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Summer Internship Project Report (Rajat)

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Submitted to:
Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

In the partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of

Master of Business Administration
(Degree Programme of Dr AKTU, Lucknow)

Batch: 2019-21
Under the Guidance of:
Designation: Director

Submitted by:
ROLL NO. 1901280700037
Semester: 3rd

(Affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow)

Date: ………………….


This is to certify that Mr./Ms……………………………………………………….is a

bonafide student of MBA 3rd semester in our Institute. He/ She has submitted Summer

Training Report


…………………….. to fulfill the partial requirement of Dr. AKT University, Lucknow.

He/ She has completed the Summer Training Project under the partial guidance of Mr. /

Ms. / Dr.………………………………………...........................

Name of Project Guide Dr/Mr/Ms ………..

Prof Dr Amit Bhardwaj
School of Management
Director- SOM


I, “SAMRIDDHI TYAGI ” to declare that the Summer Project Report entitled



submitted to the Dr. AMIT BHARDWAJ Director of Management

Department, BIT Meerut for the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the

degree of Master of Business Administration affiliated to Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

Technical University, Lucknow is my own endeavors and it has not been

submitted earlier to any institution/university for any degree.

ROLL NO. 1901280700037


I hereby extend my sincere thanks to our institute, all the faculty members. I would
like to express my deep sense of gratitude to my supervisor and Project Guide Dr.
AMIT BHARDWAJ Director of Management Department, BIT Meerut
whose valuable guidance helped me in completion of this report successfully. He
constantly advised and encouraged me to complete the task within time frame. I
am also thankful to all the faculty of BIT without whose blessings this project
could not have taken the present form. . Also I am thankful to
…………………………………………. Finally I take the opportunity to put on
record the deepest sense of regard and respect to my parents, who enabled me to
make this project complete.

With my due regard I wish to express my heartfelt appreciation to many people,

who helped me directly and indirectly to complete my Research Report and this
report too.
I would also wish to express my thanks to all the staff members of personnel
department under whom I completed my training as they have provided me
valuable guidance, timely advice and communication during my training.

ROLL NO. 1901280700037

Dated: 17/08/20


This is to certify that Ms. SAMRIDDHI TYAGI , a student of Master of

Business Administration Degree in Management from Bharat Institute of
Technology, Meerut has successfully completed her internship in Human
Resource with Acelot from 06/06/2020 to 21/07/2020

During this tenure we found him to be sincere, hardworking and diligent. We

wish her success for all her future endeavors.

For Acelot Innovation Private Limited

Debashish Sen Mona Kumari

Debashish Sen
Chief Executive Officer Manager- Business Development
Acelot Innovation Private Limited

Plot No. 23, Sector 18, HSIDC

Maruti Industrial Area Gurgaon
122015, Haryana, India

Phone: +91 9811949999 & +91 9830014001

Email: [email protected] | Website: www.acelot.in CIN No.: U74999HR2019PTC078606


This report is prepared for fulfilling the course requirement of MBA program. As the classroom
discussion alone cannot give the proper picture of real business situation, there, it is an
opportunity for the student to know about the real life situation through this project. Project is
very essential for every student, especially for the student of Business Management, which helps
them to know real existing situation. For this reason a student take a project program in the
second year of MBA. I have made this project report on Acelot Innovation Private Limited. This
report is about - “Impact of Summer Internships on Student’s Career with respect to Acelot
Innovation Private Limited.”

Internships have been perceived to play an important role in providing work experience to the
students along with their academic coursework. Students gain a firsthand experience of working
environment, and application of theoretical principles to the real world problems. The internship
experiences are perceived to be formed of a number of factors, such as the supervisory support,
working environment, level of tasks, and learning gained from the same. These dimensions are
relatively unexplored with respect to the practice of internship in INDIA, thus the present
research was undertaken. The researcher found the result synonymous to previous findings,
wherein the validated constructs of comfort with work environment, positive work environment,
personal traits, and developed new skills were found to have a positive impact on internship
experience. Also, the satisfied students were found to be more positive and enthusiastic with
respect to expectations for future job prospects.


S. No. Content Page No.

1. History of the Organisation 8-9
2. Company Details 10-13
3. Approach 14-15
4. Promoting Body 16-18
5. CXOs at Work 19-22
6. Area of Operation 23-24
7. Product Line 25-27
8. Flagship Programs 28-31
9. Brief Outline of the Industry 32-34
10. Top Management Consultancy Firms in India 35-40
11. SWOT Analysis 41-42
12. List of Competitors 43-45
13. Customers 46-47
14. Partners at Work 48-49
15. Objectives of the Study 50-51
16. Research Methodology 52-55
17. Activities done during SIP 56
18. Review of Literature 57-59
19. Data Analysis & Interpretation 60-74
20. Findings 75-76
21. Recommendations 77-78
22. Limitations 79-80
23. Conclusion 81-82
24. References 83-85
25. Annexure 86-90



Acelot consists of Leaders and Industry experts who have worked hands-on in business
transformation projects, leading large teams as coaches, mentors and managers and partnered as
consultants with organization in their transformational growth stories.

Now, these experts are ready to work for you. They can lead organizations in designing and
implementing transformation programs to drive exponential revenue growth.

Their approaches are intensely focused on top and bottom-line results by Defining, Designing,
Determining key metrics and Delivering innovative Go-to-Market strategies.

• Privately owned company incorporated on 18th February, 2019.

