Glaxo Vol I
Glaxo Vol I
Glaxo Vol I
TOTAL 616.65
300# / 150#
The "CETHAR FLUIDIX" is a fluidised bed boiler with the following features.
The boiler is designed for INDIAN COAL as main fuel with capacity of 20 TPH
at MCR. The outlet steam parameters are 10.8 Ksc(g) pressure and
boiler with natural circulation and with bottom support arrangement. The boiler
consisting of steam drum, mud drum, water wall panels, bank tubes, bed coils,
Economiser, Air heater, Inter connecting pipings, air and gas ductings, fuel
This system starts with FD fan to supply the required combustion air and
impart energy for fluidisation. FD fan is a centrifugal type, direct coupled fan.
Ambient air from fan outlet is heated in air heater and heated air is distributed
combustion air is tapped from air heater outlet and further pressurised by a PA
fan for pneumatic fuel feeding. PA fan is also of centrifugal type, direct
The distributor plate is the heart of FBC system. It is made up of carbon steel
base plate with air nozzles to distribute the fluidising air from air box uniformly
over the entire bed. Bed coils are immersed in the bed to maintain the bed
combustion of fuel.
The fuel from bunker is fed pneumatically into the bed by pocket feeder and
mixing nozzles located below the bunker. The speed of fuel flow can be
The ash generated is collected at bed, bank, Economiser, air heater and
ESP. The ash collected at the bed zone is cooled through bed ash coolers
sieved through vibratory screen and disposed manually. The ash collected at
transported pneumatically to the ash silo with Dense Phase Ash Handling
The hot flue gas generated from the combustion chamber is cooled by,
passing through waterwall, bank tubes, Economiser, air heater and ESP.
high efficiency ESP before lifting it to the atmosphere through the chimney.
The feed water at 105°C is fed to the boiler feed pump where it is pressurised
to the required pressure. The feed water from feed pump is fed to the
before it enters the steam drum and to recover some heat from the flue gas
having the boiler. From economizer the feed water is fed to steam drum. From
steam drum the water passes through the bank tubes to mud drum. While
passing through the bank tubes the water is heated up by the flue gas passing
over the tubes. The hot water enters into the bed coils, through downcomers
and further heated up. The steam water mixture then rises through the water
wall panel tubes and enters into the steam drum through riser tubes.
When air or gas is passed through an inert material such as sand supported on a
fine mesh or grid, the air initially will seek a path of least resistance and pass
upward through the sand. With further increase in velocity, the air bubbles through
the bed and the particles attain a state of high turbulence. Under such conditions,
the bed assumes the appearance of a fluid and exhibits the properties associated
with a fluid and hence the name 'Fluidised Bed'
If the inert material , in a fluidised state, is heated to the ignition temperature of the
fuel and the fuel is injected continuously in to the bed, the fuel will burn rapidly and
the bed attains a uniform temperature due to effective mixing. This in short is
fluidised bed combustion.
If the velocity is too low, fluidisation will not occur and if the gas velocity becomes
to high, the particles will be entrained in the gas stream and lost. Hence to sustain
stable operation of the bed, it must be ensured that gas velocity is maintained
between minimum fluidisation velocity and particle entrainment velocity.
Almost, all Atmospheric Bubbling Fluidised Bed Combustion Boilers (AFBC) use the
bed evaporator (Bed coil) tubes as the mode of extracting heat from the bed to
maintain the bed temperature.
The Boiler components are categorised as Pressure and Non – Pressure Parts as
mentioned below.
The complete system of pressure parts tubing, piping and headers will
be of ERW or seamless construction as applicable.
The bank tubes are of ERW. Tubes connecting to the drums shall enter
readily on both ends of the bank tubes are expanded into the steam
and mud drums. The bank tubes are designed with multi pass
arrangement and the average flue gas velocity is kept at optimum,
considering the life of bank tubes.
Water circulation in the bed tubes is kept optimum to ensure longer tube
life. Access door are provided at suitable elevation on any sides of the
bed on the walls, for easy access to the bed section, for any inspection
and maintenance.
The inlet and outlet headers are positioned horizontally. It is fed with
feed water by a pipe from the feed water control station. There are 15
parallel paths of Economiser coils connecting the inlet header to the
outlet header. The economiser coils are horizontally arranged and are
split into two banks with a gap of 950 mm in between them. The
economiser coils are suspended from the economiser casing top
frame through lugs and pins. There is a link connecting the economiser
outlet header to the drum.
The feed water flow is upward through the economiser, that is, in
counterflow to the hot flue gases. Most efficient heat transfer is hereby
Bunker is sized with proper valley angle for the better flowability of the
fuel. The bunker bottom portion is divided into six no. of hoppers
corresponding to the number of compartment in the Air box. The outlet
of each bunker is connected with pocket feeders. From Pocket feeder
to the mixing nozzle the fuel will be taken by dividing chutes, and it will
be sent into the furnace using high pressure air from Primary air fan.
Feeder units will be so spaced and arranged that, individual units are
well accessible for inspection, repair and maintenance as required.
Fluidised Bed Proper: The Fluidised Bed system will be of the proven
design capable of continuous reliable operation and firing the fuel
specified with wide turndown range. The nozzle design will permit
effective fluidisation at lower loads with shutting down of some
compartments. Fluidising nozzles will have suitably sized stem portion
extending from the bed plate to the furnace side. Besides the design
and arrangement of fuel feeding, air supply to the bed, their controls,
will ensure achieving complete combustion efficiency, avoiding
problems of slagging and clinker formation.
The design and arrangement of the bed sections are such that it will
be possible to isolate any bed section from fuel feed side, and
primary air feed side, as and when required for operational
The air heater tubes are of mild steel construction. The air heater is
complete with all casing, supporting structures, ducting systems etc.
The boiler is equipped with each one no. of 100% MCR FD fan, ID fan
and PA fan.
The fans supplied are complete with coupling, base plates etc. All
control vanes/dampers are provided with complete and connecting
mechanism etc., All the Fan impellers are dynamically balanced.
Forced draft fan are provided with grease lubrication.
All ducts are of Mild steel suitably stiffened and reinforced on the
outside and designed to withstand the pressures encountered.
The ducting system is complete with all required expansion joints,
mating flanges, dampers, supports, access doors, platforms,
insulation etc. All ducts are of welded construction.
All other piping, air ducts, flue ducts, etc., are provided with insulating
system of adequate thickness.
The boiler is provided with all required base frame, steel work of
sufficient height, with required foundation bolts, etc. The steel
supporting structure for boiler, bank tubes and airheater are from the
firing floor, which is RCC.
The required structural columns, frame work for the ducting and
piping, equipment, stair cases up to boiler drum level, are provided
with stairs and walkways. The steam drum ends are provided with
independent local platform.
In addition, pipe supports, duct supports, etc., are provided for the
complete system.
The air from the Forced draught fan will pass through Airheater to
Air box. The combustion air will assist the combustion as well as the
fluidisation. In the proposed under bed feeding system a small
quantity of air which is tapped from the combustion air, will be
boosted by a primary air fan and will be used to transport the fuel
pneumatically to the furnace.
One number of Bed Material Bunker (Mild Steel) having suitable storage
volume with supports and feeding chute is provided for feeding the Bed
material into the Bed. Bunker outlet chute will have the Pocket Feeder.
positive terminal and earthed. When flue gases pass through the
and the collecting electrodes, the solid particles get ionised and are
use of the electrostatic precipitator placed after the air heater. The
The deaerator is placed before boiler feed pump in the feed water cycle to
remove the dissolved corrosive gases from the feed water, which goes to the
suction side of boiler feed pump in thermal cycle. The steam is drawn to
heat the condensate that, is broken into fine droplets for effective heat and
sprayed by spray valves. The sprayed water falls through tray stack for heat
and mass transfer. The condensate is divided into fine droplets and comes
in contact with the steam resulting in release of non condensate gases which
The condensate after leaving deaerating header enters into feed storage
tank from where it goes out to boiler feed pumps. Steam enters the feed
storage tank and then goes into deaerating header where it gets condensed,
some steam along with non condensate gases goes of the equipment.
pressure or in short. When it starts boiling the partial pressure of gases tend
to become zero. Once the partial pressure gags disappears the gas
molecules takes place by scrubbing the liquid containing the dissolved gases
lower gas concentrations result when the liquid is sprayed in thin films and
gases such as oxygen and Carbon Di-Oxide and by a low PH value. The
PH of water can be raised chemically, but the gases in the cycle must be
feed cycle from corrosion. Indeed, a boiler would deteriorate rapidly by the
in the lower pressure same that the system experiences maximum air
The condenser and Shell side of low pressure feed water heaters are
typically under vacuum at full and partial load operations. These and other
glasses, valve steam packing pump seals and supplemented tanks for
industrial units.
