Digital Signage 2021: Best Practices Guide
Digital Signage 2021: Best Practices Guide
Digital Signage 2021: Best Practices Guide
The steady growth of capabilities and evolution of trends Displays have become so prolific that we are literally
that defined digital signage for the past decade have taken immersed in a cacophony of moving visual imagery vying
an abrupt turn as our ways of life shifted dramatically. for our attention 24/7.
By Matt Pruznick, AV Technology Magazine By Lauren Millar, Fusion CI Studios
SOLUTIONS Using digital canvases, we can create immersive personal-
When it comes to digital signage, image is everything, and ized moments to incorporate into our experience design.
there’s no bigger way to make a splash than with a striking By Tammuz Dubnov, Zuzor
direct view LED video wall. 22 MORE THAN A DIGITAL SIGN
By Megan Zeller, Peerless-AV Digital signage and screen mirroring go hand-in-hand.
10 RE-HARNESSING THE SIGNAGE WAVE Together, they make your spaces adaptable and align with
Reports from the marketplace suggest several things are modern health protocols.
helping to bolster digital signage during the downturn. By Tom Crilley, Squirrels
12 WEIGHING THE MERITS OF LED VERSUS LCD-BASED VIDEO A display is only as good as its content. Similarly, an expe-
WALLS rience is only as impactful as its story.
Although LCD panels and LED tiles are both excellent By Caitlin Wambolt, DCBolt
choices for use in video wall displays, determining which 26 TAKING DIGITAL SIGNAGE FROM INVESTMENT TO ROI
category is most appropriate depends on the top priorities Successful deployments require many trades working in
for that application. concert with a clearly defined objective to truly bring ROO
By John Dixon, Christie or ROI.
By Jay Soule
Innovations are helping QSRs operate in a way that is 30 EXPERIENCE DESTINATIONS
more efficient and user-friendly. Exploring how the pandemic pushed the attractions indus-
By David S. Christiano and Chris Northrup, USSI Global try to innovate highly interactive spaces.
By Lisa J. Schanley, Mood Media
14 24
One of my passions is digital signage, and I hold a special place in my AV heart for all things
digital signage. Like most, I’m fascinated by the displays, content, and infrastructure that
comprises some of digital signage elements. But digital signage is not just those elements, it’s an
ever-evolving system of parts.
Aristotle said “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.”, and while his meaning may
have been geared towards emergence and system engineering, I’d like to think it’s also true of VP/Content Creation Anthony Savona
digital signage systems. In the 2021 Digital Signage Best Practice Guide, we are treated to a Content Director Megan A. Dutta,
[email protected]
sum of all the vital elements of a digital signage system. We’ll hear from manufacturers offer-
Editor Brandy Alvarado, [email protected]
ing the latest dvLED innovations, discussing the pros and cons of LED and LCD, and a bit of Group Art Director Nicole Cobban
BYOD collaboration using digital signage and screen mirroring. Production Managers Nicole Schilling, Heather Tatrow
But digital signage is not just about the displays, it’s about creating captivating content and
media to enhance brand experiences. We’ve tapped several creators doing amazing experien- VP/Market Expert, AV/Consumer
tial work to create some much-needed infotainment and immersive experiences for entertain- Electronics, Education & Pro Audio
ment venues. All this wouldn’t be possible without a forecast of how the industry is fairing, so Adam Goldstein,
[email protected], 212-378-0465
we’ll hear an outlook from AVIXA. And lastly, we’ll hear about the “why”—as in why we Sales
should invest in digital signage and what kind of ROI to expect from those investment. John Casey, [email protected], 845-678-3839
We think the sum of all these parts makes for a compelling case for digital signage. I want Janis Crowley,
[email protected], 845-414-6791
to thank all our contributors and hope these best practices serve as a comprehensive guide for Debbie Rosenthal,
future projects. [email protected], 212-378-0468
Zahra Majma,
[email protected], 845-678-3752
sive with expertise stem- study. Senior Vice President, B2B Rick Stamberger
Chief Revenue Officer Mike Peralta
ming from a wide variety of Lauren Millar, an Vice President, Sales & Publishing, B2B
roles—including content creation, business devel- award-winning filmmak- Aaron Kern
Vice President, B2B Tech Group Carmel King
opment, and more—within the industry. She is er, is the executive creative Vice President, Sales, B2B Tech Group
the chair of the AVIXA Women’s Council and director at Fusion CI Studios Adam Goldstein
serves on the board of Women of Digital Signage. where she designs remark- Head of Production US & UK Mark Constance
Head of Design Rodney Dive
Tom Crilley is the direc- able LED experiences and
tor of communications at transforms public spaces into mesmerizing, capti- FUTURE US, INC.
11 West 42nd Street, 15th Floor,
Squirrels, a technology vating, immersive environments.
New York, NY 10036
company that specializes Tammuz Dubnov, the
in wireless audio and video founder of Zuzor, has
All contents ©2021 Future US, Inc. or published under licence. All rights
transmission. been pioneering innovative reserved. No part of this magazine may be used, stored, transmitted or
reproduced in any way without the prior written permission of the publisher.
