NASPGHAN Senate Safe Step Act Endorsement 4. 2021
NASPGHAN Senate Safe Step Act Endorsement 4. 2021
NASPGHAN Senate Safe Step Act Endorsement 4. 2021
714 N Bethlehem Pike
Suite 300
Ambler, PA 19002
Biologics are vital therapeutic tools in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease, but
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR their use is coupled with ongoing collection of clinical efficacy and safety data, and their
Margaret K. Stallings interchangeability is not well understood, with limited clinical data, especially in pediatric
[email protected]
patients who face a lifetime of disease and treatment. NASPGHAN has had limited
NASPGHAN Annual Meeting success in convincing payors to provide exceptions to non-medical switching of biologics
November 4-6-2021 in pediatric populations and is why passage of the Safe Step Act is critically needed.
Nashville, TN
We are specifically grateful your legislation would create an exception to medication step-therapy when a patient is stable on a medication
previously approved. This exception will allow pediatric patients who are stable on a specific biologic therapy to remain on that biologic
if that is the recommendation of the treating physician.
Pediatric gastroenterologists are spending entirely too much time fighting with insurance companies to ensure their patients get
recommended care. NASPGHAN stands ready to work with you achieve enactment of the Safe Step Act this year.
Should you have questions or require additional information, please contact Camille Bonta, NASPGHAN policy advisor, at (202) 320-
3658 or [email protected].