housing Long Housing
1.26 dia. max. 0.88 4.09 max. 0.88 5.71 max.
32 22 104 22 145
0.72 40 0.37 3.78 max. 0.37 3.78 max.
18 9 96 9 133

3.15 2.38 typ 3.86 dia. 3.82 dia.
80 60 98 0.29 dia. 97

0.75 - 14 NPT
0.80 (5 full threads min.) (2) 0.80 0.75 - 14 NPT
0.33 dia. thru (4) 20 20 (5 full threads min.) (2)
8 1.00 Eight side mounting holes 1.00
25 can be tapped 5/16 - 18-inch 25

0.50 14
0.49 0.75 25
12 19
Lever Actuators Adjust
6 1.50 - 3.70
38 - 94
1.50 103
Front Mounting 38 4

0.39 0.31
10 0.72 8
0.83 18 0.16
21 4
0.74 0.09
19 2

Figure 8: Dimensions

Flowserve Corporation, Valtek Control Products, Tel. USA 801 489 8611 29-7
Failure Probable Cause Corrective Action
Operation erratic 1. Loose bracket bolting 1. Tighten bolting bracket to yoke leg or transfer
and inconsistent case: readjust position transmitter and switches
2. Loose Position Pac mounting 2. Tighten mounting screws, readjust position
screws transmitter and switches
3. Loose tripper bracket 3. Tighten tripper bracket or extended spline
(linear actuator) or extended connector
spline connector (rotary
4. Internal or electrical 4a. Ensure that terminal block connections are
malfunction tight
4b. Check for foreign material in contact with printed
circuit board or components
4c. Check for components or wires broken loose
from printed circuit board
4d. Check that the switch is fully set in desired
Indicating 1. Incorrect adjustment 1. Refer to Calibration section, step 9
incorrect position
2. Internal or electrical 2a. Ensure that terminal block connections are
2b. Check for foreign material in contact with printed
circuit board or components
2c. Check for components or wires broken loose
from printed circuit board
2d. Check that the switch is fully set in desired

Flowserve Corporation has established industry leadership in the design and manufacture of its products. When properly selected, this Flowserve product is designed to perform its
intended function safely during its useful life. However, the purchaser or user of Flowserve products should be aware that Flowserve products might be used in numerous applications
under a wide variety of industrial service conditions. Although Flowserve can (and often does) provide general guidelines, it cannot provide specific data and warnings for all possible
applications. The purchaser/user must therefore assume the ultimate responsibility for the proper sizing and selection, installation, operation and maintenance of Flowserve products.
The purchaser/user should read and understand the Installation Operation Maintenance (IOM) instructions included with the product, and train its employees and contractors in the safe
use of Flowserve products in connection with the specific application.
While the information and specifications presented in this literature are believed to be accurate, they are supplied for informative purposes only and should not be considered certified or
as a guarantee of satisfactory results by reliance thereon. Nothing contained herein is to be construed as a warranty or guarantee, express or implied, regarding any matter with respect
to this product. Because Flowserve is continually improving and upgrading its product design, the specifications, dimensions and information contained herein are subject to change
without notice. Should any question arise concerning these provisions, the purchaser/user should contact Flowserve Corporation at any of its worldwide operations or offices.

For more information, contact: For more information about Flowserve, contact www.flowserve.com or call USA 972 443 6500

Regional Headquarters 12, av. du Québec, B.P. 645 104 Chelsea Parkway
91965, Courtaboeuf Cedex, Boothwyn, PA 19061 USA
1350 N. Mt. Springs Prkwy. France Phone 610 497 8600
Springville, UT 84663 Phone (33 1) 60 92 32 51 Facsimile 610 497 6680
Phone 801 489 8611 Facsimile (33 1) 60 92 32 99
Facsimile 801 489 3719 1300 Parkway View Drive
Quick Response Centers Pittsburgh, PA 15205 USA
12 Tuas Avenue 20 Phone 412 787 8803
Republic of Signapore 638824 5114 Railroad Street Facsimile 412 787 1944
Phone (65) 862 3332 Deer Park, TX 77536 USA
Facsimile (65) 862 4940 Phone 281 479 9500
Facsimile 281 479 8511
Flowserve and Valtek are registered trademarks of Flowserve Corporation.

FCD Flowserve Corporation,
© 2000 Flowserve Corporation. Flowserve Corporation, Valtek
Valtek Control ControlTel.
Products, Products, Tel.
USA 801 489USA 801 489 8611
Installation & Maintenance Instructions SERIES
Form No.V6943R1
Temperature Limitations
NOTICE: See separate solenoid installation and maintenance
instructions for information on: Wiring, Solenoid Temperature, Temperature Ranges
Cause of Improper Operation and Solenoid Replacement. Catalog No. 8327G1 & 8321G2
-4_F (-20_C) to 131_F (55_C)
DESCRIPTION Catalog No. 8327G1
Series 8327 valves are 3-way, 2-position (3/2) solenoid valves -4_F (-20_C) to 176_F (80_C)
designed for general service. Valves are made of rugged brass or Fluid
stainless steel. Series 8327 valves may be provided with a general Catalog No 8327G2
purpose or explosionproof/watertight solenoid. -4_F (-20_C) to 248_F (120_C)
Ambient Catalog No. 8327G11 & 8327G12
OPERATION & Fluid -40_F (-40_C) to 131_F (55_C)
Normally Closed: Applies pressure when solenoid is energized.
Solenoid De-energized: Flow is from Port 2 to Port 1. Port 3 is This valve is designed to perform properly when mounted in any
closed. position. However, for optimum life and performance, the solenoid
Solenoid Energized: Flow is from Port 3 to Port 2. Port 1 is closed. should be mounted vertically and upright to reduce the possibility of
Normally Open: Applies pressure when solenoid is de-energized. foreign matter accumulating in the solenoid base sub-assembly area.
Solenoid De-energized: Flow is from Port 1 to Port 2. Port 3 is Mounting
closed. For mounting dimensions, refer to Figure 1.
Solenoid Energized: Flow is from Port 2 to Port 3. Port 1 is closed. Piping
Universal Connect piping to valve according to markings on valve body. Apply
For normally closed, normally open, selection or diversion flow. pipe compound sparingly to male pipe threads only. If applied to
Pressure can be applied at any port. valve threads, the compound may enter the valve and cause
operational difficulty. Avoid pipe strain by properly supporting and
aligning piping. When tightening the pipe, do not use valve or
Flow Diagrams solenoid as a lever. Locate wrenches applied to valve body or piping
as close as possible to connection point.

