LEED v4.1 Cities and Communities Plan and Design Guide
LEED v4.1 Cities and Communities Plan and Design Guide
LEED v4.1 Cities and Communities Plan and Design Guide
Getting started guide for beta participants
February 1, 2021
WELCOME TO LEED V4.1 ........................................................................................................................... 5
Six key goals have guided the technical development process for the LEED v4.1 Cities and Communities
inspire leadership
foster achievement of global goals
ensure continuity of performance from design to development and operation
leverage the large portfolio of complementing systems in GBCI portfolio, particularly STAR
expand the market from buildings to cities and communities
focus on quality of life of residents and enhance living standards
This version of LEED is the result of countless hours of effort from our volunteers and staff and we are
confident that the rating system meets those goals.
LEED is a global rating system for the design, construction and operation of high-performance green
buildings. For the last 18 years, various versions of LEED have pushed the global green building market
forward progressively, with more than 93,000 registered and certified projects and more than 19 billion
square feet of space worldwide.
Regions and markets move at different paces, and we want to be sure we can meet the needs of
everyone in the green building and sustainability community. LEED v4.1 represents a series of upgrades
that will improve our standards, encourage leadership, and make our platform more user friendly, more
accessible—and most importantly—more collaborative than ever before.
LEED v4.1 will be our most inclusive and transparent platform to date. That is because our most
important requirement for adoption will come from our most valuable resource of all—YOU!
Integrative • The rating system has an overarching prerequisite and a credit. The prerequisite
Process (IP) intends to drive an inclusive process in city or community planning, while the credit
ensures that a majority of buildings in the city or community are green and
sustainable by design.
• The prerequisite on integrative planning and design facilitates teamwork for early
analysis of city systems to derive cost effective, high performance outcomes.
• The credit is a facilitator for green buildings in the city or community. Buildings are
primary constituents of any city or community that can contribute to higher energy
and water consumption, higher waste generation and could lead to environmental
degradation, if not designed and operated sustainably. The design and operation of
green buildings support and contribute to better environmental, social and
economic goals of a city and community. The rating system thus encourages cities
to introduce policies, incentives and programs to encourage design construction
and operation of green buildings certified to LEED or any other equivalent green
building rating system, as an overarching credit.
Transportation • The transport sector is responsible for a quarter of energy-related greenhouse gas
and Land Use (GHG) emissions worldwide. 1 Land use is the key driver of mobility in a city and
(TR) rapid urbanization has disrupted land use patterns, resulting in urban sprawl and
increased dependency on personal, motorized vehicles. This credit category
encourages cities to adopt an integrated approach towards urban planning through
mixed use development, efficient transportation, better connectivity and
engagement with stakeholders.
• This category does not have any prerequisites. The credit on Compact, Mixed Use
and Transit Oriented Development addresses land use and encourages compact
development and access to diverse uses. This in turn discourages urban sprawl and
encourages people to walk or bike thereby improving public health. The Walkability
and Bikeability credit further lays out principles for designing safe walkable and
bikeable cities and communities.
• Access to Quality Transit encourages use of diverse transportation modes to
reduce the reliance on personal vehicles within the city or community. It also
addresses intermodal connectivity for easy access and transition from one mode of
transport to another.
• The credit on Alternative Fuel Vehicles encourages a shift to alternative fuel
vehicles by providing infrastructure such as charging stations for electric vehicles
and through policies and incentives.
• Smart Mobility and Transportation Policy intends to promote efficiency in
operation of transport systems, user facilitation, policies and behavior change to
reduce environmental impacts.
• The High Priority Site credit intends to preserve and revive the urban fabric of a
city by promoting engagement, community development and social and mental
Water (WE) • Water is the lifeline of any city. However, equity and access have been a major
challenge in many cities. Water demand has been constantly increasing in urban and
peri-urban areas and is stressing freshwater reserves, creating a perennial shortage
of water in these cities. This credit category addresses water at multiple levels –
meeting demand, maintaining water quality, reducing water losses, capturing
stormwater, and managing urban floods.
• There are two prerequisites in this category. The prerequisite for Integrated Water
Management requires reduced freshwater consumption and encourages the shift to
a net zero water city.
• Water Access and Quality requires the implementation of policies and
infrastructure for the equitable supply of quality water to all members of society,
along with the treatment of wastewater and stormwater before it is released into
the environment.
• The credit on Stormwater Management focuses on strategies to capture the
maximum possible quantity of rainwater to reduce runoff volume, prevent erosion,
and flooding, as well as recharge groundwater.
• The credit on Waste Water Management is designed reduce pollution from
wastewater, encourage water reuse and reduce stress on freshwater sources.
• Smart Water Systems encourages cities to improve operational efficiency,
reduction in water losses, and monitoring of water flow within the city through the
use of smart technologies such as smart meters.
Energy and
Greenhouse Gas • Cities consume over two-thirds of the world’s energy and account for more than
Emissions (EN) 70% of global CO2 emissions. 2 City energy systems can play a huge role in
combating climate change. In addition, access to energy is critical in determining
the quality of life of residents. This credit category encourages cities to provide
equitable access to reliable power while simultaneously reducing the adverse
impacts of energy use on environment.
• There are two prerequisites in this category. The second prerequisite is the only
prerequisite in the rating system that carries a score. The prerequisite on Power
Access, Reliability and Resiliency addresses equitable access to a reliable power
supply, along with system resiliency to withstand shocks and stresses.
• The second prerequisite that also has incremental scoring necessitates that the city
or community estimate and limit greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from proposed
development. The prerequisite on Energy and Emissions Management measures
the GHG emissions per capita.
• The credit on Energy Efficiency focuses on actions for efficient water and
wastewater services to the city, public lighting and district energy systems within
the city.
• The Renewable Energy credit focuses on reducing the environmental impacts
of conventional energy generation through installation of small scale and large-
scale renewables, as well as renewable energy certificates and carbon offsets in
energy procurement.
7 U.S. Green Building Council
• As GHG emissions are driven by a city’s economic activity, the credit on Low
Carbon Economy encourages the city to measure and lower the carbon intensity of
its economy.
• The credit for Grid Harmonization intends to improve operational efficiency of the
energy system and encourage consumer participation in energy use
optimization through the use of advanced technologies and the Internet of Things
(IoT). This section leverages the Performance Excellence in Electricity Renewal
(PEER) rating system that evaluates power generation, transmission and distribution
Materials and • Cities are large aggregators of materials and nutrients, accounting for the highest
Resources (MR) natural resource consumption affecting the environment and human health. The
intent behind this category is to eliminate waste from mainstream consumption and
instead utilize waste as a resource. The development of cities provides opportunities
to drive a global transition from a linear to a circular economy. With their high
concentration of resources, capital, data and skills over a small geographic territory,
cities could greatly benefit from the outcomes of such a transition.
• There are two prerequisites that prepare a new city and community to strive
towards net zero waste and a circular economy through recycling, reuse and
reduction of waste generation. The prerequisite for Construction and Demolition
Waste Management requires cities to reduce the disposal of C&D waste in landfills
and incineration facilities through recovery, reuse, and recycling.
• The Solid waste Management prerequisite requires cities to put up adequate waste
management infrastructure by properly estimating waste generation and diversion.
Maximum diversion from landfills is the prime intent.
• The credits for Organic Waste Management and Recycling Infrastructure prepare
the city or community to manage and treat organic and inorganic waste, so that
there is a minimal load on landfills.
• Responsible Sourcing for Infrastructure encourages use of products and materials
that have environmentally, economically, and socially preferable life cycle impacts.
• As in other credit categories, the Smart Waste Management credit promotes
strategies to improve operational efficiency of the waste management system.
Quality of Life • Quality of Life is the general well-being of individuals and populations in the city or
(QL) community. New cities are being developed as economic engines for their
respective countries, thereby creating new jobs in the region. While the livability
aspects of a city are mainly driven by the operations and management, this
category addresses design and planning interventions to promote prosperity,
health, and safety for all.
• This credit category supports better quality of life for future residents. There are
three prerequisites: Demographic Assessment, Social
Infrastructure, and Economic Growth. These prerequisites require the city or
community to assess its population, provision for adequate social infrastructure, and
prepare economic growth pathways.
• The Affordable Housing credit recognizes the importance of providing affordable
housing for all.
• The credit for Public Health assists cities and communities in planning for health-
promoting services and opportunities for all citizens, while the Emergency
Management and Response credit requires sufficient capacity to respond to
emergency incidents and reduce their impacts on human health.
Like the suite of LEED rating systems for buildings, LEED for Cities and Communities is designed to be
applicable at all phases of a city’s or community’s lifecycle. New or developing cities, existing cities,
neighborhoods or districts in redevelopment - all are examples of applicable projects. The flexible menu
of standardized metrics and strategies in the rating system can be applied at various levels and stages
of development and allow data to be rolled from the project level all the way up to a city or a larger
regional level. Sustainability strategies can be incorporated more effectively and efficiently at an early
stage of development. Cities can register as early as the conceptual phase and earn precertification.
Cities with a Master Plan that is finalized can achieve full Plan and Design certification. Cities at the
development phase can also apply the Plan and Design rating system. While the evaluation is based on
the Master Plan, these cities are encouraged to undertake additional strategies to ensure that they can
meet the prerequisite requirements. For example, if the city is under development and the master plan
does not meet the prerequisite requirements for green spaces, the city can incorporate innovative
strategies such as vertical gardens or urban rooftop gardens to meet the requirements.
New cities and communities are mostly developed in phases. Projects with phases at various stages of
planning and construction must follow the guidance provided below:
Precertification: A project must use Plan and Design precertification for the full project.
Precertification is mandatory for these projects.
a. Plan and Design: A project must use the Plan and Design rating system for the phase
that is at planning stage or is constructed less than 75% of its total building floor area.
b. Existing: If the phase is constructed over 75%, it must use the Existing rating system and
must certify after being operational for a minimum period of one year.
LEED for Cities and Communities is performance-driven and includes a verified certification program. The
resulting transparency and accountability of shared metrics and verified performance ensures a new
generation of healthy, inclusive and prosperous places that offer people and businesses an environment
in which to thrive.
This program aligns with our vision that buildings and communities will regenerate and sustain the
health and vitality of all life within a generation. If you are designing a new city or community or if you
are a city or community manager, we encourage you to test out this system. The rating system is
intended to help cities and communities manage resources sustainably and provide a better quality of
life for residents and visitors. Lastly, the rating system supports the United Nations Sustainable
Development Goals for environmentally-sensitive, socially-responsible and economically-viable
The terms ‘Cities’ and ‘Communities’ are defined for purposes of the rating system as follows:
Cities: Cities are political jurisdictions or places defined by their municipal public-sector governance
(e.g., mayors or town managers) except in those regions (especially Asia) where the term ‘city’ is
culturally understood as encompassing some places with private sector governance.
Communities: Communities are defined as every urbanized location that is not a ‘city’ including sub-city
locations such as districts. In addition, privately developed or owned urban areas (for example, Songdo
LEED for Cities and Communities is flexible so that local governments (counties and municipalities), as
well as the private sector, can use the rating system to achieve their goals. The primary applicant for LEED
for Cities certification is the governing body of a city or municipality. LEED for Communities certification
applies to non-city areas, such as counties, regions, districts, economic zones, neighborhoods, campuses
and military installations.
Examples of LEED for Cities and Communities: Plan and Design applicants include:
• A city manager representing a rapidly growing city
• A private sector planner developing a new city or community
• A local developer working on an eco-district or collection of buildings on an urban site/block
within a mature city
• A housing authority or local group developing a neighborhood
• Townships or large area development projects
• Neighborhood developments
• Large educational, institutional or industrial campuses and communities
In past three years of working with 140+ cities globally to develop and refine LEED for Cities (through
the LEED for Cities pilot program that precedes this beta and STAR Communities), USGBC and GBCI
have gained immense experience on the system. This has helped us to move to the next level of
technical development. We have now expanded the program to cover new and greenfield cities and
communities in addition to existing cities. Now, with the Plan and Design version of the
system, greenfield cities and communities can incorporate actions, strategies, policies and programs to
perform sustainably.