Future Publishing Limited (company number 2008885) is registered in England
Megan Zeller is a business experiential-media software and Wales. Registered office: Quay House, The Ambury, Bath BA1 1UA. All
information contained in this publication is for information only and is, as far as
for the built environment we are aware, correct at the time of going to press. Future cannot accept any
development director at responsibility for errors or inaccuracies in such information. You are advised to
to create-edge experiences contact manufacturers and retailers directly with regard to the price of
Peerless-AV who specializes products/services referred to in this publication. Apps and websites mentioned
in this publication are not under our control. We are not responsible for their
with movement-driven interactivity. He is con- contents or any other changes or updates to them. This magazine is fully
in digital signage and custom independent and not affiliated in any way with the companies mentioned
sidered to be one of the youngest thought leaders herein.
dvLED mounting solutions. If you submit material to us, you warrant that you own the material and/or have
in the experiential field with multiple patents the necessary rights/permissions to supply the material and you automatically
grant Future and its licensees a licence to publish your submission in whole or
John Dixon is a senior pending. in part in any/all issues and/or editions of publications, in any format
published worldwide and on associated websites, social media channels and
product manager at Christie. associated products. Any material you submit is sent at your own risk and,
The State of Digital Signage
By Matt Pruznick
Direct-view LED video wall technology from Planar transforms the lobby environment of Toronto’s Globe and Mail Centre.
Like every other facet of audiovisual technology—and our world, MEETING NEEDS
at large—the state of digital signage is radically different than it Perhaps the most salient way that digital
was a year ago. The steady growth of capabilities and evolution of signage has risen to the occasion of the global
trends that defined the category for the past decade have taken an health crises is through check-in kiosks. Last
abrupt turn as our ways of life shifted dramatically. year, the public would have rarely encoun-
As the pandemic altered our fundamental tered such a device; now, they’re a common
needs, AV engineers were swift to respond, sight at places of business, providing reas-
resulting in a wave of innovation that has surance that occupancy is at a safe level and
helped us continue on our lives as best that no one is running a high fever.
as possible. While some subsets of digitals While the general concept has certainly Robert Meiner
signage in verticals like entertainment have existed for some time, AV manufacturers
diminished in prominence, others such as have adapted check-in tablets and kiosks
digital out-of-home advertising and all-in- to include temperature-sensing technology, with Aurora, Chief,
one kiosks have taken on vital new roles that and Peerless-AV having produced successful examples. Some of
Beth Warren
few could have foreseen this time last year. these can check whether a person is wearing a mask, and with ges-
“While lockdowns from the global pan- ture-based control and functionality like QR code scanning, it isn’t
demic have upended our world as we once loved it, the technology even necessary to touch the display. And, these screens can also be
acceleration to help keep our lives connected, commercial, and harnessed to display promotional information when not in use.
convenient has been nothing short of remarkable,” said Beth “Having these solutions beyond the pandemic will allow for
Warren, senior vice president of marketing and retail practice easier control should there be various other health concerns—be
at Creative Realities, Inc., and a board member of the Digital that something as simple as a flu outbreak, or any other public
Signage Federation. health crisis that may come our way,” said Robert Meiner, busi-
ness unit manager and project manager at and relatable OOH campaigns can be,” she said.
Peerless-AV. Speaking of creativity, content creation specialists have been
One particularly noteworthy subset of addressing the pandemic’s restrictions with equal agility. Socialure
digital signage that has been on an upswing had carved out a specialty providing content for applications
over the past several years is out-of-home, like interactive brand activations and narrow-casting systems for
or OOH. At first consideration, one might nightlife and casino environments. When it became clear that
believe that this field would have suffered we wouldn’t be returning to these places in the near future, the
due to people’s desire to remain indoors company adapted as many others have: by
throughout the pandemic. But, according to Stephanie Gutnik working to enhance the virtual experience.
Stephanie Gutnik, Outfront’s vice president “As everything is going virtual, content
of digital strategy and programmatic sales, this hasn’t been the is now more important than ever,” said
case. Emile Van De Coevering, Socialure’s cre-
“Despite the waves of stay-at-home advisories, people still ative director. “Our roles haven’t changed,
needed to get out, whether it was due to working in an essential but the pressure knob to create original new
service or running necessary errands,” Gutnik said. “As such, experiences has been turned to 11.” As an
exposure to out-of-home advertising remained part of daily life example, his company recently provided a
and roadside billboard viewership has returned to pre-pandemic design for a reality television show in which Emile Van De
levels.” a large LED display was used for a six-way
Gutnik highlighted the category’s value in delivering public ser- videoconference to connect isolated contes-
vice announcements at scale. “The target audience when it comes tants with their families.
to mask awareness, for example, is everyone,” she said. “OOH Perhaps the most prominent instance of this melding of digital
proved to be a tried-and-true method of reaching as many people and physical spheres was the NBA’s use of LED displays to simu-
as possible with quick and meaningful creative.” She also pointed late the presence of courtside spectators during the 2020 Playoffs
to a recent OOH campaign by Twitter that showcased tweets this past summer. The video walls were populated with live
about the tribulations of the past year on LED boards in New streams of fans via Microsoft Teams, providing a more dynamic
York, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, San Francisco, and Oakland, and tech-forward means to filling empty stadiums than the more
illustrating a creative bridge between the digital and physical widespread use of cardboard cutouts. Such an approach figures to
worlds. “Twitter’s recent activation bidding farewell to 2020 with remain prevalent going forward, possibly in interesting new ways
user-generated content demonstrates just how timely, relevant, once we are able again to gather in venues at full capacity.
