Association of Engineering Students
Association of Engineering Students
Association of Engineering Students
We, the Association of Engineering Students of the University of Eastern Philippines
Laoang believing in the principles and objectives herein set forth, in a united electrical
engineering studentry as a strong foundation for academic and social growth, in harmonious
relation between students and educators as the font of intellectual excellence, and further
believing that these noble ideals can be best realized through the instrumentality of an
organization that shall instill in us the merits of intellectual discipline, honor, integrity, social
concern and more responsibility hereby constitute the University of Eastern Philippines
Laoang – Association of Engineering Students and in virtue whereof do hereby ordain and
promulgate this constitution.
SECTION 1. The organization shall be the governing body among Civil and Electrical
Engineering students which shall be autonomous, democratic and representative
SECTION 2. The organization believes that quality education should be accessible and
afforded to everyone.
SECTION3. The organization recognizes education as a vehicle to develop man’s physical,
mental, social, cultural, political and spiritual potentialities to the fullest, in order to attain a
just, humane existence and to promote critical thinking which will develop objective judgment
among authority.
SECTION 4. the organization commits itself to the propagation and advancement of the
ideals of the University Directed towards the intellectual, social, political, cultural, moral and
physical development.
SECTION 5. It shall be the prime concern of the organization to uphold academic freedom.
SECTION 6. The organization assumes the responsibility of working for the greater welfare
and benefit of the University studentry and Filipino people, as a whole, as well as develops
social awareness and instills national consciousness
SECTION 7. The organization shall, at all time, serve as an active forum for Civil and
Electrical Engineering student’s ideals and sentiments
SECTION 8. The organization recognizes this constitution as the expression of the general
will of the Civil and Electrical Engineering students.
SECTION 9. The organization shall recognize and direct Civil and Electrical Engineering
students’ activities toward upholding, promotion, and promotion, and protection their rights
and interests.
SECTION 1. Only bonafide BSCE and BSEE Students of the University of Eastern
Philippines Laoang Campus is qualified to join the organization
SECTION 2. All BSCE and BSEE student can become member of the organization.
SECTION 3. Membership may be lost in any of the following instances:
a) Expulsion from the University.
b) Transfer to another institution.
c) Transfer to another curriculum not under the Civil and Electrical Engineering
d) Discontinuance of study
SECTION 4. Funds of the organization shall be spent only as authorized and approved.
SECTION 1. Officers. The powers of the organization shall be exercised, its business
conducted, by the Student Chapter officers composed of the following:
a) Student Chapter President
b) Vice President
c) Secretary
d) Treasurer
e) Auditor
f) Business Manager
g) P.R.O
h) Board of Director
1st year
2nd year
3rd year
4th year
5th year
i) Muse
j) Escort
SECTION 2. To carry out the objectives and activities of the organization, the following
committees shall be created; with (3) members each.
a) Membership Committee
b) Education Committee
SECTION 3. Apart from the foregoing standing committee, the Officers may create such
other committee necessary to the full realization of the objectives of the organization.
SECTION 4. The chairman and members of each of the various committees shall be chosen
from the members of the organization.
SECTION 6. The function of the standing committees and such other committees that may
be created shall be defined by the officers on the basis current and anticipated situation
which affect the objectives and interest of the organization. All committees shall therefore be
amenable to the officers.
SECTION 1. Elective officers. All officers of the UEPL - AES are elective
SECTION 2. Qualifications. No student shall be elected as a student chapter president
unless he/she:
1. Is a bonafide BSCE and BSEE student of the University of Eastern Philippines
Laoang Campus
2. Should have a minimum load of fifteen units
3. Should have at least one year residency in the Electrical Engineering Department.
SECTION 3. no student shall be elected as a Student chapter president unless he/she is a
fourth- or fifth-year student.
SECTION 4. In the event no when election is held due to a valid cause, the officers of the
UEPL - AES may remain beyond their tenure of office until their successor are elected.
SECTION 5. Term of Office. The term of office for all officers shall be for one school year to
commence upon taking their oath.
a) The Vice President perform the duties of the president in case of the latter’s absence
or inability to serve or conduct the affairs of the organization;
b) Also perform such other duties and function as the officers or the president may, from
time, assign to him.