CAUTION: To protect the solenoid valve, install a strainer

NORMALLY 1 2 1 2 or filter suitable for the service involved in the inlet side as
CLOSED close to the valve as possible. Clean periodically depending
PRESSURE AT 3 3 3 on service conditions. See ASCO Series 8600, 8601 and 8602
for strainers.
PRESSURE AT 1 3 3 WARNING: To prevent the possibility of death,
serious injury or property damage, turn off electrical
power, depressurize valve, and vent fluid to a safe area
UNIVERSAL 1 2 1 2 before servicing the valve.
ANY PORT 3 3 NOTE: It is not necessary to remove the valve from the pipeline for
INSTALLATION All solenoid valves should be cleaned periodically. The time between
Check nameplate for correct catalog number, pressure, voltage, cleanings will vary depending on the medium and service conditions.
frequency, and service. Never apply incompatible fluids or exceed In general, if the voltage to the coil is correct, sluggish valve operation,
pressure rating of the valve. Installation and valve maintenance to be excessive noise or leakage will indicate that cleaning is required. In
performed by qualified personnel. the extreme case, faulty valve operation will occur and the valve may
fail to shift. Clean strainer or filter when cleaning the valve.
Future Service Considerations Preventive Maintenance
Provision should be made for performing seat leakage, external S Keep the medium flowing through the valve as free from dirt and
leakage, and operational tests on the valve with a nonhazardous, foreign material as possible.
noncombustible fluid after disassembly and reassembly.

e MCMXCIX All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A. Page 1 of 2

ASCO Valves 50-60 Hanover Road, Florham Park, New Jersey 07932
S While in service, the valve should be operated at least once a 3. Install core/insert sub-assembly into body cavity and push it
month to insure proper opening and closing. gently down until the gasket of the insert just seals in the cavity
S Depending on the medium and service conditions, periodic of the body.
inspection of internal valve parts for damage or excessive wear is 4. Install core spring in top of core/insert sub-assembly. Close
recommended. Thoroughly clean all parts. If parts are worn or end of core spring protrudes from top of core.
damaged, install a complete ASCO Rebuild Kit. 5. Install solenoid base gasket and solenoid base sub-assembly.
Causes of Improper Operation Torque solenoid base sub-assembly to 260 ± 25 in-lbs [30 ±3
S Incorrect Pressure: Check valve pressure. Pressure to valve must Nm].
be within range specified on nameplate. 6. Install solenoid. See separate instructions.
S Excessive Leakage: Disassemble valve and clean all parts. If parts
are worn or damaged, install a complete ASCO Rebuild Kit. WARNING: To prevent the possibility of death,
serious injury or property damage, check valve for
Valve Disassembly proper operation before returning to service. Also
1. Disassemble valve in an orderly fashion using exploded views
perform internal seat and external leakage tests with
for identification and placement of parts.
2. Remove solenoid, see separate instructions.
a nonhazardous, noncombustible fluid.
3. Unscrew solenoid base sub-assembly from valve body and 7. Restore line pressure and electrical power supply to valve.
remove solenoid base gasket. 8. After maintenance is completed, operate the valve a few times
4. Remove core spring from top of core/insert sub-assembly. to be sure of proper operation. A metallic click signifies the
5. Pull core/insert sub-assembly from valve body cavity and solenoid is operating.
remove insert gasket.
6. All parts are now accessible for cleaning or replacement. If ORDERING INFORMATION
parts are worn or damaged, install a complete ASCO Rebuild FOR ASCO REBUILD KITS
Parts marked with an asterisk (*) in the exploded view are supplied in
Valve Reassembly Rebuild Kits. When Ordering Rebuild Kits for ASCO valves, order
1. Lubricate all gaskets with DOW CORNINGr 111 Compound the Rebuild Kit number stamped on the valve nameplate. If the
lubricant or an equivalent high-grade silicone grease. number of the kit is not visible, order by indicating the number of kits
2. Snap insert gasket into the groove of the core/insert required, and the Catalog Number and Serial Number of the valve(s)
sub-assembly. Be sure to use the proper size gasket. for which they are intended.

Torque Chart
Part Name Torque Value Inch-Pounds Torque Value Newton-Meters
Solenoid base sub-assembly 260 ± 25 30 ± 3

Indicates Parts Supplied

In ASCO Rebuild Kits solenoid base

solenoid base gasket Valve Body

Mounting Dimensions
core spring
(closed end of core spring [Ø5,5]
.216 diameter
protrudes from top of core) mounting hole through
(2 places)
.47 [23]
insert gasket
1.06 [30]
valve body [13] 1.18

Figure 1. Series 8327 valve without solenoid.