The shell of storage tank is fabricated from boiler quality steel plates. The
ends are closed with dished head ends. Various connections like condensate
outlet, steam inlet, make up water inlet, drain outlet, pressure relief valve,
improper working of
automatics. Huge
regulating valves.
Water throw out from Thermal over loading of the Reduce the deaerator
of feed pumps (or) inlet of feed water tank to scavenge the last traces of
particular rate and feed water sample is analysed for residual hydrazine.
Based on analysis, increase or decrease the dosing rate to get the required
solution can absorb oxygen from the atmosphere, not more than
One no. Blow Down tank will be provided for the continuous and
intermittent blow down. The boiler Continuous Blow down line will be
connected to common Continuous Blow Down tank and drains from other
The Intermittent Blow Down tank outlet and continuous blow down tank
outlet will be left to the drain system. Required supports, drain valves
and necessary piping, etc., have been provided for the tanks. Continuous
blow down tank is a IBR approved pressure part and is used for flash steam
As this boiler is having start up oil burner system separately to make the start
up very convenient.
done during fluidising condition, the fluidisation will get affected due to the
additional weight of charcoal. The drag force required to fluidise the new
bed material & charcoal mixture will be more. Hence increasing of air flow
unnecessarily more air (or) more PA header pressure may throw the
clinker formation in the compartment border due to static burning. During this
cold fluidisation study and charcoal charging, the burner combustion air
Start the oil pump and allow the oil to circulate through the return oil line
for some time, throttle the oil return line value to increase the oil pressure
In case if flame cut off occurs during start up, immediately that particular
explained above.
All the charcoal which are in fluidised state will get ignited by burner flame. Keep
this condition for 10 minutes to allow all the charcoal to get fire. Now
decrease the fluidising air flow little bit to avoid rapid burning of charcoal. Keep
this condition for 2 to 5 minutes. Slowly all the bed material will get red hot during
this period closely watching of bed condition is a must to avoid quenching of fire
in bed and delaying of temp. pick up due to excess air. Now all the bed
temperature will increase fastly , once it reaches 600°C set MCR air
flow, for I compartment stop oil pump and start fuel feeder.
Set optimum feeding and ensure coal catches fire in the start up
The bed ash cooler is same as like of FBC system. The atmospheric air
has been tapped at the outlet of F.D. fan and fed through the air
nozzles provided in the ash cooler, where the air and bed ash will be
mixed and get cooled. The cooled ash has to be collected through the
Screw Conveyor and it can be conveyed to another Screw Conveyor and
then to the Recycling Bucket Elevator through a Vibratory Screen. The
hot air from the ash coolers have been connected through ducts to
Air heater flue gas outlet. In case of ash cooler maintenance / failure,
the ash can be removed manually through the bottom of ash drain pipe
gate arrangement.
Power cylinder operated shutoff dampers are provided at the air inlet of
ash coolers. These dampers can be operated from the PLC panel
either manually or automatically. To accomplish the above, individual
pressure switches are provided in each air box compartments so that
whenever the air box pressure is getting increased due to the buildup
of bed ash materials, an alarm will be generated to indicate the
operator to perform the task manually. The same can be operated
automatically considering the programs done in the PLC according to
the logics provided.
The sequence of cooling of bed ash should be such that ash in
Air inlet in the bed ash coolers is controlled by the power cylinders
whose operating time is decided and set in the PLC. The compartment
damper (ie. ash cooler air inlet damper) will be opened only for a pre-
set time.
intermittent only.
When air or gas is passed through an inert bed of solid particles such as sand
supported on a fine mesh or grid, the air initially will seek a path of least resistance and
pass upward through the sand. With further increase in the velocity, the air bubbes
through the bed and the particles attain a state of high turblence. Under such
conditions, the bed assumes the appearance of a fluid and exhibits the properties
associated with a fluid and hence the name “Fluidised Bed”.
If the sand, in a fluidized state, is heated to the ignition temperature of the fuel
and the fuel is injected continuously into the bed, the fuel will burn rapidly and the
bed attains a uniform temperature due to effective mixing. This, in short is fluidized
bed combustion.
If velocity is too low, fluidization will not occur and if the gas velocity becomes too
high, the particles will be entrained in the gas stream and lost. Hence to sustain
stable operation of the bed, it must be ensured that gas velocity is maintained
between minimum fluidization velocity and particle entrainment velocity.
4. The unit can be designed to burn a variety of fuels including low grade coals like
floatation slimes and washery rejects without much sacrifice in operation
efficiency, because only about 1% by wt. of carbon content in the bed can
sustain the fluidized bed combustion.
5. High turbulence of the bed facilities quick start-up and shut down.
9. Though having comparatively low efficiency, fluidized bed coal fired boilers offer
the following distinct advantages over pulverized coal fired boilers, especially
when using low rank coals:-
ii) The formation of sticky deposits on the fire side of the tubes because of
lowering of ash fusion temperature by sodium components in ash is
avoided due to low bed temperature.
Water can be generally classified as:
a. Surface water.
b. Ground water
Surface water comes from streams, ponds, lakes and reservoirs.
Ground water comes from wells, mines and springs.
a) Suspended solids.
b) Dissolved solids.
c) Dissolved gases.
Clay, silt, Organic matter and micro organisms.
Miscellaneous :
Dissolved solids : Silica, Iron, Aluminium & Manganese.
- Calcium Bicarbonate
- magnesium Bicarbonate
- Calcium sulphate
- Calcium chloride
- Calcium Nitrate
- Magnesium sulphate
- Magnesium chloride
- Magnesium Nitrate
Silica : Presence of silica in water also gives rise to hard deposits which are as
bed as scales.
Alkalinity :
- Bicarbonates
- Carbonates
- Hydroxides
Total Hardness : H
Total Alkalinity : M
This has a greater effect on scale deposition than on corrosion. However, the
effect of micro organisms on both deposition and corrosion can be major and
must not be overlooked.
Water is purified by
- External treatment
- Internal treatment.
1. Internal softening.
2. Oxygen scavenging.
3. Alkalinity Building.
4. Sludge conditioning.
5. Anti foaming.
The residual hardness in the feed water should be treated to bring it down to zero.
If allowed to concentrate, scales would begin to form. Hardness is taken care of
by providing a phosphate treatment. The principle behind it is as follows:
Corrosion would be rampant if oxygen in feed water is not removed. This can
affect the pre-boiler, boiler and condensate line sections. The removal of
oxygen therefore is a must.
Hydrazine hydrate can also be used for removal of oxygen. But the speed of
reaction is much lesser with hydrazine. Further, it is toxic in nature. However,
hydrazine is effective in reducing oxides of copper and iron and is more
effective in preventing deposition of corrosion products in feed lines, etc.
Hydrazine also helps in removing old corrosion products from boiler internals
and helps to maintain a uniform Fe3O4 layer on internal boiler surfaces.
Reserves of 0.1 to 0.2 ppm of hydrazine should be maintained.
c. It keeps silica in solution. i.e, it reacts with silica and forms a complex
silicate compound which will remain in solution and will precipitate.
Foaming is said to occur when the steam space in the boiler is partially
filled with unbroken steam bubbles. Foaming is caused by impurities in the
water preventing the free escape of steam as it rises to the surface or by
and oily scum on the surface on the water. This surface scum may be
caused by oil, organic matter or any suspended matter in the water.
Remedy :
Priming is carrying over of water slugs with the steam. The causes are the same as
that of foaming. But it may occur even with perfectly pure feed water itself.
Remedy :
1. To avoid priming, all main stop valves on boilers and steam lines should be
opened very slowly and water in the boiler should not be carried above its
normal level.
Summary :
Oxygen Oxygen
Temperature Temperature content Temperature Temperature content
°F °C ppm °F °C ppm
pressure Temperature °F
212 205 197 188 178 164 148 133 118
218 212 204 195 186 175 162 149 134
227 221 215 208 200 191 180 169 159
237 227 221 215 208 200 190 181 170
239 235 230 224 218 211 204 196 185
Max. Oxygen 0 0.7 1.4 2.2 2.9 3.6 4.3 5.0 5.7
content (ppm)
As a matter of principle, water for testing should be sampled by the actual person
responsible for the examination or atleast by someone familiar with the plant and
suitably instructed.
Sampling lines are to be kept continuously flowing. Sampling and cooling water lines
should be free from choking and sampling lines to be purged for about 30 minutes
everyday as a routine and whenever choking is suspected. To avoid contamination of
cooled samples, they are to be collected in dust-free atmosphere. Cooling water
contamination of samples is to be prevented. The sampling rate should be of not less
than 25 kg/hr and sample temperature shall not exceed about 40°C. The container
used for collecting samples should be made of polythene or polyethylene. Before
collecting samples, rinse the container atleast 3 times. After collecting the samples,
rinse the stopper and tightly close the container.
5. The straight line portion of the curve which represents linearity only is to be
The general operating instructions supplied along with instruments shall be followed.
