Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan

Subject : ICTL
Date : 23 March 2010
Time :
Class : 1 RK1
Attendance :
Place : Computer Laboratory
Topic : Chapter 2 – Computer Parts and Components
2.6 – Storage Devices

General Objectives : At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
i) Understand the meaning of primary storage
very clearly.

Specific Objectives : At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
i) State the meaning of storage
ii) State the definition of primary storage and
secondary storage.
iii) Identify types of primary storage (RAM and
ROM) and secondary storage.

Value : Cooperation, confidence, independence and respect

Teaching Aids : Computer, LCD projector, power point, white board and
Marker pen, Boxes, 2 pieces of disc.

Reference : O’Leary T.J, O’Leary L.I, Computing Essentials 2007.

McGraw Hill
Rules i) Do not bring any drinks and food into the lab.
ii) Scan the diskettes first before using it
iii) Do not bring or wearing shoes into the lab

Existing Knowledge : i) Student already learned about overview of

Computer system.

Content :

A) Meaning of storage
• Storage is a memory space in a computer. Storage or memory is a part in a
computer that keeping the originality of data for particular time, even though
the power/electricity are off.

B) Definition of primary storage

• The main area or memory located in the computer in which data, instructions
and information is stored for short periods of times for execution or quick
access by the computer's processor

C) Types of primary storage

i) RAM (Random Access Memory)

• Chips hold the program (sequence of instructions) and data that the
CPU is presently processing.
• It is small-sized, light, but quite expensive at the same time
• Temporary or volatile storage
• Lost as soon as the microcomputer is turned off / power failure or
other disruption of the electric current going to the microcomputer.
ii) ROM (Read-Only Memory)
• Chips have programs built into them at the factory. Contains special
instructions for detailed computer operations
• Not volatile and cannot be changed by the user.
• “Read only” – CPU can read, or retrieve, data and programs written
on the ROM chip.
• Cannot write, encode or change the information or instructions in
• Didn’t lose the data or memory if the microcomputer is turned off /
power failure or other disruption of the electric current going to the
D) Secondary Storage
• Permanent and non-volatile storage.
• Used to save , to back up and transport files from one to another
• Example : floppy disk, CD (CD-R, CD-RW, CD-ROM), and DVD
Induction Set : (3 minutes)

1) Teacher show a differences boxes to the students.

2) Teacher ask student with several questions :

i) What are in the teacher’s hand?
ii) What do we do with these boxes?

3) Teacher calls 3 students to the front and give them a box.

Teacher asks them to tell the other students what they will do with the box and
what types of thing they will keep in that box.

4) Teacher gives a response to the student’s answer

5) Teacher asks again the student:

i) What are the similar things between keep things/stuff into these boxes
with the computer storage?

6) Teacher give a response to student’s answered and relates the set induction with
today’s lesson.

7) Similar with the topic that teacher wants to teach you today which is storage
where storage is a space that located in the computer. The space is used to save
or keep data, instruction or information that computer want to use or instruction
for execution. This concept is related with the induction set that have been shown
by the teacher just now which is about the storage that store the data and
8) Teacher tell them the objectives that they must achieved at the end of lesson:
i) State the meaning of storage
ii) State the definition of primary storage.
iii) Identify types of primary storage (RAM and ROM)
Content Delivery ( 12 minutes ) :

