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GmbH, Essen




Please read these instructions carefully before initial operation and keep them for prospective use!
WELDOTHERM Universal program controller DIGIT 500

1.00 General.......................................................................................................................................... 3
1.01 Purpose of the instrument................................................................................................... 3
1.02 Operating range.................................................................................................................. 3
1.03 Control range...................................................................................................................... 3
1.04 Measuring range................................................................................................................. 3
1.05 Lock of key function............................................................................................................ 3
1.06 Safety of the controller........................................................................................................ 3
1.07 Warranty ........................................................................................................................... 3
2.00 Technical data and functions........................................................................................................... 4
2.01 Sensor input: ...................................................................................................................... 4
2.02 Thermo couples:................................................................................................................. 4
2.03 Resistance thermometer:.................................................................................................... 4
2.04 Standard signals ................................................................................................................. 4
2.05 Controller outputs: output 1 + 2........................................................................................... 4
2.06 Alarm functions:.................................................................................................................. 4
2.07 Display: .............................................................................................................................. 5
2.08 Controller characteristics: ................................................................................................... 5
2.09 Control parameters: ............................................................................................................ 5
2.10 Communication: ................................................................................................................. 5
2.11 Other in- and outputs: ......................................................................................................... 5
2.12 Option: ............................................................................................................................... 6
2.13 General controller characteristics:....................................................................................... 6
2.14 Function ............................................................................................................................. 7
3.00 Installation ...................................................................................................................................... 8
3.01 Connections........................................................................................................................ 8
3.02 Connection diagrams.......................................................................................................... 9
Output board with relay assembly............................................................................................... 9
Output board with continuous or logic assembly ......................................................................... 9
Input board with thermo couple................................................................................................... 9
Table for serial interface connections ......................................................................................... 9
Input board with PT 100.............................................................................................................. 10
Additional output board with 5 relays ( option ) ......................................................................... 10
3.03 Master - Slave mode .......................................................................................................... 11
3.04 Example: ............................................................................................................................ 12
Master-slave operation with three controllers.............................................................................. 12
4.00 Operating the controller.................................................................................................................. 13
4.01 Program data input ............................................................................................................. 13
4.02 Programming of the additional output board ( TEST 0 ) .................................................... 17
4.03 Program repetition ( TEST 4 ).......................................................................................... 19
4.04 Hold mode ( TEST 6 )....................................................................................................... 20
Hold mode.................................................................................................................................. 21
Operating mode ......................................................................................................................... 21
4.05 Connecting programs ( TEST 5 ) ..................................................................................... 22
4.06 Programming the switch-in time.......................................................................................... 23
4.07 Program storing .................................................................................................................. 24
4.08 Program recall .................................................................................................................... 25
4.09 Program data correction ..................................................................................................... 26
4.10 Control start........................................................................................................................ 27
4.11 Control stop ........................................................................................................................ 27
4.12 Self-optimizing / Control accuracy ..................................................................................... 28
5.00 Error messages............................................................................................................................... 29
5.01 General codes .................................................................................................................... 29
5.02 Error Power off ( EPO ) ...................................................................................................... 29
5.03 Error of Sensor break ( ESB ) ............................................................................................. 29
5.04 Error of Limit ( EOL ) .......................................................................................................... 30
5.05 Alarm relay ......................................................................................................................... 30
5.06 Error Power off ( power supply failure )............................................................................. 30

Weldotherm Operating Manual DIGIT 500, version from 15.03.1994 PAGE 1

WELDOTHERM Universal program controller DIGIT 500

APPENDIX ............................................................................................................................................. 32
Heat treatment unit during master-slave operation.................................................................................. 32
MASTER-SLAVE ALARM 1:....................................................................................................... 32
MASTER-SLAVE ALARM 2:....................................................................................................... 32
MASTER-SLAVE ALARM 3:....................................................................................................... 32
Configuration of DIGIT 500-001-6........................................................................................................... 33
DIF 1: Set value/actual value difference from tolerance range 1................................................. 33
DIF 2: Set value/actual value difference from tolerance range 2.................................................. 33
Starting a program...................................................................................................................... 33
Variant 1: Program starts with first input program section 1 ........................................................ 33
Variant 2: Program starts with input program section bigger than 1............................................. 33

