Installation and Operating Manual: From Tech Development Inc
Installation and Operating Manual: From Tech Development Inc
Installation and Operating Manual: From Tech Development Inc
This manual provides instructions for the installation and A turbine air starter does not require lubrication in the
operation of the TDI T100-C TURBOTWIN Air Starter. If supply air. Therefore, if a vane type starter motor is being
there are questions not answered in this manual, please replaced, TDI recommends that all lubrication devices and
contact your TDI TURBOTWIN distributor or dealer for lines removed to minimize flow restrictions.
Exhaust piping should be routed downward to help The static non-flowing supply pressure will always be
prevent any accumulation of condensation in the starter higher than the operating (dynamic) pressure. The
motor. maximum pressure limit (proof pressure) that the TDI
TURBOTWIN starter housings may be subjected to is 600
If the overhung section of the starter is not otherwise PSIG (42 BAR). System pressure that exceeds the
supported, TDI recommends supporting the exhaust maximum operating limit must use a pressure reducing
piping with a suitable bracket(s). device to ensure that the operating pressure limit to the
TDI TURBOTWIN starter is maintained.
System static pressure that exceeds the 600 PSIG (42
The installation of the starter using natural gas is similar BAR) limit must, in addition to pressure reducer devices
to the air installation except all fittings, piping, valves and incorporate a pressure relief valve set below 600 PSIG
regulators must be compatible with natural gas. (42 BAR) in the supply air line.
Proper control of natural gas is a major consideration All appropriate local pressure codes and pressure
when used in the starter system. All starters using natural limitations on other system components must be adhered
gas must pipe the exhaust according to industry codes to and supersede the guidelines given in this manual.
and local regulations.
Consult your TDI distributor if you have exhaust plumbing
There is a natural gas vent port in the turbine housing that that creates back pressure and reduces starter
is plugged for compressed air use. This vent is used to performance. You may be able to increase the supply
remove any natural gas that could leak past the primary pressure to restore the lost power.
turbine shaft seal. Remove this 3/8"NPT plug and install a
line to carry gas away from the starter area. Follow the engine manufacturer’s instructions for starting
the engine.