SECTION 2. Duties and power of the Secretary
The secretary shall:
a) Property keep the file records of the minutes of the meetings of the officers and of the
members of the organization and other documents;
b) Record the minutes and proceeding of the organization;
c) Notify and inform the officers in all meetings and activities of the organization;
d) Receive and conduct correspondence of the organization;
e) Cast a single vote during the deliberations;
f) Together with the president, represent the organization in all occasion where it needs
representation; and
g) Shall also perform such other duties and functions as the officers or the President
may, from time to time, assign to him.
SECTION 4. Duties of the Treasurer
The Treasurer shall:
a) Prepare and present the organization budget;
b) Shall have the custody of all funds, properties of the organization;
c) Keep proper and accurate account of funds, property, assets and liabilities of the
organization and have such accounts open for examination during the office hours by
duty authorized person by the officers;
d) Shall deposit the fund of the organization in such bank or banks as many be
designed by the officers in the of the organization;
e) Shall countersign all check, notes and negotiable instrument;
f) Prepare and submit to the officers and members all corrected/audited financial
reports every end of the semester. A copy of which shall be furnished to concerned
officers; and
g) Perform such other duties as the officers or the president may, from time to time
assign him.
SECTION 5. Duties of the Auditor
The Auditor shall:
a) Examine and pass upon all accounts of the organization,
b) Countersign the financial reports of the treasurer,
c) Prepare the financial statement of the organization; and
d) Shall perform such other duties as the officers or the president may, from time to time
assign him.
SECTION 6. Duties of the P.R.O
The P.R.O shall:
a) See to it that the policies of the organization regarding publication and publicity will
be implemented;
b) Release the publication/broadcast such names of the association which is may
desire to be published/broadcast;
c) See to it that the activities and accomplishment of the organization are published and
made known:
d) Shall promote cordial relations with other organization with the end in view in creating
respectable image and reputation of the organization; and
e) Perform such other duties as the officers or president may, from time to time assign
to him.
SECTION 7. In case of absence or sickness or any disability of any of above mentioned
officers, the President may be designate and entrust the powers, duties and function of the
sick, absent or disable officer to any of the members.
SECTION 8. Resignation. Any officer may resign subject to the approval of a resolution sign
by the officers. Upon approval of such resignation, subject officer shall turn over to the
organization all property, records, papers etc. entrusted to him and to settle whatever
accountability he has with the organization.
SECTION 9. Removal. Any other officer ma at any time be removed from the office with
cause upon the affirmative vote of the majority of the officers and members
SECTION 10. Vacancies. Vacancies in any office shall be filled by election by officers
constituting a quorum, from among themselves, or from the regular membership for the
unexpired term only.
SECTION 1. Regular Meeting. The student chapter officers shall hold regular meeting at
least twice a month on such date and time as they may determine. Unless otherwise
provided, the regular meetings of the student chapter officers shall be held at the principal
office of the IIEE-UEPL-SC
SECTION 2. Special Meetings. Special meetings of the student chapter officers may be
called by the Student chapter president as he may deem wise and necessary
SECTION 3. Quorum a majority of the student chapter officers shall quorum for the
transaction of business and every decision of the majority of the quorum duty assembled b
the student chapter officers shall be valid.
SECTION 1. The organization shall be the governing body of the Electrical Engineering
SECTION 2. Every electrical engineering student shall observe the organization’s
constitution, the rules and regulation of the University of Eastern Philippines Laoang and the
Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers of the Philippines Inc, and the standard of the
good society
SECTION 3. All officers shall take an oath of office to support and defend the constitution
SECTION 4. A cop of this constitution shall be made available to the members of the
SECTION 5. the organization shall consider the custom tradition, beliefs and interest of the
various cultural sectors in the formulation and implementation of its policies.
SECTION 1. The INTERIM OFFICERS of the organization shall continue to held office within
the provisions of the constitutions and By-Laws until such time that elected officers had been
SECTION 2. The INTERIM OFFICERS of the organization shall have the same power and
functions as elective officers as set forth herein.
SECTION 1. This constitution and By Laws shall take effect immediately upon its approval.
ADOPTED and RATIFIED this 2nd day of December 2020 at the engineering building,
University of Eastern Philippines Laoang, Northern Samar, Philippines with the list of
members and advisers together with their signatures, who ratified the same appearing in
Annex “A” thereof.