Calcium and magnesium ions in water are sequestered by the addition of sodium
ethylene diamine tetra acetate. The end point of the reaction is detected by means
of an indicator, chrome-black Tat an optimum pH of 10.0 – 10.4 which has a wine
red colour in the presence of calcium and magnesium and a blue colour when
they are sequestered.
Calcium ions in water are sequestered by addition of EDTA. The end point of the
reaction is detected by means of an indicator, murexide which is dark purple in the
absence of calcium but which with calcium forms a light salmon red complex.
The optimum pH range is about 10.4.
d. Add standard EDTA solution slowly with continuous stirring until the
colour changes from salmon pink to orchid purple.
2. Buffer solution
Grind 0.2 gms of chrome black T powder with 80 gms of powered Nacl and store
in a dark chloride bottle.
5. Standard EDTA solution
Weight 4.0 gms of di sodium di hydrogen EDTA di hydrate and dissolve it in 800
ml water. Adjust to pH 10.5 with 5% NaOH. To standardize, pipette 25 ml of
standard Cacl2 solution (prepared above) and add ammonium hydroxide (1 : 4)
solution to obtain to obtain a pH of 10 to 10.4 add 0.2 gms of chrome-black T
indicator. Titrate with EDTA solution according to the procedure above. This
EDTA solution should be equivalent to more than 1 mg of CaCO3 per ml. Let V =
the volume of standard EDTA solution required to titrate 25 ml of standard
CaCl2 solution. Then 25 ml CaCl2 / V (times volume of EDTA to be diluted) =
volume to which EDTA must be diluted.
Using volumetric pipettes and / or burettes make the required dilution, mix well and
restandardize as a check. The use of a factor is also satisfactory. This
solution should be stored in polyethylene bottles and restandardized monthly.
This test is based on the determination of the alkaline content of a sample by titration
with a standard acid solution. In this measurement, the end points are taken of
change in the colour of organic indicators phenolphthalein (approx. pH 8.3) and
methyl orange (approx. pH 4.3) represent definite points to which the alkalinity of
the sample has been reduced by the addition of the standard acid solution.
ppm alkalinity as Ca CO3 = ml N/50 sulphuric acid x --------------
ml sample
This method is designed primarily for the routine control of boiler feed waters subject
to sulphite treatment. Reductants like sulphite and certain heavy metal ions react
similarly to sulphite. Copper catalyzes the oxidation of sulphite on exposure to air
especially at warm temperatures.
Potassium iodide solution 50 g per litre. Dissolve 50 mg of iodate free Kl and 0.5 g of
sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) in freshly boiled and cooled water and dilute to one
Starch indicator.
Hydrochloric Acid 1 + 1
Place 10 ml 1 + 1 HCL in a 250 ml flask. Rapidly add 100 ml sample submerging the
pipette tip below the acid surface to minimize air exposure. After adding 1 ml starch
indicator solution and 5 ml Kl solution titrate with standard KlO3 titrant to the first
appearance of a persistent blue colour. Determine the blank titration by carrying 100
ml distilled water through the complete procedure.
It is important to use air tight connections in all apparatus used for sampling
and testing. When sampling hot water a water cooled coil should be
introduced into the sampling line. A convenient arrangement for sampling
for feed water is shown in the figure. The sample itself should be taken in a
500 ml winkler flask containing a few glass beads, as shown in figure and
water should flow through for atleast 10 minutes before taking the actual
sample so as to displace all traces of air. Care must be taken to see that air
bubbles do not form around the stopper of the winkler flask while sampling.
1. Manganous chloride
2. Alkaline iodine
4. Sulphuric Acid 1 : 1
Add 250 ml of conc. Sulphuric acid to 250 ml of water. Cool and store.
(A – B)
Volatile matter ppm ---------- x 1000
A = mg of dissolved matter.
B = mg of ignition residue
(A-B) = mg of volatile matter
W = (CC) weight of sample used.
This test determines the substances which are extractable by chloroform and is not
a test specific for oil. Heavy oils, fats and certain other organic compounds will be
measured by the test. Following evaporation to dryness of the chloroform extract,
the residue is weighed.
Hydrochloric acid (1 : 9)
Chloroform, redistilled
Procedure for Determination – Weigh the flask and its contents to the nearest 1
gram and obtain the weight of the sample by difference. Withdraw a few drops of
the sample, determine pH and adjust to between pH 3.0 and 4.0 by hydrochloric
acid (1 : 9).
Add 100 ml of chloroform to the flask and agitate by means of shaking machine or
mechanical stirrer for 15 minutes. After separation, transfer the chloroform layer by
a glass siphon to a 500 ml separate funnel. No lubricant should be used on the
funnel stopcock. Add 50 ml of chloroform to the flask and repeat agitation for 15
minutes. Then transfer this second portion of chloroform to the separate funnel.
Draw off the chloroform layer through a dry, fat-and-oil-free filter paper into a 250 ml
breaker. It there is suspended matter at the interface, leave about 2 ml of the
chloroform layer the funnel. Add 20 ml portion of fresh chloroform directly to the
funnel shake and then withdraw the chloroform, using it as a wash for the filter.
Evaporate the chloroform on a boiling water bath to about 20 ml then transfer
quantitatively to a weighted platinum or silica evaporating dish. If the source of the
water sample was at or above 212°F. Continue evaporation to dryness on the
boiling water bath. If the sample was from a source below 212°F, again reduce
the volume to about 20 ml on the boiling water and then continue evaporation at
room temperature. Weigh until constant weight is obtained.
With proper technique, an accuracy of 1.0 ppm or 2% which ever is greater can
be obtained. The method does not determine lighter hydrocarbons which volatilize
under the test conditions. Substances other then oil are included as chloroform
extractable matter. While this procedure is based on ASTM method D1178 -54T,
that method should be consulted if it is desired to conduct the test in exact
conformity to ASTM – standards.
1. A well-equipped laboratory
2. Wide mouth 1000 ml Erlenmeyer flask.
3. Balance capable of weighing upto 1 kg with an accuracy of ± 1 gm.
4. pH meter.
5. 100 ml measuring cylinder.
6. Shaker or mechanical stirrer.
7. 500 ml separating funnel
8. Glass syphon
9. Oil free filter paper
10. 250 ml beaker.
11. Funnel with filter stand.
12. Water path suitable for heating (thermostat)
13. Platinum or silica evaporation dish.
As a yard stick for the concentration of hydrogen ions, the pH value gives an
indication of the percentage reaction (alkalinity or acidity) of the water and hence
its aggressivity. The pH value is the negative logarithm to the base 10 of the
hydrogen ion concentration, expressed as gram ions per litre.
With the electrometric method, the pH value is determined from the potential
difference between the measuring electrodes immersed in the liquid under test and
a reference electrode of known potential for testing water electrode assemblies
comprising a glass electrodes and a calomel reference electrode are suited.
Where water is very pure and the pH value and electrical conductivity are being
determined simultaneously, make sure that the pH electrodes are inserted AFTER
the conductivity electrodes if the measuring points are connected in series.
New glass electrodes and those that have been stored dry shall be conditioned and
maintained as recommended by the manufacturer. If the assembly is in intermittent
use, keep the immersed ends of the electrodes in water between measurements.
For prolonged storage, glass electrodes may be allowed to become dry, but the
junction and filling openings of reference electrodes should be capped to reduce
Wash the electrodes and sample cum three times with water. Place the second
reference buffer solutions in the sample cup and measure pH by simply reading the
dial. Do not change the setting of assymmetry potential knob.
Wash the electrodes by means of a flowing stream from a wash bottle. Place the
water sample in a clean glass beaker. Measure the temperature. Insert the
electrode and measure pH as before.
pH meter should be checked for its performance using buffer tablets atleast once a
Some boiler stations using ion exchange columns of preboiler water purification
have noticed silica concentrations building up in the units and at the same time a
soluble silica analysis on water coming from the ion exchange column showed no
silica. Analysis for colloidal silica on these same samples showed that the silica
was present as a colloidal particle. This technique has been developed as an
analytical procedure to accurately determine trace concentrations of silica where all
or a part is present in colloidal form. Total silica is determined
spectrophotometrically after solubilization by the pressurized bomb method. (Paar
oxygen bomb).
2. Add 1 ml of 0.2 N NaOH and close the cup with a platinum cover.
3. Place the closed cup in a paar oxygen bomb containing 100 ml of deionized
water and completely assemble the bomb.
4. Nitrogen is added to obtain 30 pounds pressure and let out five times to
completely, flush out oxygen in the bomb to prevent bomb corrosion.
6. Remove the bomb from the oven, cool and remove the sample from the
platinum cup. Silica is determined spectrophotometerically by using the
applicable high or low range method.
1. 25 ml – Pipette
2. 50 ml – Pipette for suitable aliquot sample.
