Philippine Ports Authority Administrative Order No. 02-2021

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PHILIPPINE PORTS AUTHORITY “= MAY 27 2021 PPA ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 02 = 2021 PHONERHORT os eee RECORDS UNIT ort Managers RECEIVED Shipping Lines/Companies/Agents Cargo Handling/Terminal Operators ove MAY 3 0 2877 Weighbridge Service Providers nar Cargo Shippers/Owners Sant nae Others Concerned ret SUBJECT REVISED GUIDELINES ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF MANDATORY WEIGHING OF EXPORT CONTAINERS 4. LEGAL BASES A 42 13 14 15 Presidential Decree No. 857, as amended Chapter VI, Part A, Regulation 2—Cargo Information of International Convention forthe Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Maritime Safely Commitlee Circular (MSC 4/Cir, 1475) dated June 4, 2014 Maritime Safety Committee Circular (MSC 1/Cir. 1548) dated May 23, 2016 Board Resolution No. 3025 dated March 23, 2021 2. OBJECTIVES 24 22 23 To establish a common approach for the implementation and enforcementof the SOLAS requirements regarding the verification of the gross mass of packed containers for exports. To prescribe and delineate the responsibility of PPA, terminal operators, cargo handling operators, weighbridge operators, shipping lines, exporters and shippers with regard to compliance with the subject SOLAS requirements. To promote the safety of workers at the ports and that of the ship, cargoes, crew and the marine environment ‘A bonitcio Ove lth Harb, Pot Are, Manda 1018 hina P.O. or t36 tho, Pipones Tel No, (832) 884-8600," Fox No. 638) 827-4655 ‘echt ppm PPA ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 02 - 2021 SCOPE This Order shall cover all export containers passing through goverment ports under the administrative jurisdiction of PPA. DEFINITION OF TERMS For the purpose of this Order: 44 42 43 44 45 46 Calibrated and certified equipment means a scale, weighbridge, lifting equipmentor any other device, capable of determining the actual gross. mass of a packed container or of packages and cargo items, pallets, dunnage and other packing and securing material, that meets the accuracy slandards and requirements of the Stale in which the equipmentis being used. Container means an article of transport equipment: (a) of a permanent character and accordingly strong enough to be suitable for repeated use; (b) specially designedto facilitate the transport of goods, by oneor more modes of transport, withoutintermediate reloading; (c) designed to be secured and/or readily handled, having comerfittings for these purposes; and, (d) of a size such that the area enclosed by the fourouterbottom comers: is either: (i) atleast 14 m2 (150 sq. ft); or (i) at least 7 m2 (75 sq. ft, ifit is fitted with top comer fittings The term container includes tank-containers, flat-racks, bulk containers and others, CSC means the Intemational Convention for Safe Containers, 1972, as amended Gross Mass means the combined mass of a container's tare mass and the masses of all packages and cargo items, including pallets, dunnage and other packing material and securing materials packed into the container Misdeclared means a container which when weighed at the terminal exceeded the allowable threshold weight discrepancy of above or below 1,500 kilograms. Overloaded means a containerwhich gross mass exceeds the maximum allowable weight embossed on the face plate of the container including the tare weightof the container 216 PPA ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 02 - 2021 47 48 49 4.10 412 443 4.14 415 4.16 OIML means Intemational Organization of Legal Metrology Packagemeans one or more cargo items that are tied together, packed, rapped, boxed or parceled for transportation. Examples of packages include, butare not limited to, parcels, boxes, packets and cartons Packed container means any type of containerloaded or stuffed or filled with liquids, gases, solids, packages and cargo items, including pallets, dunnage and other packing and securing materials PPA means the Philippine Ports Authority created under Presidential Decree No. 857, amended Responsible Party — means the exporter, shipper and/or cargo owner Shippermeansa legal entity or person named on the billof ladingorsea waypbill or equivalent multimodal transport document (e.g. "through" bill of lading) as shipper andior who a contract of carriage has been concluded with a shipping company Shipping document means a document used by the shipper to communicate the verified gross mass of the packed container. This document can be part of the shipping instructions to the shipping company or a separate communication (e.g. a declaration including a weight certificate produced by a weigh station) Tare mass means the mass of an empty container that does not contain any packages, cargo items, pallets, dunnage, or any other packing material or securing material Terminal representative means the terminal operator, cargo handing operator or weighbridge operator authorized by PPA to perform mandatory weighing of export containers VGM means Verified Gross Mass or the total gross mass of a packed container as obtained by any of the methods described in paragraphs 5.1 and 5.2 of this Order. GENERAL GUIDELINES 5.4 5.2 The responsibility for obtaining and documenting the VGM of a packed container lies with the shipper. The SOLAS regulations require the shipper to verify the gross mass of the packed containerusing Method No.1 or Method No. 2, as described in Section 5.2 of this Order, and to communicate the VGM ina shipping document. ‘The gross mass, as definedin this Order, shallbe verified by the shipper, eitherby: PPA ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 02 - 2021 53 54 55 5.6 Method No. 1 ~ Weighing Weighing the packed container using calibrated and certified weighing equipment Method No. 2 ~ Calculating The sum of the single masses = Mass of cargo items + all packages (pallets, dunnage, securing material packed in the container) + Container tare weight as cerlified and approved by the national authorized body. The shipperofa containershall ensure the VGM is stated in the shipping document and complies with the following requirements: 1. contains the details required such as the Container No. Booking or Bill of Lading No., VGM, Name of the Responsible Party; Place and Date of signature; 2. signed by a person duly authorized by the shipper, and, 3. submitted to the master or his/herrepresentative, and to the terminal representative sufficiently in advance, as required by the master or his/her representative, to be used in the preparation of the ship stowage plan. If the shipping document, with regard to a packed container, does not provide the VGM and the master or his/her representative and the terminal representative have not obtained the VGM of the packed container, it shall not be loaded on to the ship. Under Method No. 1, the