Weldotherm Operating Manual DIGIT 500, version from 15.03.1994 PAGE 2

WELDOTHERM Universal program controller DIGIT 500
If due to a faulty controller a damage can occur, an
independent safety shut-down should be installed!
1.00 General
1.01 Purpose of the instrument
The universal program controller DIGIT 500 serves 1.07 Warranty
the controlling of for instance heating and cooling The WELDOTHERM warranty lasts for one year
equipments. from date of purchase.
The instrument has two sensor inputs: Any unauthorized manipulation at the instrument
means the immediate loss of warranty.
- Sensor input 1 records temperatures and monitors
the first independent control circuit.
- Sensor input 2 records temperatures and monitors
the second independent control circuit.

The instrument can be installed with relay-, current-,

or voltage output by choice.

1.02 Operating range

The instrument is not to be placed in an area

endangered by explosions. It should not be exposed
to rain or humidity.

DIGIT 500 is designed for localities, where the

surrounding temperature lies between 0 and 60 °C
and a relative humidity between 10 and 90%.

Line voltage must be 230V ( 115V ) +/- 10%.

In any case ground ( PE ) has to be connected.

1.03 Control range

The control range can be cchosen
( see Configuration Manual, chapter 2.05 ).
Set point value can be programmed within this

1.04 Measuring range

The desired measuring range must be programmed
( see Configuration Manual, chapter 2.01 ).
Automatic control is only possible within the
programmed temperature range.

1.05 Lock of key function

This is possible e. g. by connecting a key switch to
input board 42/44 ( digital in 1 ). The keys Start/Stop
und Input are locked. Recall but no change of data
is possible.

1.06 Safety of the controller

The accurate adjustment of the control range
( 1.03 ) as well as the minimum- and maximum
temperature ( 1.04 ) avoid malfunctioning during
normal operation.

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WELDOTHERM Universal program controller DIGIT 500

2.00 Technical data and functions

2.01 Sensor input:

Number of inputs: 2
Resolution: 14,5 bits
Measuring rate 100 mS
Sensor types NiCr-Ni( K ), FeCu-Ni( L ), FeCu-Ni( J ),
PtRh10%( S ), PtRh13%, PtRh18%( B ),
PT100, PT 184, 0 - 10V, 0 - 20mA, 4 - 20mA.
Measuring range range: maximum -200 ... + 2000 ºC
Display resolution 1K or 0,1K

2.02 Thermo couples:

Measuring range depends on type of thermo couple

Error of linearisation < 0,1 % of measuring range

Temperature < 0,1 % within max. surrounding temperature

deviation < 0,3 % at PtRh-Pt

2.03 Resistance thermometer:

Measuring range range: -200 ... +750 °C

Connection type 2 or 4 conductors
Temperature < 0,1 % within max. surrounding temperature
Testing current 400 µA

2.04 Standard signals

Measuring range range: max. -200 ... +2000 °C

Temperature < 0,1 % within max. surrounding temperature

2.05 Controller outputs: output 1 + 2

Relay contacts 2A/230V transformer

Signal output 5V, 8V or 12V max. 20mA ( for semiconductor relay )
Interval time 0 - 999 sec
Steady output 0 - 10V ( with external shunt ), 0 - 20mA, 4 - 20mA

2.06 Alarm functions:

Relay contact 1 change-over relay, 2A/230V

Alarm functions sensor break, min./max. temperature, band alarm,
positive/negative transgression of set value, program end,
power supply failure

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WELDOTHERM Universal program controller DIGIT 500

2.07 Display:

The display is divided into four areas

- data display shows actual and set value, alarm values, and parameters.

- 15 x 7 LED matrix display of the complete program profile at all times.

- 15 x LED ( 2x5mm ) displaying program profile.

- 4 x LED ( 5x5mm ) displaying components.

