Solid Control System Selection

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Application-Specific Solutions for Solids Control System Selection

Zeroing in on application-specific solutions lets operator and driller optimize solids removal equipment
by: M.S. Montgomery, Technical Advisor W.W. Love, Product Manager
North American Drilling Technologies, Inc. The Brandt Company
P.O. Box 625 P.O. Box 2327
Conroe, TX 77305 Conroe, TX 77305

With today's emphasis on the environmental impact of TABLE 2 -- Fluid and Disposal Requirements for a 13,200-ft Well, 5% LGS
drilling operations, minimization of drilling fluid and drill
cuttings waste is critical. This can be achieved using Cuttings Generated: Cuttings Mud Mud Sludge
2,456 Bbls removed, lost, dilution, disposa
available proper solids removal equipment -- such as high
bbls bbls bbls l, bbls *
performance shale shakers, hydrocyclones, and centrifuges -
- with proper pre-well planning. Dilution 0 0 49,120 46,664

This method is founded in decision matrix theory and Displacement (50%) 1,228 7,774 24,560 9,002
focuses on several key variables. These include well
parameters, drilling program, logistics, environmental Mechanical Removal
issues, rig selection, expert advice, and cost. Several 50% 1,228 1,228 24,560 19,740
successful installations have proven the value of this 75% 1,842 1,842 12,278 3,704
technique and its immediate application.
* does not include whole mud disposal


TABLE 3 – Fluid and Disposal Costs for a 13,200-ft Well, 5% LGS
Several articles have discussed the benefits of effective
1, 2, 3 Dilution Disposal Equipment Total
solids control. These benefits can be combined into
three categories: 1) higher drilling efficiency, 2) reduced Dilution $865,062 $154,924 $0 $1,019,986
equipment wear, and 3) reduced total well cost
Displacement (50%) $432,531 $29,887 $0 $462,418
Increases in drilling efficiency are achieved by controlling
average particle size and minimizing total solids concen- Mechanical Removal
tration. This increases rate of penetration, increases bit 50% $432,531 $8,154 $5,700 $446,385
life, reduces the risk of differential sticking, and improves
75% $216,265 $12,297 $38,000 $266,562
the borehole quality.
Removal of oversize solids reduces abrasion and equipment
wear. The result is longer life and less downtime for repair
or replacement of centrifugal pump fluid ends, bits, jet FACTORS INFLUENCING SYSTEM
nozzles, and other circulating components. DESIGN
Higher efficiency, less downtime, and improved mud Proper solids control reduces cost, but wrong techniques
properties reduce total time on location and overall well will cost money! There are several solids control options to
costs. In addition, reduced dilution and final waste volumes choose from; and selection of the correct system for a
resulting from a well-managed solids removal system specific well requires an application-specific solution. This
further reduce well costs, as shown in Tables 1-3. solution is based on several factors, each of which will
influence equipment selection, installation, and operation as
TABLE 1 -- Typical 13,200-ft well
illustrated in Figure 1.
Depth Interval, Hole Wash Bbls Mud Cost, Disposal
Well Parameters. Each well is different. Factors which
feet size, in. out, % cuttings $/Bbl $/Bbl
affect solids control system (SCS) design include location,
0-1,500 17-1/2" 50% 1003 $3.00 $2.00 well type, geological expectations, and anticipated
problems. For example, the well may be onshore or
1,500 - 6,000 12-1/4" 20% 944 $10.00 $3.00
offshore; exploration or development; and straight-hole,
6,000 - 10,300 8-1/2" 10% 365 $45.00 $6.00 directional, or horizontal. Formations may be relatively
similar from surface to total depth, or they may include soft,
10,300 - 13,200 6-1/2" 10% 144 $100.00 $12.00 sticky clays, sand and salt stringers, and hard rock.
Anticipated problems include over-pressured zones, thief 80% of the solids and operates 90% of the time is over 70%
zones, sloughing shales, unstable wellbores, and shallow effective and may be a better choice.
Finally, vendor experience and capability need to be
Well considered. Recent successful projects with similar drilling
Parameters programs and equipment, plus a clear safety record and
current Health and Safety Plan are important. Technical or
Drilling engineering assistance may be required to investigate
Economics Program
system performance and possible improvements.
Rig Design and Availability. Many rigs are equipped with
Solution high-performance, linear-motion shakers. Desanders and
Environmental desilters are standard equipment; and some rigs also provide
mud cleaners. Centrifuges are most often optional
equipment installed for a specific well. In some areas,
cascade shakers are preferred to improve fine screen
Logistics Rig Systems performance in soft clay or unconsolidated surface
formations such as gravel or permafrost. Regardless of
type, these machines must be properly sized and installed to
Drilling Program. Well parameters will determine the allow maximum performance.
drilling program. These variables include casing points,
hole size, bit type and penetration rate, expected problems, Logistics. Remote locations require local stocking points,
and mud program. Each of these will influence SCS design service, and material. Site access, in offshore or jungle
because of the effects of solids composition, loading, and locations, may be difficult and expensive to provide, or
particle size. impose weight and size restrictions. Therefore, system
design should account for potential problems caused by
Equipment Capability. Each type of solids removal operations far from established service centers or
equipment -- shaker, hydrocyclone, centrifuge, dewatering transportation points. If additional personnel are required to
unit -- is designed to operate most effectively within a operate the system, they must be scheduled, housed, and
certain range of particle size, as shown here. fed.

