Jkmont Resume
Jkmont Resume
Jkmont Resume
Homeschool Preschool Teacher
Bachelors of Fine Arts Riverside, IL / 2019-present
Art Education • Delivered creative and interactive lessons to preschool students within my own
University of Illinois home classroom.
Urbana-Champaign, IL • Developed and coordinated field trips and various enrichment activities.
2009 • Became familiar with curriculum such as Jolly Phonics, Handwriting Without
Tears, and math with manipulatives.
Illinois Type-10 License K-12 • Worked closely with families to help support student involvement and created a
Visual Arts strong learning community with diverse and unique experiences.
EXPERIENCE continued
[email protected]
Summer School Art Teacher
Willard Elementary, River Forest, IL 2010-2013, 2015, 2017
(708) 927-1967
Taught a variety of unique courses including: Artist & Authors, Painting without Brushes I
& II, Art & Science, Bookmaking and Ceramics.
Riverside, IL
• Introduced new and exciting painting techniques with recyclable items as well as
Jkmontalbano.weebly.com creating homemade books and ceramic artworks.
• Projects integrated with science related curriculum.
• Incorporated Common Core reading.
• Maintained classroom management through fun, meaningful learning.
TECHNICAL & • Designed STEAM and Modern Artist courses for upcoming 2017 summer session.
Substitute High School Teacher
Painting St Joseph High School, Westchester, IL / 2011
Drawing • Guided students through projects and class work.
• Excelled at transitioning into several different classroom settings and subject
Ceramics matters.
• Applied excellent classroom management at a high school level.