EVOLVING TECHNOLOGIES of our shift to digital-first behavior. “Habits that should have
While use cases have shifted, the development of display technol- taken a decade to acquire have now become our new normal,”
ogies has remained steady over the past year. While narrow-bezel said Creative Realities’ Warren. “Or, as I recently heard it put,
LCD panels are still the most economical video wall solution in another normal, to not suggest a total break from the past has
terms of upfront investment, there’s no ignoring the steady ascent occurred.”
of direct-view LED, which unlocks countless new possibilities in These new behavioral patterns spell opportunity for those
terms of artistic design. With its modular nature, these with an eagerness to innovate. “The fusion of on- and
displays can be arranged in creative ways beyond the offline, the fluidity of shopping across environments and
constraints of the 16:9 frame, and even the two-dimen- platforms, as well as digital-first brands dominating the
sional plane. With the ability to conform to curving landscape are trends that have only accelerated and are
surfaces, the brightness to overcome direct sunlight, and here to stay, inspiring our options, our shopping carts,
the modularity to scale with practically no limit, the our pantries, and closets in new and innovative ways,”
future of creative digital signage will undoubtedly be Warren continued.
paved with LED. In order for people to once again feel drawn to phys-
“Direct-view LED technology has quickly gained ical environments—especially in retail—these places
popularity in the industry, and as a result, we’ve seen Steve Seminario need to adopt more of the personalization that makes
more products emerge that are not only more afford- online shopping convenient. “The best news for digital
able, but also more durable and efficient,” said Steve Seminario, integration in environments is the ability to add triggers depend-
vice president of product development at Planar. “Direct-view ing on business rules, and AI that can sense who is front of the
LED remains one of the most sought-after technologies today screen and present personalized merchandising and content that is
because it delivers seamless and vivid images and is scalable to contextual, meaningful, and will inspire behavior in the here and
any size or shape. In addition, narrowing pixel pitches continue now,” Warren said.
to unlock new applications in a wide range of environments and From the harnessing of large-format display technology to
create one-of-a-kind visual experiences for users.” expand the constraints of the virtual world to which we’re cur-
As costs continue to fall, expect to see more and more of the rently limited, to the proliferation of signage systems that dutifully
world covered in LED over the coming years. safeguard our wellbeing and relay critical announcements, 2020
witnessed digital signage take on a variety of unforeseen roles.
SHIFTING BEHAVIORS As we stride onward and gradually shed the impositions of the
If there is an upside to the upheaval the pandemic has wrought, pandemic, our reliance on these visual tools will likely only grow,
chief among them for technologists is the dramatic acceleration enhancing our lives in unexpected, exciting ways.
Well, who could have seen that coming? Last year at this time, leaned towards a more solid re-opening of economies towards
I wrote about the near certain growth for digital signage as the the fourth quarter and thus a resumption of some projects. While
solution area exploded on the scene. I wrote about technology somewhat true, the end result was not quite as robust as expected.
innovations and declining prices as driving forces behind the phe- Hence, the final analysis for signage will likely reveal declines that
nomenon. <Insert global pandemic here.> are several points worse, possibly as high as minus 20 percent.
Within a month of posting the article, the rug was pulled out Even then, reports from the marketplace suggest several things
from under digital signage as COVID-19 forced in-person activi- are helping to bolster digital signage during the downturn. The
ty—and thus the key markets—to a complete stand-still. Venues, first is a need for more pervasive signs in smaller form throughout
hospitality, retail, and transportation were gouged. Large screen a facility—like an airport or corporate office—to convey health
projects to support mass gatherings were delayed or canceled. and safety guidelines. Some of these same installs also serve the
Certainly not all, but definitely many. dual purpose of symptom or traffic monitoring to prevent over-
According to AVIXA’s mid-year industry forecast update in crowding or infected patrons from entering the venue. This is
2020, the expected impact of the market declines was an 11 per- where signage meets another solution area within the pro AV
cent reduction in global spending on digital signage solutions. First sector: security, life safety, and surveillance.
to be hit by the pandemic and so first to recover, APAC was less In other cases, some signage installations continued as business
impacted while Europe and North America fared worse. turned to their outdoor spaces to engage customers. Stories abound
In all honesty, with so much calamity in the verticals, one might of restaurants taking over parking lots to add al fresco dining
look at an 11-point decline and wonder why it isn’t worse? In fact, options where guests can spread out. Others put up new outside
when the forecast was prepared many of underlying assumptions ordering systems. And at larger venues, like stadiums, larger screens
were sometimes used to keep tailgaters informed with match be on the forefront of the recovery and expansion wave that are
updates. In some cases, these larger installations could also offer a beginning now. I wish each of you success as you attempt to har-
potential return to an old business model, the drive-in theater. ness that wave.
