AR-82 Painting Metalwork

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Construction Specification

AR-82 - Painting Metalwork

1. Scope
The work consists of cleaning metal surfaces and applying paints and protective coatings.
2. Paint
For the purpose of this specification, paints and coatings shall be designated by types as defined below.
Materials for systems requiring two or more coats shall be supplied by the same manufacturer.
Unless otherwise specified and before application, the contractor shall furnish in writing to the engineer for
approval a plan outlining procedures proposed for painting metalwork and a list of material including name of
manufacturer, pertinent product identification names and numbers, and product data sheets. Data shall
reflect the requirements set forth in this section.
Type 1 - Alkyd primer. Alkyd based, rust inhibitive primer shall be lead and chromate free. Primer shall
have a minimum of 54 percent solids, by volume. Color availability shall be red, gray, and white.
Primer shall be able to be applied satisfactory at 2 to 3 mils dry-film thickness in one coat.
Type 2 - Alkyd enamel (gloss). Alkyd based enamel shall be lead free. It shall have a minimum of 49
percent solids, by volume. Alkyd enamel shall be able to be applied satisfactory at 2 to 3 mils dry-film
thickness in one coat. Finish shall be gloss.
Type 3 - Alkyd enamel (semigloss). Alkyd based enamel shall be lead free. It shall have a minimum of
55 percent solids, by volume. Alkyd enamel shall be able to be applied satisfactory at 2 to 3 mils dry-
film thickness in one coat. Finish shall be semigloss.
Type 4 - Epoxy polyamide primer. Epoxy polyamide primer shall be lead and chromate free. It shall
have a minimum of 56 percent solids, by volume. Epoxy primer shall be able to be applied satisfactory
at 4 to 6 mils dry-film thickness in one coat. Color availability shall be red, gray, and white. Epoxy
primer shall conform to AWWA Standard C 210 and AWWA Standard D 102.
Type 5 - Epoxy polyamide (intermediate or finish). Epoxy polyamide shall be lead free. It shall have a
minimum of 56 percent solids, by volume. Epoxy polyamide shall be able to be applied satisfactory at
4 to 6 mils dry-film thickness in one coat. Finish shall be semigloss. Epoxy finish shall conform to
AWWA C 210 and AWWA D 102.
Type 6 - Acrylic polyurethane (gloss). Acrylic polyurethane shall be lead free. It shall have a minimum
of 74 percent solids, by volume. Polyurethane shall be able to be applied satisfactory at 3 to 5 mils
dry-film thickness in one coat. Finish shall be gloss.
Type 7 - Acrylic polyurethane (semigloss). Acrylic polyurethane shall be lead free. It shall have a
minimum of 58 percent solids, by volume. Polyurethane shall be able to be applied satisfactory at 3 to
5 mils dry-film thickness in one coat. Finish shall be semigloss.

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Type 8 - Vinyl acid wash treatment. Pretreatment primer for galvanized and nonferrous metal.
Pretreatment primer shall have a minimum of 8 percent solids, by volume. The applied dry-film
thickness of pretreatment primer shall not exceed 0.5 mil. Steel primed with pretreatment primer
shall be topcoated within 6 to 8 hours in humid conditions.
Type 9 - Single package moisture cured urethane primer. Urethane primer shall have a minimum of
50 percent solids, by volume. Primer shall be able to be applied satisfactory at 2 to 3 mils dry-film
thickness in one coat. Color shall be metallic aluminum.
Type 10 - Coal tar epoxy. Coal tar epoxy shall have a minimum of 75 percent solids, by volume, and
conform to the requirements of NRCS Material Specification 583 Coal Tar Epoxy Paint (Steel Structures
Paint Council PS No. 16, Type I). Coal tar epoxy shall be able to be applied satisfactory at 8 to 15 mils
dry-film thickness in one coat.
3. Tinting
Tinting shall not be performed in the field unless otherwise specified.
4. Surface preparation
Surfaces to be painted shall be thoroughly cleaned before the application of paint or coatings. Surface
preparations required by this specification are as designated by SSPC (Steel Structures Painting Council) and
are summarized by the methods listed in this section.
Method 1—Near white blast (SSPC-SP10). All surfaces to be coated shall be prepared by removing all
grease and oil using steam cleaning or solvent cleaning methods per method 5. After degreasing is
completed, sand or grit blasting shall be performed to remove all dirt, rust, mill scale, and other
foreign material or residue. The cleaned, finished surface shall be a minimum of 95 percent free of all
visible foreign material or residue.
Method 2—Commercial blast (SSPC-SP6). All surfaces to be coated shall be prepared by removing all
grease and oil using steam cleaning or solvent cleaning methods per method 5. After degreasing is
completed, sand or grit blasting shall be performed to remove all dirt, rust, mill scale, or other foreign
material or residue. The cleaned, finished surface shall be a minimum of 67 percent free of all visible
foreign material or residue.
Method 3—Brush-off blast cleaning (SSPC-SP7). All surfaces to be coated shall be prepared by
removing all grease and oil using steam cleaning or solvent cleaning methods per method 5. After
degreasing is completed, sand or grit blasting shall be performed to remove dirt, rust, mill scale, or
other foreign material or residue. Mill scale, rust, and paint are considered tightly adherent if they
cannot be removed by lifting with a dull putty knife.
Method 4—Hand tool cleaning (SSPC-SP2). All surfaces to be coated shall be prepared by removing all
oil or grease using steam cleaning or solvent cleaning methods per method 5. After degreasing is
completed, non-power handtools shall be used to remove loose, detrimental foreign material.
Adherent mill scale, rust, and paint need not be removed.

