07 - Sheet Metal Ducting - 2.9
07 - Sheet Metal Ducting - 2.9
07 - Sheet Metal Ducting - 2.9
1.0 Scope
1.1 The scope of work covers supply, installation, testing, balancing and
commissioning of:
2.0 Standards
2.1 All duct work shall conform generally to the following standards &
3.0 Submittals
3.1 The contractors should submit shop drawings of all duct systems after
a thorough survey of the space, obstructions and other services
elements. The shop drawings should indicate the following
3.2 Catalogue cuts of all grilles and diffusers, dampers proposed to be used
shall be submitted and got approved.
4.1 The material for various applications of air ducting shall be as follows:
Application Material
4.2 All galvanised plain sheets or rolls shall be reasonably flat and free
from twist. The zinc coating shall be clean, even and free from
galvanised spots. Sheets shall not crack or peel during bending or
fabrication. All sheets or rolls shall be procured from approved
5.4 For ducts fabricated from coil stock (Transverse Joints every 1200mm
5.5 In odd positions, the ducts shall be fabricated to suit the site conditions,
with the specific approval of the Engineer-in-charge. The aspect ratio
shall not exceed for any fabrication.
5.6 Where specified and shown on drawings, round ducts may be used
conforming to the following specifications.
All transverse joints for longitudinal and spiral ducts shall be with
beaded sleeves of equivalent gauge thickness.
5.8 Flexible ducts shall be used only as connectors and should not be more
than 1200mm in one length. Duct attachment collars should be
minimum 50mm in length and attached with minimum of 3# M8
screws for lower than 300 dia and 5# for 300 and higher sizes.
Insulation shall be factory applied and held in position through a draw
5.9 Girth angles and companion flanges shall be mitered and welded at
corners and riveted to duct sheets at 75 mm centres. Flanged joints
shall be made with 9.5 mm GI bolts spaced at 100 mm centres and
provided with 6mm foamed PVC gasket. All joints and seams shall be
rendered air tight with sealant. Duct panels are not to be cross-broken,
if insulated. Longitudinal seams shall be inside groove or pittsburgh
5.10 Standard elbows with a R/D ratio of not less than 1.25 shall be used as
far as possible. Where space restrictions do not permit use of standard
radius, elbow with lesser R/D ratio and square elbow with equally
spaced double thickness vanes may be used. Length of taper ducts shall
be at least four times the maximum size difference between the ends.
5.11 All duct fabrication and installation shall conform to the extent
modified herein, to the SMACNA standard for Low Pressure Duct
Construction upto 75mm pressure. All transverse joints shall be sealed
with non-hardening mastic sealant.
5.12 All duct lining for acoustic insulation shall be carried out as specified
under section “NOISE & VIBRATION” before the duct is installed in
5.13 All ducts shall be sealed to SMACNA class C 24 and 10% of ducting of
at least two fan systems shall be proof – tested in the presence of the
Project Engineer / Manager and leakage readings recorded and attested.
6.1.1 Air turning devices shall be provided at least for first four outlet collars
after every elbow and at all non-split branch take offs. Turning blades
shall be fabricated out of 0.8 mm (22G) thick G.S sheets and equally
spaced on side runner to be riveted/bolted to duct sheets. All vanes
shall be of double thickness.
6.3.1 Louvres dampers shall be provided in all branches. Any duct feeding
more than four outlets shall be regarded as a branch and louver
dampers provided whether shown or not.
6.4.1 Fire dampers shall be dynamic rated against minimum static pressure of
100mm WG and fire rated for 1 1/2 hours if installed in a 3 hr rated
wall (225 brick wall) and 3 hour rated in higher rated walls. Dampers
shall conform to UL 555 and shall be tested and certified by an
appropriate authority. A test certificate shall be attached with each
damper assembly.
6.4.3 Damper shall be installed such that the fire integrity of the partition is
maintained. Sleeves, if any, used for mounting the damper shall be
designed for the rated fire resistance and the opening in the partition
fire sealed with an appropriate and approved sealant. Typical
arrangement is shown in the drawing construction standards.
6.5.1 Smoke dampers are same as fire dampers but the leakage through the
closed damper shall meet class II requirements under UL 555S while
maintaining the fire rating.