The underlying point of each of these is the innovation they
represent. Pro AV providers and their customers have had to think Sean Wargo is responsible for leading AVIXA’s initiative to
of new and creative ways of engagement and revenue genera- become an authoritative provider of insights and research for the
tion. Such innovation is apparent in even the downward revised pro AV industry. In this role, he manages, directs, and serves as a
industry numbers. It’s also partly what drives the recovery period public face for the association’s research efforts while exploring
and the forecasts for 2021, which AVIXA currently predicts is a new areas of study. Throughout his 20-plus years in the tech-
7 percent increase in global digital signage spending for the year. nology research sector Wargo has made a career of maximizing
But I would submit this as well—innovation, in the end, is nearly research in a variety of roles, including leading a primary research
impossible to predict. Recovery can be estimated through a look at business, centralizing a business intelligence practice, building
prior results, but in a massively disruptive occurrence like a pan- an industry analysis department, performing advanced statistical
demic, in which behavior is fundamentally impacted, the degree analysis, and speaking/ writing about research findings. Wargo
to which technology changes in response and opens unforeseen previously served as VP of research for BDS Marketing, Inc.,
opportunities, can only be approximated. president of his own research consultancy, and director of indus-
So, what does this mean to purveyors of signage solutions try analysis at the Consumer Technology Association (CTA). He
throughout the world? Like the story of content as a service from was the recipient of the Gold Stevie Award for Maverick of the
last year as a cutting-edge business model only just emerging, Year and for Marketing Service Department of the Year in 2014,
signage is changing yet again. Those who change along with it, thanks to his work to improve client reporting at BDS through the
offering new capabilities and skills as part of their business will integration of Tableau dashboarding.
“Pro AV providers and their customers have had to think of new and
creative ways of engagement and revenue generation. Such innovation
is apparent in even the downward revised industry numbers. It’s also
partly what drives the recovery period and the forecasts for 2021.”
Although LCD panels and LED tiles are both excellent choices
for use in video wall displays, determining which category is most
appropriate depends on the top priorities for that application.
What follows is a discussion of which technology is best for
various attributes, with the goal of helping you choose the best
option for your application.
Most video wall solutions are designed to maximize the view of
information when the user is not directly in front of the display
screen. However, as you move further off-angle from the display,
brightness and color might be affected to varying degrees.
For LCD panels, visibility can vary based on the manufac-
turer. With LED video walls, there are no hard-and-fast rules;
nevertheless, there are recommended optimal-viewing distances
depending on the pixel pitch. LCD technology has incredibly
good viewing angles as well, but the brightness difference off-axis
makes LED superior to LCD by increasing the off-axis visibility.
Christie MicroTiles LED transforms the corporate lobby at Ushio’s Harima
BRIGHTNESS location.
By David S. Christiano and Chris Northrup
The drive-thru has long been the chief point of sale for quick-ser- TECHNOLOGY CHOICES
vice restaurants. Ten years ago, the drive-thru accounted for The role of the project management company is to properly
between 60 to 70 percent of food and beverage sales. One decade execute the customer’s vision while overseeing all logistics. The
later, changing consumer habits and strict guidelines fueled breadth of logistics could summon an article three times this
through the pandemic have escalated its importance and value. length. Looking specifically at the technology, the logistics include
Post-lockdown, many QSRs have sharply reduced interior specifying and procuring the menu board equipment that meet the
counter service hours, with intermittent closings as local case num- customer objectives outlined in the previous paragraph.
bers surged. These changes, along with the safety of being inside Digital menu board systems bring together several core ele-
the car, have sparked some drive-thru sales to increase by another ments. Beyond the displays and software that bring the menu
30 percent, accounting for most of the customer revenue. Others board and ordering systems to life, there are cameras, intercom
never re-opened their lobbies, exclusively relying on drive-thru systems, and even point of sale (PoS) software that must integrate
service. within the ecosystem to ensure a pleasant and expedient customer
The QSR industry expects these changing consumer habits and experience.
business operations to continue post-pandemic. This is a primary The latter is especially important for
reason why so many QSRs are digitizing their drive-thru models, ROI: Our customers that have modernized
from wider dual-lane lane designs to more dynamic menu and their systems report a 10-second decrease in
ordering systems. each drive-thru journey. That time reduc-
These are not completely novel updates, as many of today’s tion, along with a visual presentation that
most well-known QSRs are working through multi-year upgrades invites, emphasizes fast absorption and
across their chains. USSI Global has served as the lead project
manager for several digital menu board upgrades with house-
hold-name QSRs, including 1200 locations in 25 states for one
globally known brand. This project coincided with the chain’s
transition to a dual lane ordering system, with USSI Global man-
aging all logistics and more than 200 teams of system integrators
that installed over 7,200 displays. The relationship with the system
integrator is ultimately what creates a successful and uniform
result across so many locations.