3. 10 ml – Pipette
4. Platinum cup with cover.
5. Oxygen bomb.
6. 1 ml Pipette (for 0.2 N NaOH solution)
7. 10 ml – Pipette (for deionized water)
8. Nitrogen cylinder with pressure regulator opener etc.
9. AIR OVEN to be capable of giving a temp, of 190°C for 12 hours
10. Spectrophotometer at 815 nm.
3. Allow 10 minutes for colour development and read within 30 minutes on the
spectrophotometer at 400 mm.
4. Reagent blank and atleast two phosphate standards should be run along with
1. Prepare a series of standards to cover the range 0-25 mg/litre (ppm) and
prepare calibration curve.
2. 50 ml – Pipette
25 ml – Pipette for suitable aliquot sample.
10 ml – Pipette
5. Spectrophotometer at 40 nm.
The boiler is provided with interlocks for safe and reliable operation and none of these
should be bypassed.
The individual equipment can be started through DCS or from Local Push Button
(LPB). Switch on the power supply to the motor control centre (MCC) panel. The
fuses of individual motor controls shall be checked for continuity. Three phase supply
of 415 V / 11000 V 50 Hz with allowable percentage of variation shall be ensured
before switching on the equipment.
Ensure that the suction valve is open and water is available in the deaerator storage
tank. Also ensure that, the discharge valve or the feed control valve including the
bypass valve is closed. Then start the feed pump. Do not close the suction valve, when
the pump is running. The auto recirculation valve to be opened automatically at the
time of starting the pump and the same will be after crossing the pump min. flow. After
that outlet valve is to be opened immediately. Do not run the feed pumps without suction
filter. During normal running of boiler the pump can be started / stopped with discharge
valve open, since the feed line is under pressurised condition.
DP study must be carried out individually for all compartments. In simple terms, DP
study is nothing but finding out the pressure drop across distributor plate at different air
flows. Follow the steps given below.
DP study shall be done separately for each compartment. Hence close the FD, PA
dampers of the compartments which are not being studied.
Switch on ID fan, PA fan and then FD fan. Open the suction damper of FD fan and set 10
mm air flow in Aerofoil meter. Measure the air box pressure and gas plenum pressure (ID
fan damper is to be adjusted to maintain a gas plenum pressure of -5 mmwc at all
FD air flow = 10 mmwc across Aerofoil meter
Air box pressure = 75 mmwc
Gas plenum pressure = -5 mmwc
The pressure drop across DP at 10 mm air flow = 75 + 5 mmwc
= 80 mmwc
Thus, the pressure drop across DP can be found out 20, 30, 40, 50, 75, 100 & 125 of air
* The pressure drop values should be found out for other compartment too.
* The pressure drop values shall be compared. For the same air flow, if there is
a deviation of more than 5 mm between compartments, then it becomes
necessary to check the following.
* The manometer readings may be incorrect. Check for leakage in the pressure
tapping locations or Aero foil meter and air box.
* Check for leakage between fuel feed pipe and air box.
The pressure drop values taken shall be recorded on the following tables for future
Chemical composition
Alumina : 45% to 35%
Silica : 55% to 65%
(Bed material shall be from Crushed refractory bricks or from sieved ash).
The bed material plays a vital role in the fluidised bed combustion process. The bed
material is inert and does not undergo any chemical change. The size of the bed
material is so selected to meet the fluidisation requirements. The bed material once
heated serves like an ignitor for the incoming fuel. The normal bed height when
defluidised is maintained in the range of 300 mm to 400 mm. The bed material also acts
as the carrier of heat between the burnt and the heat transfer surface.
The bed material shall be procured from refractory supplier. Alternatively, the bed
material can be purchased from the user of a coal fired fluidised bed boiler. The ash
drained from the fluidised bed can be screened and used as bed material.
1. Before programming for a light up, it is necessary that the recommended quantity
of bed material is procured according to the specifications. The bed material is to
be stocked atleast for 10 start ups.
2. If the bed materials is procured from a refractory supplier, ensure only refractory
bricks are crushed to make bed material. Mix up of insulation bricks is not
3. The fusion temperature of the bed material has to be above 1400°C. If the fusion
temperature is lower, clinkering will occur in the bed.
6. A coal fired fluidised bed in operation contain good amount of fines and coarse
particles. Which are due to varying coal particle size on crushing. Hence for
every light up (except hot restart) fresh bed material is to be used. This is
essential for a smooth and quick start up.
7. When the bed material is procured from a refractory supplier, the size of the
bed material is to be specified up mentioning the upper sieve no. 8 and lower
sieve no. 20. The material has to pass through sieve no. 8 and to stay on sieve
no. 20.
1. Charcoal is required for lighting up of the boiler. A fixed quantity of charcoal is burnt
in the fluidised bed to raise the bed temperature in the start up compartment.
Once the bed temperature is raised further fuel is fed to establish combustion of
fuel in the fluidised bed.
2. Charcoal is selected as the start up fuel, mainly, because of its high heat content ,
rapid burning characteristics and low ignition temperature.
3. Good quality charcoal is a must for easy light up. Ensure charcoal is dry and not
already burnt. Heavier charcoal is an indication of good quality. Tamarind wood
charcoal is the best because it burns for more time and the calorific value is
about 6600 kcal/kg.
4. Charcoal should be dry for rapid burning. Wet charcoal should not be used in
any case. Ensure the charcoal in stock is also dry.
5. The charcoal should not contain powder or bigger lumps. The charcoal shall be
sized to 15 - 25 mm. Fine charcoal burns easily and does not contribute much for
heating the bed. Bigger lumps would cause clinker formation as the lumps do not
easily fluidise.
* The bed material can be filled by entering the furnace. For start up purpose, the
bed height shall be 200 - 225 mm above the air nozzle top level in the start up
* The bed material below the nozzle level remains static all the time. This is not to
be counted as the bed height.
* Uniform spreading can be done by admitting fluidising air through the bed. The
air should be sufficient enough to fluidise bed.
* The bed height can be measured physically after putting off the air flow.
* Alternatively the bed height can be found out by pressure drop across the
fluidised bed.
Let us assume,
For 100 mm fluidising air flow the distributor plate pressure drop is found to be 150 mm.
Let air box pressure drop across the fluidised bed = 484 mmwc
The pressure drop across the fluidized bed and the distributor plate = 491 mmwc
The pressure drop across the distributor plate is 121 mmwc as found in DP study.
= 270 mmwc
Since the bulk density of the bed material is 1000 kg/m^3, the pressure drop across the
bed in mm is the bed height in mm.
Though the normal operating bed height is 300 - 550 mm, initial bed material filling is
done only upto 200-225 mm. This low bed height reduces the charcoal requirement for
start up purpose. Also low bed height helps in raising the boiler pressure slowly.
In the case of compartmental start up the bed material shall be filled as explained below:
Fill the bed material to a height of 300 mm in all compartments. Fluidise all the
compartments together provided the fan motor amperes are below the limits. If not
possible, fluidise two compartments together for levelling. Then the next compartment
can be fluidised separately. The start up compartment is to be fluidised separately.
When this is done a portion of the bed material spills to the adjacent compartment and
forms a mount along the edge of the compartment. Further bed material is to be added
to the start up compartment so that the bed height of 200 - 225 mm is maintained.
The lighting up of the boiler is to be done with the help of charcoal and kerosene. The
light up is to be done only for a single compartment. After stabilising with a single
compartment fire is transferred to other compartments as per the procedure explained
01. Inspect the boiler prior to starting and check the following.
02. Check the following equipments for adequate lubrication and readiness for service.
03. Check dry fuel (0-6) mm is available in the bunker, the gates below the bunker
are open and fuel is available at feeder inlet.
04. Check the instrument air is available at the required pressure (of 7 kg/cm2) for
instrumentation and control.
05. Check the following valves in the Boiler drum are closed.
07. Check the bed material is filled in the furnace and fluidisation study is
Before starting the filling up, keep the vent on the drum open and close the blow down
and drain valves. The filling up is done by running the feed pumps but the rate of flow is
controlled by means of feed control valve. During the filling up check the operation of
blow down valve and drain valves and then close them. The boiler is filled up
completely till water comes through the drum vent and is drained to bring the water level
to low level alarm limit.
* During the fluidisation studies, except for large compartments the fuel
transport air need not be introduced as it would disturb the bed.
* Observe the fluidisation of the start up compartment by varying the air flow
gradually. Mark the position of dampers when the bed material begins to
fluidise. In the case of pneumatically operated dampers, note the input signal
"PSI" from the manual loaders.
* The on set fluidisation may also be observed by plotting the bed pressure drop
against the air flow.
* Add the gas plenum pressure P2 to P1 (P1+(P2)) is the pressure drop across
the distributor plate and bed.
* Substact P3 mmwc, which is the pressure drop across DP alone which is
measured in DP study. i.e., (P1 + (P2)) - P3 would be the pressure drop across
the bed.
* The pressure drop across the bed is thus obtained for various air flows. The
readings may be plotted in a graph as shown.
