178 items
The main textbooks are available for purchase from the University Bookshop. Students
should consider purchasing at least the Merchant and Van der Stede text.
Management control: theories, issues and performance - Berry, Anthony J., Broadbent,
Jane, Otley, David T., 2005
Book | Core (Must Read)
Advanced management accounting - Kaplan, Robert S., Atkinson, Anthony A., 1998
Book | Core (Must Read)
Managerial accounting: tools for business decision making - Weygandt, Jerry J., 2012
Book | Core (Must Read)
11/06/18 Management Accounting II | University of Kent
11/06/18 Management Accounting II | University of Kent
Relevance lost: the rise and fall of management accounting - Johnson, H Thomas, Kaplan,
Robert S., 1987
Book | Recommended (Should Read)
Toward a new theory of the firm: a critique of stakeholder “theory” - Susan Key, 1999
Article | Core (Must Read)
11/06/18 Management Accounting II | University of Kent
The limitations of agency theory: the case of accounting-based profit sharing schemes. -
Ogden, S. G, 1993
Article | Recommended (Should Read)
A past as participants knew it: piece rates, time study, standard costs, and new technology
in the U.S. men's tailored clothing industry - T Tyson, 1996-09
Article | Recommended (Should Read)
11/06/18 Management Accounting II | University of Kent
Trust: the social virtues and the creation of prosperity - Fukuyama, Francis, 1995
Book | Core (Must Read) | Chapter 1
Trust in organizations: frontiers of theory and research - Kramer, Roderick Moreland, Tyler,
Tom R., 1996
Book | Core (Must Read) | Chapters 2, 13 and pp.140-7
Not so different after all: A cross discipline view of trust - Rousseau, D., Sitkin, S., Burt, R.,
Camerer, C., 1998
Article | Core (Must Read)
Trust and control - a symbiotic relationship? - Skinner, D., Spira, L., 2003
Journal | Core (Must Read)
The trust factor: liberating profits and restoring corporate vitality - Whitney, John O., 1994
Book | Core (Must Read) | Chapters 1, 2
Readings in accounting for management control - Emmanuel, Clive R., Otley, David T.,
Merchant, Kenneth, 1992
11/06/18 Management Accounting II | University of Kent
Management Ethics in Australia: Theory, Cases and Practice - Jonson, Elizabeth Prior
Book | Please read Chapter 8.
Professional ethical crises: A case study of accounting majors - Comunale, C., 2006
Journal | Core (Must Read)
Accounting and business ethics: an introduction - McPhail, Ken, Walters, Diane, 2009
Book | Core (Must Read) | Chapters 1-7
A Levinasian ethics critique of the role of management and control systems by large global
corporations: The General Electric/Nuovo Pignone example - N.B. Macintosh, T. Shearer, A.
Riccaboni, 2009-09
Article | Core (Must Read)
Ethics and accountability: from the for-itself to the for-the-other - Shearer, T., 2002
Article | Core (Must Read)
The Body Shop wind farm - An analysis of accountability and ethics - Burrit, R., Lehman, G.
Chapter | Recommended (Should Read)
11/06/18 Management Accounting II | University of Kent
Management Ethics in Australia: Theory, Cases and Practice - Jonson, Elizabeth Prior
Book | Please read Chapter 8.
A survey of transfer pricing practices in UK banks and building societies - Oyelere, P.,
11/06/18 Management Accounting II | University of Kent
The dark side of transfer pricing: Its role in tax avoidance and wealth retentiveness - Prem
Sikka, Hugh Willmott, 2010-04
Article | Core (Must Read)
Issues in management accounting - Ashton, David, Hopper, Trevor, Scapens, Robert W.,
Book | Recommended (Should Read) | 1st Ed. - Ch. 4; 2nd Ed. - Ch. 7
Towards an organisational theory of the transfer pricing process - Spicer, B.H., 1988
Article | Recommended (Should Read)
Issues in management accounting - Ashton, David, Hopper, Trevor, Scapens, Robert W.,
Book | Recommended (Should Read) | 1st Ed. - Chapters 7 and 8; 2nd Ed. - Chapters 3,
11, 12 and 13
Accounting for management control - Emmanuel, Clive R., Merchant, Kenneth, Otley,
David T., 1990
11/06/18 Management Accounting II | University of Kent
Note: most of the relevant material for this topic is contained in the detailed lecture notes
and the exercises set for the relevant seminar. Most management accounting texts will
also have a section on learning curves.