The beta LEED for Cities and Communities rating system embeds the following inherent guiding
principles in its development trajectory:
LEED Impact categories, UN Sustainable Development Goals and Triple Bottom Line:
• The LEED for Cities and Communities rating system aligns with the seven Impact Categories of
• The rating system addresses all of the Sustainable Development Goals set by United Nations in
2015 to help cities achieve global goals.
• It upholds the triple bottom line and addresses social, environmental and financial aspects of a
Future-Ready Cities:
• Requirements in the rating system encourage cities to adopt concepts of being carbon neutral,
water positive, zero waste, human centric and equitable, transit oriented, connected through
smart technologies, and integrated with a circular economy, to name a few.
• Social equity is a critical issue in contemporary cities. Cities and communities are encouraged to
cater to social infrastructure at the design stage to support better quality of life and
community well-being.
Integrated USGBC and GBCI Programs – LEED, STAR, SITES, PEER, LEED for Transit, TRUE:
• LEED for Cities and Communities is aligned with the STAR Community Rating System, LEED for
Neighborhood Development, and other GBCI rating systems such as PEER, TRUE and SITES.
o Integration of a prerequisite or credit from a rating system entails that the intent of the
credit is being met. This can be by (i) referencing the original credit as-is (ii) adapting the
language to fit the city or community scale, (iii) adapting the requirements to fit within
the LEED framework, or (iv) using the same thresholds as the original credit.
USGBC will present LEED v4.1 for public comment, followed by a member ballot. This beta rating
system is not final; feedback from the beta will inform the public comment draft(s). We will update this
document as needed and as more program features become available.
This document is a comprehensive guide to the LEED Cities and Communities: Plan and Design v4.1 beta
program. The v4.1 Beta Guide contains guidance sections for basic usability and there shall be detailed
reference guide available in due course of time. The rating systems such as PEER V2, Star Communities,
Sites, LEED ND are referenced in several credits. Projects are encouraged to access these systems and
respective reference guides to get further details and guidance.
Total 110 points are available. A minimum of 40 points are required for certification. LEED has four levels
of certification, depending on the point thresholds achieved:
• Certified: 40-49 points
• Silver: 50-59
• Gold: 60-79
• Platinum: 80+
You may choose to pursue precertification ahead of full certification if you would like additional support
and formal recognition up-front. This is an optional review pathway available for a fee for LEED for
Cities and Communities: Plan and Design projects that focusses on intended design and construction
strategies. We offer precertification prior to a full certification application to help you determine which
credits and prerequisites your project is likely to achieve during the full review, as well as attract
tenants, businesses, developers, financiers, and even permitting benefits in certain localities. If you are
interested in pursuing precertification, select this option after registration in LEED Online within the
Timeline tab. Achieve precertification by completing the LEED Precertification Worksheet that is
LEED for Cities and Communities v4.1 precertification expires after three years.
All certified projects are strongly encouraged to pursue recertification once it is available.
To support high-performance, cost-effective city outcomes through an early analysis of the
interrelationships among city systems.
Use inter-disciplinary teams and at a minimum, ensure the following processes are followed:
1. Comprehensive plan: Prepare a plan which will include vision, mission, key goals and objectives of
the city or community.
2. LEED for Cities or Communities team: Assemble and convene an interdisciplinary, cross-
departmental project team. Include diverse team members from at a minimum three of the following
areas of expertise.
Development Authority
Urban / Master Planning and Design
Engineering (Energy and Power; Hydrology; Transportation; Waste)
Economic Development
Urban Ecologist, Biologist or Landscape Architect
Construction Management
Human Services
Education / School Board
Sustainability / Resilience Officer
Data Officer / Information Technology
Include any other experts or stakeholders as relevant to the city or community. Conduct regular
meetings with the integrative project team to review project status, introduce new team members
to project goals, discuss problems, formulate solutions, review responsibilities, and identify next
3. Preliminary rating goals: As early as practical and preferable before master planning, conduct a
preliminary LEED meeting with a minimum of three key project team members and the City
Development Authority. As part of the meeting, create a LEED action plan to determine the LEED
certification level to pursue (Certified, Silver, Gold, or Platinum), identifying the potential LEED
credits to be attempted and identifying the responsible parties to ensure the LEED requirements for
each prerequisite and selected credit are met.
4. Design Charrette: As early as practical and preferably before master plan approval, conduct a
design charrette with the project team as defined above and representatives of the citizens who will
16 U.S. Green Building Council
get impacted by the project. The goal is to optimize the integration of green strategies across all
aspects of city planning and design, construction and operation, drawing on the expertise of all
Behind the Intent
All over the world, urban areas are experiencing rapid growth, and it is projected that 60% of the
world’s population will be living in urban settings by 2030. Cities are closely connected to economic
growth, producing over 75% of the world’s gross domestic product (GDP) and 75% of carbon dioxide
emissions, while consuming 75% of global natural resources. Cities have a leadership opportunity to
pioneer ways of living that strengthen ecosystems and promote high social and economic welfare. A
comprehensive, integrative process accounts for the interaction of all buildings and systems, relying on
an iterative cycle of analysis, stakeholder feedback, implementation, and performance tracking. This
prerequisite facilitates teamwork for early analysis of city systems to derive cost-effective, high-
performance outcomes.
Further Explanation
Required Documentation
Exemplary Performance
This prerequisite is not eligible for exemplary performance.
To encourage the design, construction, and retrofit of buildings using green building practices.
Option 1. Buildings Owned and/or Operated by the Local Government or Development Authority
(1-2 points)
Register and certify buildings, above 5000 square feet (465 square meter), owned by the local
government or development authority to LEED, EDGE or an equivalent green building 3 rating system.
Points are awarded as per the table given below.
Provide incentives for LEED or an equivalent green building rating system in the city. (1 point per
incentive provided; up to 4 points can be achieved through this option.)
3Green building rating systems should address energy, water, waste, sustainable sites, location and transportation
and human health.
18 U.S. Green Building Council
Behind the Intent
Cities cover 2% of the world’s land area but they account for 70% of greenhouse gas emissions. 30% of
emissions are generated by buildings, the building blocks of cities. 4 Similarly, buildings impact resource
consumption, ecological systems, and human health and well-being. Hence, green buildings are an
essential component of a city’s strategy towards sustainable development. The LEED for Cities rating
system is targets macro-level strategies. Green buildings support the micro-level strategies to help cities
be more sustainable. Green public buildings help the city lead by example, and green building policies
and incentives ensure alignment of future development with the city’s long-term strategy.
Further Explanation
Required Documentation
List of buildings above 5000 square feet (465 square meters), owned by
the local government or development authority
Calculations demonstrating achievement of the point threshold X
Documentation supporting registration and /or certification of buildings
to be owned by the local government or development authority
Documentation supporting green building policy and incentives or
Exemplary Performance
This credit is not eligible for exemplary performance.
19 U.S. Green Building Council
NS Prerequisite: Ecosystem Assessment
This prerequisite applies to
To assess the existing ecosystem conditions and services provided by ecosystems, built landscapes,
and other open spaces to inform the city development along with conservation and restoration efforts.
Complete and document an ecosystem assessment for the entire city or community boundary that
includes the following topics:
1. Topography- Contour mapping, unique topographic features, slope stability risks.
2. Soils- Natural Resources Conservation Service soils delineation, U.S. Department of Agriculture
prime farmland, unique farmland or farmland of statewide or local importance, healthy soils, soils
disturbed by previous development and degree of disturbance (local equivalent standards may be
used for cities or communities outside the U.S.).
3. Vegetation and Habitat- Total existing vegetated area, primary vegetation types, native plants and
plant communities, significant tree mapping, identification of top three threatened species as per
The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 5 or local or regional standards, habitat for threatened or
endangered species, unique habitat, identification of top three invasive plant species and mapping
of degraded vegetation and habitats as applicable.
4. Hydrology and aquatic ecosystems- Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA) as determined by FEMA’s
Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) (or local equivalent for cities or communities outside the U.S.),
wetlands, lakes, streams, shorelines; Precipitation, rainwater collection and reuse opportunities
including overland water flow, water quality, watershed health, potable and non-potable water
sources; Pollution sources and pollutants. Map areas with degraded aquatic ecosystems as
Explain how the identified conditions and resources will influence the sustainable design.
Note: Not all topics apply to every area, and each city may contain additional important unique
elements that are not explicitly addressed here.
LEED v4 BD+C SS Credit: Site Assessment
SITES v2 Section 2: Pre-Design Assessment + Planning
http://www.iucnredlist.org/ , accessed on December 17, 2018.
20 U.S. Green Building Council
Behind the Intent
An ecosystem assessment evaluates environmental features that the cities and communities should take
into consideration. It identifies assets, such as favorable wetlands, lakes, streams, shorelines, steep
slopes and healthy plant populations, as well as liabilities, such as unhealthy soils, blighted structures,
pollution sources, and poor water quality. Performing an ecosystem assessment is part of an integrative
planning process to account for a site’s ecological context. This assessment must address the city or
community’s topography, soil, vegetation and habitat. Moreover, hydrology and aquatic ecosystems are
important because they can significantly influence the city strategy and performance.
Further Explanation
Required Documentation
Exemplary Performance
This prerequisite is not eligible for exemplary performance.
To reduce pollution from construction activities by controlling soil erosion, waterway sedimentation,
and airborne dust.
Create and implement an erosion and sedimentation control plan for all construction activities, including
but not limited to construction of roads and highways, transit systems, water and wastewater systems,
energy systems, waste management systems, buildings to be undertaken by the city development
authorities. The plan must conform to the erosion and sedimentation requirements of the 2017 U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Construction General Permit (CGP) or local equivalent,
whichever is more stringent. Projects must apply the CGP regardless of size. The plan must describe the
measures to be implemented.
LEED BD+C v4 SS Prerequisite Construction Activity Pollution Prevention
Behind the Intent
This prerequisite promotes environmental protection measures that reduce construction disturbances to
neighboring land areas, rainwater systems, and the city or community itself. To ensure that all projects
implement erosion and sedimentation control (ESC) measures during construction, the credit applies a
U.S.-based national standard, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) construction general
permit (CGP). Local jurisdictions typically look to this standard when writing their own code
requirements and adopt ESC measures that are applicable to local soils, weather, natural waterways,
and municipal rainwater systems. Therefore, cities or communities that follow local codes derived from
the CGP can often demonstrate compliance with the prerequisite; projects outside the U.S. can use a
local equivalent.
Further Explanation
Required Documentation
Exemplary Performance
This prerequisite is not eligible for exemplary performance.
22 U.S. Green Building Council
NS Prerequisite: Green Spaces
This prerequisite applies to
To provide accessible green spaces that positively impact physical, mental and psychological health and
well-being of the community while also enhancing the environmental quality.
Provide a minimum of 121 square feet per person (11.25 square meter per person) of green space
within the city.
90% of the dwelling units must have a green space within 1/2 mile (800 meters) walkable distance.
Adopt either or combination of both of the following criteria to meet the requirement.
o Walkable access to a public park.
o Adopt building ordinance to the effect that residential areas which are not within walkable
distance of a public park should provide an equivalent of 121 square feet per person (11.25
square meter per person) of green space within walkable distance.
Green space is defined as land that is partly or completely covered with trees, shrubs, grass or other
vegetation. This includes urban parks, trails and community farms or gardens 6 including roof top
gardens. This does not include schoolyards, playgrounds, public seating areas, public plazas or vacant
Areas allocated for urban agriculture under QL Credit: Public Health may be included to meet the
requirements of this credit.
LEED v4 ND NPD Credit: Access to Civic and Public Space
STAR Communities V2 BE-6: Public Parkland, Outcome 2: Proximity
Adopted from United States Environmental Protection Agency’s ‘What is Open Space / Green Space?’ retrieved from
https://www3.epa.gov/region1/eco/uep/openspace.html , accessed on December 17, 2018.
23 U.S. Green Building Council
Behind the Intent
Green spaces provide important community-building space for people to gather, play, exercise,
celebrate, learn, relax, reflect, and enjoy nature and city life. Recent estimates show that physical
inactivity, linked to poor walkability and lack of access to recreational areas, accounts for 3.3% of global
deaths. 7 Green spaces also are important to mental health. Having access to green spaces can reduce
health inequalities, improve well-being, and support mental wellness. Some analysis suggests that
physical activity in a natural environment can help remedy mild depression and reduce physiological
stress indicators. 8
Further Explanation
Required Documentation
Exemplary Performance
This prerequisite is not eligible for exemplary performance.