• It is classified as Non-Government Company and is registered at Registrar of Companies,


• Founder Director: Joydeb Mukherjee

• CEO: Debashish Sen

Why Acelot?
1. Experienced CXOs as advisory Council.

2. All Consultants are functional and industry segment Experts in their relevant fields.

3. Their methodology always define needs, develop concept, deliver initiative and determine

4. All programs are customized to meet the exact pain points.

5. They combine the rich experience of the Industry veterans with the cutting edge tools of
today’s technology creating new business from fresh ideas and actionable solutions.

6. They execute all our programs on ground – Walk the Talk.

7. They understand the needs of Large, Medium and Small Enterprises.

8. Their Transformation Solutions are driven by Technology.

9. Fact based, outward looking, fund friendly and data driven solutions.

10. A single window for every customer.



Website – https://acelot.in/

Industry- Management Consultancy

Company size- 6-10

Headquarters - Gurgugram, Haryana

Email - [email protected]

Type- Professional Training & Coaching

Founded- 2019

Specialties – Business Development & Transformations /Sales Execution/Training/Business

Strategy/ Consult, Coach, Mentor & Contract Services

No of Internship Students –100+

Student Ratings – 4.9/5

LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/company/accelot-business-services/

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/weacelot/

Instagram –https://www.instagram.com/acelot.innovation/?hl=en

Twitter - https://twitter.com/AcelotAcademy?s=08






Acelot 4 D Detail
Approach Strategy



Just like people, no two businesses are the same. The circumstances of the same business also
keep changing, hence different requirements beg for customised solutions. The fast pace of
changes make it imperative to be agile in our thinking and be creative with the solutions to
maintain profitable growth and scale.

Thus, at Acelot, it is crystal clear that for any advice or services or programs to be of any
relevance to the business they have to be customised for the business.

So, Acelot has developed a unique approach that they refer as 4D. It has proven to yield extra-
ordinary results.

(a) Discover

In this phase, they get a thorough understanding of the organization and their issues by engaging
with various stakeholders. The validation of concerns and issues is done by cross-referencing
and taking an outsider approach in perspective. They mutually arrive at the requirement that
needs to be fulfilled.

(b) Detail Strategy

The second and vital step is co-creating the solutions to address the need. The requirement is
addressed by developing solutions, through customizing principles and empirical philosophy to
the culture and circumstances of the business. Getting the buy-in of the stakeholders to the
proposed solution is a key step in the stage. Simplicity is at the core of all detailing.

(c) Deliver

The solution or program is delivered by experts. They adopt a hands-on approach with their
delivery process. Extensive use of technology and application of modern principles ensure time-
bound delivery with agreed milestones.

(d) Determine Impact

The people at Acelot understand that excellence is a journey and not a destination. Being critical
of self is the first step towards excellence. Keeping this in mind, they critically evaluate all the
deliverables in defined stages. They identify areas of improvement and implement course
correction. Thus starting the virtuous cycle of continuous improvement.







1. Consulting - Providing Strategic Insights and Recommendations

2. Coaching – Training, L&D Program, Leadership Coaching, Engagement
Program(Customer & Employee)
3. Contracting – Outsourced Services (SLA Based Delivery), Staffing

Corporate Office:
Acelot Innovation Private Limited
Plot No.-23, Sector-18, HSIDC Maruti Industrial Area, Gurugram, Haryana, 122015, India.
Contact Number: 9811949999
General Enquiry Email: [email protected]
Website: acelot.in


Location Number of Training Centres

Banglore 8
Delhi 4
Gurugram 3
Goa 1
Hyderabad 2
Mumbai 6
Noida 3
Pune 1
Dwarka 1
Manesar 1
Kolkata 1





1. People Development

The bespoke programs are designed to cater to the exact needs of an organization,
focusing to skill employees at all levels in an organization.

2. Campus to Corporate: Get that Job

They help students be prepared for interviews. They work with corporates and bring them
to Institutes for recruitment.

3. B2B Sales Management

B2B sales management is a complex process of managing multiple stakeholders both within the
salespersons organization and that of the clients.

4. Creating New Entrepreneurs

Acelopreneur is a unique program that is changing lives of young and dynamic individuals, who
want to set up their own business and be master of their destiny.

5. Marketing- Digital and Creative

We just don’t use various marketing tools. We use tools to deliver results using our
understanding of client’s business and the markets.

6. Building New Businesses

Creating a robust business plan assessing and addressing all the critical aspect of business is
essential to create sustained success.



Management consulting is the practice of helping organizations to improve their performance.