Page 2 of 2 Form No. V6943R1

ASCO Valves 50-60 Hanover Road, Florham Park, New Jersey 07932
NT3000 Series Installation
Electro-Pneumatic Transducer Module Operation
FCD VLAIM0047-02 – 09/04 Maintenance

Experience In Motion
NT 3000 Series Electro-Pneumatic Transducer Module FCD VLAIM0047-00 - 09/04

General Information 3
Transducer Operation 4
Converting Positioner Input Signal 4
Calibration 4
Adjusting the Pressure Regulator Output 6
Adjusting the Pressure Modulator 6
Maintenance 9
Inspection and Replacement of the Transducer Orifice 9
Service and Replacement of the Transducer Filter 9
Service and Replacement of the Transducer Vent Element
(not applicable for vented model) 9
Service and Maintenance of the Transducer Circuit Board 10
Disassembly and Reassembly
of the Transducer Pressure Regulator 11
Removal and Replacement
of the Transducer Pressure Modulator 12
Parts List 13
Spare Part Kits 14
Standard Explosion Proof EMI / RFI Wiring
Installation Procedures (using conduit) 15
Troubleshooting 16
NT 3000 Model Numbers 17
Adjusting the Minimum Pressure Cutoff Feature
on Old Transducers 18

NT 3000 Series Electro-Pneumatic Transducer Module FCD VLAIM0047-00 - 09/04

General Information The NT 3000 series transducer is certified for the following locations:

This bulletin is designed to assist in installing, calibrating, trouble- Intrinsically Safe: See Figure 1
shooting and performing maintenance as required for the Flowserve Class I, Div. 1, Groups A, B, C, D
Valtek® NT 3000 series electro-pneumatic transducer. Class II, Groups E, F, G
Product users and maintenance personnel should read thoroughly and
Class I, Div. 1, Groups B, C, D
follow exactly the instructions contained in this bulletin prior to opera-
Class II, Div. 1, Groups E, F, G
tion of the transducer. If there is any question concerning this bulletin,
call a Flowserve representative.

To avoid possible injury to personnel or damage to equipment, users II 2 G, EEx d IIB + H2

must strictly adhere to WARNING and CAUTION notes. Modifying EEx ia IIC
this product, substituting non-factory or inferior parts, or using II 2G EEx d IIB+H2
maintenance procedures other than outlined could drastically affect II 1G EEx ia IIC
performance, be hazardous to personnel and equipment, and may void II 1D EEx ia IIC (90°C)
existing warranties. II 3G EEx nL
II 3D EEx nL (70°C)
c WARNING: This product has electrical conduit connections in T6, Tamb -40°C to 40°C
thread sizes ½-inch NPT or M20 (distinguished by the letter
T5, Tamb -40°C to 75°C
“M” stamped on the conduit port) which appear identical but
T4, Tamb -40°C to 110°C
are not interchangeable. Forcing dissimilar threads together
Ex d, IIB + H2 T6 IP65
will damage equipment, cause personal injury and void SAA
Ex ia IIC T5 IP 65
hazardous location certifications. Conduit fittings must match
equipment housing threads before installation. If threads do
Since the positioner is insensitive to supply pressure changes and
not match, obtain suitable adapters or contact a Flowserve
can handle supply pressures from 30 to 150 psi, a supply regulator is
usually not required; however, a coalescing air filter is highly recom-
NOTE: Numbers in parenthesis correspond to the part item numbers in mended.
Figure 8.
c WARNING: Substitution of components may impair intrinsic
The Valtek NT 3000 series electro-pneumatic transducer is used with safety.
a milliampere electrical control signal. It is interchangeable with the XL
series or Beta series pneumatic positioners and can be mounted on NOTE: The air supply should conform to ISA-7.0.01 (a dew point at
either Valtek linear or rotary actuators without modification. least 18°F / -7.8°C below ambient temperature, particle size below five
microns, oil content not to exceed one part per million).

NT 3000 Series Electro-Pneumatic Transducer Module FCD VLAIM0047-00 - 09/04

Transducer Operation Calibration

The NT 3000 is considered an ‘active’ I/P transducer. An active Valtek positioners mounted on valves are calibrated at the factory;
device has gain and controls the current through transistors, diodes, however, it may be necessary to recalibrate the transducer before oper-
capacitors, resistors, and integrated circuits. A ‘passive’ transducer ating the valve. The zero and span of the NT 3000 transducer are set to
has no gain characteristics and consists of a large coil with a fixed close tolerances at the factory and normally do not need adjustment.
resistance (i.e., fixed voltage drop). The effective impedance of an active
If required, the NT 3000 transducer can be recalibrated either while
transducer varies with the input current. The NT 3000 transducer is a
mounted on the XL or Beta positioner or while mounted on a calibra-
current-powered device that can be modeled as a 5.7 V zener diode in
tion manifold. Calibration manifolds are available from the factory
series with a 17-ohm resistor. For a DCS system output of 4-20 mA,
(PN 097370.999.000). To calibrate the I/P transducer zero and span
the voltage drop across the transducer varies between 5.7 V and 6.1
settings, refer to Figures 4 or 5 and proceed as follows.
V while the impedance varies between 1330 ohms and 270 ohms.
Flowserve recommends an operating voltage of 6.5 VDC (i.e. the DCS NOTE: Although calibration can be accomplished using the output
system should allow for at least 6.5 V loop load across the NT 3000 pressure gauge on the I/P transducer, its accuracy is ±3 percent. It is
terminals; not that a 6.5 V supply is connected to the transducer.) recommended that the standard gauge be removed for calibration and
that more accurate calibration equipment of ±0.1 percent of span be
The transducer receives a 4 to 20 mA signal and converts it to a
used. The pressure gauge port is 1⁄8-inch NPT.
3-15 psi output signal.
1. Connect the 30-150 psi supply pressure to the positioner or calibra-
The supply pressure to the NT 3000 is filtered as it passes through
tion manifold.
a field-replaceable, coalescing filter element in the transducer. The
air then passes through an internal pressure regulator that regulates 2. Remove the I/P transducer housing cover.
the pressure to approximately 23 psi. The supply pressure then goes
through an orifice that restricts the flow and air consumption. Refer to c WARNING: Disconnect power to the I/P module before
Figures 2 and 3. removing the housing cover in explosive atmospheres;
otherwise, personal injury may occur.
The air is further controlled to 3-15 psi using a diaphragm flapper that
is attracted by an electromagnet to a nozzle. A temperature-compen- 3. Connect an adjustable current source to the terminal block on the
sated piezoresistive pressure sensor mounted on a circuit board senses circuit board.
the transducer output pressure. The pressure sensor and circuitry
create a feedback loop that determines how much current to send to the NOTE: The zero and span adjustments are multi-turn
electromagnet for a desired pressure output. The electromagnet in the potentiometers (pots) that have no stops on the ends of their travel;
feedback loop varies the nozzle-flapper spacing, which regulates the I/P however, they have a slip clutch to prevent damage from over-
output pressure to 3-15 psi. adjustment. The pots also make a clicking noise when they have
reached the limits of their adjustment.