24 U.S. Green Building Council
NS Credit: Natural Resources Conservation and
This credit applies to
Cities (2-5 points)
Communities (2-5 points)
Option 1. Natural Resource Acreage (3 points)
Path 1. Maintain natural resource 9 acreage at 80 square meters per capita (861 square feet per capita).
Path 2. Maintain natural resource acreage at 11.5% or more of total jurisdictional land area.
STAR Communities V2 NS-3: Natural Resource Protection Outcome 1: Natural Resource Areas
Natural resource areas include but are not limited to critical aquifer recharge areas; deserts and arid
lands; fish or wildlife habitat, natural deltas or floodplains, steep slopes, natural parkland, forests,
geologically hazardous areas, grasslands and prairies, habitats of endangered and threatened species,
shorelines and their buffers, streams and their buffers and wetlands. Green spaces as defined under NS
Prerequisite: Green Spaces can be included within the Natural Resource Acreage.
1. Steep Slopes:
Natural resource areas include but are not limited to critical aquifer recharge areas; deserts and arid lands; fish or wildlife habitat,
natural deltas or floodplains, steep slopes, natural parkland, forests, geologically hazardous areas, grasslands and prairies, habitats
of endangered and threatened species, shorelines and their buffers, streams and their buffers; and wetlands.
10 In lieu of a consolidated Natural Resources and Conservation Plan, cities and communities may provide individual
If construction is permitted on steep slopes (greater than 15%), adopt a regulation to the effect that
development permits and building permits will only be issued after review of the following for each
A general site survey, topographic and land feature survey along with geotechnical evaluation.
A grading plan that indicates a clear feasibility for roads, driveways and building envelop
without massive manipulation of the site.
A tree and vegetation plan.
A drainage management plan.
An erosion control plan that avoids massive manipulation of the site.
An Environmental Inventory and Assessment to identify environmentally sensitive areas and
features to be protected, and to measures to avoid, minimize or mitigate environmental impacts
of the proposed development and development activities.
LEED v4 ND SLL Credit: Steep Slope Protection
LEED v4 ND SLL Prerequisite: Agricultural Land Conservation
If the development footprint affects farmland of any category, mitigate the loss by providing
alternative area for farming such as rooftop farming or vertical farming in the ratio of 2:1 (i.e. two
square meters of alternative area for every one square meter farmland affected). In addition, plan
for farmer’s markets or supermarket or grocery stores with a produce section in residential areas
that will be within 1/2 mile (800 meter) walking distance.
SLL Prerequisite: Imperiled Species and Ecological Communities Conservation
LEED v4 ND SLL Credit: Site Design for Habitat or Wetland and Water Body Conservation
SITES v2 Prerequisite 4.2: Control and manage invasive plants
SITES v2 Credit 4.4: Conserve healthy soils and appropriate vegetation
SITES v2 Credit 4.5: Conserve special status vegetation
SITES v2 Credit 4.8: Optimize biomass
STAR Communities v2 Action 2: Policy and Code Adjustment
4. Aquatic Ecosystems:
Do not permit any development within limits specified below except for minor improvements or
comply with equivalent local or national regulations.
Shorelines and coastal areas: Within 200 feet (61 meters) from normal high tide line.
Floodplains, rivers and streams: A flood hazard area shown on a legally adopted flood hazard
map or otherwise legally designated by the local jurisdiction or the state or entirely outside any
floodplain subject to a 1% or greater chance of flooding in any given year.
Wetlands: Within 50 feet (15 meter) of a wetland, except for minor improvements.
Water bodies: Within 100 feet (30 meters) of a water body which is greater than 50 contiguous
acres (20 hectares) and within 50 feet (15 meters) for waterbodies less than 50 contiguous
acres (20 hectares).
Restore degraded aquatic ecosystems identified during the Ecosystem Assessment. Restoration
strategies must be developed based on Society for Ecological Restoration Science & Policy
Working Group. 2002, The SER Primer on Ecological Restoration, Section 3, Attributes of
Restored Ecosystems.
LEED v4 ND SLL Prerequisite: Wetland and Water Body Conservation
SITES v2 Prerequisite 1.3: Conserve aquatic ecosystems
SITES v2 Credit 3.6: Restore aquatic ecosystems
11 Significant Habitat for the purpose of this prerequisite is defined as (i) locally or regionally significant habitat of any
size, or patches of predominantly native vegetation at least 150 acres (60 hectares) (even if part of the area lies
outside the project boundary) (ii) Special status plants which include plants designated as special status in the
region. These plants may include, but are not limited to, heritage or legacy trees, specimen trees (as designated by a
local tree board), rare vegetation in a unique habitat, and unusual genetic variants of a particular species; and any (iii)
habitat flagged for conservation under a regional or state conservation or green infrastructure plan.
https://www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/LittonC/PDFs/682_SERPrimer.pdf , accessed on December 17, 2018.
27 U.S. Green Building Council
STAR Communities V2 NS-5: Water in the Environment Outcome 1: Watershed Health Index
Behind the Intent
Ecosystems around the world have been impacted extensively by human influence, particularly over the
past 50 years. In response, communities are taking action to protect and restore natural systems and
maintain ecosystem services. Natural systems provide a wide range of services for human populations,
such as clean water, food, forest products, and flood control. Cities and communities demonstrate
leadership conservation and restoration by establishing robust natural resource protection goals and
implementing strategies that improve the quality of natural resource areas. 13 At times, cities must weigh
trade-offs between protecting ecological services in undeveloped areas while also managing land to
prevent urban sprawl and overcrowding.
Further Explanation
Required Documentation
Natural Resource
Documentation Resource Conservation
Acreage and Restoration
Master Plan with mapping of natural resources and schedule and/or
table listing the natural resource type and area of each.
Calculations demonstrating achievement of point threshold X
Natural Resource Conservation and Restoration Plan highlighting the
sections demonstrating the achievement of the listed requirements
Supporting documentation for each of the ecological systems (as
Exemplary Performance
This credit is not eligible for exemplary performance.
Minimize negative effects on nocturnal environments and human health and functioning, reduce sky-
glow, and increase nighttime visibility by reducing light trespass within the city.
Street lighting in the city or community must meet the requirements of Section 9. Recommendations on
sky glow limits of CIE 126 -1997, Guidelines for Minimizing Sky Glow or local equivalent.
Adopt a lighting ordinance for the city conforming to the Section II to VI of the Model Lighting
Ordinance (MLO), 2011 14 developed jointly by the International Dark Sky Association and Illuminating
Engineering Society.
STAR Communities BE-1: Ambient Noise & Light
Behind the Intent
Inappropriate or excessive use of artificial light, known as light pollution, can have serious environmental
consequences for humans, wildlife, and the climate. Components of light pollution include glare,
skyglow, light trespass, and clutter. Much of outdoor lighting used at night is inefficient, overly bright,
poorly targeted, improperly shielded, and, in many cases, completely unnecessary. This light, and the
electricity used to create it, is being wasted rather than being focused on targeted areas that need to be
illuminated. Moreover, artificial lights disrupt the natural light patterns and the delicate balance of our
environment. A growing body of evidence links the brightening night sky directly to measurable
negative impacts including disrupting the ecosystem and wildlife and harming human health 15. The
credit requires compliance with standards to reduce light pollution and limit its negative effects.
Further Explanation
http://darksky.org/wp-content/uploads/bsk-pdf-manager/16_MLO_FINAL_JUNE2011.PDF , accessed on December 17, 2018.
15 https://www.darksky.org/light-pollution/ accessed on March 24, 2019
29 U.S. Green Building Council
Required Documentation
Exemplary Performance
This credit is not eligible for exemplary performance.
To strengthen the resilience of communities to climate change risks, natural and man-made hazards and
extreme events.
Natural Man-made
Geo Physical Earthquake Social Complex
Landslide Emergencies/Conflicts
Tsunami Displaced Populations
Volcanic Activity Technological Cyber Attack
Hydrological Avalanches Infrastructure failure
Flood Industrial Fire
Climatological Extreme Temperatures Explosion
Drought Accidents
Wildfires Transport Accidents On Road, Air,
Railway, Maritime
Extreme heat/ cold Pollution Air and water
Heat Island Effect
Meteorological Cyclones
Storms/Wave Surges
Biological Disease Epidemics
• Risk Identification- Identify the impacts from which an area is at risk. Use national/state level maps
and historic data of occurrence to identify the potential threats.
• Risk Assessment- Estimate the probability of occurrence of the extreme events. Study their
characteristics, frequency and potential severity. Conduct a socio-economic and environmental
assessment of the impact.
• Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment- Assess the most exposed and affected sections of the
city or community.
• Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies: Adaptation and Mitigation strategies to address the goals
identified under Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment above.
• Fundamental Emergency planning and preparedness: Access to basic needs: First aid, emergency
supplies, water, food communication, temporary shelter.
• Early Warning Systems: Strategies for early warning systems during the extreme event.
Demonstrate at least one early warning system in practice.
• Critical Infrastructure: Operation of critical facilities during the extreme event and post-event
rehabilitation. Map and reduce over time any critical infrastructure that is located in designated
high-risk areas.
• Policy Intervention: Incorporate building structure resilience in building regulations in order to
withstand the potential damage due to extreme events.
• Meet the requirements of PEER v2 Rating System 16, RR Credit: Damage and Exposure Prevention to
achieve a minimum of 2 points. (Appendix 1)
RELI v1: Risk Adaptation + Mitigation for Acute Events
STAR v2 CE-1: Climate Adaptation
STAR v2 HS-6: Hazard Mitigation
PEER V2 RR Credit: Damage and Exposure Prevention
Behind the Intent
Common signs of climate change include higher annual average temperatures, rising sea levels, and
extreme weather. Serious impacts of climate change may involve flooding, drought, prolonged heat
waves, and/or increased frequency of dangerous storm events. Such impacts can radically shift
ecosystems, destabilize economies, and threaten quality of life. Climate change exacerbates the stress
on already-strained infrastructure systems. Communities that make the choice to address future
stresses and shocks from climate impacts today are likely to save money and experience a safer,
healthier community now and in the future.
Further Explanation
Required Documentation
Documentation and capacity Resilience Plan
Exemplary Performance
This credit is not eligible for exemplary performance.
To encourage compact and mixed use development, high levels of connectivity and daily walking,
biking, and transit use.
Design Compact and Complete Centers (CCCs) on the master plan or land use map of the city or
community. CCCs are measured as areas within a ½ mile (800 meters) walking distance of a central
point that represent a strong mix of uses, public transit availability, density, and walkability. CCCs may
overlap. The CCCs should support mixed use development which is internally and/or contextually
complementary, is densely populated and has internal and surrounding connectivity.
Meet the following requirements:
Percentage of population
residing within CCCs (Total Points
of all CCCs)
40% to 69% 1
70% and above 2
TOD guidelines, ITDP
Open areas may include green spaces and open community spaces such as plazas and squares.
34 U.S. Green Building Council
Define land use mix in all CCCs as internally complementary and/or contextually complementary.
At least 75% of all residential and non-residential buildings outside the identified CCC are within ¼ mile
(400 meters) walking distance of an existing or planned bus, streetcar or informal transit stops that
connects to a CCC’s mass rapid transit station or a pulse point within 3 miles (5 kilometers).
19Station catchment area is defined as area that is within walking distance of 1/3 mile (500 meters) up to a maximum
walking distance of 3/5 miles (1000 meters) from the rapid transit station entrance to the entrance of the final
destination (doorstep of a building). The 3/5 miles (1000 meters) represents a walking time of approximately 20
minutes at the average urban speed of 3 km/h (including waits at intersections). A single station catchment area can
cover close to 3.14 km2 (but usually somewhat less since walking distance, not radius, is considered). For further
details, refer to TOD Guidelines by ITDP, page 109.
Similarly, an adjacent CCC should be within walking distance of 1/3 mile (500 meters) up to a maximum walking
distance of 3/5 miles (1000 meters) from the CCC in consideration.
