Arid Agriculture University Software Engineering-I CS-452 Assignment - 2 Spring 2021
Arid Agriculture University Software Engineering-I CS-452 Assignment - 2 Spring 2021
Arid Agriculture University Software Engineering-I CS-452 Assignment - 2 Spring 2021
Read the following questions carefully and briefly answer each question.
5. As you move outward along the spiral process flow, what can you say
about the software that is being developed or maintained?
The product moves towards a more complete state
The level of abstraction at which work is performed is reduced (i.e. implementation-
specific work accelerates as we move further from the origin)
6. Is it possible to combine process models? If so, provide an example.
Yes, the process models can be combined, the process flow for each process vary
slightly,but all perform the same set of generic framework activities: communication,
planning, modeling, construction, and delivery/feedback.
7. Reread “The Manifesto/principles for Agile Software Development” at
the beginning of this chapter. Can you think of a situation in which one
or more of the four “values” could get a software team into trouble?
1. Individual and interactions over Process and Tools.
Arid Agriculture University
Software Engineering-I CS-452
Assignment -2 Spring 2021
Instructor: Zainab Mahmood
- It is the first value proposition of the manifesto. This tool should be used for capturing
requirements, version control, project planning, editing, file transfer etc
2. Working software over comprehensive documentation.
- This tells about the importance of documentation, which is often lacking in projects and
can cause problems.
3. Responding to change over a plan:
One situation in which one or more of the four "values" could get a software team into
trouble would be Responding to change over following a plan, In many situations, we no
longer are able to define Requirements fully before the project begins. Software engineers must
be agile enough to respond to a fluid business environment or else they might land up in trouble.
4. Customer Collaboration over Contract Negotiation:
The purpose of contract negotiation is to ensure that responsibilities and deliverables are clear,as
well as providing a framework for resolving issues should they arise. Relationship with the client
are able to resolve things amicably,a contract is more like an insurance policy should things go