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HSSC 2 Phy Paper Preboard

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IMCG G-9/2

Time allowed: 25 minutes Marks: 17

Note: Section-A is compulsory and comprises pages 1-3. All parts of

this section are to be answered on the question paper itself. It should be
completed in the first 20 minutes

Q.1 Encircle the correct option i.e. A / B / C / D. Each part carries

one mark.
i The principle of electric generator based on

a) faraday law b) Coulomb;s law

c) ampere’s law d) Lenz’s law
ii) moving charge is surrounded by
)2 fields b) 3 fields
c)4 fields d) none of thes
iii. The value of resistance shown in figure is:
A. 0 B. 100
C. 103 D. ∞
iv. Terminal potential difference is ______ smaller than the actual emf.
A. always B. Never
C. sometimes D. Need more data
v. Two long parallel wires, carrying current in same direction, ________ each other.
A. attract B. repel
C. sometimes attract D Sometimes repel
vi. A one micro farad capacitor of a TV is subjected to4000 V potential difference .The energy
stored in capacitor is
A. 8 j B. 16 j
C. 10 j D . None
vii. A 150 turn solenoid moves with 11 m/s in a uniform 1 T field. Induced emf in it shall be:
A. 1650 V B. 150 V C. 0 V D. 11 V
viii. 14. Superconductors are used in
a. fast computer chips b. magnetic resonance imaging
c. magnetic levitation trains d. all
ix. Amperes law is applicable to
A. circular path B. rectangular path
C. to any close path D. none
x.The device in which statically induced emf is produced is _________
A. Transformer B. Ac generator
C. Alternator D. Dynamo
xi. Diode current in reverse bias is ________ than forward bias current.
A. Greater B. Same
C. Smaller D. Insufficient Data
xii. Back emf of motor can be expressed as

a. ɛ=V+IR b. ɛ= V-IR
c.ɛ= IR-V d. ɛ=V+R

xiii. Iron has _______curie temperature.

A. 250oC B. 450oC
C. 650oC D. 750oC
xiv. Out of given particles which has the smallest wavelength if the energy of all is
A. electron B. Proton
C. alpha-particle D. neutron
xv. A beam of yellow and a beam of violet light have same energy. Which has greater number of
A. Yellow B. violet
C. both have same photons D. need more data
xvi. Can a 2.2 eV photon can stimulate an atom with ground state at 3 eV and Meta stable state
at 5 eV?
A. Yes B. sometimes
C. never D. Insufficient data
xvii. Eddy curreents are produced when
A. A metal is kept in varying magnetic field
B. A metal is kept in steady magnetic field
C. A circular coil is kept in varying magnetic field
D. A metal is passed through a circular coil
Time allowed: 2.35 hours Total Marks: 68
Note: Sections ‘B’ ‘C’ and ‘D’ comprise pages 1-2 and questions therein are to be
answered on the separately provided answer book. Answer any seven parts each
from section ‘B’ and section ‘C’ and any two questions from section ‘D’. Use
supplementary answer sheet i.e., sheet B if required. Write your answers neatly and

SECTION – B (7 * 3 = 21)

Q.2 Attempt any SEVEN parts. All parts carry equal marks.
i. How does a current carrying wire behave like a bar magnet?
ii. Water has large dielectric constant ,but is rarely used in capacitors why?
iii. Why rise in temperature of a conductor is accompanied by rise in resistance ?
iv. Increase of cross-sectional area of a material decreases its resistance. Explain.
v. What changes would be required to convert a DC- motor into DC- generator?
vi. . Explain from ɛ=ΔΦ / Δ t is dimensionally correct.
vii. What factors limit the size of back emf.
viii. Using the formula F ⃗ = I L ⃗ XB ⃗define Tesla.
ix. Electric lines of force never cross. Why?
x. What is the cyclotron frequency of a charged particle of mass m, charge q
,moving in magnetic field B.

SECTION – C (7 * 3 = 21)

Q.3 Attempt any SEVEN parts. All parts carry equal marks.
i. Why ultra violet radiation is harmful to skin while visible light is not?
ii. Explain why CE configuration is widely used in amplifier circuit?
iii. How can we use transistor as a switch?
iv. Why don’t we observe Compton effect with visible light?
v. How can we control intensity and energy of X-ray beam from a production unit?
vi. Why are large nuclei unstable?.
vii. How can Insulator nature of material be explained using Band Theory of
viii. X-Rays can emit electrons from metal surface and X-rays can be Diffracted
ix. Which has more energy a photon of ultra violet radiation or yellow light ?
.x. What do we mean by ‘Mass Defect’ for a nucleus?

SECTION – D (2 * 13 = 26)
Note: Attempt any TWO questions. All questions carry equal marks.

Q.4 a. Write a note on half wave rectifier (6)

b. What do you know about binding energy. (4)
c. Find magnetic field due to current carrying solenoid? (3)

Q.5 a. What is a capacitor? Derive an expression for the capacitance of a parallel

plate capacitor. (6)
b. ). what is wheat stone bridge? Explain and prove the principle of wheat stone
bridge ? How can it be used to find the unknown resistance of a wire? (4)
c. what do you know about R-L series circuit (3)
Q.6 a. What is Photoelectric Effect? What were its chief features which couldn’t be
explained by classical physics? How was Einstein able to explain it? What was
the relation he gave between incident energy and the energy of emitted electron?
b. ). what is Faraday”s law of electromagnetic induction?(4)

c. Explain why Laser action could not occur without population inversion between
atomic levels? (3)

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