Department of Education: Action Plan For Wins (Wash in School)

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XI
Division of Davao Oriental
Paniquian, Banaybanay, Davao Oriental

ACTION PLAN FOR WinS ( Wash in School)

Objectives Activities/Strategies Persons Involved Time Frame

WATER  A water quality certificate must be secure from the water Students June – April
 Ensure adequate and safe drinking water for dish supplier Faculty and
washing, toilet use, menstrual hygiene  Learners are instructed to bring their own water to school Staff
management and cleaning purposes
 Potable water for drinking is checked
 Enough numbers of Toilets, Urinals, and
 Maintain adequate, clean, functional, safe, and  To provide additional functional shared/communal toilets for  Students,
accessible toilet facilities male and female teachers, June- April
 Maintain cleanliness and safety in immediate  Proper waste disposal is executed parents and
vicinity of school premises  The School must have MRF and regular collection of garbage is other
 Eliminate all possible breeding grounds for observed stakeholders
mosquitoes to prevent vector-borne diseases.  Regular cleaning of toilets must be strictly implemented and a
Fogging system is applied then punishment/fine for offenses
 Ensure safety in food handling and preparation
 School canteen must have sanitary permit
 School consignors are advised to observe proper hygiene such
as wearing of aprons and hairnets
HYGIENE  Group Hand washing  Faculty and
 Perform supervised daily group hand washing  Group Tooth brushing Staff, June – April
with soap, and tooth brushing with fluoride  Washing before and After Eating students,
 Ensure system and support mechanisms for  Washing after playing parents and
effective menstrual hygiene  Washing after doing agricultural tasks, handling soil and stakeholders
animals followign the right way of handwashing
 Menstrual Health Management shall be implemented

 Students shall be dewormed at least by 85%  A letter of notification shall be sent to parents  Students, August
semi-annually  Students and parents must be well oriented on the purpose of parents, -September
taking the medicine teachers/advis
ers, Clinic in-
 All concerned health personnel shall be oriented  Materials for any health awareness is procured for the  Teachers,
on the DepEd WinS Program orientation about the program School Head,
 Students shall have higher awareness of correct  Trained teachers will conduct Health Education in facilities June - April
hygiene and sanitation practices coordination with community leaders during PTA meetings coordinator,
Brgy. Officials,
PTA officials
Prepared by: NOTED:


JHST-I/Clinic in-charge SSHT-I

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