2.08 Controller characteristics:

Controller outputs P, PI, PD, PID or ON/OFF

2.09 Control parameters:

Proportional share XP, 0 - 999,9 Kelvin

Integral share I , 0 - 9999 sec
Differential share D , 0 - 999 sec
Interval time 0 - 999 sec
Maximum performance 10 - 100 %
Switching point difference 0 - 99,9 Kelvin ( ON/OFF-Controller )
Switching difference 0 - 99,9 Kelvin ( ON/OFF-Controller )
Deadband between 0 - 99,9 Kelvin
heating and cooling
Motor transition time ON 1 - 1000 sec
Motor transition time OFF 1 - 1000 sec
switching time ( 1/10 of motor transition time ON )
0,0 - 1,0 sec
Set value offset for -99,9 ... +99,9 Kelvin
controller 2
Correction values 8 x -9,9 ... +9,9 Kelvin

2.10 Communication:

Interface: for master-slave-operation or in connection with a host computer - programs are avilable.

Address 32
Code 18 ( codes see chapter 5.08 )
Baud rate 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600
Parity none, odd, even
Control time 0 - 1000 sec

2.11 Other in- and outputs:

2 analogue outputs selectable for set value or actual value output

1 analogue input for external preset value
1mV/ ( C or 10mV/ ( C or 0 - 20mA / 4 - 20mA ( scalable )
resistance 47 Ω
2 digitale Eingänge for external key lock and Start/Stop ( configurable )
1 digitaler Ausgang Impulse at program end, start and stop and the beginning of
dwell time

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WELDOTHERM Universal program controller DIGIT 500

2.12 Option:

Additional output 5 x relays, 2A/230V

Programmable program running, switching at temperature threshold, time
applications dependent switching, at sensor break

2.13 General controller characteristics:

Housing sheet-steel casing with plastic insertion

Dimensions WxH = 96x96mm, depth 215mm; installation position as
Front panel section 92 x 92mm
Weight 1,65 kg
Protection mode DIN 40050 front IP54, housing and connections IP20
Interference acc. to IEC 801 - 4, class 4
Testing voltage acc. to DIN/VDE 0884, class
Anti-interference accc. to VDE 871, curve A for conductor interferences
( 150kHz ... 30 Mhz )
Data storage 10 years, if instrument is connected to voltage
Max. surrounding 0 - 60 °C ( 32 - 140 °F )
Humidity 10 - 90 % rh
Power consumption approximately 20VA
Line voltage 110/230V, 50/60 Hz, ± 10 %
Terminal allocation 1 x 3 pole board ( mains )
2 x 16 pole connection board ( standard )
3 x 16 pole board, if additional output board is installed
( option )

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WELDOTHERM Universal program controller DIGIT 500

2.14 Function The standard DIGIT 500 is equipped with an alarm

relay which switches on demand

DIGIT 500 contains 2 controllers with PID action. - at minimum- and/or maximum temperature
One can be used for heating and cooling; two for - when leaving the alarmband.
heating and cooling, as required.
You can choose, if the alarm is rendered while
controlling other units or also displayed.
If the controllers are used for heating and cooling of
an independent circuit, they work off the same set As an option an additional output board with 5 relays
point temperature and start and stop only is available which can be programmed as follows:
- for a given temperature threshold
- time dependent
The controller is capable to switch heatings directly - while the program is operating or
on and off through thyristors or contactors and - at sensor break.
controls the heating power by changing the impuls

In addition a servomotor can be driven with both

outputs. Via current final control elements like control
valves or phase-shifting controls can be activated.

If the controls should operate in a superior control

system, they can be linked in several ways:

- The set point can be programmed as an analogue

- Set point and actual value are rendered as
analogue signals.
- A digital input serves the external control of start
and stop.
- A digital output displays information on controller´s

By means of a serial interface the following values

are recalled or modified:

- set point and actual temperature

- control variable
- controller´s status
- alarm data
- control parameters

The control can be programmed with 40 set point

profiles and up to 8 phases each ( 1x forwarding
time, 4xgradients, 3 set point values / dwell time ). It
is also possible to link these programs with each

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WELDOTHERM Universal program controller DIGIT 500