As perhaps the most important role of the project management
company, logistics are critical to the success of these extensive proj-
ects, which have unique characteristics and more complex phases
then most digital signage rollouts. To begin, the outdoor redesign
requires close liaising with local municipalities to secure permits,
comply with local laws, and meet construction deadlines. There
are also substantial foundational infrastructure changes that come
with lane redesigns and modern menu board structures.
Then there are the dynamic menu board themselves—the
protective displays and the digital signage software powering the
content—that must be specified, installed, and commissioned with
uniformity across most, if not all stores.
It’s imperative that all these elements come together under
tight deadlines to properly manage budgets and follow the QSR’s QSRs have been updating their
exacting specifications to drive customer engagement, simplify outdoor digital menu boards for
menu changes, properly reflect brand image, and—most impor- years, and installers need to take both
brightness and IP ratings into account
tantly—increase customer receipts. when selecting the right solution.
Popular media artists like Refik Anadol create meaningful
content that is integrated into the environment. At The
LINQ in Las Vegas, guests are greeted by Anadol’s reactive
work that changes in a choreographed manner and allows
visitors to be an active part of the art experience.
The technological advancements in digital signage over the past literally immersed in a cacophony of moving visual imagery vying
decade have been extraordinary. We can now clad or sculpt just for our attention in urban environments. At work, at play, even at
about any physical entity with LED display panels—floors, doors, home with the rise of grand-scale, in-home digital displays.
columns, elevators, stairs, even sculptures. Digital displays can be As we look around at the displays surrounding us, the TV
wafer thin, tough as nails, flexible, even transparent, further max- inspired 16:9 shape is prolific, even with all the technological
imizing their astounding potential. And hardware costs are falling advancements in display design and materials. Our imaginations,
with every technological challenge met, opening up a lucrative and perhaps our budgets, can’t quite break free of the comfortable
market. formatt. Ads, for the most part, consume our shared digital signage
I wonder though, have our brilliant technological hardware experience. One popular notion, to enhance our digital experi-
achievements outpaced our creative imaginations? What do we ence, is to go big … and we do. Have a look around downtown in
want to see on these astounding digital canvases when we press any major city and you’ll see that big is beautiful—but is it enough
‘play’? to coax us to glance up from our perfectly programmed personal-
Digital signage has rapidly evolved to become synonymous ized screens gripped tightly in the palms of our hands?
with terms like digital displays, video walls, AV, even media archi- According to the Direct View LED Goes Mainstream report
tecture. Digital signage awards encompass wayfinding, informa- from Sixteen:Nine, revenues from microLED digital displays will
tion, education, sports, AR, and art installations—a sophisticated rise from below $50 million in 2020 to more than $200 million in
array of content all under one humble-sounding umbrella called 2026. We should ask ourselves “If brilliantly crisp digital canvases
digital signage. may soon immerse us completely while we shop, eat, learn, work,
Displays have become so prolific, and so enormous, that we are work-out, drive, and play, what kind of shared visual experiences
do we want to surround ourselves with?” Digital content altered human behavior in that space. Employees
It might be time for some thoughtful discussion and planning took picnic lunches to the lobby to socialize with friends by the
about the aesthetic of our digitally clad urban environment. Not digital waterfall. Tourists put the Salesforce lobby on their must-
just thoughtfully planning for the size, shape, and resolution of the sees lists. Lease values in the building increased. The sheer scale
digital canvases we install, but for the actual imagery created for combined with digital content interacting with the physical space
that canvas. Just as we choose architecture and design elements to (water splashing against walls and elevator-bank hallways) created
enhance and personalize the aesthetic of our homes and offices, a ‘wow’ factor—provoking awe, delight, and a deluge of social
we can curate display designs for an environment draped in digital media hits. You could not walk through the lobby without being
signage. emotionally affected by the virtual spectacle. Emily Webster, head
An inescapable influencer in content decisions is budget. While of media architecture, ESI Design said, “The union of digital
it’s accepted and expected that state-of-the-art display hardware content and architecture transforms how people connect with the
will be a significant investment, we’ve found an expectation that space and with each other and it produces a new kind of relation-
the content will appear when you press play on that expensive, ship between people and the environment.”
newly installed system. We have all heard “Content is King!” We are in an exciting time, and have the opportunity, as we
but it’s rare that we want to invest in the monarchy. Reinforcing stand on the cusp of a digital signage explosion, to create anything
that notion, content creators have sprung up selling stock footage our hearts desire on these canvases, and tell any story. And while
at bargain basement prices so you’ll have pretty, if not original, we don’t all have the budgets that media architecture installations
unique, or meaningful, imagery on your digital display at mini- require, be inspired by how media architecture designers integrate
mal cost. content into a space. Using it to tell visual stories, to breathe life
However, if engaging, thought-provoking, stimulating ‘wow’ into static environments. Intentionally designing vibrant spaces
factor experiences is our goal to enhance our lives, especially as that are reactive and interactive and reflective of human behavior
digital signage immersion becomes prolific, we might consider the and emotion. Regardless of the size of your digital canvas, we can
content we want to be immersed in. consider the impact we want it to have on our daily lives.