Equipment type Solid-particle-size range Environmental Issues. In recent years, the effects of drill
removed, microns cuttings and other E&P waste streams have been studied to
Rig Shaker > 150 determine impact on the environment. In summary, drilling
* fluid selection and waste minimization have the greatest
High Performance Shaker > 44 5
effect on reducing disposal cost. Factors to consider are
Mud Cleaner > 74 components of the drilling fluid --such as heavy metals or
Desander > 40-90 oil -- regulatory restrictions, waste volume, and available
Desilter > 15-25 treatment/disposal alternatives. Due to the large number of
available options, regulatory requirements and relative costs
Microcone > 10-15 are important considerations.

Centrifuge, unweighted > 5-10

Economics. Without question, the bottom line economic
Centrifuge, weighted < 5-10 factor is the overall cost, which can be defined as
Dewatering Unit > 3-5 comprising capital and operating costs. Capital cost
74 microns in weighted applications includes all costs associated with the acquisition and
transportation of equipment. Another capital cost
consideration is cost and time required to modify an existing
Other variables are mud type and cost, solids type, and
system and install new equipment. For example, a smaller
level of removal required. When properly selected and
unit will reduce space and weight requirements, thus
operated, each piece of solids control equipment operates
reducing material and installation cost. If the performance
in the most efficient, and economical, manner. Con-
of the smaller unit is equal to or greater than that of a larger
versely, improperly operated equipment may discard ex-
unit and other costs are similar, the smaller unit would be
cess drilling fluid and increase waste volume, provide
the better choice.
poor solids separation, and increase overall cost.
Screen life, mud loss, fuel requirements, additional
Overall effectiveness is determined by removal efficiency
personnel requirements, and cost of other expendables all
and downtime. For example, a unit that removes 90% of
influence operating costs. In fact, operating costs over the
the drill solids passing through it, operable only 50% of the
unit’s useful life frequently exceed capital cost.
time is only 45% effective overall. A unit which removes
CHECKLIST • Where will the well be drilled?
• What is the objective (eg. oil/gas, geothermal, reentry, etc.)
As a good well design takes into account anticipated • What type of well (straight hole, directional, horizontal)?
problems, plus probability and timing of their occurrence, • What formations and geological features are expected?
good decision making relies on several sources of • What problems are anticipated?
information. These can be internal, such as personal • Drilling Program:
experience, offset well data, conversations with co-workers • What is the expected depth?
• Where are the casing points?
and technical documents from research or other sources.
• Other drilling parameters (hole size, bit type, ROP)
External sources include service company • What type of mud will be used?
recommendations, published information, well files, and • What is the LGS (low gravity solids) tolerance level?
participation in industry organizations. • What are the other desired mud properties (MW, PV, YP, EC,
All too often, a system is used simply because "that's what Equipment Capability:
we used on the last well", or because "that's what is • What type and what size solids need removal?
available on that rig", or because "it costs too much to • What type of equipment is recommended?
change it." This approach overlooks the economic benefits • Is it available? From who and where?
• What are the weights and dimensions?
of improving the system and usually increases, rather than
• What process rate can be provided?
decreases, program cost. Many companies offer program to • What is the anticipated removal efficiency?
compare the cost of one system versus another; these • What mud losses are expected?
programs are another source of pre-planning information. • How much power/fuel is required?
• What experience does the vendor have (units in operation, lo-
As information is gathered, it should be combined into the cal jobs, references)?
well file as part of the planning process. It can then be • What is the anticipated downtime?
presented as a checklist to ensure no major issues are • What is the vendor safety record?
overlooked. • Is a Health & Safety Plan available?
Rig Design and Availability:
The pre-well checklist can take many forms. One of the • What rig will be used?
more useful types simply groups the information and lists it • What equipment is already installed?
in the form of a questionnaire. This provides a quick • Is it installed correctly?
reference and comparison of various alternatives. The • What repairs are needed?
• What modifications will be required?