3.00 Installation Connection board A: input board with thermo


3.01 Connections 33 = terminal sensor 0 ... +70 °C ( 32 - 158 °F )

34 = thermocouple 1 ( + )
Connection board ( 3 poles, main ) 35 = thermocouple 1 ( - )
36 = thermocouple 1 ++
N 37 = thermocouple 2 ( + )
PE ( ground ) 38 = thermocouple 2 ( - )
L 39 = thermocouple 2 ++
40 = GND 1
41 = analogue in
Connection board A: control output board, 16 42 = digital in 1 ( key lock )
poles 43 = digital in 2
44 = GND 2
1 = alarm relay 45 = interface, Tx -
2 = alarm relay ( common ) 46 = interface, Tx +
3 = alarm relay 47 = interface RxD -
4 = PE ( ground ) 48 = interface, RxD +
5 = control output 1 / ( - )
6 = control output 1 /common ( + )
7 = control output 1
8 = PE ( ground )
9 = control output 2 ( - )
10 = control output 2 /common ( + )
11 = control output 2
12 = PE ( ground )
13 = GND 1
14 = digital out
15 = analogue out 1
16 = analogue out 2

Connection board A: additional output board, 5

relays ( option )

17 = relay 1
18 = relay 1
19 = PE ( ground )
20 = relay 2
21 = relay 2
22 = PE ( ground )
23 = relay 3
24 = relay 3
25 = PE ( ground )
26 = relay 4
27 = relay 4
28 = relay 4
29 = PE ( ground )
30 = relay 5
31 = relay 5
32 = relay 5

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WELDOTHERM Universal program controller DIGIT 500

3.02 Connection diagrams

Output board with relay assembly

Analogueout 2
Analogueout 1
Digital out
Alarm Output 1 Output 2

Output board with continuous or logic assembly

Analogueout 2
Analogueout 1
Digital out

Output 1 Output 2
0-10V/ 0-20mA/ 4-20mA/ logic

Input board with thermo couple


Interface configuration requires the correct jumper
setting and the insertion of the modules ( see DIGIT
500 Configuration Manual ).
Digital in 2

Key lock

Table for serial interface connections

Interface Connection Connection

RS 232 RxD+/RxD- 44/47/48
RS 485 - 2 conductors Tx+/Tx- 44/45/46
RS 485 - 4 conductors Tx+/Tx- 44/45/46/47/48

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WELDOTHERM Universal program controller DIGIT 500

Input board with PT 100

Digital in 2
PT100 PT100
Key lock

Additional output board with 5 relays ( option )

Relay 1 Relay 2 Relay 3 Relay 4 Relay 5

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WELDOTHERM Universal program controller DIGIT 500

3.03 Master - Slave mode

Normally the controllers of the DIGIT 500 series

have a serial interface according to RS 485. This
permits the linkage of several controller´s with each
other which simplifies operation considerably. One
controller works in this case as master the dependent
controllers as slaves. Only the master has to be

The connected slaves follow the master´s

commands. The controllers´s performance is
determined by a code which is explained in this
manual, see chapter „Configuration data“.

Master becomes the controller which code is set to 1.

This controller constantly transmits data to the slave
controllers. Their code is set between 3 and 5. If
more than one controller is set to code 1
transmission leads to confused results and proper
operation is not possible.

The slaves are linked to the master in two different


- code 3 effects that slaves and master are switched

on and off and the set point of the master is
accepted by the slaves ( this is done mainly with
multi-regional heatings ).

- code 5 effects that master and slaves are switched

on and off, but the master´s set point is not accepted
by the slaves. They only accept the program phase
in case of controllers which do not control the same
physical parameters ( e. g. temperature controllers in
conjunction with pressure controllers ).

Neither master nor slave need an address. Therefore

it is irrelevant whch value is displayed at the address
( ADR ). Internally master and slave use address 99
for data echange. However, in case of data
transmission failure the alarm can be used to switch
off those slaves with no connection to the master
and release an alarm.

If the controller is used as a slave of a superior

control system ( e. g. PC ), the code has to be set to
16 and each unit needs a different address. By code
16 the controller responds to inquiries of the superior
device. This one determines that only one controller
at a time responds and no further message is
transmitted until the response has been completely

Contrary to master-slave operation only the

addressed controller follows the master´s
commands, i. e. every controller has to be operated
individually, except the master uses address 99. This
address functions by code 16 with all controllers

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WELDOTHERM Universal program controller DIGIT 500

3.04 Example:
Master-slave operation with three controllers



Function: only this controller is operated by the user


ALARM: 10 sec

Function: master and slave start and stop



ALARM: 0 sec

Function: master and slave start and stop


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WELDOTHERM Universal program controller DIGIT 500

4.00 Operating the controller

4.01 Program data input

The input of a new temperature profile is always done in the stand-by mode. The profile consists of at least one
gradient and a set point ( minimum ), one switch-in time, four phases, four set points, and three dwell times
( maximum ).

