Implementation of An Energy Monitoring System Based On Arduino
Implementation of An Energy Monitoring System Based On Arduino
Implementation of An Energy Monitoring System Based On Arduino
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All content following this page was uploaded by Degha Houssem Eddine on 22 January 2020.
Abstract—A precise and timely knowledge of energy con- easy supply and continuous measurement [2]. We will show
sumption is an essential requirement for enforcing any energy in these report strategies for measuring energy. Systems for
saving strategy. Measuring energy consumption in the building is energy monitoring can be classified according to different
the basic functionality of energy building management systems.
The monitoring of energy consumption in buildings indirectly criteria, for example, the type of sensors they use, or the
provides information about the user habits, kind of activities spatial granularity used for collecting data. With respect to
carried on by the inhabitants, prediction the future energy sensors, it is possible to distinguish between direct, indirect,
consumption in building and many other proposes. This issue can and hybrid monitoring systems. Direct monitoring systems use
be addressed during the design phase of a monitoring system. electricity sensors for directly measuring energy consumption,
This work intended to developing of energy measuring system
that ensures the awareness and economy of energy consumption while indirect systems infer energy consumption by measuring
through an accurate display of energy consumption data for these other quantities such as temperature and/or noise. Finally,
devices used in the home. hybrid systems rely on both approaches. Direct monitoring
Index Terms—Smart Home; Energy Efficiency; Building En- systems can be further classified into fine-grained, medium-
ergy Management System; Arduino; Energy Measuring Con- grained, and coarse-grained systems, depending on the level of
spatial granularity they use in collecting data about electrical
energy consumption. The rest of this paper is structured as
follows: the following section reviews existing approaches for
Measuring energy consumption is important because it energy measurement based on Arduino (section 2). Section
relates to the cost to run a system because technological 3 presents how to configure the Arduino to use in the smart
advancements new products and services which however result home in section 4 that illustrates the system scenario and some
in intensive resource (eg energy) consumption. Therefore, what images of the system interface and show how to use it in
is the definition of energy? Energy is defined, as the ability section 5 the planned future work for this project.
to do work utilitarian perspective of energy however, it is a
useful definition for engineering where the aim of machines II. R ELATED W ORKS
is to convert energy to work? As a more general description, As smart metering is one of the key points for the future
we would say that energy is a fundamental entity whose smart grid and the way to improve energy awareness of
availability and flow are required for all phenomena natural homes, several commercial products monitoring the homes
or artificial [1]. The excessive consumption of energy lead energy consumption exist. For examples TED Pro Home [8]
to substantial damage to the environment high temperature and NEUR [9] These commercial products are usually very
and emissions of CO2 and expansion of the Ozone Layer limited in their applicability and lack of adaptability and Pro-
and as a result, an increasing number of governments are grammability. Do not recommend these commercial products
encouraging policies for sustainable development and clever because they do not inherently reduce energy usage, but only
use of global energy resources. Their ultimate object is a help indirectly. There exist a few, non-commercial open-source
significant reduction of the overall polluting emissions and metering solutions such as the open-energy-monitor [10]. This
the adoption of suitable strategies for reducing. Here come monitoring solution offers an open-source metering solution,
the role and importance of measuring energy consumption the where the monitoring shield is operated either with an Arduino
understanding of how energy is generated and measured is board or individually and this last one -Arduino board- that
central to our decisions concerning the use and conservation is our theme in measurement energy consumption. Systems
of energy. Large-scale production of energy evolved over for energy monitoring can be classified according to different
centuries but grew radically in the last 400 years and especially criteria, for example, the type of sensors they use, or the
since the Industrial Revolution. A century of development and spatial granularity used for collecting data. With respect to
commercialization of electric power technology has ensured an sensors, it is possible to distinguish between direct, indirect,
Fig. 2. Equation of energy consumption calculation
Fig. 11. the interface of the main window of our smart home energy
monitoring system
In this phase, we will present some screenshots about the
interface system.figure 11 presented the main interface of our
energy measuring system, which includes general statistics
of smart home energy consumption. the figure 12 present
applicants stats in the living room. this interface could control
devices switch them on and off and consult energy consump-
tion for each one.
This work is a start for a big project to develop energy
building management system. In this paper, We used Zigbee
protocol, but in the future, we will work with a new platform
that supports a large number of protocols. We will benefit from
artificial intelligence approaches to treat the energy measuring
data to produce a helpful information and decisions for saving
energy in a building.