Organizations may draw upon the services of management consultants for a number of reasons,
including gaining external (and presumably objective) advice and access to the consultants'
specialized expertise.
As a result of their exposure to, and relationships with numerous organizations, consulting firms
are typically aware of industry "best practices." However, the specific nature of situations under
consideration may limit the ability to transfer such practices from one organization to another.
Consultancies may also provide organizational change management assistance, development
of coaching skills, process analysis, technology implementation, strategy development, or
operational improvement services. Management consultants often bring their own
proprietary methodologies or frameworks to guide the identification of problems, and to serve as
the basis for recommendations for more effective or efficient ways of performing work tasks.
Management consulting grew with the rise of management, as a unique field of study. One of the
first management consulting firms was Arthur D. Little Inc., founded in 1886 as a partnership,
and later incorporated in 1909. Though Arthur D. Little later became a general management
consultancy, it originally specialised in technical research.
As Arthur D. Little focused on technical research for the first few years, the first management
consultancy was started by Frederick Winslow Taylor, who in 1893 opened an independent
consulting practice in Philadelphia. His business card read "Consulting Engineer – Systematizing
Shop Management and Manufacturing Costs a Specialty". By inventing Scientific Management,
also known as Taylor's method, Frederick Winslow Taylor invented the first method of
organizing work, spawning the careers of many more management consultants. One of Taylor's
early collaborators, Morris Llewellyn Cooke, for example, opened his own management
consultancy in 1905. Taylor's method was used worldwide until industry switched to a method
invented by W. Edwards Deming.
The initial period of growth in the consulting industry was triggered by the Glass–Steagall
Banking Act in the 1930s, and was driven by demand for advice on finance, strategy, and
organization. From the 1950s onwards consultancies not only expanded their activities
considerably in the United States but also opened offices in Europe and later in Asia and South
America. After World War II, a number of new management consulting firms were formed,
bringing a rigorous analytical approach to the study of management and strategy. The postwar
years also saw the application cybernetics principles to management through the work
of Stafford Beer.
The industry experienced significant growth in the 1980s and 1990s, gaining considerable
importance in relation to national gross domestic product. In 1980 there were only five
consulting firms with more than 1,000 consultants worldwide, whereas by the 1990s there were
more than thirty firms of this size.
A period of significant growth in the early 1980s was driven by demand for strategy and
organization consultancies. The wave of growth in the 1990s was driven by both strategy and

information technology advice. In the second half of the 1980s, the big accounting firms entered
the IT consulting segment. The then Big Eight, now Big Four, accounting firms
(PricewaterhouseCoopers; KPMG; Ernst & Young; Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu) had always
offered advice in addition to their traditional services, but after the late 1980s these activities
became increasingly important in relation to the maturing market of accounting and auditing. By
the mid-1990s these firms had outgrown those service providers focusing on corporate strategy
and organization. While three of the Big Four legally divided the different service lines after the
Enron scandals and the ensuing breakdown of Arthur Andersen, they are now back in the
consulting business. In 2000, Andersen Consulting broke off from Arthur Andersen and
announced their new name: Accenture. The name change was effective starting January 1, 2001
and Accenture is currently one of the largest consulting firms in the world. They are publicly
traded on the NYSE with ticker ACN.
The industry stagnated in 2001 before recovering after 2003 and then enjoying a period of
sustained double-digit annual revenue growth until the financial crash of 2008/9. With Financial
Services and Government being two of the largest spenders on consulting services, the financial
crash and the resulting public sector austerity drives hit consulting revenues hard. In some
markets such as the UK there was even a recession in the consulting industry, something which
had never previously happened and has not happened since. There has been a gradual recovery in
the consulting industry's growth rate in the intervening years, with a current trend towards a
clearer segmentation of management consulting firms. In recent years, management consulting
firms actively recruit top graduates from Ivy League universities, Rhodes Scholars, and students
from top MBA programs.
In more recent times, traditional management consulting firms have had to face increasing
challenges from disruptive online marketplaces that are aiming to cater to the increasing number
of freelance management consulting professionals.



Management consulting firms in India will help your organization to globalize the business,
develop institutional capacity, and tackle the organizational challenges. All of the business
consulting firms in India have their specialization or cater to a specific set of industries.

 Grant Thornton LLP: Audit, Tax, and Advisory Services

Founded in Chicago in 1924, Grant Thornton LLP is the U.S. member firm of Grant Thornton
International Ltd, one of the world’s leading organizations of independent assurance, tax and
advisory firms. We have offices in 59 commercial centers throughout the United States,
represented by 594 partners and managing directors and over 8,500 personnel. Our annual
revenue exceeds $1.74 billion (USD).   

 KPMG : We inspire confidence and empower change

At KPMG, we inspire confidence and empower change in all we do. We challenge

ourselves to bring our absolute best to clients, to the public and to one another, every
single day. We set ourselves apart through our passion and pride, our expertise and our
curiosity, our inclusive culture and our focus on developing the leaders of tomorrow.

 Zinnov: Engineering & Digital focused

Founded in 2002, Zinnov – meaning Zeal in Innovation – A leading Management

Consulting firm that helps organizations globalize their businesses, tackle organizational
challenges & build institutional capability.

 RedSeer : Growth Focused Advisory

RedSeer is one of the largest and the most widely quoted internet focused consulting firms in
India. Our experience involves delivering more than 1000 engagements for 100+ clients across
the globe. What truly differentiates us is our proprietary methodologies along with high-quality
research to serve the end to end needs of the internet companies. We are leaders in private
equity, internet and growth focused advisory. We help clients understand the impact of digital on
their business and create a transformation strategy around it. We also work in automotive,
agriculture, consumer goods, retail, healthcare and education.

 Sathguru Management :Sathguru Catalysing Success

We are a premier consulting organization which has spearheaded business growth over the last
30 years. With the singular objective of catalyzing success for our clients, our service offerings
and expertise have evolved dynamically in response to our clients’ needs. Today we encompass
traditional consulting areas such as strategy, corporate finance, M&A and unique offerings such
as technology transfer and innovation advisory. We stand out in the consulting landscape with

our synergistic combination of holistic service offerings driven by truly integrated teams and
aversion to expertise in silos. Our clients usually love us most for our forward looking vision and
eye for opportunities combined with our unparalleled execution capability.