4. Apply a 4 mA signal to the input. Adjust the zero trim pot to achieve
Converting Positioner Input Signal a 3 psi output. The output will increase with clockwise rotation of
the zero trim pot.
XL series or Beta series positioners can be adapted to
4 to 20 mA (I/P) or pneumatic signal (3-15 psi). For pneumatic opera- 5. Increase the input signal to 20 mA. Adjust the span trim pot to
tion, the positioner is fitted with the pneumatic adapter. For electrical achieve a 15 psi output. The output will increase with clockwise
operation, the positioner is equipped with the NT 3000 transducer. rotation of the span.
Refer to the appropriate Flowserve Installation, Operation, Maintenance
Instructions. 6. Recheck the zero setting by repeating Step 4. The span adjustment
may affect the zero setting.

7. Repeat Steps 4, 5 and 6 until the proper adjustments are obtained.

NT 3000 Series Electro-Pneumatic Transducer Module FCD VLAIM0047-00 - 09/04

Figure 1 – Intrinsically Safe Installation Schematic

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Figure 2 – NT 3000 Transducer Schematic Figure 3 – NT 3000 Transducer Orifice Screw






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NT 3000 Series Electro-Pneumatic Transducer Module FCD VLAIM0047-00 - 09/04

Adjusting the Pressure Adjusting the Pressure Modulator

Regulator Output The pressure modulator is factory set and normally does not need
adjustment; however, if adjustment is necessary refer to Figures 6 and
The setpoint of the internal pressure regulator is set at the factory 7, proceed as follows.
and normally does not need adjustment. However, if it is necessary to
check or adjust the pressure regulator, refer to Figure 8 then proceed as NOTE: Although the pressure modulator can be adjusted using the
follows. standard output pressure gauge on the NT 3000 transducer, its
accuracy is ±3 percent. It is recommended that the standard gauge be
1. Disconnect the positioner’s air supply (or calibration manifold). removed for calibration and more accurate calibration equipment of
2. Detach the vent cover (20) and unscrew the vent element (21). For ±0.1 percent of span be used or use a manifold block with an accurate
vented models, the pipe fitting replaced the vent cover and element. pressure sensor. The pressure gauge port is 1⁄8-inch NPT.

3. Plug the vent port with a 1⁄8-inch NPT plug, being certain the plug is 1. Remove the NT 3000 transducer housing cover (1).
c WARNING: Disconnect power to the I/P transducer before
4. Plug the electrical port with a ½-inch NPT plug, being certain the removing the housing cover in explosive atmospheres;
electrical port is airtight. otherwise, personal injury may occur.

5. Be certain housing cover (1) is screwed on airtight. 2. Disconnect the loop power electrical connection from the circuit
6. Reconnect or turn on the supply pressure to the positioner or board.
calibration manifold. 3. Apply supply air pressure to the NT 3000 transducer and observe
7. Observe pressure indicated by the pressure gauge on the NT 3000 the pressure indicated by the NT 3000 transducer pressure gauge.
transducer. With the ports plugged and cover on, the indicated If the indicated pressure is 2.00 ±0.20 psi the pressure modulator is
pressure is the setpoint of the internal pressure regulator. Its value adjusted correctly; reconnect the loop power electrical connection
should be 23 psi (±3 psi). If the setpoint is within this range it to the circuit board and reinstall the housing cover. If the indicated
needs no further adjustment, proceed to Step 9. If it is not within pressure is not 2.0 ±0.20 psi, turn off the supply pressure and
this range, continue with Step 8. continue with step 4.

8. Remove pressure regulator setscrew (40). Apply a drop of thread 4. Remove the three screws (3) holding the circuit board in place and
locking compound (Loctite No. 222 or equivalent) to the setscrew. carefully pull the circuit board straight out of the housing. Discon-
Install and turn the setscrew clockwise until the pressure indicated nect the pressure modulator electrical connector from the bottom
by the I/P transducer pressure gauge on the NT 3000 transducer is of the circuit board.
23 psi (±3 psi). 5. Securely plug the pressure sensor port with a .188 inch diameter
9. Disconnect the air supply pressure to the positioner (or calibration rod. Be careful not to damage the pressure sensor O-ring (46) in
manifold). the pressure sensor port.