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Method 5—Solvent cleaning (SSPC-SP1). Surfaces to be coated shall be prepared by removing all
visible oil, grease, soil, drawing and cutting compounds, and other soluble contaminants from surfaces
with solvents or commercial cleaners using various methods of cleaning, such as wiping, dipping,
steam cleaning, or vapor degreasing.
5. Paint systems
For the purposes of this specification, systems of painting and coating metalwork are designated as defined in
this section.
Paint system A—Consists of the application of one primer coat of type 1 and two or more coats of
type 2 (gloss) or type 3 (semigloss) to provide a minimum dry-film thickness of 6 mils.
Paint system B—Consists of the application of one primer coat of type 9 and two or more coats of
type 2 (gloss) or type 3 (semigloss) to provide a minimum dry-film thickness of 6 mils.
Paint system C—Consists of the application of one coat of type 4 and one or more coats of type 5 to
provide a minimum dry-film thickness of 8 mils.
Paint system D—Consists of the application of one coat of type 4 primer, one coat of type 5, and one
coat of type 6 (gloss) or type 7 (semigloss) to provide a minimum dry-film thickness of 11 mils.
Paint system E—Consists of the application of one coat of type 9 and one coat of type 6 (gloss) or type
7 (semigloss) to provide a minimum dry-film thickness of 5 mils.
Paint system F—Consists of the application of two coats of type 10 at a dry-film thickness of 8 mils.
per coat. Total system shall provide a minimum dry-film thickness of 16 mils.
Paint system G—Consists of the application of two coats of type 4 and two coats of type 9 paint. Total
system shall provide a minimum dry-film thickness of 14 mils.
6. Application of paint
Surfaces shall be painted immediately after preparation or within the same day as prepared with a minimum
of one coat of the primer type specified. Remaining surfaces not required to be painted shall be protected
against contamination and damage during the cleaning and painting operation.
Paints shall be thoroughly mixed immediately before application.
After erection or installation of the metalwork, all damage to shop-applied coating shall be repaired and all
bolts, nuts, welds, and field rivet heads shall be cleaned and painted with one coat of the specified priming
Initial priming coats shall be applied by brush except on surfaces accessible only to spray equipment. All other
coats may be applied by brush or spray. Each coat shall be applied in such a manner to produce a paint film of
uniform thickness with a rate of coverage within the guidelines and limits recommended by the paint
manufacturer and as outlined in section 2 of this specification.
The drying time between coats shall be as prescribed by the paint manufacturer, but not less than that
required for the paint film to thoroughly dry. The elapsed time between coats in paint system F shall not
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exceed 24 hours. If for any reason the critical recoat time is exceeded, the coated surface shall be treated with
the manufacturer's recommended tackifier solvent or brush blasted to roughen the surface.
The finished surface of each coat shall be free from runs, drops, ridges, laps, or excessive brushmarks and shall
present no variation in color, texture, and finish. The surface of each dried coat shall be cleaned as necessary
before application of the next coat.
7. Atmospheric conditions
Paint application shall not be performed when the temperature of the item to be painted or the surrounding
air is less than 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Painting shall be performed only when the humidity and temperature of
the surrounding air and the temperature of the metal surfaces are such that evaporation rather than
condensation results during the time required for application and drying. The surface shall be dry and a
minimum of 5 degrees Fahrenheit above the dew point. Surfaces protected from adverse atmospheric
conditions by special cover, heating, or ventilation shall remain so protected until the paint is thoroughly dry.
8. Tests
Dry-film thickness on ferrous metal shall be determined by the use of a nondestructive magnetic instrument,
such as an Elcometer or Mikrotest gauge. Instruments shall have been calibrated within 1 month before use.
Film thickness on nonferrous metal shall be determined with film gauges during the application process.
Systems with film thickness less than specified shall be brought into conformance by the application of one or
more additional coats of the specified material.
9. Payment
Compensation for any item of work described in the conservation plan, drawings, specifications, or contract,
but not listed as a contract item, is included in the payment for the item of work to which it is made
subsidiary. Such items and the items to which they are made subsidiary are identified in section 10 of this
specification. No additional compensation will be made for subsidiary items.
10. Items of work and construction details
Items of work to be performed in conformance with this specification and the construction details therefore
Subsidiary Item - Application of protective coating(s) to newly fabricated or installed metalwork.
This item shall consist of surface preparation; the furnishing and applying of paint, or primer and paint in
accordance with this specification and manufacturers recommendations. This item is subsidiary to Practice
Standard(s): (430) Irrigation Pipeline, (587) Structure for Water Control, (410) Grade Stabilization Structure,
(533) Pumping Plant, or as specified below.

(Contract Item No.and Practice ; Construction Detail; other Specification)

Application of all coatings shall be in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.

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Section 4 – Surface preparation. At a minimum all surfaces shall be prepared as recommended by the
manufacturer. In the absence of detailed manufacturer’s recommendations the minimum surface
preparation shall be by method 5. Any rust, mill scale, pain, or other foreign material that is not
adherent (is flaky) as defined in method 3 shall be removed using method 4 or a more stringent
method (lower number) of preparation. Surface preparation shall be by the more stringent of:
minimums discussed above, Manufacturer’s Recommendations or specifications, in accordance with
Plans and Drawings, method specified below:
Section 5 – Paint systems. The system of painting and coating will be either Paint System: A, B, C, D,
E, F, G, or as specified here __________________________________________.
Any paint or Paint System not shown not in this specification must be approved by a NRCS Engineer in
writing prior to use.

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