 BMGI India : Unlocking potential delivering results

BMGI India is the Indian arm of BMGI Global consulting firm specializing in providing
management consulting solutions to India and Asia Pacific region in strategy, innovation,
problem solving and business transformation across all industries and recognized as a world
leader in Performance Excellence. Over the years, we have partnered with clients in solving their
most critical business problems, helping them take better decisions, translate actions into results
and create sustainable business advantage.
Our competency lies in building a culture of innovation across the enterprise, planning and
deployment of strategic decisions that transcends from top management to the lowermost
execution level, solving business problems efficiently at all stages of growth and helping them
transform to leverage their own capabilities with changing market dynamics. Over the years we
have delivered ROI from 5:1 to 20:1 to our clients and cumulative benefits that go beyond
financial dimensions. Some of the few major clients we have partnered with in their roadmap to
success are Reliance Industries, ITC, Vodafone, Asian Paints and L&T, Accenture, Bajaj Auto,
HUL, Marico, Oracle.
We partner with clients to design solutions in the most efficient way, always with a strong
emphasis on people, objectivity, insight and insourcing. We assist our clients to in-source
capability for independently driving business improvements.
Headquartered in Longmont, Colorado, US, BMGI Global has developed a loyal clientele
catered from 15 offices across 13 countries. BMGI has delivered over $20 billion in cumulative
benefits to its clients.

 Tecnova : Making India Easy

Tecnova is an India entry and expansion management consulting firm, providing

workable strategy solutions and implementation assistance to foreign companies to
profitably enter and expand in one of the fastest growing economies in the world. Our
team of highly-experienced consultants have assisted numerous multinationals and
SMEs, both domestic and international on New market Entry Strategies which include
Acquisitions, Strategic Partnerships, Greenfield start-ups, Incubation support,
Executive search – we do not just advise on strategy but are accountable for the
execution. Continuous exposure to the leading marketing and technology trends in the
world and critically understanding their applicability to the Indian market is the way
we stay ahead and offer value to our clients. Tecnova has worked for 60+ industries
with a strong network of partners/associations across the globe. So far, we have served
over 1400 clients (many of these are Fortune 1000 Global companies) and provided
them with the results they wanted from us.

 Uc Strategy: Implement Strategy. Strengthen India

UC Strategy (Universal Consulting India Pvt Ltd) is a 25-year old Indian strategy consulting
firm based in Mumbai, with a team of around 54 people. Now in our third decade, UC Strategy
has worked with 350 multinational and Indian companies and completed 990 cases for them. UC
Strategy focuses on strategy creation and strategy execution in Life Sciences, MedTech,
Agribusiness & Food, Industrials and Banking & Financial Services. More than 75% of UC
Strategy’s work originates from existing clients and their referrals.

 Avalon Consulting : India's leading management consulting firm

Avalon Consulting, setup in 1989, is an international management consulting firm that advises
clients across the world on strategy, business transformation and innovation. It is part of the

Avalon Group which straddles the entire knowledge value chain. Avalon has engaged effectively
with clients across the spectrum of business covering corporations, financial institutions, private
equity companies, venture capitalists, government bodies and industry associations. We have
executed assignments in over 50 countries around the world giving us wide geographical
experience which enables us to maintain a global perspective while retaining the local flavor of
individual markets.

 KVP Business Solutions : Leading Salesforce.com Partner in India

KVP is an industry solution focused Salesforce.com partner with operating base in India. We
support our customer's digital journey using pre-built industry solution specifically designed on
We have migrated over 15,000 users on Salesforce.com cloud with over 350 projects across
BFSI (Banking & Finance), Manufacturing, Retail & Distribution, Hi-tech and Real
Estate. Our acceleratorsandre-usablesolutionprofile have often helped our customers automate
& simplify their business processes; with prebuilt industry solution that provides faster time to
market with quality and cost effectiveness. 
Our expertise is in supporting customer digital transformation journey using Salesforce.com’s
various clouds related to Sales, Marketing, Analytics, Service, Commerce, Integration &
Community, Platforms such as Force.com & Heroku, thus helping them manage their customer,
operations & transactions profitably, effectively and most important - securely.



 The company offers a great place to work and grow. The employees told that there is lot of
flexibility to develop at the place.
 All programs offered are customized to meet the exact pain points.
 Young and passionate expert people work who understands the need of the current market in
a better manner.

 A lot of financial crunches are being faced by the company due to being a startup.
 The workforce is neither enough to take the business ahead nor they can afford to have more.
 Being a startup it does not have experienced and loyal employees. 

 They hire a lot of interns to explore the fresh talent and if found satisfactory they absorb
them too in their workforce.
 Hiring of intern is beneficial in further growth and expansion plan of the company.
 Investing some funds in CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) would not fetch good name
in the market but also boost its revenue as well.
 A lot of big giants are already playing, so to compete with them who are already established
is a matter of concern for the company.
 Economic Slowdown due to Covid-19 is badly hampering the economy as a whole.



1. McKinsey & Company

2. The Boston Consulting Group

3. Bain & Company

4. A.T. Kearney

5. Arthur D. Little

6. Oliver Wayman







(i) To find the overall impact of summer internship on student’s career.

(ii) To understand the student’s preference while choosing summer internship.

(iii) To explore the various challenges faced by the students in the summer internship.

(iv) To know whether work from home opportunity is fruitful in case of interns.