10. Remove the 1⁄8-inch NPT plug from the vent port and reinstall the c WARNING: Rod may be ejected from port with high
vent element (21) and the vent cover (20) into the I/P transducer pressures. Use care to avoid personal injury.
housing. If vented model is used, replace pipe fitting instead of vent
cover and element. A damaged O-ring must be replaced with the appropriate part from
Soft Goods Kit 5. Remove O-ring with a small screwdriver.
11. Remove the ½-inch NPT plug from electrical port.
6. Connect the air supply pressure to the positioner.
12. Reconnect the air supply pressure to the positioner.

NT 3000 Series Electro-Pneumatic Transducer Module FCD VLAIM0047-00 - 09/04

7. Remove the “Factory Calibrated” sticker from the pressure modu- 11. Reinstall the circuit board by engaging the pressure sensor tube
lator cover (8). Turn the setscrew (6) until the pressure indicated and pressing it straight into the housing. Be careful not to damage
on the pressure gauge on the NT 3000 transducer is 2.0 psi (±0.20 the pressure sensor O-ring or pinch the modulator connector wires
psi). This is the correct pressure modulator adjustment. while installing the circuit board. Apply thread locking compound to
the three circuit board screws and replace.
8. Disconnect the air supply pressure to positioner.
12. Reinstall the housing cover and reconnect the air supply pressure.
9. Remove the rod plugging the pressure sensor port.
13. Check the span and zero calibration.
10. Reconnect the pressure modulator electrical connector to the
bottom of the circuit board.

Figure 4 – Beta Positioner with NT 3000 Transducer

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NT 3000 Series Electro-Pneumatic Transducer Module FCD VLAIM0047-00 - 09/04

Figure 5 – XL Positioner with NT 3000 Transducer

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NT 3000 Series Electro-Pneumatic Transducer Module FCD VLAIM0047-00 - 09/04

Figure 6 – NT 3000 Transducer Circuit Board (housing cover removed)

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Maintenance 3. Remove the filter element (22) from the housing and examine it; if
plugged or dirty, replace with a new filter.

Inspection and Replacement 4. Reinstall the filter after first cleaning the sealing surfaces. Install the
filter in the housing, and tightly fasten on the filter cover.
of the Transducer Orifice
5. Reconnect the air supply pressure to the positioner.
To service or replace the NT 3000 transducer orifice, refer to Figures 3
and 8 then proceed as follows:

1. Disconnect air supply pressure to the positioner.

Service and Replacement of
the Transducer Vent Element
2. Remove the orifice screw (44) from the transducer housing (12).
Examine the O-rings (42, 43) on the orifice screw for wear. Replace
(not applicable for vented model)
if necessary (see spare parts kits for ordering.) To disassemble and reassemble the NT 3000 vent element, refer to
Figure 8 and proceed as follows:
3. Examine the orifice for blockage. If blocked, the orifice must be
replaced. 1. Disconnect air supply pressure to the positioner.

4. Tightly replace cleaned or new orifice screw and 2. Remove the two vent cover screws (19) from the housing (45).
O-rings into housing. Remove the vent cover (20) from the housing.

5. Reconnect the air supply pressure to the positioner. 3. Examine the vent element (21) by unscrewing it from the housing;
if plugged or dirty, replace with a new vent element.

Service and Replacement of the 4. Reinstall the vent element. Place a small amount of thread locking
Transducer Filter compound on the vent cover screws and tightly secure the vent
element cover.
The coalescing filter element in the NT 3000 module should be checked
every six months and replaced when necessary. To check or replace 5. Reconnect the air supply pressure to the positioner. 9
filter, refer to Figure 8 and proceed as follows:

1. Disconnect air supply pressure to the positioner.

2. Remove the filter cover (24) from the housing (45), being careful
not to damage the O-ring (23).

NT 3000 Series Electro-Pneumatic Transducer Module FCD VLAIM0047-00 - 09/04

Figure 7 – NT 3000 Transducer Pressure Modulator (circuit board removed)



Service and Maintenance of the 5. Disconnect the pressure modulator (11) electrical connector from
the bottom of the circuit board.
Transducer Circuit Board
6. If the plastic enclosure in the circuit board assembly (see Figure 8)
To replace the circuit board, refer to Figures 6 and 8 then proceed as
is separated, O-ring should be installed in the hole in the housing
base (position B), and not on the post on the bottom of the circuit
c WARNING: The circuit board is an electrostatic sensitive board (position A), prior to reassembling.
device. Use appropriate ESD protective devices when handling.
7. Reconnect the pressure modulator electrical connector to the circuit
1. Disconnect air supply pressure to the positioner.
8. Reinstall the circuit board by engaging the pressure sensor tube
2. Remove the NT 3000 transducer housing cover (1).
and pressing it straight into the housing. Be careful not to damage
WARNING: Disconnect power to the I/P transducer before the O-ring with the pressure sensor or pinch the modulator
removing the housing cover in explosive atmospheres; connector wires while installing the circuit board. Apply thread
otherwise, personal injury may occur. locking compound to the three circuit board mounting screws,
replace and tighten.
3. Disconnect the loop power electrical connections from the circuit
9. Reconnect the loop power electrical connections to the terminal
board (4).
block noting polarity.
4. Remove the three circuit board mounting screws (3) and carefully
10. Reinstall the housing cover and reconnect the air supply pressure.
pull the circuit board straight out of the housing.
10 11. Check the span and zero calibration (see Calibration).
NT 3000 Series Electro-Pneumatic Transducer Module FCD VLAIM0047-00 - 09/04