* The air flow at which fluidisation starts is noted. This value is to be maintained
for the purpose of mixing at the time of startup.
* Once the fluidisation study is completed, the fans shall be switched off and boiler
shall be taken for light up.
The boiler light up is done using charcoal and kerosene as explained below.
* A fixed quantity of dry charcoal is spread uniformly over the start up compartment.
* A fixed quantity of Kerosene mixed charcoal is spread uniformly over the dry
charcoal layer.
* Further by proper air flow control, fire can be spread and the heat released by
charcoal is utilised to heat the bed material to a temperature above the ignition
temperature of the fuel.
* Further the fuel feed rate is adjusted to maintain a bed temperature of 800°C to
* The charcoal of size below 15 mm shall not be accounted for the above quantity.
* Keep the ID fan damper open at the time of lighting up. This would reduce the
possibility of furnaces puff.
* Initiate the fire bushing number of swabs. Throw the swabs in such a way that
the fire spreads uniformly over the entire furnace. If the spreading of the fire is
non uniform sprinkle some kerosene choked charcoal and throw it to the
locations where fire is not there. Unless the fire is more or less present over the
entire surface, it is advised not to proceed with the light up. Unless the top
layer or charcoal gets ignited, further charcoal would not get ignited.
The thermocouples are located in such a way that they are well utilised for start up.
The top level bed thermocouple is located at a height to read the temperature just at the
burning charcoal layer. The bottom level thermocouple is located to read the bed material
temperature at a height of 100 mm from nozzle level.
After the introduction of fire, top level thermocouple temperature will go up. It is
very important to increase the air flow gradually in order to increase the top level
temperature to 800°C. At first the ID fan damper opening alone allows some leakage
air. Further opening of FD fan damper will add some more air to increase the bed
temperature. Now close ID fan and FD fan inlet dampers. Start ID fan then FD fan. Open
ID fan and FD fan inlet dampers step by step to increase the top level temperature to
800°C to 850°C. Till this period the bottom level thermocouple would not have
shown increase in temperature. Once the top level temperature reaches 800 - 850°C,
the burning top layer of charcoal shall be mixed with rest of the bed. The mixing is
done by increasing the air flow so as to fluidise the bed. The mixing air flow should not
be higher than that of the air flow established during the fluidisation study. For this
purpose the markings made on damper positions shall be used.If the mixing is done at
higher airflow, the burning charcoal will spill into the adjacent compartment. More than
the loss of charcoal in the start up compartment, the bed height will reduce in start up
compartment. This would lead to defluidisation as the air would tend to bypass at bed
heights lower than 100 mm.
The duration of mixing shall be between 20 - 30 seconds. During the mixing process,
the top level temperature would start reducing. At the same time, bottom level
temperature would begin to rise.
Soon after the mixing is completed the air flow is brought to a minimum. Open the man
hole door and visually ensure through mixing has been done. If top layer charcoal
has not been disturbed at some places, mixing shall be carried out once again.
After ensuring thorough mixing, the air flow shall be brought down to minimum and
then shall be increased in steps. The airflow shall be increased gradually so as to
raise the bed temperature. The airflow shall be brought up at MCR airflow in process of
raising bed temperature above 600°C.
Once the bed temperature shoots above 600°C, the fuel transport lines are to be
dechoked and fuel flow shall be established.
* Check the suction at the mixing nozzle. If suction is not available, open the
respective bottom drain gates of fuel pipes to dechoke, if any. After the choking
of fuel feed pipe is cleared close the gates.
* Adjust the PA fan suction damper, to maintain the header pressure in between
700 to 900 mm of wc.
Initiate the fuel flow by switching on the fuel feeders. The fuel flow shall be kept
minimum at the beginning. At the time of fuel feed initiation, the charcoal might not
have burnt fully. Hence it is most important to initiate fuel feed gradually.
Excess fuel feed will increase the bed temperature uncontrollably. Though the
bed temperature can be controlled by increasing the air flow, it is advisable to take care at
the time of fuel feed initiation. Stabilise the start up compartment operation with a bed
temperature of 850°C and with the MCR air flow.
* On the waterside watch the drum level. If the level goes down switch on feed
pump and regulate the feed control valve. ON/OFF operation of feed pump
should be avoided to the extent possible. If the feed pump is auto operated,
keep the selector switch in auto mode. Here again regulatethe feed control valve
to avoid frequent start/stop of the pump.
* Close the drum vents at 2 kg/cm² pressure if the boiler is provided with
superheater. This is done so that superheater coils are cooled better by more
steam flow through them. Ensure the vents, start up vents, drains are open
in superheater lines. The condensate in superheater coils and main steam pipe
should have been removed earlier. In the case of non drainable sections of
superheater coils it is possible that condensate leads to water hammer.
* In cases of powercut during start up after the mixing it will not be possible to
access how much charcoal is burnt out. It is advised to cool throughly and drain
the bed material in start up compartment and do a fresh light up.
* However, if the powercut had occurred before mixing one may attempt to light up
as below:
* Sprinkle Kerosene soaked charcoal through man hole evenly over the start up
compartment. The charcoal quantity shall be the same as that for light up.
* If the powercut occurs after mixing and provided the duration is also short, it
may be possible to ligh up.
* Fluidise the bed minimally. Check the bed temperature. If the bed temperature is
more than 400°C add dry charcoal to the bed. The charcoal should be thrown
uniformly over the entire bed. Observe the rise in temperature. If there is no
improvement in bed temperature it is better to cool the bed. Never allow the bed
to be static in this method. If the bed is static, clinker formation will start.
The start up with one compartment is recommended for the following reasons.
Now open the compartment air damper of the adjacent compartment which is to be
activated. The cold bed material in this compartment would begin to mix up with that
of hot bed material in the operating compartment. The bed temperature in new
compartment would begin to rise.
The bed temperature in operating compartment will begin to drop. Once this temperature
reaches 750°C slump the new compartment by closing the air damper.
The bed temperature of the operating compartment shall be once again brought up to
900°C before another attempt is made.
The primary air lines in the new compartment shall be opened and the fuel feeding can
be commenced and the bed temperature shall be brought to 800°C with MCR fluidising air
flow condition. Care shall be taken not to drop the temperature of operating
compartment below 600°C in the process of activating adjacent compartment.
The steam generation needs to be matched with that of demand to avoid venting of
steam. If the steam drawn from the boiler is less compared to steam generated then the
pressure would rise and thus resulting in lifting of safety valve. Frequent lifting of safety
valve will damage the safety valve seat. Steam generation can be varied by slumping
compartments or by varying the fluidisation air flow or by varying the bed temperature
or by varying the bed height.
Load variation of 70% to 100% may be obtained by varying the bed temperature. The
bed temperature can be reduced upto 700°C and can be increased to 900°C based on
demand. For this purpose the fuel fed rate needs to be varied. Further turndown is
also possible by reducing the fluidisation airflow but not to the extent of defluidisation of
the bed. In such cases the air flow through primary air lines should never be reduced.
Only the fluidising airflow should be reduced. Further load control is done by slumping
the compartments. The compartments can be slumped only from either ends of the
bed. In case of two compartments any compartment may be slumped. In case of
three compartments only first or third compartment is to be slumped, before the middle
compartment is slumped.
Slumping of the compartment is to be done as explained here. Bring down the fuel
rate to minimum and switch off the feeder. Wait till the bottom bed temperature comes
around 850°C, and then close the fluidising air damper of the compartment. Then close
the fuel transport air line dampers. When the fluidising air through a compartment is
cut off, the air through the other compartments would increase. This air flow shall be
adjusted by throttling inlet damper of FD fan. Further draft in the furnace shall be
adjusted by throtting of ID fan inlet damper.
Reactivation of a compartment shall be done in the following sequence. Open the fuel
transport airline valves first and ensure the required air pressure is available in the PA fan
header. If the line is choked, choke shall be removed by using the drain gates, of the
fuel transport lines. Then open the fluidising air damper and set the FD fan inlet damper
for the required MCR airflow. If the bed temperature is above 600°C fuel feed shall be
initiated and the bed temperature shall be brought to the required operating
In case the temperature of the bed is less than 600°C immediately after fluidisation, the
compartment shall be started in the manner explained in the compartment transfer
method. The load control is graphically depicted in figure 2 for the furnace with three
During one compartment operation, the bed height can not be increased as the bed
is not contained on one side. This is applicable to some extent to two compartments
operation also maximum variation is possible in all compartments operation as the bed
is totally contained in all four sides by the furnace water wall.
The height of the fluidised bed needs to be increased after the activation of all
compartments in order to meet the steam demand. In the case of coal firing, the bed
height automatically increases due to generation of ash from coal burning. The ash
which is retained in the bed, if not drained, will accumulate to an extend that the air flow
through the bed starts coming down below the MCR airflow. The height of bed is not to
be allowed to increase beyond the recommended bed height which is about 300 mm to
400 mm. The bed height is indirectly measured by means of air box pressure as
explained in the earlier sections. Other than the purpose of maintaining required bed
height, the bed drain gates are to be operated for removing higher size particles.