This project is designed to study and analyse the impact of summer internships on student’s
career. It also includes study of intern’s perception about the summer internship. The project
involves study of intern’s behaviour. It also helps us to understand the attitude of people towards
the internships and how existing interns plays a great role in the success of a company. This
research involves interacting with various interns and getting feedback about the internship,
surveying through questionnaire and analysing the results. The main aim of the research is to
study the impact of summer internships on student’s career and factors that influence the
student’s preference while choosing internship.


Descriptive Research

A research design in which the major emphasis is on determining the frequency with which
something occurs. For example, how often users access internet in a given month. The focus of
descriptive research is to provide an accurate description for something that is occurring.

Data Source

In this project both primary data as well as secondary data are used.

Primary Data

Primary data is the collected by the investigator himself. It is the First Hand Information.
Primary data used in this project is collected through three sources:

Questionnaire Method

Direct Personal Interview Method

Observation Method

Secondary Data

It is not possible to collect first-hand information for each & everything so, secondary data from
various sources like Internet, A. C Neilson ‘s report on Jan, 2007, Information from television
channels like CNBC, Z Business, NDTV Profit etc. and Indian Infoline Website. Sampling A
fine subset of the population, selected from it with the objectives of investigating its properties is
called a sample and the number of unit in the sample is known as sample size. Sampling is a tool
which enables us to draw conclusion about the characteristics of the population after studying
only those subjects or items that are included in the sample. In sampling method only few units
of the population are considered. The choice of an appropriate sampling design is of keeping in
view the objectives and scope of the enquiry and the type of the universe to be sampled.

Sampling techniques:

Random sampling

Non random sampling

Random sampling

A random sampling is done in such a way that each member of the universe has a change of
being selected, which enables statistics procedures to be used under the result to estimate

Non Random sampling

In the non-random sampling the chance of any particular unit in the population being selected is
unknown. The judgments sampling method under non-random sampling method was adopted for
the study with a sample size of 100 respondents, which are chosen in a judgment manner from
the customer. In this method a designed number of sample unit is selected deliberately or
purposely depending upon the objectives of the enquirer so that only the important items
representing the true characteristics of the population are included in the sample.

Area of sampling

In this study primary data plays a vital role. The process of choosing the correct number of
respondents is nothing but sampling procedure.

Sampling area: Gurugram

Sampling Size

100 is the number of items to be selected from the universe to constitute the sample. The method
used here is convenience sampling, where the samples are selected in such a manner that suits
the convenience.

Sample Method: Convenience Sampling


Date: 06-06-20
Starting I started doing internship as an HR Executive in Acelot Innovation Private
Internship Limited.

Date: 13-06-20
Problem When I worked there, I identify there were a lot of interns doing internship in
Identificat thhe company. So, I thought of doing a study on interns.

Date: 15-06-20
Used I explored various research papers to supplement my study to make it more
Googgle concrete.

Date: 18-06-20
Topic & After looking at various studies related to interns, I finalise my topic for the research by
Objective consulting my faculty and industry mentor. Thereby, identifying the objectives as well.

Date: 20-06-20
Questionn The next step after the topic and objectives was to create a questionnaire
aire keeping mind the various objectives of the study.

Date: 25-06-20
Administe After preparing the questionnaire, I administered it on a sample 100 interns in
r the company.

Date: 10-07-20
Company Company details was collected for the purpose of the project.

Date: 13-07-20
Data After collecting all the details of the company, I prepared the data analysis on the
Analysis basis of responses collected by the questionnaire and personal observation.

Date: 17-07-20
Findings After doing the data analysis, I shared my findings in the project.

Date: 21-07-20
Conclusi Finally, on the last date of my internsip I concluded my project with the help
on of my mentors.



 Journal article McHugh, P. (2017) also revealed in his study that impact of
compensation, supervision and work design on internship efficacy: Implications for
educators, employers and prospective interns Journal of Education and Work, 30(4),
367-382. Supervisor support and mentoring are significant predictors of internship
efficacy. Good literature review, focus on specific outcome and internship
characteristic variables; little insight into employer behaviors/ student experiences.
 Bogdana, Mihaela, & Anca-Iona, 2012.Internship is a type of hand on training. As the
first step in professional career, internship does not mean an advance in career.
However, as a supplement of theoretical education, it helps the students to gain new
skills and experiences in practice and to reach the relevant field of business
 Internships are especially helpful for enthusiastic students who want to gain some
practical experience about the work by working in a business. They give the young
candidates the opportunity to practice their theoretical knowledge and develop their
skills and experiences within the sector (Bogdana et al., 2012).
 Internship experiences are observed to become more important every day in terms of
academic educations of students and establishing their connection with the business
world. In addition, internships provide the students with the necessary skills to be
effective in the work environment (Chinomona & Surujlal, 2012).
 Chen, Hu, Wang, & Chen, 2011.Internship is the perfect opportunity for the students
to complement their knowledge and skills. The learning experience in the period of
internship impacts the learning outcomes and attitudes of the students toward their
future career.
 Journal article Klein, M. & Weiss, F. (2011) is forcing them worth the effort?
Benefits of mandatory internships for graduates from diverse family backgrounds at
labour market entry Studies in Higher Education, 36(8), 969-987. Mandatory
internships do not have a positive effect on labor market outcomes, especially for 1st
generation students. Longitudinal analysis of 2,594 German students, little insight
into employers’ reasons; little insight into employer behaviors/student experiences. .
 Gupta, Burns, & Schiferl, 2010.Internship is an important means thatstudents need to
get to know the businessworld by working in it and to implement theinformation they
acquired during their theory-Internship Satisfaction of Students of Hospitality.
 The study of Narayanan, V. K., Olk, P. M., &Fukami (2010) was based on
determinants of internship effectiveness: An exploratory model Academy of
Management Learning & Education, 9(1), 61-80. Aspects of employer and university
actions impact student satisfaction. Good literature review, rigorous methodology,
and innovative 3-stage model; little insight into employer behaviors/ student