Disassembly and Reassembly of the 8. Before reassembly, clean the regulator cavity. Replace or clean
necessary parts before reassembly.
Transducer Pressure Regulator
9. To reassemble, place the poppet spring (27) into the housing cavity.
To disassemble and reassemble the NT 3000 module, refer to Figure 8,
Place the poppet guide O-ring (29) on the poppet guide screw (30)
and proceed as follows:
and insert the regulator poppet (28) through the bottom of the
1. Disconnect air supply pressure to the positioner. guide screw. Screw the guide screw into the housing being careful
not to overtighten. A maximum torque of 5 to 6 inch-pounds is
2. Remove the regulator setscrew (40) from the pressure regulator
sufficient. Make sure the poppet is free to move up and down and
cover (38).
has spring load.
c WARNING: The pressure regulator has an internal spring that 10. Gently push the diaphragm assembly (assembly comprising items
is preloaded. Removing the setscrew relieves this preload. 31, 32, 33, and 34) into the bore.
This must be done before the pressure regulator cover is
removed; otherwise personal injury may occur. 11. Install the regulator spring (36) and the diaphragm retainer (35)
in the bore and then place the regulator spring button (37) on the
3. Remove the pressure gauge (41). spring. Place a small amount of thread locking compound (Loctite
222 or equivalent) on the regulator cover screws (39) and tightly
4. Remove the pressure regulator cover (38) by evenly removing its
secure the pressure regulator cover (38). If vented model is used,
two mounting screws (39). The pressure regulator preload will be
make sure the regulator cover gasket is installed.
further reduced as these screws are removed. If vented model is
used, remove the regulator cover gasket. 12. Place a small amount of thread sealant compound on the threads of
the pressure gauge (41) and tightly thread it into the housing.
5. Remove the regulator spring button (37), the regulator spring (36),
and diaphragm retainer (35). 13. Apply a small amount of thread locking compound (Loctite 222
or equivalent) on the regulator setscrew (40) and install it into the
6. Gently remove the regulator diaphragm assembly (assembly
regulator cover (38).
comprising items 31, 32, 33, and 34).
14. Adjust setpoint of the pressure regulator by following the instruc-
7. Using a 7⁄16-inch socket wrench, remove the poppet guide screw
tions as outlined in the “Adjusting Pressure Regulator Output”
(30), its O-ring (29), the regulator poppet (28), and the poppet
section of this manual.
spring (27).
15. Reconnect the air supply to the positioner.


NT 3000 Series Electro-Pneumatic Transducer Module FCD VLAIM0047-00 - 09/04

Removal and Replacement of the Transducer Pressure Modulator

Removal and replacement of the NT 3000 pressure modulator should only be performed by a certified service center.

Figure 8 – NT 3000 Transducer, Exploded View

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NT 3000 Series Electro-Pneumatic Transducer Module FCD VLAIM0047-00 - 09/04

Parts List
Item Description Item Description
1 Transducer housing cover 25 Lock screw for CENELEC I/P
2 Housing cover O-ring 26 I/P to positioner attachment screws
3 Circuit board mounting screws 27 Poppet spring
4 Circuit board 28 Regulator poppet
5 Stickers 29 Poppet guide O-ring
6 Modulator set screw 30 Regulator poppet guide screw
7 Modulator screws 31 Poppet seat
8 Pressure modulator cover 32 Orifice retainer
9 Spring diaphragm assembly 33 Regulator diaphragm
10 Pressure modulator cover 34 Spring guide
11 Coil assembly 35 Diaphragm retainer
12 Pressure modulator body 36 Regulator spring
13 Pressure modulator nozzle 37 Regulator spring button
14 Foam filter 38 Regulator cover
15 Coil O-ring 39 Regulator screws
16 Ground screw 40 Regulator setscrew
17 Flame arrestor 41 Pressure gauge (0-30 psi)
18 I/P to positioner housing air connection O-rings 42 Orifice O-ring
19 Vent cover screws 43 Orifice screw O-ring
20 Vent cover 44 Orifice screw
21 Vent element 45 Transducer housing
22 Filter 46 Sensor O-ring
23 O-ring 47 O-ring retainer
24 Filter cover


NT 3000 Series Electro-Pneumatic Transducer Module FCD VLAIM0047-00 - 09/04

Spare Part Kits

Kit 1 – Regulator Assembly Kit 4 – Vent Element
PN 138727.999.000 PN 098335.999.000
Item No. Description Quantity Item No. Description Quantity
27 Poppet Spring 1 19 Vent Cover Screws 2
28 Regulator Poppet 1 20 Vent Cover 1
29 Poppet Guide O-ring 1 21 Vent Element 1
30 Regulator Poppet Guide 1
31, 32,
33, 34
Diaphragm Assembly 1 Kit 5 – Soft Goods
PN 171270.999.000 – Buna N
36 Regulator Spring 1 PN 188562.999.000 – Fluorosilicon
37 Regulator Spring Button 1 PN 188563.999.000 – Viton
38 Regulator Cover 1 Item No. Description Quantity
39 Regulator Screw 2 2 Housing Cover O-ring 1
40 Regulator Set Screw 1 15 Modulator O-ring 1
23 Filter Cover O-ring 1
29 Poppet Guide O-ring 1
Kit 2 – Orifice
PN 098333.999.000 31 Poppet Seat 1
Item No. Description Quantity 33 Regulator Diaphragm 1
42 Orifice O-ring 1 42 Orifice O-ring 1

43 Orifice Screw O-ring 1 43 Orifice Screw O-ring 1

46 Sensor O-ring 1
44 Orifice Screw 1
Regulator Cover Gasket
(for vented models only)
Kit 3 – Filter Element
PN 098334.999.000
Kit 6 – Electronics and Maintenance Kit
Item No. Description Quantity PN 217591.999.000
23 Filter Cover O-ring 1 Item No. Description Quantity
22 Coalescing Filter Element 1 3 Circuit Board Mounting Screws 3
4 Circuit Board 1
16 Grounding Screw 1

