4the Seal Pup

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Written by Roderick Hunt ond Annemorie Young

Illustroted by Alex Brychtq

Phonics Consultont: Debbie Hepplewhite


rolk together Enjoy the story together.
, Reod the title ond blurb together. Find If your chi[d needs
the seot pup in the picture. Ask: Whot do support to reod the
you think might hoppen in this story? story:
, Look ot poge 5 ond tolk obout why Dod . Remind your child to
looks tired. Exptoin thot it is necessory to sound out ond btend
woit 24 hours before co[[ing for help for o unfomi[ior words from
lost onimo[, so it is now the next doy. left to right.
. Look through the book ond tolk obout Look for compound
the pictures. words, where two
words creote o bigger
word, e.g. moonlight.
About the words in this book If o word too
is sti[[
. tricky, simp[y soy the
Your child shoutd be obte to sound out ond
who[e word for your
btend some words, which moy inctude:
hetp went chitdren sond Re-reod sentences
woit lost sent must boot to focus on their --?. . ' .1 .
. Some words moy be more chottenging. meoning where
Encouroge or mode[ blending, then reod necesso ry.
the words below to your
child if necessory.
soid whot
so out teom
A seol pup wos on the sond.
rescue come
mother seoI
"It hos no mother!" soid Chip.
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"Perhops the mother is getting "But whot if the pup is [ost?"
food," soid Mum. osked Biff.
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'Let's woit to see if the mother But the mother did not come bocl
:omes bock," soid Dod. So, in the end, Dod sent for hel.p.

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\t lost the Seot Rescue Teom come. "We must get him into the boot,"
Vlrs HiLt looked ot the seol pup. she soid.
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Mrs Hi[[ ond her teom got the "He is not wet[," soid Mrs HiLt.
seol pup into the boot. "He needs food."


The chiLdren went to see the seot. "He is o lot better," soid Mrs HitL.
They coLted him Sinbod. "I om g Lod you cotled us.

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The children went bock to see "Now he con go bock in the seo,"
Sinbod. He wos big ond fit. soid Mrs HiLt.

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"We con let him go of [ost," They took the seoI out in o boot
soid Mrs Hitl.. Sinbod went in with o splosh !
Look ot poge l. Ask: Why wos Chip worried
obout the seol pup?
' Look ot poges 4 to 7. Ask: Why did Dod hove to
woft before he colled for he[p? Why did Mrs HilL
toke the seol owoy?
Ask: Whot hoppened to Sinbod ot the end of
the story7


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Ii,rr O Rod.ri(k llunt 2011

lllu\r lioDs O r\lex lnf( bl.r 201 I

Tlrr (h.r.trters rn thrs work rrc rhe originil

ircrlrnr 01 Rodcri.li Hunr rful.\ler Ii|xhltr \LIni
,.r,rin (otyright nr rhc (h.n.k].A
lir\l tublshcd 2011
lsll\ 971i 0 19 r1.18.10t il
\11 ri!lil\ rrsenr(1 l'holo.opvjng ol rhir

"Look of Sinbod," soid Kipper.

l,nnr.rl rn ( hrnx Iv lnr.rgo

"He's soying goodbye!" l).r|.r u\ed in rhr t),,xt,(li.n o1 rhis b.ok j\ x

r,n !1r1. rc( !( lrhle tro(h(1 mrdc lronr wood
Irr!rr rn !r\rrinrhl li)r.(,! rh.nrrf,rtr,r]rrlro

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