HSSC 2 Phy Paper Preboard
HSSC 2 Phy Paper Preboard
HSSC 2 Phy Paper Preboard
Time allowed: 25 minutes Marks: 17
a. ɛ=V+IR b. ɛ= V-IR
c.ɛ= IR-V d. ɛ=V+R
SECTION – B (7 * 3 = 21)
Q.2 Attempt any SEVEN parts. All parts carry equal marks.
i. How does a current carrying wire behave like a bar magnet?
ii. Water has large dielectric constant ,but is rarely used in capacitors why?
iii. Why rise in temperature of a conductor is accompanied by rise in resistance ?
iv. Increase of cross-sectional area of a material decreases its resistance. Explain.
v. What changes would be required to convert a DC- motor into DC- generator?
vi. . Explain from ɛ=ΔΦ / Δ t is dimensionally correct.
vii. What factors limit the size of back emf.
viii. Using the formula F ⃗ = I L ⃗ XB ⃗define Tesla.
ix. Electric lines of force never cross. Why?
x. What is the cyclotron frequency of a charged particle of mass m, charge q
,moving in magnetic field B.
SECTION – C (7 * 3 = 21)
Q.3 Attempt any SEVEN parts. All parts carry equal marks.
i. Why ultra violet radiation is harmful to skin while visible light is not?
ii. Explain why CE configuration is widely used in amplifier circuit?
iii. How can we use transistor as a switch?
iv. Why don’t we observe Compton effect with visible light?
v. How can we control intensity and energy of X-ray beam from a production unit?
vi. Why are large nuclei unstable?.
vii. How can Insulator nature of material be explained using Band Theory of
viii. X-Rays can emit electrons from metal surface and X-rays can be Diffracted
ix. Which has more energy a photon of ultra violet radiation or yellow light ?
.x. What do we mean by ‘Mass Defect’ for a nucleus?
SECTION – D (2 * 13 = 26)
Note: Attempt any TWO questions. All questions carry equal marks.
c. Explain why Laser action could not occur without population inversion between
atomic levels? (3)