Content Skills Teacher and students activity Notes

1. Meaning of storage State the meaning 1.1 Teacher asks the student if they have any idea Procedures & Technique
• Storage is a memory of storage about the storage. a) Brainstorming
space in a computer. 1.2 Teacher writes the students answer which is b) Questioning
Storage or memory is keyword to the right answer on the white board.
a part in a computer 1.3 Teacher asks one student to make a definition Value
that keeps the from the keyword that given on the white board a) Braveness
originality of data for using their own word. b) Respect
particular time, even 1.4 After the student gives the answer, teacher gives c) Confident
though the the right answer by showing the slide. Teacher ask d) Systematic
power/electricity are the students to read the definition on the slide.
off. 1.5 Teacher gives the explanation to students why Teacher Aids
teacher write down the keyword on white board. It a) Slide Power Point
will make students easier to understanding and b) White Board
remember the meaning. c) Marker Pen
Assessment :
Teacher show the meaning with the blank space and ask
the students to fill in with the right answer.
Storage is a memory space in a computer that keeps
the originality of data for particular time even though
the power are off.
2. Definition of primary State the definition 2.1 After teacher have teach about the storage, teacher Procedures & Technique
storage of the primary ask the student if they know what is primary storage. a) Brainstorming
• The main area or storage 2.2 Teacher gives response to the students answer. b) Questioning
memory located in the 2.3 Teacher give the right answer to the students by
computer in which showing the slide. Teacher asks the students to read Value
data, instructions and the answer on the slide. a) Braveness
information is stored 2.4 Teacher give an advices to the student to use the b) Respect
for short periods of keyword technique to make more easier in c) Confident
times for execution or understanding the content and it is one of the
quick access by the systematic technique that we can use. Teacher Aids
computer's processor a) Slide Power Point
Assessment : b) White Board
Teacher show the definition with the blank space and ask c) Marker Pen
the students to fill in with the right answer.
The main area or memory located in the computer in
which data, instructions and information is stored for
short periods of times for execution or quick access
by the computer's processor.
3. Types of primary • Identify 3.1 Teacher explains to the students that there are two Procedures & Technique
storage types of types of primary storage which is RAM and ROM. a) Lectures
• Two types of primary primary
storage : storage. 3.2 Teacher gives the explanation about RAM and its Value
i) RAM features. a) Braveness
- Chips hold the • Identify RAM b) Respect
program (sequence of what is - Chips hold the program (sequence of c) Confident
instructions) and data RAM. instructions) and data that the CPU is presently d) Focus
that the CPU is processing.
presently processing. - It is small-sized, light, but quite expensive at Teacher Aids
• Identify
- It is small-sized, light, the same time a) Slide Power Point
what is
but quite expensive at - Temporary or volatile storage b) 2 pieces of disc
the same time - Lost as soon as the microcomputer is turned
- Temporary or volatile off / power failure or other disruption of the
• Differentiate
storage electric current going to the microcomputer.
the features
- Lost as soon as the
of RAM and
microcomputer is
turned off / power
failure or other
disruption of the
electric current going
to the microcomputer.
ii) ROM 3.3 Teacher gives the explanation about ROM and its
- Chips have programs features.
built into them at the ROM
factory. Contains - Chips have programs built into them at the
special instructions for factory. Contains special instructions for
detailed computer detailed computer operations
operations - Not volatile and cannot be changed .
- Not volatile and cannot - “Read only” – CPU can read, or retrieve, data
be changed by the and programs written on the ROM chip.
user. - Cannot write, encode or change the
- “Read only” – CPU information or instructions in ROM.
can read, or retrieve, - Didn’t lose the data or memory if the
data and programs microcomputer is turned off / power failure or
written on the ROM other disruption of the electric current going to
chip. the microcomputer.
- Cannot write, encode 3.4 Teacher gives an example about the differences
or change the between ROM and RAM.
information or Teacher show 2 pieces of CD. One is CD-R and
instructions in ROM. another one is CD-RW. Teacher explains to the
- Didn’t lose the data or student about the differences about this two disc
memory if the which is an example about ROM and RAM.
microcomputer is
turned off / power
failure or other Assessment:
disruption of the Teacher ask student to choose the right answer either A
electric current going or B about RAM and ROM by showing the slide.
to the microcomputer.
• Differentiate
4. Secondary Storage between 4.1 Teacher gives explanation about secondary storage.
• Permanent and non- primary and 4.2 Students are asked to give their opinion about types
volatile storage. secondary of secondary storage based on their own
• Used to save , to back storage. comprehension.
up and transport files 4.3 Teacher responds to students answer by explain
from one to another • Identify more about types of secondary storage.
computer. types of
• Example : floppy disk, secondary
CD (CD-R, CD-RW, storage.
CD-ROM), and DVD.
Conclusion (2 minutes) :

1) Teacher asks the student what they have learned today and ask the students to
make a summarize verbally by using their own word while teacher show the
conclusion on slide.

2) After students have given their answer, teacher ends the lesson by giving the
right conclusion of the lesson today.
 Storage is a memory space in a computer that keeps the originality
of data for particular time even though the powers are off.
 Primary storage is holding area for data, instructions and
information and holds memory for short periods of times.
 There are 2 types of primary storage :
 RAM (Random Access Memory)
 ROM (Read Only Memory)

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