If more program phases are needed, the programs are linked with each other ( see chapter 4.05 ).

Beginning at step 8 the controller can be switched on to stand-bye mode by entering + simultaneously.

The controller starts with .


Controller is switched on to stand-by

+ mode.

Recall of a stored program ( see

chapter 4.08 ).

Use digit keys tp program a switch-in

time ( see chapter 4.06 ).

Confirmation of input

Input of 1. gradient,
5 , , e. g. 500 Kelvin/h

Confirmation of input

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WELDOTHERM Universal program controller DIGIT 500


Input of 1. set point value,

e. g. 200 °C
7 , ,

Confirmation of input

Input of 1. dwell time,

e. g. 38 minutes
9 ,

Confirmation of input


Input of 2. gradient,
e. g. 500 Kelvin/h
11 , ,

Confirmation of input


Input of 2. gradient,
e. g. 450 °C
13 , ,

Confirmation of input


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WELDOTHERM Universal program controller DIGIT 500


Input of 2. dwell time,

e. g. 50 minutes
15 ,

Confirmation of input


Input of 3. gradient,
e. g. 588 Kelvin/h
17 , ,

Confirmation of input


Input of 3. set point value,

e. g. 1120 °C
19 , , ,

Confirmation of input


Input of 3. dwell time,

e. g. 120 minutes
21 , ,

Confirmation of input


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WELDOTHERM Universal program controller DIGIT 500


Input of 4. gradient,
e. g. 100 Kelvin/h
23 , ,

Confirmation of input


Input of a negative set point value,

e. g. -20 °C
25 , , Before entering the negative value the
respective control range has to be

Confirmation of input
The display shows „P“. You have now the
26 opportunity to store the program. ( see
chapter 4.07 ).

Start of program storage

27 ,

Input of storing place,

e. g. storing place 12
28 ,

Confirmation of input


Starting the program,

( operating mode )

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WELDOTHERM Universal program controller DIGIT 500

4.02 Programming of the additional output board ( TEST 0 )

On the configuration level the relay functions are laid down.

0. Switches ON, program running.

1. Switches OFF, program running.
2. Switches ON, if sensor 1 > threshold
3. Switches OFF, if sensor 1> threshold
4. Switches ON, if sensor 2 > threshold
5. Switches OFF, if sensor 2 > threshold
6. Switches ON, during programmed time ( TEST 0 )
7. Switches OFF, during programmed time ( TEST 0 )
8. Switches ON, at sensor break

The relays can only be switched on and off at the start of switch-in time, a gradient, or a dwell time, depending on
the adjustment of CODE 6 and 7 at the configuration level. A different code allows the programming of the
individual switching points, but they have no function. The programmed code has always priority.

Before programming the additional output board you should have programmed a temperature profile
( see chapter 4.01 ).


Controller is in stand-by mode, i. e.

1 one temperature profile is loaded but
+ the controller has not started yet.


The upper data display shows the

2 programmed relay ( r 1 ) and
, respective phase ( 0 ). The lower
data display shows the time to be
programmed ( 0 - 9999 minutes ).

Use keys 1 to 5 to read the display

3 to be programmed, e. g. relay 3.

Press this key to choose the desired

4 phase ( relay 3, phase 4 ). The
respective phase flashes on and off
in the processs dislay.

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WELDOTHERM Universal program controller DIGIT 500


Input of a time

e. g. 12 minutes

Confirmation of input
7 Relay 3 is now programmed for 12
minutes from the beginning of
2. dwell time ( 4. phase ).

The display now moves back to the

starting position waiting for input of
relay 4.

Press CE/C to switch back to stand-

8 by mode: after 10 seconds the
controller automatically switches
back to stand-by mode.

After programming data are stored. ( chapter 4.07 ).

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WELDOTHERM Universal program controller DIGIT 500

4.03 Program repetition ( TEST 4 )

Every program can be repeated up to 9998 times.


Controller is in stand-by mode, i. e. a

1 temperature profile is programmed,
+ but the controller has not been
started yet.

Call for input of program repetitions

, e.g. program runs 1x ( no
repetitions )


e.g. 3
program runs 3x ( 2 repetitions ).