Behind the Intent
This credit addresses high-level urban planning of the city or community. It encourages development in
compact, human-scaled, walkable, and universally-accessible centers and neighborhoods that connect
to public transit and offer diverse uses and services. The credit promotes street networks that are
comfortable, safe, uninterrupted, and accessible for all people regardless of age, ability, and other
factors. Cities and communities with dense, compact, and mixed-use development are able to contain
urban sprawl, reduce dependency on motorized vehicles, encourage walking and bicycling, and reduce
vehicular emissions.
Further Explanation
Required Documentation
3. Access
All cities 2.
1. to transit
and Comple
Documentation Population facilities
communit mentary
density and diverse
ies uses
Master plan with land use showing CCCs with
radius of ½ mile (800 meters) walking distance X
from a central point
Documentation to demonstrate achievement of
thresholds on percentage of total population X
residing in CCCs
Master plan with land use showing percentage
of area under residential use and area under
other land use types such as commercial,
institutional and other (as applicable)
complementing the residential use type, for all
Description of achievement of internally and
contextually complementary uses for all CCCs
Master plan showing location of residential and
non-residential buildings within and outside
CCC, walking routes with distance from farthest X
buildings to the planned or existing transit
stations and/or stops and location of use types
Description of socioeconomic profile of all
CCCs that is reflected in selected use types
Demonstrate achievement of various credits (as applicable) in Transportation and Land Use category
for sample CCCs identified using following methodology.
On master plan show key zones or neighborhoods based on zip code, various land use types
such as residential, commercial, institutional and others (as applicable) and sample CCCs with
radius of ½ mile (800 meters) walking distance from a central point for each zone. Number of
sample CCCs in each zone should be based on following table that specifies minimum number
of sample CCCs for various jurisdictional population range:
Exemplary Performance
This credit is not eligible for exemplary performance.
Cities (4 points)
Communities (4 points)
To ensure accessible, connected and safe walking and cycling infrastructure to improve public health
and reduce environmental impacts.
Design sidewalks, bike lanes and crosswalks that are unobstructed and barrier-free for people with
disabilities, including wheelchair users and people with low vision. Comply with Americans with
Disabilities Act (ADA) or relevant national or local guidelines for 100% of sidewalks, bikeways and
Design at least 90% of the total street length within the city or community as per the following
requirements 22 or meet the national, state or local regulations on designing of streets, sidewalks and
bike lanes:
For street segments with speed limit up to 9 miles per hour (15 kilometers per hour), no
segregation of either pedestrians or cyclists is required.
For street segments with speed limit more than 9 miles per hour (15 kilometers per hour), provide
walkways on both sides separated by a physical buffer to ensure safety of pedestrians.
For street segments with vehicular speed limit less than 18 miles per hour (30 kilometers per hour),
protected bike lanes are not required. However, demarcate the bike lanes.
For street segments with vehicular speed limit more than 18 miles per hour (30 kilometers per
hour), provide exclusive and protected bike lanes.
Achieve at least four of the following requirements for 90% of total street length:
Sidewalks must be at least 10 feet (3 meters) wide for retail or mixed-use blocks and for all other
sidewalks it should be a minimum of 5 feet (1.5 meters) 23. One-way bike lanes should be a minimum
of 5 feet (1.5 meters) and two-way bike lanes should be a minimum of 8 feet (2.5 meters).
Provide shade from trees for at least 40% of all sidewalks and bike lanes for the users. Additionally
use other locally appropriate amenities for providing shade. Such amenities include buildings (e.g.,
LEED v4 ND NPD Credit: Walkable Streets
Behind the Intent
This credit encourages cities and communities to provide walking and bicycling infrastructure that is
comfortable, safe, uninterrupted, and accessible for all people regardless of age, ability, and other
factors. The credit promotes protection for pedestrians and cyclists from vehicular traffic by limiting
road speeds, as well as separating and by providing buffers between the vehicular, walking and
bicycling paths. Better pedestrian and cycling environments encourage residents to walk and bike to
work and access diverse uses, such as schools, shopping areas, parks, etc. Reduced dependency on
motorized vehicles helps to reduce GHG emissions, increase physical activity among residents, and
improve public health.
Further Explanation
Required Documentation
All cities For
Documentation and designing
communities streets
Letter of Assurance by an authorized signatory confirming
compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or an
equivalent national or local standard for sidewalks, bikeways and
Master plan showing streets classification based on speed limits
given in list and segregation for pedestrians and cyclists, as
required or classification based on national, state of local
Exemplary Performance
This credit is not eligible for exemplary performance.
To encourage use of diverse transportation modes in order to reduce the reliance on personal vehicles.
All cities and communities must disclose data on modal split showing the percentage of population
commuting to work and other places by using the following transportation modes:
Drive alone (or chauffeured)
Public transportation (excluding taxicab)
Or, other means
LEED v4 ND NPD credit Transit Facilities
TOD Guidelines, EMBARQ
41 U.S. Green Building Council
stops to meet the requirement in Option 2, LT Credit Intermodal Connectivity and Placemaking of LEED
v4 BD+C Transit (Appendix 3).
STAR v2 BE-7 Transportation Choices, Outcome 1 and Outcome 3
LEED v4 BD+C Transit, LT Credit: Intermodal Connectivity and Placemaking
If existing transit service is temporarily rerouted outside the required distances for less than two years,
the city may meet the requirements, provided the local transit agency has committed to restoring the
routes with service at or above the prior level.
LEED v4.1 BD+C, LT Credit: Access to Quality Transit
Behind the Intent
This credit requires cities and communities to provide multiple transit options as alternatives to personal
motorized vehicles and encourage a shift to public transit that supports the environment as well as
public health. Providing safe, comfortable, attractive, and convenient transit facilities tends to increase
ridership of public transit. It is equally important to provide transit service that is frequent and regular.
Further Explanation
Required Documentation
All cities and Option
Documentation Option 1 Option 2
communities 3
Documentation on estimated modal split
showing percentage of population using
different modes of transportation such as
drive alone, carpool, motorcycle, taxicab,
public transportation, walk, bicycle, and others
(as applicable)
Description supported by typical drawings
showing design of public transit stops,
Exemplary Performance
This credit is not eligible for exemplary performance.
To reduce pollution by promoting alternatives to fossil fuel vehicles.
Demonstrate that the number of planned private and public electric vehicle charging stations exceed
1.07 per 10,000 residents or comply with local or national equivalent.
STAR v2 CE-3 Greening the Energy Supply, Outcome 1
LEED v4 BD+C Transit LT Credit Green Vehicles
29 Alternative fuel refers to low-polluting, non-gasoline fuels such as hydrogen, propane, compressed natural gas,
liquid natural gas, methanol, and ethanol.
44 U.S. Green Building Council
Behind the Intent
In 2016, transportation accounted for 28% of total U.S. GHG emissions which is the largest portion of the
total emissions. 30 GHG emissions not only impact the global climate, but also pose health risks from
pollution, especially for children, seniors, and other sensitive populations. This credit requires cities and
communities to promote alternative fuels for vehicles that are lower-emitting and non-gasoline-based,
such as electricity, hydrogen, propane, compressed natural gas, liquid natural gas, methanol, and
ethanol. Initiatives such as preferred parking spaces, provision of charging and refueling stations, and
incentives encourage a greener transportation system.
Further Explanation
Required Documentation
Master plan showing public parking spaces and electric vehicle charging
Calculations demonstrating achievement of point threshold
Master plan showing electric vehicle charging stations; calculations based on
number of electric vehicle charging stations per 10,000 residents
National or local policy providing regulation on provision of electric vehicle
charging facilities such as electric vehicle charging stations, charging X
spaces, incentives or other features that encourage use of electric vehicles
Master plan showing alternative fuel stations; calculations demonstrating
number of alternative fuel stations per 10,000 residents
National or local policy providing regulation on provision of alternative fuel
stations such as fuel stations, charging spaces, incentives or other features X
that encourage use of electric vehicles
Exemplary Performance
This credit is not eligible for exemplary performance.
Cities (2 points)
Communities (2 points)
To promote efficient operation of transport systems, user facilitation, behaviour change and reduced
environmental impact through smart technologies and transportation policies.
Adopt any four solutions or policies to support a city-wide smart and efficient transportation system.
Adopt any two solutions or policies to support a community-wide smart and efficient transportation
Passenger Information System (PIS) - At least 80% of all transit stations identified in TR Credit:
Compact, Mixed Use and Transit Oriented Development, 1. Access to transit facilities must be
equipped with PIS system.
Automated Speed Enforcement - At least 80% of city roads to be equipped for automated speed
Traffic Surveillance - At least 80% of all transit stations identified in TR Credit: Compact, Mixed Use
and Transit Oriented Development, 1. Access to transit facilities must be equipped with CCTVs for
traffic surveillance.
Global Positioning System (GPS)/ General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) - All public transit vehicles
must be equipped with GPS system.
Signal Synchronization and Transit Signal Priority - All signals on major roads must be synchronized
or prioritized to address varying traffic flows.
Integrated Ticketing System - At least 80% of all public transit systems and subsystems to have
Automatic Ticketing System.
Real-time Parking Management - At least 80% of all public and multi-level parking to have real-time
parking management system.
Electronic Toll Collection - All toll booths and plazas to have electronic toll collection system.
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) - Adopt RFID technology for logistics and/or for public
transportation system.
http://www.grantthornton.in/globalassets/1.-member-firms/india/assets/pdfs/smart-transportation-report.pdf , accessed on
December 17, 2018.
46 U.S. Green Building Council
Behind the Intent
Cities and communities face transportation-related issues such as traffic congestion, inadequate or
inefficient mass transit infrastructure, issues hindering the safety, mobility, and productivity of
commuters. This credit requires cities and communities to integrate information and communication
technologies into the transportation system through the adoption of the given strategies or policies for
smart technologies. Technologies such as passenger information systems, electronic toll collection,
transit signal priority and synchronization, and real-time parking management help improve overall
transportation system efficiency.
Further Explanation
Required Documentation
All cities and
Documentation to show achievement of thresholds for selected solutions as
applicable for a city or community, from the indicative list of solutions for smart and
efficient transportation system. For solutions selected from outside of the given list, X
demonstrate servicing a minimum of 50% of city or community transportation
network with these solutions
Policy to support smart transportation system showing solutions implemented and
percentage of city or community transportation network that is serviced by these X
Exemplary Performance
This credit is not eligible for exemplary performance.
To preserve historic structures and sites and focus growth and redevelopment to infill and other priority
Develop an inventory of building(s) and/or areas within the city that should be considered for
preservation and conservation. Consider historic buildings or sites that are outside the city or
community boundary that may be impacted by development.
Do not demolish any historic buildings or contributing buildings in a historic district, or portions thereof,
or alter any designated cultural sites as part of the city.
An exception is granted only with approval from an appropriate review body. For buildings or
landscapes listed locally, approval must be granted by the local historic preservation review board, or
equivalent. For buildings or landscapes listed in a state register or in the National Register of Historic
Places (or equivalent for cities outside the U.S.), approval must appear in a programmatic agreement
with the state historic preservation office or National Park Service (or local equivalent for cities outside
the U.S.).
LEED ND GIB credit Historic Resource Preservation and Adaptive Reuse
LEED ND SLL credit Brownfield Remediation
SITES credit 1.5: Redevelop Degraded Sites
LEED ND SLL prerequisite Smart Location
Behind the Intent
This credit requires cities and communities to identify high-priority redevelopment sites such as historic
structures and buildings, brownfields, previously developed sites and infill sites. Redeveloping these
sites have many environmental advantages over development in greenfields and environmentally-
sensitive areas. Reusing historic structures helps in preserving community character, and underutilized
properties can have a rich history. The redevelopment of sites in historic districts can also reduce urban
sprawl through adaptive reuse. Building a project on a high-priority redevelopment site can revitalize
the neighborhood and bring social and economic benefits to the surrounding community. Such projects
also achieve savings because they are served by existing infrastructure.
Further Explanation
Required Documentation
Exemplary Performance
This credit is not eligible for exemplary performance.
49 U.S. Green Building Council
WE Prerequisite: Integrated Water Management
This prerequisite applies to
To support water management, reduce freshwater consumption and encourage to move towards net
zero water use.
Demonstrate that the ratio of water withdrawals for human use to the total freshwater resources is less
than 0.2.
Develop Water balance calculator which consist of the following to demonstrate flow of water within
the city:
2. Water Demand
Estimate water demand for all of the following sectors and use types present within the city or
community for a period of one full calendar year:
Buildings – All use types such as residential, commercial, institutional and industrial buildings
under the public and private sector.
