Jurnal Pertahanan: The Establishment of Pancasila As The Grounding Principles of Indonesia
Jurnal Pertahanan: The Establishment of Pancasila As The Grounding Principles of Indonesia
Jurnal Pertahanan: The Establishment of Pancasila As The Grounding Principles of Indonesia
Jurnal Pertahanan
Media Informasi tentang Kajian dan Strategi Pertahanan
yang Mengedepankan Identity, Nationalism dan Integrity
e-ISSN: 2549-9459
Megawati Soekarnoputri
Universitas Pertahanan Republik Indonesia
IPSC Sentul Area, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia 16810
[email protected]
Article history: Grounding Pancasila is the driving force and energy to make
Received : April 10, 2021 Pancasila in the concept of political, economic, social, cultural,
Revised : April 24, 2021 as well as mental and spiritual development. The study aims to
Accepted : April 25, 2021 analyze the power of Pancasila as a basic assumption of
Indonesian to respond to recent challenges faced by this
country. This study employs a deconstruction approach that
Keywords: aims to describe how Pancasila become Indonesia's Basic
Nation Principles. The historical methods are heuristics, verification,
Pancasila, interpretation, and historiography. Sources of data obtained are
Philosophische Grondslag, reading Soekarno's thoughts through his work "Under the Flag
Soekarno of Revolution". Soekarno's formulation of Pancasila thought
was rooted in a sense of nationalism that wishes the Indonesian
people to live side by side in peace and prosperity, and integrate
all elements. This study concludes that as a basic philosophy
(philosophische grondslag), Pancasila becomes a basic
guideline for the Indonesian people in looking at the reality of
the universe, humans, society, nation, and state about the
meaning of life and the basis for Indonesian people to solve
DOI: problems faced in life and our existence.
.1206 © 2021 Published by Indonesia Defense University
Soekarnoputri /Jurnal Pertahanan Vol. 7 No. 1 (2021) pp. 122-136
(BPUPKI), the first president of the Meanwhile, more and more people in
Republic of Indonesia, Dr. (H.C.) Ir. H. society ignore human values. Imposing its
Soekarno (hereinafter referred to as Bung own will, there is no dialogue, let alone
Karno), introduced 5 precepts, which democracy (Setiyono & Triyana, 2014).
consisted of Nationality, Internationalism What is done, it is only obedience that is
and Humanity, Consensus or Democracy, born from the character of totalitarian
Social Justice or Welfare, and Godhead power and carried out in totalitarian ways.
(Soekarno, 1964). Soekarno proposed a For them, terror and propaganda are the key
basic draft of Pancasila which embodied the ways to gain power. The value of unity that
spirit of ‘all for all’. Pancasila used not only is contained in the 3rd principle of Pancasila
as a unifying ideology and boundaries for is also fading. This is evident from the
the life and interests of the nation but also increasing number of cases of conflict
as a basis and philosophy. It is the way of between community groups (Zahrafani,
life for the nation or in other Amin, & As, 2017). Also, hate speech has
words ’Philosophische Grondslag' the same increased through various social media
as with the concept for some thought or as accounts. The democratic value of
'Weltanschauung', from that, Indonesia Pancasila (principle 4) has also been further
nation was founded (Soekarno, 1964). weakened by the increasingly widespread
Pancasila is both an impression practice of money politics and identity
(crystallization) of the noble nation's ideals politics or making ethnicity, ethnicity,
and the real picture of society's life in culture, religion, or others a political tool
Indonesia. Pancasila has now passed the (Fauzi, 2017). Not only that, they are
final stage as philosophy and ideology completely anti-diversity. That is what
(Shofiana, 2014). Pancasila's formulation arises with various racial problems.
currently is the most perfect and acceptable Meanwhile, the value of social justice
to the nation's condition. Nevertheless, the (principle 5) is being eroded by the
ideology of Pancasila still faces a widespread practice of abuse of power by
formidable challenge. The major challenge some public officials, at the central or
to the existence of Pancasila came not only regional levels (Fanani, 2017).
from the opponents like communism but Faced with such a big challenge, it
also the insiders who fail in interpreting the should be the responsibility of the author to
values of Indonesia’s ideology. Another ground Pancasila as a driving force and
challenge emerged from the community energy in society, nation, and state. Strive to
who drift out with the currents globalization make Pancasila as a guideline for
phenomenon that tends to worship liberal development planning in all areas of life,
principles and make their way on leaving both in the political, economic, social,
the values of Pancasila (Keraf & Kollo, cultural, defense and security sectors, as
2019). It must be admitted that up to now well as in the environmental sector, in
the philosophical value of Pancasila has not political legislative decisions, budget
been a habitual action in the everyday life politics, and supervision politics. Striving to
of Indonesian citizens. As a consequence, make Pancasila live and provide its people,
we ended up with conflict and mobilization. especially in five priority areas, namely the
The failure then leads to the dialogue gap fields of clothing, food, and health, labor
between community and government tends and social security, infrastructure and the
to build a consensus that only satisfies the environment, and most importantly in the
public needs. For example, regarding fields of religion-belief, mental-spiritual
worship towards God, few people omit their and culture.
beliefs. But at the same time, more and It has been a year since Indonesia and the
more people are also exposed to religious world rocked by the COVID-19. The world
radicalism (Keraf & Kollo, 2019). is forced to enter a new civilization, which
Soekarnoputri /Jurnal Pertahanan Vol. 7 No. 1 (2021) pp. 122-136
is precisely what should open our inner eyes, what can and should be known is the traces
mind, and soul. This is the time for of the truth itself and not the truth itself.