Confirmation of input
Display switches to stand-by mode.

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WELDOTHERM Universal program controller DIGIT 500

4.04 Hold mode ( TEST 6 )

Independent of the key Start/Stop this function can be executed at the beginning of every phase.
In this mode the program is interrupted for a period of time but the controlling continues.


Stand-by mode


Call for input for hold mode

2 PH 0 = 1. phase ( switch-in time )
lower data display, 0 = OFF
1 = ON

The key TEST selects a phase. At

3 ist start the controller switches to
4X hold mode,
e. g. PHASE 4 = 2. hold mode.


e. g.1 = hold mode on


Confirmation of input
The display switches to call for input
of phase 5.

The program level for the hold mode can be left any time by pressing key .

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WELDOTHERM Universal program controller DIGIT 500

Hold mode


During the program the controller

switches to hold mode at the
beginning of the programmed phase.
( example: at start of 2. dwell time )

Operating mode


By pressing the controller

continues program run.

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WELDOTHERM Universal program controller DIGIT 500

4.05 Connecting programs ( TEST 5 )

At maximum 40 programs are linked with each other ( every program consists of 1 switch-in time, 4 gradients, 4
set point values, 3 dwell times ).
Thus up to 160 gradients, 160 set point values, 120 dwell times, and 40 switch-in-times are available for one
controlling process.


The controller switches to stand-by

1 mode.


Call for input for a follow-up

2 program;
, 0 - 39 possible

Enter -1 for none.

Input of follow-up program,


e. g. programm 13

Confirmation of input
The controller switches back to
stand-by mode.

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WELDOTHERM Universal program controller DIGIT 500

4.06 Programming the switch-in time

The input of a switch-in time can take place before or after the input of a new program ( see chapterl 4.01, step
3 ).

The subsequent input is possible in every mode.

The following example describes the input from the stand-by mode.


Controller is in stand-by mode



Selection of switch-in time


Call for input


e. g. 60 minutes
4 ,

Confirmation of input

Data are now stored ( see chapter 4.07 ).

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WELDOTHERM Universal program controller DIGIT 500

4.07 Program storing

DIGIT 500 gives you the opportunity to store up to 40 programs ( see chapter 4.05 ).
Every change, e. g. programming a phase or a hold mode must be stored again to avoid data loss. Changed data
are lost without this procedure.


The controller witches to stand-by

1 +


Recall of stored places

Input of the desired storage place,

e. g. program 33

Confirmation of input

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WELDOTHERM Universal program controller DIGIT 500

4.08 Program recall


Recall of a stored program in the

1 stand-by program


Input of desired program place


e. g. program place 33
3 ,

Confirmation of input

The controller switches to stand-by

5 mode and can now be started.


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WELDOTHERM Universal program controller DIGIT 500

4.09 Program data correction

Es ist möglich, Daten eines Programmes aus dem Bereitschaftsmodus, aber auch während des Betriebsmodus zu
ändern. Soll diese Änderung ständig im Programm sein, so muß sie - wie in Kapitel 4.07 beschrieben -
abgespeichert werden.


The controller switches to stand-by

1 mode.


Press key until data to be corrected

2 appear on the display.
e. g. 2. set point value

Input of a new value,


e. g. 550 °C
, ,

Confirmation of input

The controller resumes stand-by

6 mode ( or else operation mode )

On request, the corrected data are stored ( see chapterl 4.07 ).

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WELDOTHERM Universal program controller DIGIT 500

4.10 Control start


The controller switches to stand-by

1 mode. At the same time the
displayed bar flashes on and off.

4.11 Control stop


The controller can switch from the

1 operating mode to stand-by mode
+ any time.


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WELDOTHERM Universal program controller DIGIT 500

4.12 Self-optimizing / Control accuracy

To start self-optimizing you have to enter a set point jump ( i. e. infinite fast rate )!
The set point value should correspond with a required value.


Controller is ready for self-optimizing


Start of self-optimizing

As soon as the display OPT

3 vanishes, the requested program
+ can be entered.


The parameters resulting from self-optimizing are approximate values. To find best parameter adjustment, you
have to go through this process again manually. ( see WELDOTHERM Configuration Manual ).
ATTENTION! Self-optimizing is executed only by controller-code 0 , 1 , 2 , 3, and 6.