 The professional education given by educators of tourism is determined to be
inadequate, and some studies also suggested that it is not being fully implemented
from an ethical perspective (Uzu¨mcu¨ &Bayraktar, 2004)
 Practitioner guide Univ of Notre Dame, Career Center An employer’s guide to
developing an internship program Notre Dame Career Center 4-step guide for
program design (planning, description, recruitment, management) thorough guide for
employer considerations before launching internship program



Q1. The internship experience is able/prepared me to be a better employee in the future?

Particulars Respondent Percentage

Yes 92 92%

No 8 8%

Interpretation: It can be seen that 92 out of 100 interns believes that the internship prepared
them to be a better employee in the future.

Q2. The internship experience provided me with the relevant knowledge and practical
experience to assist me in adapting myself to my future working environment.

Particulars Respondent Percentage

Yes 89 89%

No 11 11%

Interpretation: It can be observed that 89 interns believes that their internship experience
provided them with the relevant knowledge and practical experience while 11 interns believes it
not to be so.

Q3. Is stipend the only way to motivate a student to do internship?

Particulars Respondent Percentage

Yes 14 14%
No 55 55%
Maybe 31 31%

Interpretation: It was concluded that for 55% interns stipend is a way to motivate them for

Q4. As per you view, what other things motivates you to do the best in internship?

Particulars Respondent Percentage

Recognition 54 54%

Autonomy 16 16%

Opportunity of PPO 66 66%

Certificate 66 66%

Corporate Exposure 59 59%

Other 1 1%

Interpretation: It can be observed that 55% of the interns feel motivated to internship due to
recognition, 16% due to autonomy, 66% for both opportunity for PP0 and Certificate (which is
the highest), 59% due to Corporate Exposure and 1% for other reasons.

Q5. The internship attachment will provide me with the necessary information and
experiences to choose the right career path upon post graduation.

Particulars Respondent Percentage

Strongly Disagree 5 5%

Disagree 3 3%

Neutral 18 18%

Agree 53 53%

Strongly Agree 21 21%

Interpretation: As per the observation, majority of interns which is 53% agrees that the
internship attachment will provide me with the necessary information and experiences to choose
the right career path upon post graduation. 5% strongly disagree, 3% disagree, 18% are neutral
and 21% strongly agree.

Q6. The internship experience has helped me to relate the theories learnt in the classroom
to the work environment.

Particulars Respondent Percentage

Strongly Disagree 7 7%

Disagree 7 7%

Neutral 22 22%

Agree 44 44%

Strongly Agree 20 20%

Interpretation: It can be seen that 44% interns agrees that the internship experience has helped
me to relate the theories learnt in the classroom to the work environment. This is followed by
22% which says it as neutral, 20% for strongly agree and 7% each for strongly disagree and

Q7. The internship helped me to develop my:

(Please rate 1 in case of least and 5 in case of highest)

Particulars Ratings Total

1 2 3 4 5

Problem Solving 7 21 30 20 22 100

Communication 10 16 29 20 25 100
Interpersonal 8 13 32 22 25 100
Personal 7 11 34 20 28 100
Confidence and
Self Esteem

Interpretation: We can very clearly identify from the graph that personal confidence and self
esteem are found to be developed in maximum and problem solving skills are very less
developed during the internship.

Q8. The internship experience is able to give me the exposure of the latest technology
adopted in the workplace.

Particulars Respondent Percentage

Strongly Disagree 5 5%

Disagree 6 6%

Neutral 27 27%

Agree 47 47%

Strongly Agree 15 15%

Interpretation: As per the observation, 47% interns agrees that the internship experience is able
to give them the exposure of the latest technology adopted in the workplace. 27% are in neutral,
15% strongly agree, 5% strongly disagree and 6% disagree.

Q9. The internship attachment had given me the opportunity to build up rapport and
networking with the people in the industry and business area.

(Please rate 1 in case of least and 5 in case of highest)

Ratings Particulars Respondent Percentage

1 Fair 6 6%
2 Average 8 8%
3 Good 22 22%
4 Very Good 42 42%
5 Excellent 22 22%

Interpretation: As per the survey conducted, it can be seen that 4 rating has got the highest vote
which is 42% near to almost half of the sample, followed by 3 and 5 rating each having 22%, 2
rating having 8% and lowest 1 rating for 6%.

Q10. Rate the importance of each of the following when you are considering an internship.
Click the appropriate button on the following 5-point scale to indicate the rating.

(Please rate 1 in case of least and 5 in case of highest)

Particulars Ratings Total

1 2 3 4 5

Resume/CV 9 6 31 23 31 100
Skill 3 11 28 26 32 100
Networking 7 13 28 24 28 100
Challenging 6 9 30 31 24 100
Recognizable 4 17 27 25 27 100
Company Name

Interpretation: It can be observed that skill development is the major factor for doing internship
followed by Resume/CV Building and challenging assignments is the factor which is not given a
lot of heat.

