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Rio Azul Dynasty and Polity New Epigraph

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3rd Annual “Textdatenbank und Wörterbuch des Klassischen Maya” Workshop,

Bonn University, December 7-9, 2017

Rio Azul Dynasty and Polity:

New Epigraphic Evidence
Dmitri Beliaev,
Knorozov Center for Mesoamerican Studies
Russian State University for the Humanities
Atlas Epigrafico de Peten, 2016
Río Azul core (after Adams 1999)

Central part of Rio Azul (after Adams 1999)

Río Azul, Complex A-3
Río Azul, Complex A-3
Rio Azul, Stela 1
Rio Azul, Stela 1 7 Ok 3 K’ank’in
(January 21, 392) 10 Ik' 10 K'ayab

(March 28, 393) according to
Federico Fahsen (Adams 1999:82) 10 Men 3 Kumk’u

(April 10, 393) according to García
y Salvado (2016)
Stela 1, B4-B7

tz’a-pa-ja ’u-LAKAM-TUUN

tz’ahpaj ’u-lakamtuun ’u-

mam Sak Bahlam,

“it was planted the stela of

the grandson of Sak Bahlam”
Stela 1, B6-B9
Sak Bahlam, a grandfather
Sak Bahlam, a grandfather
Rio Azul, Ruler 1

RAZ: St. 1,

Mask, B4
Stela 1, B10-B11

Xukpi Stone
Río Azul, Complex A-3
Rio Azul, Temple A-2 Text
Rio Azul, Temple A-2 Text
Temple A-2, name of a ruler
Temple A-2, name of a ruler
Natz Ahk

Rio Azul ruler from

the vase K1446

Tomb 12 occupant
(died in AD 450 / 502)
Natz Ahk
Chronology of the text
Chronology of the text
Chronology of the text
Chronology of the text

• 1 k’atun, 12/13 years, 10? winals and 16 days

• Counted from unknown event under the
supervision of Natz Ahk
• Counted to the second dedication? /
opening? of the tomb
Tomb 7
“Brussel” Jade Earflares

Drawing by Nikolai Grube (after Mayer 1987)

Chronology of the text

a) 3 Ik’ 0 Yax (October 23, 418)

G6, 6D, 2C
b) 3 Ik’ 0 Yax (October 10, 470)
G5, 28D, 2C
Chronology of the text

a) 3 Ik’ 0 Yax (October 23, 418)

• +
• 13 Etznab 16 Keh (December 10,
b) 3 Ik’ 0 Yax (October 23, 418)
• +
• 9 Etznab 11 Keh (December 5,
Date of Tomb 12

a) 8 Ben 16 K’ayab (March 20, 450)

b) 8 Ben 16 K’ayab (March 8, 502)
Early Classic Rio Azul Dynasty

• Ruler 1 (ca. AD 392)

• Hux Waywal / Waywal (died in AD 418)

• Father of Natz Ahk

• Natz Ahk (died in AD 502)
Rio Azul, Tomb 1
Rio Azul, Tomb 1

• 4 Ben G6 11C 2E 16 Mol
• September 29, 417

Tomb 19, Vessel 15

Early Classic Rio Azul Dynasty

• Ruler 1 (ca. AD 392)

• Hux Waywal / Waywal (died in AD 418)
• K’ihnich Lakam Tuun (born in AD 417)
• Father of Natz Ahk
• Natz Ahk (died in AD 502)
Dzibanche, Monument 11
Dzibanche, Monument 11

a) 6 Ok 18 Pax (February 15, 505)

b) 6 Men 18 Pax (February 12, 518)
Río Azul core (after Adams 1999)

Central part of Rio Azul (after Adams 1999)

Rio Azul, Stela 2
Rio Azul, Stela 2

Preliminary drawing by Ian Graham (after Adams 1999)


Chronology of Stela 2 (after Houston 1986: 6)

Stela 2, A1-B3


• 9-PIK

Stela 2, A4-B4
Stela 2, A5-B5
Stela 2, Long Count





0-K’IN “G9”
Stela 2, Fire Ritual
Stela 2, A6-B8

?-? {SCATTER-HAND}-li-


HUL-li-ya ?-K’AL-’UH
Stela 2, C1-D3

?-? ch’o-ko-K’ABA’

?? 11-’AJAW

?-? ‘u-CH’OK-ji
Rio Azul, Stela 2

• 9.?.0.0.0 11 Ajaw ??
• 11 Ajaw 18 Mak (October 11, 790), 24E
Rio Azul, Stela 2

?-la-ja K’AWIIL

{RIO-AZUL} ba-ka-ba
Rio Azul, Stela 2

‘u-TZ’AK ?-?

‘i-’AK’?-ta ti?-tz’a-pa?-wi

?-… ?-… 10-8-WINAKHAAB

Stela 2, E-J

… na-la CHAAHK-ki ‘a-…-’e-hi ‘u-ja-chi-li nu-…

… …nal Chaahk ‘aj … eeh ‘u-jachil nu…
“…nal Chaahk, he from …eeh, the father-in-law
of Rio Azul ruler”
Rio Azul, Stela 2

Colonial Yucatec
• <Hachel; hachil; hachil cabal>: los consuegros vnos
entre otros y los cuñados varones vnos entre
otros. (mtm)
• <Hachil hachil>: conbidarse vn amigo a otro a
comer alternatiuamente.
• <Hachil> vns) Consuegra del barón, m[adr]e del
marido de su hija o m[adr]e de la muger de su hijo
• <Hachil>: se llaman entre sí lo consuegros. (sfm)
• <Hachilancil; hachilincil>: bodas y combite de
bodas y combidarse assi. (mtm)
Stela 2, M1-N3

13-’IK’ 5-TE’-MUWAAN
(, November
13, 765)

SIJ-ya-ja ?-la-ja-K’AWIIL

nu-{RIO-AZUL} ba-ka-ba
…laj K’awiil
Stela 2, M4-N4


Los Alacranes
Los Alacranes
Stela 2, N5-N7



nu-{RIO-AZUL} ba-ka-ba
Tzahkaj K’awiil (?)
Ju’n Tzak Too’k’ (Itsimte)
Tzahkaj K’awiil
Stela 2, sculptor’s signature

yu-xu-lu ti-…-la

‘AJ-mu-ti SAK-’o-ka
Rio Azul Dynasty

Early Classic
• Alliance with Ton (ca. 370)
• Ruler 1 (ca. AD 392)
• Hux Waywal / Waywal (died in AD 418)
• K’ihnich Lakam Tuun (born in AD 417)
• Father of Natz Ahk (?)
• Natz Ahk (died in AD 502)
Defeat by Kaanul in AD 505 / 518
Rio Azul Dynasty

Late Classic (late)

• Tzahkaj K’awiil (ca. 750-785)
• Alliance with Los Alacranes-Bu’k’ (ca. 765)
• …laj K’awiil (ca. 785 – after 790)
Rio Azul Polity

Rio Azul (Nu…) title in the monumental and ceramic inscriptions (after Houston 1986: Fig.7)
Rio Azul Polity

Huux Haabte’ in the ceramic inscriptions (after Tokovinine 2013: Fig. 8)

Rio Azul Polity

Other dynasts: when and where?

• Yuhkno’m K’awiil (Rio Azul and Huux
Haabte’), K2914
• ‘Aj Pitz K’ihnich (Huux Haabte’), K2295
• K’ihnich Lamaw ‘Ek’ (Huux Haabte’), K5020,
• Tut K’in Chaahk (Bu’k’ and Huux Haabte’),
Rio Azul Polity


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