When there are deviations from the specified fuel feed size, ie., minus 6 mm, the higher
size particles would begin to settle down at the air nozzle level. Similarly when agro fuel is
used stones ingress with fuel would lead to setting of stones.
The bed drain is to be operated frequently to drain the higher size particles. If the drain
is not operated frequently the fluidisation will be upset causing clinker formation. In
the case of fuels (Agrowaste) which do not generated bed ash, bed material requires to
be added frequently in order to compensate for loss of bed material by attrition and
subsequent elutriation. Hence sufficient stock of bed material is to be maintained.
The ash should be drained from all collection points. Failure to remove the ash will result
in choking of flue gas path.
In case of boiler tripping due to power cut or for any other reason, immediately close
the inlet dampers of the FD fan and ID fan. In the event of power availability and if the
boiler is required to be started immediately switch on the fans. Establish the MCR air flow
and start fuel feeding. Otherwise if the boiler is to be boxed up, close the main steam
stop valve. Close the compartment dampers also. The boiler can be restarted as
explained in the further chapters. (Write up on hot restart).
Ingress of cotton waste, waste cloth, coconut shell, mango seed etc., will block the fuel
flow from the chute into the feeder. This is indicated by the drop in bed temperature
(provided the feed rate of the feeder is not increased).
The above mentioned problems can be eliminated if a screen is provided in the fuel
handling system. Feeder tripping due to foreign material is a great nuisance and at times
it may lead to boiler shut down. In case of coal, it becomes necessary to provide a
magnetic separator to separate out the tramp iron from the coal. This not only protects
the crusher, but also prevents to damage to the feeder.At times it may so happen that the
foreign matter may block the fuel transport line. When there is no airflow in the fuel
transport line, the bed material from the bed enters the fuel feed nozzle and leads to
choking of the line. The choking should be removed by slumping the bed and by opening
the drain gates. Also the foreign matter should be removed from the mixing nozzle
opening the plug of the mixing nozzle.
Bed temperature :
Reduce the fuel feed rate and slow the feeders to empty before stopping them. Maintain
the same air flow to cool bed faster. If the steam is not drawn from the boiler, open the
airvent to reduce pressure. If it is not necessary to enter the boiler for maintenance,
slow rate of pressure and temperature decay is desirable switch off the fans after the
bed has cooled down to 500°C. Switching off the fans should be in the order of FD and
ID fans. If it is desirable to accelerate the cooling process in order to permit entry into the
unit for maintenance, the fans could be continued to run at the same flow rate until
temperature reaches 100°C. During the process maintain normal water level in the boiler.
After the bed temperature reached 100°C open the blowdown valve and drain the
boiler. (The boiler water temperature must be reduced atleast 90°C before draining).
Drain the bed material. This can be done by opening the gates below the drain points
collect this bed material, sieve and reuse for subsequent light ups.
If the boiler has to be shut for a relatively short period (minimum of 2 hours) follow the
procedure given below.
01. Switch of the fuel feeder, FD, PA & ID fans instantaneously. The PA line dampers
and fluidising air dampers need not be closed. But FD & ID fans dampers must be
02. Do not reduce the boiler pressure in line with unit load reduction. When the
desired pressure at which the boiler is to be held is reached after the boiler is off
the line, the boiler may be up by closing the main steam valve.
03. Keep the water level in sight in the gauge glass and add make up rate as
After a shut down for a brief period, follow the steps given below to re-start the unit.
01. Open the air vent. Check fluidising air damper and PA damper are "OPEN".
05. Gradually open ID and FD fan dampers to maintain air flow D.P. of 30 mm and
gas plenum pressure of 10 mm.
06. Increase the speed of fuel feeders and watch the bed temperature.
07. If the bed temperature is slowly increasing then increase fuel feed and air flow in
line with load requirement.
08. If the bed temperature is not increasing, stop the fuel feeders.
09. If the bed temperature is below 600°C throw charcoal through access door, till
temperature reaches 600°C. This has to be carefully done. This may be required
if more than one hour has lapsed after shutting down.
10. If the bed temperature is less than 300°C, cool the bed and start the boiler
following "normal startup from cold" procedure.
The system components have been hydrostatically tested to (1-1/2) times the design
pressure in the factory. However, the complete system, along with all interconnecting
piping should be hydrostatically tested before start-up to comply with code
requirements and to check for leaks that might have resulted during shipping and
handling. The boiler and process lines must be completely vented in order to fill them
with water.
1. Open the steam drum vent valve and close steam outlet valve.
2. The boiler safety valve stubs are plugged with end plates and sent as a dummied
stub. Hence this end plate have to be cut and removed after hydrotest and the
safety valves are to be buttwelded.
3. For subsequent hydro test if any and for every annual hydro testing gag the safety
valves in accordance with safety valve manufacturer's recommendations. In lieu of
gagging, the safety valves may be removed and replaced with test plugs or blind
5. Fill the system with treated water in accordance with recommended CVPL's water
quality. The temperature of water used shall not be less than 20°C and greater than
6. Once the system is filled and the pressure is approximately 1 kg/cm², close all vents.
The pressure may then be increased gradually to the test pressure requirement of
the local steam boiler inspecting agency. Do not subject any pressure part to more
than 1-1/2 times the design pressure rating of the component.
7. Examine the system for any leaks. If no leaks are visible, hold the system in a
pressurised static condition for a period of 1/2 hour to satisfy the code requirements.
8. After that the pressure shall be reduced to maximum allowable working pressure
and maintained for sufficient time to permit close visual inspection for leakage of
pressure parts.
9. Upon completion of the test, release pressure slowly through a small drain valve.
Then fully open the vents and drains when the pressure drops to 1 Kg/cm2(g).
Particular care must be given to make sure that parts not normally containing water
during operation are drained free of water. The system should be drained fully after
hydrostatic testing to prevent freezing, if the unit is installed in a cold weather area,
and to minimize corrosion of the metal surfaces.
10. If temporary handhole or manhole gaskets were used for the test, they should be
replaced with regular service gaskets before reading the unit for operation. Gaskets
should never be reused. Replace gauge glass if necessary and make sure that the
gauge cocks are open. Remove all blanks or gags from safety valves and install
safety valves, if removed.
After the refractory works are finished, the refractory work must be subjected to proper
curing and initial heating. These two procedures must be strictly carried out. Otherwise,
cracks may occur on the refractory surface. These procedures are explained below.
All the castable are hydraulic setting and need the presence of moisture for setting
process, so it is necessary to ensure that the castable does not dry out to exposure or
due to heat produced within the mass. It should not be allowed to dry during first 24
hours after it has been placed.
Moist condition has to be maintained by covering the castable with wet gunny sacks
or by frequent sprinkling of fine mist of cold water on all exposed surfaces. Sprinkling
should be started after the castable has set partially. It is generally advisable to spray
water on dense castables every 45 minutes for hours.
Proper attention should be given during initial heat up of castables, as they have
considerably lower permeability when compared to brick. It is more difficult for the
water to passthrough the castable and escape as the refractory is heated more rapidly.
So due to this, high pressure steam is developed inside the brick and this ruptures the
Rapid heating also causes the hot face to dry up and heat up while the rest of castables
is still comparatively cool. This will lead to expansion of hot face and hence develops a
crack on cold face.
a) All the coal nozzles and air nozzles must be fully covered with bed materials.
b) No fans should be operated for the heating purpose. Firing should be done only by
natural draught. For this all dampers should be kept open.
c) Sufficient sized fire wood required has to be stocked for the dry out.
01. Heat gradually up to 110°C and hold at this temperature for six hours.
02. Then raise the temperature at the rate of 10°C per hour up to 550°C and hold at
this temperature for six hours.
Slow firing can be done by burning sized waste wood in the furnace on the bed
material. The fuel required shall be computed as if the boiler would be operated
to generate 20% MCR load. The sized wood can be fed in the furnace through
the manhole.
1. Check boiler erection work is completed with all assemblies, valves, fittings and
necessary instrumentation.
2. Boiler auxiliaries such as fans, feed pumps should have been trial run and made
ready for operation.
3. Check boiler instrumentation and control panel are ready for regular operation. But
the following instruments are to be isolated for alkali boilout.
8. Check suitable fire fighting equipments such as Co2 or foam type fire
extinguishers, sand buckets, etc, are available at suitable convenient places.
10. Check sufficient quantity of chemicals are available. Based on the water
volume of the boiler the chemicals required can be estimated. If water volume of
the boiler is Q M^3 each chemicals required will be 4 x Q kgs. The same quantity of
chemicals will be required for each boil out.