11/06/18 Management Accounting II | University of Kent
Managing It All By Numbers: A Review of Johnson and Kaplan's 'Relevance Lost'' - Ezzamel
et al., 1990
Article | Recommended (Should Read)
Jumping the Growth Threshold Through Activity-Based Cost Management - Gammell, F.,
McNair, C.J., 1994
Article | Recommended (Should Read)
The ABC bandwagon and the juggernaut of modernity - Jones, T., Dugdale, D., 2002
Article | Recommended (Should Read)
Conditions Under Which Activity-Based Cost Systems Provide Relevant Costs - Noreen, E.,
Journal | Recommended (Should Read)
11/06/18 Management Accounting II | University of Kent
Laughlin, 2009-12
Article | Core (Must Read)
Management control systems and strategy: A critical review - Langfield-Smith, K., 1997
Article | Core (Must Read)
11/06/18 Management Accounting II | University of Kent
Coping with ambiguity through the budget: the positive effects of budgetary targets on
managers' budgeting behaviours - Marginson, D., Ogden S., 2005
Journal | Core (Must Read)
Politics of managing: the dialectic of control - Saravanamuthu, K., Tinker, T., 2003
Article | Core (Must Read)
The role of budgets in organizations facing strategic change - Abernethy, M.A., Brownell, P.
, 1999
Article | Recommended (Should Read)
Reliance on accounting performance measures: dead end or new beginning? - Otley, D.,
Fakiolas, A., 2000
Article | Recommended (Should Read)
11/06/18 Management Accounting II | University of Kent
A case study of financialization and EVA® - Pauline Gleadle, Nelarine Cornelius, 2008-12
Article | Core (Must Read)
Driving growth: Economic Value Added versus Intellectual Capital - Mouritsen, J., 1998
Article | Recommended (Should Read)
Advanced management accounting - Kaplan, Robert S., Atkinson, Anthony A., 1998
11/06/18 Management Accounting II | University of Kent
The Performance Measurement Revolution: Why Now and What Next? - Neely, A., 1999
The Changing Basis of Performance Measurement - Ghalayini, A.M., Noble, J.S., 1996
The Balanced Scorecard: Measures that Drive Performance - Kaplan, R.S., Norton, D.P.,
11/06/18 Management Accounting II | University of Kent
Putting the Balanced Scorecard to Work - Kaplan, R.S., Norton, D.P., 1993
Article | Core (Must Read)
Using the Balanced Scorecard as a Strategic Management System - Kaplan, R.S., Norton,
D.P., 1996
Article | Core (Must Read)
Linking the Balanced Scorecard to Strategy - Kaplan, R.S., Norton, D.P., 1996
Journal | Core (Must Read)
The impact of the corporate balanced scorecard on corporate control—A research note -
Kalle Kraus, Johnny Lind, 2010-12
Article | Core (Must Read)
For which purposes do managers use Balanced Scorecards?An empirical study - Eelke
Wiersma, 2009-12
Article | Core (Must Read)
The Balanced Scorecard: Meaures that Drive Performance - Kaplan, R.S., Norton, D.P.,
Article | Recommended (Should Read)
The balanced scorecard: translating strategy into action - Kaplan, Robert S., Norton, David
P., 1996
Book | Recommended (Should Read)
11/06/18 Management Accounting II | University of Kent
The Balance on the Balanced Scorecard: A Critical Analysis of Some of its Assumptions -
Norreklit, H., 2000
Article | Recommended (Should Read)
The Balanced Scorecard and Tableau de Bord: Translating Strategy into Action
Management Accounting - Epstein, M.J., Manzoni, F.F., 1997
Journal | Recommended (Should Read)
In search for strategic management accounting: Theoretical and field study perspectives -
Roslender, R., Hart, S.J., 2003
Article | Core (Must Read)
Week 21 Target costing, life cycle costing, and cost of quality (3 items)
11/06/18 Management Accounting II | University of Kent