The 107-inch digital waterfall installation in the Salesforce
Lobby, Fremont Street, San Francisco—created by Fusion CI Following an award-winning career as a filmmaker, Lauren
Studios for Obscura Digital—launched an unpredictable stir Millar, executive creative director at Fusion CI Studios, designs
nearly five years ago, becoming a social media sensation with remarkable LED experiences, transforming public spaces into
more than seven million social media hits in roughly two weeks. mesmerizing, captivating, immersive environments.
By Tammuz Dubnov
There are two main dimensions around experiences, whether they include active
participation or passive participation, and whether they are immersive or absorptive.
These can be combined to label experiences, and there are four types:
1. Esthetic: immersive with passive participation
2. Escapist: immersive with active participation
3. Entertainment: absorptive with passive participation
4. Education: absorptive with active participation
For example, a museum (immersive and passive) is considered esthetic while
an escape room (immersive and active) is escapist. Going to a movie at the cinema
(absorptive and passive) is entertainment, while a painting class (absorptive and
active) is education.
Damn, your digital signage looks together to keep the people in your
good—the design is crafted with care, spaces informed and engaged at all the
the colors and images perfectly match right times. An all-in-one solution sim-
your brand aesthetic, the copy is con- plifies processes and limits the potential
cise. Put it in the Louvre right next to for end-user error caused by disparate
the Mona Lisa because it’s a work of technologies. Your IT team thanks you
art. in advance.
Next, you quickly schedule the sig-
nage across all your displays using a GO WIRELESS TO AVOID
CMS. Your digital signs come to life SHARED TOUCHPOINTS
with fresh content, signaling a job well Living through COVID-19 changed
done. You’re on top of the world. It our collective perception and priorities.
feels like you just defeated Bowser on We’ve all taken numerous steps to limit
Nintendo 64. This is digital signage contact and minimize the spread of
mastery. Way to go, Mario! But wait … pathogens.
something is missing. There’s another That mentality has translated to
level. the workplace. Digital signage is used
to promote health and safety proto-
DIGITAL SIGNAGE + SCREEN cols, and touchless technology is more
MIRRORING important than ever. Opting for a wire-
Your digital signs consume real less screen mirroring solution boosts
estate in high-traffic areas. Squeeze collaboration while eliminating shared
every ounce of value out of them that touchpoints, like cables, dongles, adapt-
you can. One way to do this is by using ers, and other hardware.
a digital signage solution that offers
screen mirroring capabilities. Having EVALUATE YOUR OPTIONS
the option to wirelessly share device It’s possible that you already have
screens to signage-enabled displays everything you need to deploy this type
boosts collaboration in any environ- of technology. Software-based digital
ment. signage and screen mirroring solutions
Imagine the ability to seamlessly like Ditto can be deployed to existing
transition from digital signage to screen digital media players such as Apple
Learn more about Ditto and other products at
mirroring and back to signage again. TV and Windows devices. Hardware
The displays in conference rooms, lob- solutions generally utilize a proprietary
bies, auditoriums, and other places where people gather should be stick or box.
adaptable based on the occupants’ needs at any given time. Keep these questions in mind as you evaluate solutions: Is it
scalable? Can it be remotely deployed and managed? Does the
MAKE DIGITAL DISPLAYS FLEXIBLE screen mirroring component work with a wide range of devices?
Picture this: You have a conference room TV equipped with dig- Does signage include customizable templates and a CMS? Are all
ital signage. That TV is an asset used to distribute your organiza- product capabilities included in the price?
tion’s messages, upcoming event info, important dates, reminders,
best practices, calls to action … you get the point. It’s a passive, LOVE YOUR SCREENS
ever-present method of disseminating information to your team. Digital signage and screen mirroring go hand-in-hand. Together,
With an all-in-one digital signage and screen mirroring solu- they make your spaces adaptable and align with modern health
tion, that TV seamlessly transforms into a collaboration hub protocols. Today’s signage solutions make it easier than ever to
during meetings. Occupants can instantly share content from an keep people connected, engaged and safe.
iPhone, iPad, Mac, Windows, Chromebook, or Android device at That, my friends, is how you make every digital display an inte-
any time. gral part of your operation. It’s how you love your screens. The
It’s important to bring digital signage and screen mirroring final gold star is secure. Game over. Roll credits.