11. For alkali boilout sodium carbonate and trisodium phosphate are used.
12. Prepare 20% concentrated solution of the chemicals separately in a
drum and the solution is charged in to the boiler through the nozzles (either
auxiliary steam top nozzle or Air vent nozzle) in to the shell/drum manually by
means of funnel.
13. After the addition of chemicals in to the required quantity, the nozzles are covered
with the cover flange and fill up water to the normal operating level.
14. Light up the boiler and raise the steam pressure is gradually to 5 ata as per
standard operating procedure and maintain the pressure for minimum period of 12
16. Raise the firing rate to achieve a boiler loading of nearly of the normal loading rate
of the boiler.
17. Samples to be taken every two hours and analysis is to be carried to determine
the following:
a) Ph value
b) Alkalinity
c) Phosphate
d) Oil
e) Silica
18. Ensure the pre-commissioning activities are carried out as per the commissioning
check list.
19. Ensure the alkali Boilout is carried out in 3 stages and fresh chemicals are
changed before each stage.
20. Ensure the pressure is maintained in the boiler for each stage alkali boilout as
21. Each stage of boiling can be terminated when the content of oil in the boiler
water maintains a steady value. However final reading of oil should be less than 5
22. After termination of boilout procedure, shut down the boiler and allow the unit to
cool down gradually.
23. Drain the boiler after the drum pressure reaches atmospheric pressure. Water jets
shall be used to clean the headers.
24. After complete draining of boiler, clean the complete unit by filling the water and
drain it for atleast one time.
The handhole pipes of all headers preferably at bottom most point to be cut and
inspected for any foreign materials availability and to be cleaned.
25. After inspection and cleaning reweld the end caps and hydro test the boiler to
working pressure.
Steam blowing is an established practice for the purpose of physically removing any
substance which remain deposited in the superheater and associated pipe lines. These
substances are mainly scales and loose minerals that might have been entrapped
during manufacture, storage and erection at site.
The principle of steam blowing is to give thermal shock and dislodge the scales.
These scales will be subsequently driven out by the dynamic velocity of the expanding
steam. Before starting the boiler for steam blowing the following points are to be
2. All the instruments calibration are completed and safety interlocks are in line, except
water level interlock which is to be isolated temporarily.
3. NRV and flow nozzle should not be fitted initially and thermowell in steam line is to
be removed.
5. Temporary steam line is erected and anchored properly for steam blowing.
7. Required target plates are to be machined and kept ready to fix when required.
Target plates shall be of aluminium material.
1. Operate with one compartment and raise the boiler pressure above 35 kg/cm^2. The
bed temperature shall be maintained at about 800-950°C.
2. Quickly open the main steam stop valve (or the temporary blowing valves if
provided). In order to maintain the flow to atmosphere the main steam stop valve is to
be kept open till the steam pressure drops down close to 16 kg/cm².
3. Slowly reduce the firing rate and slump the boiler. The main steam stop valve
shall be closed when the boiler pressure reaches 16 kg/cm²
4. After one hour, the boiler shall be restarted with one compartment and the bed
temperature shall be maintained at about 800 - 950°C'.
The steam blowing shall be once again started when the pressure reaches 35
kg/cm². By the above procedure, the scale adhering to the contours get cracked
due to temperature difference and get removed to subsequent blows.
Temporary discharge piping which lead the steam to the atmosphere shall be welded
downstream of main steam line must be properly supported and anchored.
1. Normally the steam blowing operation is the first occasion to fire the unit at
significant rate. The unit must be brought up much slower while all equipments are
checked and expansion movements are monitored closely.
2. During blowing, water level in drum gauge glass may fluctuate very widely.
Feed regulating station must be checked for proper remote operation. Sufficient
quantity of D.M water availability muse be ensured.
4. Temporary discharge piping which should be atleast equal to the diameter of piping to
which it is connected must be well supported to withstand reaction forces during steam
5. Discharge piping should be so diverted that personnel and equipments are not
endangered. The area should be cordoned off.
7. Based on target plate condition as recommended by the turbine supplier blow can
be continued or terminated.
8. During blowing sufficient time duration should be given between blows to attain
better thermal shock to discharge the scale and other deposits in pressure parts and
steam line.
9. After clearing the steam blowing, boiler to be stopped and steam line to be cooled
to complete the welding of NRV and flow nozzle and thermowell fixing in main steam
10. Temporary steam line to be removed and permanent line to be connected with TG.
11. After completion of the job, the boiler is ready for safety valve floating.
The boiler should not be operated at low loads continuously for long time. If the boiler
is run continuously at low loads (<60% MCR load) then due to low quantity of steam
flow through the super heater, the super heater tubes may fail. To protect the super
heater tube from failure, the boiler should be run at higher loads (>60% load) only and
the excess steam over the utilised steam shall be vented continuously through start-up
01. Start up failures. Improper Bed material size. Bed material size has to be between 0.85 mm and 2.36 mm.
Insufficient Qty. of charcoal. Qty. of charcoal shall be 20 kg. per m2 area of bed and kerosene
soaked charcoal shall be 10 kg. per m2 area of bed.
Insufficient bed height. Bed height should be 200 mm above the air nozzle.
Excess bed height. Bed height should be 200 mm above the air nozzle.
Improper spreading of fire over the Swab fire initiated should be even. If not throw kerosene soaked
top layer of kerosene soaked charcoal at such locations where fire is not present.
Wrong bed temperature indication. Thermocouples are to be checked using swab fire before starting
Improper mixing. Mixing should be done with the predetermined air flow level
(Just above MFC level)
Improper fuel feeding. Fuel is to be fed only after the bed temperature reaches 600°C.
P.A. Line choking. Minimum airflow in fuel transport line is to be maintained till the
start of fuel feed. Before fuel feed, increase airflow to MCR air flow
Dechoking of the lines is possible by opening the line flap damper
fully and by opening the corresponding drain gates in the airbox.
02. Clinker formation High bed temperature over the entire Charcoal Quantity shall be as per recommendations.
during start up bed. This is due to excess charcoal
over the entire (or) due to excess fuel feed before High bed temperature can be reduced by controlling fuel feed and
bed. charcoal combustion is complete. by increasing the air flow.
(or) incomplete mixing.
Give the required mixing air flow.
Low fluidisation velocity after mixing. Air flow level can be increased. (MCR air flow level)
Wrong temperature indication. Checking the thermocouple with swab fire before starting.
Excess fuel feeding. Fuel feeding should be gradually increased after ensuring that the
fuel is catching fire.
03. Localised Clinker Localised vigorous static burning of Before mixing clinkers may form due to delay in mixing.
Formation charcoal before and after mixing :
After mixing, clinkers form due to inadequate mixing (i.e. less mixing
air flow or less duration of mixing)
After proper mixing, clinkers may form if the air flow is not brought to
MCR level.
Attempting for compartment Slump the activated compartment as soon as the bed temperature
transfer in one to two trials. in operating compartment drops below 750°C. Further attempt
should be made only after bringing the bed temperature of the
operating compartment to 900°C with 120% MCR air flow.
02. Clinker formation Insufficient air flow. After compartmental transfer, the air flow should be once again
in Operation brought to MCR condition in operating compartment.
Excess fuel feed. After tranferning, the fuel feed rate in operating compartment needs
to be reduced.
03. Bed temperature a. Inadequate air flow for disturbing Increase the airflow momentarily if the fan capacity is available and
not rising in the cold bed material. provided the bed temperature in operating compartment is not low.
compartment. Alternatively, momentarily close the FD damper of the operating
04. Clinker formation Insufficient air flow static bed This can be avoided by maintaining the bed fluidising before fuel
in activated promotes vigorous burning of fuel at feed. To disturb the clinker formation momentary mixing may be
compartment. several locations and thus clinkers adopted at times.
Excess fuel feed before the bed Fuel should not be fed before bed temperature rises to fuel ignition
temperature rises to fuel ignition temperature (600°C for coal; 300°C for husk) . Sudden bed
temperature. Otherwise, fuel temperature rise could be controlled by increasing the air flow or by
accumulated leads to sudden bed activating the adjacent cold compartment.
temperature rise.
05. Bed temperature Excess fuel feeding when the bed Fuel feeding should be gradually increased, when bed temperature
dropping in temperature around 600°C is 500° - 600°C.
activated quenches the fire.
Operating at less air flow condition Air flow should be sufficient. MCR air flow is required.
leads to CO formation and less heat
release and thus bed temperature
remains low.
Excess air flow. Sufficient air flow is required (MCR air flow)
- Due to entry of foreign materials. To avoid the entry of foreign materials a vibratory screen (or)
magnetic separator can be provided in the fuel handling system.
- Due to high moisture in the fuel, To avoid this, high moisture fuel should not be used.
fuel would adhere in the pocket
feeders blade, so no fuel would be
Excess bed height causes less Bed should be drained once in every shift. (Maintain air box
fluidisation. pressure below 425 mm of wc).
Bed height is less than 175 mm. Bed height should be increased.