terminal representatives shall weigh each packed and sealed containerindividually regardless of size, whetherFull Container Load, or Less Container Load (LCL), and regardless of the number of shippers with shipments loaded inside the container. Further, such terminal representatives shall regularly calibrate their equipment to comply with intemational weighing standards OIML R50. PPA will also allow terminal representatives to implement weighing options within IML R51 (suspended load) from equipment. Under Method No. 2, the shipper (or, by arrangement of the shipper, a 3rd party), must weigh all packages and cargo items, including the mass of pallets, dunnage and other packing and securing material to be packed in the container, and add the tare mass of the containerto the sum of the single masses using a certified and approved method as required by State where containeris packed. Only the method used for weighing the container’s contents under Method 2 is subject to certification and approval as determined by the 416 PPA ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 02 - 2021 57 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 512 5.13 5.14 5.15 competent authority of the Philippines in which the packing and sealing of the containerwas completed. The scale used for weighing has to be calibrated/certified in accordance with Philippine rules and regulations. Any discrepancy between a packed container’s gross mass declared prior to the verification of its gross mass and its VGM shouldbe resolved by use of the VGM, Any discrepancy between the VGM of a packed container obtained prior to the container'sdelivery to the port terminal facility and the VGM of that container obtained by that port facility's weighing of the container should be resolved by use of the latter VGM obtained by the port terminal facility. The shipper or its representative shall make available the VGM information of each container to the carrier via Electronic Data Interchange or other electronic means like Terminal Appointment Booking System (TABS), and Container gate-in/gate-out report message (CODECO). If more than one containeris mounted on a chassis (e.g. two (2) 20- footer), each container shall be weighed separately. The terminal representatives shall verify the VGM declaration by weighing at terminal (in gate or by other appropriate and certified weighing instrument). This does not supersede the responsibility of the shipper to declare VGM in the pre-advise, but as an official source of information for the VGM of packed containers in case no VGM was provided by the shipper. Any weight discrepancy above or below 1,500 kilograms shall be deemed misdeclared and shutout charges prescribed under PPA regulations by way of penalty shall be imposed to the shipperin additon to the weighing fee. If the actual weightof the containeras declared in the shipping document and provided to the shipping line by the shipper and which the shipping line submitted to the terminal representative is within the 1,500 kilograms: threshold specified in Section 5.12, no weighing fee shall be imposed. For ports without existing PPA-approved shutout charge, the terminal representatives shall apply with PPA for the applicable shut-out fees which will be the basis for the imposition of penalty. Any action regarding a misdeclared container shall be the result of a business decision between the shipper and the shipping line, provided that the shipping line accepts the correct measured weight as the shippers new declaration prior to loading. Provided, further, that the actual gross mass does not exceed the allowable maximum gross mass of the containerindicated in the CSC Plate. 5/6 PPA ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 02 - 2021 6. 5.16 PPA reserves the right to report to the Land Transportation Office (LTO) a record of any weight underdeclaration considered as violation of pertinent LTO rules and regulations. 5.17 The terminal representatives shall not load an overloaded container. A container is considered overloaded if the gross mass exceeds the maximum allowable weight embossed on the CSC plate of the container including the tare weight of the container. If the CSC plate is no longer readable, the terminal representatives shall refer to the ISO standards for maximum weights of containers according to size. 5.18 All transhipped containers, particularly in view of the Republic Act No, 10668 (Co-Loading Act), shall not require any further weighing after the first port of origin or loading, unless the container has been stripped and re-stuffed. If a transhipped container exits a port and is transported to another port (e.g. North Harbor to MICT or South Harbor), it shall be weighed again. MONITORING AND REPORTORIAL REQUIREMENTS The terminal representative shall submit a daily electronic report of compliance with this Order, through the concerned Port Management Office (PMO), using the template herein attached as “Annex A" The PMO shall submit to the General Manager, through the AGM for Operations, a monthly electronic report using the template herein attached as “Annex B" SEPARABILITY CLAUSE If for any reason, any provision or section of this Order is declared to be invalid or unconstitutional, the other provisions not affected shall remain in full force and effect. REPEALING CLAUSE PPA Administrative Order Nos. 04-2016 and 05-2016 are hereby repealed. All other PPA policies, rules and regulations or parts thereof inconsistent herewith are deemed repealed or modified accordingly. EFFECTIVITY This Order shall take effect fifteen (15) calendar days after its publication in newspaper of general circulation and a copy filed with the University of the Philippines Law Center. 616 Published in the Business World - May 31, 2021 Effectivity Date - June 16, 2021 PPA ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 02 - 2021 Annex A DAILY MONITORING OF VGM COMPLIANCE Port of Date: List of Containers | List of Containers That | _List of Containers Within the Set Misdeclared by That Misdeclared by Threshold 5,000kgs or Less More Than 5,000kgs fA) (B) ©) Exporter | Container | Exporter | Container | Exporter | Container No. No. No. Summary: Total Number of Containers Within the Set Threshold: Total Number of Containers that Misdeclared by 5,000kgs or less: Total Number of Containers that Misdeclared by more than 5,000kgs: TOTAL Number of Containers Within the Day: PPA ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 02 - 2021 Annex B MONTHLY MONITORING OF VGM COMPLIANCE PMO For the Month of Day Total Number | Total Number | Total Number | TOTAL of Containers | of Containers | of Containers | Number of Within the that that Containers Set Misdectared | Misdectared | Within the Threshold | by 5,000kgs or | by more than Day less. 5,000kgs May 4 Total for the mn Month Prepared By: Approved By: Port Manager aft

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