Rule number one: A display is only as good as its content. Claudia Bueno created an immersive light and sound experience titled Pulse
at Meow Wolf in Las Vegas. The experience takes the viewer on a 360-degree
Similarly, an experience is only as impactful as its story. The journey of the slow moving, organic evolution of the natural world.
process of building immersive, physical spaces that are meant to
be experienced as a collective and stimulate conversation through looking for some sort of balance. This spawned the rise of lighter
shared experience has always had its challenges. Historically, one infotainment feeds focused on promoting mental health and well-
common pitfall of the implementation process has been the order ness, and stress management.
of operations: the hardware conversations often come first, leaving While not everyone experienced a world-rocking transition to
the content as an afterthought. working remotely, those who did may have taken the time to focus
The COVID-19 pandemic has obviously shaken up any sem- on their health, organize their garages or take an online course.
blance of normalcy we knew by enforcing physical, human isolation, The rise of virtual content creation training courses and online
limiting, or eliminating shared spaces to slow the spread of the virus. master classes led by artists of all disciplines has created an excit-
On a positive note, it has also led to a simultaneous rise in tightly knit, ing shift in the content creator talent pool. As a content creator,
virtual communities that have formed for the sole purpose of experi- nothing excites me more than learning new software programs and
encing content together in a completely revolutionary way. With the sharpening my skills. The pandemic has given us the time needed
omnipresence of social media embedded in our collective culture, its to explore other disciplines, techniques, interactive capabilities,
dominance over our day-to-day lives, the shareability aspect of a cap- and creative aesthetics to evolve and redefine ourselves as artists.
tivating content story has never been more important. The question When it comes to creating engaging media, two truths are appar-
is: How does one create content that truly transports us, unites us, ent: inspiration is everywhere, and there are no new ideas. At times
and stands out from all the other visual stimuli that flood our feeds? this can be overwhelming, especially when determining where to
start in the creation process, how to differentiate yourself from other
CONTENT TRENDS artists, and how to create something completely new. One quote that
It feels like we saw it all in 2020—from Tiger King to TikTok. has always resonated with me is from Kirby Ferguson: “Creativity is
Sterile, yet extremely valuable, educational, and timely reporting a remix.” When you break down creativity into its basic components,
and infographics took over screens in the corporate offices that you’ll find the most successful artists, designers, and content creators
stayed open. This content aimed to inform viewers about the follow three steps: copy, transform and combine. We are inspired by,
latest pandemic developments and guidelines to keep us safe. or copy certain methods, techniques, and even behaviors of our influ-
Content curators realized that too much reporting on the pandem- encers. We transform the work by putting our own spin on it, alter-
ic wasn’t great for company morale as it overwhelmed viewers. ing, or adding various qualities and textures to reflect our own per-
Oversaturation of anything can be harmful, and employees were sona and experience. We combine all the elements to form a unique
The term digital signage has been around since the mid 1990s nuts and bolts of the hardware and installation elements, they will
when the technology of computers and networks allowed graphic need a host of other experts to bring the vision to reality. They
content to be displayed and controlled from a remote location. are in essence the general contractor in the equation that has part-
Prior to this, a display in a public setting typically played full nerships with all the other required trades and products. Systems
motion video from an assortment of tape and disc technologies designed by software providers or display manufacturers will have
and the delivery mechanism is likened to the USPS/FedEx of their own interests as the starting point instead of being much later
modern times. The huge cost difference between producing and in the equation as detailed above.
distributing video versus creating a graphic and instantly display- Many of the best deployments begin with marketing/content
ing it anywhere was the future called digital signage. specialists since digital signage is part of an omnichannel com-
Back in the days when video was the main content, a huge munication plan that crosses web, mobile, print, and on-premise
amount of time was spent detailing the objective of the video, advertising. A good production house will have experience in
writing the script, storyboarding, shooting, and editing the media. each of these platforms and will understand how existing content
With today’s technology being so inexpensive and user friendly, influences the ongoing costs of feeding the digital signage system
it is far too common for the objective part of the equation to not with relevant and engaging content. While the rule of seven states
receive the necessary attention. A digital signage system without a that a customer should be exposed to a brand/message seven times
documented and measurable objective is doomed for failure and
a short life.
How the Pandemic Pushed the Attractions Industry to
Innovate High Touch, Highly Interactive Spaces
By Lisa J. Schanley
When Tom Cruise’s John Anderton was confronted with float- or top-secret product development and research from the labs of
ing, pop-up, personalized ads in 2002’s dystopian film most of industry giants, we can only surmise from what we know about
the world was wowed. Little did audiences know how much of the market and the expected trajectory of certain technologies as
the futuristic tech from the film was already in development. the science improves.
They probably didn’t realize just how soon these capabilities
would be a reality. From driverless cars to customized-targeted EVERYTHING WILL BECOME A SCREEN
ads, the future is now. The personalization and precise nature Anna Bager, CEO of Out of Home Advertising Association of
of digital signage content may not be quite as advanced, slick, America (OAAA), when asked what she sees as the future of digital
prevalent, or universal as the film’s, but that level of capability signage responded, “Everything will be a screen.”
and adaptation is coming soon. And the COVID-19 pandemic And this idea has been out there for some time. In 2011,
nudged many of these technological advancements much closer Corning put out a five-minute video, where they envisioned. It
to reality. featured an incredible story of an integrated technology-of-places
So, what are some of the advancements we can expect in the (between smart phones, kitchen counters, freeway signs, windows,
next 10 to 20 years in the industry? Without access to a time portal and car consoles) which we have yet to fully realize.