02. High bed More fuel feed rate. Fuel feed rate has to be reduced.
Less air flow. Air flow has to be increased slightly (upto MCR air flow level)
03. Clinker High bed temperature due to excess Decreasing the fuel feed rate (or) air flow may be slightly increased.
formation. fuel feeding.
Bigger size fuel. Bigger size fuel could be avoided. So correct size fuel could be used
(Below 6 mm).
Bed draining not done - due to this To avoid this bed should be drained once for every shift. (Maintain
bed height would increase. So, there air box pressure below 425 mm of wc).
would be defluidisation.
Erratic disturbance in fuel feeding. Erentual disturbance fuel feed leads to reduction in bed temperature
- may be due to foreign particles, and thus velocity and the fuel feed is restored if be necessary to
tripping the feeder or choking the increase the air flow momentarily.
mixing nozzle.
04. PA line choking. Foreign material choking the mixing This can be avoided by providing vibratory screen or magnetic
nozzle. seperator in fuel handling system.
05. Backflow of air Fuel line choking due to one of the Choking is to be removed..
thro’ bunker gate. above causes.
06. Back firing. ID fan damper has been opened ID fan damper has to be slightly opened. (maintain furnace pressure
sufficiently. of minimum - 10 mm of wc).
Insufficient air pressure to lift power Sufficient air pressure is to be supplied (pressure 3.5 to 5 kg/cm2 for
cylinder. power cylinder action).
01. ECONOMISER Run the boiler with continuous running of the feed Don’t run the boiler with frequent switching ON
pump. & OFF of the feed pump.
02. FEED PUMP Keep the isolation valves at spare feed pump ----
03. LEVEL TRANSMITTER Blow down should be given once, daily for level Don’t stat the boiler, if the liquid level limitter is
transmitter lines. not functioning for high level, low level and trip
04. WATER LEVEL GAUGE Give frequent blow downs of water level gauge to Don’t run the boiler, if the water level gauges
free from blockages at both top and bottom are not showing the same water level.
05. FUEL OVER SIZE Allow 10% of 8 - 10 mm size fuel. Don’t start the boiler if the fuel size is more
than 6 mm ( 8 - 10 mm, over size upto 10%
accepted ).
06. ASH DRAIN POINT During boiler operation check whether there is Don’t open the ash drain gates frequently.
(other than bed drain suction in all the ash drain points.
07. FEED WATER & Analyse the feed water and boiler water daily. Don’t run the boiler if the water quality is not as
BOILER WATER per the specifications given in the manual.
08. RELAY SETTING Set the relay in full load amps of the motor. Don’t start the fans before setting the relay
(MOTORS) amps.
09. GAS PLENUM Maintain the gas plenum pressure at minus 5 --------
10. THREE PHASE SUPPLY Check the continuity of fuses. Don’t bypass the fuses with direct wire
11. CONTINUOUS BACK Ensure that ash chutes and ducts are clean from Don’t run the boiler with continuous back fire.
FIRE ash accumulation.
12. PART LOAD BOILER Change the compartments every shift. Do not run a particular compartment alone
OPERATION continuousl.
FD fans & Motors 1. Check whether motor bearing temperature is Daily One set of motor bearings is to be
normal. kept as spare.
2. Check whether the motor current is normal. Daily (For coupled fans, one set of fan
bearings is to be kept as spare)
3. Check whether the vibration level and sound level is Daily
Airfoil meter 1. Ensure that the draught connections are not leaky. Weekly.
Air box draft / mano 1. Ensure that the draft connections are not leaky. Weekly.
meter / Draft gauge
2. Ensure that the manometer water is clean if a Weekly.
manomer is provided.
Air box 1. Ensure that all the nozzles are in good condition. At every shut 50 nozzles are to be maintained
down. as spare.
2. Ensure that the nozzles are free from plugging by At every shut Use compressed air for cleaning.
coal powder. down.
3. Ensure that the nozzles are free from plugging by If furnace Use compressed air for cleaning.
refractory. refractory work
was done.
ID fan & Motor 1. Check the bearing temperature of the fan and Daily One set of motor and fan bearings
motor is to be maintained as spare.
ID fan impeller 1. Check for erosion / damage. Once in six Keep a spare ID fan impeller
months. expected life 1 year.
PA fan & Motor 1. Check motor bearing temperature. Daily One set of motor and fan bearings
are to be maintained as spare.
2. Check whether the motor current is normal. Daily
Fuel feed nozzle 1. Inspect the fuel nozzle cap for any damage. Everyshutdown Keep 4 nos. of fuel nozzles as
spare for replacement.
2. Inspect the supporting lugs of coal nozzle cap. Everyshutdown
Feeders & Drive 1. Check the any damage in the feeder due to foreign Weekly
Feed pumps 1. Check the operation of spare pump. Daily Refer O & M Manual.
3. Check for abnormal vibration and sound. Daily Keep spare gland packings.
Feed water 1. Check for Hardness, pH, O2, oil content and TDS in Daily Compare with recommendation
feed water. given and take corrective
Bed thermocouple. 1. Ensure that all the thermocouple compensating When 40 m length of compensating
cables are in good condition and the end thermocouple cable is to be kept as spare.
connections are not loose. shows above
2. Replace the thermocouple if burnt. During the Keep 4 nos. of spare bed
immediate thermocouples at stock.
next shut down
Refractory wall 1. Repair the cracks in the refractory wall. During the Keep required castable refractory
immediate and binding mortar in stock.
next shut
Water level gauge 1. Check the water level gauge function by giving a Keep spare glasses and washers
blowdown. Every shift. for both water level gauges.
Boiler water 1. Check Alkalinity, pH, Residual SO4 residual Every shift Compare with recommendation
phosphate and TDS. given and take corrective actions.
Bed coil headers. 1. Inspect and remove sludge accumulation in the bed Every year.
coil header.
Valves in feed water, 1. Inspect for gland leakages and tighten the gland Weekly.
boiler water systems, nuts.
steam line
2. Replace the gland packings. Every year / on
major leakage
Atmospheric corrosion of ferric materials proceeds rapidly in the presence of oxygen and
moisture. The oxides produced are objectionable and can be transported to critical heat
transfer areas. Also, through the wall, pit type corrosion can occur. In today’s boilers
with their numerous complex circuits and bends, it is usually impossible to completely dry
a boiler in preparation for storage. Draining all circuits (if drainable) while hot may
temporarily dry the surfaces; however, unless dry air can be continuously circulated
to eliminate all the water vapour from the unit, recondensation will again result in moist
conditions. For this reason, wet lay-up normally offers the most positive method of
protection for components in modern boilers.
This method employs filling up the boiler with treated water and keeping the unit
pressurized to 5 Kg /cm²(g) feed pump may be used for this purpose. Water
conforming to recommended specification furnished in earlier section, is to be used
for filling.
Figure shows the general arrangement of the rig up required for nitrogen blanketting.
Nitrogen cylinders can be employed for this purpose. The nitrogen supply can be
connected to the drum vent and superheater vent.
If the boiler is likely to be out of service for more than a few days, but may be needed for
steaming at short notice, all parts, including the economizer and superheater should be
completely filled with correctly conditioned water. Non-drainable superheaters should be
filled only with condensate quality water treated with volatile chemicals such as hydrazine
or ammonia. It is most important that pockets of air are not allowed to remain in the
boiler and that there should be no leakage.
When completely filling the boiler with water, sufficient sodium sulphite or hydrazine
should be added to combine with the dissolved oxygen and leave an excess of 100
mg/ 1 to 200 mg/1 of sodium sulphite as Na2 SO3 or hydrazine as N2H4. In addition,
alkali should be added to ensure that a pH value of 10.0 to 11.5 is maintained.
Distribution of these chemicals throughout the bulk of the water should be ensured
by filling with a premixed solution, by use of a circulating pump or by heating the
boiler when partially filled and then topping up with conditioned water.
The oxygen scavenger reserve and the pH value or alkalinity should be checked regularly
and additional treatment chemicals added, as necessary and distributed to maintain
the treatment levels within the recommended range. Any additional water added to
the boiler should contain the appropriate quantities of treatment chemicals.
When required for service the boiler should be drained down to normal working
level before firing. Phosphate or other conditioning reserves should be re-established
as soon as possible.
01. FD FAN CVL 1 BEARING 2 GREASE SERVOGEM EP-2 --- 0.51 Kg. 1300 1300
02. ID FAN CVL 1 BEARING 2 GREASE SERVOGEM EP-2 --- 0.50 Kg. 1500 1500
03. PA FAN CVL 1 BEARING 2 GREASE SERVOGEM EP-2 --- 0.30 Kg. 1500 1500
04. FEED PUMP GRUNDFOS 2 BEARING 3 OIL ENKLO 46 1.4 Ltrs. 300 8000
05 LP DOSING SWELORE 2 GEAR UNIT 1 OIL SERVO-320 ENKLO-320 0.5 Ltr. 500 2000