6.5.2 Damper actuator and installation shall be similar to that of fire damper.
Damper open and closed positions shall be indicated.
6.6.2 The active element of the CAR shall be a flexible silicone bulb which
will inflate and deflate in response to the static pressure difference to
maintain the airflow.
6.6.3 The CAR‟s sub-assembly consisting of the silicone bulb and its housing
shall be mounted on a rolled galvanized steel sleeve. The total assembly
shall be designed to fit inside standard rigid round ducting as well as
duty fittings such as tees, etc. A seal shall be provided around the
circumference to ensure a tight fit.
6.7.1 Duct supports and suspenders shall be galvanized steel and meet the
following requirements:
6.9.1 Ducts penetrations through walls, slabs or any other partitions shall be
sealed as shown on drawings or as required.
Sheet Metal Ducting 8 of 11
6.10 Test Probes
6.10.1 Test probes shall be standard products. Probes shall be of Heavy duty
Zinc alloy casting. Expansion plugs shall be of neoprene and capable
of withstanding 80°C & 300 kPa.
6.10.2 Probes shall be installed at every fan discharge and suction duct.
ii) 15 x 15 x 1.0 mm galvanized steel bird screen shall form part of the
intake or exhaust.
7.2 The entire assembly shall be fitted into the wall clear opening and the
edges sealed with a polysulphide or silicone sealant. All frames and
clamps used shall be hot dip galvanized or extruded aluminium.
8.1 Supply air grilles shall be double deflection type with horizontal face
bars and vertical rear bars placed in a rigid marginal frame. Bars shall
be shaped and spaced at 18mm centres with swaged pivot pins
positively holding the deflection setting under all conditions of velocity
and pressure. All grilles shall be provided with integral opposed blade,
grille-face key operated dampers.
8.2 Return grilles shall have fixed face bars shaped and set at 18 mm (3/4)
centres. Bars shall be set at 40 deg deflection for vision-proof
installation. The grilles shall be complete with rigid marginal frames
and shall be matching with the supply grilles.
8.4 Linear diffusers/grilles shall be die formed, flush mounted type with
single or double directional air flow. The diffuser /grille shall be in an
extruded aluminum frame with minimum 20 mm margin. All linear air
diffusing equipment shall be fitted with a distribution sheet metal
plenum as shown on drawings.
9.2 The entire air distribution shall be adjusted and balanced for delivery of
design air quantities or as required for achieving design space
conditions. Tests shall be carried out for each fan or AHU section.
After all adjustments are made, the air readings shall be recorded on the
drawings vis-à-vis the space conditions. All dampers after adjustment
shall be set and locked in position. All air and static pressure
measurements shall be done through probe type meters. Vane type
meter readings are not considered reliable.
9.3 After balancing the fan speed shall be suitably adjusted. Test readings
should display static pressures before and after speed change.
9.4 10% of ducting from at least 2 –fan systems shall be tested to validate
10.1 All sheet metal ducting complete with duct supports, turning vanes,
canvas connections, erected in position shall be measured externally
and paid per unit area. All dampers shall be excluded in the duct area.
10.2 All manual control / splitter damper sections with operations linkages
locking quadrant, sheet steel enclosure, frame, erection, supporting etc.
shall be measured on the basis of damper cross sectional area and paid
per unit area.
10.3 Motorized control dampers with actuator are to be paid per unit of upto
0.3, 0.3 to 0.6, over 0.6 to 0.9, over 0.9 to 1.2 and over 1.2 sqm damper
10.5 Side wall grilles shall be measured on the basis of the core area
excluding the margins and shall include necessary dampers. Minimum
payable unit is 0.1 sqm.
10.6 In line diffusers and grilles shall be measured per unit length. The back
up plenum shall be measured as additional sheet metal ducting or part
of the grille as defined in the schedule or work.
10.7 All fire and smoke dampers with operating linkage actuator, locking
quadrant sheet steel enclosure, frame, fusible links, access door etc.
shall be measured as one unit for upto 0.3, 0.3 to 0.6, over 0.6 to 0.9,
over 0.9 to 1.2 and over 1.2 sqm damper area.
10.8 All duct liners for acoustic insulation shall be measured and paid as
specified under „NOISE & VIBRATION.‟
10.9 Flexible ducts shall be paid per unit length of each diameter.