Project Management and Implementation Plan Template: Program Cycle Guidance
Project Management and Implementation Plan Template: Program Cycle Guidance
Project Management and Implementation Plan Template: Program Cycle Guidance
The Activity Plan includes the set of activities, ongoing and new, required for the achievement
of the Project Purpose and a schedule for the activity design and procurement focusing on the
Bureau first year following approval. Both types of activities are included in this plan, with new
activities satisfying the minimum criteria established in ADS as follows:
Ongoing Activities
Activity Name
Brief Description: This brief description, typically 1-2 paragraphs, should describe the activity’s
purpose and key outcomes or performance targets to be achieved.
Relationship with Project Purpose: Describe the relationship of the activity with the project’s
logic model and how the activity will support achievement of the Project Purpose.
Instrument Type and Number: Actual type and number
Total Estimated Cost/Budget: Total Current Estimated Cost/Budget for the activity
Status: This should describe if the activity requires a formal amendment/modification as a result of
alignment with this Project and what type of modification.
Implementing Partner: Name of Implementing Partner
New Activities
Activity Name
Brief Description: This brief description, typically 1-2 paragraphs, should describe the activity’s
purpose and key outcomes or performance targets to be achieved.
Relationship with Project Purpose: Describe the relationship of the activity with the project’s
logic model and how the activity will support achievement of the Project Purpose.
Preliminary Instrument Type: This preliminary identification of instrument should consider the
wide range of tools available and the most appropriate fit for achieving the activity’s purpose. In the
case of activities implemented by USAID staff, this should section should state as such.
Preliminary Budget Estimate: This preliminary budget should represent the financial resources
available for the activity, which will provide a guiding but non-binding parameter for the more
detailed cost estimates or budgets to be developed during activity design.
Activity 1 Assistance $ E
Activity 2 Acquisition $
Activity 3 Interagency $ E E
Activity 4 G2G $ E
Activity 5 DCA $
Activity Design
Activity Procurement
Activity Implementation
In this section, the Mission identifies and describes the roles and responsibilities of the Project
Manager; CORs/AORs/other activity managers; technical office directors; and staff from other
relevant offices. (See ADS, which describes the roles of the Project Manager and
associated team). An organizational chart may be helpful to illustrate reporting and
coordination relationships.
In this section, the Mission describes the approaches to support inter-office collaboration;
frequency of stakeholder engagement; and coordination between implementing partners;
among other approaches. This may also include plans for expanding the capacity of key
mission offices when required for project implementation.