NT 3000 Series Electro-Pneumatic Transducer Module FCD VLAIM0047-00 - 09/04

Standard Explosion Proof EMI / RFI Figure 9 – NT 3000 Transducer, Drain Wire

Wiring Installation Procedures ��

(using conduit)

The NT 3000 transducer has been tested by an independent testing
laboratory to comply with the following industry standards:

EN 61000-4-2 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Part 4: Testing Drain wire The drain looks like a bare ground wire and is not a
and measurement techniques, Section 2 Electrostatic Discharge shield. The drain wire is provided by the cable manufacturer and
immunity test, 1995. provides a path to ground for any noise, or can be a path for ground
loops. Therefore, the drain should be terminated only at one end of the
EN 61000-4-3 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Part 4: Testing loop (normally the source). The drain extends from the source to the
and measurement techniques, Section 3 Radiated, radio frequency, NT 3000.
electromagnetic field immunity test, 1995.

EN 61000-4-4 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Part 4: Testing Figure 10 – NT 3000 Transducer, Shielded Wire
and measurement techniques, Section 4 Electrical fast transient/burst
immunity test, 1995. ��
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EN 61000-4-5 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Part 4: Testing
and measurement techniques, Section 5 Surge immunity test, 1995. �����

EN 61000-4-6 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Part 4: Testing

and measurement techniques, Section 6 Immunity to conducted
Shielded Wire This is standard insulated instrumentation wire with
disturbances, induced by radio frequency fields immunity test.
a conductive aluminum foil wrapped around the conductors. The
The NT 3000 transducer complies with these standards when installed shield provides a protective metal barrier to keep out electrical noise.
following the minimum wiring procedures. Shield weak points are found at the beginning, end and other openings.
Sometimes the foil wrap is outside of the cable manufacturer’s speci-
The housing must be grounded. Normally the housing is grounded fication for overlap. Any openings in the shield (i.e. bends with under
through the valve to the local superstructure. When the positioner is tolerance overlap) provide a path for electrical noise to infect the current
grounded, the on-board filtering will be effective. Therefore, a green signal. The shield extends from the source to the NT 3000 transducer.
internal ground screw is provided. The ground wire should be as short Grounding of the shield should be at one end only (the same end as the
as possible. drain wire).
Proper NT 3000 field wiring includes three elements: conductive NOTE: Cable tray or ladder will not provide protection from electrical
conduit (armor), drain wire, and shielded wire. noise.
Conductive Conduit The conduit can be rigid or flexible and must This procedure will protect against noise generated close to the NT
be conductive. The conduit provides additional protection in the event 3000 transducer. However, generating electrical noise at the source
the shield contains an opening and is required to be within six feet of power supply (DCS, etc.) is possible and can be due to ground loops in
the NT 3000 transducer and within six feet of any radios or microwave the source power supply or other contamination. Any noise generated
sources. The conduit system includes an aluminum fitting at the NT at the source can affect the NT 3000 transducer.
3000 transducer.


NT 3000 Series Electro-Pneumatic Transducer Module FCD VLAIM0047-00 - 09/04

Failure Probable Cause Corrective Action
1. Supply pressure is low or not connected properly 1. Set supply pressure to recommended value

Transducer output is 2. Pressure gauge is faulty 2. Replace gauge

less than 1.5 psig with 3. Orifice is plugged 3. Replace orifice
no input signal (output
pressure should be 2.0 4. Transducer filter needs servicing 4. Service filter
psig ±0.5 psig) 5. Transducer pressure regulator adjusted improperly 5. Adjust pressure regulator
6. Transducer pressure modulator adjusted improperly 6. Adjust pressure modulator
1. Transducer pressure modulator adjusted improperly 1. Adjust Transducer pressure modulator
Transducer output pres-
sure is greater than 3.0 2. Transducer pressure regulator adjusted improperly 2. Adjust pressure regulator
psig with no input signal
3. Pressure gauge is faulty 3. Replace gauge
Low pressure output with 1. Zero and span out of calibration 1. Recalibrate zero and span settings
a signal above minimum
input signal 2. MPC is enabled (Old style NT 3000 models only) 2. Disable MPC
1. Input signal not connected properly 1. Connect input signal to circuit board
Transducer output is 2.0
psig ±0.5 psig, regardless 2. Pressure modulator assembly not connected to circuit board 2. Connect pressure modulator to circuit board
of input signal
3. Circuit board is defective 3. Replace circuit board
1. Supply pressure is low or not connected properly 1. Set supply pressure to recommended value
2. Zero and span out of calibration 2. Recalibrate zero and span settings
3. Pressure gauge is faulty 3. Replace gauge
Output will not reach 15.0
psig with maximum input 4. Orifice is plugged 4. Replace orifice
5. Transducer filter needs servicing 5. Service filter
6. Transducer pressure regulator adjusted improperly 6. Adjust pressure regulator
7. Transducer pressure modulator adjusted improperly 7. Adjust pressure modulator
1. Tighten port mounting screws. Be certain correct
1. Air leakage from input port
O-rings are in place.
2. Air leakage from filter cover 2. Service filter
Excessive air consumption
3. Remove gauge, clean threads, apply hydraulic
3. Air leakage from pressure gauge
sealant to threads and replace
4. Air leakage from orifice 4. Replace orifice
1. Circuit board leads are loose 1. Tighten circuit board leads
2. Orifice is plugged 2. Replace orifice
Erratic operation
3. Pressure modulator adjusted improperly 3. Adjust pressure modulator
4. Circuit board is defective 4. Replace circuit board