Landscaping for public spaces such as parks, alongside roadways and open spaces.
Any other sector as applicable to the city.
Calculate the projected water demand for the sector based on (i) industry “standard practice” (ii)
existing codes, standards or regulatory requirements (iii) published data or (iv) projects of similar
scope and size operating within the same geographical area or within a geographical area with
similar operating condition. Baseline calculations may follow LEED v4 BD+C Water Efficiency
Prerequisite: Outdoor Water Use Reduction 32 and Water Efficiency Prerequisite: Indoor Water Use
Document the assumptions for differing daytime and night time population or permanent and
transitory population, if variations in projected population is expected to significantly alter total
water demand.
3. Water Supply
Identify the sources of water supply that will be used to meet the total water demand of the city or
community. Sources of water supply may include but not be limited to the following:
Desalinated water
Alternative water includes:
o Treated wastewater- For each of the sectors identified in Water Demand, identify the
wastewater generated. For reusing treated wastewater at city level, provide centralized
water treatment plant. Support treated waste water reuse which is within the scope of the
development authority’s direct execution, such as at building or community level by
adopting appropriate regulations, policies or ordinances. In addition, meet the requirements
for waste water quality as per WE Prerequisite Water Access and Quality.
o Harvested stormwater- For each of the sectors identified in Water Demand, identify the
quantity of stormwater harvested. For harvesting stormwater at city level provide
stormwater infrastructure. Support stormwater harvesting for areas within the scope of the
development authority’s direct execution, such as at building or community level by
adopting appropriate regulations, policies or ordinances. In addition, meet the requirements
for stormwater quality as per WE Prerequisite Water Access and Quality.
Variation on STAR v2 BE-2 Community Water Systems Outcome 2
Behind the Intent
Water is a vital resource needed to sustain life, human and ecosystem health, and the economy.
Conventional water management systems consider water supply, wastewater, and stormwater as
separate entities. However, sustainable urban water management has become critical with increases in
water demand due to increased populations, urbanization, industrialization, and resulting low water
availability. This credit requires cities and communities to take a comprehensive approach to urban
water services, maintain the inflow and outflow of water in a city, and maintain water balance. To uphold
the water balance, it is critical to assess the total amount of water available annually for use from
surface water resources and plan the uses in a city or community based on that availability. This credit
also encourages cities and communities to reduce dependency on non-renewable sources of water such
as groundwater and to reuse treated wastewater and harvested rainwater to meet water demand.
Ultimately, the credit encourages cities and communities to move towards a net zero water status.
Achieving Net Zero Water means balancing the consumption of water resources and returning the same
quantity back to the watershed so as not to deplete the resources of that region in quantity or quality
over the course of the year.
Further Explanation
Required Documentation
All cities and Water Water
Documentation availability
communities Demand Supply
51 U.S. Green Building Council
Calculations demonstrating water balance with
total water demand based on various use types
and water supplied by various sources
calculated for a period of one year
Documentation showing ratio of total quantity
of freshwater available for use to total water
that will be withdrawn for potable use from
natural resources
Report or other documentation showing total
quantity of water available for use from natural X X
Exemplary Performance
This prerequisite is not eligible for exemplary performance.
To provide all sections of the society with equitable access to clean drinking water and sanitation
Requirement can be met using private water wells if it is permitted within the local or regional
Provide information on periodic water quality testing as per the adopted standard for each of the
water supply facility under the following categories:
o Frequency of water quality testing (quarterly, monthly, bi-monthly, etc.)
o Water quality testing parameters
STAR v2 BE-2: Community Water Systems, Outcome 1: Drinking Water Quality
Provide information on periodic water quality testing as per the adopted standard for each of the
wastewater treatment facility under the following categories:
53 U.S. Green Building Council
o Frequency of water quality testing (quarterly, monthly, bi-monthly, etc.)
o Water quality testing parameters
All wastewater treatment systems that are independently operated onsite or decentralized and are
outside the jurisdiction of the city development authority must disclose the applicable standards for
wastewater treatment and discharge.
Wastewater management system should be planned and designed to cater to the phase-wise
development of the city to ensure that the requirements are met at each phase.
STAR v2 BE-2: Community Water Systems, Outcome 3: Safe Wastewater Management
Stormwater Quality
Adopt a policy to comply with U.S. EPA’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
permit program for stormwater pollution prevention from construction and industrial activities and
municipal sources or local, state, or national equivalent.
STAR v2 BE-2: Community Water Systems, Outcome 4: Safe Stormwater Management
Monitor the quality of stormwater discharged from the community and ensure compliance with U.S.
EPA's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit program for stormwater
pollution prevention from construction and industrial activities and municipal sources or local, state, or
national equivalent.
Behind the Intent
This prerequisite addresses three critical issues: access to clean drinking water, access to sanitation
services, and pollution prevention from wastewater discharge and stormwater runoff.
Cities and communities are grappling with issues of equity and diversity among vulnerable populations,
at times resulting in a total lack of basic amenities. Cities must ensure access to clean drinking water
and sanitation services for all members of society. The drinking water must comply with water quality
standards to ensure the safety of consumers.
Untreated or poorly-treated wastewater degrades surface water and makes it unsafe for many uses.
This credit requires compliance with standards for maintaining quality of treated wastewater before it is
reused or discharged into natural water bodies.
Rainwater in cities and communities picks up oil and other pollutants while flowing over impervious
areas such as roof tops, paved surfaces, and parking lots before entering water bodies. Proper
Further Explanation
Required Documentation
All cities Drinkin Treated
Documentation and g water Wastewate
communities Quality r Quality
Exemplary Performance
This prerequisite is not eligible for exemplary performance.
To reduce runoff volume, prevent erosion, flooding and recharge groundwater.
Table 4 Points for retaining percentile of rainfall retained in the city or community
60th percentile 3
80th percentile 4
90th percentile 5
LEED v4 ND GIB Credit: Rainwater Management
SITES v2 Water Prerequisite 3.1: Manage Precipitation on Site
SITES v2 Water Credit 3.3: Manage Precipitation beyond Baseline
33U.S. EPA Section 438 Technical Guidance on Implementing the Stormwater Runoff Requirements for Federal
Projects of the Energy Independence and Security Act
56 U.S. Green Building Council
Table 5 Points for preserving pre-development to post-development run-off conditions
in the city or community
Pre-development to post-
development runoff percentage
15% 3
10% 4
Lesser than 10% 5
Provide details on strategies planned to be adopted to inspect and maintain the stormwater
management facilities.
Table 6 Points for percentage of land area with designated stormwater infrastructure
STAR NS-1 Green Infrastructure, Outcome 1: Green Stormwater Infrastructure
In a manner best replicating natural site hydrology processes, retain (i.e. infiltrate, evapotranspirate, or
collect and reuse) on site the runoff 34 from the developed site for Option 1, Option 2 and Option 3.
For all cities and communities, the use of coal tar sealants shall be prohibited in any application exposed
to stormwater, wash waters, condensates, irrigation water, snowmelt, or icemelt.
Behind the Intent
City and community developments impact land, impervious surfaces, soil compaction, vegetation, and
natural drainage patterns, disrupting natural hydrological systems and watersheds. The cumulative
effect of these changes is disruption to the natural water balance and water flow. Typically, a
conventional city’s rainwater management technique is to convey runoff as quickly as possible into
centralized facilities at the base of drainage areas. However, such a strategy, although intended to
prevent flooding and promote efficient drainage, can harm watersheds; it increases the volume,
temperature, peak flow, and duration of runoff, eroding streams and causing other ecological damage.
Green infrastructure (GI) and low-impact development (LID) rainwater management strategies and
techniques improve upon that conventional approach by mimicking an area’s natural hydrology. These
techniques involve minimizing disturbed areas, preserving pre-development run-off conditions, limiting
the amount of impervious cover, and infiltrating, storing, evaporating, or detaining rainwater runoff.
Further Explanation
Required Documentation
Option 1 Option 2 Option 3
Rainfall data for past ten years, showing 60th, 80th or 90th
percentile rainfall data, as applicable
Typical plans, details, or cross sections depicting project
conditions and GI or LID strategies, highlighting topography,
direction of water flow, and area of site that each stormwater
management facility addresses
Narrative confirming measures that qualify as GI or LID X X
Calculations for volume of rainwater managed by GI or LID
Runoff volume calculations for each zone in the city based on
land use types, showing reductions in run-off volumes for
post-development phase by preserving pre-development run-
off conditions
Master plan showing designated green stormwater
Calculation showing percentage of total area with designated
green stormwater infrastructure
Description of strategies that will be adopted for inspection
and maintenance of stormwater facilities
Exemplary Performance
This credit is not eligible for exemplary performance.
To reduce pollution from wastewater, encourage water reuse and reduce stress on freshwater sources.
Use treated wastewater to meet the city water demand. Calculate the percentage of treated wastewater
used to meet the city water demand using the following equation.
Support treated wastewater reuse from decentralized plants, which is not within the scope of the
development authority’s direct execution, such as at building or community level by adopting
appropriate regulations, policies or ordinances.
Cities should meet the requirements of WE Prerequisite: Water Access and Quality to meet the quality
requirements of treated and discharged wastewater. Points are awarded as per the Table below.
Wastewater management system should be planned and designed to cater to the phase-wise
development of the city to ensure that the requirements are met at each phase.
Behind the Intent
Collection and treatment of sewage and wastewater is vital to public and environmental health. Sewage
water contains pathogenic microorganisms, and untreated or poorly treated wastewater degrades
surface waters, making them unsafe for human uses such as drinking, fishing, and swimming. This credit
required cities and communities to collect and treat wastewater for reuse, as well as meet certain water
quality standards before release into natural water systems. It is vital to ensure the quality of treated
wastewater before its release into the environment to prevent pollution of both surface water and land.
This credit encourages cities to treat wastewater using centralized and decentralized wastewater
treatment systems.
59 U.S. Green Building Council
Further Explanation
Required Documentation
All cities and
Calculation showing percentage of treated wastewater from centralized and
decentralized plants, if applicable, which is reused to meet the total water X
Report or other documentation from jurisdictional authority demonstrating
percentage of wastewater treated for reuse from centralized and decentralized X
treatment plants
Exemplary Performance
Meet >80% of the total city water demand using treated wastewater.
To manage water efficiently by tracking consumption, losses, leakages, theft and reduce wastage of
water through smart solutions.
Behind the Intent
This credit requires a city to apply information technology to enhance water efficiency. Smart water
systems optimize water utility performance by improving efficiency, longevity, and reliability. These
systems also help improve the overall performance of water supply networks by measuring, collecting,
and analyzing data, then taking appropriate corrective actions. Smart water systems can link together
multiple systems within a network to share data across platforms. Considering many of the common
challenges faced by utilities, including leak management, regulation compliance, and customer service,
utilities can improve performance by integrating systems in a manner that tracks and highlights specific
problem areas.
Required Documentation
Exemplary Performance
This credit is not eligible for exemplary performance.
Power system must meet the following requirements. Cities with multiple utilities or service providers
must aggregate the data from the respective utility to demonstrate compliance.
100% coverage of all buildings by power supply.
Reliability and Resiliency
Protect the power system from common external threats that may cause equipment damage,
malfunctioning or service interruption by meeting all requirements as applicable to the project.
Flooding avoidance
o Prevent damage to electrical equipment and assets (e.g., substations, diesel generator sets,
transformers, OH cables) and ancillary equipment (e.g., pumps, compressors), by having a
permanent storm water drainage system to protect critical power assets from inundation based
on a 100-year flood mark or flood map. Protect stored fuel to meet or exceed the requirements
set by the authority having jurisdiction.
Option 3. Undergrounding
Bury a minimum of 10% of the total electric cable length underground or protect them in conduits or
underground tunnels.
Off-grid developments or micro-grids are eligible if they independently meet the above requirements
and are supported by the city development plans or policies.
PEER v2 RR Credit: Damage and Exposure Prevention
PEER v2 RR Credit: Power Surety and Resiliency
Behind the Intent
This credit aligns with one of the key targets under the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 7,
which calls for universal access to affordable, reliable, and modern energy services by 2030. Along with
access, reliable delivery is a fundamental goal for energy system operators as it directly impacts
livability of a city or community. The failure to supply power—whether to a specific community or to the
entire distribution network—undermines the confidence of citizens and wastes money and resources.
