Demo Lesson Plan Final

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9

Name: Jarren Y. Herbieto

Date: May 5, 2021

Subject: Mathematics

Time Allotment: 20-25 minutes

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, 80% of the students must have:

a. illustrated the angle of depression and angle of elevation;

b. applied the angle of depression and angle of elevation involving real life problems; and
c. solved problems involving angle of depression and angle of elevation.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Angles of Depression and Angle of Elevation


a. Albay, E. Practical Math Teacher’s Manual 9.

b. Nivera, G. C. (2011). Intermediate Algebra: Patterns and Practicalities. Don Bosco Press.
Makati City.
c. Nivera, G. C. & Lapinid, M. R. (2013). Grade 9 Mathematics: Patterns and Practicalities.
Salesiana Books

Learning Competency: illustrate angles of depression and angle of elevation.

Teaching Strategies: Pair and share, cooperative learning, demonstration discussion, board

III. Material

PowerPoint Presentation
Flat Screen Tv
Illustration Board
Chalk/ Pentel Pen
IV. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Introduction/Preliminary Activities

“Good Morning class!” “Good Morning Sir!”

“May I request Andrea to lead the prayer?” (Andrea will lead the prayer.)

“Before you take your seats, please pick up pieces of paper “Yes, Sir.”
or trashes. Then, please arrange your chairs properly.”

“You may now take your seats.” (take seats)

“Class, may I know who are absent for today?” “No one, Sir.”

“Very good! So, let’s give everybody a round of applause.” (Class Applause)

B. Review

“Class, do you remember our past lesson last week?” “Yes, Sir.”

“Anyone can share what is our lesson last week? Yes, Pauline: “Our previous lesson was all about
Pauline.” special angle Sir.”

“Yes, very good Pauline.”

“Now, anyone can explain further about special angle.” Yes, Alyssa: “The Special angles in trigonometry are
Alyssa.” 30°, 45°, and 60°, and their multiples. By
applying the 30 – 60 – 90 and the isosceles right
triangle theorems, we can solve for the
unknown measures of the parts of a right
triangle and find the trigonometric ratios of the
special angles.”
“Yes, excellent Alyssa.”

“Now, we will have another interesting topic for today that (raise hands)
connected to our discussion yesterday. But, before that, let’s
play a game. Raise your hand if you want games.”

C. Motivation

“Let’s play Scramble Word. Are you familiar with that?” “Yes, Sir.”

“I will divide the class into two groups. The left side is (grouping )
Group 1 and the right side is Group 2. Then, both of groups
will put their arrange word on the illustration board that I
give to them. Each group has one minute to arrange the
scramble word. Every arrange word equivalent to one points.
The group that has more correct arranges word will be the
winner. When the time is up you can raise the illustration
board where the answer was placed. ”

“Now, let’s begin to arrange the scramble word” (arranging)

1. nise
2. sineco

“(After one minutes) time’s up. Good job, next scramble (arranging)
3. boserver
4. gentant
5. trimetricgono artio

“One minutes passed. Good work and thanks.The winner is (clapping hands)
__________.A round of applause to everyone for a
wonderful game.”

“Class, have you already encountered these words?” “Yes, Sir.”

“Those words it will have something to do with our new

topic this morning.”
“Today, you will learn how to illustrate the angle of
depression and angle of elevation.”

D. Activity

“We will be having an activity. Kindly stay with your group. (working together as groups)
Each group will be given matching type problem. Then, you
will answer it as a group. In Column A is composed of figure
and Column B is composed of word that correspond to the
figure in column A. Every arrange word equivalent to one
points. The group that has more correct answer will be the
winner. ”
Matching Type
Column A Column B
1. a. Angle of Depression
and Angle of Elevation

2. b. Angle of Depression

3. c. Angle of Elevation
E. Proper Lesson

“Anyone can identify among the matches, what terms are Mark: “Angle of elevation and angle of
used? Yes, Jay Mark.” depression Sir.”

“Exactly, Mark. These words or terms will help to identify

and solve the real-life mathematics problem.”

“Anyone can tell what is angle of depression? Yes, Michaela: “The angle of depression is an acute
Michaela?” angle formed between the horizontal line of
sight and the observer’s line of sight when
viewing the object below the horizontal line of

“Excellent, Michaela. In our activity in matching type the

number 1 figure is an example of angle of depression.

The term angle of depression denotes the angle from the

horizontal downward to an object. An observer’s line of sight
would be below the horizontal. Based on the definition and
figures number 1 in the activity, we can say that the angle of
depression is formed when viewing an object that is below
the observer.

This is the example of word problem for angle depression:

An airplane is flying at a height of 2 miles above the level

ground. The angle of depression from the plane to the foot of
a tree is 15°. Find the distance that the air plane must fly to
be directly above the tree.