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WELDOTHERM Universal program controller DIGIT 500

5.00 Error messages

5.01 General codes

This is valid for kinds of alarm:

code 0: Alarm is not displayed.

code 1: Alarm is displayed until it is cancelled, even if the cause for the alarm has been eliminated.
The alarm display is cancelled, although the cause still exists.
As long as the cause exists, the alarm is diplayed flashing on and off, later on the alarm is displayed
incessantly until cancelled.
code 2: The displayed alarm vanishes, if the cause no longer exists. Cancelling of the display is possible
without removing the cause of the alarm.
code 3: Cancelling is only possible, if the cause for alarm does no longer exist; else like code 1.
Cancelling is done by key CE/C.

5.02 Error Power off ( EPO )

EPO-code 0: Power failure not displayed

EPO-code 1: After removal of power failure, EPO is displayed flashing on and off for 5 seconds; later on
EPO is displayed without flashing unitil it is cancelled.
EPO-code 2: After removal of power failure, EPO is displayed flashing on and off for 5 seconds, afterwards
EPO vanishes.
EPO-code 3: Cancelling EPO display is possible, if the cause for alarm is removed; else like code 1.
Cancelling is done by key CE/C.

5.03 Error of Sensor break ( ESB )

If one of the sensors breaks the respective relays are switched off. The program stops immediately and
will not continue as long as the break lasts ( even if the display is cancelled ).

ESB-code 0: The alarm is not displayed.

ESB-code 1: The alarm is displayed until it is cancelled, even if the cause for alarm is removed. The display
can be cancelled, even if the cause for alarm still exists; the display then flashes on and off.
After a while the display continues incessantly until it is cancelled.
ESB-code 2: The alarm display vanishes, if the cause for alarm is removed. Cancelling the alarm display
without removal the cause for alarm is possible.
ESB-code 3: Cancelling of the alarm display is only achieved, if the cause for alarm is removed; else like
code 1. Alarm display is cancelled by key CE/C.

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WELDOTHERM Universal program controller DIGIT 500

5.04 Error of Limit ( EOL )

EOL-code 0: The program stops automatically, if one set point exceeds the preset tolerance range.
Exceptions: - at program start
- at set point jump ( i. e. infinite fast rate )
- a manual correction of a set point value in the test mode
In these three cases program execution is only interrupted, if the actual value has already been
within the preset tolerance range and exceeds ist maximum or minimum temperature.

EOL-code 1: Concerning the above mentioned exceptions the alarm displays ( EOL 1 and EOL 2 ) are
suppressed until the respective value is within the tolerance range. Program execution is
automatically interrupted and alarm is displayed as long as the concerned actual value has
exceeded the tolerance range. After cancelling the alarm display, the program continues,
even if the cause for alarm has not been removed.

EOL-code 2: Suppression of alarm display ( see EOL-code 1 ).

Program execution is not interrupted when exceeding the tolerance range.

EOL-code 3: Cancelling is only possible, if the cause for alarm is removed; else like code1.
The display is cancelled by key CE/C. The program stops.

5.05 Alarm relay

EOL-code 0 : The alarm is switched on as soon as the actual value exceeds the tolerance range.
Concerning the above mentioned three exceptions ( see 5.04 ) switching of the alarm relay
is suppressed until one actual value is within the tolerance range and then exceeds its
maximum and minimum temperature. Cancelling of the alarm display is not possible

EOL-code 1 - 3: The alarm relay is switched on, if EOL is displayed flashing on and off.

If program execution is interrupted because of an alarm ( limit alarm EOL or sensor break ), the lower display does
not show H and the program will not resume its work by pressing key Start/Stop.

H is displayed, if program execeution is interrupted manually ( key Start/Stop ) by a programmed stop or by means
of a digital input.

5.06 Error Power off ( power supply failure )

After eliminating the cause for alarm, program execution is resumed at the point it was interrupted, if the
difference betwen set point value 1 and actual value 1 is smaller than p-band 1. If the difference between set point
value 1 and actual value 1 is bigger than p-band 1, the power failure decides, if the program, is resumed or not
( see DIGIT 500 Configuration Manual, chapter 2.01 ).