Moreover, careful design of the power system can reduce the likelihood of equipment failures. Power
outages during severe weather events (such as floods, heavy winds, hurricanes, and cyclones) have
increased over the past decade, and many utilities, cities, and campuses are “hardening” their systems
by making the major electrical equipment less susceptible to damage. Designing with hardening
strategies during the initial stages of a project can help reduce future operational and damage costs.
Power reliability means providing short-term power to support critical loads, such as traffic controls or
communication systems, while power resiliency means providing long-term power for essential services
such as medical centers to support a community through an extended outage. Essential services must
be supplied with highly reliable power for at least one week, although power does not need to be
continuous or offer full functionality.
Exemplary Performance
This prerequisite is not eligible for exemplary performance.
To move towards a zero emissions city and reduce environmental and economic harms associated with
excessive energy use.
Estimate the annual energy consumption and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions for the city.
Include Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions in the calculations. Address all of the following sectors
present within the city:
Buildings – All types of buildings such as residential, commercial, institutional and industrial
buildings under public and private sector.
Transportation – Public and private transportation.
Street lighting and public area lighting.
Water and wastewater.
Waste management.
Any other sector such as energy generation, mining or extraction if it falls within the city boundary.
Use U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) regional grid mix coefficients to calculate GHG
emissions by energy source; or
Use hourly emissions profiles from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) AVoided
Emissions and geneRation Tool (AVERT)
Use national grid mix coefficients from the International Energy Agency CO2 Emissions from Fuel
Combustion 2017 report to calculate GHG emissions by energy source.
ISO 52000-1:2017 – Greenhouse gas emission factors for each building energy source shall be
determined consistently with ISO Standard 52000-1:2017 and published for the country or region
where the project is located.
Calculate the projected energy performance for a sector based on (i) industry “standard practice” (ii)
existing codes, standards or regulatory requirements (iii) published data or (iv) projects of similar scope
and size operating within the same geographical area or within a geographical area with similar
Support energy and GHG reduction strategies which are not within the scope of the development
authority’s direct execution with appropriate regulations or policies.
Document the assumptions for differing daytime and night time population if varying numbers are used
to arrive at GHG emissions per capita.
LEED points are based on projected energy and GHG performance based on Greenhouse gas emissions
per capita (tons CO2 per capita).
35ASHRAE 90.1-2016 Compliance pathways in Section include compliance with all mandatory provisions, and
compliance with one of the following: (i) Prescriptive provisions of Sections 5 through 10 (ii) Section 11 Energy Cost
Budget Method or (ii) Normative Appendix G Performance Rating Method. When using Appendix G, the Performance
Cost Index (PCI) shall be less than or equal to the Performance Cost Index Target (PCIt) in accordance with the
methodology provided in Section
66 U.S. Green Building Council
Behind the Intent
Cities cover an estimated 0.5% to 2.7% of global land area, yet they could account for up to 70 percent
of the world’s anthropogenic (human-induced) GHG emissions. Cities consume significant fossil fuels
across various sectors – transportation, industry, waste, and buildings. Any effort to mitigate and adapt
to climate change requires an understanding and accounting of the various sources of, and sinks for,
emissions in cities. As an example, parks and forestland can provide sinks to capture carbon dioxide.
This credit requires cities and communities to develop an emissions inventory that can identify the most
effective low-carbon growth strategies, reduce exposure to the risks of climate change, improve energy
security, and attract climate finance.
Further Explanation
Required Documentation
All cities and
USGBC calculator for total annual greenhouse gas emissions from all sectors X
Documentation (such as policies, ordinance or research) to support strategies for
GHG emissions estimation.
Detailed calculations for per capita emissions. X
Exemplary Performance
Cities: Demonstrate GHG emissions lower than 2.0 tCO2e per capita.
Communities: Net zero carbon emissions
%HDES: Percentage of city’s heating demand supplied by DES
%CDES: Percentage of city’s cooling demand supplied by DES
%EDES: Percentage of city’s electric demand supplied by DES
80% 1
160% 2
District Energy Systems should be planned and designed to cater to the phase-wise development of the
city to ensure that the requirements are met at each phase.
PEER v2 EE Credit: Distributed Energy Resources
Behind the Intent
This credit focuses on demand-side energy efficiency in the city. It includes activities typically under the
purview of the local government or development authority – street lighting, water and wastewater, and
district energy systems. Energy efficiency in buildings is addressed through the Green Building Policy
and Incentives credit. Transportation-related strategies such as use of alternative fuel vehicles are
included under the Transportation and Land Use credit category.
Further Explanation
Required Documentation
Street Water and
Documentation Energy
Lighting wastewater
Declaration from development authority or electrical /
energy engineer stating street lighting will meet the X
requirements from the listed standard.
Narrative explaining the lighting type and design for
various types of streets
Declaration from development authority or electrical /
energy that all pumps will meet the requirements of the X
Pump Energy Index (PEI) of the listed standard.
Narrative explaining the district energy system. X
Exemplary Performance
This credit is not eligible for exemplary performance.
To reduce the environmental and economic harms associated with fossil fuel energy and reduce
Greenhouse Gas emissions by increasing self-supply of renewable energy, use of grid-source renewable
energy technologies and carbon mitigation projects.
Cities or communities may choose one or more strategies for procuring renewable energy (such as solar
PV, wind, geothermal, micro or small scale hydro, or biomass) from the categories below. Points are
based on total city electricity consumption met by the specific strategy as per the table below. Points
achieved through each individual strategy may be added for up to a total of 6 points.
On-site Renewables- Includes on-site nonpolluting renewable energy generation, which will be
owned, leased or subsidized by the city, utility, or energy provider.
Local renewables should be planned and designed to cater to the phase-wise development of the
city to ensure that the requirements are met at each phase.
New Off-Site Renewables- Includes large scale renewable energy plant with a minimum capacity of
1 MW, to meet the energy needs of the city. Plant maybe located within or outside the city boundary
and should be owned or leased for a period of fifteen years by the city development authorities.
Large scale renewables should be planned and designed to cater to the phase-wise development of
the city to ensure that the requirements are met at each phase. The plant must be built within the
last year or contracted prior to renewable energy project development. A new or on-going Power
Purchase Agreement (PPA) or Virtual Power Purchase Agreement (VPPA) between the city/
community, utility and/or renewable energy provider is acceptable.
Existing Off-Site Renewables- Includes renewable energy procured from an existing renewable
energy provider or utility (Contract not required).
Green-e Certified RECs and Carbon Offsets- Includes green-e certified Renewable Energy
Certificates (RECs), and/or carbon offsets purchased by the city to mitigate the environmental
impacts of city energy consumption; if purchased by the utility or energy provider, RECs and
Carbon Offsets must be prorated as per the city’s annual energy share in the utility’s generation.
RECs and carbon offsets must be Green-e certified. Carbon offsets must be purchased from
recognized GHG reduction projects within the country where the city is located. For this purpose,
RECs and Carbon Offsets- Includes other Renewable Energy Credits and Carbon Offsets
purchased by the city; if purchased by the utility, RECs and Carbon Offsets must be prorated as per
the city’s annual energy share in the utility’s generation.
Prosumers, Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) or other aggregated consumers with a minimum on-
grid capacity of 2 MW renewables which will be owned and operated by consumers may be included in
the calculations based on whether these are on-site or off-site renewables.
Environmental benefits of the procurement must be retained by the city, utility or service provider. All
off-site qualifying resources must be contracted, owned, or leased for at least 15 years.
Existing Off-
On-Site New Off-Site Certified: RECs
Points Site RECs and
Renewables Renewables and Carbon
Renewables Carbon
2 2% 20 % 60 % 100% 150%
3 6% 40 % 80 % 200%
4 15 % 60 % 100 % 300%
5 35 % 80 %
6 60 % 100 %
Note: Points are awarded for every single threshold that is met through each strategy, Points for each
strategy and are added to determine the final point achievement.
Behind the Intent
There are multiple ways a city or community can incorporate renewable energy in its energy portfolio.
These include small-scale renewables such as rooftop photovoltaics (PV) or large-scale such as grid-
connected wind farms. This credit provides a single pathway for cities to evaluate their effectiveness
and advance towards renewable energy. Moreover, the credit is structured to reward cities based on
Further Explanation
Required Documentation
New Existing and
Documentation On-Site RECs and
Off-Site Off-Site Carbon
Documentation for planned renewable
energy source and rated capacity X X
Calculations demonstrating
achievement of the point threshold X X X X X
Exemplary Performance
On-Site Renewables: Meet 75% of the total estimated electricity consumption using on-site
New Off-Site Renewables: Generate 120% of the total electricity consumption using off-site
renewables to feed excess back into the grid.
Green-e Certified RECs and Carbon Offsets: Purchase Green-e Certified RECs and Carbon
Offsets equivalent to 400% of the total estimated electricity consumption.
RECs and Carbon Offsets: Purchase RECs and Carbon Offsets equivalent to 300% of the total
estimated electricity consumption.
To progress towards a low carbon economy by decoupling economic growth of the city or community
from greenhouse gas emissions.
GDP of the city must include the projected increase in GDP of the region due to the economic activities
planned in the city. Data at city level or apportioned metro or state level data must be used.
Behind the Intent
The post-industrial era is marked by an increase in GHG emissions attributable to economic growth. The
strong coupling of economic growth and GHG emissions has been a major contributor to human-
induced climate change. As cities are the engines of economic growth, they are required to estimate the
GHG intensity of the economy and devise effective strategies to decouple GHG emissions and economic
Further Explanation
Required Documentation
Documentation All cities
Total estimated annual Greenhouse Gas emissions from all sectors as reported
under EN Prerequisite Energy and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Performance
Exemplary Performance
This credit is not eligible for exemplary performance.
Applicability to all renewable generation and energy storage technologies (Distributed Power
sources, Electric Vehicles).
System capacity of 100 kW or more
Incorporate the following best practices for interconnection policies:
o Provisions for a fast-track, low-cost interconnection process for customers with generation
capacity of 100 kW or less (Distributed Power sources, Electric Vehicles).
o Defined timelines and an engineering fee structure for various stages of the process.
o Identification of technical standards for interconnection of generation systems
(Distributed Power sources, Electric Vehicles).
Incorporate at least three of the following best practices for net metering policies:
o Monthly rollover of excess energy to be permitted up to one year.
o Compensation is provided for excess energy at predefined, nonzero rates.
o Ownership of renewable energy certificates is offered to the customer.
Behind the Intent
The energy industry’s business model remained fundamentally unaltered for more than a century: the
utility generated power and, in a one-way flow, sold it to customers, the energy consumers. Demand
was fairly predictable. Today, with advanced technology, consumers can make informed choices about
energy usage or even become energy producers themselves. 39 This credit requires the city to
collaborate with the utility or service provider to deploy advanced technologies and provide a
modernized grid with low environmental impact.
Further Explanation
Required Documentation
Exemplary Performance
This credit is not eligible for exemplary performance.
To reduce construction and demolition waste disposed of in landfills and incineration facilities by
recovering, reusing and recycling materials.
Develop a detailed construction and demolition (C&D) waste management plan and commit to divert
minimum of 35% of C&D waste from all infrastructure works and construction undertaken by the city
development authority. This includes but is not limited to roads and highways, transits, water supply and
wastewater treatment plants, public spaces and parks and buildings owned by the development
authorities. The plan must include an overall project waste diversion goal and identify the strategies for
waste diversion. Alternative daily cover (ADC) does not qualify as material diverted from disposal.
Land- clearing debris is not considered construction, demolition, or renovation waste that can
contribute to waste diversion.
Provide a C&D facility within or outside the city boundary to treat C&D waste generated from all
infrastructure works and construction undertaken by the city development authority. Ensure that waste
from city/ community is treated by the assigned facility. For cities, where C&D waste management
services are undertaken by the subcontractors, ensure all above requirements are met.
LEED BD+C v4 MR Prerequisite: Construction and Demolition Waste Management Planning.
Behind the Intent
Diversion of construction waste has increased greatly in recent years because of new market incentives,
better recycling and reuse infrastructure, and sophisticated sorting technology. However, most diverted
materials are limited to those that occur in high volume, such as structural waste, or are easily resold,
such as metals.