“What is the given of the problem? Yes, Maria.”

“Very good Maria.” Maria: “Height of the airplane is 2 miles above

“What is asked in the problem? Yes, Allan.” the level ground and the angle of depression
from the plane to the foot of a tree is 15°, Sir.”
“You’re right Allan.”

Here we are to determine the distance that the air plane must Allan: “The distance that the air plane must fly
fly to be directly above the tree. Assume that x be the to be directly above the tree.”
distance the airplane must fly to be directly above the tree.
The level ground and the horizontal are parallel, so the
alternate interior angles are equal in measure. In examining
the figure further, we notice that the measurements given, in
the equivalent triangle, is the measurement of the adjacent
side of the angle. Since, what we are looking for the distance
the airplane must fly to be directly above the tree; we are
looking for the opposite side. Taking into consideration these
parameters, we will use the Trigonometric Ratio which
involves the opposite side and the adjacent side.

“We have two Trigonometric Ratios. It is the tangent and the

cotangent. But which of the two shall be used? Yes, Marvin.”

“Good Marvin. Hence, we will be allowing you to use

Marvin: “Tangent, Sir.”
calculators. In any available calculators, only the sine, cosine
and the tangent are available. This would mean that we will
use the Trigonometric Ratio of tangent than the cotangent.”

opposite side
tan15 °=
adjacent side
2 miles
tan15 °=
2 miles
x tan15 °=
x )
xtan15 °=2 miles
xtan15 ° 2miles
tan 15 ° tan15 °
x=tan15 ° ( 2 miles )
x ≈ 7.46 miles
Therefore, the distance that the air plane must fly to be
directly above the tree is 7.46 miles.

A trigonometric ratio often helps us set up an equation,
which can then be solved for the missing measurement. If
two legs of the triangle are part of the problem, then it is a
tangent ratio. If the hypotenuse is part of the problem, then it
is either a sine or cosine ratio. In connection to answers in
decimal notation, let us agree to round off final answers into
two decimal places and put the unit for the final answer.

“Anyone can tell what is angle of elevation? Yes, Anna?”

“Excellent, Michaela. In our activity in matching type the

number 1 figure is an example of angle of depression.

Anna: The angle of elevation is an acute angle

formed between the horizontal line of sight
andthe observer’s line of sight when viewing
the object above the HLS.

The term angle of depression denotes the angle from the

horizontal downward to an object. An observer’s line of sight
would be below the horizontal. Based on the definition and
figures number 1 in the activity, we can say that the angle of
depression is formed when viewing an object that is below
the observer.

This is the example of word problem for angle depression:

Example 1
An airplane is flying at a height of 2 miles above the level
ground. The angle of depression from the plane to the foot of
a tree is 15°. Find the distance that the air plane must fly to
be directly above the tree.

“What is the given of the problem? Yes, Maria.”

“Very good Maria.”

“What is asked in the problem? Yes, Allan.”

“You’re right Allan.”

Here we are to determine the distance that the air plane must
fly to be directly above the tree. Assume that x be the
distance the airplane must fly to be directly above the tree.
The level ground and the horizontal are parallel, so the
alternate interior angles are equal in measure. In examining
the figure further, we notice that the measurements given, in
the equivalent triangle, is the measurement of the adjacent
side of the angle. Since, what we are looking for the distance
the airplane must fly to be directly above the tree; we are
looking for the opposite side. Taking into consideration these
parameters, we will use the Trigonometric Ratio which
involves the opposite side and the adjacent side.

“We have two Trigonometric Ratios. It is the tangent and the

cotangent. But which of the two shall be used? Yes, Marvin.”

“Good Marvin. Hence, we will be allowing you to use

calculators. In any available calculators, only the sine, cosine
and the tangent are available. This would mean that we will
use the Trigonometric Ratio of tangent than the cotangent.”

opposite side
tan15 °=
adjacent side
2 miles
tan15 °=
2 miles
x tan15 °=
x )
xtan15 °=2 miles
xtan15 ° 2miles
tan 15 ° tan15 °
x=tan15 ° ( 2 miles )
x ≈ 7.46 miles
Therefore, the distance that the air plane must fly to be
directly above the tree is 7.46 miles.

A trigonometric ratio often helps us set up an equation,
which can then be solved for the missing measurement. If
two legs of the triangle are part of the problem, then it is a
tangent ratio. If the hypotenuse is part of the problem, then it
is either a sine or cosine ratio. In connection to answers in
decimal notation, let us agree to round off final answers into
two decimal places and put the unit for the final answer

F. Generalization

“Anyone in the class can share to them what had you learned
from our discussion today. Yes, Euconiza?

“Great! You listen well and understand to our discussion


“Anyone can give their experiences that how can you applied
the properties of the operations on integers in real life? Yes,

G. Evaluation

H. Assignment

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