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WELDOTHERM Universal program controller DIGIT 500

There are three different power failure codes:

PF-code 0: Beginning with the actual or preceding phase, DIGIT 500 is searching backwards for a phase
which fulfills the following conditions:

If the gradient is rising, actual value plus p-band must be within the phase´s tolerance range.
If the gradient is falling, actual value minus p-band must be within the phase´s tolerance range.
After the power failure code has found the above mentioned code, program execution will be
resumed, if actual value plus p-band ( rising gradient ) or actual value minus p-band have been set
within the phase´s tolerance range.

PF-code 1: The program stops ( stand-by mode ).

PF-code 3: The program starts again ( operating mode ).

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WELDOTHERM Universal program controller DIGIT 500



Heat treatment unit during master-slave operation

Note: Master-slave function is in effect only, if the heat treatment unit is equipped with program controller´s
version D 500-001-6 ( available on request )!

Purpose of this function: ... a parallel control of heating up a workpiece by more than one heating zone. Master-
slave operation also insures that workpieces are not damaged by a breakdown of the heating zone.

The new WELDOTHERM program controller DIGIT 500 can be connected to other program controllers ( of the
same type ) through compound switches. You can link 2, 3, 4 ... 12 DIGIT 500s with each other. The only thing to
do is to program data input for the master-controller. Once started all other slave-controllers take over the
master´s set temperature. While the programming is running data are continously exchanged between master and
slaves. There are two kinds of master-slave alarm messages, if the actual temperature of the connected zone( s )
exceeds the set temperature of the master´s tolerance range:


Program execution stops until the actual temperature is again within tolerance range 1.

Alarm is displayed by the very DIGIT 500 where the malfunctioning zone is found. After the defect is eliminated the alarm display is
MS1 cancelled by the key CE/C.


If tolerance range 2 is exceeded, DIGIT 500 terminates the program by a controlled cooling down according to the
last input value of the temperature profile.

Display of alarm 2.

Data of tolerance range 1 ( ex works preset: 10k ) and tolerance 2 ( ex works preset = 20k ) can on request be
corrected in the range of 0 ( i. e. out ) ... 99k.

SENSOR BREAK: see master-slave alarm 2; at sensor break DIGIT 500 terminates the program


Alarm is displayed, if the slave has been disconnected by an accidental interface cut-off; DIGIT 500 stops the
program and cools down the workpiece according the last input value of the temperature profile.

Display of alarm 3.

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WELDOTHERM Universal program controller DIGIT 500

Configuration of DIGIT 500-001-6

It is required to enter the serial code 18 at the master and all connected slave controllers. Besides master and
slave need a programmed address between 1 and 12 and within the alarm data range set value/actual value
difference must have 1 and 2.

DIF 1: Set value/actual value difference from tolerance range 1

If DIGIT controller exceeds or falls below the tolerance range DIF 1 ( ex works preset = 10k ), master-
slave alarm is released. If temperature is again within tolerance range, the program continues.

DIF 2: Set value/actual value difference from tolerance range 2

If DIGIT controller exceeds or falls below the tolerance range DIF 2 ( ex works preset = 30k ), master-
slave alarm is released. The program is terminated; controller switches to cooling rate and resumes the
program at the last input value of the set temperature profile.

Starting a program

You can choose one of two variants.

Variant 1: Program starts with first input program section 1

Please execute the following steps:

Step 1: Press input key

Step 2: Program number
Step 3: Press input key
Step 4: Press Start/Stop key
Step 5: 1 or 2

Note: Step 5 functions only, if controller code ( RCO ) has received input 6. Then you can select:

- 1 zone operation ( RCO needs data input 2 ), and

- 2 zones operation ( RCO needs data input 6.

After the required input master-slave operation is ready for controlling.

Variant 2: Program starts with input program section bigger than 1

Please execute the following steps:

Step 1: Press input key

Step 2: Program number
Step 3: Press input key
Step 4: Press TEST key until requested program section flashes
Step 5: Press Start/Stop key
Step 6 1 or 2

Note: Step 6 functions only, if controller code ( RCO ) has received input 6. Then you can select:

- 1 zone operation ( RCO needs data input 2 ), and

- 2 zones operation ( RCO needs data input 6.

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WELDOTHERM Universal program controller DIGIT 500
After the required input master-slave operation is ready for controlling.

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