NT 3000 Series Electro-Pneumatic Transducer Module FCD VLAIM0047-00 - 09/04

NT 3000 Model Numbers

Selection Option Code Example
Series/Prefix 3000 Series 3 3
Communications 4-20 mA 0 0
Diagnostics None 0 0
Aluminum 0
Material 0
Stainless Steel 1
I/P 4-20 mA EExia EExib intrinsically safe NT 3000 ATEX II 1 GD 04
I/P 4-20 mA SAA Explosion Proof Ex d, Intrinically safe Ex ia Ex N , (SAA) NT3000 05
Certification I/P 4-20 mA EExd Exp proof NT 3000 ATEX II 2 GD 07 04
I/P 4-20 mA Exp proof/intrinsically safe NT 3000 FM/CSA 10
I/P 4-20 mA General purpose NT 3000 14
(1) / Stainless steel gauges with brass fittings / psi bar kPa 2
(1) / Stainless steel gauges with Stainless steel fittings / psi bar kPa 4
(1) / Stainless steel gauges with brass fittings / kg cm2 psi 6 2
(qty / material / units of measure)
(1) / Stainless steel gauges with Stainless steel fittings / kg cm psi
No gauges (Stainless steel plugs) 9
(Standard) Buna-N, Fluorosilicone / -40° to +185°F (-40° to +85°C) S
Soft Goods / Temperature Viton / -20° to +185°F (-29° to +85°C) V S
EPDM / -40° to +185°F (-40° to +85°C) E
½" NPT N
Conduit Connection N
M20 M
Non-Vented 1
Vent 1
Vented 2
White W
Black B
Paint W
Food Grade F
No paint (Stainless steel) S


NT 3000 Series Electro-Pneumatic Transducer Module FCD VLAIM0047-00 - 09/04

Adjusting the Minimum Pressure which the output pressure is to fall to approximately 2.0 psi. This
signal can range from the factory setting of 3.7 to
Cutoff Feature on Old Transducers 8 mA. See Figure 11.

Older models of the NT 3000 Transducer have a “Minimum Pressure 4. Turn the minimum pressure cutoff pot clockwise until the output
Cutoff” feature. This allows the user to set a trip-point to activate when pressure drops off.
the input signal falls below a certain point. This results in the pressure
5. Fine-tune the pressure drop-off point by increasing the input signal
output falling rapidly to approximately 2.0 psi, causing the valve to
and then decreasing it through the desired shut off signal. Observe
close on an air-to-open valve. This feature is generally used when the
the signal value at which the pressure drops off. If the pressure
service requires a tight shutoff or to prevent throttling near the valve
drops off at a lower mA signal than desired, turn the MPC pot
seat. To adjust this feature, refer to Figure 12 and perform the following
slightly clockwise. If the pressure drops off at a higher signal than
desired, turn the MPC pot slightly counterclockwise.
NOTE: The zero and span settings of both the positioner and NT 3000
6. Repeat step 5 until the pressure drops off at the desired input
transducer should be verified to be accurate before the minimum
pressure cutoff feature is enabled and adjusted. Instructions for setting
the zero and span settings are described in the calibration section on 7. To disable the MPC feature turn the minimum pressure cutoff pot
Page 4. (marked “MPC”) 20 turns counterclockwise or until it makes a
clicking noise.
NOTE: Complete the following steps only when using the minimum
pressure cutoff feature.
Figure 11 – I/P Minimum Pressure Cutoff Adjustment Range
1. Connect the NT 3000 transducer to the 30 to 150 psi air supply

2. Remove the NT 3000 transducer housing cover.

c WARNING: Disconnect I/P module power before removing

housing cover in explosive atmospheres; otherwise personal ������� �������
injury may occur. �
3. Connect an adjustable current source to the terminal block on the �
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circuit board. Apply the desired input signal to the positioner at �������������������

Figure 12 – Old Style NT 3000 Transducer Circuit Board (housing cover removed)



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NT 3000 Series Electro-Pneumatic Transducer Module FCD VLAIM0047-00 - 09/04

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United States
Flowserve Corp.
Flow Control
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1350 N. Mt. Springs Parkway
Springville, UT 84663
Phone: 801-489-8611
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FCD VLAIM0047-02 Printed in USA.

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www.flowserve.com or call USA 1 800 225 6989

Flowserve Corporation has established industry leadership in the design and manufacture of its products. When properly selected, this Flowserve product is designed to perform its intended
function safely during its useful life. However, the purchaser or user of Flowserve products should be aware that Flowserve products might be used in numerous applications under a wide
variety of industrial service conditions. Although Flowserve can (and often does) provide general guidelines, it cannot provide specific data and warnings for all possible applications. The pur-
chaser/user must therefore assume the ultimate responsibility for the proper sizing and selection, installation, operation, and maintenance of Flowserve products. The purchaser/user should
read and understand the Installation Operation Maintenance (IOM) instructions included with the product, and train its employees and contractors in the safe use of Flowserve products in
connection with the specific application.

While the information and specifications contained in this literature are believed to be accurate, they are supplied for informative purposes only and should not be considered certified or as
a guarantee of satisfactory results by reliance thereon. Nothing contained herein is to be construed as a warranty or guarantee, express or implied, regarding any matter with respect to this
product. Because Flowserve is continually improving and upgrading its product design, the specifications, dimensions and information contained herein are subject to change without notice.
Should any question arise concerning these provisions, the purchaser/user should contact Flowserve Corporation at any one of its worldwide operations or offices.

© 2004 Flowserve Corporation, Irving, Texas, USA. Flowserve is a registered trademark of Flowserve Corporation.


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