40 Communities must meet all the requirements for type of infrastructure within their scope.
76 U.S. Green Building Council
Both planning and implementation are critical to reducing construction and demolition (C&D) waste.
Cities can reduce C&D waste disposed of in landfills and incineration facilities by recovering, reusing and
recycling materials. Developing a C&D waste management plan early in the design process allows more
time for planning and coordination, identifying appropriate strategies, and developing contractual
agreements. Educating development team members, site workers, and waste haulers helps ensure that
the plan is followed and material is diverted from landfills and incinerators. A well-devised plan can also
minimize cost and maximize return by decreasing tipping fees, bringing in revenue from selling high-
value scrap materials, or identifying materials for reuse.
Further Explanation
Required Documentation
All cities and
Exemplary Performance
Develop a detailed construction and demolition (C&D) waste management plan and commit to divert
minimum of 70% of C&D waste from all infrastructure works and construction undertaken by the city
development authority.
To move towards a zero-waste city and reduce environmental and economic harms associated with
waste generation.
1. Waste Generation
i. Project municipal solid waste generation per year for all of the following sectors present within
the city:
• Residential
• Institutional
• Commercial
• Open Spaces/ Yard waste
• Other sector as applicable for the city
ii. Municipal solid waste generated from each sector must be classified according to following
waste categories
• Organic waste including food or kitchen waste and yard waste.
• Recyclables such as paper, corrugated cardboard, glass, plastic and metal.
41Communities must meet all the requirements which are within the scope of the services provided or contracted by
the community.
What a Waste 2.0: A Global Snapshot of Solid Waste Management to 2050
http://www.worldbank.org/en/topic/urbandevelopment/brief/solid-waste-management, accessed on December 17, 2018.
78 U.S. Green Building Council
iii. Calculate the projected waste generation based on (i) industry “standard practice” (ii) existing
codes, standards or regulatory requirements (iii) published data or (iv) projects of similar scope
and size operating within the same geographical area or within a geographical area with similar
operating condition.
iv. Document the assumptions for differing daytime and nighttime population if varying numbers
are used to arrive at waste generation based on population.
2. Waste Diversion
Estimate the waste diversion from landfill as the total waste diverted from landfill, in a year as a
percentage of total waste generated.
Waste to energy may count as waste diversion method if the facility meets European Commission
Waste Framework Directive 2008/98/EC and the European Commission Waste Incineration
Directive 2000/76/EC 43 or local, state or national equivalent. In addition, cities or communities
must demonstrate that reuse and recycling strategies were exhausted before sending material to
waste to energy facility.
Support waste management and diversion strategies which are not within the scope of the
development authority’s direct execution with appropriate regulations or policies.
3. Waste Disposal
Meet the requirements of Chapter 2: Design objectives and consideration, Chapter 3: Site
Development and Chapter 4: Site Infrastructure of EPA Landfill Manuals – Landfill Site Design or
43These standards consist of performance metrics of both efficiency and emissions for different types of energy
recovery systems. In addition, the facility must meet the applicable European standards based on the fuel type. See
Referenced Standards for more information on these directives:
EN 303-1—1999/A1—2003, Heating boilers with forced draught burners
EN 303-2—1998/A1—2003, Heating boilers with forced draught burners
EN 303-3—1998/AC—2006, Gas-fired central heating boilers
EN 303-4—1999, Heating boilers with forced draught burners
EN 303-5—2012, Heating boilers for solid fuels
EN 303-6—2000, Heating boilers with forced draught burners
EN 303-7—2006, Gas-fired central heating boilers equipped with a forced draught burner
79 U.S. Green Building Council
local, state or national equivalent for designing landfill where the waste from the city will be
brought. 44
Provide dedicated areas and take appropriate measures for safe disposal of waste streams
remaining after waste diversion.
Behind the Intent
With rapid urbanization, economic development and population growth, more and more resources are
needed to meet consumer demand. As nations and cities expand, they must offer more services to
citizens and in turn manage, treat, and dispose of corresponding amounts of waste.
Around the world, almost 40% of waste is disposed of in landfills. 45 About 19% is recovered through
recycling and composting, 46 and 11% is treated through modern incineration. Although globally 33% of
waste is still openly dumped, 47 governments are increasingly facing the risks and costs of pollution and
pursuing sustainable waste disposal methods. To address these issues, this prerequisite encourages
effective, efficient, and systematic waste management. It allows cities to pursue sustainable waste
management methods through composting, recycling, and safe disposal.
Further Explanation
Required Documentation
All cities and
Calculations for waste diversion rate for municipal solid waste and each type of X
special waste
Narrative describing municipal solid waste and special waste stream diversion X
For waste disposal services which are not within the scope of the development authority’s direct execution (such as provided by
contracts/sub-contracts) must be supported with appropriate contracts, regulations or policies to demonstrate compliance.
45 Chrisafis, Angelique. 2016. “French Law Forbids Food Waste by Supermarkets.” The Guardian, February 4.
https://www.theguardian .com/world/2016/feb/04/french-law-forbids-food-waste-by-supermarkets.
46 FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization). 2015. Global Initiative on Food Loss and Waste Reduction. Rome: Food
and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. http://www.fao.org/3/a-i4068e.pdf.
47 “SAVE FOOD: Global Initiative on Food Loss and Waste Reduction.” Food and Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations,
Rome. http://www.fao.org/save-food/news-and-multimedia/news/news-details/en/c/1105834/ .
80 U.S. Green Building Council
Exemplary Performance
This prerequisite is not eligible for exemplary performance.
To encourage diversion of organic matter away from landfill and move towards creation of valuable
nutrient rich soil and clean power.
Meet all of the following requirements:
Incorporate decentralized and /or centralized waste management systems to treat 75% to 100% of
organic waste estimated as per MR Prerequisite Waste Management generated within the city. Points
are awarded per table 11,
Incorporate waste management systems to treat organic waste estimated as per MR Prerequisite
Waste Management generated within the community.
Points are awarded based on the percentage of organic waste treated by using any or both of the
following options.
75% 1
100% 2
Waste to energy may count as waste diversion method if the facility meets European Commission
Waste Framework Directive 2008/98/EC and the European Commission Waste Incineration
Directive2000/76/EC 48 or local, state or national equivalent. In addition, cities or communities must
demonstrate that reuse and recycling strategies were exhausted before sending material to waste to
energy facility.
Waste management system should be planned and designed to cater to the phase-wise development of
the city to ensure that the requirements are met at each phase.
Behind the Intent
Around the world, almost 40% of waste is disposed of in landfills. 49 About 19% undergoes material
recovery through recycling and composting, 50 and 11% is treated through modern incineration. 51
In order to close the nutrient cycle of circular economy, this credit encourages the diversion of organic
matter away from landfills and creation of valuable nutrient-rich compost and cleaner power. Planning
organic waste management systems early in the design process allows cities and communities to
acquire more useful material and build a circular and regenerative economy.
Further Explanation
Required Documentation
All cities
Documentation and
48 These standards consist of performance metrics of both efficiency and emissions for different types of energy
recovery systems. In addition, the facility must meet the applicable European standards based on the fuel type. See
Referenced Standards for more information on these directives:
EN 303-1—1999/A1—2003, Heating boilers with forced draught burners
EN 303-2—1998/A1—2003, Heating boilers with forced draught burners
EN 303-3—1998/AC—2006, Gas-fired central heating boilers
EN 303-4—1999, Heating boilers with forced draught burners
EN 303-5—2012, Heating boilers for solid fuels
EN 303-6—2000, Heating boilers with forced draught burners
EN 303-7—2006, Gas-fired central heating boilers equipped with a forced draught burner
49 Chrisafis, Angelique. 2016. “French Law Forbids Food Waste by Supermarkets.” The Guardian, February 4.
https://www.theguardian .com/world/2016/feb/04/french-law-forbids-food-waste-by-supermarkets.
50 FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization). 2015. Global Initiative on Food Loss and Waste Reduction. Rome: Food
and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. http://www.fao.org/3/a-i4068e.pdf.
What a Waste 2.0: A Global Snapshot of Solid Waste Management to 2050
http://www.worldbank.org/en/topic/urbandevelopment/brief/solid-waste-management, accessed on December 17, 2018.
83 U.S. Green Building Council
Documentation of contracts/sub-contracts with service providers supporting waste
management services. X
Exemplary performance
This credit is not eligible for exemplary performance.
To encourage waste diversion of inorganic matter away from landfill and move towards 100% diversion
from landfill.
Identify suitable market for all the waste products collected from consumers. Vendors may be
within the city or outside the city boundary.
LEED BD+C v4 MR Credit: Building Product Disclosure and Optimization- Sourcing of raw materials.
TRUE Leadership Credit 4: Take responsibility for company products and packaging
Recycling infrastructure should be planned and designed to cater to the phase-wise development of the
city to ensure that the requirements are met at each phase.
Behind the Intent
Looking beyond the conventional waste management model, a circular economy aims to redefine
growth, focusing on positive society-wide benefits. It entails gradually decoupling economic activity
from the consumption of finite resources and designing waste out of the system. 52 This credit provides
cities with a pathway to advance to a circular economy by enabling the recovery and restoration of
products, components, and materials through strategies like reuse, repair, remanufacture, or recycling.
Around the world, almost 40% of waste is disposed of in landfills, 53 only 19% undergoes materials
recovery through recycling and composting. 54 Designing proper recycling infrastructure early in the
design phase can offer long-term social, environmental, and economic benefits.
Further Explanation
Required Documentation
Documentation Option 1 Option 2
Narrative describing commitment for collection centers to collect and store
the waste products listed in credit requirements.
Extended producer responsibility policy. OR Narrative describing suitable
markets for collected waste products under EPR
Documentation of compliance with the ‘Requirement’ sections of U.S. Code
of Federal Regulations, Title 40, Volume 26, Part 243 on Storage, Safety and
Collection (or local, state or national equivalent for storage and collection of
Documentation of material recovery facility equipped with design features
for sorting to specialization, bailing, shredding, crushing and compaction
Narrative describing details of the MRF facility including location, design and
suitable markets for recovered output.
Declaration from development authority to meet the requirements of the
listed standard for collection and storage of collected recyclables.
Exemplary Performance
This credit is not eligible for exemplary performance.
Cities (2 points)
Communities (2 points)
To encourage the use of products and materials for which life cycle information is available and that
have environmentally, economically, and socially preferable life cycle impacts. To reward cities for
selecting products verified to have been extracted or sourced in a responsible manner.
Option 1. Purchase 20% by cost of permanently installed top three infrastructure materials (1 point)
Comply with one or more of the following criteria for minimum 20% of the total infrastructure material
cost for permanently installed top three materials used in infrastructure.
Option 2. Purchase 40% by cost of permanently installed top five infrastructure materials (2 points)
Comply with one or more of the following criteria for minimum 40% of the total infrastructure material
cost for permanently installed top five materials used in infrastructure.
Include new construction or demolition works undertaken or contracted by the local government for a
period of one full calendar year. Infrastructure includes but is not limited to roads and highways, transits,
water supply and wastewater treatment plants, public spaces and parks.
Material used must meet at least one of the following sourcing and extraction requirements:
Leadership extraction practices – Material reuse – Reuse includes salvaged, refurbished or reused
materials/products. Materials meeting reuse criteria are valued 200% of their cost for the purpose of
credit achievement calculations.
Leadership extraction practices – Recycled content – Materials meeting recycled content criteria
are valued 100% of their cost for the purpose of credit achievement calculations.
o Recycled content is the sum of postconsumer recycled content plus one half of pre-consumer
recycled content, based on weight.
o The recycled fraction of the assembly is then multiplied by the cost of assembly to determine
the recycled content value.
Leadership extraction practices – USGBC approved program – Other USGBC approved program
meeting responsible sourcing and extraction criteria.
Behind the Intent
Raw material extraction and sourcing has a direct environmental impact on ecosystems. This credit
encourages the use of products and materials for which life-cycle information is available and that have
been extracted and sourced in a responsible manner. Extended producer responsibility programs can
close the material loop through a circular economy and promote take-back programs.