SIGNAGE AS ART Samsung Electronics America/Prismview—SoFi Stadium
Sharp NEC Display Solutions—Light Up The Night Hollywood Park, a 298-acre entertainment venue and home to
With many jurisdictions placing limits on public gatherings, SoFi Stadium, was looking for a display technology partner who
LuminArtz—an organization celebrating local and regional creatives could create a unique and one-of-a-kind fan experience that takes
through the art of projection—refused to let the COVID-19 situation sports, concerts, and live events to a new level. Thanks to the
get them down and used Sharp NEC Display projectors to provide 70,000 square-foot-dual side, center-hung videoboard, as well as
art to the community. One such project took place at the Wenham other LED displays integrated throughout the venue, Samsung
Museum, located on Boston’s North Shore, and local video artist and Hollywood Park have created a dynamic, memorable, and
and technologist Pamela Hersch managed the technical aspects of interactive fan experience.
the Light Up The Night project. The installation had to be done
swiftly to avoid drawing a crowd, as LuminArtz wanted to maintain BEST DIGITAL SIGNAGE APPLICATION:
social distancing protocols. To ensure that the exhibit could reach TRANSPORTATION
a broad audience, Lyn Burke, director of LuminArtz, livestreamed Pixel Inspiration—Heathrow Airport
a video of the content along with commentary to accompany the WH Smith engaged Pixel Inspiration to create a stunning digital
visuals on Facebook Events and Instagram. The program lasted signage art installation at its store in Terminal 2 of London’s famed
approximately half an hour, providing stunning visuals celebrating Heathrow Airport. Framing the store entrance is a striking 25x4m
childhood, connecting generations, and honoring heritage. LED fascia where each half of the display shows attention-grabbing
marketing content from both WH Smith and Well Pharmacy. At
BEST DIGITAL SIGNAGE APPLICATION: EDUCATION the side entrance, there are three external facing portrait screens
Nanolumens/Baker Audio Visual—The Ron Clark Academy that showcase artwork from WH Smith’s suppliers to passers-by.
A 52-foot-diameter, circular Nanolumens LED screen installed The store’s interior also boasts various digital elements, including
Diversified’s VitalSign body temperature check kiosk, clients turn any display into an interactive sign by adding a voice
powered by Aurora Multimedia, helps clients protect what’s user interface. Users simply drag and drop the widget onto any
important—the safety of their people and those around them. layout, then set custom parameters that instruct the sign what
Designed to detect elevated body temperatures within one second to listen for and how to respond to requests. It can be used on
from 18- to 36-inches away, the VitalSign kiosk is a contactless, single displays, banks of screens, and video walls in any envi-
FDA-compliant solution that supports efficient and non-intrusive ronment. Real-world application of the VRW allows viewers to
temperature scanning for anyone entering a facility with visual walk up to any display, ask for the material they want, and then
and audible alerts. Based on trusted engineering, the accurate immediately see that content on screen. AxisTV Signage Suite
sensor generates reading at +/- 0.5 degrees Fahrenheit and adds users simply design the various content options, employ the VRW,
an extra layer of safety to facilities. enter speech triggers, and configure those triggers to launch the
appropriate content.
Peerless-AV 65-inch Xtreme High Bright Outdoor Display Planar HRO Series
Featuring a fully sealed, IP66 Rated design and a patented The Planar HRO Series of high resolution outdoor LED video
Dynamic Thermal Transfer System, the 65-inch Xtreme High walls brings bright, ultra-high definition video outside. As a high
Bright Outdoor Display is built to withstand the harsh outdoor brightness, fine pixel pitch LED offering that is built for close-up
elements, making it the ideal digital signage or entertainment solu- daylight video viewing, the Planar HRO Series delivers impactful
tion for any professional application. visual experiences for audiences even in direct sunlight.
LG MAGNIT (model LSAB) Appspace
LG MAGNIT is designed to deliver groundbreaking picture quali- Appspace’s workplace experience platform is designed to help
ty and durability, as well as streamlined installation—making it an organizations improve their company culture by making it easy to
ideal signage solution for convention centers, corporate settings, publish consistent and streamlined communication for all employ-
hotel lobbies, luxury boutique stores, broadcast studios, control ees—no matter where they work. The company’s new publishing
rooms, exhibition halls, and museums. bots extend the reach of in-office digital signage communication
shared via its platform and publishes directly into the enterprise
BEST DIGITAL SIGNAGE PRODUCT: INNOVATION messaging apps teams use every day. Using pre-formatted tem-
Visix Voice Recognizer Widget for AxisTV Signage Suite plates, users can schedule posts to reach the right group at the right
The Voice Recognizer Widget (VRW) lets AxisTV Signage Suite time using existing channels.