accompanying example illustrates one such successful • Is space available for required modifications?
checklist. • Is additional power available?
• Where is the base of operations?
MAKING THE RIGHT CHOICE • Where is the stock/service facility?
Proper system selection for a specific well depends on • How many additional personnel are required?
• Do they need accommodations/meals?
several variables and their effect on drilling, completion, • Is additional PPE (personal protective equipment) required?
and clean up. Understanding these variables and their
Environmental Issues:
effects leads to application-specific solutions designed for a • Can the cuttings be buried or discharged without further
given project. treatment?
• What treatment and disposal options are available?
Application-specific design. The application-specific • What determines when the cuttings are "clean"?
decision process utilizes cost/benefit analysis to investi- • What analytical testing is required?
gate and further refine different alternatives, thus leading • For a specific treatment and disposal option:
to an economically sound decision. This method has 1) Is it onsite or offsite?
2) Is additional equipment required? Where will it be located?
proved successful over a wide range of applications, in-
3) What are the fuel and utility requirements?
cluding remote wells in Russia, jungle locations, environ- 4) How much time is required to reach the required standards
mentally sensitive areas, and turnkey operations. In each for “clean"?
case, the method resulted in substantial savings. In addi- 5) Are there weather or site constraints?
tion, many improvements to the rig remained in place after • What permits are required and who gets them?
the project was completed, thus reducing modification Economics:
costs for future projects. • What is the mud cost/bbl?
• Which is more expensive, the commercial solids or the liquid
Pre-planning helps anticipate problems and provides phase?
solutions prior to the time they are needed; this reduces • What does the required equipment cost to acquire?
overall costs and surprises. Use all sources of information, • What are the installation and modification costs?
• What does the required equipment cost to operate?
including internal well files, offset well data, and service • What are the treatment and disposal costs?
company recommendations. A pre-well checklist ensures • What are the expected savings?
that all important variables are identified and understood
prior to spud. When used in pre-spud meetings, a checklist
helps teamwork between vendors, contractor and operator.
Understanding proper application and limitations of
specific types and models of solids control equipment
provides realistic expectations and improves solids control
system performance. Compare cost of various alternatives
to determine the best choice for a specific project -- don't
just say, "that's how we did it last time."
Install and operate equipment properly once it is chosen
to achieve maximum performance. Often, solids control
problems are relatively inexpensive and simple to correct.
Yet, these problems are often accepted -- or modifications
delayed – because of a misplaced economic analysis. A few
thousand dollars spent here save hundreds of thousands.
Monitor system performance as the well is drilled to
identify possible problems or areas of improved
performance. Careful collection and interpretation of data
can lead to substantial savings through optimization of
screen size, equipment use, and other factors.
Recap for improved future performance and in keeping
with the old adage, "The job isn't finished 'til the
paperwork's done". After project completion, a post-well
meeting similar to the pre-spud meeting should be held to
discuss what went right and what can be improved for other
projects. The pre-well checklist can be used to test validity
of pre-well assumptions and determine the "fit" between
projected and actual performance. This information
becomes an important part of the well file and provides
information for future use.

Literature cited:

1. B.P. Chaney and M.S. Montgomery. "Solids Control for Ideal Fluids",
presented at Milpark Drilling Fluids training seminars, 1987.
2. P. Wells. "Contamination can cost $2,500/bbl", Petroleum Engineer,
September 1975.
3. L.H. Robinson. Personal communications, 1987-1993.
4. M.S. Montgomery. "Proper Solids Control: Planning is the Key",
World Oil, July 1988.
5. Dr. Lloyd E. Duell, Jr. "Evaluation of Limiting Constituents Suggested
for Landfill Disposal of Exploration and Production Wastes", API
Report No. 4527, December 1991.
6. M.S. Montgomery. "Disposal Methods for Oil-Base Drill Cuttings",
American Oil and Gas Reporter, August, 1993.
7. H. Murray and M.S. Montgomery. "Enzyme Cuttings Cleaning",
presented at the Conference for Preventing Oil Discharge from Drilling
Operations, Aberdeen Scotland, June 1993.

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