Gujarat Technological University: Bachelor of Engineering

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Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3171617
Subject Name: Applied Machine Learning
Semester – VII

Type of course: Elective

Prerequisite: Familiarity with programming in Python, Linear Algebra, Probability and Statistics.

Rationale: The objective of the course is to introduce the students with concepts of machine learning, machine
learning algorithms and building the applications using machine leaning for various domains.

Teaching and Examination Scheme:

Teaching Scheme Credits Examination Marks Total
L T P C Theory Marks Practical Marks Marks
(E) (I)
3 0 2 4 70 30 30 20 150


Sr. No. Content Total

1 Introduction to Machine Learning: 02
Overview of Human Learning and Machine Learning, Types of Learning, Applications
of Machine Learning, Tools and Technology for Machine Learning.
2 Overview of Probability: 05
Statistical tools in Machine Learning, Concepts of probability, Random variables,
Discrete distributions, Continuous distributions, Multiple random variables, Central
limit theorem, Sampling distributions, Hypothesis space and inductive bias,
Evaluation and Cross Validation, Hypothesis testing, Monte Carlo Approximation
3 Bayesian Concept Learning: 04
Impotence of Bayesian methods, Bayesian theorem, Bayes’ theorem and concept
learning, Bayesian Belief Network
4 Classification and Regression: Supervised Learning vs Unsupervised Learning, 13
Supervised Learning, Classification Model, Learning steps, Classification algorithms,
Clustering, Association rules, Linear Regression, Multivariate Regression, Logistic
5 Neural Networks-Introduction, Early Models, Perceptron 06
Learning, Backpropagation, Initialization, Training & Validation,
Parameter Estimation - MLE, MAP, Bayesian Estimation
6 Foundations of neural networks and deep learning, Techniques to improve 07
neural networks: Regularization and optimizations, hyperparameter tuning and deep
learning frameworks (Tensorflow and Keras.), Convolutional Neural Networks, its
applications, Recurrent Neural Networks and its applications
7 Generative Adversarial Networks, Deep Reinforcement Learning, Adversarial Attacks 05

Suggested Specification table with Marks (Theory):

Distribution of Theory Marks
R Level U Level A Level N Level E Level C Level
7 12 20 14 10 7

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Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3171617
Legends: R: Remembrance; U: Understanding; A: Application, N: Analyze and E: Evaluate C:
Create and above Levels (Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy)

Note: This specification table shall be treated as a general guideline for students and teachers. The actual
distribution of marks in the question paper may vary slightly from above table.

Reference Books:

1) Machine Learning, Saikat Dull, S. Chjandramouli, Das, Pearson

2) Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, by Christopher Bishop
3) The Elements of Statistical Learning, by Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, Jerome H. Friedman (freely
available online)
4) Machine Learning with Python for Everyone, Mark E. Fenner, Pearson
5) Deep Learning: Methods and Applications, Li Deng and Dong Yu
6) Neural Networks and Deep Learning, Michael Nielsen
7) Machine Learning, Anuradha Srinivasaraghavan, Vincy Joseph, Wiley
8) Machine Learning with Python, U Dinesh Kumar Manaranjan Pradhan, Wiley
9) Python Machine Learning, Sebastian Raschka, Vahid Mirjalili, Packt Publishing
10) Machine Learning, Mitchell T, McGraw-Hill, 1997
11) A first course in Machine Learning, S. Rogers and M. Girolami, CRC Press, 2011
12) Pattern Classification, Duda, Hart and Stork, Wiley-Interscience.

Course Outcome:
After learning the course the students should be able to:

Sr. CO statement Marks %

No. weightage
CO-1 Explore the fundamental issues and challenges in Machine Learning including 15
data and model selection and complexity
CO-2 Appreciate the underlying mathematical relationships within and across 15
Machine Learning algorithms
CO-3 Evaluate the various Supervised and Unsupervised Learning algorithms using 25
appropriate Dataset.
CO-4 Design and evaluate Deep learning Algorithms 25
CO-5 Design and implement various machine learning algorithms in a range of real- 20
world applications.

List of Experiments:
Minimum 10 Experiments are to be designed covering various activities and algorithms in machine learning with
datasets from different domains

List of Open Source Software/learning website:

1. Andrew Ng,“Machine Learning”,Stanford University
2. Sudeshna Sarkar, “Introduction to Machine Learning”, IIT Kharagpur.
3. Prof. BalaramanRavindran,“Introduction to Machine Learning”, IIT Madras.
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