Q11. What are the most important hurdles in completing an internship? Click the
appropriate button on the following scale to indicate the rating:

Particulars Ratings Total
Least Moderate High
Application 35 44 21 100
Distance from 19 57 24 100
Time Commitment 18 45 37 100
Priorities (e.g., 18 45 37 100

Interpretation: It can be observed that time commitment and priority are the most important
hurdles in the internship.

Q12. What do you prefer more in Internship? 

Particulars Respondent Percentage
Work from Home 19 19%
Going to Office 22 22%
Mix of Both 59 59%

Interpretation: As per the survey, we can see that majority of interns (i.e. 59%) prefer both
work from home as well as office. 22% prefer going to office whereas least number of interns
(i.e. 19%) prefer work from home.

Q13. Rate the relationship between you and your mentor? 

(The relationship rating should be based on knowledge sharing, mentoring, guidance and
motivation by mentor)

Ratings Particulars Respondent Percentage

1 Fair 8 8%
2 Average 5 5%
3 Good 12 12%
4 Very Good 40 40%
5 Excellent 35 35%

Interpretation: Maximum interns voted for very good relationship with the mentor which is
40%, next to which stands excellent relationship which stands for 35%, 12% for good
relationship, 8% for fair and 5% for average.

Q14. Overall Experience of Internship?

Ratings Particulars Respondent Percentage

1 Fair 5 5%
2 Average 6 6%
3 Good 23 23%
4 Very Good 37 37%
5 Excellent 29 29%

Interpretation: It can be seen that majority of interns (37%) falls under Very Good Experience
of Internship, followed by 29% having Excellent Experience, 23% having Good Experience, 6%
having Average Experience and 5% with Fair Experience.



1. Interns are prepared to be a better employee in the future due to the internship opportunity
provided to them. There are, of course, certain interns who think that their internship didn’t
prepared them to be a better employee. But on interacting with them, I got to know that they
themselves didn’t perform their internship well.

2. Interns had a very good relationship with the mentor which helps to create significant
experience in their career. There were certain interns who claimed that their mentors didn’t guide
or motivate them for work, which creates a hurdle in their learning curve.

3. Though due to Covid-19 sceneraio, virtual or remote working has become a new normal and
mostly all the interns had done a virtual internship in the year 2020. But interns are of the
opinion that there should a mix of both work from home as well as office working. The reason
for this is there are certain skills and attributes which can be developed only when we get inside
the battlefield.

4. The interns were suffering from a learning disability “I am my Position” i.e. they are very
rigid related to their job profile which ultimately leads to decline in their learning curve. For
instance, when HR interns were asked to help in sales they were not very much willing to do it
calling it beyond their job description. Similarly, Marketing interns were rigid to do work related
to HR like posting vacancies on Social Media sites.

5. Stipend is not the only way to motivate somebody to do internship but there are certain other
factors as well like Corporate Exposure, PPO, Certificate, etc.

6. The internship attachment provided them with the necessary information and experiences to
choose the right career path upon post graduation. Undoubtedly, interns believe that the
corporate exposure through this internship is going to be very fruitful to them.

7. Time Commitment and priorities creates most hurdles in completing an internship for an

8. Skill Development, Resume/ CV and networking are improved a lot due to internship.



The research findings have indicated that internship seem to have several effective benefits
overall. Internships apparently do make a difference. Nevertheless, internships can be improved
in several ways:

1. Removing the learning disability: The interns were suffering from a learning disability “I
am my Position” i.e. they are very rigid related to their job profile which ultimately leads to
decline in their learning curve. For instance, when HR interns were asked to help in sales they
were not very much willing to do it calling it beyond their job description. This should not be the
situation rather interns should go over and beyond to explore different domains which will be
benefit them in the long run.

2. Active Student participation in the process: One important variable is active student
participation in the process, whether in the form of an active voice in setting up the intern project
or as freedom in carrying out the project.

3. Active Employer participation in the process: The more effective internships seemed to be
those in which the employer first defined the project and skills needed and then tried to match
student skills with project requirements.

4. Clear Expectations: Students who had well-defined programs with clear tasks seems to
perform better than those who participated in open-ended programs with less-defined objectives.

5. Building mentoring into the internship program: Students who have mentors in their
internship programs tend to have better experiences. Mentors can help students navigate the
organisation and learn valuable skills for their career aspirations.

6. Keeping a Journal: Writing about problem solving and other experiences in internships can
provide insights and understanding about careers and organisations. Moreover, keeping a journal
can reveal how expectations change over the duration of internship.



Following are the important limitations faced during the research work undertaken:

1. It was highly expensive and time consuming.

2. The research is carried out on interns who are human beings. Human beings have a tendency
to behave artificially when they know that they are being observed.
3. Subjectivity is the main limitation of the study. It is very difficult to verify the research
4. The projects generally took longer time. The time by which the research results are presented
market situation can undergo a change.
5. The study was confined to Gurugram.



While workplace learning has many benefits, some of which are well documented, this review
has demonstrated there is considerable variation in many aspects of the quality of internship
programming and experiences, all of which require substantial support from faculty, academic
career services professionals, and employers in order to ensure that outcomes are maximized.
While internships may confer many benefits to students, the unplanned and unsupported
expansion of internship requirements opens universities and employers to a host of legal and
ethical issues and is unlikely to expand those benefits to students, and may in cases actually
frustrate the academic, developmental and career attainment of students..Training interns
throughout the internship period: As known, students go through internships to use the
theoretical knowledge they acquired during their education as well as to familiarize themselves
with the sector. Thus, internships constitute a phase in their education. That is why businesses
should try to teach and to communicate know-how of the sector to their interns. Organizing
regular training events for the interns at certain periods and providing training by experienced
employees are thought to be beneficial. Students should not be seen as people who will lighten
the workload during their internship periods, and it is thought that businesses should make
attempts to make the students more knowledgeable about the job and the sector and to help them
gain experience. Fair management behavior with respect to interns: Managers should treat
interns the same way they treat other employees of the business. A business should not have
managers who do not treat interns in a fair way because they consider them short-term
employees. Managers should not forget that the students get to know the sector and the job
through their internships. At this stage, a bad experience would push them away from the sector
and a good one would enable them to love and to try to be useful for the sector.



• http://www.naceweb.org/about-us/advocacy/position-statements/position-statement-us-

• “Designing a Successful Internship Program.” Business Career Center, University of

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• Internships: An Employer’s Guide to Developing an Internship Program.”


• www.wikipidea.org

• The Ultimate Guide to Internships: 100 Steps to Get a Great Internship and Thrive in It
Eric Woodard.

• Ferguson Career Resource Guide to Internships and Summer Jobs, 2-Volume Set Carol

● The Times Of India

● Economic Times

● Business Standard

•Narayanan, V. K., Olk, P. M., &Fukami, C. V. (2010). Determinants of internship
effectiveness: An exploratory model. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 9(1),

• McHugh, P. P. (2017). The impact of compensation, supervision and work design on

internship efficacy: implications for educators, employers and prospective interns.
Journal of Education and Work
• Bogdana, A. B., Mihaela, L., & Anca-Iona, M. (2012).Internship roles in training and
professional developmentof student. Annals of Faculty of Economics, 1(1), 986–991.
 Chen, T. C., Hu, J. L., Wang, C. C.,&Chen, C. F. (2011).A study of the effects of
internship experiences on thebehavioural intentions of college students majoring in
leisure management in Taiwan. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism
Education, 10(2), 61–73.
 Chinomona, R., & Surujlal, J. (2012). The influence ofstudent internship work
experience on their self-improvement and professionalism in sport management.African
Journal for Physical, Health Education,Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD), 18(2), 885–
 Journal 61: 1531–1560. 21 Perlin, R. (2011). Intern nation: How to earn nothing and
learn little in the brave new economy. Brooklyn, NY: Verso. 22 McHugh, 2016. Ibid
 Svacina, L. (2012). A review of research on unpaid internship legal issues: Implications
for career services professionals.” Journal of Cooperative Education & Internship
 Internship Satisfaction of Students of Hospitality and Impact of Internship on the
Professional Development and Industrial Perception by FarukSeyitoğlu&SevketYirik




Q1. Gender?



Prefer Not to say

Q2. The internship experience is able/prepared me to be a better employee in the future?



Q3. The internship experience provided me with the relevant knowledge and practical
experience to assist me in adapting myself to my future working environment.



Q4. Is stipend the only way to motivate a student to do internship?




Q5. As per you view, what other things motivates you to do the best in internship?

(a) Recognition

(b) Autonomy

(c) Opportunity of PPO

(d) Certificate

(e) Corporate Exposure

(f) Other

Q6. The internship attachment will provide me with the necessary information and
experiences to choose the right career path upon post graduation.

Strongly Disagree




Strongly Agree

Q7. The internship experience has helped me to relate the theories learnt in the classroom
to the work environment.

Strongly Disagree




Strongly Agree

Q8. The internship helped me to develop my:

(Please rate 1 in case of least and 5 in case of highest)

(a) Problem Solving Skills 1 2 3 4 5

(b) Communication Skills 1 2 3 4 5

(c) Interpersonal Skills 1 2 3 4 5

(d) Personal Confidence and Self Esteem 1 2 3 4 5

Q9. The internship experience is able to give me the exposure of the latest technology
adopted in the workplace.

Strongly Disagree




Strongly Agree

Q10. The internship attachment had given me the opportunity to build up rapport and
networking with the people in the industry and business area.

(Please rate 1 in case of least and 5 in case of highest)

1 2 3 4 5

Q11. Rate the importance of each of the following when you are considering an internship.
Click the appropriate button on the following 5-point scale to indicate the rating.

(Please rate 1 in case of least and 5 in case of highest)

(a) Resume/CV Building 1 2 3 4 5

(b) Skill Development 1 2 3 4 5

(c) Networking 1 2 3 4 5

(d) Challenging Assignments 1 2 3 4 5

(e) Recognizable Company Name 1 2 3 4 5

Q12. What are the most important hurdles in completing an internship? Click the
appropriate button on the following scale to indicate the rating:

(a) Application Process Least Moderate High

(b) Distance from Home Least Moderate High

(c) Time Commitment Least Moderate High

(d) Priorities (e.g., classes, relationships, etc.) Least Moderate High

Q13. What do you prefer more in Internship? 

Working from home

Going to Office

Mix of them

Q14. Rate the relationship between you and your mentor? 

(The relationship rating should be based on knowledge sharing, mentoring, guidance and
motivation by mentor)

Fair Average Good Very Good Excellent

Q15. Overall Experience of Internship?

Fair Average Good Very Good Excellent


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