Indonesian people to be truly consistent and Trace (imprint) is mysterious and
truly implement the Pancasila. Indonesia undisclosed, appearing as the power and
nation needs Pancasila to be implemented. shaping of writing, penetrating and
In crisis times like this, our faith in energizing his activity as a whole.
Almighty God is tested, tested to continue The historical method referred to the
to fight with endeavors and trust for techniques for conducting historical
humanity in a spirit of unity. Enlighten the research on written materials, the so-called
spirit of kinship and cooperation led by a sources (Iggers, 2005), which consists of
policy that strives for the state in continuing stages, namely heuristics, verification, and
to maintain life and livelihood, which is interpretation (Lorenz, 2006). Heuristics is
prosperous, orderly, and peaceful. Social a stage to locate the relevant sources, while
justice for all Indonesian people. Thus, the in the verification stage, the temporal and
purpose of this study is to analyze the power spatial origins of the sources are established
of Pancasila as a basic assumption of as well as their authenticity. Finally, in the
Indonesian to respond to recent challenges interpretation stage is the cleansed
described above. information derived from the sources is put
together through interpretation to infer
METHODS 'what happened' (Lorenz, 2006).
To answer the problems mentioned earlier, In collecting data, this study follows the
this study uses a deconstruction approach. trace concept by reading Soekarno's
Deconstruction is a method of reading text. thoughts through his work "Under the Flag
It was originated by the philosopher of Revolution" (Soekarno, 1946a) and “To
Jacques Derrida (1930–2004), who defined Build the World A New Vs To Build a New
the term variously throughout his career. In World” (Soekarno, 1960). The primary data
its simplest form it can be regarded as a sources obtained were then analyzed and
criticism of Platonism and the idea of true interpreted by explaining historical facts
forms, or essences, which take precedence through various experiences that the author
over appearances (Lawlor, 2017). obtained as the Chairperson of the PDIP
Deconstruction shows that in every text (Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan
there are always assumptions that are or The Indonesian Democratic Party of
considered absolute. Every assumption is Struggle) and state officials with PDIP
always contextual, assumptions are always constituents, and the Indonesian people.
present as a social construction in history.
These assumptions exist as traces that can RESULT AND DISCUSSION
be traced to their formation in history. Pancasila is the Basic of Pluralism
Jacques Derrida (2002) shows that one Bung Karno in his speech the Birth of
always tends to detach texts from their Pancasila (Birth of Pancasila) on June 1,
context. One particular term we remove 1945, firmly stated that "Indonesia must
from the context and present it as a final become a country where everyone has the
meaning (Derrida, 2002). This is what freedom to worship his own God and it
Derrida calls logocentrism, that is, the becomes the foundation for the life of the
tendency to refer to a certain metaphysics, nation” (Soekarno, 1946b). This gives
the presence of a certain absolute object. meaning and conviction that whatever we
With the deconstruction method, Derrida do in this world, to build the nation or
wants to make us critical of the text. uphold democracy, the framework is based
Through deconstruction Derrida using the on our responsibility as God's people on
term ‘Trace’ as a concept in tracing earth (Siswoyo, 2013).
meanings. According to Derrida (2002), Everyone should believe in God and follow
Soekarnoputri /Jurnal Pertahanan Vol. 7 No. 1 (2021) pp. 122-136
their beliefs in a civilized way, free from principle of love for one another, for fellow
egoism. Belief in God based on civilized humans as God's creatures. If religious
principles, belief in God reflected in flawless adherents ignore the basic principles of
morality and belief in God which demands their religion or use religion as a legitimate
mutual respect (Bung Karno’s Speech).
basis for committing acts of violence and
This quote from Bung Karno's speech cruelty against others, it means that they
contains the expression ‘religious egoism’. have betrayed the basic principles of their
In the current context, religious egoism is religion. Islam, for example, upholds the
shown in its most naked form by radical- principle of rahmatan Lil al-Alamin,
fundamentalist groups. They spread namely love for the entire universe.
violence and fear under the pretext of In the Indonesian context, religion
various anecdotes and reasons. Meanwhile, provides essential principles of life through
the government as the only powerful faith and trust in God Almighty. Religion
authority failed to crack down on this helps humans in achieving their ultimate
anarchist behavior pattern. goal, namely faith and belief (Fauzi, 2017),
Violence is against religious values, to be a complete and inclusive religious
either in Islam, Catholicism, Protestantism, being who truly desires the unity of various
Hinduism, Buddhism, or Confucianism. people, and who is humane, just, civil,
The Big Indonesian Dictionary or Kamus peace-loving, and mutually supportive.
Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) defines the Today, the diversity that is closely related to
word violence as an action taken by a humanity, justice, civilization, and peace is
person or group of people that causes bodily being tested. In other words, Indonesian
injury or death to others or causes physical society is facing the challenges of
damage or property damage to others globalization and the strengthening of
(Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, 2005). political identity. This is due to the failure
According to this definition, acts of in creating a middle ground that allows
violence tend to conflict with human nature globalization (market fundamentalism) to
(fitrah), because fitrah tends to lead to meet and absolute truth fundamentalism.
virtue (al-Khair). Virtue in humans goes This leads to intimidation, violence, and
against religious messages. In the context of horizontal-vertical conflict as a way to
religious life, religion can be interpreted as solve the problem.
the teaching of obedience in matters that Therefore, given Indonesia's
have been previously determined, both in unpreparedness in facing globalization and
the private and public sphere. This is where pressure from religious-radical forces,
law enforcement becomes important. interfaith cooperation between religious
Leadership in law enforcement is essential communities is important to be further
in a nation-state, especially when decision- enhanced. Respect for plurality is one of the
makers exhibit decadent and ignorant prerequisites for a just and civilized
behavior. Too much violence in many areas Indonesian nation that can guarantee
of community life -either as a result of material and non-material welfare as well as
religious demands or other things- such as the prosperity of its people. Conflict,
violence in regional head elections and violence, and destructive actions will occur
households. Religion and violence have when religion fails to respond to rapid
never been a harmonious convergence social change. This requires the maximum
because they contradict each other. use of multiculturalism through religion,
Therefore, all obedience must reject which is expected to help build spiritualism
violence. All religions are against violence that can provide strength and provide
and they accept that their existence brings guidance in solving social problems,
peace and harmony between people based dealing with social frustration, repression
on truth and justice. All religions teach the and depravity.
Soekarnoputri /Jurnal Pertahanan Vol. 7 No. 1 (2021) pp. 122-136
When religion fails to guide its followers, emphasized the importance of a new
confusion and frustration will arise among balance to end Cold War tensions between
its followers. In other words, the inability of the Western Bloc and the Eastern Bloc at
religious communities to face the dynamics that time. He also criticized the practices of
of social change can strip religion's grip and colonialism-imperialism which created
relevance. Finally, the nation's ideals will misery for the newly independent countries.
only be realized if political leaders continue Through his speech, Soekarno urged the
to promote interfaith dialogue. This is the need for a principle that underlies the New
only way to ensure openness and readiness World Order which stands on the principle
to accept religious differences. This is our that independence is the right of all nations.
human path to religiosity. The principle of non-intervention towards
the sovereignty of every nation and equality
Pancasila: Cultural for an Inclusive between countries: standing equal, sitting
Sustainable Planet equally low (Soekarno, 1960). That
The whole big narrative, the earth for all, principle is Pancasila. The study uses
the earth that maintains balance, Pancasila as a cultural resource to provide
sustainability, and the importance of future answers to major problems that will be
guarantees for the right to life of the entire discussed in this study. This work, allows
earth, only can be done if we have a strong the author to examine the values contained
cultural base. A cultural base rooted in in Pancasila.
values and traditions that prevent the The first principle, God Almighty,
destruction of nature. A cultural base that reflects the belief of the Indonesian people
contributes to the birth of ‘universal in the greatness of God, the creator of the
guidelines’ for preserving the earth. universe. The Indonesian nation is a God-
For Indonesian people, the cultural basis blessed nation, a nation that makes
for making the Earth Indonesia for all is tolerance and freedom of religion a living
Pancasila. Pancasila, which are the five cultural value. This divine principle is
basic principles of the Indonesian state, embedded in Indonesian cultural traditions.
stands on the principles of Divinity, A cultured deity, a deity with noble
Humanity, Nationality, Deliberation and character, that is, there is no religious
Consensus, and the principles of Social egoism. A deity that respects the religion
Justice. Pancasila was excavated from and belief of every citizen. This divine
Indonesia's land by Soekarno, the principle, at the implementation level, is
Proclaimer and Father of the Indonesian rooted in the tolerant tradition of religious
Nation. The meaning is extracted from the life in Indonesia, for example, this can be
earth of Indonesia, which means that the seen in the tradition of Halal Bi Halal which
descendants of these principles have lived, is very typical of Islam in Indonesia and
have become a cultural tradition and a way contains Indonesian culture. There is no
of life in the nation and state. With the spirit such kind of Halal Bi Halal tradition in
of Pancasila, on September 30, 1960, the Islam in Saudi Arabia. Likewise, the Nyepi
First President of the Republic of Indonesia, tradition for Hindu people in Bali,
Ir. Soekarno, or better known as Bung Indonesia. On the anniversary of the Saka
Karno, gave a speech at the United Nations New Year, Balinese people celebrate Nyepi
Board (Soekarno, 1960). He conveyed the by performing Catur Brata, namely Amati
idea of building a new world order, to build Geni (not lighting a fire), not working, not
the new world in a sacred idea, to free the traveling, and not listening to entertainment
world from exploitative behavior, a (Arsawati, Gorda, & Antari, 2018). This
capitalistic behavior that tries to practice kind of tradition does not exist in Hindu in
various forms of political, economic, and India. Therefore, those kinds of traditions
cultural colonialism. Bung Karno also are truly Indonesian, including how the
Soekarnoputri /Jurnal Pertahanan Vol. 7 No. 1 (2021) pp. 122-136
Wali Sanga spread Islam through cultural Indonesia for all, one for all, all for one.
acculturation, such as by using wayang kulit This principle of nationality stands firmly
(shadow puppets). All of them are cultural on the equality of Indonesian citizens.
images of divinity. Article 27, paragraph 1, The 1945 State
The second principle, Just and Civilized Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia or
Humanity, shows the ideals of the UUD 1945 states that all citizens are equal
Indonesian people to create a culture and in law and government and are obliged to
civilization that is anti-colonial in all carry out law and government, without
aspects of human life (Soekarno, 1964). exception. This is a constitutional order
Through this principle, Indonesian which describes the principles of
independence is aimed at building world Indonesian Unity.
brotherhood. Thus, independent Indonesia The Fourth Precept, democracy led by
must be built by pursuing humanitarian wisdom in deliberation or representation.
ideals, namely free from all forms of These precepts reflect the desire or
colonialism (exploitation de 'I homme par' I aspiration to build a democratic country, a
Homme) (Ludigdo & Kamayanti, 2012). democracy that integrates with cultural
These humanitarian ideals gave birth to a traditions in making decisions. This
nation and character-building program to tradition is known as musyawarah.
make Indonesian people independent, Deliberation is a democratic tradition that
confident, and free from the mentality of a lives in Indonesia (Sulianti et al., 2021). In
colonized nation. This humanitarian precept villages, Islamic boarding schools, banjars,
or internationalism is intended to make and others, we can find out how this
Indonesian independence aims at world tradition of deliberation is practiced as a
brotherhood. That is the reason why typical Indonesian democracy (Hendri,
Indonesia is so active in fighting for new Darmawan, & Halimi, 2018). Therefore,
world order to make it free from all forms Indonesia does not know win-win
of colonialism, both colonization between democracy or liberal democracy that
humans and between nations. Based on promotes voting as in the West.
these ideals, history records how Indonesia The Fifth Precept, Social Justice for All
pioneered the Asian-African Conference, Indonesian People, constitutes the unity of
Non-Aligned Movement, Conference of the democracy in the political and economic
New Emerging Forces, as well as being sphere, which leads to the welfare of the
active in realizing world peace through the people. The last principle implies the strong
mission of sending world peacekeeping desire of the Indonesian people to build a
troops. just society as a whole on this archipelago.
Furthermore, related to the third precept, The idea of social justice is also a correction
Indonesian Unity, this precept expresses the to western democracy which only
strong desire of the Indonesian people as prioritizes political aspects. Democracy in
one nation, which stands firmly on the the political sphere must at the same time be
principle of nationality. Indonesia, which integrated with economic democracy,
has one nation, has one land, and upholds through the ideals of welfare, and
the language of the unity of Indonesia, is not aspirations in order to create a just and
only the core of the Youth Pledge. The prosperous society. Based on this principle,
Youth Pledge has laid a solid foundation in independent Indonesia, poverty should
about how independent Indonesia presents not exist. The constitution orders that the
as a nation-state with the slogan ‘Unity in poor and most children should be cared by
Diversity’ which means ‘Different but still the state and the state guarantees decent
One’. With this national principle, work and livelihoods for every citizen.
Indonesia is built for all, not for tribes, Pancasila which is extracted from the
certain religions or certain groups. land of Indonesia is a real picture of how
Soekarnoputri /Jurnal Pertahanan Vol. 7 No. 1 (2021) pp. 122-136
important democracy is to be built in the difference from the previous century. The
entire cultural tradition. A lost democracy, 21st-century society is an information
that loses the cultural character of its people, society, which makes access to the media
only becomes a procedural formal and opinion creation very easy.
democracy, without a spirit and often only The crisis demands we carry out ‘joint
appears in the color of its freedom. contemplation’. Is the progress in this age
Likewise, when democracy is only grafted of globalization going on the right track?
from different cultural traditions, without Judging from the rapid advancement of
the acculturation process it can create information technology, it seems that
disaster. The Arab-Spring Movement in the interconnection makes it easier and makes
Middle East, which was initially lauded as the world in the grip of a product called a
the third wave of democratic revival, turned Smart Phone. Thus, enlightening at an early
out to be a disaster not only for the people stage, interconnection without a cultural
of the Middle East but also for the world. basis also only creates crises. Now we see
The prolonged armed conflict in the Middle how the world faces various systemic
East after the Arab Spring starting from problems such as drugs, HIV Aids, and it is
Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt to Iraq, Syria, easy for a government to change because of
and Yemen has destroyed the countries the social engineering process through
which in the past stood as the cultural social media.
centers of the world (Roberts, 2018). Even economic development without a
Without a cultural foundation, everything cultural basis only gives birth to material
moves out of control, loses its human abundance without mental maturity.
character, and ultimately threatens the Society becomes so easily alienated from its
sustainability of the planet earth. cultural roots. Without cultural life, humans
Likewise, economic development that is will fall easy prey to the material world.
not based on local cultural values will also Sustainable and inclusive earth as a source
run aground and will only give birth to a of culture for sustainable living can only be
crisis. Bung Karno wrote in 1945 that achieved by promoting a cultural life with a
capitalism only creates crises notably personality, strengthening cultural identity,
political crises (Soekarno, 1946b). One and strengthening national identity.
crisis is not over yet, another crisis will Cultural life is rooted in the cultural values
emerge, and all of them will continue to of the nation itself. Thus, what must happen,
dialectic until the crisis will be born when Pancasila becomes the source of
simultaneously in the United States and culture, every nation will emerge with its
Western Europe. What Bung Karno wrote cultural identity and the connectivity of
in the 20th century has now happened in the these various cultures, making the world the
21st century. In the 21st century, it is Taman Sari Culture of Nations.
suspected that a historical paradox is taking Referring to Indonesia's own experience,
place. The historical paradox is a Bung Karno summarized the main
phenomenon that shows contradictions in development agenda in the Tri Sakti,
the history of human civilization. Advances namely political sovereignty, economic
in science and technology make everything independence, and a cultural personality.
seem connected. Distance is no longer an The three agendas are an inseparable,
obstacle in human communication and complementary, and equally important unit.
interaction. Humans seem to live together in Trisakti, with the cultural values contained
one big house. Ironically, live together but in Pancasila, is the most appropriate thesis
lack direct communication and social to review the entire development strategy of
interaction. Each individual is cool to live in Indonesia which was previously
their respective virtual worlds, so they are exploitative, to return to the conception of
isolated from each other. This is the the balance of the natural and natural
Soekarnoputri /Jurnal Pertahanan Vol. 7 No. 1 (2021) pp. 122-136
universe. The environment has a herbal must become an ideological praxis in state
character to make the world green and government policymaking.
sustainable again must be rooted in the To carry out Pancasila as an ideological
cultural traditions of the people. praxis and a catalyst, for structural change
in Indonesian society, or other words, so
Pancasila Revolution that we can revolutionize and ground
The Republic of Indonesia was built on the Pancasila, the Indonesian nation must have
spirit of devotion to the country and three powers (Trisakti). These reflect on the
patriotism, a totality of dedication to life for three realms of social change, namely
the nation and state. There are many political sovereignty, independence in the
questions, why in such a difficult and economy, and have a personality in culture.
colonized situation, the founders of the Efforts to achieve Trisakti in the political,
nation were able to express their best economic, and cultural fields can be
thoughts for the Indonesian nation and achieved through a revolution by the
state? This is completely different from the demands of ‘human conscience’. Demands
current situation, where the state seems to for human conscience reflect the nature of
be divided by various individual interests humanity as a religious human being, social
and the 'ego sectoral' interests of each state beings-and at the same time individuals
institution. who want the realization of social justice,
Reading Yudi Latif's "Pancasila collective freedom as a nation, and the
Revolution" is even more interesting than independence of every citizen.
the many quotes of Bung Karno's Thus, it is clear that the Pancasila
statements are increasingly relevant. This Revolution is a multidimensional
book can inspire our perspective on humanitarian revolution. It covers a very
Pancasila (Latif, 2015). So far, Pancasila broad level. Bung Karno emphasized the
has often been interpreted in the sense that multicomplex nature of this revolution. The
it is only the basis of the state. Pancasila is multicomplex nature of the Pancasila
static. Through this book, Pancasila was Revolution contains at least five (five-face)
presented as the basis for a dynamic- dimensions of revolution. Those
progressive social theory. This progressive dimensions are the national revolution, the
nature was inseparable from the excavation political revolution, the economic
process carried out by Bung Karno when he revolution, the social revolution, and the
met a farmer named Marhaen. Bung Karno mental-cultural revolution (Soekarno,
saw that the reality of structural poverty 1964). The five faces of the revolution must
faced by Indonesian peasants was caused by operate simultaneously to break through the
an exploitative social order. This is where remnants of the old social structure while
the problem of poverty is ideologically seen building the foundation for a new society.
as a structural problem that is directly Beyond the five dimensions of the
related to the political, economic, and revolution, this study will only describe
cultural system due to colonialism. On this matters related to the problem of mental
structural issue, Pancasila also presents as a revolution. Mental revolution is nothing
directing star. Therefore, any structural new. In the President's Message at the
change design that is carried out must not Commemoration of the Proclamation of
regardless of the ground value that is the Indonesian Independence, August 17, 1956,
personality of the Indonesian nation itself. he firmly explained that "Now we are at the
Pancasila thus becomes a theory of social level of investment, namely the level of
change and the direction for the realization investing in the broadest sense: investment
of a just and prosperous society that we all of human skills, material investment, and
yearn for. In the process of changing the mental investment". This shows the
community order which is Pancasila, it importance of the mental revolution,
Soekarnoputri /Jurnal Pertahanan Vol. 7 No. 1 (2021) pp. 122-136
without mental wealth, the cultivation of world is Pancasila. Our stance is active
skills and materials will only perpetuate towards world peace and prosperity. Active
slavery. Bung Karno said, "We should clear in the friendship of all nations, active in
the forest and scratch the ground with our fighting for the elimination of oppression
ten fingers and nails, rather than selling a against any nation.
piece of hair instead of our freedom for A free and active foreign policy in the
dollars, for rubles". That is why Bung coming decades certainly has several
Karno put so much emphasis on the nation focuses. One of the things that are important
and character-building program. In his view, to note is the need for Indonesia to become
Indonesia is a big nation, but often places a a bridge-builder for communication,
too low value on its people, or has a small dialogue, and negotiations between
mentality. The Indonesian nation has also industrialized countries and developing and
not been able to be free from the mentality underdeveloped countries to maintain
of the colonized so that it is often seized world peace. For this reason, Indonesia
with feelings of inferiority needs to be a critical and constructive good
(minderwaardigheidscomplex). Due to this friend for advanced industrialized countries
colonial mentality, Bung Karno called for as well as a trusted friend for developing
the importance of mental revolution as a and underdeveloped countries, especially in
new life movement. This movement aims to the Asian region including the Korean
carry out a mental revolution as a way of Peninsula, Africa, and Latin America. We
building the society that the Proclamation are not hostile to the rich and affluent
of 17 August 1945 aspires to. Meanwhile, industrialized nations. We work together on
the contents of the New Life Movement are: a mutually beneficial basis and do not want
1. Improving the way of thinking, the way to be just a market for their products and
of working, the way of life, which investment land. We need to play a role in
hinders progress. building an atmosphere of understanding,
2. The extension and establishment in a that lasting world peace is when there is
way of thinking, a way of working, and justice in global interactions, between all
a good way of life. countries.
In short, the new life movement is a mental In 1965 the Father of the Nation of North
revolutionary movement to arouse these Korea, Kim Il-sung met the Father of the
Indonesians into new people, whole-hearted, Indonesian Nation, Soekarno or Bung
steel-willed, passionate like a Rajawali Karno, in Jakarta. Bung Karno told her
Eagle, with the spirit of burning fire. daughter (the author), to always help in the
struggle to unite Korea on the Korean
Pancasila for the World Peninsula, "Stand not to choose between
The principle of a free and active foreign South Korea or North Korea. Choose the
policy cannot be ignored, especially in the path of peace. Stick to the Pancasila
interactions between nations in the era of ideology which will lead you to the path of
globalization. The principle of freedom and peace. This path will bring you together
activity is also aimed at friendship with all with the leaders and people of both
nations, following the teachings of countries, who both fight for Korean peace
Pancasila, namely world peace. To be free and sovereignty". Then, that is exactly what
and active does not mean to take a neutral has happened until now. Especially, after
attitude or be a spectator of the events that the author served as President of Indonesia
occur in this world. Free does not mean and met with His Excellency President Kim
disrespectful. It does not mean ‘washing Dae-Jung, who unofficially asked the
hands’, to be defensive or apologetic. We author to become a special envoy for South
are active, we have principles, we have Korea for North Korea. That period was in
opinions. Our principle, we affirm to the His Majesty Kim Jong-il's reign in North
Soekarnoputri /Jurnal Pertahanan Vol. 7 No. 1 (2021) pp. 122-136
Korea. At that time, the author often came peace is achieved, it does not mean that the
to both South and North Korea. To His struggle will stop. The next effort is to
Excellency Kim Jong-il, the author tries to crystallize peace as a tool to improve the
convince him that the time has come to try welfare and quality of life of the people.
to unite the two Koreas into Korea. This study offers again the democratic
As the author recalls, His Excellency methods that exist in Pancasila, namely
Kim Dae-Jung had already visited North Deliberation and Consensus. This study
Korea. Meanwhile, His Excellency Kim sincerely hopes that, after the peace of the
Jong-il, until his death, had not yet visited Korean Peninsula is achieved, a new
South Korea. After that, unfortunately, agreement can be reached soon, followed
there was a long pause, several leadership by concrete steps for cooperation between
changes took place, and only after His the two countries, not economic
Excellency President Moon Jae-in did this cooperation with a narrow pragmatic
relationship re-establish. The author's character, but broad cooperation in various
intention to tell this piece of history, which fields including the environment, education,
is quite complicated, how long will these and culture within the framework of
two countries finally materialize into a industrialization in the digital era. This
united Korean state? study sees that Asia awaits the Korean
Pancasila is the nation's ideology and the Peninsula can become a pioneer of
foundation of the Indonesian state. Five cooperation between nations that is more
principles that guide the life of the nation progressive and remains oriented towards
and state, namely One Godhead, justice and social welfare. Indonesia is also
nationalism, internationalism, democracy, looking forward to better cooperation with
and social justice. The democratic method Korea, especially in the fields of Science
in Pancasila is Deliberation and Consensus. and Technology, as well as culture.
Deliberative consensus is a method of
political communication that opens the Pancasila, the Way of Life
space for open dialogue without the desire Pancasila is a philosophy of humanity.
to dominate other parties (Kawamura, Humanity is a value that never goes out of
2011). The themes that have been agreed style. Although sometimes marginalized
upon are then discussed not with the and forgotten in life, humanity will always
majority and minority paradigms. exist. True humanity is always attached to
Deliberative consensus is a way to reach an every human being. Human beings who are
agreement, in which the agreement truly human are human beings. Humanity is
expresses the political decisions of an absolute prerequisite for peace. This idea
affirmative action by the state to the people, was conveyed by Bung Karno, the Father of
especially for groups who are marginalized the Indonesian Nation on September 30,
due to the existing political system. Not an 1960, before the 25th General Assembly of
easy thing to do, but that doesn't mean it's the United Nations, with the title to build
On April 27, 2018, the leaders of the two the world anew. Bung Karno said:
countries, His Excellency Moon Jae-in and Our job is not to defend this world, but to
His Excellency Kim Jong-un agreed to sign build the world again … The world that
the Panmunjom Declaration for Peace, humans have to build is a world free from
Prosperity, and Unification of the Korean oppression, free from poverty, free from fear,
Peninsula (Meixler, 2018). A new history free constructively to mobilize social
activity, and free to express opinions.
has been written, not only for the two (Soekarno, 1960)
countries but for the civilization of the Bung Karno was a great and visionary
Asian nation. When peace occurs, an order leader. Even then, he had already imagined
for a better life can begin. However, when a world where countries were connected.
Soekarnoputri /Jurnal Pertahanan Vol. 7 No. 1 (2021) pp. 122-136
How many global obstacles did we face Consensus (Fanani, 2017). Deliberation for
because countries fail to respect consensus is a determined effort to find a
international agreements and seek peace stronger agreement. This is certainly better
through diplomacy? With increasing than an enforced resolution in the name of a
egocentricity, leaders are increasingly ‘majority vote’. The four principles of
concerned with the interests of their nation, Pancasila above converge on the fifth
with foreign policies carried out without principle, which is the ultimate goal,
reference to the greater good. This trend has namely social justice that has a human face
reduced the space available for meaningful and value. Humanity is embodied in just
dialogue that can lead to consensus in the and prosperous, free from oppression in any
way our predecessors did. Increasingly we form, for anyone, in any hemisphere.
are forced to engage in a never-ending Pancasila can be a solution to this new
proxy war. Every country now seems to be phenomenon that endangers humanity in
operating in isolation, forgetting that we all the 21st century, which is known as post-
live together in the same world. To be truth. Post-truth is a condition where the
actively involved in building this new world, truth is deliberately covered up until it is no
every nation needs a conception and ideals, longer relevant. In socio-politics, this
a way of life, namely an ideology. A good phenomenon is characterized by objectivity
and correct ideology is an ideology that is and apparent rationality. Emotions and
always rooted, has branches, leaves, desires take priority, even if they contradict
flowers, and bears the fruit of humanity. For facts and ignore the truth. Post-truth is a
the Indonesian people, this ideology is socio-political climate, where emotions
called Pancasila (five principles). Bung beat objectivity and rationality and tend to
Karno emphasized that Pancasila not only reject fact verification. This term became
contains national meaning for the popular after the Oxford Dictionary named
Indonesian nation, in fact, Pancasila also it the Word of The Year in 2016. The term
has a universal meaning and can be used became very well known, especially in the
internationally. events of Brexit (Britain's exit from the
The description of Pancasila, which European Union) and the last Election in
consists of the only Godhead, includes America. Post-truth is a term that was born
people who embrace various religions and as a result of political anomalies, which are
beliefs, who are a deity in a civilized way, carried out by populist politicians who are
mutual respect between adherents of any good at manipulating the emotions of the
religion and belief. Second, nationalism, masses (McIntyre, 2018). Public opinion is
namely the spirit of patriotism to maintain led in such a way through a systematically
the survival of all nations. A nationalist planned deception scenario. Until
loves his nation and all nations because he sometimes, it can make the media and
believes that every nation is important to the journalism experience indecision in
world. The third principle is digesting and reporting political statements.
internationalism. Nationalism cannot be In post-truth, science and technology,
separated from internationalism. which should bring enlightenment, are tools
Nationalism will not grow and develop for oppression and paralyzing rationality.
without internationalism. Thus, true Fluency in using academic language also
internationalism is a form of true legitimizes violence, becomes a means of
nationalism, which respects and safeguards spreading ideas that seek to eradicate
the rights of all nations, both large and small. humanity. Humanity will only be a
The fourth principle is Pancasila discourse. This condition will give birth to
Democracy. Pancasila democracy contains ‘banal people’, humans who are no longer
three main elements, namely: able to distinguish between right and wrong,
Representation, Deliberation, and good and evil, beautiful and bad. Humans
Soekarnoputri /Jurnal Pertahanan Vol. 7 No. 1 (2021) pp. 122-136
like this will not hesitate to commit acts of development of regional autonomy and
violence in the name of truth. The truth rests regional head elections or Pemilihan
on personal or group beliefs only. Its Kepala Daerah (Pilkada) appear that there
negative excess is the banalization of lies. are realities that we need to examine. Let us
Often the goal is deliberately to arouse imagine Indonesia as a painting. The
hostility and division. As a result, the painting in one frame of the Republic of
victim's personalization was created. The Indonesia. But the painting is not part of a
‘faceless victim’, in cyberspace, the victim complete canvas. This painting is like a
is no longer recognizable. As a result, the parcel that cannot come together. Why did
perpetrators of violence have become more that happen? Pancasila is not an empty
heartless and crueler. Without shame, the symbolic statement. The only way to prove
perpetrators use false identities to curse, it is to ground Pancasila. Enfold it in a
slander, blaspheme and commit character political decision that is well planned,
assassination against anyone they dislike, measured, has clear stages, and involves all
without feeling guilty, without feeling aspects of the life of the nation and state.
regret. The development concepts and strategies
The second principle of Pancasila, which implemented in each region depart from
reads Just and Civilized Humanity, is a different visions and missions. It differs in
value capable of being a shield in facing each district and city and province. There
post-truth. Fair and civilized will guide us are often differences in policies with the
as humans to do fact-checking, to always government.
demand verifiable truth. This will prevent Direct election was held based on the
us from manipulative action. Just and People’s Consultative Assembly or Majelis
civilized humanity is born out of rationality Permusyawaratan Rakyat (MPR) decision
that is fused with a sense of empathy, at that time and when the author served as
brotherhood, and liberation. Just and the 5th President of the Republic of
civilized humanity gave birth to Indonesia. Direct election, should be
emancipatory politics, politics that open up understood as an election procedure to
space for those who are marginalized. It is bring people closer to their prospective
unblemished that the virtue of just and leaders. However, unfortunately, the
civilized humanity had been sculptured in practice of democracy by the people, from
our daily value. To be underlined humanity the people, and for the people, in its
is not a discourse, but a living value system implementation, is reduced to just a five-
that can be justified morally and ethically. year vision and mission battle. The people
Humanity will give birth to rational humans change, the vision and mission also change.
who are moral and have ethics, truly human The leaders change, the vision and mission
people. It is necessary to keep humanity in also change. The author often jokes about
our hearts and souls because only with this, the product of direct election is a five-
humanity we become truly human beings year ‘vision and mission leader’. Therefore,
who are meaningful in life and for life. it is time for this personal and regional
Embrace humanity in your mind, because vision and mission to be changed with a
people who think in humanity will live in long-term national development concept.
joy and become Independent humans. The concept of development is to ground
Pancasila. Pancasila is the concept of
Pancasila Development Patterns development, development in all spheres of
Indonesia is a Unitary State and the life, be it political, economic, social,
democratic National Republic from Sabang cultural, as well as mental and spiritual.
to Merauke. Indonesia is currently in the era This concept is a blueprint so that Indonesia
of regional autonomy. However, Indonesia can become a developed industrial country,
is not a Federal State. Although, the which places the people as both the subject
Soekarnoputri /Jurnal Pertahanan Vol. 7 No. 1 (2021) pp. 122-136
and the goal in national development. We namely to be re-entered into the realm of
should be able to design for the next ‘State sector economy’. The constitution
hundred years. The design must not be itself mandates how important the role of
changed just because of a change of leaders. the State-owned Enterprises (SOEs) or
It is time for this nation to have a long-term Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) as one
national development direction, a plan in of the pillars of the national economy. That
the form of a national development pattern is why BUMN has a function and becomes
in all spheres of the life of the State and a tool of the State to increase the prosperity
society, build simultaneously in the of the people as much as possible. Unlike
economic, political, social, educational, and what happened today, BUMN is only
cultural fields, also which is no less treated like private corporations that
important, the spiritual sphere. All of them prioritize a business-only approach or are
must exist in one integration and synergy often echoed as a business-to-business
between islands, between regions, to approach. Based on this, this study pays
become Great Indonesia (Indonesia Raya). special attention to straightening the
Indonesia Raya can only be born with political economy of BUMN through
overall planning or comprehensive amendments to the Law on BUMN. The
planning, which is mean a plan that does not author believes that if BUMN is well
stand alone. A universal plan that is not only managed, it will contribute optimally to the
placed for five years of regional and central development of the State. Also, BUMN
executive terms. As a whole, portraying must be returned to become a tool of the
Indonesia as an Indonesia that is not State to strengthen the people's economy
divorced. The basis used is the needs and through a redistributive function, opening
personalities of the Indonesian people access to capital and increasing people's
themselves, meaning that the plans are productivity.
made not to negate the values of local The elaboration of article 33 of the 1945
wisdom and potential in each region. If Constitution as seen in the archives of the
needed, experiences in development abroad National Plan for National Development
can be harmonized and integrated for Plan, has confirmed the principle of
domestic interests Chinese leaders said that people's sovereignty over Indonesia's
they learned sustainable development from natural resources. This principle is the basis
Soekano's concept of planned universal of our constitutional obligation to save and
development. return state assets. One of them is by
The Planned Universal National reviewing the existing contracts of work in
Development Pattern is a concrete Indonesia, to contribute as much as possible
implementation of article 33 of the 1945 to the national interest and the welfare of the
Constitution. A pattern that directs all people. Another thing that must be studied
businesses in the economic and financial in depth is how the spirit and spirit of the
fields to lead to a just and prosperous National Planning National Development
society based on Pancasila. The Pattern, with the whole process that took
development designed in it is by the place at the National Designing Council,
personality and needs of the Indonesian can return to attendance. Is it through the
people, namely cooperation and the return of the MPR RI function and authority
principle of kinship. Based on the mandate to issue MPR Decrees related to
of this article, Indonesia should rely on the development patterns, which bind all
economy of the State sector. This is the parties and must be carried out by the
right time for the vital branches of the government at all levels? or, we are
economy, which control the lives of many pioneering the strengthening of the Law on
people, and concern the public interest, the National Development Planning System,
return to the principle of the constitution, becoming the Law on Universal
Soekarnoputri /Jurnal Pertahanan Vol. 7 No. 1 (2021) pp. 122-136
Soekarnoputri /Jurnal Pertahanan Vol. 7 No. 1 (2021) pp. 122-136