In addition to ensuring the responsible sourcing of virgin materials, teams are encouraged to reduce raw
material usage by selecting reused and recycled materials. Teams may also adhere to leadership
performance standards and certifications that encourage local sourcing. To recognize the rapidly
changing marketplace conditions for product and material transparency, this credit has an additional
“USGBC-approved program” criterion designed to recognize leadership certification programs that may
be developed in the future.
Further Explanation
Required Documentation
All cities and
Identification of top three (or five) permanently installed materials and calculations
demonstrating these meet the point threshold.
Narrative describing sourcing and extraction strategies and potential vendors or
sources of materials to meet the specified requirement.
Exemplary Performance
Demonstrate that city is using materials meeting one or more of the listed criteria for a minimum of 60%
by cost, of the total value of permanently installed top five materials used in infrastructure.
To improve efficiency of the waste management system.
Provide smart waste management systems using any or both of the following options listed below or
adopt the supporting policy to develop smart waste management systems for the city. Points are
awarded based on the percentage of total waste generated by the city which is handled by the smart
50% 1
75% 2
Loading Stations- Design public and private areas with hatches, called loading stations. Two pipes,
one for compostable and other for recyclable waste should run parallel underground.
Transport Network- Design underground transport network with appropriate diameter (500mm) 3-
layer Polyethylene pipes. PVC conduits (compressed air and system communication) should run
parallel to waste pipes.
Waste Handling and Processing Facility- All pipes shall be designed to transfer waste for
compaction. Through automated software this waste shall then be directed to proper container,
further trucked for recycling.
Sensor Bins: Ultrasonic sensors installed in trash bins to guide fill level of waste and a
communication system will transfer this information to the cloud for further processing and analysis.
o Sensor Bins with Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology for e-waste: Electronic waste
bins installed with ultrasonic sensors and RFID technology to automatically identify and track
tags attached to products. The tags containing electrically stored information will exchange
information between cloud and trucks for disposal or directly for the waste bins where the
information from each bin is conveyed to the cloud and product recycling can be eased.
Route Optimization: Information analyzed at the cloud will be processed further and sent to waste
vehicle operators to optimize the fleet routing for waste collection.
Further Explanation
Required Documentation
Documentation Option 1 Option 2
Exemplary Performance
This credit is not eligible for exemplary performance.
What a Waste 2.0: A Global Snapshot of Solid Waste Management to 2050
http://www.worldbank.org/en/topic/urbandevelopment/brief/solid-waste-management, accessed on December 17,
90 U.S. Green Building Council
QL Prerequisite: Demographic Assessment
This prerequisite applies to
To describe the population demographics and housing characteristics of the area.
Provide a comprehensive demographic plan that must include at least following population and
housing characteristics:
• Brief history of development, noting critical points of change for the overall area or specific
• Document current land use.
• Develop plan for relocation and rehabilitation of residing population if any. Address impact on
current means of livelihood and provide details on future means of livelihood.
• Age cohorts, including the following categories: Under 18 years, 18 years and over, and 65 years and
• Prominent sociocultural groups present, such as migrants, religious groups, and linguistically
isolated. Include racial / ethnic composition if applicable.
Behind the Intent
New cities and communities aim to attract new people. However, often there are existing settlements
and history associated with the land. This credit serves the dual purpose of examining the social effects
of infrastructure projects and other development interventions, as well as planning for the diverse needs
of future populations.
Further Explanation
Required Documentation
All cities and
Narrative describing the demographic assessment X
Exemplary Performance
This prerequisite is not eligible for exemplary performance.
To provide facilities and services to citizens that help meet their social needs, maximize their potential
for development, and enhance community well-being.
Provide social infrastructure listed below to meet or exceed the baseline requirements.
Baseline social infrastructure requirement for the city should be built on (i) existing codes, standards or
regulatory requirements (ii) published data or (iii) average of a minimum of three projects of similar
scope and size operating within the same geographical area or within a geographical area with similar
operating conditions.
Behind the Intent
Social infrastructure covers a range of services and facilities including health, education, safety and
security, community development, recreation, and emergency facilities. Easily accessible social
infrastructure and services directly affect the health and well-being of residents, help build inclusive
communities, and improve the livability of the area. This infrastructure provides opportunities for social
interaction and integration by offering a platform for people to come together. This credit encourages
new cities and communities to plan for social infrastructure to attract new residents to the area.
Further Explanation
Required Documentation
All cities and
Exemplary Performance
This prerequisite is not eligible for exemplary performance.
To encourage development that will drive economic well-being of the residents.
Develop a comprehensive economic development plan for the city addressing all of the following:
Feasibility or market analysis identifying the human capital and mapping it with the economic
sectors and clusters.
Dedicated land areas and zones for economic activities. Plot size must match the requirements of
the specific sector.
Provision of sector specific enabling infrastructure by the city governing body. (For example,
logistics hub for manufacturing sector)
Small economic localization plan to increase local production for local consumption and export
STAR V2 EJ-3: Local Economy Action 2
Behind the Intent
Cities are the economic engines of most nations, and new cities are built to further economic growth.
This credit focuses on this economic aspect of the triple bottom line. It encourages cities to be
economically independent by analyzing and identifying the most appropriate growth sectors. Rather
than depending on local businesses in an ad-hoc manner or chasing emerging technologies, a market
analysis is required to leverage the existing regional strengths and expand related parts of the value
chain to reinforce the cluster and encourage innovation. Concentrating on targeted industry sectors
enables local economic development efforts to coordinate with complementary activities and initiatives
in the region and align with workforce development strategies. 56
Further Explanation
Required Documentation
Documentation All cities
Annotated economic development plan for the city with sections addressing clearly
highlighted the feasibility analysis, sector specific enabling infrastructure and X
economic localization strategies.
Annotated map of economic zones and supporting infrastructure X
56 Adopted from STAR Communities V2 Technical Guide EJ-5: Targeted Industry Development
94 U.S. Green Building Council
Exemplary Performance
This prerequisite is not eligible for exemplary performance.
Cities (2 points)
Communities (2 points)
To provide access to housing at reasonable costs to sections of the society which are in need of
Adopt a comprehensive housing policy for the city. The policy must address the following elements as
Higher density of residential units closer to transit hubs. Achieve a minimum of two points under TR
Credit Compact, Mixed Use and Transit Oriented Development.
Land policies to ensure equitable balance for housing for all.
For housing catering to the lower income groups, define basic socially acceptable standard housing
unit based on what is required for decent living. The floor space requirement for standard unit
based on building by-laws, regulatory constraints and market conditions. The definition should also
include minimum standards for basic amenities (running water, a toilet) as well as access to
essential social services such as schools and health clinics. An acceptable housing unit should also
place workers no more than an hour’s commute from centers of employment.
Region specific guidance to developers on value engineering to improve capital productivity and
industrial or modular construction techniques to improve labor productivity and shorten delivery
Housing policies and regulations to support the implementation of strategies.
Behind the Intent
Many cities across the global today struggle with the dual challenges of housing their poorest citizens
and providing housing at a reasonable cost for low- and middle-income populations. This credit
encourages new cities to proactively plan for the housing needs of lower-income groups. While the
definition of affordable housing for these groups can vary among countries and governments, this credit
defines affordable housing based on mortgage payments. This credit requires the city to go beyond
land policies and explore additional affordability aspects, such as construction practices or value
engineering, that can keep housing prices affordable for all income levels.
Further Explanation
Required Documentation
All cities and
Housing policy for the city highlighting the provision for affordable housing. X
Exemplary Performance
This credit is not eligible for exemplary performance.
96 U.S. Green Building Council
QL Credit: Public Health
This credit applies to
To promote health and wellness in the city.
Areas allocated as Green Spaces under NS Prerequisite: Green Spaces may be used for the purpose
of urban agriculture.
Adopt regulation to provide supermarkets or grocery stores selling fresh produce within all
residential zones. Within each residential zone, a minimum of 50% of the buildings must have access
within 1/4 mile (400 meter) walking distance.
WELL Community Standard: Physical Activity Spaces
Further Explanation
Required Documentation
Documentation Option 1 Option 2 Option 3
Exemplary Performance
This credit is not eligible for exemplary performance.
Cities (2 points)
Communities (2 points)
To create sufficient capacity and capability to respond to emergency incidents and reduce its impact on
human life/health.
Design the emergency management systems such that the emergency response time meets the
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 58 1710 and 1720 requirement of response time to be within
9 minutes of the dispatch notification or local, state or national equivalent for each of the following
Special circumstances or operations as relevant for the city.
Behind the Intent
This credit requires planning to ensure high-quality and adequate emergency response systems are in
place to respond during and immediately after emergency events take place. This credit affects and
informs the planning decisions for facilities such as fire stations, police stations, and hospitals. The
objective is closely aligned with that of NS Credit Resilience Planning. However, this credit focuses on
individual and community-specific emergencies, while the latter targets broader city-wide events.
Further Explanation
Required Documentation
All cities and
Narrative describing the emergency management system X
Exemplary Performance
This credit is not eligible for exemplary performance.
58NFPA 1710- 2016, Standard for the Organization and Deployment of Fire Suppression Operations, Emergency
Medical Operations, and Special Operations to the Public by Career Fire Departments: https://www.nfpa.org/codes-
99 U.S. Green Building Council
IN Credit: Innovation
This credit applies to
To encourage cities to achieve exceptional or innovative performance.
One point is awarded for each Innovation credit achieved, up to a maximum of six. A city or community
may use any combination of the options below. Each option is equivalent to one point.
Achieve significant, measurable environmental performance using a strategy not addressed in the LEED
for Cities and Communities rating system.
Achieve exemplary performance in any of the LEED for Cities and Communities prerequisite or credit.
Meet all of the requirements of a prerequisite or credit from any of the below rating systems at the city
or utility level. Credits included in their entirety in the LEED for Cities and Communities rating system
are not eligible.
Behind the Intent
Sustainable design is spurred forward by innovative strategies, as well as exceptional efforts that go
beyond minimum thresholds. When cities innovate and go beyond LEED requirements, they not only
achieve measurable environmental benefits beyond those specified by the LEED rating system, but can
also explore cutting-edge pilot credits and contribute to the development of future LEED credits. When
cities or communities can demonstrate that they exceed the standard level of performance associated
with one or more LEED credits, their innovation can inspire and motivate other teams in the future.
Further Explanation
Required Documentation
Documentation Option 1 Option 2 Option 3
Proposed credit language, including intent of the proposed
innovation credit, proposed requirements for compliance X
and proposed submittals to demonstrate compliance
Documentation to support the design approach or
strategies used to meet the requirements
Identify the LEED for Cities and Communities prerequisite
or credit for exemplary performance
Identify the credit and provide all supporting
documentation as per the specific rating system X
prerequisite or credit requirement
59 The projects should choose credits/prerequisites of which they can fulfill all requirements.
101 U.S. Green Building Council
RP Credit: Regional Priority
This credit applies to
To provide an incentive for the achievement of credits that address geographically specific socio-
economic and environmental priorities,
One point is awarded for each Regional Priority credit achieved, up to a maximum of four.
Identify the credit that is a regional priority. Refer to the credits under Regional Priority Credit
Lookup website (https://www.usgbc.org/rpc) for credits identified as regional priorities for specific
Provide Background and context outlining the regional priority.
Achieve the full points for respective LEED for Cities and Communities credit.
Achieve significant, measurable environmental performance for a regional priority using a strategy not
addressed in the LEED for Cities and Communities rating system.
Required Documentation
Documentation Option 1 Option 2
Narrative providing background and context outlining the regional
priority for the identified credit.
Credit write up including intent of the proposed innovation credit,
proposed requirements for compliance and proposed submittals to X
demonstrate compliance
Narrative providing background and context outlining the regional
priority for the identified credit.
Documentation to support the design approach or strategies used to
meet the requirements
Exemplary Performance
This credit is not eligible for exemplary performance.
1–4 points
Walkable Streets
Compact Development
Public Spaces and Cultural Opportunities
Mixed Use
1 characteristic 1
2 characteristics 2
3-characteristics 3
4-characteristics 4
3 connections 1
4 connections 2
5 connections 3
6+ connections 4
1–2 points
To encourage the cleanup of contaminated lands and developing sites that have been identified as
At a project site identified as a brownfield or where soil or groundwater contamination has been
identified, and the local, state, or national authority (whichever has jurisdiction) requires its remediation,
perform remediation to the satisfaction of that authority.