Carlton Centre (Without Stores)
Carlton Centre (Without Stores)
Carlton Centre (Without Stores)
Exhibition Centre
0 20 40 60 80
JOHANNESBURG’S BUSIEST The tw o-level w eather-protected shopping Carlton Centre incorporates all the COMMUNITY OF DISTINCTIVE MERCHANTS.
SHOPPING CENTRE malls, where a com forta ble tem perature is convenience of m odern shopping w ith every
To the retail m erchant C arlton Centre offers
m aintained th ro u g h o u t the year, are flanked elem ent carefully planned to achieve
S hopping at C arlton Centre is an exciting advantages unm atched elsewhere:
by m odern stores and restaurants, offering m axim um appeal. C arlton Centre provides
experience. Wide, landscaped gardens, E xcellent location in a m arket generating an
an unequalled selection of m erchandise to the fin e st shopping fa c ilitie s in
fo u n ta in s and plazas w elcom e the v is ito r to estim ated annual retail tu rn o ve r of R800
the m ost sophisticate d shopper. The stores Johannesburg and is unique in Africa.
tw o m ajor departm ent s to re s -G a rlic k s and m illion.
are laid out to provide m axim um exposure,
OK B a z a a rs -a n d more than 140 other -T u rn o v e r potential from the popula tion of
m inim um w alking effort, and convenience of
shops. the office tower, hotel guests and convention
selection. Pedestrian m alls ensure safety
from m otor traffic, and w ill give an visito rs.
o p p o rtu n ity fo r relaxed a fter-h ou rs w indow E xposure to more than half a m illio n annual
shopping. The extensive plazas, w ith the ir v is ito rs to C arlton Centre, w ith its e xh ib itio n
boulevard cafes, gardens and fountains, hall, ice skating rink and the observation
form a natural rendezvous and centre of
a c tiv ity not on ly fo r C arlton Centre but fo r
the w hole city.
deck on top of the office tower, the talle st Mall store fro nts, protected from weather,
bu ild in g in Africa. d u st and street noise.
Planned flo w of pedestrian tra ffic from street -M e m b e rs h ip in a m erchants’ association
level and parking areas, to assure m axim um p roviding effective jo in t prom otion and
exposure to ind ivid ual stores. publicity.
P rofitable association w ith G arlicks and OK S pacious stores of m odern design, w ith
Bazaars, the tw o m ajor departm ent stores a ir-co n d itio n in g , service areas and ease of
incorporated into the shopping centre in an delivery.
environm ent of planned store layout. S upervised off-stre e t com m on delivery,
receiving and storage facilities.
-2 4 -h o u r secu rity patrols to assure protection
at all times.
M aintenance of cleanliness of public areas
and freedom from noise throug h efficie nt
ve n tilation and aco ustical treatm ent of the
sho ppin g area.
OK Bazaars
Excellent access to the shopping levels is Freight lifts from the receiving and storage
provided by a num ber of entrances: level d ire ct to the service w ays behind each
-S tre e t-le v e l entrances of the tw o departm ent individ ual store.
- Lifts and escalators in the office tower, the
P ublic elevators ■
landm ark of C arlton Centre and dow ntow n
P ublic escalators and stairs —
Service c o rrid o rs
-S ta irw a y s from the international lu xu ry hotel. Service elevators ■
- E scalators and stairw ays fro m the plaza to Shopping m alls
the retail levels.
- Eight tra ffic ram ps on Marshall, Main, and
Kruis streets to the covered parking areas.
- L if t s from the ind o o r parking to the shopping
0 20 40 60 80 100'
C arlton Centre w ill provide Johannesburg
w ith its firs t central c ity e xh ib itio n facilities.
57,000 square feet of colum n-free exhibition
space in the very centre of Johannesburg's
busy dow ntow n area.
A fu ll program m e of in d ustria l and
com m ercial e xh ib itio n s th ro u g h o u t the year.
Close association w ith the Carlton Hotel for
use during con ventio ns and other functions.
Six levels of public parking im m ediately
below the E xhibitio n Centre.
Four passenger lifts and a fre ig h t lift
connecting w ith street level and parking
S ituated in the heart of Joh ann esbu rg’s
theatreland, C arlton Centre is the new and
exciting hub of a new and exciting
Johannesburg, the focal po int fo r those
seeking entertainm ent and relaxation.
The heart of th is entertainm ent is the Carlton
Hotel, the 600-room international hotel w ith
its restaurants, ballroom , private fu n ctio n
fa c ilitie s and night club, designed fo r v is ito rs
and to u ris ts seeking the best in quality
accom m odation.
Managed by W estern International Hotels,
one of the w o rld ’s leading hotel com panies,
the C arlton is Southern A frica ’s rendezvous
fo r the tra velling business executive and the
fam ily on holiday, offering a com prehensive
variety of am enities and entertainm ent. High
standards of design, co m fo rt and service
invite the m ost sophisticate d traveller.
C om plete selection of in d ivid u a lly con trolle d
a ir-co n d itio n e d accom m odation, ranging
from single bedroom s to lu xu ry suites.
A frica ’s biggest ballroom accom m odating
1,000 people fo r banquets and dancing.
Com plete convention facilities, includ ing use
of the adjacent E xhibition Centre.
Superb restaurants, lounges, and cocktail
Private fu n ctio n room s fo r up to 500 people.
R oof-top nig ht club 30 storeys above street
O pen-air sw im m ing pool and roof garden.
"5 M I
Skidm ore, O w ings & M errill —New York.
W. R hodes-Harrison, Hoffe & Partners —Johannesburg.
Murray & Roberts (Carlton Centre) (Proprietary) Limited.
A nglo Am erican C orporation of South A frica Lim ited.
The South A frican Breweries Limited.
A lso participa ting:
Barclays Bank DCO.
Parking, shopping and street le v e l-1 970 .
Hotel and office to w e r-1971.
Publisher: Historical Papers Research Archive, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
Location: Johannesburg
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This collection forms part of a collection, held at the Historical Papers Research Archive, University of the
Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa.