Comedy of Errors
Comedy of Errors
Comedy of Errors
(Act 5, Scene 1)
A Report Submitted to
Dra. Milagros Tanlayco
Reuben G. Torralba
M.A. Literature
I. Introduction
III. Analysis/Criticism/Appreciation
A. Plot Structure
1. Exposition 8
2. Incentive Moment 8
3. Rising Action 10
4. Climax 10
5. Falling Action 11
6. Conclusion 11
B. Characterization 11
C. Setting 15
D. Conflict 17
1. Symbolism 17
2. Language 21
3. As a Comedian 28
V. Themes/Values/Relevance Today
A. Themes 32
B. Values 36
C. Relevance Today 36
IV. Bibliography 37
Comedy of Errors
been at Gray's Inn, one of London's law schools, on December 28th, 1594.
the Roman playwright Plautus. Shakespeare must have read the original
play in Latin, since the English version did not appear until 1595. The
takes one of them on a trip abroad. During the trip, his seven year old son
father is heartbroken and dies a few days later, while his son is taken to
Epidamnum with the trader. When the news reaches Syracuse, the other
mistress. The two men finally meet and decide to return to Syracuse, at
which point the one brother sells off all of his assets- including his, “wife,
Shakespeare adopted a great deal of his plot from this story, but
more associated with magic arts and early Christianity. He also added the
twin servants for humor content, borrowing them from another of Plautus'
source material, chiefly the Acts of the Apostles and the Pauline Epistle to
the Ephesians.
Thus Egeon is captured and sentenced under an inflexible law. At the end
resolution to the plot. Further, he is the character who gains the most once
The only authoritative text source for the play is the First Folio of 1623. It is
knowledge of the play which only Shakespeare would have possessed. For
call'd Pinch" or “wife of Antipholis Sereptus." Since there is no mention in
Aegeon being arrested in the town of Ephesus. His crime? The towns of
Ephesus and Syracuse have an age long feud meaning a tradesman from
Ephesus, Aegeon tells his sad story... Many, many years ago (33 years),
Aegeon and his wife Aemilia and their two identical boys both named
Antipholus were shipwrecked in a violent storm. With them were their two
identical servants, both confusingly named Dromio. Two ships rescue the
family, Aegeon losing his wife, one of the identical twins plus one of the two
servants who are rescued by a ship last seen heading for Corinth. The
other vessel rescues Aegeon, one of the sons and one of the servants who
for his long lost brother. The two dissappear. Five years of searching later,
Aegeon explains he has arrived in Ephesus to look for his son and servant.
The Duke is saddened by this such that he will not sentence Aegeon
immediately for being in Ephesus. The Duke offers Aegeon one day to pay
fisherman stealing Antipholus and Dromio from her. These two eventually
make their way to Ephesus whilst Aemilia, in her grief, becomes a nun in
gold chain his Ephesus twin ordered, expecting his payment later.
Meanwhile, Angelo returns, asking for payment for the chain which
(though he did receive it). Antipholus of Syracuse is quickly arrested,
all this, Adriana believes her husband and servant Dromio to be mad, such
is their jumping from place to place, even forcing them to see a Doctor
Syracuse, thinking they have escaped from the Pinch's care, not realising
those two are still in the doctor's care. Antipholus and Dromio of Syracuse
simply don't know what to think! The Syracuse pair quickly go into hiding in
wife Aemilia). Both pairs now explain all in front of Solinus, Aegeon being
III. Analysis/Criticism/Appreciation
A. Plot Structure
1. Exposition
The opening lines make it clear that the states of Syracuse and
Ephesus have been at variance, and that, according to the law, any
order to save his life. During the dialogue that follows, the Duke
knowing well that death lurked around the corner. Egeon, being thus
2. Incentive Moment
The Duke learns of the sad state of affairs that has brought
his wife. Shortly after her arrival she delivered two baby boys who
were identical twins. Ironically, at that very same time, a poor woman
living in the same inn as Egeon and his wife also delivered a set of
identical twin boys. Since their parents were exceedingly poor, Egeon
brought up the two boys, with the intention of raising them to become
that it was feared that the ship would sink. The sailors, fearing for
their lives, departed in a smaller boat, and Egeon's family was left to
its own resources. Egeon and his wife each took hold of one son and
one slave and fastened them to the masts. No sooner was this done
than the ship was split by a rock. Egeon was separated from his wife,
son, and the slave boy, because they were on the other part of the
ship and were carried away by the current. However, Egeon knew
they were safe, for he saw his wife and the children being rescued by
other son were also rescued by sailors, who took them homeward to
3. Rising Action
His son, on turning eighteen years of age, left home with his
attendant to search for his mother and twin. According to Egeon, that
was seven years ago, and he himself has been traveling for the past
five years in the hope of being reunited with his family. The duke,
cannot freely pardon him, he grants Egeon until the end of the day to
climactic moment occurs when both sets of twins are brought face to
5. Falling Action/Resolution
The play ends in comedy. Immediately after the twins have
seen each other and Adriana says, "I see two husbands, or mine
eyes deceive me," everything begins to fall into place. The correct
identities of everyone are established, and all doubts are thus
6. Conclusion
The family, along with the Duke and the two Dromios, proceeds
B. Characterization
Ephesus. He owns a house called the Phoenix and is the head of a
large and bustling household. Having served bravely in his army,
Antipholus of Ephesus is a favorite of Duke Solinus. Unlike his twin
brother, Antipholus of Ephesus is very settled and well established:
he has much to lose in the confusion and chaos.
Adriana's unmarried sister and the object of Antipholus of
Syracuse's affections. Luciana preaches the virtues of patience and
subservience to her sisters.
A merchant in Ephesus.
An Ephesian friend of Antipholus of Syracuse. The merchant
cautions Antipholus of Syracuse to disguise himself so as to escape
the punishment reserved for Syracusian travelers.
C. Setting/Atmosphere/Period Involved
Syracuse, the home of Egeon and Antipholus and Dromio of
Syracuse, is located on the modern day island of Sicily. The city was
Ephesus, located on the western coast of Asia Minor (modern day
Turkey), is where the play takes place. It was also home to one of the
The temple was constructed of marble and contained 127 sixty-foot high
based his work, the two rival cities are Syracuse and Epidamnum.
When St. Paul arrived in the city to preach Christianity in the first century
CE, he met with great resistance from the Ephesians who worshipped
Diana. In Roman mythology, Diana was the chaste goddess of the hunt
and the moon. Shakespeare may have used his audiences’ familiarity with
the story—and the association of the city with a virgin goddess—to make
Emilia’s miraculous appearance as a nun from the abbey all the more
E. Conflict
The Antipholus twins are the protagonists of the play. Antipholus of
The Antipholus twins are their own antagonists, for it is due to their
identical names and appearances that the conflict, that is the confusion
within the play, arises. In another light, all the other characters of the play
who add to the chaos by way of mistaking one for the other may also be
In The Comedy of Errors there are numerous features that signal the
presence of symbolism.
1. 1,000 marks
"Once fallen, the soul cannot return to its true home, the highest heaven,
until after ten thousand years, divided into ten period of a thousand years
each, each period representing one incarnation and the period of
So the span of a 1,000 years is a fixed period. If the individual does not
complete that period here on earth, then the ancient decree of the gods
sentences him to death and to the completion of the 1,000 years in the
Duke Solinus tells Aegeon that there is "mortal and intestine jars"
symbolism. Ephesus was famous for its temple of Diana, considered one of
the Seven Wonders of the Ancient Word. Since Diana was goddess of the
moon she ruled everything in the sublunary, or material realm, which was
obviously has a symbolic name. "Solinus" means "The Alone ", a very apt
designation for deity. Plotinus uses the phrase, "the flight of the Alone to
3. The Twins
The fact that each twin is identical to the other is also an allegory of
the Dionysian myth. In the symbolism of the Dionysos, looking in the mirror
represented the idea that the part of Dionysos that incarnated in the lower
world was a reflection and exact replica of the Dionysos of the higher world.
4. The Title
also very much a theme of the play. The title of the play, The Comedy of
Errors, can be read as The Comedy of Wandering, since the word error
comes from the Latin errare, to wander. The Antipholus twins were
separated shortly after birth, and when he was 18, Antipholus of Syracuse
left home and began a period of years of wandering in search of his twin.
When he did not return, Aegeon, the father set out after him and wandered
for five years in a vain search for him. When Antipholus of Syracuse arrives
at Ephesus, the merchant pays him a thousand marks and warns him that
a Syracusan was arrested that same day. He, therefore, has the chance to
5. Antipholus
The names Antipholus can be traced back to classical mythology.
Pholus was the name of a centaur Hercules visited, who lived in a cave on
Mount Pholoe.
should be associated with the name of the twins in The Comedy of Errors,
must answer the other coincidences, that not only is the myth connected
Ephesus. The symbol of the centaur is a very apt allegory of the contact of
the higher self with the lower world of nature. The man half symbolizes the
higher divine part; the horse half symbolizes the lower physical half. The
1,000 marks is stored at Centaur Inn during his stay in Ephesus. This
The house of Antipholus of Ephesus is named the Phoenix. The
Phoenix, who according to the legend, arose from the ashes, symbolizes
man who, in the legend of Dionysus arose from the ashes of the Titans.
The 500 year cycle of the Phoenix, although not the period of the earth life,
while being half of the 1,000 year cycle symbolizes the complementary half
of man's life in the 1,000 year cycle that is divided between the life in his
physical incarnation and the part of his existence, during the cycle, that is
represent the life of man given over to the carnal pleasure. Since this is
B. Language
speaking English and refuse to believe that ordinary people spoke the
way his characters do. However, if you understand more about his
a. Soliloquies and Asides
to the audience which the other characters never hear. These asides
Also, characters sometimes think out loud, alone on stage, for the
In the dialogue of The Comedy of Errors and other Shakespeare
have become part of our everyday language; often we use them without
phrases Shakespeare originated in his plays include “all’s well that ends
well,” “[every] dog will have its day,” “give the devil his due,” “green-eyed
monster,” “my own flesh and blood,” “neither rhyme nor reason,” “one
good thing.”
Aegeon here uses oxymoron (pleasing punishment) to refer to his
wife's pregnancy.
Ill deeds are doubled with an evil word.–Luciana, Act III, Scene
(deeds, doubled).
In addition, Shakespeare uses imagery as he speaks with
characters are doing this helps in understanding the play. For example,
a football:
c. Prose vs. Verse
Dromio: No longer from head to foot than from hip to hip: she is
especially when they are being pompous or making fun of others. For
The capon burns, the pig falls from the spit;
Adriana: Ay, and let none enter, lest I break your pate.
C. As a Comedian
types of comedy, making his audience laugh in different ways. Some types
sense of humor. Other types of comedy rely mostly on silly physical gags,
High comedy has also been called “pure comedy” and often appealed
with words rather than with physical tricks or traps. Shakespeare used puns
and played with the multiple meanings of words to fashion jokes. In The
an extended series of jokes about Nell, the kitchen maid who claims
Dromio as her love. Comparing her large person to a globe, they make
jokes about where different countries would be found on her body. The pair
is able to make cracks both about the kitchen maid and the other European
used as a way of making fun of people and their style of living and often
will often take a stereotype that applies to a group of people and make it
even bigger and more extreme than before. For example, it is a stereotype
that all rich people wear fancy clothes. Therefore, the characters in a satire
may wear clothing that is exceptionally colorful and ornate in order to show
comedic moments. The plot lines of low comedies tend to be more silly or
trivial than the plot lines of satires. The most popular form of low comedy is
known as farce. Farce is very similar to satire, but farce tends to be more
Farce often includes dirty jokes and characters that get into
contain characters who are exaggerated and over the top. Also, low
comedies depend on funny plot devices as opposed to witty words. For
example, mistaken identity was a common plot device in low comedy which
physical comedy. The term slapstick comes from commedia dell’arte, which
commedia plays used to physically beat each other with a paddle-like stick
which had another stick attached to it. When an actor would hit another
person, one stick would hit the other, making a loud slapping sound. This
made it sound like the actor was being hit harder than he actually was. This
comedic element is used a great deal in The Comedy of Errors. There are
several scenes in which the Dromios are beaten by their masters during the
course of the play. It is the repetition of the beatings, too, that adds comedy
to the situation.
certain comedic elements that span the different types of comedy. For
themselves out of place or in a different physical or social world than the
one they are used to. An example of this in The Comedy of Errors would be
Ephesus, which is both far and different from the world where they grew up.
The fact that they are in this new place and in a strange situation is cause
for most of the funny things that happen to them throughout the play.
Incongruity also involves the element of surprise. The fact that these
characters never seem to know what will happen to them next makes the
things that do happen to them all the more surprising and fun for an
audience to watch.
(and remain popular today) was his ability to combine elements of high and
low comedy in a single play. Even though The Comedy of Errors could be
V. Themes/Values/Relevance Today
A. Themes
1. Mistaken Identity
The case of mistaken identity is the most obvious theme in The Comedy of
perfect vehicle for the purposes of telling a story about mistaken identity. It
relies on the visual, as well as, on the technique of the actors and on
dramatic irony, which relies on the audience knowing more about what is
audience can sit back and enjoy the hilarity of how the Dromio twins are
constantly punished for not carrying out their masters’ orders when, in fact,
they believe they have meticulously done so. We can laugh out loud at
jealousy and she is, in all reality, responsible for her own deception. The
Mistaken identity has been explored again and again over the course of
body and vice versa were very popular. Usually these switches crossed
over gender and this naturally caused all sorts of dilemmas for the
2. Coincidence
The play’s tension hinges on coincidence. It is a coincidence that both of
same city as their mother and father; and it is a coincidence that neither of
the twins are in the same place at the same time until the end of the play.
marks and simultaneously cautions him that a Syracusian was arrested that
ransom Egeon, and be reunited with his father. However, throughout the
through the street. This actually relates to the title, since Error comes from
Latin meaning, 'to wander'. This suggests that the play is really about
continuation of family and everything the family represented, through the
male line. This passing down through the generations guaranteed that
end of the play the two Dromio’s remain on stage. In the Renaissance the
eldest son always has priority, but since they are twins it is impossible to
know who is the eldest. Therefore the two twins decide to enter through the
The play also highlights the various beliefs about twins and sons. Twins
fathers. In the play this emerges through an analysis of the events which
Egeon relates. After the shipwreck where Egeon is separated from his
married, he is made a bachelor by the wreck. Since his sons are meant to
take after him, we see that one son is married while the other is still a
bachelor. At the end of the play, when Egeon is reunited with his wife
Emilia, both his sons also end up married, or almost in the case of Luciana
4. Love And Romance
At first glance The Comedy of Errors may not appear to be the story of love
and romance but when the lights dim at the end of the play that is exactly
what it is. What else but love drives Egeon and the other Antipholus to the
forbidden city of Ephesus? What else but desire has Adriana in a flutter and
suspicious that her Antipholus of being unfaithful to her? What else but love
and loyalty keep the Dromio twins from deserting their demanding
romantic gift from one lover to another. The story concludes with all the
as they have been long suffering from their unrequited love for one another.
5. Time
The play focuses heavily on time. All the action and events in the play
unfold over 5 acts in a 24 hour period of time. Time also provides the
tension in the play by providing a set physical time to end both the action in
the play as well as the actual performance. Shakespeare requires that all
Antipholus of Syracuse’s meeting with the merchant, and the moment when
Angelo must pay the second merchant his money. This makes for a
B. Values
Servants & Bondsmen—Status in The Comedy of Errors
Status plays an important role in Comedy of Errors. As servants, the
Dromio brothers have lower status than the two Antipholus brothers, their
masters. Because he is a ruler, the Duke of Ephesus has the highest status
in the play.
C. Relevance Today
Twins in Shakespeare & Popular Culture
The mistaken identity of twins is a comedic device that has been
used for centuries. Shakespeare uses the device several times in his own
work. Where can we find this device still used today in popular culture?
From Sister, Sister to The Parent Trap to Mary Kate and Ashley, the
VI. Bibliography
Allison, Sir Robert (trans.): Plautus: Five of his Plays, London: Arthur
L. Humphreys, 1914.
Whitworth, Charles. Introduction to The Comedy of Errors. Oxford
University Press, 2002.